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  • Iso-Markku, Elina (2012)
    This thesis digs deep into patterns of urban service distribution among the residents of different neighbourhoods in the city of Villahermosa in Southeastern Mexico. Urban research has for a long time debated whether services offered in poor neighbourhoods are of worse quality than those in other areas. Using political ecology as its theoretical framework, this thesis identifies processes that influence the quality of public and private services as well as the residents’ access to them in different areas of Villahermosa. Political ecology addresses power in relation to environmental issues as well as the differential effects of environmental variables on different groups. This study was conducted in one low income, one middle income, and one high income residential area in the city of Villahermosa. The data was collected through semi-structured, thematic resident interviews. The positioning of the residents in terms of infrastructure and basic services, their sphere of life in the city, as well as their social organisation, and their power to influence the quality of services were addressed. It was found that the variance in the quality of and access to services is partly linked to neighbourhood level differences deriving from the different conditions of each area, as well as to resource allocation, service providers’ work, and residents’ material assets. However, a powerful role is played by the general trend of privatisation of services, which makes the residents see the quality of services mostly as a question of economic resources at their disposal. Together with the media, this affects the residents’ perception of their position and power inside the city. This thesis is part of a research project between the University of Helsinki and the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco. The focus of the research project is on environmental risks and vulnerabilities, and on the new forms of urban environmental governance in the state of Tabasco, Mexico.
  • Bhusal, Manoj Kr (2014)
    The aim of this study was to critically analyse the South Sudanese peace policy framework which has been expressed in its post-independence peace and development policies. The study also aimed at analyzing the nexus between peacebuilding and broader development agenda and at identifying types of discourses, beliefs and ideologies that have been adopted or relinquished in the South Sudanese peacebuilding framework. Any ideological impact of external factors in influencing peace policies was also critically analysed. Four policy documents namely the Comprehensive Peace Agreement 2005, the South Sudan Development Plan 2011-2013, the South Sudan Peace and Reconciliation Strategy 2013-2015 and the Comprehensive Strategic Dimensions for Healing, Peace and Reconciliation 2013 were selected and critically analysed using Norman Fairclough’s three-dimensional model for Critical Discourse Analysis: (1) linguistic features and texts, (2) interdiscursivity, and (3) explanation of wider social, political, historical and cultural contexts. Key theoretical concepts surrounding peacebuilding have been discussed starting from the Kantian notion of perpetual peace and continuing to modern ideas of democratic peace theory, negative-positive peace, international engagement and liberal peacebuilding. More recent concepts of new wars and transitional justice systems have been discussed as well. The study identifies altogether six discourses that are maintained through the policy documents. The identified discourses are the capitalist corporate discourse, the curative peace discourse, the development aid/dependency discourse, the good-governance discourse, the religious discourse and the reconciliation discourse. The findings of this study suggest that the South Sudanese peacebuilding framework is based on building peace primarily through security measures and institutional strengthening while paying less attention to bottom-up approaches and people’s subjective wellbeing. In addition, the policy documents studied do not envision any form of transitional justice mechanism and lack a comprehensive national reconciliation program. This is likely to deepen pervasive impunity and result in further divisions, more belligerencies and bloodshed in the country. The study also finds that the South Sudanese peace policy framework is heavily influenced by the so called Western idea of liberal peacebuilding that aim to promote liberal economy, Western-style democracy, marketization and globalization. Though the policy documents emphasize on democracy, good governance and human rights, their implementation modality is not clear. In addition, the policy documents lack coherency, one document prioritising one theme while another adopting a completely different approach, and the nexus between peacebuilding and broader development is poorly established.
  • Saxlin-Hautamäki, Elina (2015)
    The present study relates to the participation of non-state actors in trade policy formation relating to the creation of trade rules of global significance. The focus is on the work of the Finnish TTIP-network that is a network of non-state actors working to criticize and resist the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ('TTIP') currently negotiated between the United States and the European Union. By using the TTIP-network as a case study, the study speaks to the gap within the existing international trade literature with respect to the work non-state actors do domestically in order to influence global trade rules. The purpose thus is to examine how non-state actors influence trade policy making. This question is approached by examining how the TTIP-network has evolved within the Finnish civil society, how it seeks to influence trade political decision making and what are the challenges and constrains it faces when doing so. The present study is an interview-based case study. Seven members of the TTIP-network were interviewed for the purposes of the present study, while the data gathered based on interviews was supplemented to the extent necessary with official publications, media sources as well as other publications of relevance. In the analysis of the data, literature from the area of trade politics as well as political sociology has been of central significance. The study concludes that TTIP-network has influenced trade policy making in Finland by politicizing trade policy making. TTIP-network is thus part of the wider global development in which trade rules are no longer considered to fall to the economic realm of the society but need to be exposed to wider public debate. While calling us to widen our understanding on what constitutes influential non-state advocacy, it illuminates the relationship between agency and structure that are both determinant for trade policy outcomes.
  • Kuusela, Pekka (2018)
    This is a study of dynamics of changes in (public) modes of thinking related to value of land and of the following societal consequences. The topic is approached through the analysis of the decision-making mechanisms regarding farmland abdication of Cambodian smallholders living in an uncertain frontier on a restless move from rural to urban space. The study aims to contribute to a holistic comprehension of commonly observed inconsistency in affected social groups’ (public) reactions to land deals. The analysis is based upon Marxian, Gramscian, Bourdieusian, and Foucaultian theorisations. Yet only empirical evidence can reveal what is a case in question. This study is based on a 7,5 months ethnographic fieldwork conducted in 3 periods between 2009 and 2017 in and around Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh and by analysing several official policy documents and dozens of newspaper reports. The study seeks to question the often-presented static bipolarisations, including conventional agency/structure controversy and power/resistance confrontation. Correspondingly, to avoid shallow interpretations, this study does not explain the on-going livelihood changes in the research site towards the capitalist relations as being the residents’ voluntary and preferred choice. Nor is the change seen as an unavoidable effect of incentives and lack of alternatives, which would trigger a need for development interventions to correct the calculated deficiencies to enhance the freedom of choice as a proof of inherent win-win equilibrium of the perfect market. Rather, especially as it turns out that development interventions actually support the so-called neoliberal logic in one way or another, this study underlines the (self-)governance side of the change by concentrating on dynamic aggregation mechanisms around opportunities and constraints opened up by tolerances of a new normal. Qualitative enquiry provides fruitful instruments to understand residents’ experiences, feelings, visions, mindsets, and actions at the complexity of power relationships and ever-changing positions, strategies, and environments. The study concludes that the apolitical rationalisation of compulsion to choose selling transforms farmland sellers to individual self-made persons responsible for their own destinies. This process also makes sellers to (publicly) consider the promoted development as progress and the proper model to follow. Therefore, at the end, a land title starts to mean private exclusive ownership, life begins to mean socio-economic competition over personal utilities, living starts to mean self-responsibility, and reward starts to be based on effort and productivity.
