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  • Liikkanen, Karri-Jaakko (2013)
    Ideal observer theory is an attempt to solve the meta-ethical question: What does it mean that 'x is right' or 'x is good'? The starting point for the ideal observer theory can be dated to 1950s and to Roderick Firth’s article 'Ethical Absolutism and the Ideal Observer'. For example Adam Smith and David Hume can be seen as predecessors for this theory, but Firth was the first to address this theory fully. The answer to the meta-ethical question stated above is the following. We define a being that is omniscient with respect to non-ethical facts, he is omnipercipient, he is disinterested, he is dispassionate, he is consistent, and he is in other respects normal. Then we call this being the ideal observer. The ideal observer’s reactions or dispositions determine whether the ethical situation is right or wrong. My interpretation of the ideal observer is that it constitutes a thought experiment. As Firth states, it is not necessary for the ideal observer to actually exist. It is enough that we imagine him. A lot of the critique on Firth’s theory seems to have missed this point. For example Richard Brandt, Thomas Carson, and Jonathan Harrison put a lot of effort into trying to fix the problem that is caused by the impossibility of the existence of such a being as the ideal observer. Another part of the theory, which caused a lot of the critique to sound an alarm, was the claim that the ideal observer is normal. Normality is, of course, hard to define as anything else than as a statistical tendency. Simply put, the ideal observer is normal in other respects, meaning that he possesses superhuman characteristics, but is still otherwise a regular person. In a meta-ethical thesis one must also attend to epistemological issues. In this thesis I claim that the ideal observer needs what I call 'high level intuitionism'. This means that the 'moral skills' the ideal observer possesses are analogous to the skills possessed by highly trained professional in their fields of work. I use as an example the Japanese chicken sexers. They train for years to acquire a very specific skill: to be able to identify the sex of a chick when it is only one day old. Expert chicken sexers are extremely good at this, but they cannot tell how they do it. This is high level intuitionism. The ideal observer must possess something similar to this. And this is not something one acquires automatically. Therefore I added reason as one crucial element of the ideal observer’s characteristics. High level intuitionism can be acquired with the help of reason. In addition to the more ambitious part of my thesis that I just described, I also studied basics of ethics. One of my main observations is that meta-ethics needs to deal with epistemology and therefore the line between ethics and epistemology wavers. This is clear if we take another look at the main question of this thesis: What does it mean that 'x is right'? It is both ethical and epistemological question.
  • Holopainen, Sonja (2017)
    Tutkielman aiheena on selvittää, millaiseksi työntekijöiden kehittämisideoiden esittäminen ja taustatekijöiden koettu suhde määrittyy haastateltavien kommentoidessa kyseistä suhdetta kuvaavia asenneväittämiä. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat työntekijöiden argumentaatiossa rakentuvat asenteet. Kehittämisideoiden esittäminen määrittyy aiempaan tutkimuskirjallisuuteen pohjautuen tässä tutkielmassa osaksi muutosorientoituneen organisaatiokansalaisuuskäyttäytymisen (change-oriented organizational citizenship behavior), eli CO-OCB:n, käsitettä. Taustatekijöillä viitataan haastateltaville esitettyihin tutkimuskirjallisuudesta nostettuihin tekijöihin, joiden voidaan mahdollisesti nähdä vaikuttavan kehittämisideoiden esittämiseen. Työntekijöiden argumentaatiossa rakentuvia asenteita tarkastellaan laadullisen asennetutkimuksen teoreettis-metodologisesta lähestymistavasta käsin. Laadullinen asennetutkimus on lähestymistavaltaan konstruktivistinen ja pohjaa retoriseen sosiaalipsykologiaan, jolloin asenteita tutkittaessa otetaan huomioon argumentaation sosiaalisesti rakentunut luonne. Laadullisessa asennetutkimuksessa asenteen käsite nähdään relationistisesta lähestymistavasta käsin, eli asenne käsitetään argumentaatiossa rakentuvaksi ilmiöksi. Puheessa esiintyvää argumentaatiota