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  • Johnston, Casey (2013)
    This Master’s Thesis aims to explore the link between the state of the economy and the outcome of elections in the United States. The thesis begins with an introduction that focuses on the importance that the economy has had in determining elections, in particular, the presidential election of 2012. After a brief opening, it then moves to a comprehensive review of previous literature related to what has been tagged the ‘economic voting theory: the idea that voters reward incumbents for positive economic outcomes and punish them for negative ones. Next, I suggest the addition of another dimension to the economic voting theory in order to separate my research from previous studies on this topic. The additional dimension is what is known as the ‘shale gas revolution’: an enormous increase in natural gas production capacity that has created jobs and pumped money into the American economy. I am interested in finding how and if the positive economic effects of the shale gas revolution helped to increase support for Barack Obama in the 2012 election as the economic voting theory would suggest. From there I will further refine the research question by selecting the state of Ohio as the focus of my study based on both its experience with the shale gas revolution and its history as a swing state. With this, the research question that this thesis aims to answer becomes: According to the economic theory of voting, did improved economic conditions help to boost support for Barack Obama in Ohio in the 2012 Presidential Election? Finally, I am able to begin the analysis using data in the form of economic indicators in order to establish the impact that the shale gas revolution has had on the economy and then explore whether these positive effects coincided with support for President Obama.
  • Parkatti, Vesa-Pekka (2017)
    This study optimizes the management regime of boreal Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestric L.) stands. The aim is to compare the economic profitability of continuous cover management and clearcut management and to study the hypothesis that continuous cover forestry is more favorable in the case of Norway spruce, compared to Scots pine. Additionally, the study analyses the outcomes of two different growth models for these tree species and compares the results with the requirements of the Finnish Forest Act of 2014. Earlier studies comparing the suitability of Norway spruce and Scots pine to continuous cover forestry have applied unclear model specifications and unnecessary limitations in the optimization methods. In this study, the optimization is carried out using a theoretically sound economic optimization model that determines the choice of the management regime as an outcome of the optimization. The model uses empirically estimated ecological growth models and includes both fixed and variable harvesting costs. Two different empirically estimated ecological growth models are used and compared. The optimization model is solved as a bi-level problem where harvest timing is the upper-level problem and harvesting intensity the lower-level problem. The optimization is solved using gradient-based methods for the lower-level problems and genetic and hill-climbing algorithms for the upper-level problems. This is the first study using this method to solve optimal continuous cover solutions for Scots pine. The results show that the main differences in optimal solutions between the two species are independent of the ecological two growth models used. According to both ecological models, continuous cover forestry is less favorable for Scots pine compared to Norway spruce, in both low and average fertility sites. However, the magnitude of this favorability and the characteristics of the optimal solutions strongly depend on the ecological model. Optimal continuous cover solutions for Scots pine are also found to have very low stand densities. Almost all economically optimal solutions are illegal because of their low number of trees or basal area per hectare.
  • Hohenthal, Louise (2018)
    The thesis examines the effects of tax progressivity on the stability of a growing economy. This is done based on the AK growth model. My interest in this topic regarding progressive taxation comes from two articles by Shu-Hua Chen and Jang-Ting Guo, published in 2013 and 2016. The articles do not include detailed mathematical proofs contrary to my thesis. The contribution of my paper is therefore the complete mathematical proofs. In this way I show that the conclusions of the papers really are based on mathematical facts, therefore increasing the value of the results. Two different externalities in the production structure are considered. Either the government expenditures are productive, contributing positively to the level of production, or there are productivity spillovers with the level of production depending on the average size of the capital stock as different producers may use different amounts of capital. In the presence of productive government expenditures, the effects of progressivity depend on the degree to which the expenditures impact the demand as well as the supply of the final good. If the government expenditures affect the supply of goods more than the demand, a sharp progressivity of taxation, as well as any degree of regressive taxation, creates instability in the economy. On the other hand, a moderate progressivity creates stability in the economy. However, if the government expenditures affect the demand of goods more than the supply, any degree of progressivity creates instability in the economy and any degree of regressivity creates stability. In the presence of productivity spillovers, any degree of progressive taxation results in an unstable economic development. However, any degree of regressive taxation results in a stable economy. Finally, regardless of type of production externality, a proportional taxation results in a stable economy and a stable growth path.
