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  • Rokkanen, Sakari (2020)
    Euroopan unioni laajeni itään 1.5.2004 kasvaen kymmenellä uudella jäsenmaalla. Suomi rajoitti kaksivuotisella siirtymäaikalailla uusien jäsenmaiden kansalaisten vapaata liikkuvuutta. Laki ei koskenut palveluiden liikkuvuutta, minkä seurauksena erityisesti Virosta saapui Suomeen paljon työvoimaa paikallisten yritysten lähetettyinä työntekijöinä. Vastoin alkuperäisen siirtymäaikalain tavoitetta ulkomaalaisten lähetettyjen työntekijöiden maahantulo helpottui ja työehtojen valvonta vaikeutui. Tässä tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään EU:n itälaajentumista luonnollisena koetapahtumana, jonka avulla pyritään selvittämään muutosten vaikutuksia uusmaalaisten rakennusmiesten palkkakehitykseen lyhyellä aikavälillä. Itälaajentumisen ja siirtymäaikalain myötä kasvanut ulkomaalainen työvoima painottui erityisesti Uudellemaalle ja rakennusalalle. Muualla Suomessa ulkomaisen työvoiman kasvu oli merkittävästi vähäisempää. Tutkimuksessa käytetään difference-in-differences menetelmää. Uusmaalaisten rakennusmiesten verrokkiryhmänä analyysissa hyödynnetään rakennusmiehiä Itä-Suomen rakennuspiiristä, jossa EU:n itälaajentuminen ei kasvattanut ulkomaisen työvoiman määrää. Muilta osin erot alueiden välillä säilyivät tarkastelujaksolla vakaina. Tutkimuksessa on käytetty ryhmätason aineistoa talonrakennusalan järjestäytyneiden yritysten keskituntiansioista. Tiedot on poimittu EK:n palkkatilastosta. Analyysin perusteella uusmaalaisten rakennusmiesten keskimääräinen tuntiansio laski -1,55 prosentilla vuoden 2003 lopusta vuoden 2004 loppuun. Sen sijaan työtehtäviltään erikoistuneempien kirvesmiesten palkkoihin ulkomaisen työvoiman kasvu ei tulosten mukaan käytännössä vaikuttanut. Lisäksi rakennusmiehiin kohdistuneet negatiiviset vaikutukset arvioitiin lyhytaikaisiksi sekä pieniksi suhteutettuna ulkomaisen työvoiman merkittävään kasvuun. Koeasetelmaan ja ryhmätason aineistoon liittyvät rajoitteet heikentävät tulosten yleistettävyyttä ja luotettavuutta. Tulokset antavat kuitenkin tukea näkemykselle, että mitä koulutetummasta tai osaamiseltaan erikoistuneemmasta ammattilaisesta on kysymys, sitä pienempi voidaan ennakoida olevan ulkomaisen työvoiman kasvun tai työehtojen joustojen lisääntymisen negatiivinen vaikutus palkkakehitykseen.
  • Lahdensuo, Heli (2018)
    Tämä tutkielma käsittelee keskuspankin rahapolitiikan muutosta ja vaikuttavuutta erityisesti korko-ohjauksen näkökulmasta tilanteessa, jossa käteisen rahan käyttö lakkaisi ja tilalle tulisi kokonaan elektroninen valuutta. Tutkimus pureutuu keskuspankin mahdollisuuteen kontrolloida lyhyen aikavälin korkoa, kun sillä ei ole enää yksinvaltaa kontrolloida selvittelyreservejä käteisen rahan kadotessa ja teknologian kehityksen nopeuttaessa maksujen selvittelyä. Työn kannalta keskeistä on, mitä tapahtuisi keskuspankkireservien kysynnälle, jos käteisen rahan käyttö loppuisi ja millainen rooli keskuspankille jäisi suhteessa talletuspankkeihin tässä tilanteessa. Teorian mukaan talletuspankkien välisen selvittelyn lisääntyminen laskee keskuspankkireservien kysyntää. Kuitenkin kriisitilanteissa keskuspankin asema korostuisi kuten tähänkin asti. Työssä esitellään Euroopan keskuspankin rahapolitiikan periaatteet ja pohditaan historian valossa päätöksiä, jotka ovat muokanneet keskuspankin rahapolitiikkaa. Vähimmäisreservijärjestelmään perustuva systeemi ei ollut euroalueella itsestäänselvyys. Reservivaateeseen perustuva järjestelmä valittiin, jotta keskuspankin taseen kokoa saatiin kasvatettua ja talletuspankkien riippuvuutta keskuspankkirahasta lisättyä. Maksamiseen liittyvät teknologiset innovaatiot nopeuttavat selvittelyä ja talletuspankit tasaavat maksuja keskenään yhä nopeammin. Lisäksi markkinoille on tullut useita keskuspankista riippumattomia virtuaalivaluuttoja. Tämä muuttaa keskuspankin asemaa rahajärjestelmässä lisäten sen valvojan tehtäviä ja vähentäen reservirahaan liittyviä tehtäviä. Näyttää myös siltä, että erilaiset maksutavat erikoistuvat tiettyihin maksutapahtumiin. Elektronisen maksamisen hyödyt ovat kiistattomat läpinäkyvyyden ja taloudellisen tehokkuuden vuoksi. Keskuspankin korko-ohjausmahdollisuuden heikkeneminen vaikuttaa epäsuorasti talouden kysynnän ja tarjonnan ohjaamismahdollisuuksiin erityisesti taloudellisten häiriöiden tilanteessa. Keskuspankin aseman heikkeneminen olisi myös viennin tukemisen kannalta hankalaa, kun sen mahdollisuudet valuuttaohjaukseen katoaisivat. Käteisettömässä taloudessa keskuspankin mahdollisuus tarjota rahoitusta ei tue sen valtaa kontrolloida lyhyen ajan korkoa, koska tarjontaa on kilpailevissa valuutoissa paljon. Keskuspankin olisi tällöin korkoihin vaikuttaakseen lainattava rahaa markkinoilta ja tarjottava sitä talletuspankeille markkinakorkoa edullisemmin, mikä luo arbitraasin. Tutkielma on teoreettinen katsaus, joka pohjautuu reservikysyntään liittyvään kanavamalliin. Työssä mallinnetaan keskuspankin reservikysyntää ja mahdollisuutta lyhyen ajan korko-ohjaukseen käteisettömässä taloudessa ja kahden selvittelyrahan tarjoajan tilanteessa. Työn esimerkissä selvittelyrahan tarjoajat ovat keskuspankki ja talletuspankeista koostuva yhteisö, joka käyttää keskuspankista riippumatonta valuuttaa. Rahan luominen ja selvittely voivat siis siirtyä nykyistä enemmän markkinoille, jolloin keskuspankin monopoli heikkenee tai jopa lakkaa. Talletuspankit käyttävät todennäköisesti keskuspankkia edelleen viimekäden lainan antajana, mikäli tämä kykenee pienestä koostaan huolimatta hankkimaan markkinoilta rahaa muita edullisemmin. Tässä valtion tuki voi auttaa. Mikäli valtio kuitenkin kerää veronsa keskuspankkivaluutassa, vahvistaa se keskuspankin mahdollisuuksia harjoittaa rahapolitiikkaa reservivaateesta ja käteisen käytöstä riippumatta. Reservivaade toisaalta lisää keskuspankin valtaa ja toimii joissain tilanteissa korko-ohjausta tehokkaammin talouden ohjaajana. Toisaalta se luo tehottomuutta, koska kassareservisysteemiin liittyy kustannuksia.
