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Browsing by discipline "Mikrobiologi"

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  • Bäcklund, Kirsi (2013)
    Boreal forest soil contains large nitrogen resources. Most of the nitrogen is bound to humified material and proteins. However, plants can directly utilize only simple nitrogen compounds as ammonium, nitrate and simple amino acids. The amount of these simple nitrogen compounds is very small in forest soil. Trees form ectomycorrhizal symbiosis with a large number of fungi. Ectomycorrhizal fungi receive carbon compounds from host trees and trees receive nutrients from fungi. Some ectomycorrhizal fungi produce proteases which are enzymes that hydrolyze proteins. This symbiosis might be important in utilizing the large nitrogen resources in forest soils and supplying nitrogen to host plants. The main aim of this study was to measure if ectomycorrhizas produce proteases in the field and to find out if the mycorrhizal protease activities change during the year. The aim was also to find out if proteolytic activity is found in the soil fluid and to see if the activities in soil fluid are related to mycorrhizal activities. Mycorrhizal fungi were isolated to form pure cultures and their protease activities were measured and species were identified. As background information mycorrhizal, nonmycorrhizal and dead root tips were calculated to see how their amounts change during the year. Also different kinds of protease producing mycorrhizal morphotypes were calculated. Samples were taken in Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station in Central Finland monthly from March to October. Fifteen soil cores were collected each month. If possible, eight ectomycorrhizas were randomly picked from the pine roots in the humus layer of each soil core. Protease activities were measured from the ectomycorrhizas and from the soil solution obtained from the homogenized humus layer using Protease Fluorescent Detection Kit (PF0100-1KT, SIGMA). Detection limit of the kit was enzyme activity that is equivalent to 5 ng of trypsin control activity. Results were read from the trypsin standard curve so the protease activities of the samples are equivalent to fluorescence of certain amount of trypsin control. Pure cultures were isolated to Hagem’s agar plates and species were identified by doing PCR from the ITS gene region and sequencing. Root tip and morphotype calculations were done by using a microscope. 12 % of all ectomycorrhizal root tips produced proteases. The smallest activities couldn’t be detected because of the detection limit of the kit. Ectomycorrhizal protease production varied between 0–12 ?g/m2 of soil. Statistically non-significant protease production peaks were observed in spring and autumn. The protease activity of the soil fluid varied mainly between 0–200 ?g/m2 of soil. The highest activity was detected in the frozen soil in March, when the variation was large and an average of 800 ?g of protease was measured per m2 of soil. The protease activities in the soil fluids were not related to the protease activities of the ectomycorrhizas. 17 pure cultures were achieved. Some of them couldn’t be identified to species level. Part of the pure cultures produced proteases. Number of mycorrhizal root tips was large in spring, decreasing in early summer and increasing again towards autumn. About half of the mycorrhizal morphotypes produced proteases. The most important conclusions are that ectomycorrhizal fungi produce proteases in the field and a lot of protease activity is also found in the soil fluid. The used method is sensitive and suitable for measuring protease activities directly from mycorrhizal root tips and soil fluid. Seasonal variation in the protease activities may occur both in mycorrhizas and in soil fluid.
  • Sorokina, Dina (2015)
    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are generally recognized as safe micro-organisms and used in food preservation and as health promoting probiotics. Beside lactic acid, LAB produce several antimicrobial compounds of which especially bacteriocins provide new potential applications for food and pharmaceutical industries. Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthetized proteins or peptides with antimicrobial activity usually against closely related species. Whole genome sequencing project of lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis N8 has revealed a new bacteriocin operon which consists of a bacteriocin gene and ABC transporter genes. Similar operon has been also found in several other L.lactis strains including IL1403. Peptides expressed by these bacteriocin genes belong to lactococcin 972 protein family according to their amino acid sequences. In this master’s thesis, these novel bacteriocin genes from L. lactis N8 and IL1403 were cloned into Escherichia coli with plasmid vectors. New bacteriocins were named encacin A and B. Strong inducible promoters were chosen to achieve high bacteriocin production. Encacins were expressed in cytosolic and periplasmic spaces to compare the effect of localization on antimicrobial activity of peptides. The prevalence of encacin genes among different L. lactis strains was also studied. Four of ten E. coli recombinant strains constructed during this study were shown to produce bacteriocins. Two of them, which produced encacins into periplasmic space, also appeared to be weakly active against L. lactis MG1614 strain. Therefore it seems that localization of encacins in E. coli bacterial cell has an impact on the bioactivity of peptides. Screening of bacteriocins genes showed that over 90 % of L. lactis stains bear encacin genes, from which encacin B is the more frequent form. More precise characterization of encacin genes and peptides may help to gain new information about qualities and mode of action of these novel potential bacteriocins.
  • Galeev, Alibek (2016)
    Campylobacter species, particularly C. jejuni and C. coli, are the most common cause of human gastroenteritis worldwide. Lipooligosaccharides (LOS) are heat-stable amphiphilic glycolipids essential for viability and outer membrane stability of Gram-negative bacteria. LOS trigger the activation of both innate and adaptive immune systems. This project aimed to investigate variability of C. coli LOS expression under different growth conditions and its impact on immunogenicity. Moreover, it aims to highlight possible method-based biases in investigating LOS-host interaction. In this study the LOS of eight C. coli strains were extracted by three different methods. Despite differences in growth conditions, the electrophoretic mobility of analyzed LOS was consistent within strains. SDS-PAGE analysis and TLR4 activation assay revealed a significant overestimation of the LOS concentration in the samples by the commonly used LOS quantitation method – purpald assay. Furthermore, it was shown that standardization of lyophilized LOS samples by weight lead to an incorrect estimation of LOS concentration. In conclusion, growth conditions did not cause a visible change in the electrophoretic mobility, suggesting no significant changes in LOS expression. Crude LPS extraction was suitable for LOS profiling and immune response evaluation in HEK-TLR4 cells. LOS quantitation by weight and/or by the purpald assay may result in incorrect estimation of LOS concentration and it might significantly affect downstream immunological analyses. The results of this thesis suggest that the validity of data produced using LOS quantified with either purpald assay or weight of lyophilized material should be critically reassessed.