  • Huhtamäki, Olli Ilmari (2013)
    The thesis studies the economic policy of the United States from the first oil crisis of October 1973 to the 1980 elections via the perspective of Keynesian economic theorem. The main objective of the thesis is to analyze the perceived failure of Keynesianism during stagflation through practical policy and evaluate the policy connection to the economic theory paradigm shift that occurred in the late 1970s and early 1980s. This is done by reviewing primarily the fiscal policies of the Ford and Carter administrations coupled with an analysis of the policy recommendations made by the contemporary congressional Joint Economic Committees. The thesis aims to add a historically minded policy analysis into the mix when explaining the fall of Keynesianism and see how well it elucidates this on its own. In primary material the thesis relies on various documents produced by the Councils of Economic Advisors and Joint Economic Committees during the previously mentioned time period. In particular the annually or biannually formed economic policy publications and statements related to them are under scrutiny since by revealing the policy directions and proposals one can examine the wider economic theory context at play. In addition the primary material is complemented by using a wide-range of previous literature and contemporary newspaper articles. Methodologically the study employs directed qualitative content analysis as a research method which carefully takes into consideration the chosen contextual theory – Keynesianism – when analyzing the material. Furthermore, an adaption of Douglass C. North’s theory on economic change is applied to the subject in order to create a more comprehendible framework to examine the change in economic thinking taking place. The analysis of U.S. economic policy through the theoretical lenses of Keynes finds that the theory was badly miscomprehended and practiced already in the late 1960s which continued for the entire 1970s causing increasingly significant reputational damage to it. The study concludes that a lack of belief among the Ford and Carter administrations towards Keynesianism and the difficult politico-economic circumstances lead to economic policies that cannot be classified as Keynesian. Thus the results stand in opposition to the notion that the theory failed through trial and error during stagflation and indicate that intellectual preference towards neoclassical economics began to impact policy increasingly since the Ford administration. The study recommends that future research focuses more on linking economic policies and theories to their historical and political context. A further recommendation is made to increase the study of empirical policy analysis when explaining the fall of Keynesianism.
  • Salojärvi, Joona (2014)
    The objective of this study is to assess the willingness to pay of the Finnish public for improvements in the ecological status of the Gulf of Finland using the choice experiment method (CE). The change in the status of the environment is described with four attributes that contribute to the provision of ecosystem services in the Baltic Sea: (1) the populations of key species (including species of mammals, birds, fish, invertebrates and plants), (2) the visibility of the key species, (3) the intensity and duration of algal blooms, and (4) possibilities for recreational fishing. The study considers moderate and substantial improvement scenarios resulting from a range of management measures proposed under the marine strategy framework directive (MSFD), and estimates the accruing benefits with multinomial logit and random parameters logit models. The results of the study show that significant benefits could occur for the Finns if improvements in the environmental status of the Gulf of Finland are achieved. Reduction in algal blooms was found to be most important to the respondents followed closely by improvements in the populations of key species. The third most important attribute was the recreational fishing possibilities, while significantly smaller willingness to pay values was estimated on the visibility of key species. This thesis is conducted within the European Union funded ODEMM project. The overall aim of the project is to develop management options and operational procedures to help in achieving the objectives of the MSFD and implementing ecosystem based marine management.
  • Kurvinen, Pasi (Helsingin yliopistoUniversity of HelsinkiHelsingfors universitet, 2003)
  • Hirvonen, Elina (2016)
    The main aim of this thesis was to study the ecosystem services provided by large-scale industrial eucalypt plantations of UPM in Paysandú region, Uruguay. In the landscape, natural pastures and forests are combined with rows of planted trees. The second aim was to study how various stakeholder groups use ecosystem services from the plantation landscape, and to what extent the rights and expectations related to their use vary among these groups. The third aim was to study the best ways to combine the production of ecosystem services with large-scale industrial tree plantations in the study area. The data used in this study consisted of 55 semi-structured interviews, which were recorded in Uruguay during summer of 2015. Among the persons interviewed, 15 people were classified as key-informants with a broad view on plantation industry in the study area. They were from educational institutions, companies, ministries and from non-governmental organizations. Based on results of the key-informants interviews, a total of 40 persons were selected for stakeholder interviews. They represented four groups; 1) cattle ranchers, 2) honey producers, 3) tree growers and 4) general public from the surrounding communities. With stakeholder interviews, the aim was to collect quantitative data with structured questionnaires. The key-informants and stakeholders were asked about the same issues, but the key-informant interviews had open questions for collecting both qualitative and quantitative data. The results of this study show that industrial tree plantation landscapes provide a plenitude of ecosystem services. However, the perceived changes in the landscape during the past ten years were in some cases more negative than positive. According to the key-informants, the most important ecosystem services provided included industrial wood, animal shelter, fodder and foods. This indicates that local livelihoods can be combined with industrial plantations and the stakeholders benefit from them in many ways. The cattle ranchers obtained mainly animal shelter and fodder. For them, also the regulation of natural hazards was important. The honey producers valued foods, pollination and biodiversity services. The tree growers valued industrial wood and, similarly as the cattle ranchers, animal shelter and fodder. For the general community, educational information was the most important service. Food, honey and mushrooms, and fuel wood were also highly valued ecosystem services. Industrial tree plantations create a wealth of ecosystem services, often with low or no cost. UPM Uruguay considers local stakeholders and their livelihoods in many ways. According to the company, the best ways to integrate industrial tree plantations and ecosystem services are already used in many parts, although there was no data disclosed about all of them. However, it seems that UPM is well aware of the local conditions. In the future, there is a need to study the monetary value and benefit sharing of ecosystem services e.g. through payments of ecosystem services schemes.
