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  • Dahllund, Olivia (2023)
    The school environment plays an essential role in the development of students’ identities and in the construction of the self. These processes are crucial for creating a sense of purpose in life, and they fuel students’ future aspirations. Recently, there have been increasing concerns about the well-being of students. Findings from both international and national studies present a trend of decline in well-being. Therefore, new methods are called for to provide resources for supporting and increasing student well-being. The aim of my master’s thesis is to explore the subjective well-being (SWB) of upper secondary school students and examine whether gender and regional differences exist in SWB derived from the data in the project Study with Strength. The regions examined are Ostrobothnia, Uusimaa/Southwestern Finland and the Åland Islands. Prior studies indicate that female students score lower in well-being and higher in ill-being than male students. In this study, six questionnaires measuring SWB, including scales of both well-being and ill-being, are examined using analysis of covariance. The results from 282 participants showed that female students scored lower in well-being and higher in ill-being than male students. No major regional differences were found. Prior research indicates that female and male students have different patterns of decreased well-being and increased ill-being. The results of this thesis are a valuable source of information in understanding the different patterns and contribute to the process of creating tailored solutions that promote health and support student well-being. Research targeting gender inequality shows that promoting equality has a positive effect on the SWB of males but not on females. Therefore, it is crucial for the school environment to identify the differences between objective and subjective gender equality and nurture the well-being of both genders.
  • Koski, Tanja (2021)
    Tämän tutkielman aiheena on sukupuoliolettamukset, joita tehdään anonyymeista sosiaalisen median käyttäjistä. Aihetta tarkasteltiin kyselyn avulla, johon vastasi 106 osallistujaa. Kysely sisälsi 20 näytettä sosiaalisesta mediasta kerätyistä viesteistä. Osallistujien tehtävä oli päättää, uskovatko he kirjoittajan olevan mies, nainen, vai muunsukupuolinen. Osallistujilla oli myös vaihtoehtona olla valitsematta kirjoittajan sukupuolta, jos viestissä ei heidän mielestään ollut selviä merkkejä kirjoittajan sukupuolesta tai jos viestissä oli liikaa eriäviä sukupuolistereotyyppisiä piirteitä antamaan selkeää kuvaa kirjoittajan sukupuolesta. Lisäksi osallistujille annettiin mahdollisuus kirjoittaa omin sanoin, mitkä piirteet viestissä johtivat heidät valitsemaansa vaihtoehtoon. Yksi tutkielman tavoitteista oli selvittää, vaikuttaako se, miltä sivustolta viesti on peräisin, ihmisten olettamuksiin kirjoittajan sukupuolesta. Kyselyssä käytetyt viestit kerättiin neljältä eri sivustolta, jotka olivat Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr ja 4chan. Kysely jaettiin viiteen eri osioon. Ensimmäisessä osiossa viestien lähdettä ei kerrottu osallistujille. Loput neljä osiota sen sijaan oli varattu kullekin aiemmin mainituista sivustoista, ja viestien lähde tuli osallistujille ilmi osion otsikosta ja selitteestä. Jokaisen sivustolle osoitetun osion lopussa osallistujia pyydettiin kertomaan, käyttävätkö he sivustoa ja minkälainen sukupuolijakauma heidän näkemyksensä mukaan sivustolla on. Kyselyn tulosten perusteella ihmiset tekevät sukupuoliolettamuksia anonyymeista kirjoittajista perustuen stereotyyppisiin näkemyksiin sukupuolten erilaisesta käyttäytymisestä. Vahvimpia kielellisiä merkkejä, jotka johtivat osallistujat uskomaan viestin kirjoittajan olevan nainen, olivat emojien käyttö, tunneilmaisut (esim. ”I love”, ”it’s sad”) ja kohteliaisuus. Sen sijaan pilkkaava kielenkäyttö ja aggressio nähtiin merkkeinä mieskirjoittajasta. Vaikka kiroilu nähtiin pääasiassa maskuliinisena piirteenä, myös moni viesti, jonka uskottiin olevan naisen kirjoittama, sisälsi kiroilua. Viestien aiheella oli usein jopa suurempi merkitys osallistujien mielikuvaan kirjoittajan sukupuolesta kuin lingvistisillä piirteillä. Tulokset antoivat myös viitteitä ihmisten käsityksistä siitä, miten muunsukupuolisuus voi ilmetä tekstistä. Viestit, joissa puhuttiin avoimesti sukupuoli-identiteeteistä ja niiden moninaisuudesta, osoittautuivat merkittävimmiksi indikaattoreiksi muunsukupuolisesta kirjoittajasta. Kuitenkin myös tarkoitukselliseksi koettu sukupuolellisten viitteiden puuttuminen, tai sekoitus eri sukupuolistereotyyppisiä piirteitä (esimerkiksi maskuliiniseksi koettu tyyli puhua feminiinisestä aiheesta) saattoi johtaa osallistujat arvelemaan, että kirjoittaja on muunsukupuolinen. Viestien lähteellä ei ollut suurta merkitystä, kun katsoo tuloksia kokonaisuudessaan. Osallistujien kommenteista kävi kuitenkin ilmi, että yksilöllisellä tasolla mielikuvat sivustojen käyttäjäkunnista vaikuttivat joidenkin osallistujien näkemyksiin kirjoittajan sukupuolesta. Erityisesti 4chanin käyttäjät oletettiin valtaosin miespuolisiksi. Reddit ja Tumblr lähteinä vaikuttivat myös jonkin verran osallistujien olettamuksiin, ellei viestin sisältö poikennut huomattavasti siitä, mitä kyseisten sivustojen käyttäjiltä odotetaan. Lisäksi jotkin viestit, joiden lähdettä ei paljastettu, olivat osalle osallistujista tunnistettavissa tietyn sivuston tyyliseksi, mikä vuorostaan vaikutti heidän olettamuksiinsa kirjoittajan sukupuolesta.