  • Airikkala, Ilona (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2000)
    Uusi herpesvirusten sukuun kuuluva virus aiheutti 50 % kuolleisuuteen johtaneen epidemian 1984 hollantilaisessa merinisäkäskeskuksessa. Tämän jälkeen hylkeiden herpesvirusvasta-aineita on todettu useilta Pinnipedia-heimon lajeilta ympäri maailmaa. Pohjanmerellä kuoli tuhansittain harmaahylkeitä vuoden 1988 aikana hylkeiden morbilliviruksen aiheuttamaan sairauteen. Hylkeiden herpesvirus (Phocid herpesvirus type 1, PhHV-1) eristettiin myös kuolleiden eläinten elimistä antaen aihetta epäillä herpesviruksen osuutta näin suureen kuolleisuuteen johtaneeseen taudinkuvaan. Yleisesti herpesvirusinfektioille on tyypillistä että stressi yhdessä infektion kanssa saa aikaan rajumman sairauden. Luonnoneläinten tuominen sairaalahoitoon läheiseen kontaktiin muiden eläinten kanssa on kliinistä sairautta mahdollisesti vakavoittava stressitekijä. Hylkeiden suojaaminen kliiniseltä taudilta paikoissa, joissa hylkeitä pidetään syystä tai toisesta vankeudessa on ollut lähtökohtana rokotteen kehittämiselle. Rokotetutkimuksia varten on hylkeiden herpesviruksesta eristetty immunogeenisiä glykoproteiineja. Muilla herpesviruksilla suoritetut immunogeenisyystutkimukset ovat osoittaneet glykoproteiini B:n ja D:n olevan erityisen tehokkaita humoraalisen ja soluvälitteisen immuniteetin syntymiseen. Nämä glykoproteiinit on siksi valittu komponenteiksi rokotteeseen PhHV-1:tä vastaan. Tulevaisuuden rokotteen kliinisen tehon tutkimista varten ennen rokotteen ottamista rutiinikäyttöön merinisäkäskeskuksessa on tutkittu koe-eläinmallin sopivuutta. Oma tutkimukseni alkoi glykoproteiini D:n tuottamisella soluviljelmässä tarkoituksena tuottaa riittävästi proteiinia jotta sen immunogeenisyys voitaisiin testata. Pilottitutkimuksen omaisesti oli myös tarkoitus selvittää bakulovirusmenetelmän sopivuus juuri tämän proteiinin tuottamiseen. Tuotetusta proteiinista valmistettiin iscom-rokote, jolla immunisoitiin hiiriä. Tutkimukseni eläinmalli-osassa tutkimme kahden eri mallin sopivuutta rokotteen kliinisen tehon tutkimista varten. Heterologinen kissamalli, jossa kissat rokotettiin ensin joko PhHV-1–iscom – tai FHV-iscom rokotteella ja sitten altistettiin FHV infektiolle, osoittautui paremmaksi vaihtoehdoksi kun hiirien infektoiminen PhHV-1:llä. Kissamallin avulla voidaan tutkia rokotteen antamaa suojaa kliinistä tautia vastaan. Todettiin myös että PhHV-1 iscom-rokotus vähensi viruksen erittymistä verrattuna rokottamattomaan kontrolliryhmään. Glykoproteiini D osoittautui tässä pilottitutkimuksessa riittävän immunogeeniseksi, joten tutkimusta on syytä jatkaa. Glykoproteiini B:n kohdalla hyväksi todettu bakulovirusvektorimenetelmä ei kuitenkaan sellaisenaan sovi käytettäväksi gD:n tuottamisessa, vaan sitä on optimoitava. Rokottamisen tavoitteena ei suinkaan ole pyrkimys luonnossa elävien hylkeiden rokottamiseen vaan tavoitteena on suojata orvot poikaset vakavalta taudilta niiden ensimmäisten sairaalahoitoviikkojen ajan.
  • Cairns, Johannes (2015)
    The thesis begins with an introduction to the characteristics of experimental organisms, cyanobacteria and cyanophages, and their role in the marine biogeochemical cycles and food-webs. Subsequently, the methodology of experimental evolution and models of host-parasite dynamics are presented. The aim of the experimental part is to test predictions concerning the effects of host-parasite interactions on the marine nitrogen cycle, food-webs, and host properties. Methods include batch culture growth experiments, liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, an optical density based phage resistance assay, plaque assay, and microscopy. To the author’s knowledge, this is the first controlled study that demonstrates that viral lysis of a diazotrophic cyanobacterium results in the release of cellular nitrogen to the environment in a form that fuels phytoplankton growth. However, evolution with the phage alters the effect. These observations highlight the importance of host-parasite interactions in biogeochemical cycles and food-webs. Further, a novel phage resistant host genotype with short filaments compared to other sensitive and resistant genotypes was detected, with increased growth ability but decreased buoyancy. Reduced buoyancy is proposed as a novel fitness cost of resistance. Phage-mediated evolution resulted in increased diversity in host filament length, growth ability, and buoyancy, supporting the hypothesis that parasites act as drivers of host diversity.