  • Virtanen, Ville Valtteri (2018)
    Auctions are in the core on the field of dynamic pricing. Prices alter as a function of time, by either ascending or descending, and the objective of this kind of pricing mechanism is to allocate the good for the one who is willing to pay the winning price. Northwestern University has used a pricing mechanism (Purple Pricing) combining characteristics of descending auction and dynamic pricing for several years in order to sell tickets to the university’s basketball teams’ home matches. The aim of this thesis is to examine and evaluate the functioning of this kind of mechanism. The main sources for the material and content for this literary survey can be categorized to three branches. Models and main theoretic results were provided by using related economic literature, practical model of Purple Pricing was taken as a research topic separately, and some of key facts regarding functioning of the pricing mechanism were gathered through enquiry. Main results were that Purple Pricing can be modelled by using Bellman equation and characterised as a descending auction where agents (the university and the spectators) interact with both sides having own separate maximization problems. The agents can be distinguished into seller and bidders. With certain assumptions regarding the agents, model can be solved. The solution in itself provides optimality conditions which maximize the allocation (and revenue maximization) problem of the organizer (the university). The functioning of the model has caused result concerning both ticket allocation, but also real life side effects. Besides being socially efficient in allocating the tickets, its merits have been likes of the disclosure of demand curve and abolishment of black market. Although due to its special pricing policy it was not able to reach optimum (maximum) revenue, increase in revenue did occur. Similar pricing mechanisms with context-related adjustments have potential to be used in Finnish football.
  • Hämäläinen, Taina (2013)
    There are many studies concerning the supply of labor. However, although overtime work is a common phenomenon, it is rarely the topic of these studies. This thesis studies remuneration policy and the prevalence of overtime work for professional engineers in Finland. The data used in this study are annually collected survey data, for the period 2002-2011. The data represent union members of the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland (UIL ry). The data mainly consist of senior salaried employees. Remuneration policy and the incidence of overtime work are studied by descriptive methods and by regression models. A multinominal logit model is used for the overtime remuneration policy estimation. The method is used to impute missing data for those who do not work overtime. The Tobit regression model is applied as the overtime model. The findings of this thesis are that an individual’s position affects both the incidence of overtime work and remuneration policy. Individuals in a managerial position more often work overtime and bonus payment systems are the main incentive for this. This overtime model is reasonable for those senior salaried employees who are covered by the Working Hour Act. According to the Working Hour Act, those who work, for instance, as a specialist or in an expert position should be compensated for overtime work. In the overtime function for middle management, experts, and salaried employees the income effect initially dominates as remuneration for overtime increases, but finally, as overtime remuneration further increases, more individuals actually tend to work more overtime. As work experience increases, individuals work less overtime at first, but the relationship turns out to be U-shaped. Overtime work is less common for women and those in the public sector. The overtime model provides only a weak positive indication of the incidence of overtime for those who have recently been promoted to a new position or duties. The findings are only partly in accordance with empirical studies. The differences are explained by the characteristics of senior salaried employees. The results of this thesis might stem from the nature of their duties, the working environment and also from individual characteristics. That is why I assume here that long-run career objectives affect the incidence of overtime. In conclusion, there still remains the question of whether short-run or long-run factors have more explanatory power. For example is overtime work motivated by overtime rates or wage levels in the long run.
