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  • Jääskeläinen, Jannica (2018)
    The pressure toward companies to tackle the challenges of our societies has grown higher. Consumers are expecting companies not only to consider their impact on the society in form of corporate social responsibility (CSR), but to explicitly express their stances on socio-political issues. Also, while the concept of CSR is currently being reshaped, the ways in which CSR is communicated are changing. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to deepen the understanding of how CSR is communicated in the context of social media from the perspective of new CSR. The theoretical framework of this thesis builds on literature about CSR, social movements, and CSR communication on social media. The literature review constructs a framework of new CSR, which in this study means extended responsibilities that derive from the concepts of political CSR, corporate advocacy and activism. Some of the main source materials are provided by Aronczyk (2013), Baur and Wettstein (2016), London (2010) and Schrerer and Palazzo (2011). The study approach is qualitative, and the data consists of the Finnish textile company Finlayson’s Facebook posts from 2016 to 2017. The analysis is data-driven but guided by the theoretical framework. The analysis methods used are qualitative theme analysis and frame analysis. The findings of this study indicate that Finlayson’s CSR communication is a hybrid mix of traditional and new CSR. The study finds that the main CSR-related themes Finlayson communicates are environmental protection and political grievances. The first is an indication of a traditional CSR theme, and the study implies that these kinds of traditional CSR topics have now found their way into new platforms such as social media. However, political grievances imply an orientation toward newer CSR. The company addresses controversial socio-political issues and takes stances, for instance, on LGBT rights, racism and equal pay. When it comes to the ways in which Finlayson communicates CSR, this study identifies three responsibility communication frames: the credibility frame, the captaincy frame, and the cooperation frame. The credibility frame emphasizes past CSR initiatives and communication is informative and one-way by nature. The captaincy frame emphasizes the company’s future aspirations, and responsibility is personified to the CEO of the company, thus indicating forms of CEO activism. The cooperation frame emphasizes collaboration and establishing a mutual understanding between the company and its stakeholders. Furthermore, the cooperation frame mobilizes the company’s stakeholders to take action. Thus, the results imply that new CSR should be understood as an integral part of CSR studies and that the relationship between activism and CSR has become increasingly fluid.
  • Salmivuori, Rosa (2017)
    This Master’s thesis is about sense of self and sense of belonging in the context of breakdancing women in the City of New York. It examines breakdancing women who have been through difficult situations in their lives. The study tries to understand how these women use breakdance as an empowering tool to create stronger sense of self while participating in a 10-week long breakdance workshop series. This thesis is based on a three month long fieldwork conducted in the City of New York during summer and autumn 2015. The ethnographic fieldwork was conducted by following the workshop series held by a dance company that organizes breakdance workshops for women facing struggles in their lives. The main research methods are participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and informal conversations. In total, 10 people were interviewed. The participant observation included following of the dance workshops and taking part in conversational cyphers after each class, participating in different breakdance events, and watching performances. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on different theories of self. Firstly the concept of self is examined on a general level and the anthropological discussion of self is introduced. Secondly the theories of self are examined in relation to society and body. The analysis is twofold. First analysis chapter examines how the research participants create sense of self by mastering new skills and taking control over their bodies. Then it goes deeper to the concept of self to explore how sense of self is produced in relation to others and how it turns to agency. At this point analysis takes the sense of belonging into account and the data is viewed from more social perspective. The key findings in this thesis are that sense of self and sense of belonging are tightly connected to one another and together they can create agency. In the context of this thesis sense of self is created by redefining the self through bodily practices and narratives. By identifying with a group people gain both stronger sense of self and create sense of belonging. Sense of belonging then can be seen as a product of strong sense of self. According to this study both senses of self and belonging are used to create agency.