  • Juuti, Noora (2020)
    Usp45 is the major secreted protein in Lactococcus lactis. Protein’s 27-aa signal peptide (SPUsp45) is widely used for increased secretion and improved yields of heterologous proteins. L. lactis, previously used mainly in food production, has gained increasing popularity in gene technology and, thanks to extensive research, became a Gram-positive model organism alongside Bacillus subtilis. Despite the widespread use of its signal peptide, the biological role of Usp45 protein remains largely a mystery. The aim of this study was to test whether decreased translation of the naturally highly secreted Usp45 protein would lead to improved secretion of desired heterologous proteins. The hypothesis was that high levels of secreted Usp45 cause the Sec translocon becoming a bottleneck and by reducing this strain on the secretion route, the capacity to secrete other proteins could increase. Based on literature, usp45 is not part of the L. lactis core genome and was assumed to be non-vital. To study this, the L. lactis strain NZ9000 was transformed with the plasmid pLEB805 which contains a nisin inducible antisense-usp45 gene (ASusp45) resulting in strain LAC455. The effect of antisense-RNA mediated silencing on growth and morphology of the cells was observed as well as the changes in quantity and quality of secreted proteins in ASusp45 induced cells. The secretion of heterologous proteins was tested with bacteriocins leucocin A and C that were introduced to the cells in expression vectors. This study brought new information on the function of the usp45 gene in L. lactis. The results show that the silencing of the usp45 gene leads to retarded growth rate, multifold ingrowth of the cell wall, aggregation of the cells and the leakage of cytoplasmic proteins leading to loss of viability of the cells. These results demonstrate that Usp45 is vital for the structure of the cell wall, cell separation and normal chain formation, and it probably acts as a vital peptidoglycan hydrolase.
  • Mattila, Antti (2015)
    Antibiotic resistance is a worldwide problem and it threatens the prevention and treatment of infections caused by different pathogens. All living organisms produce natural products including ribosomal peptides with great variety. They are widely distributed in nature and they are playing more significant role in the search of new antimicrobial compounds used as therapeutical agents. Bacteria are a prolific source of peptides many of which are antimicrobial and microbial genomes are widely believed to encode new antimicrobial peptides. Genome mining has expanded the number of families of ribosomally synthesized natural products in recent years. These In silico approaches together with molecular biology and chemical analysis aim to identify novel compounds. In this study an unknown cyanobactin-like gene cluster was discovered by genome mining from genomes of cyanobacteria and also other bacteria. The aim of this work was to study the occurrence of the gene clusters in various bacterial genomes and the structures of novel peptides. The active biosynthesis of these peptides was tested by LCMS- and Q-TOF -analyses based on bioinformatic predictions. The production of the predicted peptides was also tested with stable sulphur isotope labelling. The aim was also to clone the genes needed for peptide biosynthesis into E. coli and to study antimicrobial activities of these peptides. Bioinformatic analyses suggested that the gene clusters encoded 1–8 precursor peptides together with protease. The precursor peptides had conserved leader sequence (LPxQxxPVxR) and a highly variable core sequences, often encoding an even number of cysteines. The mature peptide is eventually formed from core sequence through post-translational changes in the precursor peptide. The gene cluster was present in 38 bacterial genomes representing a diverse selection of bacterial phyla including cyanobacteria, proteobacteria, actinobacteria, bacteroidetes, firmicutes and planctomycetes. Analyses of the precursor peptide core regions suggested that the products are 8–131 amino acids in length. These peptides could be divided into two groups based on their structures: They form a selection of disulphide-bridge stabilized peptides with 2–5 disulphide-bridges as well as short cationic peptides with an ?-helical structure. Surprisingly, these types of peptides are common in eukaryotes and part of the innate immune system displaying potent antimicrobial properties but very rarely reported for bacteria. The peptides predicted from bioinformatic analysis were detected from Pseudanabaena sp. PCC 6802 using a combination of molecular biology and structural chemistry. Heterologous expression of the gene cluster from Pseudanabaena sp. PCC 6802 in E. coli confirmed that the gene cluster is active. A set of short cationic synthetic peptides with ?-helical structure predicted from Oscillatoria sp. PCC 10802, Dickeya zeae Ech1591, Vibrio nigripulchritudo SOn1, Agarivorans albus MKT 106, Roseibium sp. TrichSKD4 and Yersinia frederiksenii ATCC 33641 were shown to have potent antimicrobial activity between 0.8–100 ?g/ml. These findings prove that predicted cysteine containing peptides are produced by bacteria and some peptides from this novel family have antimicrobial activity, which might pave the way for new possible drugs derived from natural products.
  • Rutanen, Aino (2020)
    Global warming caused by the warming effect of greenhouse gases (GHGs) induces permafrost thaw, which could alter Arctic ecosystems from prominent carbon sinks to potential sources of GHG emissions when polar microorganisms become metabolically more active and have access to carbon compounds that were previously largely unavailable. Polar microbes can have significant contributions to the growing emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) and therefore, studies on their metabolism are important. The aim of my study was to investigate polar microbial community composition and diversity as well as functional potential that was related to GHG-cycling in a subarctic environment with genome-resolved metagenomics. Soil cores were collected at the Rásttigáisá fell that is located in Northern Norway. After DNA extraction, ten mineral soil samples were sequenced. Metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) were reconstructed using either the combination of human-guided binning and automatic binning or human-guided binning only. Taxonomy was assigned to the MAGs and the functional potential of the MAGs was determined. I recovered dozens of good-quality MAGs. Notably, the MAGs from the mostly unknown phyla Dormibacterota (formerly candidate phylum AD3) and Eremiobacterota (formerly candidate phylum WPS-2) were reconstructed. There were MAGs from the following bacterial phyla as well: Acidobacteriota, Actinobacteriota, Chloroflexota, Gemmatimonadota, Proteobacteria and Verrucomicrobiota. In addition to the bacterial MAGs, MAGs from the group of ammonia-oxidizing archaea were recovered. Most of the MAGs belonged to poorly studied phylogenetic groups and consequently, novel functional potential was discovered in many groups of microorganisms. The following metabolic pathways were observed: CO2 fixation via the Calvin cycle and possibly via a modified version of 3-hydroxypropionate/4-hydroxybutyrate cycle; carbon monoxide oxidation to CO2; CH4 oxidation and subsequent carbon assimilation via serine pathway; urea, ammonia and nitrite oxidation; incomplete denitrification as well as dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium. My study demonstrates how genome-resolved metagenomics provides a valuable overview of the microbial community and its functional potential.