  • Heinilä, Teemu (2017)
    The role of bank credit in shaping economic recoveries has been the subject of a growing body of literature, especially in the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2007-2009. Generally, bank lending is thought to be an important source of finance that supports economic growth, indicating that output and bank credit should always move in the same direction. However, the evidence shows that creditless recoveries – episodes in which output recovers without the growth of bank credit – have been common both in advanced as well as in emerging and developing economies. Thus, a more detailed examination of this phenomenon is important to improve our understanding of the nature of creditless recoveries that have been found to be weaker and more protracted than normal recoveries. This thesis analyzes the main determinants of creditless recoveries in (i) advanced and (ii) emerging and developing economies and compares the differences between these country groups. The key determinants of creditless recoveries are studied by using a panel probit estimation method. The data sample includes 32 advanced and 105 emerging and developing economies in the period of 1980-2015. This thesis adds value to existing literature by taking the global financial crisis of 2007-2009 into account. Particular focus will be given to analyzing advanced economies, which have gained less attention in the existing literature. The empirical results of this thesis suggest that a banking crisis that preceded a recession seems to be a major factor increasing the probability of creditless recoveries in both country groups. Furthermore, the results from advanced economies indicate that declining investments preceding an economic downturn will significantly increase the likelihood of creditless recoveries. On the contrary, the findings from emerging and developing economies suggest that sizeable contractions in real GDP as well as currency crises are likely to increase the probability of creditless recoveries. The existing literature offers several hypotheses that might, at least partly, explain the obtained empirical results. A banking crisis typically forces banks to clean up their balance sheets and thus reduce lending, which in turn is likely to increase the probability of creditless recoveries in both country groups. The differences in results between the country groups have been commonly explained as a result of the divergent progress of financial markets. It is likely that advanced economies have more developed financial markets which makes it easier for firms to exploit alternative funding sources. In the event of a liquidity crunch, firms may boost their liquidity and eventually output by curtailing investments and thus borrowing. Creditless recoveries may also be explained by a shift from more to less credit-intensive activities.
  • Asikainen, Tuomas (2016)
    Foreign direct investment (FDI) flows have increased tremendously in the past twenty years, and these investments have grown especially in developing economies. FDI has become an efficient mechanism to increase economic development in poor countries. This thesis opens up the decision-making process of developed countries related to FDI decisions. The main focus is to concentrate on FDI in developing countries, and how they try to find relevant policies in order to attract more FDI flows. Some relevant empirical findings between China and Sub-Saharan Africa are shown to support the benchmark model. The model does not go through every possible aspect of FDI but shows how different southern technology frontiers and risks in production might affect the final FDI flows in developing countries. The benchmark model is a North-South model where the North and South are the developed and developing country, respectively. The main feature of this model is that a northern firm might opt out of doing FDI, if the technology frontier in a southern industry is too low for a northern firm with a relatively high technology. This situation might cause a risk of FDI quality failure, where the production chain in the South fails to complete successfully. This kind of failure is possible, if the skills or knowledge of the southern workers is not high enough. The benchmark model is later extended with the innovative and imitative South in this thesis, and lastly technology-neutral risks are introduced and added to the benchmark model. The benchmark model shows that only firms with intermediate technology levels in the North move production to the South or become multinationals. Additionally, more multinational production increases the technology frontier in the South and eventually decreases the risk of FDI quality failure. This development leads to more FDI flows and widens the technology spectrum of the multinational firms. The aim of governments in developing countries is to increase their technology frontiers in different industries. This thesis goes through many important policy parameters which can improve the technology frontier in the South and eventually lead to more multinational production.
  • Keränen, Henri (2019)
    Interest rates on safe assets have trended downwards for decades. During the Great Recession many developed nations faced a liquidity trap situation as nominal interest approached the zero lower bound which obstructs the stabilization capabilities of conventional monetary policy. At the same time many economies faced sluggish recoveries from the recession. These phenomena help motivate a theoretical model in which a liquidity trap emerges as a result of a drop in the interest rate of safe assets. A simple two-period overlapping generations model is built in which young households earn income and need to save it in order to finance old-age consumption. It is assumed that there are two types of young households with different risk preferences. Risk neutral households invest in the risky asset and are able to borrow from infinitely risk averse households by supplying safe assets to them. The issuance of these safe assets is constrained by two distinct factors. Firstly, there is a financial friction in the sense that safe assets need to be backed up by collateral which ensures repayment. Secondly, the supply of safe assets is limited by the value that the lenders assign to this collateral. In the model, infinitely risk averse households fear that the collateral might drop in value. This has the effect of lowering the supply of safe assets. When fears about the future increase this has an immediate adverse effect in the present. Fears about the future drive down the safe interest rate and after a large enough rise in fears a safety trap emerges as the zero lower bound on nominal rates is met. Safety trap is a form of a liquidity trap which is caused by a decrease in the supply of safe assets. The safety trap environment features unemployment and deflation. The model economy is simulated under different scenarios in order to illustrate the mechanisms at work. In addition to this, the issuance of safe government debt and the raising of the inflation target are considered as cures for the safety trap. A rise of government debt to GDP level helps to mitigate the safety trap by increasing the supply of safe assets while a rise in the inflation target of the central bank allows the economy to reach lower real interest rates with positive nominal interest rates than before.