  • Gröhn, Heljä (2024)
    The subject of this study is gender-awareness in two, 9th grade English as a foreign language, (EFL), textbooks in Finnish secondary schools: SanomaPro publisher’s On the Go 3 and Otava publisher’s Scene 3. As 9th graders face the decision of what study track to take after secondary school, the gender representations in school textbooks can have a significant effect on how they perceive their possibilities in higher education and working life. Also, the Finnish National Agency for Education and the National Core Curriculum both call for a gender-aware approach to teaching, and this study aimed to find out if the goal of gender-aware teaching is supported by the textbooks in use. The main analytical framework used in this study was critical discourse analysis (CDA) and particularly Norman Fairclough’s three-dimensional framework of CDA. The aim was to find out how and in what roles different genders are portrayed in the books and if any other genders than female and male were represented. In addition to the qualitative method of CDA, a quantitative method of counting the instances of different genders in both the texts and the visuals in the books was employed. The study material consisted of two 9th grade EFL books and the core study texts and supplementary optional texts of both books. The main findings of the study were that male characters appeared in the texts and visuals considerably more often than females and neither of the books mentioned other genders than female and male. In both books, males were portrayed in more socially significant roles, such as politicians, historical figures, and sports heroes when females were most often referred to with kinship terms and less socially significant professions. The conclusions of this study were that these textbooks do not seem to support the goal of gender-aware teaching in secondary schools, as the representation of males significantly outweighs the representation of females, both in numbers and their social significance, potential and contribution to society. The contents of both books seem to reinforce traditional gender roles and portray female’s opportunities and roles in society in a much narrower sense and assigns decision making roles and roles with societal power to males. In addition, there is no mention or acknowledgement of the diversity of gender in either of these books. Although some attempt was made to consider the visibility of females, this can’t be deemed sufficient to ensure equal representation of genders. When creating future textbooks, authors should pay more attention to the equal representation of genders and the inclusion of other gender representations than female and male. Also, more rigorous analytics should be employed when planning the content of the textbooks to ensure equal representation of different genders.
  • Malkamäki, Henriikka (2013)
    Tämä työ tarkastelee kaksoisnegaatiota miesten ja naisten puhumassa amerikanenglannissa. Tutkimus toteutettiin vertaamalla kolmea eri negaatiomuotoparia. Tutkittuihin negaatiomuotoihin lukeutuivat standardikieliopista poikkeavat tuplanegaatiomuodot n t nothing, not nothing ja never nothing, ja niiden vastaavat standardikieliopin mukaiset negaatiomuodot n t anything, not anything ja never anything. Kyseisiä negaatiomuotoja haettiin Corpus of Contemporary American English -nimisessä korpuksessa olevasta puhutun kielen osiosta, spoken section , joka koostuu litteroiduista TV- ja radio-ohjelmista. Tutkimuksen aineisto muodostui litteroitujen ohjelmien tekstiotteista, joissa negaatiomuodot ilmenivät. Sekä standardikieliopista poikkeavien muotojen käyttöaste että kieliopin mukaisesti rakennettujen muotojen käyttöaste (%) laskettiin kunkin sukupuolen sisällä ja käyttöasteita verrattiin keskenään. Työn teoriaosuus koostuu aikaisemmista sosiolingvistisistä tutkimuksista englannin kielen kaksoisnegaation käytön ja siihen liittyvän sukupuolentutkimuksen saralla (mm. Labov 1978; Feagin 1979). Aikaisemmat kenttätutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että miehet käyttävät puheessaan enemmän puhekielen ilmiöitä kuin naiset ja siten käyttävät kaksoisnegaatiotakin enemmän. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on testata tuon väittämän todenmukaisuus amerikanenglannin puhekorpusta tutkimusaineistona käyttäen. Löydöksien myötä ilmi tulleita mahdollisia samanlaisuuksia ja eriäväisyyksiä kaksoisnegaation sukupuolikohtaisessa käytössä kyseisessä korpuksessa arvioidaan ja niiden syitä pohditaan. Lisäksi tuloksia verrataan aikaisempiin tutkimustuloksiin kaksoisnegaation sukupuolikohtaisesta käytöstä. Lopuksi arvioidaan, missä määrin työn tulokset tukevat näkemystä, jonka mukaan naiset puhuvat huolitellumpaa kieltä kuin miehet. Naisten osoitettiin käyttävän kaksoisnegaatiota enemmän korpuksessa. Kaksoisnegaation kokonaiskäyttöaste oli miehille yhdeksän prosenttia, naisille 12 prosenttia. Kaksoisnegaation kokonaiskäyttöaste oli kahdeksan prosenttia. Löydösten luonne johtui korpuksen aineiston laadusta. Korpus koostuu litteroiduista TV- ja radio-ohjelmista, jotka eivät suoranaisesti edusta puhekieltä, koska ohjelmat ovat ennalta suunniteltuja ja koska henkilöt esiintyvät julkisessa mediassa ja siten puhuvat huolitellummin. Vaikuttavin tekijä oli se, että naiset esiintyivät eniten epämuodollisissa konteksteissa ja formaateissa, joissa kaksoisnegaatiota ilmeni suhteellisesti enemmän, ts. ns. tabloid talk showt . Miehet puolestaan esiintyivät enemmän virallisissa konteksteissa ja formaateissa, joissa kaksoisnegaatiota ei ilmennyt suhteellisesti yhtä paljon. Alhaiset käyttöasteet viittaavat siihen, että kaksoisnegaation käyttö on hyvin stigmatisoitua