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  • Relander, Jarkko (2020)
    Pro-graduni käsittelee dopingin määrän vähentämistä urheilussa. Tutkin dopingin määrän vähentämistä urheilussa peliteoreettisin keinoin. Katson urheilua tutkimuksessani taloudelliselta kannalta. Tutkimukseni metodina käytän kirjallisuuskatsausta. Tutkimuksen motivaationa voidaan pitää nykyisen antidopingtoiminnan toimimattomuutta ja sitä, kuinka paljon rahaa urheilussa liikkuu. Täten on hyvä kitkeä urheilusta vilppi pois. Aiemmassa kirjallisuudessa voidaan erottaa selvästi kaksi eri tutkimus-suuntaa. Osa tutkimuksista keskittyy yksittäisten urheilijoiden kannustimeen käyttää dopingia. Osa tutkimuksista taas keskittyy siihen, kuinka antidopingorganisaatioiden toiminta ei ole uskottavaa. Kun tutkitaan dopingin määrän vähentämistä urheilussa dopingin käytön kannustimien vähentämisellä, voidaan saada seuraavia johtopäätöksiä. Yksi keino vähentää dopinginkäyttöä on lajien sääntömuutokset, jolloin urheilijat joutuvat tekniikkamuutoksiin ja täten dopingin vaikutus suoritukseen vähenee. Myös rangaistuksen koventaminen ja esimerkiksi sakkorangaistuksiin siirtyminen voisi toimia dopingin käytön kannustimen pienentämiseen. Kun dopingia ja harjoittelua katsotaan substituutteina, voidaan huomata antidopingtoiminnalla olevan myös haittapuolia, kuten harjoittelun kannustimen pieneneminen. Tämän takia myös sallittu suorituskyvyn parantaminen pitää ottaa huomioon rankaisumenetelmää mietittäessä. Jos taas dopingin käyttö ja sallittu suorituskyvyn parantaminen lasketaan komplementaarisiksi toisilleen todennäköisyysvaikutus vaikuttaa dopingin käyttöä kasvattavasti. Pohjapalkalla taas voidaan pienentää dopingin käytön kannustinta, sillä silloin voitosta saatava hyöty pienenee. Aikaisemmista tutkimuksista käy myös ilmi, kuinka sijoitusperusteinen rankaisujärestelmä toimisi dopingin ehkäisemisessä paremmin kuin tämän hetkinen järjestelmä, jossa urheilijoita rangaistaan tasavertaisesti sijoituksesta riippumatta. Antidopingorganisaatioiden uskottavuuden puutetta voidaan katsoa kahdelta kantilta; sekä kansainvälisellä antidopingorganisaatiolla että kansallisilla antidopingorganisaatioilla on omat uskottavuuden puutteensa. Kansallisen antidopingtoiminnan uskottavuuden puute liittyy siihen, kun organisaatiot ovat taloudellisesti sidoksista kansallisiin olympiakomiteoihin. Olympiakomiteat saavat helpommin rahoitusta, kun valtion urheilijat pärjäävät kilpailuissa ja tämä taas ajaa kansallista antidopingorganisaatiota höllentämään valvontaa. Tämä voidaan estää sillä, että kokonaisuudessaan antidopingtoimintaa hoitaa kansainvälinen organisaatio, sillä tällä ei ole kannustinta kohdella eri valtioiden urheilijoita eritasoisesti. Myös kansainvälisellä antidopingorganisaatiolla on oma uskottavuuden puutteensa, sillä se on taloudellisesti kytkettynä kansainväliseen olympiakomiteaan. Kiinnostus olympialaisia kohtaan romahtaisi, jos lajiensa huiput käryäisivät dopingista, eivätkä täten saisi osallistua olympiakilpailuihin. Tämän takia myös kansainvälisellä antidopingorganisaatiolla on kannustin lieventää dopingvalvontaa. Tämä voidaan estää tekemällä kansainvälisestä antidopingorganisaatiosta täysin riippumaton urheilukilpailuiden järjestäjistä. Toinen vaihtoehto on palkata antidopingtoiminnan johtajaksi henkilö, jonka inho dopingia kohtaan on pohjaton. Kolmas vaihtoehto kitkeä kansainvälisen antidopingtoiminnan luottamuspula on asettaa toiminnan johtajalle ”tulospalkkaus” tehdystä työstä.
  • Louhivuori, Valtter (2013)
    Innovations can be seen as an engine of long-term economic growth. Firms conduct research and development (R&D) activities to create new production technology, methods or products in order to rival their competitors. In addition to benefiting the inventor, new innovations have considerable positive externalities through knowledge spillovers. However, the socially optimal level of innovations may not be achieved, because firms can underinvest in R&D if they are not compensated for the positive externalities produced by their R&D activities. Public R&D programs aim to encourage innovation by compensating firms for the positive externalities that they produce. Finland’s recent public efforts on fostering innovation have been globally high by many indicators. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of these efforts has been relatively little scrutinised. This thesis studies the effectiveness of Finnish R&D program in fostering innovation outputs at the firm level. Firm-level patent statistics are used as a proxy for the innovativeness of a firm. A major contribution of this thesis is the comprehensive database that has been constructed and employed for the analysis. The database includes firm-level innovative characteristics for all the Finnish firms during a ten-year sample period, altogether covering more than two million observations for over 400 000 firms. Most of the studies on the effectiveness of the Finnish R&D program rely on the assumption that the researcher has full information on the relevant innovative characteristics that affect a firm’s program eligibility. This thesis addresses the program selectivity concern by employing an instrumental variable approach that exploits regional variation in public R&D funding stemming from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aid regulations. The estimates suggest that when the program selection bias is neglected, program participation is associated with around 10 percentage point increase in patenting probability among active patentees, whereas for all firms, the increase in patenting probability is only around 0.1 percentage points. However, the instrumental variable estimates do not confirm any significant causal effect of R&D program on patenting. This thesis highlights the importance of accounting for the selection bias induced by the R&D program selection criteria. The public R&D agency is found to select firms strongly based on the same characteristics that are highly associated with innovation within firms. Therefore, it is important to ask if some of the supported firms might have had conducted their R&D projects even in the absence of the public support. Analysing the R&D program’s selection criteria plays a major role in scrutinising the effectiveness of public R&D subsidies and in the further development of public innovation policies.