  • Hellström, Veronica (2020)
    Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan nuorten sosiaalista osallisuutta kertaluonteisissa taidetyöpajoissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä taidetyöpajat voivat tarjota nuorille sosiaalisen osallisuuden näkökulmasta, miten nuorten sosiaalinen osallisuus niissä ilmenee ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat sosiaalisen osallisuuden toteutumiseen. Tarkastelun kohteena on kahdeksan taidetyöpajaa, joiden tavoitteena on ehkäistä koulukiusaamista katutanssin ja keskustelun avulla. 90 minuuttia kestäviin työpajoihin osallistui tutkimuksen kohteena olevan yläkoulun seitsemännen ja kahdeksannen luokan oppilaat. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat: ”Miten nuorten sosiaalinen osallisuus ilmenee kertaluonteisessa taidetyöpajassa?” ja "Mitkä ovat kertaluonteisen taidetyöpajan sosiaalista osallisuutta edistävät ja rajoittavat tekijät?. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan osallisuutta siinä, miten se toteutuu käytännössä sosiaalisessa toiminnassa. Keskiössä on nuoren ja ryhmän välinen suhde. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on, että nuorten sosiaalista osallisuutta on mahdollista tutkia nuorten kokemusten kautta. Sosiaalisen osallisuuden ymmärretään rakentuvan nuorten arjessa. Se on vuorovaikutuksessa rakentuva prosessi, johon vaikuttavat esimerkiksi sosiaaliset suhteet, vertaisryhmät ja oma asema ryhmässä. Sosiaalinen osallisuus toimii tutkimusprosessissa väljänä teoreettisena orientaatioperustana. Tutkimus on laadullinen; aineistokeruumenetelminä on käytetty sekä havainnointia että kyselyä. Aineisto koostuu havainnointiaineistosta kahdeksasta taidetyöpajasta ja 310 palautelomakkeesta, joissa työpajoihin osallistuneet oppilaat ovat vastanneet 21 avoimeen kysymykseen. Aineisto on jäsennelty ja teemoiteltu sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimusprosessia luonnehtivat aineistolähtöiset käsiteparit temaattinen- ja analyyttinen lukeminen. Tutkimuksen keskeiset tulokset ovat kolmen erilaisen työpajan tyypittely, joka kuvastaa erilaista sosiaalista osallisuutta. Työpajatyypit kuvaavat sitä, miten nuorten sosiaalinen osallisuus ilmenee taidetyöpajoissa. Tutkimuksessa sosiaalista osallisuutta tarkastellaan neljän aineistosta nostetun teeman kautta. Nämä neljä teemaa ovat ilmapiiri, osallistuminen, tekemisen ilo ja vuorovaikutus. Peilaamalla kolmea työpajatyyppiä kyseisten neljän teeman kautta hahmottuu, miten sosiaalinen osallisuus ilmenee eri työpajatyypeissä. Tutkimuksen tulokset antavat viitteitä siitä, että lyhytkestoisilla taidetyöpajoilla on edellytyksiä tarjota nuorille sosiaalisen osallisuuden kokemuksia. Nuorten kokema sosiaalinen osallisuus kuitenkin vaihtelee paljon eri työpajatyyppien välillä. Sosiaalisen osallisuuden toteuttamisen näkökulmasta erityisen merkittäväksi tässä tutkimuksessa osoittautui työpajojen ohjaajien rooli sekä työpajaryhmien kokoonpano. Tulokset osoittavat myös ryhmän yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteen olevan edellytys sille, että nuoret kokevat sosiaalista osallisuutta. Tutkimus tarjoaa uutta tietoa ja ymmärrystä siihen, mihin kannattaisi kiinnittää huomiota järjestettäessä kertaluonteinen taidetyöpaja kouluissa. Tiedosta hyötyvät sekä koulujen henkilökunta että taidetyöpajatoimijat.
  • Suojanen, Annarosa (2020)
    Tämä pro-gradu tutkielma tarkastelee internetin käytön (poliittisen tiedonlähteenä) yhteyttä euroskeptisiin asenteisiin Brexitin jälkeisessä Iso-Britanniassa. Median rooli euroskeptisiä asenteita ja kansalaismielipidettä selittävänä tekijänä on alkanut kiinnosta EU-asenteiden tutkijoita yhä enemmän. Perinteisellä medialla on aikaisemman tutkimuksen perusteella todettu olevan yhteys kansalaisten euroskeptisiin asenteisiin, mutta internetin ja sosiaalisen median yhteyttä euroskeptisismiin on tutkittu verrattain vähän. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen tutkimukselle muodostaa euroskeptisismiä selittävät teoriat sekä internetin ja demokratian suhdetta käsittelevät tutkimukset. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella euroskeptisismin ja kaikukammioteorian välistä suhdetta Brexitin viitekehyksessä. Tutkimusaineistona toimii British Election Study:n (BES) keräämä kyselyaineisto, jonka pohjalta muodostettiin tilastollisessa analyysissa käytetyt muuttujat. Tilastollinen analyysi suoritettiin logistista regressioanalyysia käyttäen. Euroskeptisismin ja internetin käytön yhteyttä tarkasteltiin tilastollisessa analyysissa neljän eri ulottuvuuden kautta, jotka muodostettiin euroskeptisismiä selittävien teorioiden pohjalta. Nämä neljä ulottuvuutta ovat EU-kansanäänestys, Brexit-identiteetti, maahanmuutto ja suvereniteetti. Tutkielman tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että aktiivisella internetin käytöllä on yhteys euroskeptisiin asenteisiin. Ainoastaan suvereniteetti ulottuvuudella ja internetin käytöllä ei havaittu olevan yhteyttä. Internetin käytön yhteys euroskeptisismiin oli kuitenkin suhteellisen pieni verrattuna muihin selittäviin muuttujiin.