  • Cai, Dinglin (2016)
    Globalization has remarkably redirected the flows of global forestry investment to developing countries since early 1990s, several leading multinational forest companies have established a huge area of Eucalyptus plantations in the past decades in Guangxi, China. Previous studies show that the establishment of Eucalyptus plantations has both positive and negative effects on rural environment and communities’ livelihoods, but few of these studies have highlighted the local communities’ perspective. This study aims to assess how the local communities perceive ecosystem services and their livelihoods after the intense land use changes to provide a deeper understanding of the impacts for companies operating or investing in the region, moreover, it also aims to complement the previous studies on forest industry managers’ perception on plantation forestry and ecosystem services in the context of China. With the guidance of two qualitative questionnaires, 5 village-level and 80 villager-level semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect data in villages near Eucalyptus plantations. The results indicate that from local communities’ perspective, the establishment of Eucalyptus plantations has degraded ecosystem services, especially soil fertility, water quantity and quality, the local livelihoods have been however diversified to some extent. Some managerial implications concerning community engagement are provided according to the findings so that the forest companies can achieve better business performance in Guangxi and similar areas in future.
  • Luoma, Antti (2018)
    Plantation forestry has increased dramatically in Uruguay during the past 25 years. Thus, planted forests have an increasing importance in providing other ecosystem services in addition to wood provision in landscape scale. Forest sector company UPM owns more than 250 000 hectares of Eucalyptus plantations in Uruguay. UPM seeks to enhance their systems to measure and monitor ecosystem services, to better understand sustainable provision of ecosystem services in their plantation landscapes, and to mitigate negative and maximize positive impacts. Benefits of monitoring and incorporating ecosystem services at management level include strengthened decision-making and communication, license to operate in long-term and better corporate image. Four ecosystem services were selected for analysis based on their relevance in UPM’s corporate strategy: wood provision, climate regulation, water provision and biodiversity maintenance. Provision of the ecosystem services were estimated quantitatively and compared to a pasture land baseline. Provision of ecosystem services was also linked to product level, tonne of pulp, when applicable. Data for the analysis was partly provided by UPM and partly by literature meta-analysis. Climate benefit of converting pasture to Eucalyptus is 8–31 MgC/ha or 29–115 MgCO2/ha depending on species and rotation number. Planting 40% of a micro water-shed with Eucalyptus reduces water streamflow approximately by 20–27%, while reducing streamflow of peak rainfall months by up to 40%, potentially alleviating floods. Pastures in UPM’s landscapes are well connected, but provided little core habitats. Native riparian forests are fragmented and maintain biodiversity poorly. Suggestions for future monitoring and measuring are presented. This thesis works as a waypoint for future studies of holistic ecosystem services provision in UPM assets.
  • Kärkkäinen, Jani (2018)
    This study investigates the effects of oil palm smallholding, wealth, and ecosystem services produced by oil palm dominated agroecosystem in the villages of Tanjung Bering and Betung in Sumatra, Indonesia in 2008. The cultivation of oil palm has many environmental and socio-economic impacts. In particular, indigenous peoples are vulnerable stakeholders between the expanding oil palm plantations. Oil palm industry has sought to find sustainable models for palm oil production: the inclusion of indigenous peoples to oil palm development is an essential part of this. The purpose of the study is to chart the situation and to investigate the impact of the oil palm smallholding for the well-being of local indigenous people, and to provide information for the sustainable decision-making. The study is based on household interviews in the area of the Petalangan ethnic group. The interviews were added to a relational database, which was used to provide variables on ecosystem services, economy and well-being for statistical analysis. Statistical analysis was carried out mainly by cross-tabulating the mentioned variables with wealth and the oil palm smallholding status, significance has been defined with the Pearson’s khii-test. Interpretation and analysis of the results has been made in the framework of ecosystem services by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Oil palm smallholding highly significantly increased households’ income, and wealth increased highly significantly household’s well-being. The fragmented oil palm dominated agroecosystem was still providing ecosystem services to households. The wealth reduced households’ dependency on most ecosystem services as well as substituted many of them. It is concluded based on this study that in the oil palm dominated agroecosystem, oil palm smallholding and higher income affects very favourable to the households’ well-being, and vice versa non-oil-palm-smallholding and poverty predicts ill-being.