  • Meriläinen, Jaakko (2013)
    The largest party holds more than half of the seats in every third Finnish local council and, thus, is likely to govern alone. It is namely the absolute majority that makes the decisions. In this study, I investigate, if single-party and coalition governed municipalities differ in economic outcomes. Theoretical considerations often rely on so-called common pool problem. Common pool models suggest that when there is a governing coalition, all parties want to target some spending to their core constituents, while costs are shared equally across all parties. This results in higher spending than in the case that one party would be governing. However, also contradictory arguments have been proposed. It has been suggested that, for instance, strategic use of debt or role of swing voters in elections could lead to higher spending under single-party government. In this study, I show evidence from Finnish municipalities that is consistent with the idea of common pool models. Following the recent development lines in empirical political economics, I exploit close elections as a source of exogenous variation using regression discontinuity design (RDD) adjusted to proportional system. It is assumed that close elections are as good as if they were random. Estimates suggest that single-party control decreases, on average, total expenditures and revenues by around 200 euros per capita. However, it seems that the effect gets smaller year by year. It could be that re-electoral incentives affect the behavior of parties that govern councils alone. I also analyze the effect in several areas of spending and revenues. The data set that I use in this study includes data from 445 municipalities for a varying number of years between 1980–2010, which makes 13,104 observations in total. These data cover results of 3,778 elections. This study develops a simple though new way of analyzing the research question. I use seat division rules to compute the running variable for the regression discontinuity design. Moreover, most previous studies on the topic compare outcomes in different countries. In this study, the outcomes are compared within the same system, i.e. all units share the same institutional background. Last, the topic has not been studied in the Finnish context before, even though single-party control is common phenomenon and municipalities have an important role in the Finnish system.
  • Vanhala, Vili (2019)
    Thesis aims to investigate the motivations of the 2018’s planned policy in Finland, that would have allowed small companies to lay off workers easier. Policy was motivated by small companies’ having more uncertainty about employment decisions. It was assumed that when companies that were small enough could dismiss workers more easily, they would hire more employees, which would increase overall employment. At first, thesis discusses about effort and employees in a more general level using the one difference of dismissal conditions that exists in the Finnish labor market. It is found that there are differences in the employment decisions: employers do not want to hire any worker, they know that some perform better than other and there are incentives to choose a suitable worker. From these results, discussion becomes about potential moral hazard that could cause small companies to be less willing to hire additional workers. It is theoretically motivated, that easing dismissal conditions could improve employment through increased effort that can follow from the easing of dismissal conditions. However, there is not found a moral hazard problem that could only exist in small companies. Small companies may have harder to find a suitable worker for the potentially open position. Moral hazard might not be the only thing that explains this. It can also be attributed to the different characteristics of small and large firms. In addition, even if the employment could increase when dismissal conditions are eased, effects would be relatively small in the theoretical framework.
  • Kettunen, Sara (2019)
    Tämä tutkielma käsittelee suomalaisten naisten kokemuksia synnyttämisestä doulan eli synnytystukihenkilön tukemana. Suomessa synnytys tapahtuu yleensä sairaalassa kätilön avustamana. Nykyään yhä useampi synnyttäjä haluaa tuekseen myös doulan mahdollisen puolisonsa tai muun tukihenkilön lisäksi. Doulatoiminta on kasvattanut suosiotaan Suomessa erityisesti 2010-luvulla. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, mikä merkitys doulalla on synnyttäjälle ja onnistuneen synnytyskokemuksen muodostumiselle sekä tarkastella, kuinka doula vaikuttaa synnytyksen sosiaaliseen kenttään ja laajemmin suomalaiseen synnytyskulttuuriin. Tutkielma osallistuu syntymän ja lääketieteellisen antropologian keskusteluihin tiedon ja vallan kytköksistä teknologisoituneissa sairaalasynnytyksissä tarkastelemalla, kuinka doulat sijoittuvat osaksi synnytyksen sosiaalista kenttää. Lisäksi tutkielma pohtii synnytyksen eettistä ulottuvuutta tarkastelemalla doulan merkitystä synnyttäjälle Michel Foucault’n moraalifilosofian kautta. Synnyttäjän toimijuus ja sen muodostumista vahvistavat sekä rajoittavat tekijät ovat myös tutkielmassa keskeisessä osassa. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan laajemmin doulan vaikutusta suomalaiseen synnytyskulttuuriin performatiivisuuden käsitteen kautta. Tutkielman tarkoitus on laajentaa doulien antropologinen tutkimus myös Suomen kontekstiin sekä laajentaa tällä hetkellä varsin niukkaa syntymän yhteiskuntatieteellistä tutkimusta Suomessa. Tutkimus on toteutettu pääosin eteläisessä Suomessa lokakuun 2017 ja helmikuun 2018 välillä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu neljän doulan ja kolmentoista doulan tukemana synnyttäneen naisen stukturoimattomista keskustelunomaisista haastatteluista sekä havainnoinnista doulaillassa pääkaupunkiseudulla. Tämän lisäksi tutkimusta varten on seurattu sosiaalista mediaa, erilaisia nettisivuja sekä uutisointia synnytyksestä ja doulista. Tutkimus toteutettiin antropologiselle tutkimukselle ominaisen grounded theory -menetelmän avulla, joka tarkoittaa, että tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys valittiin aineiston ohjaamana. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan synnytystä etiikan linssin kautta. Tällöin doula näyttäytyy synnyttäjän itseen kohdistuvana käytäntönä, eli minäteknologiana, jonka avulla tämä pyrkii saavuttamaan aktiivisen asenteen synnytystä kohtaan raskauden ja synnytyksen aikana. Doula myös auttaa synnyttäjää saavuttamaan vahvemman toimijuuden tunteen ja parantaa näin tämän synnytyskokemusta. Toimijuus ilmenee aina yksilösubjektin suhteessa yhteiskuntarakenteeseen, joten tutkielmassa tarkastellaan myös sosiaalista todellisuutta, jossa synnytys tapahtuu. Synnytys tapahtuu useimmiten sairaalassa, ja siihen liittyy tiedon ja vallan aspekteja. Doula vaikuttaa myös tähän sosiaaliseen kenttään haastamalla biolääketieteellistä tietoa ja siitä johdettuja käytäntöjä ainoana auktoritatiivisena tietona synnytyksessä. Doula vahvistaa diskurssillaan ja toiminnallaan synnyttäjän asiantuntijuutta ja tämän kehollisen tiedon merkitystä yhtä tärkeänä tiedon tapana biolääketieteellisen tiedon rinnalla. Näin doula voi joissakin tapauksissa toimia myös resistanssin muotona. Doulat myös muokkaavat ajatuksia synnytyksestä ja synnyttäjästä. Erityisesti doulaillat toimivat areenana edistää vaihtoehtoista synnytyskulttuuria performatiivisen diskurssin kautta. Doula sijoittuu vaihtoehtoisen tai perhelähtöisen synnytysmallin ja sairaalan biolääketieteellisen synnytysmallin välimaastoon. Tämä antaa tilaisuuden toimia välittäjänä synnyttäjän toiveiden ja tarpeiden sekä sairaalamaailman välillä, mikä vaikuttaisi parantavan synnytyskokemusta. Kyseinen positio tarjoaa myös mahdollisuuden muokata suomalaista synnytyskulttuuria tuomalla vaihtoehtoista synnytysmallia sairaalan seinien sisäpuolelle. Tutkielma toteaa, että doula vaikuttaa synnytyksen sosiaaliseen kenttään ja laajemmin suomalaiseen synnytyskulttuuriin. Lisäksi se esittää, että syntymää tutkittaessa olisi syytä tarkastella myös sen eettisiä ulottuvuuksia. Tarkastelemalla synnytystä eettisenä toimintana ja doulaa synnyttäjän itseen kohdistuvana käytäntönä, eli minäteknologiana, voidaan ymmärtää paremmin sitä, miksi monet synnyttäjät kokevat doulan palkkaamisen merkityksellisenä. Tutkielma väittää, että yksi osa onnistunutta synnytyskokemusta on synnyttäjän tunne aktiivisesta toimijuudesta, ja tämän muotoutumisessa ja vahvistamisessa doulalla on keskeinen rooli.
  • Mitikka, Eemil (2019)
    Trust is one the key concepts in analyzing the maintenance of social order and diversity in modern societies. Previous studies have reported that trust correlates, for instance, with higher economic growth, better governance, higher levels of education and subjective wellbeing. However, former Soviet countries face particular problems in developing the habits of trust. These observations of trust call for a more comprehensive and in-depth areal understanding of the concept. The present thesis examines the dynamics of political trust in contemporary Russia, and draws inspiration from W. Mishler and R. Rose’s (2001, 2005) studies of political trust. Mishler and Rose (2001) studied the origins of political trust in post-Communist Eastern European countries in the late 1990s. Their main finding was that while socio-demographic factors explain poorly the variance of political trust in post-Soviet sphere, the individual perceptions of political and economic performance of the institutions correlate significantly with it. Thus, they advance that political trust is a rational response to institutional performance in those countries. In this regard, political trust in Eastern European countries seems to adhere to conditions of the Russian proverb “doverjaj, no proverjaj” (“trust but verify”). This thesis aims to examine how relevant the aforementioned argument is in the context of contemporary Russia. This examination is done by conducting a kind of replicate analysis of Mishler and Rose’s model. Moreover, a critical evaluation of the results of thesis’ model is given by applying recent insights from Russian studies. The data for the thesis’ model are drawn from the third round of the Life in Transition survey (LiTS III). Analyses were performed using principal component factor analysis and ordinary least squares linear regression models. In general, the results of the thesis’s model are consistent with those of Mishler and Rose (2001): the subjective perceptions of political and economic performance of Russian institutions were the most significant domains associated with political trust in modern Russia, whereas socio-demographic factors had only a minuscule effect in shaping it. However, the hypothesis about political trust as a rational response to political and economic performance contradicts with the recent data and research on Russian economy and politics: economy has stagnated or even fallen in Russia during recent years, and, at the same time, Russian domestic policy has become increasingly repressive. These observations suggest that political trust might be a reflection of something else than mere rational response to institutional performance in Russia. On the other hand, the fluctuation of the Russian political trust implies that it presents evaluative attitudes toward institutions, but in the light of the evidence of this thesis, the level of rationality of these evaluative attitudes remains unclear and questionable.