  • Ekmark, Risto (2020)
    Soft rot diseases of potato (Solanum tuberosum) cause significant economic losses worldwide as S. tuberosum is the fourth most important food crop in the world and extensively cultivated. S. tuberosum is susceptible to diseases during storage, where the two most important soft rot causing bacterial genera Pectobacterium and Dickeya can efficiently cause rotting in humid conditions with limited oxygen concentration. The focus of this study was in two Pectobacterium isolates that exhibit orange pigmentation during their infection of S. tuberosum tubers. The genomes of the isolates were sequenced and then assembled into contigs with SPAdes genome assembler. The draft genomes were compared to reference genomes of Pectobacterium species by average nucleotide identity (ANI) and digital DNA-DNA hybridization (dDDH) methods. The isolates were determined to be of Pectobacterium versatile species by ANI score of 97.6%, analyzed by pyANI, and dDDH similarity of 78.6%, analyzed by Type (Strain) Genome Server of DSMZ-German Collection of Micro-organisms and Cell Cultures GmbH. The genomes of the isolates were annotated with the Automated Annotation Server of Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes. The characteristic features of Pectobacteria, Quorum Sensing and Bacterial Secretion Systems, were among the most numerous genes along with essential genes for metabolism and biosynthesis. To support the taxonomic analyses, pangenomic analysis was carried out with Rapid large-scale prokaryote pangenome analysis software Roary with annotation data provided by rapid prokaryotic genome annotation software PROKKA. The genomes of the isolates and reference genomes were used as an input for PROKKA. The pangenomic analysis grouped the Pectobacterium versatile reference genomes and the isolates to the same branch as expected. Comparing reference Pectobacterium versatile genomes with the isolates also showed that the Pectobacterium core genome consists only of 56% of the total number of genes in the genomes. The role of the orange pigmentation still remains unclear and requires extensive further study. However, the isolates were shown to contain genes that were homologous to a previously published gene cluster responsible for the production of an orange pigment by Pectobacterium carotovorum isolate SCRI193. It is hypothesized that the homologous genes present in the characterized isolates are responsible for the pigmentation of infected S. tuberosum tissue.
  • Afrizal (2017)
    Bacteria are dominant members of the human gut microbiota, defined as the complex communities of microorganisms in the intestine which play an important role in regulating the health of their host, including the development of colorectal cancer (CRC). CRC is the fourth leading cancer-related mortality worldwide. Animal models are very useful in CRC research, as they allow studying molecular mechanism underlying the disease. Due to closer similarity to human beings in terms of nutrition and gastrointestinal physiology, pig models are of great value in research when compared with murine models. However, our current knowledge of the pig gut microbiome is still limited and a large number of gut bacterial species are yet to be isolated and characterised. Here, we characterised bacteria isolated from the intestine of wildtype pigs and transgenic APC1311/+ siblings (APC pigs) that develop colonic adenomas. A total of 12 novel bacteria, including 1 member of a potentially novel family, were identified from 256 strains isolated using anaerobic culturing. In addition, five other bacteria with a standing name in the nomenclature but not yet included in the pig collection were added. A draft genome was generated for four of the novel bacteria and thereby the functional potential of strains and compared their similarity. In addition, the morphology, bile salt hydrolase (BSH), 7α-dehydroxylation, carbohydrate fermentation, prevalence and abundance of all strains were analysed. The draft genome analysis confirmed the novel species status of the four bacteria. Furthermore, it also revealed the presence of genes associated with BSH, antibiotic resistance, butyrate production and carbohydrate utilization. Only two of 12 tested bacteria were positive for BSH, while none of the two bacteria selected for fermentation experiments was positive for 7α-dehydroxylation. One isolate of the species Paraclostridium benzoelyticum was found to exhibit significantly higher tolerance to NaCl than the same species described in the literature. In terms of prevalence, almost all of the bacteria (16 of 17) seem to be rare in pig, even though they appeared to be more enriched in the pig intestine when compared with other host species. Interestingly, the majority of positive samples for the bacterium representing the potentially novel family originated from the intestine of elderly human individuals. Overall, we could show that a substantial number of novel bacteria can still be isolated by classical anaerobic culture techniques using multiple rich or selective media. Even though we were able to identify most of the isolated bacteria and performed several assays to describe their properties, additional phylogenetic and taxonomic tests and development of optimal media/conditions for the novel bacteria are required in order to gain a deeper understanding of the role of these bacteria in the intestinal microbial ecosystem.