  • Lounio, Tomi (2014)
    This study is about the relation between population dynamics and livelihood change in the Kara farming system on Ukara Island, Tanzania. The population densities on Ukara have been exceptionally high since the 18th century, which has been made possible by a complex set of soil conserving measures utilised by the local Kara farmers. According to the data derived from national censuses, the population densities on Ukara have been rising rapidly since the late 1970s. This research is based on 49 thematic interviews, 87 questionnaires and focused observation conducted during a 5-week ethnographic fieldwork on Ukara Island in early 2013. The majority of interviews were conducted in two villages, Bukiko and Bwisya. The historical changes in land use and population levels were established through a review of relevant literature and official documents. The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach was utilised in framing the inquiry and in analysing the local livelihood portfolios. The findings show that the local households have been troubled with insufficient amounts of cultivable land for decades, and out-migration has acted as a safety valve in controlling population pressure on land. This has culminated in the voluntary and forced re-settlements of local Kara farmers to the mainland in year 1974 as part of the Ujamaa villagisation programme by the socialist government. Since the re-settlements, the population densities have risen, however, and three explanations for this have been found. Firstly, the wide-scale adoption of tuber crops cassava and sweet potato, instead of the traditional cereals bulrush millet and sorghum, has allowed the local farmers to produce more calories per hectare than before. The crop choice and reduction of fallow periods seem to be the only major modifications in the local cultivation patterns, and no advanced technologies or inputs are used. Secondly, the rapid development of the commercial fishery on Lake Victoria has absorbed surplus male labour from the local farming households. Due to the strictly seasonal nature of the fishing of silver cyprinid (dagaa), many of these men are still considered as full members of their sending households and can also contribute to the farming activities when needed. Thirdly, the new economic opportunities related to the growth of the fishery are allowing many farming households to diversify their livelihood portfolios through many non-farm activities. Nonetheless, it is evident that not all households have equal access to such opportunities, and successful diversification by some households has led to social differentiation and, according to some informants, to diminishing social cohesion.
  • Nyström, Martina (2014)
    This study looks at how national readiness policies to implement Reductions from Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and carbon enhancement (REDD+) in Peru reflect previous governance modes of international forest governance. While tropical developing countries have been eager to pursue REDD+ readiness activities there is a gap in knowledge of how these policies reflect and link to previous content areas of international forest governance with current research focusing on experiences from pilot projects, the role of REDD+ in international climate negotiations and the mechanism’s potential risks and opportunities. Following McDermott’s (2014) categorization of modern international forest governance into three distinct but overlapping eras this case study analyses how sustainable forest management (SFM), illegal logging and governance are incorporated in Peru’s key national readiness policy papers, the R-PP and FIP, and by doing so explores some of the strengths and weaknesses of these documents and the ongoing national REDD+ process. The data consist of two key national readiness policy papers, the Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) submitted to the Forest Carbon Partnership Fund and the Forest Investment Plan (FIP) submitted to the Climate Investment Funds. Due to delays in the preparation of the national REDD+ strategy it was not included in the data. In order to gain more nuanced information on the ongoing REDD+ process in Peru seven semi-structured interviews were done with key informants in Lima during March-April in 2014. Both the documents and interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The findings of this study reveal that SFM and principles of good governance are included in the policy papers as important intervention areas while illegal logging and forest law enforcement are largely overlooked. However, the ways how to achieve SFM and ‘good governance’ are vague and links to other sectors and national development plans are not explicit, which raises the question of the effectiveness of planned interventions. While REDD+ is figured to play an important role in international climate negotiations, the results of this study show that more detail need to be given to assess and strengthen the links to other initiatives and mechanisms in order for REDD+ to achieve efficient, effective and equitable outcomes.