  • Ruppa, Susanne (2014)
    Vuonna 2008 maailmantalous vajosi taantumaan finanssikriisin seurauksena. Euroopan keskuspankki reagoi taantumaan laskemalla reippaasti ohjauskorkoaan. Euroalueen talous ei kuitenkaan elpynyt alhaisesta korkotasosta huolimatta. Euroalue oli ajautunut keynesiläisestä talousteoriasta tuttuun likviditeettiloukun kaltaiseen tilanteeseen. Likviditeettiloukussa perinteinen rahapolitiikka, eli ohjauskoron säätely, on tehotonta, sillä nimelliskorot ovat jo lähellä nollaa. Tällaisessa tilanteessa finanssipolitiikka nousee varteenotettavaksi talouspoliittiseksi vaihtoehdoksi. Tutkielmassani tarkastelen finanssipolitiikan tehokkuutta kolmen eri talousteorian ja empiiristen tutkimusten näkökulmasta. Näin pyrin vastaamaan kysymykseen, milloin finanssipolitiikka on tehokkaimmillaan. Finanssipolitiikan tehokkuutta mitataan tutkielmassani fiskaalisella kertoimella, joka kertoo kuinka suuri vaikutus harkinnanvaraisella julkisten menojen kasvattamisella on bruttokansantuotteeseen. Talousteoriat ovat paitsi eri mieltä fiskaalisen kertoimen suuruudesta, mutta myös sen vaikutuskanavista. Keynesiläisessä mallissa (Burda & Wyplosz 2009) fiskaalisen kertoimen suuruuteen vaikuttaa marginaalikulutusalttius ja ulkomaan tavaroiden ja palveluiden tuonti ja fiskaalisen kertoimen arvo on aina yli yhden. Neoklassisissa malleissa (Woodford 2010) julkisten menojen kasvu syrjäyttää yksityistä kulutusta intertemporaalisella substituution kautta ja fiskaalinen kerroin on alle yhden. Tutkielmassani eniten huomiota saavissa uuskeynesiläisessä malleissa (Woodford 2010) rahapolitiikan linjaukset vaikuttavat finanssipolitiikan tehokkuuteen. Rahapolitiikan seuratessa Taylorin sääntöä fiskaalinen kerroin on alle yhden, mutta tilanteessa, jossa nimelliskorko on lähellä nollaa, taantuma on pitkäkestoinen ja keskuspankki ei nosta ohjauskorkoa, väliaikainen julkisten menojen kasvattaminen on erityisen tehokasta. Tällaisessa tilanteessa, fiskaalinen kertoimen on arvioitu olevan jopa kahden luokkaa. Empiiriset tutkimukset finanssipolitiikasta eivät anna yksiselitteistä vastausta siihen, mikä talousteoria mallintaa fiskaalia vaikutuksia parhaiten. Narratiivisen menetelmän tutkimusten tulokset tukevat neoklassisia malleja ja SVAR-menetelmällä saadaan tutkimustuloksia, jotka puolestaan puoltavat enemmän nimellisjäykkyyksiä sisältäviä malleja. Rahoitusmarkkinakriisin synnyttämä syvä maailmantaloudellinen taantuma on myös innoittanut taloustieteilijöitä tutkimaan fiskaalisen kertoimen suuruutta empiirisesti talouden eri suhdanteissa. Osassa tällaisia tutkimuksia on osoitettu, että finanssipolitiikan tehokkuus vaihtelee suurestikin talouden eri suhdannevaihteluissa. Taantumassa fiskaalinen kerroin on siis suurempi, kuin normaalina talouden ajankohtana. Euroalueella vastattiin taantumaan aluksi elvyttävällä finanssipolitiikalla, mutta myöhemmin finanssikriisin vaihtuessa velkakriisiksi elvytyksestä siirryttiin menojen leikkauksiin ja verojen kiristyksiin. Kiristävää finanssipolitiikka perusteltiin mm. markkinoiden luottamuksen lisäämisellä. Tutkielmani selvitys finanssipolitiikan tehokkuudesta antaa kuitenkin vahvaa näyttöä siitä, että julkisten menojen leikkaaminen, pitkäkestoisessa taantumassa nimelliskorkojen ollessa lähellä nollaa, on haitallista taloudelle. Toisin sanoen väliaikainen julkisten menojen kasvattaminen likviditeettiloukun kaltaisessa tilanteessa olisi kannattavaa. Likviditeettiloukussa finanssipolitiikan tehokkuuteen on osoitettu vaikuttavan myös julkisten menojen oikea kohdistaminen ja ajoitus (kt. Eggertsson 2011). Lisäksi on hyvä muistaa, että finanssipolitiikan tehokkuus ei tarkoita, että finanssipolitiikkaa olisi järkevää käyttää jatkuvasti suhdannevaihteluiden tasaamisen. Likviditeettiloukku on harvinainen tilanne, jossa perinteinen rahapolitiikka ei tehoa.
  • Widgrén, Miska (2018)
    Internet search engines produce large amounts of data. This thesis shows how the data about internet searches can be used for inflation forecasting. The internet search data is constructed from searches performed on Google. The sample covers eurozone countries over the period from January 2004 to July 2017. The performance of the internet searches is evaluated relative to traditional inflation forecasting benchmark models. The usefulness of the Google searches is evaluated by Granger causality and out-of-sample performance. Furthermore, to study the robustness of the results, the out-of-sample forecasting accuracy has been evaluated in two separate sub-samples. In this study, a simple autoregressive model augmented with internet searches is found to outperform the traditional benchmark models in predicting the month-over-month inflation of the near future. Moreover, the improvement is statistically significant in one-month ahead forecasting accuracy. The Google model also outperforms the benchmark models in year-over-year inflation forecasting. However, the improvement in year-over-year forecasting accuracy is modest. In addition, this thesis shows that the seasonally adjusted internet search data can improve the performance of the Google model slightly. This thesis is related to fast-growing research on employing Google Trends data in economic forecasting. The findings in this thesis require further research in exploiting the internet search data in macroeconomic forecasting.