  • Virtanen, Elina (2014)
    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a globally significant blood-borne agent causing liver diseases. HCV has infected over 170 million people worldwide and it has become a significant causative agent of chronic liver inflammation also in Finland. HCV is a very diverse group of viruses that is divided into genotypes 1–7 as well as subtypes. HCV infection can be treated with antiviral drugs, and the drug of choice as well as treatment success are determined by the HCV genotype that the patient is carrying. The aim of this study was to develop a new, sequencing based HCV genotyping method for the Laboratory of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUSLAB), at the Department of Virology and Immunology. The focus of the study was to establish a steady and robust genotyping method that would be suitable for the workflow in clinical diagnostics. The samples used in this study had been previously analysed in regular HCV genotyping diagnostics at HUSLAB. The genomic regions chosen for amplification with several different primer options were 5’UTR, core/E1 and NS5B. 5’UTR turned out to be the only suitable option for the diagnostic workflow. The amplification products were sequenced using Sanger method. Amplification of the whole HCV genome in several different reaction conditions for 454 deep sequencing was also attempted to obtain information about possible mixed infections and drug resistance changes in the genome. In this study, a new HCV genotyping method based on Sanger sequencing of the 5’UTR region was successfully established. The method is robust, stable and suitable for the use in clinical diagnostics. The established HCV genotyping method is the first entirely sequencing-based method in clinical viral diagnostics in Finland. The secondary aim, amplification of the whole HCV genome using a method suitable for the workflow of clinical diagnostics was not achieved. Given the demands and restrictions of the workflow of clinical diagnostics we can conclude that routine HCV genotyping with deep sequencing methods is for the present not yet possible.
  • Marttinen, Eeva (2010)
    Nitrogen is usually the growth limiting nutrient in boreal forest soils. Most of the nitrogen is bound to organic fraction, and low bioavailability of nitrogen delimits plant growth in boreal forest soils. Amino acids are easily available nitrogen compounds and thus they are important nitrogen sources for soil microorganisms. Almost all boreal forest trees form mycorrhizal assoociations with fungi. Mycorrhizal fungi produce wide variety of enzymes which break down organic nitrogen compounds. So far there is little knowledge of amino acid mineralization mechanisms of ectomycorrhizal fungi. L-amino acid oxidase (LAO) catalyses the mineralization of amino acids to ammonium. The ectomycorrhizal fungi Hebeloma spp. and Laccaria spp. have been shown to possess LAO enzyme activities. It has been proposed that LAO is one of the nitrogen mineralization mechanisms in ectomycorrhizal fungi, but so far no LAO genes have been described from basidiomycete fungi. In this study the first LAO gene sequences from the basidiomycete fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum was described. The RACE-PCR -method was used to determine the 3´ and 5´ end sequences of the cDNA of the LAO1 gene. Based on the obtained sequences, primers to isolate the genomic DNA and cDNA sequences of the LAO1 gene were designed. The structure of the LAO1 gene, which is composed of five exons and four introns, was determined. Binding site of nitrogen regulating protein was found from upstream region of LAO1-gene. The partial genomic DNA sequence of gene adjacent to LAO1-gene was also measured. In the L. bicolor genome the gene preceding the LAO1 gene has been annotated as a putative pyruvate decarboxylase. In this study the partial cDNA sequence of another LAO-homolog of H. cylindrosporum was also determined. The LAO gene from another basidiomycete fungus, Laccaria bicolor, was also recognised. The gene model of LAO gene of L. bicolor was unannotated in the NCBI database. Based on the phylogenetic tree of LAO-related protein sequences, the ancestral form of LAO gene has been duplicated. This study provides molecular biological information on the catabolic mechanisms of amino acids in ectomycorrhizal fungi. Ammonium ions, produced by ectomycorrhizal fungi, might be a significant source of nitrogen for plants and other soil microbes. It is possible that LAO is an important factor of nitrogen cycle in soils of boreal forests.
  • Andsten, Rose-Marie (2020)
    Bacteria are a great source of natural products with complex chemical structures and diverse biological activities. Many have therapeutic properties and half of drugs in clinical use today are derived directly or indirectly from natural products. The pharmaceutical industry stopped investing in drug development from natural resources, due to perceived limitations in chemical space, and difficulties in rediscovery of known compounds and in obtaining sufficient quantities of natural products for clinical trials. There is now renewed interest in natural products as drug leads driven by technological advances in genome sequencing and analytical chemistry. Cyanobacteria produce a variety of natural products with therapeutic potential. Muscoride A is an unusual peptide alkaloid produced by a terrestrial freshwater cyanobacterium with reported antimicrobial activity. The aim of this study was to characterize the biosynthetic origin and biological activity of muscoride A. I identified the 12.7 kb muscoride (mus) biosynthetic gene cluster from a draft genome of Nostoc sp. PCC 7906 using bioinformatics analysis. The mus biosynthetic gene cluster encoded enzymes for the heterocyclization, oxidation and prenylation of a precursor protein. Comparative genomics identified a mus biosynthetic gene cluster in the unpublished draft genome of Nostoc sp. UHCC sp. 0398 encoding a novel muscoride. This novel muscoride, muscoride B, was detected from Nostoc sp. UHCC 0398 based on this analysis. Muscoride B was purified using solid phase extraction and high-performance liquid chromatography and the chemical structure was verified by combining nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry data. Furthermore, the function and evolutionary history of the muscoride prenyltransferases were studied. A significant finding was that the biosynthetic pathway encodes two regiospecific prenyltransferases, catalyzing the C- and N-terminal prenylation of muscoride. An antimicrobial activity screening showed that muscoride B had antimicrobial activity against Bacillus cereus. Here I report the discovery of the muscoride biosynthetic pathway and the discovery of a novel antimicrobial peptide from cyanobacteria through genome mining. The results show that the variant is a novel muscoride, a linear bis-prenylated polyoxazole pentapeptide with antimicrobial activity.