  • Laitakari, Nina (2016)
    Downshiftaaminen nousi Suomessa vilkkaan yhteiskunnallisen keskustelun kohteeksi 2010-luvun taitteessa. Puheenvuorot ovat jakaantuneet yhtäältä downshiftaamista vahvasti kannattaviin ja toisaalta vastustaviin kannanottoihin. Suhteessa downshiftaamisen medianäkyvyyteen on ilmiöstä tehty vain vähän tutkimusta niin kansainvälisesti kuin erityisesti Suomessa. Valtaosa tutkimusta on tehty realistisesta viitekehyksestä. Realistisen orientaation jaettuna teoreettisena lähtökohta on kaksoishyötyoletus, jonka mukaan downshiftaaminen palvelee sekä downshiftaajaa itseään parempana elämänlaatuna että ympäristöä vähentyneenä ympäristörasituksena. Realistit ovat tutkineet ilmiön yleisyyttä, demografisia määreitä, elämänmuutoksen toteutustapoja ja tyytyväisyyttä siihen sekä downshiftaajien motiiveja. Aiemmat konstruktionistiset tutkimukset ovat lähestyneet downshiftaamista kielessä rakentuvana kulutuskriittisyytenä eritellen downshiftaajan identiteetin rakentamisen vaiheita ja soveltaen Foucault’n teorioita. Tässä tutkielmassa downshiftaaminen ymmärretään sosiaalisen konstruktionismin mukaan kielessä rakentuvana kategoriana, jolloin realistinen käsitys downshiftaamisesta objektiivisena ja mitattavana ilmiönä näyttäytyy riittämättömänä. Diskurssianalyyttisia menetelmällisiä keinoja käyttämällä analysoidaan yhdeksän downshiftaajan omasta elämänmuutoksestaan kertovia blogikirjoituksia. Analyyttinen lähestymistapa edustaa diskursiivista psykologiaa. Downshiftaajat nähdään diskurssin käyttäjinä, jotka aktiivisesti tuottavat downshiftaamisen konstruktiota teksteissään. Blogikirjoituksia lähestytään selontekoina, jotka ovat sekä osa sosiaalista todellisuutta että tuottavat sitä tietynlaisena. Analyysissa paikannetaan selonteoista tulkintarepertuaareja eli yhtenäisiä puhetapoja, jotka rakentavat downshiftaamista vaihtelevasti. Lisäksi tarkastellaan eri tulkintarepertuaareissa downshiftaajalle määrittyviä subjektipositioita ja downshiftaamisen legitimaatiota repertuaareittain. Aineistosta paikannetaan viisi tulkintarepertuaaria, joilla bloggaajat rakentavat downshiftaamisen konstruktiota, ja joissa donshiftaajan subjektiposito ja downshiftaamisen legitimaatio näyttäytyy vaihtelevana. Ekspressiivisen individualismin repertuaarissa downshiftaaminen konstruoituu aidon itsen ilmaisuna, etsimisenä ja löytämisenä sekä autenttisuutena. Downshiftaaja asettuu itsen ilmaisijan positioon ja downshiftaamisen legitimaatio nojaa todelliseen itseen. Suorittamisrepertuaarissa downshiftaaminen rakentuu erottumisena ulkopuolelta määrittymisestä. Suorittamisesta erottujan positiosta ulkoapäin määrittyminen delegitimoidaan. Yhteiskuntakriittinen repertuaari rakentaa downshiftaamista ympäröivän yhteiskunnan arvosteluna. Tiedostajan positiosta downshiftaaminen legitimoituu moraalilla. Realistisessa repertuaarissa downshiftaaminen konstruoituu arkielämän realiteettioletuksiin pohjaavana järkivalintana. Downshiftaajan positiona on harkitsija ja downshiftaamisen legitimaatioperustana rationaalisuus. Tiede- ja asiantuntijuusrepertuaarissa downshiftaaminen rakentuu asiantuntijatiedon kautta. Asiantuntijuuteen nojaajan positiosta downshiftaaminen legitimoituu eksperttitiedon kautta. Analyysin perusteella downshiftaaminen näyttäytyy monimerkityksisenä kielellisenä ilmiönä. Tutkimuksessa havaitut tulkintarepertuaarit nähdään downshiftaajien resursseina, joilla aiemmissa tutkimuksissa eritellyn identiteetin konstruointitarinan kertominen on mahdollista. Tulkintarepertuaarien mukaisia merkityksenantoja tunnistetaan myös muusta aiemmasta tutkimuksesta. Havainto asiantuntijuuden keskeisyydestä downshiftaamisen rakentamisessa on uusi. Tutkimustuloksilla nähdään käytännön hyödynnettävyyttä downshiftaajien toimijuuden edistäjinä sekä myös työnantajien, markkinoijien ja poliitikkojen ymmärryksen lisääjinä ilmiöstä.
  • Schneider, Selina (2017)
    This thesis examines female 2nd generation Somali immigrants’ life challenges experienced in Finland and Switzerland. More precisely, the present study is based on a combination of narrative and semi-structured interviews which provide phenomenological insights in the young Somali women’s own understanding of the difficulties they witness and their personal responses to identified challenges. Against the background of raising Islamophobic atmosphere in the West, the study lays special importance on challenges which arise for the Somali women based on their Islamic belief. By focusing on the women’s interpretation of Islam and their Islamic everyday practices in Switzerland and Finland the project examines in reference to the theoretical framework of everyday Islam outlined by Schielke and Debevec (2012), Dahlgren and Schielke (2013) and Marsden and Restikas (2013) how the Somali women evaluate the impact of their belief on challenges they face. Additionally, the project contributes to the limited literature on 2nd generations’ transnational practices. Hence, it answers the question of what role possible connections to and their feelings towards their heritage play in the Somali women’s lives. Finally, the thesis provides insights in differences between experiences of young Somali women in Switzerland and Finland. The thesis argues that the young Somali women’s experienced challenges can be best understood and explained by the application of the anthropological concept of belonging as for instance described by Pfaff-Czarnecka (2011), Tošic (2012), Rogozen-Soltar (2012) and Gammeltoft (2014). More precisely, the study illustrates how the unique position of 2nd generation Somali immigrant women in-between the three very different groups of “Swiss/Finns”, “Somalis” and “Muslims” asks them to find a balance between often conflicting value systems and how these negotiations lead at times to tensions, uncertainties and ambiguities in their lives. Further, the present project suggests that Islam is not the only way the participants explain hardships they face. Moreover, by applying the theoretical framework of social fields, transnational ways of being and transnational ways of belonging (Levitt & Glick Schiller 2004) the thesis found that the young Somali women are actively involved in transnationalism even though their transnational approaches differ from the ones of their parents. Hence, especially the wish to get to know more about their roots, the pride they displayed to be Somali, and the need they feel to help other Somalis in future illustrates the Somali women’s active way of belonging. Finally, the project implies that Swiss Somalis feel stronger impeded by the Swiss state structure and experience more often mistreatment based on the veil than Finnish Somalis. Moreover, individual understandings of piety and religiosity differ between participants in Switzerland and Finland. The thesis concludes that further research would be highly valuable in order to explain these differences.