  • Lahti, Sini-Maria (2011)
    This thesis discusses the general theory and logics behind private sector development (PSD). Private sector development is a current theme in development policy. It is increasingly emphasized by donor countries and multilateral development agencies. In addition, solutions offered by the business sector for poverty reduction are popular topics for a growing amount of publications and discussion. This thesis also discusses how private sector development is emphasized in Nordic development policy by going through the private sector development strategies, related publications and discussion in the Nordic countries: in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland. All Nordic countries emphasize the importance of private sector development in their development policy. However, due to different backgrounds some countries are ahead others in formulating their views and developing new private sector development initiatives. Among the Nordic countries Denmark and Sweden have incorporated some of the most recent ideas to their private sector development approach. As a specific example of private sector development initiatives this thesis looks at one of the business instruments for private sector development more in detail, the business partnership programmes. The intention is to look at the history, composition and results of Swedens Swedpartnership programme, Denmarks Business-to-Business Programme (B2B), Norways Business Matchmaking Programme (BMMP) and Finlands Finnpartnership programme. The business partnership programmes are a particularly interesting example of private sector development initiatives due to their aims to reduce poverty, enhance economic growth and strengthen the private sector in developing countries. At the same time they include a considerable amount of donor country business involvement. Materia! on the business partnership programmes is limited to general guiding material and evaluations mostly done on the programmes preceding the current programmes. Therefore it is difficult to draw precise conclusions on the current business partnership programmes. However, some general trends and comparative analysis can be presented. The Nordic business partnership programmes share a considerable amount of similarities. They have functioned for a long time, often in different forms. Their dual goal of drawing in domestic companies to invest in developing countries and to reduce poverty can be a challenging combination. The geographical focus area of the programmes is often extensive and only the Danish and Norwegian programmes have a clearly defined set of target countries. If the choice of programme countries is extensive, most programme support can naturally direct towards countries which are already popular destinations of foreign direct investment. Ultimately the share of the business partnership programmes is small when compared to the overall development cooperation budgets of the Nordic countries. Evaluations done on the programmes preceding the current business partnership programmes suggest that the programmes tend to have a narrow scope regarding private sector development and weak ability to spread further development effects. The evaluations often highlight the importance of support towards the enabling environment for private sector development. Other key issues arising from the Nordic programmes are for example the importance of partnerships, their sustainability and the importance of a thorough assessment and evaluation of the development effects of the programmes. It is concluded that despite the current emphasis on private sector development in development cooperation all development cooperation is important. Private sector development has an important role in this, with some of the most significant work being done at the international and macro levels. The work being done in the micro level, such as the business partnership programmes, can perhaps only have limited impact when viewed from the larger context of overall private sector development and economic growth. However, they can be viewed as part of a larger variety of private sector development activities.
  • Juvonen, Tiina (2014)
    This thesis explores the interrelations and roots of conflict between the Indians and Africans in Kampala, Uganda. More precisely it focuses on how the historical middle-position of the Bayindi (Indians) is produced in contemporary Uganda by people living in the capital region and what the descriptions of ‘the other’ uncover about the Baganda’s own societal position. The study was carried out with an ethnographic approach, including a two month field research in Uganda. The research data consists of semi-structured interviews (21), participatory observations and tens of informal talks. Content analysis was employed to analyze the research data. The collected data demonstrates that the historical middle positioning of the Ugandan Indians is still produced in contemporary Uganda. Now, instead of the colonial setting of British at the top, Indians in the middle and the Africans on the bottom of the society, the Indians are perceived as the middle actors in-between the detested NRM government and the Ugandans. The construction of the Indians’ contemporary middle-position reveals some of the social, political and economic frustrations the Baganda have gone through as a group over the past half a decade. Though Museveni has re-established the traditional kingdom’s culturally they still don’t have the political or the economic power which the Baganda and the Mengo have yearned ever since the colonial times. The study concludes that the ethnic division lines are still alive in contemporary Uganda. Current conflicts, such as the Buganda riots in 2009, show clearly how the anxieties in contemporary Uganda are deeply rooted in the colonial era and how all the post-independent governments have failed to erase ethnic biases in the society.
  • Makweri, Marie-Madeleine (2012)
    Tässä Pro gradu -työssä tarkastellaan rauhantyötä ruohonjuuritasolla ja sitä, miten paikalliset kansalaisyhteiskunnan toimijat rakentavat kestävää rauhaa Burundissa. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään kestävän rauhan esteitä kansalaisyhteiskunnan toimijoiden näkökulmasta ja esittellään niitä keinoja, joita kansalaisyhteiskunnan toimijat käyttävät rauhanrakentamisessa. Tutkimus rajautuu paikallisiin kansalaisyhteiskunnan toimijoihin ja siinä on mukana kaksi burundilaista rauhanrakentamiseen keskittynyttä kansalaisjärjestöä, Jamaa ja Amahoro Youth Club (AYC) sekä mushingantahe eli traditionaalinen rauhansovittelija. Järjestöt tekevät työtä pääsääntöisesti nuorten parissa ja myös tutkielmassa nuorten näkökulma tulee esiin. Pro gradu -työ osallistuu siihen tieteelliseen keskusteluun, jota käydään kansalaisyhteiskunnan roolista konfliktinratkaisussa ja rauhanrakentamisessa. Tutkimuksen keskeisiä käsitteitä ovat kansalaisyhteiskunta, rauha ja etnisyys. Burundilaisten kansalaisyhteiskunnan toimijoiden ääni on tutkimuksessa keskeisessä asemassa ja sen näkyy vahvasti myös käsitteiden määrittelyssä. Tutkielmassa todetaan, että kansalaisyhteiskunnan toimijoiden osallistuminen rauhanrakentamisprosessiin on välttämätöntä, vaikkakaan se ei yksin riitä konfliktin ratkaisemiseen ja kestävän rauhan saavuttamiseen. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen ja se pohjautuu Burundin pääkaupungissa Bujumburassa suoritetun kenttämatkan aikana kerättyyn aineistoon. Aineisto koostuu teemahaastatteluiden, havainnoinnin, keskusteluiden, kenttäpäiväkirjan ja muistiinpanojen materiaalista. Haastettelut on toteutettu teemahaastetteluina ja niissä haastateltiin seitsemää paikallisen kansalaisyhteiskunnan piirissä toimivaa henkilöä. Aineisto on analysoitu teemoittelua ja sisällönanalyysiä käyttäen. Aineiston avulla päädytään siihen tulokseen, että paikalliset kansalaisyhteiskunnan toimijat näkevät kestävällä rauhalla olevan kolme merkittävää estettä Burundissa. Merkittävin este on köyhyys, toiseksi merkittävin on politiikka sekä huono hallinto ja kolmanneksi merkittävin on sodan muisto. Etnisyyttä tai etnisiä ryhmiä ei voi tämän tutkimuksen valossa pitää kestävän rauhan esteinä. Aineiston analyysistä selviää myös, että paikalliset kansalaisyhteiskunnan toimijat käyttävät neljää keinoa rauhanrakentamisessa. Ne ovat kohtaaminen, dialogi, totuus ja sovinto. Keinot muodostavat jatkumon rauhanrakentamisprosessissa, jossa niillä kaikilla on oma funktionsa.