  • Ahonen, Susanna (2018)
    Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial proteins or peptides that inhibit growth of other bacteria. Bacteriocins can be divided into three classes based on their characteristics. Bacteriocins from the genus Lactococcus have only been found from the classes I and II. These two classes include small heat resistant peptides. Class III includes larger heat sensitive proteins. Bacteriocins have different ways to inhibit bacteria. They can either kill the bacteria or prevent them from multiplying. Due to their safe properties, bacteriocins can be used in food production to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. In this Master’s thesis, antimicrobial compound produced by Lactococcus lactis LAC460 isolated from idli batter, was studied. Based on inhibition tests it was found that the LAC460 prevented the growth of some lactic acid bacteria by forming an inhibition zone on indicator plate. Uncommon to bacteriocins, the zone expanded during several weeks of incubation. This indicates that the antimicrobial compound can also kill inactive non-growing target cells. Based on the enzymatic tests the antimicrobial compound turned out to be a protein, probably a bacteriocin. The LAC460 bacteriocin lost its activity already at 53 °C, as well as both in low and high pH. This indicates that the compound was not a peptide but rather a bigger protein. The strain LAC460 produced more bacteriocin when the growth media was strongly buffered at least to pH 7. The bacteriocin was produced only at later growth phase. Based on the results from the ribosomal 16S rDNA sequencing, API-test and whole genome sequencing, LAC460 turned out to be a mixed culture of two bacteria, L. lactis and Enterococcus faecium. These bacteria were separated from each other with selective media and it was found out that Lactococcus was the actual producer of the bacteriocin. No obvious bacteriocin gene was found from the genome sequence, but the results suggest that the LAC460 bacteriocin belongs to class III bacteriolysins. As Lactococcus strains have not been found to produce class III bacteriocins, the antimicrobial protein characterized in this study seems to be a new bacteriocin.
  • Korkeela, Tiina (2014)
    It is estimated that the human large intestine harboring thousands of different bacterial species. Human intestinal microbiota is considered play a role of otherwise indigestible dietary compounds. The microbiota also synthesise vitamins and has a role in formation of the immune system. The majority of the bacterial species present in the colon are obligate anaerobic and belong to Eubacterium rectale ? Blautia coccoides (Erec) and Clostridium leptum (Clept) groups and Phylum Bacteroidetes. The microbiota in the human intestine is quite diverse and the composition varies between individuals. Recently, only a minority of the intestinal microbiota has been cultured, and most of the intestinal microbiota is still non-cultivable by any available culture- based methods. Today most of the researchers use molecular-based methods to characterize the intestinal microbiota, and several recent studies have created a large number of sequences that many times correspond to “uncultured bacterium clones”. The majority of intestinal bacteria are known as “uncultured bacteria” and their presence in the intestine has only been observed without culturing. The aim of this study was to characterize new human fecal “uncultured bacteria” isolates using culture-based methods and gain more information about these bacteria. Isolates for this study were chosen based on their 16S rRNA gene sequence identification (sequence similarity with the nearest cultured bacteria ? 97 %). In this study, we were able to culture sixteen novel obligate anaerobic ”uncultured bacteria” isolates and they were partly characterized using culture-based techniques. Eleven isolates belonging to the Phylum Firmicutes, three to the Phylum Actinobacteria and two to the Phylum Bacteroidetes. We explore e.g. their growth requirements, cell- and colony morphology, production of enzymes, acid and bile tolerance and antibiotic susceptibility. In this study, we gain some information on phenotypic properties of the isolates. For taxonomic purposes and for naming new isolates, they should be characterized as comprehensively as possible. Therefore, more study is needed. Some of the culture-based methods did not work, and we did not obtain accurate results. This is partly due to used culture mediums that did not enable good growth for all isolates. The best bacterial growth was observed by using Reinforced Clostridial Medium (RCM). For this reason, the use of this medium for different biochemical test should be investigated. Only one of the isolates did not grow on RCM medium. Also, RCM medium was not suitable for determination the optimum pH for growth of bacteria. In this study, the best culture mediums for isolation of novel ”uncultured bacteria” isolates were PYG+VFA (peptone-yeast extract-glucose with volatile fatty acids) and YCFTA (yeast extract-casitone-fatty acids) mediums.
  • Rahikainen, Jenni (2009)
    Environmental concerns and limited availability of fossil hydrocarbons have boosted the research of renewable feedstocks and their processing into fuels and chemicals. Currently, vast majority of transportation fuels and bulk chemicals are refined from crude oil, but renewable lignocellulosic plant biomass has long been recognised as potential feedstock for liquid fuel and chemical production. Several alternative processes exist for biomass refining, lignocellulose-to-ethanol process being among the most studied processes. First, lignocellulose is pretreated in order to deconstruct the recalcitrant structures of plant cell walls and expose cellulosic fibrils. Subsequently, biotechnical process utilises cellulolytic enzymes of fungal origin to depolymerise cellulose down to glucose monomers and oligomers. Monomeric sugars serve as a source for platform chemicals in further conversions. Lignocellulose consists mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. It is generally accepted that lignin has an inhibitory effect during enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and part of this effect is caused by irreversible cellulase adsorption on lignin. Fungal cellulase system consists of several enzyme components that contribute to the effective degradation of insoluble cellulosic substrate. Cellulases are traditionally divided to three groups according to enzymatic activity: exoglucanases, endoglucanases and ?-glucosidases. Different enzyme components are shown to have different affinity to lignin which enables screening or engineering of weak lignin-binding enzymes. However, too little is still known about enzyme-lignin interactions and competitive nature of enzyme binding on lignin. In this study, lignin-rich residues were isolated from steam pretreated spruce (SPS) using three different methods: enzymatic hydrolysis, acid hydrolysis and alkali extraction. Lignin residues were characterized and used in adsorption studies with commercial cellulase preparations from Trichoderma reesei (Celluclast 1.5L) and Aspergillus niger (Novozym 188). Enzyme activity measurements and protein analytics were employed to reveal competitive adsorption of cellulases and catalytic activity of solid-bound enzymes. Results showed that T. reesei enzymes had high affinity on lignocellulosic SPS and all SPS-derived lignins, but enzyme activity measurements revealed considerably divergent competitive adsorption patterns. Among all the isolated lignins, lignin-rich residue obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis of SPS and subsequent protease purification was evaluated as most suited adsorption substrate for further adsorption studies and screening purposes. ?-glucosidases from T. reesei and A. niger were shown to have highly distinctive adsorption behaviour on the lignin-rich substrates: A. niger ?-glucosidase lacked affinity to lignin, whereas T. reesei ?-glucosidase adsorbed to all lignin-rich particles. Lignin-bound Trichoderma reesei endoglucanases and CBH I exoglucanase were shown to retained high activity towards soluble substrates used in activity measurements. On the contrary, same enzymes were unable to processively hydrolyze insoluble crystalline cellulose.
