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Browsing by Subject "gränser"

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  • Nyberg, Tara (2024)
    Denna magisteravhandling granskar mediediskurser om solidaritet under den så kallade "flyktingkrisen" 2015–16. Solidaritet utforskas teoretiskt från flera perspektiv och diskuteras sedan som diskurser om flyktingmottagande. Studien intresserar sig för hurudana diskurser om solidaritet som uppkommer samt vad dessa diskurser berättar om den omgivande kulturen. En motsvarande diskursanalys har inte utförts i Norden, även om liknande studier går att finna i andra delar av Europa. Materialet som analyseras består av medietexter från stora dagstidningar i Sverige och Finland. Analysen förlitar sig på en teoridel som diskuterar solidaritet från makro- och mikroperspektiv. Teorin grundar sig även på ett kritiskt perspektiv som ämnar att lyfta fram maktstrukturer. Makroperspektivet består av en diskussion om solidaritet inom EU och den nordiska välfärdsstaten. Mikroperspektivet lyfter fram hur vissa migranter blir stämplade som mer "förtjänta" än andra, samt hur emotionell humanism kan fungera som hinder för strukturella förändringar. Teoridelen belyser hur flyktingmottagande och solidaritet konstrueras genom varierande syner på sociala band. Analysen lyfter fram hur asylsökande ofta konstrueras som passiva mottagare av hjälp, och granskar samtidigt hur medierna bidrar till diskursen om en "europeisk flyktingkris". Resultaten visar att det går att urskilja tre olika diskurser om solidaritet i finska och svenska medier under hösten 2015. Det framgår att två av dessa diskurser stöds av den kulturella hegemonin, medan den tredje kan tolkas som en utmanande diskurs. Diskurserna som urskiljs i materialet diskuteras som emotionell medmänsklighet, ekonomisk rationalism och politisk hängivenhet med en horisontell syn på relationer. Analysen visar hur en stor del av det som medierna ramar in som solidaritet även bör förstås som diskurser som stöder västerländsk individualism och nyliberal nationalism. De asylsökandes egna perspektiv faller i skymundan eftersom deras röster sällan hörs. Slutsatsen blir att solidaritet oftast konstrueras från ett perspektiv som centrerar nordbornas känslor eller nationens behov.
  • Maury, Olivia (2015)
    This master's thesis examines extra-European international students as an important part of the migrant labour force in Finland. Student migration is one of the fastest growing forms of migration today. Student migrants have principally been discussed in relation to education policy, human capital and the unwanted brain drain has been underlined. Aspects outside of the education-related have been studied less and for example wage work done by non-European students with a student visa in Finland has been ignored to a large extent. This thesis builds over the gap between the administrative migration-categories student-migrant and migrant-worker. Accordingly, the main subjects in this thesis are named student-migrant-workers. Emphasis is also put on the racist structures these migrants are confronted with at work and in everyday life as well as on their social and legal position in Finland. The analysed material consists of seven semi-structured theme interviews with migrants from five different countries in Sub-Saharan Africa who came to Finland in order to study. The analysis departs from a critical perspective on borders that underline how borders, and extensions of these, function as control mechanisms within the migration administration. Today borders no longer constitute a clear dividing line between nation-states, but are instead flexible and located at the centre of the migrants lives. The extensions of borders the analysis emanates from, is the temporary residence permit the migrants have obtained and how it influences their possibilities of forming their life in a way they would want to. Since the residence permit implies certain requirements for the migrants and restricts their social and political rights, this scope is remarkably limited. The thesis illustrates how borders, in the form of the student s residence permits, produce a precarious labour force that is easy to exploit. As will be seen, most of those holding a student s residence permit have no other choice than wage working in order to avoid deportation. Because of the strict limitations, these migrants are produced as flexible workers that quickly can react to the demand on the labour market. The analysis also shows that boundaries are created on the basis of race , ethnicity and language and also influence the position on the labour market as well as the experiences of everyday life. The analysis is situated in a context of migration in contemporary capitalism and shows that borders produce new subjectivities that are possible to utilize in the current economic system. The temporariness the characterises the lives of the student-migrant-workers renders inclusion in society more difficult and questions in this way integration as analytical tool in contemporary migration research.