  • Mallea, Aleksi (2016)
    This master’s thesis is a case study of a Uruguayan based forestry company’s, Montes Del Plata’s, impact on the Uruguayan society. The company has a corporate social responsibility program, with which it is trying to steer the impact caused by its operations. The aim of this thesis is to identify what interpretations different actors give to the 'responsibility' in corporate social responsibility. Conflicts caused by the global pulp and paper industry have been studied in Latin America and this thesis is connected to that research, although no conflict has risen from the current pulp mill project. In addition, this thesis provides information how CSR connects to the wider global development, and the scope and limitations are discussed. The data in this study was collected by 18 interviews as well as doing participant observation in Uruguay in the spring of 2012. The interviews were held with stakeholders identified by the company Montes Del Plata. It was found that different stakeholders have different opinions about responsibility in this case. The corporate responsibility is seen as socially constructed by the stakeholders of the company. The reasons for the different views on responsibility can be linked to the three dimensions of corporate social responsibility: social, environmental and economic. CSR was found to not be applicable to global development.
  • Niemelä, Hannu (2018)
    The study examines the meanings of faith in the work of the Finnish faith-based organization Fida International within their Children Affected by Armed Forces (CAAF) project in post-conflict northern Uganda. Many of the children and youths in the project had been abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels and were consequently traumatized by the experience. The project aims at bringing these children and young people back to normal life. In this context, the study contributes to discussions and research on religion and development and the role of FBOs in development. The study is an ethnographic case study that utilizes a holistic approach within its theoretical frame. Data was gathered during fieldwork in the project's operational area in Uganda in 2011 by participatory observations and semi-structured interviews. The main data consists of 30 interviews, two focus groups, field diary, and project documents. The data is analyzed using ethnographic approaches. In Fida's holistic approach, faith permeates the project work. Personal faith and vocation are the mainstay and basis of Fida's work, giving a clear vision, guiding everyday tasks, and helping the actors deal with work-related stress. Faith plays an important role in selecting, cooperating, and mandating work through partners. The partnership with the local church is both valued and criticized. A unifying theme of the project activities is restoring hope. Spiritual needs are seen as an integral part of development for the CAAF youth's healing, rehabilitation, and reintegration. Owing to the traumatic experiences of the youths, there is a need to forgive and forget the past. The project's spiritual aid resonates with this need. In this regard, Fida seems to transform traditional religious functions of cleansing and reconciliation rituals into Pentecostal Christian virtues, thereby reframing the same in a theological language.
  • Puistolahti, Assi (2019)
    This thesis studies the roles of the Finnish state in the education export sector, focusing on the case of Finland-Brazil. The objective of this thesis is to seek the different discourses around education from 2010 to 2018 in the context of Finland, how these discourses define the role of education in development, and what is the significance of the change in the way we understand the role of education in a society. In this study, education is analysed through the concepts of human capital, neoliberal education and public good in the context of development theories. In addition, Foucault’s conceptualization of power and governmentality are analysed within the theories of post developmental critique. The study is divided in the following parts. The first part consists of theoretical and conceptional framework, and the methodologies of the study. The second part provides an analysis on the policy documents of Finnish education export conducting a discourse analysis on how Finnish education export is perceived in media. Additionally, a qualitative data analysis is conducted of the interviews and qualitative research questionnaire. Discourse analysis is used to analyse the context in which the education export is functioning and has functioned. The final part of the study consists of the discussion and conclusion. The primary data consist of interviews that represent three different actors in the Finnish education export (governmental, private and public education institutions), a research questionnaire, as well as media coverage from Finnish and Brazilian media and governmental documents from Finland and Brazil. The findings of this thesis demonstrate that while in classic education theories, the roles, functions and objectives of education are of a common good has the framing of education been changing towards a neoliberal direction. The findings indicate of a profitable new market for Finnish education export globally. Additionally, while education export is being promoted as a solution for global education crisis to improve education quality and increase equality of global education, there are no clear indications that education export as such has any apparent intention to truly improve the quality of education globally. Moreover, the analysed discourses in this research show that the role of the Finnish actors operating in the field of education export are not required to have any impact in the receiving countries. The case of Finnish education export to Brazil indicates that the Finnish state actively promotes education export to the global south through different discourses. The findings of the thesis lay out a vision of a relatively new industry that operates in the very core of the creation of individual identities and societies but is operated with market-driven interests that neglect the public good notion of education. Therefore, the impacts and opportunities for regional development and economic growth through education export remain minimal, while the business is relatively lucrative and risk free for private companies creating new ways to frame education.