  • Tamrakar, Anisha (2016)
    Cyanobacteria are well known for their ability to produce wide variety of natural products, many of which exhibit antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral or anticancer properties. These products include peptides, polyketides, alkaloid and polysaccharides. Cyanobacteria are also infamous for its toxic blooms, which are health hazardous to human, as well as animals. In this study, new benthic cyanobacterial strains were isolated from the Varlaxudden Seashore, Porvoo, Finland. The strains were purified and identified using microscopy. In addition, Finnish cyanobacterial strains (UHCC) and Brazilian strains (CENA) were screened for bioactive compounds. The 16S rRNA gene from UHCC and CENA strains were sequenced and used for the strain identification as well as to determine phylogenetic relationships. Bioactivities of strains were tested by disk diffusion assay followed by LC-MS and HPLC analysis to detect bioactivity as well as the bioactive compounds. The isolation of strains from 48 samples resulted in 48 morphologically identified cyanobacterial strains; 36 of them were Calothrix, 5 Anabaena, 4 Nostoc and one each of Tolypothrix, Scytonema and Cyanotheca genera. Four of the Calothrix strains (VAR 5/1, VAR 20/2, VAR 30/2 and VAR 43) were successfully made axenic. The UHCC and CENA strains included in this study belonged to two different habitats and regions (temperate and tropical) and a huge diversity between the strains were observed in the phylogenetic tree. A total of 12 of the studied cyanobacterial strains exhibited antifungal and antibacterial activities. A new peptide was observed from Nostoc sp. Brazil Punan but isolation was not successful. Three Nostoc strains produced hassallidins. Nostoc sp. SMIX 1 produced an antifungal compound, puwainaphycins which included two old and four new variants. The study also revealed cyanobacterial strains showing bioactivities but the bioactive compounds remained unidentified. So, further analyses are still needed for isolation and characterization of the unidentified compounds. Therefore, this study shows that cyanobacteria are prolific source of bioactive compounds and also potential leads for drug discovery.
  • Norri, Viivi (2017)
    As a result of oil transport and pumping from the ground there is a constant risk for oil spills. The impact of an oil spill to the marine ecosystem can be significant. Therefore there has been growing interest to create new biological ways to degrade oils hydrocarbons by using microbes and plants ability to degrade oil to less harmful compounds. Because the biodegradation of oil in the nature is slow microbe enrichments and nutrient fertilizers can be developed to stimulate it. Compared to the oceans the Baltic Sea has significantly lower salinity and also temperature is lower than the average ocean temperature. Therefore it is important to take into consideration the unique features of the Baltic Sea when new enrichments are developed for oil spill response. The aim of this study was to enrich samples from the Baltic Sea coastal areas that had previously contaminated with oil. These samples were enriched with crude oil and with marine diesel oil. The oil-degradation efficiency of the enrichments were evaluated using several methods and the changes in microbial diversity was also examined among the process. The aim was to enrich microbial population which can be used in combination with carrier materials as an ecological and inexpensive oil spill recovery method in the Baltic Sea area. The biodegradation of the oil during enrichments were detected by carbon dioxide measurements, biodegradability and hydrocarbon analysis. Changes in the cell concentration during the enrichments were measured by Live/Dead- and DAPI staining. Changes in the microbe activity was detected with ATP-measurements. The oil degradation effectiveness of the enrichments were examined with HALO-plating and with emulsification test. Changes in the microbial diversity during the enrichment was examined with Ion Torrent sequencing. The results showed that used methods were suitable for estimating oil biodegradation, microbial activity, cell concentration and microbial diversity changes in the samples. The enrichment temperature was the most significant factor influencing the oil degradation efficiency and microbial diversity of the enrichments. The influence of the sampling site was not so significant. Crude oil biodegraded more efficiently by crude oil enri0chments than the marine diesel oil by marine diesel oil enrichments. According to the chemical and microbiological methods used in this study oil biodegradation was observed at low temperatures (5 and 15 °C). Several oil-degrading enrichments working at lower temperatures were obtained in this study. However, the biodegradation of oil was relatively slow and would be important to examine if the bigger amounts of nutrients, as well as the use of carrier materials would enhance the biodegradation process at cold temperature. The OILRES-project (Multilevel assessment of sustainable oil spill response measures and their impact on Arctic and subarctic marine environments) where the master´s thesis were done was funded by the Academy of Finland and it is co-operation of Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) and Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT Ltd).