  • Hämäläinen, Jani (2018)
    Evolutionary game theory models attempt to explain social norms, which defy rational behaviour, have emerged. This thesis researches if evolutionary game theory model using replicator dynamics can forecast shifts in social norms. Viability of two models from two peer reviewed articles are studied. In “An economist perspective on evolution of norms” by Kenneth Binmore and Larry Samuelson provide learning model using ultimatum game. In “Evolutionary stability and social norms” Rajiv Sethi examines how payoff maximizers fare against norm guided players in prisoner’s dilemma model. Both articles postulate that equilibrium strategies of the models are prevailing social norms of the respective systems. Key concepts of evolutionary game theory are presented. John Maynard Smith and George Price were first to introduce evolutionary stable strategy. If all members of population adept a strategy and no mutant strategy can invade the popula-tion, the original strategy is evolutionarily stable. Stability concept is extended to multi-population systems where repli-cator equations govern dynamics of the systems. Concept of evolutionary stable set is presented. In first of the two models, Binmore and Samuelson describe learning model based on ultimatum game with noise com-ponent. Discrete replicator equations describe dynamics of the model. Binmore and Samuelson find equilibria of the ultimatum game model using several sets of simulations with differing conditions. In the second model Sethi creates two stage prisoner’s dilemma model with eight norms based on pure strategies and payoff maximizers. Continuous replica-tor equations describe dynamics of the model. Sethi finds equilibria of the model analytically. Equilibria of the two models are presented. Study of the equilibria is limited to one simulation in ultimatum game model. In prisoner’s dilemma model study is limited to case where payoff maximizer can identify other strategies. Equilibria of these models is compared to features of social norms. Ultimatum game model removed from further study due lack of multiple equilibria. Long run state of the prisoner’s dilemma model is deterministic. Shifts between social norms do not occur. Stochastic effects are introduced. Stochastic process is added to the prisoner’s dilemma model. Stochastic prisoner’s dilemma model is found to be unsuitable for forecasting. Neither of the presented models can be used for forecasting. Models with best reply dynamics are offered as topic of further research.
  • Lehti, Jasmina (2017)
    The most recent Global recession forced several central banks to lower their short term nominal interest rates to zero. The monetary policy is faced with the zero lower bound where the interest rates cannot be further decreased. In this situation, the monetary policy is impotent to stimulate the economy. The fiscal policy has become more important in context of Global recession. The persistent effects of the Global recession can be partly explained with a debt overhang. The Global recession was preceded with a period of debt leveraging and followed with a period of reducing the amount of debt in the economy. This process of debt reduction is called deleveraging. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the fiscal policy effectiveness in liquidity trap that is induced by deleveraging. This thesis analyses the effects that an expansion in government purchases has on output in liquidity trap economy. This analysis can be interpreted as an evaluation on the effectiveness of fiscal policy to stimulate the economy. This thesis is going to study the size of this effect with government spending multiplier. This thesis is partly conducted as literature review. Firstly, this thesis analyses the size of the government spending multiplier in different models and under different economic assumptions. Secondly, this paper presents a model that is based on a specific paper. Based on the paper in question, this thesis discusses the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus in deleveraging induced liquidity trap environment. Based on the specific model, this thesis presents the factors affecting the size of its government spending. From my own analysis on this specific model, I find additional factors that affect the government spending multiplier. The specific model used in this thesis relies on a heterogenous household framework with sticky prices. The model economy is faced with a shock that reduces the debt limit. This limit controls the amount of borrowing in the economy. There are two types of households in this model. The patient households smooth their consumption over the periods and the more impatient households consume their entire income and borrow up to the debt limit. The shock forces more impatient households to pay back their debt and lower their consumption. The central bank can stimulate the demand of the patient households if the nominal interest rates are positive. If the shock is large enough the nominal interest rates cannot compensate the decreased demand. When the nominal interest rates are in the lower bound, the economy is in liquidity trap. The liquidity trap can be characterized as zero lower bound equilibrium with decreased output and negative inflation. Based on this specific model, this paper finds that when the monetary policy in constrained by the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates the effectiveness of fiscal policy will be increased. Furthermore based on the same model, this thesis finds that the fiscal policy is more effective in liquidity trap when part of the households is constrained by the borrowing and liquidity constraints. This paper argues that the government spending increase is an effective tool to stimulate economy in liquidity trap that is a result of a large enough deleveraging shock. In this thesis, the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus in liquidity trap is analysed with log-linearised model. Based on literature review this thesis discusses that even though the linearisation simplifies the model analysation it can also produce misleading policy implications. Therefore, the implications of the used linearisation method can be argued to produce too optimistic views on government spending multiplier.
  • Koskinen, Juhani (2019)
    Traditional empirical research in economics is focused on statistical inference. Therefore, economists rarely pay attention to model accuracy. Model accuracy is important when the research question is focused on prediction. Many questions in economics can be framed as a prediction problem. Thus, it is necessary to utilize techniques aimed at achieving prediction accuracy. Machine learning is a field that focuses on prediction accuracy. This thesis aims to explain the core concepts behind machine learning and how these can be applied in economics. The concepts introduced in this paper are used to predict house prices. The data are an open source dataset containing over 20000 records of houses sold in Kings County, USA. Three different models are trained on data that exclude variables describing the location of the house: linear regression, decision tree, and random forest. In addition, decision tree, and random forest are also trained on data that contain location variables. The models’ accuracies are examined by making predictions on a subset of data that was not used to train the models. Random forest performs the best as measured by the mean squared error. Using data without location variables, the mean squared error achieved by the random forest is 0.074. Linear regression and decision tree both achieve a mean squared error of 0.090. When location variables are added, the mean squared error of the random forest and decision tree drop to 0.028 and 0.045, respectively. The results suggest that the techniques utilized in machine learning can be applied successfully to economics. Machine learning excels at finding complex interactions between different variables in large amounts of data. As the datasets used in empirical economic research grow in size and complexity, machine learning can provide valuable tools to economists.