  • Valtonen, Laura (2014)
    This thesis is an ethnographic case study on project Safety Net, which provides psychosocial peer support for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers in the Helsinki metropolitan area. About 150 underage asylum seekers unaccompanied by family arrive in Finland yearly. Project Safety Net peer tutors visit the group homes that the children live in, and provide an opportunity for them to share their experiences in their own languages. The aims of this research were to understand the circumstances of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers, and to gain insight into the ways in which the provided peer support works. This study also critically considers how child asylum seekers are represented in the practices and rhetoric of the Finnish asylum process, and how project Safety Net relates to these representations. Methods used in this research included participant observation, interviews, and group discussions. The data was analyzed thematically and systematically. For unaccompanied minor asylum seekers, factors that increase the need for support were found to be separation from family, the inherent temporariness of the asylum seeker status and a concern for the future, language difficulties, a feeling of isolation, and developmental issues related to adolescence. The weekly visits from Safety Net peer tutors was found to be significant in providing support. This research shows that Safety Net peer tutors have many different roles through which peer support works. As friends, they offer a change to the daily routines of group home life and are trusted confidants. Often they take on the role of a family member. They may also act as spokespersons on the children’s behalf, while also offering advice on how to navigate in the Finnish society. They can be significant role models as people who have once been refugees themselves and have successfully adapted to the Finnish society. Elements that make project Safety Net successful were found to be most importantly the use of the children’s own languages, a communal nature within the project, and the shared experience of being a refugee. Peer tutors also experienced benefits from working in the project. The analysis of refugee representations uncovered certain distancing and silencing practices such as the isolated placement of the asylum seekers, bureaucratic expression, and the representation of asylum seekers as essentially untrustworthy. Safety Net was found to offer several significant counter-representations, notwithstanding the fact that it is not completely immune to the prevailing political representations.
  • Breton, Julie (2017)
    Voting turnout has decreased in most Western democracies since the post-war period. In Finland, low turnout at elections affects significantly more certain groups, such as the youth and immigrants enfranchised to vote in local elections. At the occasion of the 2017 Finnish municipal elections, a series of 21 debates between local candidates and with a thematic focus on issues related to the increasing diversity of the Finnish society was organised by the Network of Multicultural Associations Moniheli under the name Kaikkien Vaalit (Our Election). One of the goals of the debates was to increase the interest in and participation to elections of immigrant-background residents. Considering the gap in participation between native Finnish citizens and immigrants, does attending a thematic debate affect attendees differently depending on their migrant background? The objective of this study is to build a frame of reference based on existing get-out-the-vote (GOTV) literature to determine what effects can be expected, analyse the reported effects of the panels on migrant background categories derived from practice in non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and evaluate the relevance of the categories for events designed for corresponding target groups in the NGO field. The data used in this quantitative analysis are feedback questionnaires (n = 225) collected at the end of 18 Kaikkien Vaalit events for project reporting, as well as a complementary post-election phone survey. The three outcome variables derived from the survey results are whether the respondent reported an increase in voting interest, found the predefined issues discussed during the panel personally relevant, and obtained information useful to a choice between candidates or parties. The independent variable is a six-group migrant background variable based on the respondents’ provided information about mother tongue and migration to Finland, adjusted for citizenship and time spent in Finland. Socio-economic and participation indicators are used as secondary variables to refine observations. The study uses crosstabulation to examine the distribution of answers between groups, and Kruskal-Wallis H tests and Mann-Whitney U tests to evaluate the relevance and suitability of migrant background categories. The debates are found to reach an audience in line with both GOTV research and with the objectives of the Kaikkien Vaalit project. A statistically significantly different distribution of answers is found between migrant background groups for the interest and information variable, but not for the importance variable. Further tests show that the effect on interest differs between groups both by migration experience and by foreign mother tongue, and only by foreign mother tongue for the information variable, while categories were not relevant for the differentiated distribution of the scores for the importance of issues. Findings suggest that the direct effect on turnout is structurally limited due to the attendees’ high voting propensity, but indicate the possibility for corollary positive effects. The complementary nature of debates as GOTV efforts is confirmed, and the function of debates as informative events is put into question.
  • Björkqvist-Rasmus, Sophia (2021)
    Under de senaste åren har samhällsvetare i Norden visat ett ökat intresse för hur socialt arbete framstår i nyhetsmediers behandling. En förklarande faktor för denna ökning av intresse är mediernas växande betydelse i dagens informationssamhälle och en allt mera betydande maktposition. Nyhetsmedias informationsspridning påverkar både direkt och indirekt läsaren eller tittaren när de formar sina åsikter och sin uppfattning om verkligheten. Centrala teorier inom detta ämne och i denna avhandling är inramningsteorin och agendasättande journalistik. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur finländsk media framställer bristen på socialarbetare. Ytterligare forskas vilka aktörer som ges utrymme i medias rapportering om socialarbetarbristen. Forskningsmaterialet inför denna avhandling består av nyhetsskrifter producerade av Helsingin Sanomat, Hufvudstadsbladet och YLE under tidsperioden 1 januari 2018 till 17 november 2020, totalt 84 stycken. Denna studie utgår från både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ analys, med utgångspunkt i den teoretiska referensramen. I sin helhet stämmer studiens resultat överens med tidigare forskning och teori om ämnet. De kvalitativa och kvantitativa resultaten stämmer överens och stöder varandra. Finländsk nyhetsmedia skriver en hel del om bristen på socialarbetare, dock oftast ur en negativ, konstaterande, infallsvinkel, det vill säga ram. Jämfört med de andra medier, var HBL den mest konsensusbaserade. Ett nytt och centralt forskningsresultat som lyfts upp i studien och som svarar på den andra forskningsfrågan är att media inte tillräckligt skiljer mellan första- och andrahandsinformation då man framställer bristen på socialarbetare. Detta är en väsentlig brist i medias rapportering om socialarbetarbristen eftersom det i många fall förblir oklart om aktörer som ges utrymme i artiklar blivit direkt intervjuade eller om journalisten hämtat informationen från andra källor och kontexter. Andra ramar förutom, negativ, positiv och neutral, som åtskiljes var, arbetsförhållanden, strukturell förändring, ekonomi och problemlösningsfokus. Sammanfattningsvis kan man konstatera att detta är ett intressant område som både väcker medias och allmänhetens intresse. I rådande Corona-situationen ökar behovet på välfärdsstatens socialservice ytterligare. Studiens resultat ger både stöd åt tidigare forskning samt kommer med nya forskningsresultat. Intressanta ämnen för fortsatt forskning är att utföra källanalys gällande medias rapportering om socialt arbete, speciellt med tanke på att i denna studie framkom att andra- och förstahandskällor inte åtskiljs tillräckligt då man framställer bristen på socialt arbete.