tutkimalla saadaan uutta tietoa kehittämisideoiden esittämisestä sosiaalisena ilmiönä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui julkisen alan organisaatiossa toteutetusta kahdeksasta yksilöhaastattelusta, joihin rekrytoitiin osallistujia yhden toimialan asiantuntijatehtävissä toimivista työntekijöistä. Haastattelut toteutettiin keväällä 2016. Puolistrukturoiduissa haastatteluissa käytettiin kuutta asenneväittämää, joihin pyydettiin kommentointia. Kussakin asenneväittämässä haastateltaville tarjottiin valmiina yksittäinen kehittämisideoiden esittämiseen väitetysti vaikuttava taustatekijä, kuten esimerkiksi esimiehen tuki. Haastateltavat ottivat puheessaan kantaa esitettyihin väittämiin ja tarkentaviin kysymyksiin. Tutkimustuloksissa nousi esiin kymmenen eri asennetta liittyen kehittämisideoiden esittämiseen ja taustatekijöihin. Asenteet muodostettiin aineistosta esiin nousseista kannanottojen ja perusteluiden luokitteluista. Työntekijöiden asennoituminen kehittämisideoiden esittämisen ja taustatekijöiden koettuun suhteeseen näyttäytyi monipuolisena ja olevan sosiaalisesta ja kulttuurisesta kontekstista riippuvaa. Koettu taustatekijöiden ja työntekijöiden kehittämisideoiden suhde ei näyttäytynyt yksiselitteisenä. Kehittämisideoiden esittämiseen asennoiduttiin puheessa ryhmätoimintana sekä muutoksen välineenä. Jatkotutkimuksissa CO-OCB:ta tulisi tutkia huomioiden käyttäytymisen sosiaalinen ja kulttuurinen konteksti sekä erityisesti sosiaalisen identiteetin tutkimusnäkökulma. Lisäksi tärkeää on huomioida muuttujien monimutkaiset vuorovaikutussuhteet ja yhteyttä välittävät tekijät. Organisaatiot voivat pyrkiä tukemaan työntekijöiden kehittämisideoiden esittämistä usealla eri tavalla.
  • Niinivaara, Olli (Helsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitetUniversity of Helsinki, 2002)
    Tutkielmassa esitellään idean kontekstin kuvaaminen keinona tehostaa ideoiden välittymistä. Kontekstitieto kuvataan dokumentteihin liittyvänä metatietona, jota hallitaan dokumenteista riippumattomissa metatietokannoissa. Päämääränä pidetään sellaista idean kontekstin kuvausta, joka on riittävän ilmaisuvoimainen, mutta jonka luominen ei aseta järjestelmän käyttäjille ylivoimaista työtaakkaa. Tiedon välittyminen nähdään prosessina, johon perustuen idean konteksti jaetaan tuottokontekstiin, julkaisukontekstiin ja käyttökontekstiin. Tähän jakoon perustuen käsitellään metatiedon muodostaminen ja sisältö yksityiskohtaisesti yksittäisten metatietotietueen attribuuttien tasolla. Kontekstitiedon käyttökohteista tarkastellaan kontekstin visualisointia informaation visualisoinnin tekniikoihin perustuen, idean arvon mittaamista bibliometrisiä menetelmiä kehittämällä ja automaattista ideoiden valintaa tiedon suodatuksen menetelmien ja digitaalisten assistenttien avulla.
  • Kinnunen, Joonas (2015)
    Tutkimus selvittää vammaisliikkeen syntyä Suomessa ja vammaisten ihmisten sekä vammaisaktivistien ajatuksia seuraavista teemoista: Liikkuminen ja kuljetuspalvelut, kulttuuri ja kulttuurituotteet, koulutus ja koulutuspolitiikka, vammaisten taloudellinen asema ja työmarkkinat, vammaisten seksuaalisuus, rakentaminen, asuminen ja rakennettu ympäristö, vammaisten oikeudet sekä poliittinen vaikuttaminen. Lisäksi tarkastellaan identiteetin muodostumista vammaisuus-käsitteen ymmärryksen kautta ja integraation keskeistä merkitystä. Työn lähestymistapa on mikrohistoriallinen. Vammaisten oman näkökulman esiin nostamisen ja normaalia pienemmän tutkimuksen skaalan avulla vastataan vammaisuuden historian kolmeen haasteeseen: Alkuperäislähteiden puutteeseen, vammaisten oman näkökulman puutteeseen sekä keskittymiseen yhteen tiettyyn vammaan tai vammaryhmään. Näin tutkimukseni kiinnittyy uuteen vammaisuuden historiaan. Aineistoa käydään läpi laadullisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä keskittyen erityisesti aineiston sisäiseen teemoitteluun. Aineistolle on kontekstualisoinnin avulla esitetty lähdekriittisiä kysymyksiä ja tuloksia on peilattu niin suomalaiseen vammaishistoriaan kuin kansainväliseen vammaistutkimukseen. Päälähteenä on käytetty Kynnys ry:n julkaisemaa Tiedotuskynnys-lehteä vuosilta 1975–1978. Vammaiset ihmiset näkivät tutkimusajankohdan suurimmiksi ongelmiksi tarpeidensa ja näkökulmansa sivuuttamisen. Valtion ja kuntien ei koettu tarjoavan vammaisille tarpeeksi palveluita. Vammattomien hallitsemassa yhteiskunnassa ei ollut tarpeeksi