  • Scharf, Katri (2022)
    Tiedekunta: Valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta Koulutusohjelma: Sosiaalitieteiden koulutusohjelma Opintosuunta: Sosiaalityö Tekijä: Katri Scharf Työn nimi: ”Dramaattista on, että uhrit ovat Suomessa näin nuoria” - Diskurssianalyysi Helsingin Sanomissa julkaistuista kirjoituksista nuorten päihteiden käytöstä Työn laji: Maisterintutkielma Kuukausi ja vuosi: maaliskuu 2022 Sivumäärä: 54 + liitteet Avainsanat: nuoret, päihteet, media, diskurssianalyysi Ohjaaja tai ohjaajat: Heidi Muurinen Säilytyspaikka: Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto Tiivistelmä: Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia diskursseja media tuottaa nuorten päihteiden käytöstä ja nuorista päihteiden käyttäjistä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu kahdestakymmenestä Helsingin Sanomissa vuosina 2020 – 2021 julkaistusta lehtikirjoituksesta. Aineisto on kerätty systemaattisesti Helsingin Sanomien sähköisestä arkistosta ja siihen on sisällytetty kaikki nuorten päihteiden käyttöä koskevat lehtikirjoitukset, joiden kirjoittaja on toimittaja tai asiantuntijataho. Aineistoista on rajattu pois maallikoiden mielipidekirjoitukset, koska tutkimuksen tarkoitus on tarkastella asiantuntijoiden tuottamaa keskustelua. Vaikka toimittajat eivät ole päihdeongelman asiantuntijoita, on heillä ammatillisen etiikan puolesta velvoite perustaa kirjoituksensa luotettaviin lähteisiin niin haasteltujen, kuin tilastojenkin osalta. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat: 1) Millaisia diskursseja Helsingin Sanomien nuorten päihteiden käyttöä käsittelevissä lehtikirjoituksissa esiintyy? 2) Minkälaisen kuvan media luo nuorista päihteidenkäyttäjistä? Aineisto on analysoitu diskurssianalyysin keinon, jonka keskeinen ajatus on, että kielen käytöllä rakennetaan sosiaalista todellisuutta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena taustana esitellään nuoruuden tutkimusta sekä nuorten päihteiden käytön ajankohtaista tilannetta tutkimuksen ja tilastotietojen valossa. Nuorten päihteiden käyttöä koskeva tutkimus luo kontekstin aineiston lehtikirjoituksille. Aineistosta oli jäsennettävissä neljä eri diskurssia. Nämä diskurssit ovat muutokset diskurssi, vastuun diskurssi, toimenpiteiden diskurssi ja haittadiskurssi. Toimenpiteiden diskurssi on jaettu kahteen alakategoriaan, jotka ovat lisääntyneen käytön diskurssi ja polarisoitumisen diskurssi. Myös vastuun diskurssissa on kaksi alakategoriaa, jotka on nimetty vanhempien vastuun diskurssiksi ja yhteiskunnan vastuun diskurssiksi. Muutoksen diskurssissa päihteiden käytön kuvattiin lisääntyneen, mutta myös kasautuneen tietylle osalle nuoria. Vastuun diskurssissa vastuun nähtiin olevan ensisijaisesti yhteiskunnalla, mutta myös vanhempien läsnäoloa nuoren elämässä pidettiin tärkeänä. Toimenpiteiden diskurssi näki yhteiskunnan olevan avainasemassa toimenpiteiden toteuttajana. Itse toimenpiteet liittyivät paremmin saatavilla olevaan päihdehoitoon ja ennaltaehkäisevään päihdetyöhön. Haittadiskurssi lähestyi nuorten päihteiden käyttöä sen aiheuttamien terveydellisten ja yhteiskunnallisten haittojen näkökulmasta. Diskurssit olivat osittain päällekkäisiä. Esimerkiksi muutoksen diskurssista löytyi haittadiskurssin kanssa päällekkäisyyttä, kun päihteiden käytön lisääntymistä kuvattiin lisääntyneitten haittojen näkökulmasta. Myös toimenpiteiden diskurssi ja vastuun diskurssi kietoutuivat toisiinsa ja yhteiskunnalla nähtiin vastuun lisäksi olevan velvollisuus ryhtyä toimenpiteisiin. Aineiston analyysin perusteella nuoret olivat lehtikirjoituksissa melko passiivisessa roolissa. Nuorilta ei odotettu toimenpiteitä eikä heille suoraan osoitettu vastuuta tilanteesta. Nuorten taustoja avattiin aineistossa pinnallisesti, mutta nuoret jäivät kirjoituksissa melko etäisiksi. Tutkielman tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että nuorten päihteiden käytön ajatellaan olevan kasvava yhteiskunnallinen ongelma ja yhteiskunnalta toivotaan ratkaisuksi parempia hoidollisia resursseja. Nuoria ja heidän vanhempiaan ei nähdä ongelman syyllisenä eikä heidän odoteta ratkaisevan sitä yksin.
  • Holm, Emmi (2014)
    This is a study of the Nigerian video-film industry called Nollywood. The twenty-year-old film industry is estimated to be the second largest film industry in the world in terms of production. Nollywood productions are based on shooting with video cameras, quick releases, small budgets and informal distribution networks. The contents of Nollywood films are mostly a mixture of 'from rags to riches'-kind of stories, occultism and melodrama. Through the study of film production I approached my other subject-matters: modernity, globality, popular culture and the different standards of living in Lagos. The data was gathered in Lagos, the natal home of Nollywood, during a three-month fieldwork. The methods used in the field were participant observation, interviews and free-flowing discussions. The data consists of field notes, diaries, photographs, films and daily blog/gossip writings in the Nigerian media. The main informants were film practitioners in various fields of film production and distribution, and a group of young and wealthy Lagosians to whom I refer with the term 'friends' throughout the study. The main topic for my research is film production in the Lagosian context. However, the film production is very much related to the broader cultural and societal way of being in Nigeria: the anxieties and the aspirations of the Nigerian people are mediated in Nollywood films. Nollywood is a product of the global and the local. In this case ‘global’ means the technicalities of filmmaking and the global ‘messages’, a stream of global information, of the globalized world. Nollywood is an apt example of a local media’s wellbeing in the globalized world of today. Nollywood also functions as a mediative power in the Nigerian society. On the one hand Nollywood makes the global more intelligible locally and on the other hand it reflects and represents the local cultural and societal entities. The film industry and the surrounding Nigerian society are not separate entities. It is important to study cultural producers in order to understand how the media takes part in constituting a society. Similar to its surrounding society, Nollywood is going through a fundamental change. Nigeria is on the road of becoming Africa’s biggest economy while Nollywood is promoting itself in the global film scene: filmmakers now look to better quality films and cinema distribution. The storylines of Nollywood remodel the collective sphere of Nigerian aspirations and hope: the films and the real-life stories of the celebrities show Nigerians a possibility of improving one’s life. Nollywood tries to make sense of what it means to be Nigerian today by intertwining traditional and modern, global and local forces together, creating its own style of storytelling and a way of being in the global world.