  • Pousi, Matti August Oskari (2021)
    The ecological crisis is ravaging the planet. Governments and businesses have set carbon neutrality targets as part of a necessary green transformation. One promising negative emission technology is based on biochar, which has created excitement in the voluntary carbon markets. However, the voluntary carbon markets and carbon sequestration with biochar both stand at a crossroads. There is currently no regulation that would govern the markets. Only voluntary standardizations and the sellers and buyers’ conscience provide directions for the quality of offsets and real carbon cuts achieved. In addition, the production of high-quality biochar remains at a low level. This thesis contributes to the research on green transformations by examining critically the expectations and promises related to biochar and voluntary carbon markets. The focus of this study is on the framings and discourses related to the role of biochar and the voluntary carbon markets in low-carbon pathways. The main research question is: What are the different narratives and perspectives on the role of biochar and voluntary carbon markets in sustainable low-carbon pathways? To answer this, I have identified and interviewed the main actors and stakeholders in the supply chain of biochar-based offsets as well as analyzed key policy and research documents that take part in the biochar offset related discourses. The research approach draws from two theoretical frameworks: the sustainable pathways approach developed by Melissa Leach, Ian Scoones, and Andy Stirling and Maarten Hajer’s critical discourse analysis on environmental policy. These frameworks are used to analyze the informant interviews and policy and research documents. It is found out that there are five discursive patterns shaping the discourses related to biochar and the voluntary carbon markets: biochar as a magic bullet, market-led low-carbon pathway, techno-managerialism, traces of more transformative greening, and climate-centrism. Techno-managerialism is the most distinctive feature of the biochar and voluntary carbon market discourse. Together, the five patterns shape the way in which biochar and the voluntary carbon markets are perceived, how policy problems related to them are defined and framed, and finally, what type of policy solutions are formulated.
  • Lindroos, Christoffer (2013)
    William Niskanen framförde år 1971 teorin om den budgetmaximerande byråkraten. I uppsatsen undersöker jag huvuvida vi kan tillämpa Niskanens teori i ett modernt sammanhang. Jag testar systematiskt de påståenden om byråkratiskt beteende inom budgetförhandlingarna som teorin framför. Urvalet utgörs av fem ämbetsverk som jag valt enligt sådana kriterier, att de uppfyller Niskanens definition av en statlig byråkrati. Som metod använder jag såväl intervju av personer med arbetserfarenhet från statsförvaltningen som statistisk analys. I den statistiska undersökningen studerade jag hur ämbetsverkens budgetförslag har förändrat längs med dess handläggning, ända tills en anslagssumma godkänts i statsbudgeten. Det huvudsakliga materialet utgjordes av ämbetsverkens och ministerierna budgetförslag, regeringens budgetproposition samt statsbudgeten. Som resultat av intervju-undersökningen fick jag, att intervjuobjekten i regel inte tyckte att teorin på ett pålitligt sätt beskriver verkligheten idag. Fastän de höll med om flera av de observationer som Niskanen gjort, så anser de att tolkningarna för de bakomliggande orsakerna allmänt taget inte stämmer. Den allmänna åsikten var också, att budgetprocesse idag är till den graden öppen, att den inte tillåter budgetmaximering från ämbetsverkets sida. Också det spridda inflytandet inom processen garanterar, att ingen enskild person kan forma resultat i en betydlig grad. Resultatet är, att summan av de kontrollmekanismer som tillämpas, garanterar objektiviteten inom budgetprocessen. I den statistiska analysen fann jag vissa stöd för Niskanens antaganden, t.ex. det, att storleken för ämbetsverkens budgetförslag tenderar att stiga år för år. Ämbetsverken har också en tendens av föreslå en större budgetsumma än storleken av förra årets anslag. Niskanens antaganden om ministeriets passiviet och riksdagens aktivitet fann jag ändå inga belägg för.