puhutussa mediakielessä ja että julkisella esiintymisellä on vaikutusta kielenkäyttöön. Koska jotkin standardinegaatiomuodot tuottivat todella suuren määrän tuloksia, tuloksista piti ottaa satunnaisotos. Aineiston koko oli siten monin paikoin liian pieni pitävien johtopäätösten tekemiselle. Tutkimustulokset eivät olleet suoranaisesti rinnastettavissa aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin, sillä aikaisemmat tutkimukset ovat olleet kenttätutkimuksia ja tuottaneet siksi erittäin korkeita käyttöasteita. Parhaiten tutkimustulokset vertautuivat aikaisempien korpustutkimusten kanssa. Tutkimustulokset eivät tue näkemystä, jonka mukaan naiset puhuvat huolitellumpi kuin miehet. Täsmällisemmät tutkimustulokset kyseisessä korpuksessa saataisiin sisällyttämällä tutkimukseen korpuksen puhuttu aineisto kokonaisuudessaan. Perehtyneempi jatkotutkimus, joka huomioisi sukupuolen lisäksi puhujan sosiaaliluokan, asuinalueen, etnisyyden ja iän, havainnollistaisi parhaiten kaksoisnegaation käyttöä.
  • Malysheva, Sofia (2024)
    This thesis explores the public response to Natalya Baranskaya’s novella "A Week Like Any Other", which was first published in 1969. The novella raised the question of the persistence of gender inequality in Soviet society, embodied in women’s ‘double burden’. By analysing unpublished readers’ letters, this thesis provides a detailed discussion of the attitudes toward gender roles and femininity in the Brezhnev period. The research is multidisciplinary; it spans social and cultural history, gender studies, and literary studies. The thesis synthesises the concepts of gender contract, subjectivity, and emotional communities, thereby contributing significantly to our understanding of how late Soviet society functioned. The study applies the inductive thematic analysis of women’s letters. The analysis reveals the centrality of literature for female readers. They perceived it as a means to influence political decisions, viewing writers and editors as mediators between citizens and power. The study finds that while women expressed dissatisfaction with their ‘double burden,’ they were not willing to give up paid work or motherhood. They also recognised the injustice in the gender division of labour but did not see the opportunity to negotiate it with their male partners. In their view, the issue of gender inequality could only be resolved from above, or it was considered insurmountable. The thesis underscores that work and belonging to a collective were essential for Soviet female subjectivity. The study also shows that female readers strongly identified with other women, creating a sense of emotional community.
  • Kashfia, Ishrat Jahan (2024)
    Corruption poses a significant threat to political and economic stability in many developing and least-developed countries. There is increasing research exploring gender differences and attitudes towards corruption. While literature suggests that men tend to be more corrupt than women, the thesis investigates whether it holds true in the case of Uganda. Eight rounds of the Afrobarometer Survey, conducted in Uganda from 2002 to 2022, have been utilised to explore the gender difference in the engagement in bribery, a proxy used to capture corruption, with the help of a linear probability model. The results show that women are less likely to engage in bribery and the association is statistically significant while controlling for various demographic and political characteristics as well as round and region-specific fixed effects. However, this difference may be due to the gender difference in corruption perception. Even though the gender gap is persistent across all rounds, involvement in bribery has been increasing over time for both men and women. There are several limitations of the study, and further research is required to verify the gender gap as bribery involvement does not explain the other aspects of corruption. Future research can explore the Afrobarometer Survey even further and repeat the analysis for other African nations. Additionally, the datasets can be compiled together to assess the statistical significance of the gender gap in the presence of country-specific fixed effects. Furthermore, it is worth exploring the motivation behind involvement in bribery along with individual characteristics, such as degree of risk aversion, belief about oneself, and personality traits.
  • Kuoppalaakso, Timo (2023)
    Women have exhibited higher levels of math anxiety (MA) compared to men. Despite the relationship between MA and sex differences being topic of interest for over twenty years, the focal point has mostly been on the psychological causes. This review investigates the biological underpinnings of the social phobia and identifies numerous possible correlates which could inform future efforts to support students experiencing math anxiety and encourage more females to pursue STEM related careers. Articles that investigated sex differences in the context of MA were selected for the study using PRISMA guidelines. Females were found to experience higher levels of math anxiety compared to males. Age was shown to influence the prevalence of MA between sexes, with sex differences in MA being more infrequent in children and increasing towards adulthood. The findings suggest that a diverse set of biological sex differences related to to brain function, cognition and sex hormones can, in part, explain the higher prevalence of MA among females and age-related deviations. By shedding light on possible biological factors contributing to sex differences in MA, this review represents a valuable step toward a more comprehensive understanding of this complex issue.