  • Piekkola, Elina (2013)
    East Usambara Mountains situated in North-Eastern Tanzania, are globally recognized tropical forests that have a high biodiversity value. The Amani Nature Reserve encloses a high concentration of endemic species within versatile biodiversity. The aim of this study is to measure the ecotourism possibilities and potential of the Amani Nature Reserve and to provide sustainable areal development and livelihood option and outline the regional characteristic important in terms of ecotourism. The data for this study was gathered during a field trip in Tanzania, in January-March 2012, as part of an internship for WWF Finland, Coastal East Africa Initiative. The qualitative methods used included a structured questionnaire, semi-structured and in-depth interviews, field observation and literature analysis. Also, several discussions between different regional stakeholders were carried out. Six villages in the East Usambara Mountains are studied. The study concludes that the Amani Nature Reserve has high potential for ecotourism development and the area offers diverse nature related activities albeit the current visitor statistics are low. The overall results indicate the high value and possibilities with regional biodiversity, the locals' positive attitudes towards tourism but also the areal weaknesses; poor infrastructure, lack of facilities and services. The locals' willingness to cooperate and participate in ecotourism functions and existing cultural assets were also recognized. The Amani Nature Reserve's location, uniqueness and existing facilities strongly support the future ecotourism development. However the locals' knowledge on tourism impacts and conservation issues should be reinforced because there are currently multiple threats towards these tropical forests such as population growth and forest fragmentation. Ecotourism could reinforce forest conservation, local empowerment and sustainable livelihoods. In order to safeguard the ecotourism resource base, the environment, the ecotourism actions need to follow the ecotourism objectives and principles and consider different spatial environmental, social and economic characteristics. According to these principles the locals must be integrated in actions and decision-making processes at all levels and careful ecotourism planning, management and monitoring must take place. The ecotourism network development in Tanzania is highly possible because of the country's spectacular natural beauty and political stability. In order to safeguard the remaining life supporting wildlife also different stakeholders and locals should be engaged to work in cooperation seeking sustainable conservation means, such as ecotourism.
  • Häggblom, Svante (2019)
    Background: User experience (UX) is seen as an important quality of a successful product and software companies are becoming increasingly interested in the field of UX. As UX has the goal to improve the experience of users, there is a need for better methods in measuring the actual experience. One aspect of UX is to understand the emotional aspect of experience. Psychophysiology studies the relations between emotions and physiology and electrodermal activity (EDA) has been found to be a physiological measurement of emotional arousal. Aims: The aim of this thesis is researching the utility of measuring EDA to identify moments of emotional arousal during human-computer interaction. By studying peaks in EDA during software interaction we expect to find issues in the software that work as triggers or stimuli for the peaks. Method: We used the design science methodology to develop EDAMUX. EDAMUX is a method to unobtrusively observe users, while gathering significant interaction moments through self reporting and EDA. A qualitative single-case study was conducted to evaluate the utility of EDAMUX. Results: We found that we can discover causes of bad user experience with EDAMUX. Moments of emotional arousal, derived from EDA, was found in conjunction with performance issues, usability issues and bugs. Emotional arousal was also observed during software interaction where the user was blaming themself. Conclusions: EDAMUX shows potential in discovering issues in software that are difficult to find with methods that rely on subjective self-reporting. Having the potential to objectively study emotional reactions is seen as valuable in complementing existing methods of measuring user experience.
  • Joensuu, Sanna (2017)
    The ways of gender production are strongly culture specific. The school and school's textbooks reflect our cultural values and norms. Cultural gender biases and stereotypical representations of gender can be observed on the textbooks with ease – the books portray a very traditional and one-sided vision of feminine and masculine genders. There has been a growing attention to cultural gender biases in school's textbooks especially due to the most recent national curriculum. I approach the gender bias in this thesis from the viewpoint of girls' studies and therefore the research subjects are girls and girlhood. Science education textbooks based on the National Core Curriculum (2014) form the research material used in this study. Science education covers themes that are influential in shaping students gender identity. The goal of this study is to answer a question how and what kind of a girlhood are the science textbooks, based on the most recent curriculum, producing? My research questions are how and what kind of girl's agency is produced and how in the most recent textbooks have the ways of producing girlhood changed. My master's thesis consists of a theoretical literature review section of girlhood and production of girlhood in basic education textbooks and of a research section. I focus especially on Finnish research literature even though there is only a limited amount of research on the topic conducted. In the research section I study both qualitative and quantitative production of girlhood. In the quantitative part of the study I quantify the research material i.e. I calculate representation of gender in the textbooks. The qualitative section focuses on girl's agency and on the changes in the production of girlhood. In the light of the research I have conducted I can state that there has been a progress in the gender equality: quantitative inequality does not exist in the new textbooks. However, there was still a very traditional representation of the gender and its agency. There was development in the variety of girl's agency but there were still major deficiencies in especially intersectionality; the girls were still all but white, middle class, and heterosexual.