  • Castrén, Olli Severi Juhananpoika (2023)
    This thesis examines the role of markets in speeches made by Ministers of Finance Iiro Viinanen and Jyrki Katainen in the plenary sessions of the Finnish parliament in 1991-1994 and 2007-2010. The aim of this study is to analyse political discourses in speeches made about state budget proposals during two economic crises, the depression of the 1990s and the Global Financial Crisis. The thesis employs Bob Jessop’s Cultural Political Economy approach to view crises as moments of contestation for hegemonic discourses and ideologies, and an opportunity to examine political and social change in the age of neoliberalism through speech. Both crises were also characterised by the contestation of the relationship between Finland and the EU, first centred around accession to the EU and in particular the role of EMU convergence criteria in designing economic policy, and in the second crisis on the nature of centre-periphery relations amid the Eurozone crisis. The purpose of this research has been to uncover the way in which ministerial speeches reflect the neoliberalisation of Finland through a specific national context, which is characterised in particular by the relationship between the state and individual, the moral nature of economic decision-making, the increasing influence and power of the civil service on decision-making through the Ministry of Finance, and the gradual replacement of defence policy by economic policy as the defining factor of Finland’s independence and sovereignty. The thesis explores these concepts through the use of Theo van Leeuwen’s conceptualisation of discourse as the recontextualisation of social practices, analysing the speeches using a comparative and thematic perspective. The analysis finds that while the Ministers of Finance did not draw on discourses of legitimation by authority with regards to the Ministry of Finance, the consistent themes during both periods drew heavily on themes of absolute necessity, responsible decision-making, moralistic attitudes towards the Finnish citizen, and constructions of unity of the Finnish people. Both Ministers also referred to market forces, investor confidence, and trust as existential questions for the sovereignty of the nation and emphasised the need for permanent changes in Finland towards the direction of a neoliberalised market economy. Similarly, the Ministers appeared to draw on paternalist understandings of the state as a shepherd of its people, a guardian of a small nation against predatory international forces, and yet a reasoned disciplinarian of an irresponsible child. The study concludes that in particular the discourses on which the Ministers draw that rely on moralistic and paternalistic articulations of the relationship between the state and the individual can be seen as indicative of the national context of neoliberalisation in Finland. Furthermore, the extent to which the crises are framed as learning opportunities varies, though both Ministers consistently refer to the permanence of the changes (structural in particular) to be made to the Finnish economy, and in differing ways envision a new age in Finland, nonetheless one of credibility, responsibility, and a stable market economy. The study also offers new avenues for research, particularly for the wider debate in parliament and crisis construals therein, in addition to using the theory and the methods of this thesis to analyse other crises, perhaps non-economic in nature, such as the COVID-19 crisis. Furthermore, the thesis also suggests that further research could be conducted on the paternalistic and moralistic aspects of ministerial politics in particular.
  • Pilkey, Adam (2015)
    Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) are an innovative form of digital entertainment. Players, companies, and organizations are attracted to its potential to create highly engaging ludic experiences for massive audiences. This thesis examines how ARG players actually engage with mediated content by performing a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of postings on a popular ARG discussion forum. The primary aim of this study is to assess ARGs as a genre that constructs relations between the player community and the mediated content they consume as part of their play practices. ARGs have attracted attention from academics from a number of fields and disciplines. While many studies have performed in-depth ethnographies of player communities in relation to specific games, few have addressed the genre as a whole or taken a critical position to how it functions as a set of discursive conventions within popular culture. The sample consists of a collection of postings from the Unforums - a popular discussion board hosted by the ARG website The sample was collected using a temporal/thematic approach, and was based on the systematic observation of the research site. A total of 12 different game-events were collected from the Unforum, with each event containing between 23 and 75 posts, giving a total sample size of 672 posts. The sample was then subjected to a genre analysis following Norman Faircloughs theories of CDA. The analysis oscillated between describing the linguistic features of the postings and interpreting/explaining the postings in relation to the functions of discourse. The analysis found that the game-events are not constructed to function discretely; they are firmly embedded within larger networks of texts and practices. The participants make extensive use of intertextual reporting strategies to integrate game-events within these networks, and take advantage of the technological affordances offered by the Unforum to accomplish this goal. The participants in the game-events were found to build narratives that interpret relationships between different media texts. Thus, ARGs are shown to be an effective way of building relationships between different media texts, essentially providing an interpretive lens through which individual media texts belong to an overarching narrative.