  • Peijari, Minerva (2020)
    This thesis aims to study if personal values mediate the effect of gender on pro-environmental behavior, PEB. It is important to investigate the antecedents of PEB, since the current climate crisis is caused by human behavior. Among the most influential areas of behaviors are those related to energy. Therefore, two energy related behaviors were chosen to represent PEB in this study: energy use reduction and intention of buying an energy efficient appliance. Values have been shown to affect behavior and there is some evidence of gender differences in values, thus gender and values were chosen as predictors of the behaviors. The theoretical basis for this argument lies in Schwartz theory of basic values and several models on antecedents of PEB, e.g. the Value-Belief-Norm Theory. The material comes from the 2016 dataset of the European Social Survey Round 8 (ESS8), which included a module on climate change and energy and used the Portrait Values Questionnaire for measuring values. The data is limited to the Finnish nationally representative sample. The hypotheses examine whether Finnish women behave more proenvironmentally than Finnish men do, and whether women’s higher self-transcendent values and men’s higher self-enhancement values explain this difference in PEB. Hypotheses were tested through hierarchical stepwise regression analysis and mediation analysis. The results were as expected, with small, but statistically significant, differences between men and women in both values and behavior. On average, Finnish women have more self-transcendent values and behave more pro-environmentally, than Finnish men do. The mediation was supported even when covariates were included, which further supports the findings. The only exception to this was the mediation of gender on energy efficacy behavior through self-enhancement values. Explanations for this and the other results are discussed, as well as critique of the binary definition of gender and other limitations. This study adds to the understanding of antecedents of pro-environmental behavior, which is fundamental to achieving effective behavior change.
  • Baublyte, Gintare (2017)
    Gender diversity in the workforce describes the equal representation of men and women in terms of ratio. Raising importance of the concept due to changing societal norms has allowed researchers to explore the mostly positive effect gender diversity, especially in leadership level, has on a company’s performance. Despite all the benefits, women in the forest-based sector are still underrepresented. This study aims to understand the underlying reasons for female underrepresentation in the forestry sector and to identify solutions to improve the situation. The study explored the barriers and enablers that hindered or supported female career development in the forestry industry and investigated possible solutions in light of sector’s future goals. In-depth elite interviewing was selected as the method of data collection. Ten interviews with senior level female leaders of seven forestry companies in Finland and Sweden were conducted face-to-face or over the phone. The qualitative content analysis of data identified most common barriers faced by women in their careers: a) discrimination, exclusion, and stereotyping due to masculine company culture, b) balancing work and family due to inflexible working hours and lack of remote work possibilities. Moreover, it recognised the importance of competence development and support systems as the enabling aspects of women careers in the industry. In addition to further understanding gender effect in the forestry sector, the study allowed to look into the future of the sector through the eyes of female leaders. The findings of the study are in line with previous research that identified the career advancement barriers and enablers in other industries. However, culture-specific issues posing a challenge to female career development and promoting exclusion, such as sauna and hunting traditions, were identified. Additionally, the importance of a personal support system was highlighted in the study. The critical role of the forestry sector and the bioeconomy in the sustainable global future was recognised by all study participants. The ability of forestry companies to adapt to future needs and to become a part of modern society will require them to rethink old concepts, modernise the image and allow for a more diverse company culture to foster in all organisational levels.
  • Hallapaju, Routa (2024)
    With gender being omnipresent and an inseparable aspect of our identity, misunderstandings and incorrect assumptions about gender are bound to occur in the anonymous settings of social media, where we spend an increasing amount of time. This thesis investigates how misinterpretations of gender are made on Reddit, as well as the (implicit) attitudes redditors communicate having about gender and its expression. In doing so, this research contributes to an unexplored area of language and gender. The data used consists of a selection of comment threads posted in late 2023, where a misinterpretation of a redditor’s gender occurs. A mixed methods approach with an emphasis on qualitative analysis is adopted through approaching the data with corpus-assisted discourse studies. A sample of the original posts, comments, or a combination of the two were analyzed for such linguistic features which in earlier research have been found to be indicative of either binary gender; the purpose is to see how gendered features are used on Reddit. Further, the distribution of the incorrect assumptions was calculated and the discourse following them analyzed to gain an understanding of how gender and its explicit expression is received on the platform. This thesis also investigates how the assumptions were made in terms of use of gendered words. All threads contained gendered features, and all contained both feminine and masculine features, except for one thread, which only contained masculine features. Most often redditors were incorrectly thought to be male, which reflects the general (jocular) understanding that “there are no women on Reddit.” When a correction of a misinterpretation received a response, it was more likely to be accepting than negative. Even so, it was more common not to see any discourse after a correction had been posted, rather than finding it receive either a positive or a negative response. Assumptions were most often gendered nouns (e.g., ‘man,’ ‘girl’) serving a vocative function. The findings show that while redditors generally are at least not unreceptive to being corrected on misgendering others, they do rely on fairly traditional ideas of what constitutes a man or a woman when making their assumptions. Further research is needed for instance to address a greater number of threads or gendered features, or the effect a user’s L1 may have on how gender is approached in anonymous CMC settings.