  • Airas, Justiina (2019)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan pääkaupunkiseudulle muuttaneiden opiskelijoiden asenteita omaa kotimurrettaan kohtaan. Tutkimuksessa vastaajia tarkastellaan ryhminä heidän kotiseututaustansa perusteella. Lisäksi tarkastellaan, minkälaiset tekijät ovat vaikuttaneet vastaajien puhetavan muuttumiseen tai säilymiseen pääkaupunkiseudulle muuton jälkeen. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty kyselylomakkeella Helsingin yliopiston suomenkielisiltä osakunnilta (pois lukien Eteläsuomalainen osakunta) syksyn 2018 aikana. Tutkimuksessa käytetään sekä kvantitatiivisia että kvalitatiivisia tarkastelumetodeja vastauksia analysoitaessa. Vastaajien murreasenteita tarkastellaan ensin kotiseututaustojen perusteella viitenä eri ryhmänä. Muuton vaikutuksia vastaajien puhetapaan käsitellään sen sijaan kahtena eri ryhmänä: niinä, jotka eivät ole huomanneet muutosta puhetavassaan ja niinä, jotka ovat huomanneet muutoksia puhetavassaan. Tuloksista käy ilmi, että kotiseututaustasta riippumatta vastaajat arvostavat murteita yleisesti ja toivovat oman kotimurteensa säilyvän. Vastaajat uskovat kuitenkin oman murteensa tulevan muuttumaan tulevaisuudessa ja korostavat puhetapansa yleiskielisyyttä ja tilanteista variaatiota. Kotiseututaustojen perusteella on havaittavissa eroavaisuuksia tarkasteluryhmien kesken. Itäsuomalaisilla vastaajilla on havaittavissa ajattelutapa asteikosta, mitä kunnon savolaiseen murteeseen kuuluu, ja kaakkoissuomalaiset eivät ärsyynny eteläsuomalaisesta puhetavasta niin paljon kuin muut ryhmät. Keskisuomalaiset vastaajat tuovat ilmi ajatuksen, että heidän kotiseudullaan ei puhuttaisi murretta ollenkaan, ja länsisuomalaiset kokevat, ettei heidän murrettaan arvosteta. Pohjoissuomalaiset vastaajat taas erittelevät muita tarkemmin puheensa murteellisia piirteitä. Muuton vaikutuksissa puhetapaan korostuvat osin samat ja osin eri tekijät riippuen siitä, oliko vastaaja huomannut puhetavassaan muutoksia vai ei. Vastaajista selkeä enemmistö on huomannut muutoksia puhetavassaan. Osalla oma murre varioi pääkaupungin puhetavan kanssa ja osalla taas oma kotimurre on vahvistunut. Muuton vaikutuksissa korostuvat vastaajien erilaiset tulkinnat: osa kokee tilanteisen vaihtelun tai slangisanojen omaksumisen puhetavan muutoksena ja osa taas puhetavan säilymisenä. Tutkimus antaa näyttöä siitä, että sekä oman puhetavan arvottaminen että muuton vaikutukset puhetapaan ovat yksilökohtaisia ja tulokset riippuvat paljolti vastaajien omasta tulkinnasta. Muutolla on kuitenkin jonkinlaisia vaikutuksia, jotka tapahtuvat osin automaattisesti ja osa on yksilön päätöksestä kiinni. Esimerkiksi murteen säilyminen on yhteydessä siihen, kuinka tärkeänä osana yksilö sen identiteetilleen kokee.