  • Ranta, Kukka (2013)
    Tutkielma tarkastelee EU:n kalastuspolitiikkaa kolmansissa maissa ja erityisesti miten EU:n kalastussopimukset Länsi-Afrikassa ovat vaikuttaneet Senegalin pienkalastajien ruokaturvaan ja elinkeinoon viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan lokaalia tarinaa siitä miten kansainvälinen kalakauppa ja kapitalistiset kalamarkkinat ovat vaikuttaneet Länsi-Afrikan luonnonvaroihin ja tätä myötä myös vaikuttaneet pienkalastajien työllisyyteen ja köyhyyteen paikallistasolla. Tavoitteena on ymmärtää siirtolaisuuden lähtösyitä siirtolaisten omasta näkökulmasta laittomuudella kriminalisoimisen sijaan. Tutkimuksen tekoa ovat ohjanneet jälkikolonialismia, subalternia ja siirtolaisuutta koskevat teoreettiset käsitteet. Laadullisen ja monipaikkaisen etnografisen tutkimuksen keskeinen aineisto on Espanjassa asuvien – aiemmin pienkalastajina toimineiden – paperittomien siirtolaisten, sekä Senegalissa asuvien nykyisten tai työttömäksi joutuneiden pienkalastajien syvähaastattelut. Sisältöanalyysi on tehty luokittelemalla kalastajien keskusteluista nousseita teemoja, joiden perusteella kalastajien elinkeinon ja heidän perheidensä ruokaturvan muutoksia tarkastellaan haastateltavien omiin kokemuksiinsa pohjautuen ja verrataan aikaisempaan akateemiseen tutkimustietoon ja dokumentteihin. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että pääsyy kalakantojen heikkenemiseen on sekä Senegalin oma korruptoitunut hallinto että EU:n ylivalta jälkikolonialistisessa kaupankäynnissä. EU:n kalastuspolitiikka tukeutuu kalastustukiin, mikä on johtanut unionin alusten liian suureen kapasiteettiin suhteessa kalakantojen kestävyyteen. Tämä on johtanut liikakalastukseen ensin EU:n omilla aluevesillä, ja sitten myös ulkopuolisilla sopimusalueilla kolmansissa maissa. EU:n kahdenvälisten kalastussopimusten lisäksi Länsi-Afrikassa toimii myös lukuisia muita valtioita, yksityisiä yrityksiä, salaisia ja laittomia kalastajia. EU on kuitenkin alueen suurin ja pitkäaikaisin toimija, ja EU:lla on suurimmat vaikutusmahdollisuudet kestävän kalastuksen muutokseen. Analyysi osoittaa, että ulkopuolinen tehokalastus on vaikuttanut kalastajien elinkeinoon ja ruokaturvaan monin tavoin, kuten esimerkiksi pidentämällä merimatkoja ja täten lisäämällä työhön sijoitettavia kuluja. Tulot ovat tippuneet sekä kasvavien sijoitusten että heikkenevien saaliiden myötä. Samalla kalastajaperheiden ruokaturva ja koulutusmahdollisuudet ovat heikentyneet merkittävästi. Kalakannat alkoivat heiketä tuntuvasti vuodesta 2000 alkaen. Erityisesti tulot tyrehtyivät kalakantojen romahdettua vuonna 2005. Samaan aikaan siirtolaisuus Kanarian saarille moninkertaistui hetkessä juuri Euroopan unionin suurimmista kalastuskohteista Senegalista ja Mauritaniasta. Vain osa siirtolaisista oli työttömiksi jääneitä kalastajia, mutta useimpien paperittomien siirtolaisten kulkuvälineenä toimivat pitkälti työttömien kalastajien käyttämättömiksi jääneet puuveneet. Tutkielman tulokset kertovat EU:n lyhytnäköisestä ja lähinnä kalamarkkinoilla voitontavoitteluun pyrkivästä politiikasta. Jälkikoloniaalinen kaupankäynti hyödyntää kehitysmaan halpoja raaka-aineita ottamatta riittävästi huomioon ympäristönsuojelua saatikka ihmisoikeuksia. Jatkotutkimuksen kannalta olisi hedelmällistä selvittää esimerkiksi miten liikakalastetulla alueella pienkalastajien elintaso, koulutus, syöntitiheys ja eliniänodote esiintyvät inhimillisellä kehityksen indeksillä mitattuna suhteessa muuhun väestöön.
  • Lamminmäki, Akseli (2014)
    This Master’s thesis examines the local civil society organisations’ perspectives and perceptions of the role of legal reforms in addressing gender inequalities in post-conflict Sierra Leone. The thesis focuses especially on the Gender Acts of 2007 and the Sexual Offenses Act of 2012. The thesis analyses the civil society organisations’ perspectives on legal reforms from three aspects: how legal reform processes are shaped by different local political actors, such as political decision-makers and the civil society, and their power relations; how legal changes and notions of women’s rights shape the lives and living conditions of women; and how the realities of everyday life influence the ability or willingness of women to seek formal legal protection against gender injustices. The theoretical framework of the thesis combines the 'liberal peace' discussion to feminist perspectives on gender equality, women’s rights and empowerment. The research methods used in this thesis include thematic interviews, participant observation and analysis of written documents. The empirical data were collected in Sierra Leone during March and April 2013. The research suggests that local political actors have ambiguously shaped the outcomes of legal reform processes. The diversity of interests and the complexity of cultural, social and political processes involved, have both contributed and hindered the legal reforms. The legal reforms address a significant gap in the legal protection of women. They also extend beyond the individual, have 'pacifying' effects on the society as a whole, and provide a chance of reflection about conventional gender-based violations. Enhanced legal protection and notions of women’s rights shape traditional gender roles, responsibilities and power relations, and are resisted as a consequence. The realities of everyday life, alongside with cultural, economic, social and political factors, influence the ability or willingness of women to utilise formal legal mechanisms. As a result, many women are left outside formal legal channels or continue to seek justice through alternative means. The thesis concludes that the 'liberal peace' logic is insufficient in capturing the complex and paradoxical nature of peacebuilding interventions. The research sheds light to the diverse ways in which peacebuilding outcomes are shaped, negotiated, utilised and rejected. Thus, the role of legal reforms in addressing gender inequalities in post-conflict societies in the global South should not be overstated. While meaningful and considered as a step to the right direction, legal reforms alone do not address the many underlying and paramount challenges that women continue to face in post-conflict societies in the global South.