  • Björklund, Jenna (2018)
    There has been a lot of discussion on the downsides of cash during the 2010’s, while the new payment innovations during this same decade have provoked speculation that cash use will decrease considerably, potentially even disappear, in the upcoming years. However, cash is still used quite extensively, and to my knowledge, no systematic review on drivers of cash use has been made to date. The purpose of this thesis is to fill this gap by providing literature reviews both on the theory explaining cash use and the empirical evidence on the drivers of cash use. Additionally, Finland will be used as an illustration to study the relevance of the existing theories and empirical evidence in an environment where practically no barriers on switching completely from cash use to card use exist. The theoretical models explaining the choice between cash and cards at points of sale are built on assumptions that the pecuniary and/or non-pecuniary costs of cash and cards use differ. Particularly, cards are assumed to be more expensive than cash in some regard, which explains the cash choice. Behaviour wise, cash use is associated with lower transaction value, lower income, higher amounts of cash in the wallet and using cash to monitor liquidity. In empirical literature, factors that affect the payment instrument choice at point of sale are traditionally divided into four categories: payment instrument attributes, transaction specific characteristics, demographic factors and habit. Three out of the four theoretical models presented in this thesis seem relevant in explaining cash use in the view of the empirical evidence, although alternative explanations for the observed behaviour can also be found. Also, several other drivers of cash use are identified. Additionally, as making payments is a very frequent action, it is suggested that habit might have a bigger role in the payment instrument choice than is traditionally assumed, with several of the drivers being potentially a manifestation of habitual behaviour. A considerable limitation of the existing literature is that it focuses solely on explaining and analysing cash use for transaction purposes at points of sale. However, cash is also used for person-to-person transactions and as a store of value, and the reasons for cash use probably differ a lot in these other two use cases. Due to well-developed infrastructure, and cheap and fast card payments, many of the drivers of cash use identified by theoretical models and empirical evidence cannot explain cash use in Finland. In 2016 Finnish people used cash to pay small transactions, to control spending, because they perceived it to be easy to use, when they obtained it from another person or out of habit. Due to the quickly growing popularity of contactless card payments and the mobile phone applications for making easy person-to-person transactions, it is likely, that in future cash will decrease remarkably and it is mainly driven by the need to control spending, difficulty in using electronic payment instruments and habit.
  • David, Leticia Screta (2014)
    This thesis studies the consumers’ willingness to pay for renewable electricity. Green electricity consumption induced by improved information on electricity sources appears as an additional alternative to renewable energy support policies in practice today. It is believed that a shift of the demand towards green sources can stimulate renewable generation and have a positive impact on the environment. However, this voluntary initiative will only work if it is perceived worth paying a premium for green electricity. This work aims to examine the drivers of consumers’ behaviour towards green electricity and to develop economic models that embrace these findings. The analysis also elucidates how the demand for renewable electricity is affected by market prices and by consumers’ income and how information and advertising campaigns can stimulate the behaviour towards green electricity so that the voluntary demand system can fully achieve its goals.
  • Kuitunen, Satu (2022)
    Conflict-related violence and fragility are among the core development challenges of our time. Over the past decades, most armed conflicts have comprised one or more non-state actors, and conflicts commonly arise among domestic actors. These non-state actors cannot resort to conscript armies and thus need to motivate citizens to join their ranks. Due to this, addressing individual participation motivations is an integral part of the study of conflict. Armed conflict participation is puzzling because it comes with significant risks. In contrast, the possible benefits of conflict outcomes are often public and non-excludable goods, making conflict participation subject to a free rider problem. This thesis provides a narrative literature review of individual participation motivations in the presence of the free rider problem. The focus is on situations where individuals are not conscripts, and the armed groups cannot mobilise an existing reserve of combatants. The existing economic literature has addressed individual-level conflict participation motivations relatively little. This thesis assesses different motivational factors’ ability to solve the free rider problem and seeks to inspire future research. Both theoretical and empirical literature is covered. This thesis addresses three motivational factors: (1) material incentives and the opportunity cost of participation; (2) grievances and socio-emotional incentives; and (3) negative incentives, particularly forced participation and the cost of non-action. This thesis does not seek to determine which motivation provides the best explanation. Instead, the logic behind each motivational factor is illustrated, and their ability to solve the free rider problem is critically evaluated. This thesis concludes that each motivational factor can help solve the free rider problem, but relying on a single motivation is often insufficient. This thesis recommends that economists look beyond material incentives and account for various motivations. Complementing material incentives with socio-emotional and negative incentives, in particular, gives a fuller picture of why individuals are willing to participate and risk their lives in conflict activities. However, further empirical research is needed to identify and test the abovementioned motivations.
  • Svenfelt, Heidi (2021)
    Den ökade droganvändningen som varit påtaglig i Finland sedan 1990-talet har beskrivits som ett ”ungdomsfenomen” och lett till diskussioner gällande en eventuellt pågående normalisering av droganvändning bland unga finländare. Även i staden Jakobstad har normaliseringsfrågan varit aktuell i och med det fokus som riktades mot ungdomsbrottsligheten i staden år 2016. Trots att studier som tangerar aspekter av normalisering av droganvändning i Finland tidigare publicerats, har endast ett fåtal anlagt ett holistiskt perspektiv på eventuella normaliseringstendenser och även färre har genomförts med ungdomar som målgrupp. I och med vikten av att anpassa drogförebyggande interventioner till aktuella användningsmönster och attityder ter sig en studie med fokus på eventuella indikationer på en normalisering av droganvändning bland unga relevant. I avhandlingen granskas droganvändning bland niondeklassare i Jakobstad ur ett normaliseringsperspektiv. Niondeklassarnas användningsmönster, kunskaper samt attityder kartläggs och analyseras med Parker et al:s (1998, 2002) normaliseringstes som teoretisk referensram. Studiens syfte var således att ge övergripande bild av den rådande situationen vad gäller ungdomars droganvändning, kännedom och attityder samt reflektera över vad detta kan betyda för det drogförebyggande arbetet. Studien, som utfördes som en elektronisk enkätundersökning, besvarades av 176 svensk- och finskspråkiga niondeklassare i Jakobstad. Ur studiens resultat framkom tämligen få tecken på ett normaliserat förhållningssätt bland ungdomarna gentemot droganvändning. Majoriteten av niondeklassarna hade aldrig använt droger och uppvisade lite intresse för framtida experimentering. Största delen av deltagarna rapporterade även relativt negativa attityder gentemot droger. Vänners droganvändning stod i förhållande till elevernas nyfikenhet och attityder (droganvändning bland vänner var i samband med en ökad nyfikenhet och positivare attityder gentemot droger) och denna faktors betydelse för det drogförebyggande arbetet diskuteras. Samtidigt visar studien på att en del ungdomar verkar ha ett tolerant förhållningssätt gentemot cannabis (och även till lugnande, sömn- och smärtlindrande mediciner) och dessa resultats implikationer för det drogförebyggande arbetet lyfts fram.