  • Keränen, Miikka (2014)
    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia edellytysopin soveltumista liike-elämän kestosopimuksiin sekä edellytysopin todellista käyttöalaa tässä sopimustyypissä. Tutkielma on lainopillinen ja siinä käytetään erityisesti argumentteja kehittelevää tulkinnallista metodia. Tutkielman lähdemateriaali koostuu lainsäädännöstä, pohjoismaisten oikeustoimilakien esitöistä, pohjoismaisesta oikeuskirjallisuudesta sekä Suomen ja Ruotsin korkeimpien oikeuksien oikeuskäytännöstä. Tutkielma rakentuu siten, että johdannon jälkeen toisessa luvussa esitellään edellytysopin sopimusteoreettinen tausta, jonka jälkeen kolmannessa luvussa käydään läpi edellytysopin moderni sisältö. Neljäs luku keskittyy liike-elämän kestosopimuksiin, jonka jälkeen viidennessä luvussa arvioidaan modernin edellytysopin soveltamista juuri liike-elämän kestosopimuksiin. Edellytysopin sopimusteoreettista taustaa käsiteltäessä käydään läpi tahto- ja luottamusteoriat, opin historia sekä siihen liittyvä terminologia. Tämän jälkeen modernin edellytysopin käsittely rakennetaan tuoreen korkeimman oikeuden ratkaisun (KKO 2012:1) pohjalle. Ratkaisun perusteluja mukaillen, ensimmäisenä erotellaan toisistaan virheelliset ja rauenneet edellytykset. Seuraavaksi käydään läpi oppiin liitetyt soveltamisedellytykset, joita ovat olennaisuus- ja havaittavuusvaatimus sekä riskinjakopunninta. Lopulta arvioidaan opin soveltamiseen perinteisesti liitettyjä oikeusseuraamuksia. Näistä käsitellään erikseen sopimuksen pätemättömyyttä, sopimuksen purkamista, erilaisia suorituksesta vapauttavia oppeja, sopimuksen sovittelua ja sopimuksen tulkintaa tai täydentämistä. Liike-elämän kestosopimuksia käsiteltäessä sopimustyypistä pyritään nostamaan esille sellaisia seikkoja, joilla on vaikutusta erityisesti edellytysopin soveltumiseen tässä sopimustyypissä. Käsittely aloitetaan pelkästään liikesopimuksista ja tässä yhteydessä erityispiirteinä esitellään sopimusten korostetun sitovuuden vaatimus, sopimusten kirjallinen muoto ja ammattimaisuus sekä lojaliteettiperiaate. Tämän jälkeen käsitellään vielä erikseen liike-elämän kestosopimuksiin liittyviä erityispiirteitä, joista esille nostetaan erityisesti sopimussuhteissa kohdattavat olosuhdemuutokset sekä sopimuksen päättämiseen liittyvä problematiikka. Näitä erityispiirteitä hyväksikäyttäen luodaan lopulta tutkielman viimeistä päälukua varten viitekehys liike-elämän kestosopimuksista, jossa edellytysopin soveltumista ja käyttöalaa voidaan tarkastella. Tutkielman viidennessä pääluvussa arvioidaan tutkielman tavoitteen mukaisesti modernin edellytysopin soveltumista liike-elämän kestosopimuksiin ja opin todellista käyttöalaa sopimustyypissä. Luvussa havaitaan ensinnäkin, että edellytysopin soveltuminen pitkäkestoisiin liikesopimuksiin on harvinaisempaa kuin muihin sopimuksiin. Lisäksi huomataan, että opin soveltamisedellytysten täyttymiskynnys on liike-elämän kestosopimuksissa lähtökohtaisesti korkeammalla kuin normaalisti. Täyttymiskynnys voi kuitenkin myös tapauskohtaisesti madaltua, mikäli toinen sopimusosapuolista menettelee vilpillisesti taikka lojaliteettivelvoitteidensa vastaisesti. Arvioitaessa edellytysopin todellista käyttöalaa, arvioidaan oikeusseuraamuksia erikseen virheellisten ja raukeavien edellytysten kohdalla. Virheellisiin edellytyksiin perustuvassa arviossa tullaan siihen tulokseen, että edellytysopilla ei ole itsenäistä käyttöalaa liike-elämän kestosopimuksien yhteydessä. Tämän osoitetaan johtuvan sopimustyypin erityispiirteistä sekä OikTL 33 §:n ja edellytysopin osittaisesta päällekkäisyydestä. Opilla on kuitenkin tässä yhteydessä käyttöalansa erityisesti argumentatiivisena sekä tulkinnallisena tukena muiden oikeusseuraamusten yhteydessä. Raukeavien edellytysten yhteydessä edellytysopille sen sijaan löydetään oma itsenäinen käyttöalansa sopimuksen pätemättömyysperusteena. Tämän itsenäisen käyttöalan lisäksi edellytysopilla on myös raukeavien edellytysten yhteydessä vahva asema muita oikeusseuraamuksia tukevana argumentaatiolähteenä sekä tulkinta- tai täydennyskeinona. Tutkielmassa tullaan siis tulokseen, että edellytysopille on löydettävissä itsenäinen kapea käyttöalansa liike-elämän kestosopimuksien viitekehyksessä pätemättömyysperusteena. Suurempi käyttöala sillä on kuitenkin vahvana argumentaatiolähteenä sekä tulkintakeinona tilanteissa, joissa osapuolten edellytyksen osoittautuvat virheellisiksi taikka raukeavat.