  • Stenholm, Noora (2015)
    Involuntary displacements are more common than ever, and the reasons vary from natural disasters, wars and conflicts to environmental degradation and development-induced displacement. Typically, the victims of these phenomena inhabit the Global South, and are further impoverished due to the lack of having a say where and how to live. The lack of social justice and recognition of social development is typical in large-scale involuntary displacements, and also affects to the abilities of people to reconstruct and recover after resettlement. The linkage between forced migration and risk to impoverishment has been widely acknowledged especially in cases that lack participatory measures and proper compensation for the victims. When the impacts are recognized, it is understood that forced resettlement has effects in the economic, social, and physical spheres of life, and can be a major burden for the urban poor. However, involuntary displacement also disrupts the attachments and constructions of sense of place, which have further impacts on social cohesion. The question of community reorganization is crucial in the context where resettlement is simultaneous and combines various heterogeneous groups. The aim of this research is to examine the extent and quality of rehabilitation after involuntary displacement in an urban environment in Sri Lanka. The focus in this research is given to women, as gender is a significant factor in resettlement outcomes, yet it is often ignored in planning and implementation. Gender roles and norms in Sri Lanka are still fixed and conventional, making it an interesting approach to study resettlement and rehabilitation and the daily interactions and perceptions on them. A case study for this research took place in four resettlement sites in the outskirts of Colombo Metro Region, Sri Lanka, which is in the midst of significant urban development plans that aim to relocate tens of thousands of slum dwellers in the need to release prime lands for investments, simultaneously beautifying the city and fighting frequent flooding. The methodological approach applied in this study addresses feminist geography while it looks at rehabilitation measures in the everyday life point of view. It utilized semi-structured interviews of resettled women as a key research method. The case study took place in upgraded underserved settlements that inhabit tsunami-displaced people and development-induced displaced people. Also local experts were interviewed in order to gain a broader understanding of the dynamics and urban policies in the Colombo Metro Region. The case evidences that rehabilitation is a slow process of adaptation, and that physical assets alone cannot improve the livelihoods of slum dwellers. More emphasis should be put into the social relations and community dynamics if participatory measures and development-from-within are to fully deliver. Also full tenure is needed in order to the people to adapt to the mainstream society. For women the question of belonging and reconstructing the sense of place is essential as they spend a lot of their time at home and the immediate environment, and are traditionally in charge of homemaking. Therefore the sense of place and community are essential in the creation of social cohesion and management of the new neighborhood, and along with gender sensitive approaches should not be overlooked if sustainable resettlement is to be pursued as a consequence of ever more crowded cities of the South.
  • Kivelä, Lotta (2023)
    The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 prompted Finland to re-evaluate its national security and led to increased support for NATO membership. This study examines how Finnish news media portrays national security at the time of heightened sense of insecurity. The objective of the study is to explore and expose the nexus of security and gender within the NATO discussion context. Drawing on feminist security studies, this study views security as a gendered concept. It takes an interdisciplinary approach, integrating security studies, gender studies, and media studies. The thesis investigates the gendered nature of security by using traditional masculine and feminine values as tools in discourse analysis. Additionally, the thesis analyses whose voices are heard in the media. This case study focuses on the NATO discussion in Helsingin Sanomat, Iltalehti, and Yle from January to March 2022. The thesis comprises two parts from the perspective of methodology and data. The quantitative content analysis of 671 online news articles examines gender representation in the media, while the qualitative analysis of 70 opinionated online news media articles employs thematisation and Wodak’s approach to critical discourse analysis. The findings of this study imply that the dominant notion of security in the media is narrow and masculine. The hegemonic notion of Finnish national security aligns with traditional masculinity, emphasising militaristic, physical, and rational characteristics. The analysis shows that growing insecurity appears to correspond with decreasing feminine notions of security. The study argues that the prevailing security discourse in the media is exclusive to the performances of militarised masculinity. Additionally, security is predominantly discussed by male voices in the media. Finally, this thesis argues that the dominant narrow, masculine, and militaristic notion of security is not contested in the media, thereby lacking a comprehensive understanding of securities and insecurities as well as inequalities. The study addresses a need for further critical research to examine the interrelation of national security, militarism, and gender in Finland.
  • Hakoniemi, Mervi (2020)
    Equal education is a fundamental human right that each child is entitled to. Education and gender equality benefit all individuals and promote both social and economic development. However, despite numerous legal instruments and practical measures taken by the international community, as well as by national governments, the right to education remains unclaimed universally for all children and inequality in education is pervasive all over the world. As a legacy of colonization Peruvian society suffers from persistent multifaceted inequalities that are manifested and reproduced in the education system in multiple ways. These inequalities are seen, amongst others, between genders, but also intersect with other individual characteristics such as poverty, rurality and indigeneity. This Master’s thesis explores gender equality in education in Peru and how gender is mainstreamed in the country program of Save the Children Peru. To do so, it explores how legal instruments, policy documents and the country programme of the organization address gender (in)equality and attempt to mainstream gender; and analyses how an education project that the organization implemented among indigenous Aymara adolescents between 2015 and 2018 managed to mainstream gender. This thesis is a qualitative case study. It follows the rights-based 4A framework by Katarina Tomaševski, which encompasses availability, accessibility, acceptability, and adaptability as key aspects of quality of education. The data for it consists of normative documents, literature on inequality in education, institutional documents of Save the Children International and transcribed interviews with key informants from Save the Children Peru. These were analysed by using interpretive analysis and then considered in the light of the model of Caroline Moser on different stages of gender mainstreaming. The results of the study demonstrate that despite recent achievements, gender inequalities in education persist in Peru, but focus has shifted from quantitative to qualitative disparities. Many stakeholders consider gender mainstreaming a rather ambiguous concept, and challenging to both implement and assess, which is why it often remains on a rhetoric level. This yields in a need for the organizations to provide the necessary tools and capacity building, not only for the monitoring personnel but for the whole staff. Promoting gender equality across the whole program cycle must be an institutional commitment, gender mainstreaming must permeate the whole organization and adequate resources must be allocated for it.