  • Höök, Heidi (2015)
    This study explores the life and future prospects of refugees who live in urban areas in developing countries. The study focuses on urban refugees in Kampala, the capital of Uganda which has over 62,000 refugees from several neighbouring countries with fluctuating conflict situations. More than half of the world’s refugees reside in cities today, and the number is expected to increase. However, international assistance and attention focuses still mainly on refugee camps and settlements. Approximately 86 per cent of the world’s refugees reside in developing countries where resources to ensure the rights of refugees are scarce. They are facing numerous challenges related to rapid urbanisation, and their governments are reluctant to allow refugees to settle in urban areas. Urban refugees struggle for survival in precarious living conditions amongst other urban poor. Refugees live in the socio-economic margins mainly on their own. This study participates in the discussion and the search for solutions for urban refugees in protracted refugee situations. The purpose of this thesis is to increase understanding of how urban refugees perceive their lives and future opportunities in the diverse and dynamic context of Kampala. The central concepts of this interdisciplinary study mainly draw upon social psychology. The ways in which refugees perceive their lives among other social groups in Kampala is analysed through social categorisation. The study explores refugees’ perceptions of stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination as they are manifested in social interaction with locals and authorities. These perceptions are then analysed within the wider frame of integration and marginalisation. The primary data that was collected during a six-week fieldwork period in Kampala in spring 2013 consist of 21 thematic interviews, observation, informal discussions and a field diary. The data was analysed by conducting qualitative content analysis. The interviewed refugees were of different nationalities, ages, genders and backgrounds. The findings reveal that urban refugees varyingly face prejudices and discrimination in their daily interaction with Ugandans as well as within institutional contexts such as schools, health care centres and the police. The study demonstrates that real and perceived discrimination as well as anticipation of it have real implications on refugees’ lives. They are particularly vulnerable to discriminatory practices as they have little means to overcome grievances caused by discrimination. The analysis shows that refugees perceive to be regarded as strangers who are not accepted to be part of Ugandan society. They are left to survive on their own, excluded from their rights to justice and equality. Particularly the most marginalised refugees have little possibilities to improve their situation. The analysis also reveals frictions, hostilities and discrimination within the urban refugee population. One of the central conclusions of the study is the need to acknowledge the diversity of urban refugees in all approaches to them. Owing to perceptions that refugees are not accepted and disrespected social category in Kampala, refugees feel that they are deprived of their rights and opportunities to improve their lives in Kampala. Kampala represents a place where the life of refugees is characterised by stagnation, difficulties and unfreedoms that restrict them from changing the course of the lives. The analysis shows that refugees perceive that in Europe and North America refugees are accepted as members of society and hence able to build a better future for them and their children. The study concludes that urban refugees have little incentive to integrate into local society if they perceive that refugees are trapped in the social, political and economic margins. In the light of the continuing trends of urbanisation and growing number of urban refugees, the study underlines the need to take urban refugees into consideration in international, national and local policies and practices to ensure that refugees can enjoy equal rights and that the growth of cities is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.
  • Juvonen, Jenni (2012)
    Tutkielmassa analysoidaan siirtotyöläisyyden ja kehityskeskustelun muuttuvaa suhdetta. Nykyisessä kehityskeskustelussa vallitsee etupäässä optimismin ilmapiiri. Tämän optimismin aiheuttaa rahalähetysten kasvu ja niiden oletettu kehityksellinen vaikutus. Siirtotyöläisyyden ja kehityskeskustelun suurempaa kontekstia heijastetaan gambialaisten siirtotyöläisten transnationaalisiin suhteisiin. Yksi tärkeimmistä suhteen ilmentymistä on rahalähetykset. Rahalähetysten kehityksellisiä vaikutuksia, kuten köyhyyden vähentymistä analysoidaan aineistoon perustuen. Ihmisen muuttoliikkeen historia sekä Saharan eteläpuoleisen Afrikan muuttoliikkeen historia käydään läpi historiallisen kontekstin luomiseksi. Saharan eteläpuoleisen Afrikan alueen yleispiirteet, talouden tilanne ja osa maailmankaupassa avaa taloudellista näkökulmaa tilanteeseen. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten rahalähetykset vaikuttavat Gambian tilanteeseen. Tutkielmassa metodeina on käytetty tapaustutkimuksena viittä Suomessa asuvan gambialaisen siirtotyöläisen haastattelua. Haastattelut jaettiin keskeisiin teemoihin, joita analysoitiin transnationalistisen muuttoliikkeen teorian kautta. Tarkoituksena on transnationalismin viitekehyksen kautta tutkia niitä poliittisia, taloudellisia ja sosiaalisia vaikutusmahdollisuuksia, joita gambialaisilla siirtotyöntekijöillä on. Näitä subjektiivisesti koettuja vaikutusmahdollisuuksia heijastetaan muuhun aihetta laajemmin tutkivaan aineistoon. Aineistossa käydään läpi myös kehitysajattelun historiaa. Siirtotyöläisyyteen on suhtauduttu eri aikoina hyvin eri tavoin; 1960-luvulla siirtotyöläisyyden nähtiin tuovan hyvinvointia ja kehitystä kehitysmaihin. Siirtotyöläisyys nähtiin keskeiseksi kehitykselle, koska sen nähtiin tuovan optimaalista työvoiman uudelleen jakoa tarvituille paikoille. 1970-luvulla taas näkökulma oli täysin vastakkainen. Siirtotyöläisyyden nähtiin aiheuttavan sekä epätasa-arvoa että riippuvuutta teollisuusmaihin nähden. 1980- ja 1990-luvuilla ryhdyttiin yhdistelemään eri teorioita ja tutkimaan muuttoa perheen kannalta, eikä yksilön kuten siihen asti. 2000-luvulle tultaessa siirtotyöläisyydestä on taas ruvettu puhumaan kehitystä lisäävänä tekijänä. Syynä tähän on jatkuvasti kasvussa olevat rahalähetykset, joiden kautta siirtotyöläisistä ollan ryhdytty puhumaan kehityksen tärkeinä toimijoina. Rahalähetysten kehityksellisestä vaikutuksesta on todistusaineistoa, mutta sen perusteella on mahdotonta tehdä yleistävää päätelmää niiden positiivisista vaikutuksista. Gambialaisten siirtotyöläisten lähettämien rahalähetysten vaikutus on merkittävää perheiden tasolla. Suurempaa vaikutusta Gambian valtioon on vaikea todistaa aineiston perusteella. Siirtotyöläisyyden, varsinkin Afrikasta Eurooppaan suuntautuvan siirtotyöläisyyden mittoja on liioiteltu. Suurin osa muuttoliikkeestä tapahtuu edelleen mantereen sisällä. Tästä ei ole luotettavaa tietoa, koska alueelta puuttuu usein tarkat väestönlaskentaan perustuvat tiedot. Alueen muuttoa koskeva tutkimus on myös keskittynyt kriisimuuttoon, jolloin niin sanottu normaali muutto jää tutkimatta. Tämä vääristää alueen tutkimuksen tuloksia. Kehityskeskusteluissa on myös usein ajateltu, että ihmiset haluavat pysyä paikallaan. Siksi lisääntynyt muuttoliike, mikä saattaa olla aivan normaalia, nähdään usein valitettavana asiana.