  • Kokkonen, Paavo (2019)
    House prices have a very important role in the economy. House prices have strong influence to the economy especially in Finland, where around one-half of the value of households' total assets is coming from households' own dwellings. The real estate investment market is large in proportion in Finland when compared internationally to the size of the economy. Surprisingly, there are not many papers discussing the relationship between house prices and output in Finland. This paper intends to enrich the recent literature about this topic. Primary research question in this paper was do house prices affect output in Finland. Secondary interests were transmission mechanisms. The methods used in this thesis are typical in vector autoregression (VAR) analysis in recent literature. First, the time series are analysed visually and with unit root tests. Then, the optimal VAR model was chosen by using different information criterion tests and correlation tests. After selecting the optimal VAR model, Granger causality was tested with Toda-Yamamoto causality test. Other methods utilized in this paper were cointegration tests, forecasting, impulse responses and forecast error variance decomposition. These empirical methods were computed in intention to answer the research question. The most important empirical results of the paper were following. The results of Toda-Yamamoto causality test suggested that there are unidirectional Granger causality going from real house prices to real GDP per capita. This indicates that house prices could have significant explanatory power for GDP. Cointegration tests implied that the series are not cointegrated. This suggests that the series do not share a common stochastic trend for the long-run. The results of forecasting supported the results of Toda-Yamamoto causality test and it seemed that house prices might be a useful predictor when forecasting output. This result implied that the house prices have an effect on output. The analysis of impulse responses suggested that a house price shock have a positive and persistent effect on output. Forecast error variance decomposition intimated that after 15 quarters 63 percent of the output variation can be explained by the house price shock which was suspiciously strong result. The conclusion were made based on the results of the empirical analysis. Answer to the primary research question were house prices seem to have effect on output in Finland. The results of this paper supported the theory behind the wealth effect. If policy makers have a desire to stabilize output in Finland, they might need to consider stabilizing the house prices to further the stabilization of the output. It is necessary to understand the effects of housing prices to the business cycle for an efficient housing policy strategy.
  • Koivisto, Aliisa (2016)
    Understanding how corporate owners respond to dividend taxation is essential in order to minimize the excess burden caused by it. Dividend taxes reduce the return on investment and may, therefore, distort savings and investment in the economy. Moreover, following the basic setting of a consumer's maximization problem, dividend taxation restricts the consumption funded with dividend, and therefore, may reduce the owner’s willingness to put effort on the firm. However, the empirical evidence of such real responses is somewhat controversial. In this study, I use comprehensive Finnish data on Finnish corporations’ main owners to pursue the existing literature and to provide empirical evidence from Finland. In the analysis, I observe years 2000-2013 and three different dividend tax schedules in use. The data include more than 600,000 observations during the research period. I quantify the intensity of the responses to dividend taxation with the elasticity of taxable income (dividend tax elasticity). The elasticity of taxable income is a key parameter in the efficiency analysis of income taxation. It indicates how much income subject to taxation changes as the net-of-tax rate changes; therefore, it captures most responses to taxation including reduced production, distorted investment decision and tax planning. The majority of the earlier empirical literature has used the Difference-in-Differences (DD) method and a change in the tax rate to estimate the elasticity. However, the recently developed bunching method has several benefits relative to the DD, including fewer assumptions required. The bunching method uses discontinuities in the dividend tax schedule to estimate the dividend tax elasticity. In Finland, the marginal tax rate on dividends increased from 26 % to 40.5 % at a dividend income level of €90,000 in 2006–2011. These kinds of tiers in the marginal tax rates are likely to induce bunching which can be used to estimate the elasticity of taxable income. By using discontinuities in the dividend tax schedule as a source of variation, I find exceptionally clear dividend responses to the increase in a marginal dividend tax rate. The bunching evidence is substantial, and the estimated dividend tax elasticity is approximately 0.5. Furthermore, I study investment responses induced by dividend taxes by exploiting reforms in the dividend tax schedule. While I show that dividend payments respond strongly to dividend taxation, my descriptive analysis of real responses does not suggest that firms facing a dividend tax increase decrease their real investments in the short run. In fact, the descriptive results suggest that most of the responses are related to tax planning such as income-shifting. This topic has not been studied empirically in Finland before. My thesis provides a credible estimate of dividend tax elasticity in Finland. The elasticity of taxable income is a key parameter in evaluating tax policy, as it helps policy planners to estimate the effect a tax cut or an increase may induce. However, the elasticity of taxable income is a function of the tax base and income shifting possibilities and incentives (such as differences among tax bases) among others. Thus, the broadness of the tax base and income shifting incentives need to be taken into account when planning reforms. In addition to the dividend tax elasticity estimate, this thesis provides further description of the behavioral responses and the Finnish income tax system. My descriptive results indicate that, in the short term, Finnish corporate owners are mainly responsive to dividend taxation through tax planning rather than through investment decisions. Thus, dividend income tax reforms motivated solely with short term investment growth effects should be treated with caution.
  • Sadeoja, Samuli (2018)
    Small number of firms with substantially high growth create most new jobs. These firms have caught lots of attention, but little is known about the persistence of their fast growth. In this thesis I investigate the growth persistence of high-growth firms in Finland during 2001-2010. High-growth firms are identified as the fastest growing on percent of all firms and growth is indicated by growth in employees and growth in sales. Results show that high-growth firms tend to have low growth rates in the following period and the probability of repeating fast growth is small. The rapid growth thus does not predict high growth in the future.