  • He, Yiqian (2023)
    This thesis explores the intersections of gender equality, parenthood, and the Nordic welfare state with an aim to investigate the equality paradox embedded within the Nordic welfare model. The gender equality paradox refers to the contradictory situation in egalitarian Nordic countries where women still face persistent inequality while state-driven initiatives unintentionally create new challenges for them. This thesis conduct a case study on the Finnish childcare regime after the 2022 reform. This regime embodies an aggregate framework encompassing all aspects of childcare policies, including the paid parental leave system, Home Care Allowance, and Early Childhood Education and Services. Through the lens of Nancy Fraser's care-work models, this thesis questions how the Finnish childcare regime recognises and potentially resolves the gender equality paradox by a contextual analysis of the regime’s development and current policy design data. The main finding indicates that the newly reformed Finnish childcare regime presents an “equality within difference” scenario rather than pursuing shared care and breadwinning as in Fraser’s universal caregiver model. Firstly, the latest reform shows the ambition towards gender equality, yet there is a split between political ambition and the private sphere. Secondly, while the principle of freedom of choice embedded in the Finnish childcare policy ostensibly empowers parents to make individual decisions autonomously, parental choices seem to be influenced more by necessity than freedom. This thesis identifies a tension in the Finnish childcare regime between promoting gender equality and preserving freedom of choice, revealing a contradicting political logic. Although providing an ostensibly gender-equal policy structure, the childcare regime in Finland falls short of adequately addressing the persistent equality dilemmas faced by women.
  • Repo, Jemima (2006)
    This thesis contributes to the development of poststructuralist feminist International Relations analyses about the US War on Terrorism. Gender is significantly involved in the justification and conduct of wars and militarism, established and supported by a particular hierarchal structure of masculinities and femininities. Hierarchal power relations prioritise the bodies and values of some, and demean, attack or conceal those of others. These are expressed in discourses of the various masculinities and femininities of the US self and its enemy Other, which are deconstructed and analysed by Foucauldian discourse analysis and theories of representation. Discourses of a male-performed 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks and US rescue response endowed hegemonic masculinity on the muscular masculinity of fire fighters. This was subsequently extended to soldiers of the US military, who fought in retaliation to the humiliation of feminised US nationhood, remasculinising the US national identity. This necessitated the representation of terrorists and Muslim men as morally and sexually deviant, homosexual, woman-oppressive demons. Likewise, Muslim women were victimised as helpless sufferers to be unveiled and rescued by a macho US crusade against terrorism. On the other hand, female terrorists confused the men-lifetakers/ women-lifegivers dichotomy, and were depicted as excessively violent, hypersexual beings, who were nonetheless victims of the seductions of manipulative Muslim men. Disciplinary action was taken against Muslim men in Guantánamo Bay and Abu Ghraib, which especially in the latter case resulted in scandals that evoked public pity for the unfortunate and uncivilised detainees who endured the torture of cruel un-American men and irrational women of the US Military Police. Meanwhile, the discourses of US soldiers in Iraq are examined through their own autobiographical voices, demonstrating that the military is indeed a misogynistic boy's club. The fate of Private Jessica Lynch and the autobiographical works of soldiers also unsympathetic to the Iraqi population, continuing the Othering discourses established on 11 September. At the US home front, military mothers, both pro and anti-war, are supportive of the well being and honouring of their sons. There is a complex set of dominant discourses in continuous fluctuation sustaining the gender hierarchies that support war by privileging the bodies of some and discriminating and harming the bodies others. There is hope for change however, as the malleability of gender enables possibilities for resistance through counter discourses and female empowerment.