  • Sillitoe, Allan William Brookes (2018)
    Social psychologists have long assumed that imitation produces rapport and interpersonal trust in the perceiver, but more recent research into the imitation-trust relationship has produced mixed results. In studies utilizing human confederates and longer interaction periods, imitation has produced trust and better negotiation outcomes but when using more controlled settings and short encounters with virtual human characters, such an association has not been found. With this in mind, I sought to investigate whether a prolonged period of interaction with an imitating virtual agent would facilitate the link between imitation and trust. As some research on imitation induced self-other overlap (or ‘feature shifting’) would indicate, I also wanted to identify whether being imitated by someone trustworthy would produce trustworthy behaviour and whether imitation by someone untrustworthy would produce less trustworthy behaviour in participants. To investigate the proposed effects, participants were instructed to play an iterative trust game with 8 different virtual agents, encountering each agent in five subsequent trials. In each trial of the game, one player (investor) was asked to make an investment (i.e. an index of trust) in the other player (receiver) and that was then tripled. The receiver then decided how much of the tripled amount to return (i.e. an index of trustworthiness). In half of the investment trials, participants’ head movements were imitated by the agent, whereafter participants proceeded to make the investment. I found evidence in the first investment trial that imitation promotes trust, with higher amounts invested in the imitators than in the non-imitators. However, after repeated investment trials, the effect of imitation diminished and agents' previous pay back behavior (i.e. trustworthiness) guided investments: participants increased their investments with trustworthy agents but reduced their investments with untrustworthy agents. In receiver trials, more money was paid back after interacting with a trustworthy than with an untrustworthy agent. However, no evidence was found that imitation played a role in this and similarly no evidence for the role of feature shifting was found either. In conclusion, it appears that imitation promotes trust in an initial encounter but over time behavioral reliability plays a greater role than imitation in affecting trust.
  • Helve, Oskari (2019)
    There has been increasing research attention on wellbeing of students in higher education both in Finland and internationally. Because of its goal-oriented nature, higher education resembles working in many ways. Thus, research on students´ wellbeing has started utilizing concepts derived from occupational research. Burnout and study engagement are concepts that are being used in research on both lower educational levels and higher education. Burnout describes feelings of exhaustion, cynicism and inadequacy experienced when demands of studying exceed available resources. Engagement on the other hand means feeling vigorous, dedicated and absorbed in studying and arises when demands and resources are better balanced. The goal of this thesis was to increase understanding of social resources that can guard against the negative effects of demands and foster engagement in higher education. It investigated how social support, guidance and counselling from the educational institution and sense of belonging to studying related groups are related to burnout and engagement experienced by students. The data for this study was the Finnish Student Health Service´s Student Health Survey from 2016, which is a representative sample of students in universities and universities of applied sciences in Finland (N=3110). Burnout symptoms were measured using the SBI-9 measure and engagement using the Schoolwork Engagement Scale. The total scores on these two scales were analyzed together with social support, guidance and counselling and sense of belonging to studying related groups. Pearson´s correlation coefficients were obtained to reveal the bivariate associations of these variables followed by two hierarchical regression analyses on burnout and engagement individually. All of the social resources were included as predictors in these models and the stage of studies, gender and feeling of being in the right field of study were controlled for as background variables. The results supported both hypotheses and existing literature. It was found that those students who were able to talk about their matters with someone, had received guidance to their studies and felt like they belong to studying related groups had lower levels of burnout symptoms. Similarly, students with sufficient social resources were more engaged in their studies. The results indicate that social resources are an important factor in wellbeing of higher education students. Future research should continue to further study these resources using more accurate measures incorporating different types of social support or different groups in the educational context.
  • Jurvanen, Outi (2022)
    The Finnish productivity growth has been sluggish in the period after the great financial crisis. According to Schumpeterian growth theory, produc- tivity growth depends on innovation and competition between firms. In the United States, the productivity slowdown that has occurred during recent decades has been linked to the simultaneous decline in business dynamism. Therefore, this thesis investigates the Finnish competition and business dy- namism in the period between 2004 and 2018, using dynamic and static competition indicators. The main data sources of this work are two micro-aggregated databases developed by the OECD. Due to their high level of harmonization, a compar- ison between Finland and a benchmark group of countries is possible. The work presents descriptive results and then investigates the relationship be- tween the different indicators with fixed effects regression models. The work finds that, when measured with dynamic indicators (entry rates, up or out dy- namics, and job reallocation rates), the level industry dynamism in Finland is as high, or even higher than in the benchmark. Regarding the static indica- tors of competition, industry concentration appears to be higher than in the benchmark, and has increased in the recent years. However, concentration is not linked to increases in mark-ups or entry rate decline. Instead, it can be linked to the reallocation of resources to more productive firms. Nevertheless, allocative efficiency, as measured with Olley and Pakes covariance, is weaker than in the benchmark group of countries. However, low productivity disper- sion between firms may partly explain this. The results are mostly robust to earlier evidence on Finnish business dynamism. The study concludes that the state of competition and business dynamism in the Finnish private sector is good and thus does not seem to be the scape- goat for the productivity slowdown in Finland. However, the low levels of allocative efficiency and the factors behind it call for further investigation. Regarding markups, the results contract some results acquired earlier, and it would be interesting to compare different markup estimates, and study the relationship between the different estimates and innovation, concentration and productivity growth.