  • Clusker, Rowan (2011)
    As disparities in wealth levels between and within countries become greater many poor people migrate in search of better earning opportunities. Some of this migration is legal but, in many cases, the difficulties involved in securing the necessary documentation mean that would-be migrants resort to illegal methods. This, in turn, makes them vulnerable to human trafficking, a phenomenon that has received growing attention from NGOs, governments and the media in recent years. Despite the attention being given to human trafficking, however, there remains a certain amount of confusion over what exactly it entails though it is generally understood to refer to the transportation and subsequent exploitation of vulnerable people through means of force or deception. The increased attention that has been given to the issue of human trafficking over the last decade has resulted in new discourses emerging which attempt to explain what human trafficking entails, what the root causes of the phenomenon are and how best to tackle the problem. While a certain degree of conceptual clarity has been attained since human trafficking rose to prominence in the 1990s, it could be argued that human trafficking remains a poorly defined concept and that there is frequently confusion concerning the difference between it and related concepts such as people smuggling, migration and prostitution. The thesis examines the ways in which human trafficking has been conceptualised or framed in a specific national context- that of Lao PDR. Attention is given to the task of locating the major frames within which the issue has been situated, as well as considering the diagnoses and prognoses that the various approaches to trafficking suggest. The research considers which particular strands of trafficking discourse have become dominant in Lao PDR and the effect this has had on the kinds of trafficking interventions that have been undertaken in the country. The research is mainly qualitative and consists of an analysis of key texts found in the Lao trafficking discourse.
  • Anderzén, Janica (2015)
    A plant disease called coffee rust, caused by a fungus (Hemileia vastatrix), swept across coffee lands of Central America and Mexico in 2012. It turned into the most severe coffee rust epidemic ever experienced in the region, having serious impacts on coffee farmers livelihoods. The aim of this Master s thesis was to gain knowledge of small-scale coffee farmers perceptions of coffee rust and their responses to it. These farmers belong to Maya Vinic coffee cooperative of indigenous smallholders operating in Chiapas, Mexico. This case study applied an ethnographically-oriented livelihoods approach, influenced by Participatory Action Research (PAR). The data was gathered between March and May 2014, and consists of 24 semi- structured interviews, informal discussions, and observations. In analyzing the data, a modified version of Frank Ellis Framework for Livelihood Analysis was utilized. This study found that all the farmers had some knowledge about coffee rust, and they perceived the epidemic as a major livelihood shock. Coffee rust was causing damage to farmer households central livelihood asset, coffee trees, leading to crop losses and a decline in the annual income. A drop in income compelled many households to cut back on consumption goods and basic food expenditure, and was likely to affect their capacity to invest in productive assets. The situation caused anxiety and confusion among farmers. The results show that despite of the heightened risk of crop losses in the forthcoming production cycles, coffee farmers were determined to continue with coffee production. The control methods they were applying, such as different cultural methods, aimed at securing the role of coffee farming as a key livelihood activity also in the future. Alternative livelihood activities seemed to have less importance in coping with the epidemic. These findings suggest that not only economic but also cultural and social factors play an important role in livelihood construction. The findings further show that certain forms of capital may either hinder or facilitate households efforts to cope with coffee rust. In particular, limited landholdings ( natural capital ), and constrained access to different sources of information and education ( human capital ) proved to be limiting factors, while membership in Maya Vinic ( social capital ) helped to buffer negative impacts of the epidemic, and prepare for the future. This study suggests that stakeholders perceptions and the notion of social capital deserve more attention in different livelihood approaches. It also calls for more research and cross-sectoral initiatives which would aim at assisting small-scale coffee farmers in coping with coffee rust. These efforts should be keyed to work on climate change adaptation.
  • Kanner, Jussi Antero (2011)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastelen Euroopan unionin (EU) kehityspoliittisen johdonmukaisuuden periaatetta, eli kehitysyhteistyön tavoitteiden huomioonottamista muilla politiikanaloilla. Tutkimuskohteeni on EU:n maatalous- ja kauppapoliittisten toimenpiteiden ja EU:n kehityspolitiikan yhteisvaikutus neljässä Lomén sopimuksen sokeripöytäkirjaan kuuluneessa Afrikan, Karibian ja Tyynenmeren (AKT) valtiossa: Fidzissä, Guyanassa, Malawissa ja Tansaniassa. Sokeripolitiikka avaa politiikkajohdonmukaisuuteen mielenkiintoisen näkökulman, koska siinä yhdistyvät EU:n kauppa- ja maatalouspoliittiset intressit ja koska se on ollut tärkeässä osassa EU:n ja AKT-maiden välisissä suhteissa. Sokeripöytäkirja oli keskeinen osa EU:n etuuskohtelujärjestelmää, joka piti Afrikan, Karibian ja Tyynenmeren valtiot unionin etuoikeutetuimpana kumppanimaaryhmänä. 1990-luvulla alkaneet kehityspolitiikan alueellisten ja sisällöllisten painotusten muutokset johtivat lopulta myös sokeripöytäkirjan purkamiseen. EU:n sokeripolitiikan uudistukset ovat vaikuttaneet tapausmaihin eri tavalla. EU:n aiemmasta sokeripolitiikasta hyötyneet sokeripöytäkirjamaat joutuvat jatkossa avoimeen kilpailuun toistensa ja muiden vähiten kehittyneiden maiden ja AKT-maiden kanssa. Fidzille ja Guyanalle uusi tilanne voi koitua kohtalokkaaksi, mutta Malawille ja Tansanialle markkinoillepääsyn helpottuminen avaa uusia mahdollisuuksia. EU:n sokeripolitiikasta ja kehitysyhteistyöstä muodostuva interventio tapausmaissa osoittaa, että EU on ottanut huomioon sen sokeripolitiikan aiheuttamat vaikutukset kaikissa tapausmaissa. Intervention perusteella kehitysyhteistyön instrumentteja voidaan käyttää kumoamaan muiden EU:ssa vahvempien politiikka-alojen kielteisiä vaikutuksia ja auttamaan kehitysmaita sopeutumaan uusiin olosuhteisiin. Interventio näyttäisi EU:n omaksuneen enemmän tai vähemmän johdonmukaisen lähestymistavan tapausmaita kohtaan. Lähempi tarkastelu kuitenkin osoittaa intervention edustavan johdonmukaisuutta ennemmin kauppapoliittisten tavoitteiden kuin kehitysyhteistyön tavoitteiden näkökulmasta. Päätelmieni mukaan kehityspoliittista johdonmukaisuutta voidaan tulkita osana EU:n laajempia kauppapoliittisia pyrkimyksiä. Määrittelemällä tiettyjä politiikkoja kehityspoliittisen johdonmukaisuuden periaatteen mukaiseksi, EU on voinut hakea oikeutusta pääasiassa vapaakauppaa tukeville aloitteilleen. Tutkielmassa osoitan, kuinka politiikkojen välistä kehitystä tukevaa johdonmukaisuutta voidaan arvioida ottamalla samaan aikaan huomioon sekä kehitysyhteistyön että muiden politiikanalojen vaikutukset yhden intervention osina. Valitsemani näkökulman perusteella kehityspoliittisen johdonmukaisuuden edistämisessä voitaisiin antaa enemmän vastuuta kehitysyhteistyölle ja kehityspolitiikalle.