  • Hämäläinen, Riina (2020)
    The sex/gender model used in biological archaeologies to investigate human remains and past lives is one that relies on the epistemological and ontological separation of sex and gender. Despite this separation the model ends up treating these concepts synonymously due to the taken-for-granted binary nature of sex which in a deterministic manner eventuates into an equally binary gender. This thesis develops a theoretical framework for an archaeological concept of gender that operates without the division, binarism and determinism implicit in the sex/gender model. Pursuing answers to the questions whether it is possible to approach both sex and gender in archaeology in a nonbinary way, and if so, what is an archaeologically feasible alternative, it seeks to devise a method to approach sex and gender in mortuary archaeology beyond the deterministic binary. This thesis is firmly theory-oriented and the writings of various authors within the discipline of archaeology, feminism and queer studies comprise the necessary material. The theories pertaining to the field of feminism are intersectionality and queer theory, which eschew normativity and essentialism and call for gender diversity. Respective to archaeology, the theories influencing this thesis derive from new materialisms to whom the rejection of divisions and dichotomies is characteristic. In this regard, of particular note are the writings of new materialist and feminist theorist Karen Barad. Applying her theories concerning the relational, entangled and mutually constitutive nature of matter and meaning to the topic of sex and gender is central in devising a nonbinary new materialist perspective to be used for the purpose of a more open and inclusive mortuary archaeology. This thesis reveals that the dualistic division between nature and culture has resulted in a separate conceptual development and different strategies of engagement concerning sex and gender. The reason why sex is seen as a biological fact and gender as a cultural meaning proves false when both are affected equally by nature and culture, with the body serving as a nexus-point in which these two forces converge. Applying Barad’s insight reveals that binary sex is not an inherent quality of the body, but one that is produced through a scientific biomedical apparatus. Sex and gender exist in a state of inseparability when undetermined, but when subjected to a determination process, they become mutually exclusive phenomena, thereby disrupting sex-to-gender determinism. In their separate state, both are constitutive of matter and meaning, which is why gender made determined through intersectionality can be used to study gendered understandings through the materiality of the body, exempt from binary views. Analysing a topical bioarchaeological publication concerning a female Viking warrior through the approach that does not depend on the sex binary reveals that a scientific biomedical apparatus is subject to criticism on multiple fronts. Though the case study should be credited with rejecting gender role stereotypes, it demonstrates determinism and binarism as well as homogeneity and universalism in terms of categories. Failing to imagine possibilities beyond a fixed binary also results in the exclusion of alternate ways of knowing and being. The open-ended approach proposed in this thesis not only seeks to grant these possibilities opportunities to exist, but counsels cognisance towards the exclusions apparatuses enact. Embracing speculation, it also holds ambiguity and vagueness to be meaningful qualities pertaining to gendered archaeology. Regarding the mortuary setting, binary sex determinations need not be abandoned, but they should be used alongside this nonbinary approach.
  • Härkönen, Iiris (2018)
    The low proportion of women among attorneys-at-law in Finland is striking, particularly among attorneys-at-law in partner positions. Previous research has shown that female attorneys-at-law in Finland, although not working in the prestigious positions of power or financial decision-making, can express a belief in gender equal career opportunities. However, the idea of equal opportunities has been shown to be a myth, which ignores for instance how women are faced with greater expectations concerning family caretaking than men. Overall, the traditionally masculine norms of the legal field have been shown to carry a male advantage. While previous research on the topic has focused on the experiences of female attorneys-at-law, this thesis aims to study also men’s perspectives. The objective of this thesis is to understand better how attorneys-at-law, women and men, talk about gender equality and inequality within their profession, and what kind of attitudes towards the topics are being expressed. The theoretical framework for this thesis draws from social constructionism, rhetorical social psychology and the qualitative attitude approach. Altogether 13 women and men, of different age and living in different parts of Finland, were interviewed in October-November 2017. Three topics were discussed within the interviews: 1) career development as an attorney-at-law, 2) gender and gender equality, and 3) professional success. The analysis of this thesis focused only on the second theme of the interviews, gender and gender equality, and more precisely, on argumentative talk generated by five attitude statements concerning the role of gender, work and family reconciliation and gender inequality. The analysis revealed three different attitudes towards gender equality or inequality in the legal field: 1) gender inequality as women leaving the legal field, 2) gender equality as gender-neutral attitudes and treatment, and 3) men’s gender inequality as an upcoming problem. In addition, an important finding was how work and family reconciliation was constructed as a women’s concern. The attitudes drew from the discourses of individual choice, equal opportunities, and gender neutrality, the idea of work and family reconciliation concerning women, low amounts of boys in faculties of law, as well as a belief in the proportion of female partners changing. Functions of the attitudes included, among others, representing women or oneself as making justified choices over family caretaking or as having opportunities to leave or stay in the legal field, representing oneself as a supporter of gender neutrality or as a person who sees the situation from a larger perspective. Overall, the attitudes represented gender inequality as a problem or not as a problem in varying degrees. The most important references for this thesis were Choroszewicz’s (2014a) Managing Competitiveness in Pursuit of a Legal Career: Women Attorneys in Finland and Poland and Vesala’s & Rantanen’s (2007) Argumentaatio ja tulkinta.