  • Eriksson, Jasmin (2019)
    Synnytyksen käynnistyksen yleisimmät syyt Suomessa ovat yliaikaisuus ja lapsivedenmeno, jotka ovat miltei tasavertaiset yleisyydessään. Vuonna 2017 Suomessa synnytyksistä käynnistettiin 28,9 % ja tällöin lapsivedenmeno oli toiseksi yleisin syy käynnistykseen HYKS:ssä. HYKS:ssä synnytys käynnistetään 12 tunnin kuluessa lapsivedenmenosta GBS-positiivisilla synnyttäjillä ja 24 tunnin kuluttua GBS-negatiivisilla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää lapsivedenmenon vaikutusta synnytyksen kulkuun ja lopputuloksiin niillä synnyttäjillä, joiden synnytys on käynnistetty lapsivedenmenon takia. Tutkimus on retrospektiivinen ja aineisto koostuu HYKS synnytyssairaaloiden synnyttäjistä vuodelta 2017. Synnyttäjien esitiedot, tiedot synnytysten käynnistyksestä ja etenemisestä sekä synnytysten päätetapahtumat ja syntyneiden lasten tiedot on kerätty sairaskertomuksista Obstetrix- ja Miranda-potilastietojärjestelmistä. Tiedot on analysoitu SPSS-taulukkolaskentaohjelman avulla. Tutkimuksessa todettiin ensisynnyttäjyyden, synnyttäjän lyhyen pituuden, ylipainon, aiemman keisarileikkauksen ja epäkypsän kohdunkaulan käynnistyksen alussa liittyvän lisääntyneeseen keisarileikkauksen riskiin, kuten aiemmissakin tutkimuksissa. Infektioita todettiin enemmän ensisynnyttäjillä ja keisarileikkaukseen päätyneillä. Synnytyksissä, jotka olivat keskimääräiseltä kestoltaan pidempiä lapsivedenmenosta ja/tai synnytyksen käynnistyksen alusta syntymään, ilmeni enemmän synnytyksen aikaisia tai jälkeisiä infektioita. GBS-positiivisille synnyttäjille annetaan HYKS:n hoitokäytännön mukaisesti ennaltaehkäisevä antibioottihoito lapsiveden mentyä ja heidän lapsillaan oli vähemmän infektioita kuin GBS-negatiivisten synnyttäjien lapsilla. Lapsivedenmenon ajankohdalla ei ollut vaikutusta lasten infektioiden esiintymiseen. Lapsivedenmenon vuoksi käynnistetyissä synnytyksissä äitien ja lasten infektioiden esiintyvyys ei poikennut muista HYKS:ssä vuonna 2017 käynnistetyistä synnytyksistä.
  • Isotalo, Anders (2019)
    I dag är konstitutionen och lagstiftaren under hård press på grund av de teknologiska framstegen som var otänkbara för några decennier sedan. De flesta framstegen är på ett eller annat sätt sammankopplade till internet och samhällets digitalisering. Teknologin har genomsyrat hela samhället och blivit en oumbärlig del av våra liv. Den medför sig unika men också utmanande frågor – speciellt till lagstiftaren. Röstande är en grundläggande rättighet i ett demokratiskt samhälle. Det är en metod att kollektivt välja in en handfull representanter in till riksdagen, kommunfullmäktige eller in till Europaparlamentet. Kollektivet väljer in sin kandidat som blir politiskt ansvarig för kollektivets agenda. I Finland är röstande med traditionella fysiska röstsedeln det enda sättet att rösta. Införandet av e-röstning ger upphov till en del utmaningar som uppstår när elektronik tillämpas i ett digitaliserande samhälle. Politiker och administratörer kan förmoda att en viss tjänst eller process kan enkelt tas och placeras ut på internet. Tyvärr är verkligheten mer komplex – och speciellt när saken berör röstningsförfarande och grundläggande fri- och rättigheter. Under de senaste åren har elektronisk röstning varit föremål för debatt som det alternativa omröstningsförfarandet i flera länder runt om i världen. E-röstande kan göra omröstningarna mer praktiska och attraktiva och således öka valdeltagandet särskilt bland unga, funktionsnedsatta och äldre. E-röstningen kan ses som ett verktyg för att underlätta valprocessen, göra den effektivare och samtidigt öka förtroendet på förvaltningen. Korrekt tillämpad och integrerad kan den öka säkerheten och påskynda arbetet att granska och räkna rösterna. Istället för att för hand räkna röster och manuellt registrera dem, behandlas rösterna i digital format. Utmaningarna är trots allt avsevärda. En process för att anpassa e-röstningssystemet kräver noggrann planering för att inte undergräva förtroendet på hela valsystemet. Digitalisering kan dock ge nytt utrymme för att lösa problem och främja intresset för deltagardemokrati. Med e-demokrati menar jag ett samhälle som blir alltmer elektroniskt med följden att myndighetstjänster tillhandahålls allt mera via internet. I denna avhandling kommer jag att sätta mig in i teknologins och ett samhälles grundläggande rättigheters ömsesidiga förhållande samt hur dessa tillämpas i praktiken i e-röstning. Ytterligen kommer jag även att allmänt behandla och forska hur elektronisk förvaltning påverkar samhället och grundrättigheterna. Det är konsekvent, om inte nödvändigt, att först framföra teori om e-förvaltning i ett digitaliserande samhälle för att följdriktigt kunna framföra e-röstning i ett digitalt samhälle. Rådande forskningsmetoden i denna avhandling är rättsdogmatisk metod, dvs. forska vad grundrättigheternas och digitala samhällets förhållande i den finska rättsordningen är. Denna avhandlings kärnfrågor är: 1) vad är teknologins, statsförfattningens och grundläggande fri- och rättigheternas ömsesidiga förhållande; och 2) hur tillämpas dessa sammanslaget i elektronisk röstning.