  • Mengesha, Gasahw (2012)
    This thesis explores the link between South-South remittance and development. It attempts to establish improved understanding about the role of immigrants as agents of constituency growth and development. By doing so, it illuminates the dark corners of the policy implications that the unconventional development agency of immigrants might have for countries in the Organization ft Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The thesis problematises the existence of state-centric international cooperation as providing the recipe for failed Aid in the face of global poverty menace. In the last half a century, the relative shi of focus to non-state actors brought about the proliferation of NGOs. That, intrun, helped improve international access to crisis situations; however, their long-term remedial impacts on poverty and development have been contested. Major misgivings for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are, on one hand, low level goal-bound expenditures and lack of independence from influence of the state, on the other. Therefore, the thesis enterprises to empirically verify its fundamental question whether remitting immigrants constitute an alternative development agency to the traditional players: the State and NGOs. Its main arguments are: due to states failures in bringing sustainable development in many countries of the South, the future of poverty reduction and development also rests in immigrants remittances. Nonetheless, in the last decade, remittance security-nexus dominated its discourse. Because of that remittance was viewed as something requiring global regime and restrictions. These temptations to tightly regulate remittance flows carry the danger of overlooking its trans-boundary nature and its strong link with livelihood of the poor. Therefore, to avoid unintended consequences of interventions, there need to be clear policy that bases itself on a discursive knowledge on the issues of North-South and South-South remittances The study involved both literature based and empirical research. It employed Discourse Analysis (C as main method for the former and snow-balling as its approach for the latter. For the first part the thesis constructed three conceptual models, these are: metrological model, police model and ecological model on remittance development-nexus. Through this modeling, the thesis achieved better deconstruction on the concepts remittance, immigrants and development agency. The protagonists of each model, the values and interests they represent, and their main arguments along various lines of dichotomies have been discussed. For instance, the main treats of meteorological model include: it sees remittance as transitional economic variable which require constant speculations and global management; it acts as meteorological station for following up or predicting the level, direction, flow and movement of global remittance. It focuses on official lines and considers the state as legitimate recipient of advic and positive consequence of remittance. On the other hand, police model views remittance as beir at best, development neutral or as an illicit activity requiring global regulations and tight control. Both immigrants and remittance viewed as subversive to establishments. It gives primacy to state stable agent of development and a partner for international cooperation. The anti-thesis to the police model is supplied by ecological model, which this thesis is a part. Ecological model on remittance and immigrants argues that, tight global regulations alone cannot be a panacea for possible abuse of informal remittance system. Ecological model, not only links remittance to poverty reduction, the main trust of development, but also considers the development agency of immigrants as critical factor for 21st century north-south development intervention. It sees immigrants as development conscious and their remittance instrument as most stable flow of finance to the developing countries. Besides, it sees remittance as effective poverty solutions than Foreign Direct Investment and international AID. This thesis focuses on the significance of South-South remittance and investigates the South Africa - Ethiopia remittance corridor, as case study; and empirically verifies the role of Ethiopian (Kembata and Hadiya) immigrants in South Africa as agents of local development back home. The study involved techniques of interview, group discussions, observations and investigative study. It also looked into the determinants of their migration to South Africa, and their remittance to Ethiopia. The theoretical models in the first part of the thesis have been operationalised throughout the empirical part to verify if the Kembata and Hadiya immigrants played the crucial role in their household poverty and local development in comparison with the Ethiopian state and the NGOs involved in the system. As evidenced by the research the thesis has made three distinct contributions to the discourse of remittance development-nexus. Fist, it systematized the debate about linkages between remittance, immigrants, development agency and policy of international cooperation by creating three conceptual models (school of thoughts); second, it singled out remitting immigrants as new agents of development in the South; third, it deconstructed concept of remittance and established South-South remittance as additional sphere of academic investigation. In addition to the above contributions, the thesis finds that Kembata and Hadiya immigrants have engaged in various developmental activities in their locality than usually anticipated. Hence, it concludes that Ethiopian immigrants constitute an alternative development agency to the state and other non-state actors in their country, and the lesson can be applied to poverty reduction strategies in most developing countries.