  • Laivo, Soila Pauliina (2018)
    This thesis answers to a question “Why adolescent girls drop out of school in Northern Uganda?” In Uganda, approximately 70% of the children drop out of public school before 7th grade, the final year of primary school. In northern Uganda, girls drop out of school in more significant numbers than boys, and it happens around the age when girls reach puberty. Northern Uganda is also a particular location because it is recovering from long conflict, affecting strongly the whole population living in the area. The thesis is based on two-month ethnographic fieldwork in northern Uganda during the spring of 2015. To answer the main research question this study seeks to analyse it through taking a look how the school, the community and the girls themselves experience and talk about dropping out, education and growing up in the current post-conflict state of the social life. The thesis argues that the dropout rate is linked to the adolescence as life-stage of becoming an adult that is making the girls to make decisions about the future. The analysis is done through three different perspectives – the educational, societal and personal narratives of the youth. The first perspective is the education and schooling in northern Uganda. It explores the concept of ’educated person’ by Levinson and Holland through sexual education and gender in education. The study shows that Ugandan public primary and secondary education is deriving its ideas and understanding of educated person from the national curriculum, which often conflict with the local concepts of the educated person in the Acholi community, influencing the blamed and real reasons for dropping out. The second perspective looks into the community and the societal pressures the girls are facing when growing up. It will describe family, kinship, marriage and gender in post-conflict context and show how in these areas of life, the past conflict, “loss of culture”, generational conflicts and subsequent disobedience are presented as reasons behind the challenges to stay in school. The third perspective tells the stories of the girls met and talked to during the ethnographic fieldwork in Northern Uganda. It answers the question “What is happening in the life of a girl when she drops out of school?”. It is argued that the girls take actions of a gendered agency to further their lives and become adults. Thus, dropping out of school cannot just be explained as a simple event just suddenly happening without their own will. It will further answer the question “What makes some girls stay in school?” to show how those girls still in school manage the crosscurrents of growing up in Acholiland. The thesis argues that the girls in northern Uganda are active appropriators and social agents who through their own actions contest, struggle and penetrate the structures in their society while also at the same time reproduce them. In Northern Uganda, both the community and the state together with different international agencies will have plans and expectations for the girls’ future. The study shows how the girls navigate the school, community and peer expectations and sociocultural and economic structures to stay or finally drop out of school. These structures are state organised and aid-infused formal schooling and society in amidst of post-conflict recovery which creates a framework where the girls are acting. The school presents the modern and globally orientated educated person, and in contrast to it, the community is looking for to restore ‘traditional’ way of life. It is argued that these two sides are often in conflict and in the middle of this conflict the girls act and solve their way out of it, looking for adulthood and gaining respectable status in the society. The schools, the community and even sometimes the development actors see the girls as passively following the things they will encounter. The thesis will show that they are not. The girls either stay in school or drop out of it, but more often as a consequence of their own decisions and actions than passively because the school or the community could not support them. It is demonstrated that dropping out of school looks more of line a tactic for the future as a respectable grown-up than mere problem to be solved.
  • Fagerström, Stefan (2023)
    This thesis deals with how meaningful landscapes are created through experiences in everyday life. As European governments seek to implement the European Landscape Convention into policy, landscapes and their relationships with its inhabitants must be understood on a more fundamental level. In addition to understanding how meaningful landscapes are created, this thesis also sheds light on the relationships between landscapes and social and societal change. Landscape here is then more than a simple scenery or representation; it is temporal and dynamic and the context of our dwelling. Two related but different landscapes in the Southwest Finland archipelago are studied through the application of the phenomenological approach. The first centres around the former ironworks town of Dalsbruk, including the surrounding region of Dragsfjärd. The second centres around Hitis village in the Hitis archipelago. Special attention is also given to the Purunpää nature conservation area in Dragsfjärd as it relates to changing attitudes regarding the landscape. Material collected during two months of fieldwork includes interviews with 11 people, informal discussions, first-person observations, and archival materials in the form of historical photographs and factory magazines from Dalsbruk provided by the town’s ironworks museum. By combining the dwelling perspective at the core of the phenomenological approach to landscapes with a historical, political and environmental context in the form of an environmental history of the region, the process of the landscape’s becoming is revealed and the various meanings that it holds for people are illuminated. Not only has the landscape had an enormous effect on where settlements have been founded, it has also shaped the livelihoods of its inhabitants. At the same time generation after another has left their mark on the landscape, shaping the way people today relate to it. This study covers how the physical landscape embodies the social hierarchies of previous generations as a materialisation of their dwelling. It deals with how stories and place names make landscapes and places meaningful for the local population by evoking a shared history and identity of a place. Additionally, subjective memories and experiences affect how people perceive the landscape and how different people find it to be meaningful. This has an impact on how both the past and future of a place or landscape is imagined, leading to the conclusion that they are always contested. Landscapes in the Archipelago Sea region are revealed to be filled with values and meanings far beyond the aesthetic.