  • Inkinen, Milla (2021)
    Previous research has shown that there is deficiency in the quality of early childhood education of children under the age of three. The purpose of this study is to describe with discourse analysis what kind of meanings teachers give to successful pedagogy in their narratives. In addition to discourse analysis, I reason the meanings given to successful pedagogy with National Evaluation Center’s (Karvi) process factors of quality (Vlasov ym., 2018). The main question of this study is how teachers working with children under the age of three speak about successful pedagogy. The material of the study was collected with a questionnaire that was shared in two early childhood education related Facebook groups. The material consisted of 32 narratives where teachers that work with children under the age of three talk about a pedagogically successful day. The material was analyzed with discourse analysis. The analysis and interpretation were strongly based on social constructionism that emphasizes the material as the object of the study. Four larger interpretative repertoires were found from the narratives of the teachers. These repertoires were: Adult meets child, Learning is holistic, Everyone knows what they are doing and The repertoire of insufficiency. These interpretative repertoires represented the most crucial meanings given to successful pedagogy. The repertoires performed in the narratives partly overlapped and parallel. The teachers of early childhood education emphasized sensitive and individualized encounter and interaction that takes a child's interests into account. Learning was seen holistic, and it was typically placed in situations of basic care and small group action. In the aspect of Karvi’s process factors of quality there is still need for improvement in the quality of early childhood education of children under the age of three. The lack of goal-directed pedagogy and support of peer interaction in the narratives arouses a question whether the concept of participation is understood inadequately.
  • Shestovskaya, Jamilya (2020)
    Nowadays the number of connected devices is growing sharply. Mobile phones and other IoT devices are inherent parts of everyday life and used everywhere. The amount of data generated by IoT devices and mobile phones is enormous, which causes network congestions. In turn, the usage of centralized cloud architecture increases delay and cause jitter. To address those issues the research community discussed the new trend of decentralization – edge computing. There are different edge compute architectures suggested by various researchers. Some are more popular and supported by global companies. Most of those architectures have similarities. In this research, we reviewed seven edge compute architectures. This thesis is a comparative analysis carried out by using key attributes and presentation of the Venn diagram to select the right edge compute architecture.
  • Kovala, Jarkko (2020)
    Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to transform many domains of human activity, enabled by the collection of data from the physical world at a massive scale. As the projected growth of IoT data exceeds that of available network capacity, transferring it to centralized cloud data centers is infeasible. Edge computing aims to solve this problem by processing data at the edge of the network, enabling applications with specialized requirements that cloud computing cannot meet. The current market of platforms that support building IoT applications is very fragmented, with offerings available from hundreds of companies with no common architecture. This threatens the realization of IoT's potential: with more interoperability, a new class of applications that combine the collected data and use it in new ways could emerge. In this thesis, promising IoT platforms for edge computing are surveyed. First, an understanding of current challenges in the field is gained through studying the available literature on the topic. Second, IoT edge platforms having the most potential to meet these challenges are chosen and reviewed for their capabilities. Finally, the platforms are compared against each other, with a focus on their potential to meet the challenges learned in the first part. The work shows that AWS IoT for the edge and Microsoft Azure IoT Edge have mature feature sets. However, these platforms are tied to their respective cloud platforms, limiting interoperability and the possibility of switching providers. On the other hand, open source EdgeX Foundry and KubeEdge have the potential for more standardization and interoperability in IoT but are limited in functionality for building practical IoT applications.