  • Salo, Myy (2018)
    The aim of this thesis is to enlighten, to what extent an income tax cut is self-financed in Finland. Currently, labour taxation in Finland is relatively high compared to other OECD countries. In addition, the demographic structure of Finland suggests that the same services should shortly be provided for a growing user base. Examining deadweight losses and degrees of self-financing is the building block for making political decisions and thus crucial for improving the effectiveness of taxation. This thesis revolves around the Sørensen´s model, which estimates deadweight losses from taxation and which has been applied to data for Sweden. Aside from the income tax, also tax on consumption, tax on saving and corporate tax are included in the model. In the Swedish context, Sørensen exhibits the total degree of self-financing resulting from a cut in effective marginal tax rate on labour income to be as high as 32,8%. This thesis examines the model in the Finnish case. In order to apply the model to Finland, data is obtained from Statistics Finland as well as the Finnish Ministry of Finance. The end result of this research states that the total degree of self-financing associated with an income tax cut is even larger in Finland than in Sweden, with a value of 39,27%. The thesis concludes in a comparison of the two neighbouring countries. Even though Sweden and Finland both have relatively high taxation, they differ in many aspects. Firstly, the tax base is different in Sweden as opposed to Finland. Secondly, the Swedish negotiation culture has implications on the country´s labour market. In addition, the production structure in Sweden is more diverse and the nation is wealthier in capital goods. Lastly, the calibrations were computed in different years, which affected the parameters used in the calculations. Based on the above, it is imperative that aside from the similarities, there are also vast differences between Sweden and Finland.
  • Niskanen, Juhana (2016)
    Kapasiteetin käyttöasteella tarkoitetaan todellista tuotannon tasoa suhteessa potentiaaliseen tuotannon tasoon. Potentiaalinen tuotos on korkein tuotannon taso joka voidaan realistisesti tavoittaa, kun otetaan huomioon tuotantoprosessia koskevat rajoitteet. Tasapaino kapasiteetin käyttöaste NAIRCU:lla tarkoitetaan kapasiteetin käyttöastetta joka pitää inflaation vakaana. Useat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että toisin kun luonnollinen työttömyyaste, NAIRCU on pysynyt suhteellisen vakaana tutkituissa maissa. Tämän ansiosta kapasiteetin käyttöaste voisi toimia työttömyysastetta paremmin selittävänä muuttujana inflaatiota ennustettaessa. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin kapasiteetin käyttöasteen käyttökelpoisuutta kokonaiskysynnän tasoa mittaavana muuttujana. Phillipsin käyrään perustuvassa inflation ennustemallissa. Inflaation vuosimuutosta ennustettaessa ennustemallina käytettiin Phillipsin käyrään perustuvaa autoregressiivistä jakautuneiden viiveiden mallia (ADL-malli), jossa selittävänä muuttujana on inflaation muutoksen viiveet, sekä kapasiteetin käyttöaste ja sen viiveet. Vertailumalleina käytettiin ADL-mallia, jossa selittävänä muuttujana käytettiin työttömyysasteen muutosta, puhdasta autoregressiivistä mallia, sekä naiivia mallia. ADL-mallit sekä AR-malli sovitettiin pienimmän neliösumman menetelmällä rekursiivisesti. Ennustamisessa käytettiin suoran ennustamisen metodia. Mallien ennustetarkkuutta vertailtiin niin sanottujen MRSE-lukujen avulla. Kun tuloksia katsotaan koko ennusteperiodilta, kapasiteetin käyttöasteen käyttäminen selittävänä muuttujana ei tuottanut parannusta ennustetarkkuuteen suhteessa puhtaaseen autoregressiiviseen malliin. Kun mallien ennustetarkkuuta taraksteltiin niin, että ennusteperiodi jaettiin kahteen likimain yhtä pitkään periodiin, huomattiin, että kapasiteetin käyttöasteen käyttäminen selittävänä muuttujana tuotti ensimmäisellä periodilla kaikista malleista tarkimmat ennusteet inflaation muutokselle. Toisella periodilla kaikkien mallien ennustetarkkuus heikkeni, mutta eniten heikkeni juuri kapasiteetin käyttöastetta selittävänä muuttujana käyttävän mallin ennustetarkkuus. Tutkimus tulokset antavat viitteitä rakennemuutoksessa inflaatioprosessissa. Mahdollista rakennemuutosta testattiin sekä formaalisti, että tutkimalla mallin parametrien käyttäytymistä ajassa rullaavan regression avulla. Formaalin testin perusteella inflaatioprosessissa tapahtui rakenne muutos ajankohtana 2008/Q4. Parametrien rullaavat estimaatit viittaavat siihen, että kapasiteetin käyttöasteen ja inflaation välinen yhteys katoaa ennusteperiodin lopussa. Myös niin sanotussa inflaation persistenssissä on tapahtunut muutoksia ennuste periodilla.
  • Nikolenko, Anton (2018)
    Since the collapse of the Soviet Union Russian economy has suffered from high and volatile inflation. In 2014 the Russian central bank announced that it will stop supporting the national currency through market operations and adopt an inflation targeting regime in the beginning of 2015. The announcement of the policy drew a widespread critique in public discussion stating that inflation in Russia has too many sources of non-monetary inflation for an inflation targeting policy to be effective. In this thesis I provide a literature review on the inflation targeting regimes and the non-monetary inflation sources. Further, I analyze non-monetary inflation sources in the context of Russia and present the data available on these sources. In the empirical part of this study I use data on budget deficit, the amount of newly passed laws and prices for housing and utility services in vector autoregression models to find out if these non-monetary inflation sources are statistically significant factors in explaining the changes in inflation expectations in Russia. My results indicate that the role of the non-monetary inflation sources in the effectiveness of the inflation targeting regime has been overstated in the critique voiced at the time of the regime change. While there is a persistent gap between the inflation expectations of consumers and central banks inflation target or the official consumer price index changes, the model that excludes the non-monetary sources is a best fit to explain the expectations.