  • Hakanpää, Jonne (2009)
    Heterobasidion annosum on merkittävä kasvipatogeeni boreaalisella havumetsävyöhykkeellä ympäri maailman. Pelkästään Euroopassa H. annosum aiheuttaa 800 miljoonan euron taloudelliset tappiot vuosittain. Sienen torjumiseksi on käytetty menetelmiä, joiden tehon pelätään laskevan sienen sopeutumisen vuoksi, ja on syntynyt tarve kehittää uusia toimintatapoja sienen torjumiseksi. Sieniviruksia tavataan H. annosumilla. Noin 6–16 % sienistä sisältää partitivirusten perheeseen kuuluvan viruksen, joka koostuu kahdesta n. 2000 bp:n genomisegmentistä. Eri H. annosum sienikantojen virusten toivotaan aiheuttavan toisilla saman lajin edustajilla hypovirulenssia, jolloin niiden patogeenisyys vähenee. Tutkimuksessa sekvensoitiin kiinalaisen H. parviporumin dsRNA-viruksen RNA-riippuvaista RNA-polymeraasia koodaavan geenin osittainen sekvenssi, ja se annotoitiin. Lisäksi kokeiltiin viruksen siirtymistä 18 sienikannan välillä, ja siirtyminen havaittiin kahdella sienikannalla. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin uusi dsRNA partitivirus, jonka RNA riipuvaista RNA polymeraasia koodaavan geenin osittainen sekvenssi selvitettiin. Lisäksi havaittiin viruksen (dsRNA:n) siirtyvän kiinalaisesta H. parviporum sienestä pohjoisamerikkalaiseen H. annosum Nam/P-tyypin sieneen, sekä yllättäen myös kiinalaiseen H. insulare sieneen. Lisäksi kokeiltiin uutta polyvinyylipolypyrrolidonikemikaaliin perustuvaa dsRNA-eristysmenetelmää, joka voitiin osoittaa toimivaksi.
  • Risulainen, Netta (2018)
    Fossiilisilla polttoaineilla on nykyaikana edelleen suuri rooli energian ja kemiallisten yhdisteiden tuotannossa. Ilmastonmuutoksen, terveysriskien, ympäristön hyvinvoinnin ja geopoliittisten konfliktien takia on kuitenkin kehitettävä vaihtoehtoisia uusiutuvista materiaaleista tuotettuja biopolttoaineita. Yksi mahdollinen vaihtoehto on käyttää ravinnoksi kelpaamatonta kasvijäteperäistä lignoselluloosaa energian tuotantoon. Jotta lignoselluloosaa voitaisiin hyödyntää energian lähteenä, tarvitaan sitä hajottavia ja muokkaavia entsyymejä sekä yhdisteitä. Kääpäsienet pystyvät tuottamaan kyseisiä entsyymejä luonnostaan, mikä tekee niistä mielenkiintoisia tutkimuskohteita bioteknisiin sovelluksiin kuten biopolttoaineiden tuottoon tähtäävissä tutkimuksissa. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkittiin kahden eri kääpäsienen, rusorypykän (valkolahottaja) ja kantokäävän (ruskolahottaja), sekä niiden yhdistelmäkasvatuksen kykyä tuottaa lignoselluloosaa hajottavia yhdisteitä, polysakkaridien hydrolysointikykyä sekä mahdollista sokerien fermentaatiota jätelignoselluloosamateriaalilla (hylsypahvi) semi-aerobisissa olosuhteissa kasvaessaan. Kolmea eri lignoselluloosan pääkomponenttia (selluloosaa, hemiselluloosaa ja ligniiniä) hajottavien entsyymien pitoisuudet määriteltiin spektrofotometrisesti viikoittain kuuden viikon kasvatuksen ajalta. Entsyymiaktiivisuuksien lisäksi lignoselluloosan rakenteeseen vaikuttavan oksaalihapon pitoisuus ja kasvuliemen pH-arvot määritettiin kasvatuksista. Sienten kykyä fermentoida vapautuneita sokereita etanoliksi tutkittiin määrittämällä hylsypahvimateriaalista vapautuneiden sokerien ja tuotetun etanolin pitoisuudet. Geenien ilmentymistä rusorypykän kasvaessa hylsypahvimateriaalilla tutkittiin RT-qPCR–analyysillä, johon valittiin kaksitoista lignoselluloosan hajotukseen/muokkaukseen osallistuvaa geeniä rusorypykän genomista. Näiden geenien suhteelliset ilmentymistasot hylsypahvikasvatuksissa verrattuna vertailukasvatuksiin (glukoosialusta) määritettiin viikon kaksi aikapisteestä. Rusorypykkä tuotti yksin kasvaessaan korkeimmat oksidoreduktaasi sekä β-glukosidaasi-aktiivisuudet. Kantokääpä tuotti hyvin alhaisia entsyymiaktiivisuuksia verrattuna valkolahottavaan rusorypykkään. Molempien kääpäsienten yhdistelmäkasvatuksessa oksidoreduktaasiaktiivisuudet jäivät alhaisiksi, mutta ksylanaasiaktiivisuudet nousivat tasaisesti korkeisiin pitoisuuksiin. Kaikissa kasvatuksissa, lukuun ottamatta kantokäävän hylsypahvikasvatusta, havaittiin oksaalihapon tuottoa ja siitä johtuvaa pH:n madaltumista. Rusorypykkä tuotti hylsypahvimateriaalista vapautuneista sokereista etanolia toisella viikolla yksin kasvaessaan sekä yhdistelmäkasvatuksessa. Rusorypykän puumateriaalin hajotukseen osallistuvat geenit ilmentyivät kierrätysperäisellä lignoselluloosa-alustalla semi-aerobisissa ilmakehäolosuhteissa. Selluloosaa ja hemiselluloosaa hajottavia entsyymejä koodaavat geenit olivat merkitsevästi up-reguloituja hylsypahvialustalla glukoosialustaan verrattuna. Ligniinin muokkaukseen osallistuvien geenien säätelyssä oli enemmän vaihtelua. Tutkimukseni osoittaa, että sekä rusorypykkä, että kantokääpä pystyvät kasvamaan lignoselluloosapohjaisella jätemateriaalilla ja tuottamaan kyseistä materiaalia hajottavia entsyymejä sekä muita yhdisteitä, joilla voidaan muokata erittäin kestävää ja näin ollen ongelmallista lignoselluloosamateriaalia. Valkolahottavan rusorypykän avulla on mahdollista hydrolysoida jätemateriaalia sekä fermentoida irronneita sokereita edelleen etanoliksi samassa prosessissa.