  • Gallego Salvador, Francisco (2013)
    The present Thesis explores the possibility of applying a virtue ethics framework, based upon the Aristotelian tradition, into business ethics. The purpose of the Thesis is twofold: to give an overview of virtue ethics through Richard Taylor’s portrait and to offer a specific account of virtue ethics focused on the business realm. The examination of this virtue ethics proposal is largely founded on Robert C. Solomon’s works, which constitute the cornerstone of this Thesis. However, the critical nature of this examination requires serious criticism of both Taylor’s account of virtue ethics as well as of Solomon’s main articles and books on the topic under scrutiny. Remaining critical includes pointing out the existing flaws in their proposals. Ultimately, the aim is to show how a reinterpretation of Aristotle and virtue ethics can result in a pluralistic account of business ethics. Such interpretation, which revolves around the notion of ‘ethical styles’, is derived from Nietzsche’s understanding of the uniqueness of virtues. Attention to circumstances and flexibility characterize an ethical approach that, this Thesis will contend, is better suited than the traditional utilitarian and Kantian traditions for answering contemporary ethical business dilemmas. Eventually, reinterpreting the virtue ethics tradition will make new space for ethical solutions and discourses to emerge. An example of such a theory is offered in this Thesis. A tripartite approach, based on J. Thomas Whetstone’s account, will stress that there is no reductive conception that can reflect the complexity of our moral existence. Rather, a combination of the different existing traditions will result in the figure of the servant leader as the ideal towards which board members and executives should strive. An analysis of the function of those expressions used to define business will also play a major role in this Thesis. The ever-growing presence of influential corporations in contemporary markets and social scenarios should alert the reader that it is in society’s hands to change the course of humanity and to lead the present towards a more humane and ethical future.
  • Karhu, Maiju (2013)
    This thesis studies the ways the managers of a multinational technology company talk about diversity and diversity management in the workplace. The focus of the study was to examine how socially constructed categories of gender and ethnicity were constructed in diversity rhetoric in an organisational context, and what possible implications this might have to the social realities experienced by the employees. The research data was collected by interviewing 12 managers of a multinational technology company in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The research data was analysed with Foucauldian discourse analysis that was used to analyse the various constructions related to diversity and diversity management, as well as hierarchies of power in the text. The results of the study can be divided into three main discourses that were present in the data: 1) ’Differentiation’, where the constructions about gender and ethnicity were made by comparing and contrasting characteristics and behaviour 2) ’Rationalisation’, in which macro-level reasons and public and private level explanations were used to legitimise the gendered and ethnicised divisions in organisations and 3) ’Neutralisation’, where the gender and ethnicity was diminished in the work context by creating an abstract worker. The gendered and ethnicised work practices were also studied in the light of various subject positions avail-able in the text. In the multinational technology company context, masculinity was positioned as active and in the centre of the business environment, where as femininity was positioned as a passive outsider. However, the interviewees used intersections of gender and ethnicity to create different subject positions within the new market conditions. These subject positions created new opportunities for European women and ethnic minority men in the developing multinational business environment. To summarise, in the multinational technology company’s diversity rhetoric, the most visible social categories were gender and ethnicity. These were constructed using different discourses to highlight the organisational practices and power hierarchy, which was dominated by masculinity and Europeanness.
  • YAO, Weiyue Jr (2023)
    This thesis examines the current situation of highly educated Chinese people moving to the UK between 2019 and 2023 and analyses the motivations and factors that influence their migration. Using qualitative research methods, the study examines the motivations of Chinese highly educated individuals with a propensity to migrate through interviews. Through the interviews, the paper analyses several factors that influence migration, including migrants' perceptions of themselves, the Chinese social climate, the traditional Chinese family climate, the influence of Covid and factors such as visas and racial discrimination, to obtain their own perceptions of migration. By answering these questions relevant to their settlement, overseas studies and social integration, this thesis will provide a better understanding of some of the key trends in the current immigration flows, especially the growing trend of highly educated Chinese immigrants to the UK.
  • Nieminen, Toni (2021)
    This thesis examines the politics of language and d/Disability enacted by the participants in Kivimedia, a media workshop where d/Disabled persons are aided by media professionals in producing media content. Through an ethnographic analysis of Kivimedia radio broadcasts, the thesis develops a theoretical framework that weaves together linguistic anthropology with critical disability studies. My aim is to understand how ableist ideologies are both reproduced and challenged through linguistic practice. The thesis thus explores Kivimedia as a linguistic and discursive space where d/Disabled and a/Able-bodied interlocutors cooperate, interact and frame one another’s speech, thereby indexing the broader discursive field of d/Disability politics. Ultimately, the thesis contends that Kivimedia participants produce a d/Disability counterpublic through their radio broadcasting, that functions against the backdrop of an ableist public sphere. By establishing a public platform premised on the validity and value of d/Disabled experiences, Kivimedia allows d/Disabled speakers to “Crip” culture, that is, make evident, and possibly transform, the material positionalities of d/Disabled identities within an ableist structure and to interrogate their d/Disabled experiences outside ableist regimentation. In doing so, d/Disability becomes reconfigured as a valued, agentive interactional positionality, manifested relationally and dialogically with a/Able-bodied allies. Through this analysis, the thesis theorizes the interconnection between d/Disability and ableism as something emergent both in and across interaction, as both relational and dialogical. When perceived as interactional achievement, one can understand and scrutinize the dialectical relationship between the abstract institutions that perpetuate ableism and discourses on d/Disability and the interactional practices that comprise everyday life. Within such an interactional understanding, we can analyze and critique ableism and its everyday violence and recognize how both individuals and groups work to expose, challenge and transform ableist structures.