  • Fornaro, Paolo (2011)
    In recent years, thanks to developments in information technology, large-dimensional datasets have been increasingly available. Researchers now have access to thousands of economic series and the information contained in them can be used to create accurate forecasts and to test economic theories. To exploit this large amount of information, researchers and policymakers need an appropriate econometric model.Usual time series models, vector autoregression for example, cannot incorporate more than a few variables. There are two ways to solve this problem: use variable selection procedures or gather the information contained in the series to create an index model. This thesis focuses on one of the most widespread index model, the dynamic factor model (the theory behind this model, based on previous literature, is the core of the first part of this study), and its use in forecasting Finnish macroeconomic indicators (which is the focus of the second part of the thesis). In particular, I forecast economic activity indicators (e.g. GDP) and price indicators (e.g. consumer price index), from 3 large Finnish datasets. The first dataset contains a large series of aggregated data obtained from the Statistics Finland database. The second dataset is composed by economic indicators from Bank of Finland. The last dataset is formed by disaggregated data from Statistic Finland, which I call micro dataset. The forecasts are computed following a two steps procedure: in the first step I estimate a set of common factors from the original dataset. The second step consists in formulating forecasting equations including the factors extracted previously. The predictions are evaluated using relative mean squared forecast error, where the benchmark model is a univariate autoregressive model. The results are dataset-dependent. The forecasts based on factor models are very accurate for the first dataset (the Statistics Finland one), while they are considerably worse for the Bank of Finland dataset. The forecasts derived from the micro dataset are still good, but less accurate than the ones obtained in the first case. This work leads to multiple research developments. The results here obtained can be replicated for longer datasets. The non-aggregated data can be represented in an even more disaggregated form (firm level). Finally, the use of the micro data, one of the major contributions of this thesis, can be useful in the imputation of missing values and the creation of flash estimates of macroeconomic indicator (nowcasting).
  • Antipina, Dina (2013)
    The subject of our research is the behavior of the economy in response to monetary and technology shocks. To understand these issues we use a Dynamic Money-in-the-Utility-Function framework. We implement a non-separable property of the utility function that implies non-neutrality of real money balances. We construct a toy theoretic model with two representative agents who maximize their functions subject to constraints. We analytically solve the model using a method of log-linearization around the steady state and obtain the system of linear equations. We analyze the response of economic equilibrium with respect to implemented shocks using a method of undetermined coefficients and solve a system of linear difference expectation equations. In addition to analytical solution we also present Impulse Response Functions of the model. We compute the impacts of monetary and technology shocks on the model and find that in case of a positive monetary shock expected inflation effect dominates the liquidity effect, while in case of a positive productivity shock income effect dominates substitution effect. The findings regarding the impact of a technology shock contradict the theory of real business cycles that predicts the domination of substitution effect over the income effect
  • Tolonen, Topias (2020)
    We consider a so-called principal-agent problem, where our aim is to construct an optimal contract that maximises utilities for the contractor, the principal, and for the effort-exerting party, the agent. In our setting, the time-horizon of the contract is infinite, and the agent receives a continuously paid compensation for exerting effort. Our main goal is to establish a problem introduced in Sannikov (2008) and characterise an optimal contract by restricting the menu of feasible contracts, an approach inspired by Cvitanic et. al. (2018) We begin with an extensive literature review, where we review the continuous-time principal-agent problems and further motivate the scope of this thesis. We start from the notable article Holmström et. al. (1987), and we progress towards the works Williams (2008), Sannikov (2008) and Cvitanic et. al. (2018) Following the review, we construct the problem and lay the mathematical foundations for it. We focus on a new benchmark setting, adapted from Sannikov (2008) and Cvitanic et. al. (2018). We first define the so-called controlled state equation, and construct the canonical probability space. Then, we introduce then impose few assumptions regarding the core concepts, and identify the problems of the agent and the principal and characterise their objective functions. After characterising the problem, we characterise the optimal contract and show that the optimal contract maximises the principal's profit. We characterise the difference function of Sannikov (2008) to the agent's optimisation problem, and then follow Cvitanic et. al. (2018) on the reduction of the problem. The reduction is done by restricting the possible menu of contracts and thus reduce the non-standard problem to a dynamic programming problem. We introduce the corresponding Hamiltonian functionals, together with the value functions to the both principal and the agent. Furthermore, we introduce a family restricted processes, which we show to characterise the optimal contract. We finish with showing that the optimal contract exists even with the notion of retirement. Having completed the main technical contribution, that is, having solved for the optimal contract, we briefly discuss the results and their implications against previous literature. Additionally, we discuss the possible extensions to our research.
  • Mielikäinen, Lasse (2016)
    Dynamic scoring is an approach, which strives to take into account the effects that public policy changes and changes in the law have on the macroeconomic variables. Scoring is an estimate of the effects the policy change is expected to bring. Compared to the traditional approach, dynamic scoring offers more information of the effects, but does this with increased uncertainty. In their paper “Dynamic scoring: A back-of-the-envelope guide” (2006) N. Gregory Mankiw and Matthew Weinzierl use neoclassical growth model, or Ramsey growth model, to examine how large a part of capital and labor income tax cuts pay for themselves by inducing higher economic growth, i.e. the size of the dynamic feedback effect. Their focus is on the changes of tax revenue. They use first a basic model with Cobb-Douglas production and inelastic labor supply, then relax those assumptions for a more general Ramsey model and then in turn include parameters allowing for finite horizon households, imperfect competition, and externalities to capital investment. Depending on the model used, the dynamic feedback effect varies from model to model, for a capital tax cut from 50 to 74 percent and for a labor income tax cut from zero (with inelastic labor supply) to 21 percent. This thesis extends the Mankiw–Weinzierl model by including a tax on consumption to examine how this affects the dynamic feedback effect. In all the models, there is an increase in the dynamic feedback effect: depending on the model used, it varies for a capital tax cut from 60 to 87 percent and for a labor income tax cut from zero (with inelastic labor supply) to 25 percent. The values of some of the key parameters, namely the constant-consumption elasticity of labor supply and the elasticity of substitution between capital and labor, and the tax rates are revised as well. This further increases the dynamic feedback effect all along the line, in some cases even suggesting a capital tax cut to more than compensate the static revenue loss. Including a tax on consumption into the models increases the dynamic feedback effect, working into the same direction as rising the initial rates of capital and labor income taxes. Using alternative tax rates and values of the key parameters also has a significant impact on the size of the dynamic feedback effect.