  • Holopainen, Aija (2018)
    Tutkielman aiheena on sukupuoli ja seksuaalisuus Sanoma Pro Oy:n On Track -nimisessä lukion englannin oppikirjasarjassa. Oppikirjojen sisältö voi vaikuttaa opiskelijoiden ajattelutapoihin ja asenteisiin, minkä vuoksi eri sukupuolten ja seksuaaliryhmien tasa-arvo oppikirjoissa auttaa edistämään opiskelijoiden tasa-arvokasvatusta kouluissa. Oppikirjatutkimus antaa täten tärkeää tietoa eri sukupuolten ja esimerkiksi seksuaalivähemmistöjen näkyvyydestä kirjoissa, ja uudet tutkimukset uusista kirjasarjoista mahdollistavat sarjojen kehityksen seuraamisen. Keskeinen tutkimusmetodi on diskurssianalyysi, ja tutkimuksessa käytetään sekä kvantitatiivisia että kvalitatiivisia menetelmiä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä sukupuolia on edustettuina sarjan teksteissä ja niiden kuvissa, mitä ystävyys- ja romanttisia/seksuaalisia suhteita tekstien henkilöiden välillä on sekä miten sukupuoli näkyy tekstien kielessä ja sisällössä. Aineisto koostuu On Track -sarjan seitsemästä ensimmäisestä oppikirjasta, ja se rajattiin kirjojen keskeisiin lukukappaleisiin. Myös lukukappaleiden äänitteitä hyödynnettiin analyysissä. Tutkimuksen mukaan miespuolisten hahmojen lukumäärä teksteissä ja kuvissa on huomattavasti naispuolisten hahmojen lukumäärää suurempi. Naisten ja miesten lisäksi teksteissä ei esiinny muiden sukupuolten edustajia. Yleiset viittaukset esimerkiksi LGBT-yhteisöön tai samansukupuolisiin pareihin ovat luonteeltaan positiivisia ja tukea ilmaisevia, mutta konkreettisia LGBT-henkilöhahmoja ei ole juuri lainkaan. Sekä ystävyyssuhteissa että romanttisissa suhteissa naisten keskinäiset suhteet jäävät lukumääränsä puolesta taka-alalle miesten välisiin suhteisiin verrattuna. Näiden tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että On Track -sarjan osat 1–7 ovat lukukappaleidensa puolesta sekä jokseenkin miesvaltaisia että jokseenkin heteronormatiivisia, joskin esimerkiksi naisten asemaan ja seksuaalivähemmistöjen näkyvyyteen on selkeästi pyritty kiinnittämään huomiota nostamalla esille niihin liittyviä teemoja.
  • Jaakkonen, Elina (2018)
    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää millaisia sukupuolirepresentaatioita suomalaisissa englannin kielen oppikirjoissa esiintyy. Aiemman tutkimuksen perusteella oppikirjat ovat usein sukupuolen näkökulmasta epätasa-arvoisia: miespuolisia hahmoja esiintyy niin teksteissä kuin kuvituksissakin enemmän ja sukupuolet esitetään stereotyyppisissä rooleissa. Oppikirjojen kirjoitajille onkin esitetty ohjeistuksia, joilla vähentää sukupuolistereotypioita oppikirjoissa. Myös opetussuunnitelma nostaa sukupuolten tasa-arvon suomalaisen peruskoulun keskeiseksi tavoitteeksi. Tämä tutkimus selvittää, toteutuvatko ohjeistukset uusissa alakoulun englannin oppikirjoissa. Tutkimuksen aineistona on käytetty kahta neljännen luokan englannin opetukseen suunnattua oppikirjaa, High five! 4 ja Go for it! 4. Tutkielma on toteutettu käyttäen sekä määrällisiä että laadullisia menetelmiä. Laskemalla oppikirjojen kuvituksissa esiintyneet nais- ja miespuoliset hahmot sekä tekstissä esiintyneet naisiin ja miehiin viittavat sanat on pyritty selvittämään, ovatko molemmat sukupuolet yhtä lailla näkyvillä oppikirjoissa. Kirjojen tekstejä ja kuvituksia on myös tarkasteltu lähemmin kriittisen diskurssianalyysin menetelmin. Tulokset osoittivat, että uusinta opetussuunnitelmaa seuraavat oppikirjat, High five! 4 ja Go for it! 4, sisältävät vähemmän stereotyyppisiä sukupuolirepresentaatiota kuin aiemmat vastaavat englannin oppikirjat. Tutkimuksen perusteella nais- ja mieshahmoja on sekä kuvituksessa että teksteissä näkyvillä kutakuinkin yhtä paljon. Vaikka kirjat sisältävät joitain räikeitäkin esimerkkejä traditionaalisista sukupuolirooleista, edustavat ne pääosin nykyaikaista käsitystä, jossa sukupuoli ei määrittele sitä, mitä ihminen voi tai ei voi tehdä.
  • Nguyen, Tam (2015)
    This thesis studies a case of female Vietnamese immigrants in Finland and the structure of new gender roles due to the adaptation in the new land. Considering gender roles are practiced differently in different cultures and societies (Lindsey, 1990; Spain, 1993), it is sensible to study the changes of gender roles in families occurring as the result of adaptation when Vietnamese immigrants move from prevalent Confucius culture to Nordic one. The main objective of this thesis is to find out how Vietnamese female immigrants have defined their familial roles after migrating to Finland. Following the framework adopted from Foner (1997), this thesis analyzes the data taken from in-depth interviews with 10 lately-arrived female immigrants and supplementary information from 3 male immigrants, field notes and biographical questions. The research determines that these women experience new types of gender roles, which are formed by both some elements brought from home country and newly-learnt practices in Finland. The results show that although the main features of traditional gender relations are maintained, radical changes in different aspects including familial model, kin relationship, division of labour and decision-making power, could be noticed. Adapting to Finland, Vietnamese families in Finland have been transformed from traditional extended to nuclear family model, which has had a major effect on traditional familial relationships and defining gender roles. These Vietnamese women lose the position of co-breadwinners, therefore, they maintain the traditional role as homemakers. However, as a strategy of coping with the lack of support and influence of external family members, Vietnamese women seem to have more power in making decision and benefit better involvement of husbands in domestic work and child-care.