  • Villberg, Jaana (2011)
    Tässä tutkielmassa kuvataan tekijöitä, jotka haittaavat naisten toimintaa kunnanvaltuutettuina tehokkaalla tai naisten itsensä haluamalla tavalla sekä vaikuttavat heidän mahdollisuuksiinsa vaikuttaa päätöksentekoon Ghanan paikallishallinnossa. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan sekä paikallishallintoon nimitettyjen että vaaleilla valittujen naisten asemaa valtuutettuina, mitä aiemmissa tutkimuksissa Ghanan paikallishallinnosta ei ole tehty. Ghanassa nimittäin 30 prosenttia kunnanvaltuutetuista nimitetään tehtäväänsä. Lopulta tutkimuksessa analysoidaan nimitettyjen ja vaaleilla valittujen naisvaltuutettujen mahdollisuuksia edustaa halutessaan naisten intressejä. Hon kunnanvaltuuston tapaus oli erittäin kiinnostava, sillä vuonna 2006 naisten osuus kunnanvaltuutetuista nousi 35,7 prosenttiin. Aiemmin naisia oli ollut valtuustossa huomattavasti vähemmän. Tutkimusta varten tehtiin kenttätyötä Ghanassa. Tutkimus perustuu 16 Hon kunnanvaltuutetun haastatteluun ja kunnan pormestarin kanssa käytyyn keskusteluun. Kartoitan Hon kunnanvaltuuston naisvaltuutettujen toimintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja naisedustajien työssä kohtaamia esteitä sekä naisvaltuutettujen omien kokemusten että miespuolisten kunnanvaltuutettujen näkemysten kautta. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että naisvaltuutetut kohtasivat työssään monia haasteita. Moni esteistä oli yhdistettävissä toimimattomiin rakenteisiin, miehisiin normeihin ja käytäntöihin sekä toisaalta naisten miehiä huonompaan sosiaaliseen asemaan. Esimerkiksi liikkuminen vaalialueella ja jopa kokouksiin saapuminen oli joillekin naisille suuri haaste. Myös paikallisten ihmisten vaatimukset saada henkilökohtaista rahallista hyötyä valtuutetuilta nousivat esiin naisten esteenä. Toisaalta näkemysten esittäminen kokouksissa vaikutti naisille ongelmalliselta eli huomio kiinnittyi naisten poliittiseen kokemattomuuteen sekä valtuuston institutionaaliseen kulttuuriin. Nimitettyjen naisten asema kunnanvaltuustossa paljastui erilaiseksi kuin vaaleilla valittujen naisedustajien. Nimitettyjen edustajien järjestelmä, jota on perusteltu mahdollisuutena lisätä naisten intressien edustusta paikallishallinnossa, näyttäytyi tutkimusten tulosten perusteella kyseenalaisena keinona lisätä naisten edustusta paikallishallinnossa. Nimitettyjä valtuutettuja ei esimerkiksi nähty legitiimeinä ihmisten edustajina paikallishallinnossa vaan heidän katsottiin edistävän puolueensa intressejä, ei paikallisten ihmisten. Nimitettyjen edustajien järjestelmä myös paljastui paikalliselle poliittiselle eliitille suosiolliseksi järjestelmäksi valita kiintiön kautta edustajiksi itselleen, ei paikallisille ihmisille tai paikallisille naisille, sopivia edustajia.
  • Vigani, Alice (2018)
    In recent years, European societies have been affected by processes of increased diversity and migration. This master’s thesis explores the involvement in the local civil society of migrants. It takes place within the context of organisations of multiethnic composition working for migrants’ conditions and/or rights in the capital cities of Helsinki in Finland and Athens in Greece, two European metropolitan areas with stark differences in their migration, integration, and civil society panorama. The main aim of the study is to investigate how individuals of migrant origin construct and present themselves as agents for civil society organisations. The theoretical framework for the research is informed by previous studies on social movements and the civil society, in particular the social psychological model by Klandermans and the corpus of research stemming from Goffman’s framing theory. Another central theoretical reference is Goffman’s impression management theory, not previously applied to this research area. Adopting a micro-social constructionist perspective, the theoretical concepts listed above are operationalized with the tools offered critical discursive psychology and positioning theory. The data consists of transcripts of semi-structured interviews with five participants in each city, active in different organisations and from different countries of origins. The analysis led to the individuation of three main self-presentation styles across the participants, varying on different dimensions including the fit between them and the organisation, their position towards the organisation’s team and towards its target – migrant communities. The three styles are: Team Player, Enterprising Leader, and Expert Critic. In light of the results, it can be argued that the participants all attempted to present themselves in a positive light as agents for the organisations. Plus, participants’ self-presentations were impacted on one side from their origin and the stereotypes attached to it, on the other from the dominant migration regime and its consequences for migrants and their integration at the local level. Over all, the analysis yields interesting insights on how societal, organisational, and personal characteristics impact the participation and position in the civil society for migrant actors.