  • Järvenpää, Timo (2017)
    Asunnot muodostavat merkittävän osan suomalaisten varallisuudesta. Tässä tutkielmassa esitellään asuntomarkkinoiden informaationhakumalli, jonka avulla muodostetaan intuitio siitä, miten asuntoa hankkivien hakuaktiivisuus vaikuttaa kolmeen asuntomarkkinoiden muuttujaan: asuntojen hintoihin, asuntokauppojen lukumääriin sekä asuntojen myyntiaikoihin. Mallin tuomaa intuitiota hyödynnetään selvittämällä, auttaako Google Trends -hakuindeksi ennustamaan edellä mainittuja muuttujia Suomen asuntomarkkinoilla. Aiemmassa tutkimuksessa Google-hakujen on havaittu auttavan ennustamaan moninaisia talouden ilmiöitä. Hakuaktiivisuuden nousun havaitaan teoreettisen mallin perusteella lisäävän asuntokauppojen lukumäärää ja lyhentävän myyntiaikoja, mutta vaikutus asuntojen hintoihin on epävarma. Tutkielman empiirisessä osiossa tutkitaan Granger-kausaalisuuden avulla, sisältävätkö Google-haut ennustamisen kannalta hyödyllistä informaatiota asuntomarkkinamuuttujista. Kustakin muuttujasta muodostetaan myös yksinkertainen, koko saatavilla olevaan historiaan sovitettava autoregressiivinen vertailumalli, josta tehdään Google-indeksillä laajennettu versio. Vertailumalleja ja Google-indeksillä laajennettuja malleja verrataan korjatun selitysasteen sekä Akaiken ja Schwarzin informaatiokriteereiden avulla. Google-hakujen ennustekykyä arvioidaan jakamalla data estimointiperiodiin ja ennusteperiodiin sekä simuloimalla reaaliaikaista ennustamista. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan seitsemän erilaista Google-haut sisältävää ennustespesifikaatiota. Google-hakujen havaitaan Granger-aiheuttavan hintoja ja markkinointiaikoja. Koko historiaan sovitettujen autoregressiivisten mallien perusteella Google-hakutermien kertoimet eivät noudata johdonmukaisesti teoreettisen mallin mukaisia merkkejä. Sekä markkinointiaika- että lukumäärämalleissa Google-termit saavat sekä negatiivisia että positiivisia arvoja. Google-hakujen havaitaan parantavan nykyisyyden hintaennusteita absoluuttisella keskivirheellä mitattuna yhtä lukuun ottamatta kaikilla spesifikaatioilla, mutta ennustevirheiden erot eivät Diebold-Mariano-testin perusteella pääsääntöisesti kuitenkaan eroa tilastollisesti merkitsevästi nollasta. Lukumäärien nykyisen arvon ennusteissa Google-haut tuottavat useassa spesifikaatiossa merkittävästi suurempia ennustevirheitä kuin vertailumallit. Yhden kuukauden päähän ennustettaessa internethaut kuitenkin vaikuttavat pienentävän lukumäärien ja hintojen ennustevirheitä. Paneelidataspesifikaatiolla sekä hinta- että lukumääräennusteet ovat tarkempia internethakuja hyödyntämällä. Tulosten perusteella Google-hakujen hyödyllisyys asuntomarkkinoiden ennustamisessa on altis mallin spesifikaatiolle eivätkä Google-haut pysty johdonmukaisesti parantamaan ennusteita kaikilla muuttujilla.
  • Ylikoski, Ilona (2019)
    Team problems are inherent in today’s world, as individuals often must collaborate in various settings from production to service provision. The need for collaboration originates from a group of agents’ pursuing a common goal. This dissertation is a literature overview of what kind of inefficiencies arise from these kinds of projects, and how to possibly overcome them. The focus is on games that consider the provision of public goods, or in other words, large-scale voluntary contribution projects. Examples of these kinds of projects are, for instance, library collections, public parks and environmental protection. What characterizes these projects, is that collaboration is not only a one-time effort but requires continuous work over multiple periods. This dynamism together with voluntary commitment, results in to the fact that the effort is not only underprovided but also distorted. Participants in these projects face the incentive to hold back their own contributions in order to free-ride on others’, but, at the same time, want to frontload. The previous means that the participants want to contribute to the project in order to encourage others to increase their future contributions. So, these kinds of projects are inefficient in the sense that the effort provision is distorted, and the projects tend to last longer than optimally. The previous happens as the participants fail to cooperate as efficiently as in the social optimum. In order to understand the underlying reasons behind this cooperative failure, I deconstruct a dynamic and voluntary game that considers the provision of a public good. In the game, a group of agents must exert costly effort over time to contribute to a project which is divided into sub-projects. The game ends once a prespecified threshold amount of effort is accumulated. Participants of the game can base their contribution decisions only on the commonly observed state of the project and how they expect others to behave. Individual contribution costs and levels are private information. The examined model presents that the underlying reason behind the inefficient outcome are the facts that agents’ contribution costs are hidden and that the agents move simultaneously. Social optimum would be achieved if group size could increase without bound. When group size cannot tend to social optimum, the agents must control the degree of dysfunctional behaviour by forming smaller groups and form arrangements to control agents’ incentives to deviate from cooperative behaviour. Examples of these kinds of systems are self-imposed sanctioning systems, sanctioning systems with a centralized authority, deadlines and infrequent monitoring. The strengths and weaknesses of these systems are briefly discussed in order to understand how feasible it is, in fact, to restore efficiency for dynamic games that rely on voluntary contributions. To further help the reader understand the deep-rooted role of free-riding and frontloading in these kinds of projects, few extensions to the model are covered from complementary contributions to uncertainty in outcome.