tietoa vammaisten kokemuksista. Ratkaisuksi ongelmiin tarjottiin kokonaisvaltaista integraatiota, joka nähtiin yhtä aikaa sekä keinona että päämääränä. Integraatioperiaatteen mukaisesti vastustettiin ennen kaikkea erityiskoulujärjestelmää. Vammaisuuden kokemus oli tyypillisesti kuvaus yksilön kasvusta sorron ja eriarvoisuuden keskellä. Tiedotuskynnykseen kirjoittaneet vammaiset eivät lopulta kuitenkaan mieltäneet vammaisia täysin yhdeksi ryhmäksi. Lisäksi tehtiin ero vammaisen ja vammattoman välille. Käsitteellisesti kysymyksessä ei ollut vammattoman ihmisen rinnastaminen terveeseen, vaan vammaisen ihmisen rinnastaminen sairaaseen. Vammaisten kokemuksia ja minäkuvaa värittivätkin eniten oman vamman laatu ja siitä seuranneet kokemukset sosiaalisessa kanssakäymisessä vammattomien kanssa.
  • Hyytiä, Tuuli (2019)
    Aims. The number of persons suffering from Alzheimer’s disease is increasing significantly during the decades to come. Finding means to identify the disease as early as possible is very important. Research concerning changes in written language may produce relevant information since Alzheimer’s disease weakens the ability to write already in the early stage of the disease. Changes in the amount of information conveyed have been researched internationally by measuring idea density rates. It has been found that the idea density of the persons suffering from Alzheimer’s disease is lower than that of healthy adults and that the disease accelerates the decline of idea density. Low idea density in early life is a strong predictor of Alzheimer’s disease. This study aims to determine the possible changes in the idea density of diary entries written by a person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Methods. The data of this study consist of diary entries written by a person who developed Alzheimer’s disease later in her life. The entries were written between 1967–2012. This study considers entries written in June of 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006, 2008, 2010, and 2012. A method for measuring idea density of Finnish written language was developed on the basis of the methods used for English and Czech. The method is manual, and it is described in detail. Idea density for each year was measured using the method. Idea density is the number of expressed propositions divided by the number of the words. Correlation between idea density and years was measured with Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Results and conclusions. Idea density was nearly stable until the year 2010. In 2012, idea density was lower than in other years but the change was not statistically significant. If data would have been available after the year 2012, when Alzheimer’s disease had advanced to its moderate stage, a greater change in the idea density of the diary entries might have emerged. The method developed for the study can be tested, re-developed and used in other studies regarding idea density of any text written in Finnish.
  • Telivuo, Julius (2012)
    The thesis discusses the concept of the idea and the problem of the ground of experience in Gilles Deleuze s (1925-1995) Difference and Repetition and Immanuel Kant s (1724-1804) Critique of Pure Reason. Deleuze develops Kant s notion of problematic ideas further and formulates a critique of the Kantian conditions of the possibility of experience. The method of the work is a critical and comparative study of the source literature. The research interest is systematic: the historico-exegetical remarks serve to motivate Deleuze s theory and the interpretations implied by it. They are not to be understood as partaking in an interpretive discussion concerning the philosophical canon as such. The principal object of interest in the thesis is Deleuze s theory of ideas. Deleuze adopts Kant s definition of ideas as problems or problematic principles and he constructs his theory in close connection with the conceptual apparatus of the Critique of Pure Reason. The thesis begins with a short survey of Plato s concept of ideas, to which both Deleuze and Kant refer. Through a critical study, the thesis seeks to support Deleuze s claim of the ideas as concrete problems and as the genetic principles of the objects of experience. Deleuze criticises the Kantian conditions of the possibility of experience for their externality with regard to real experience: Kant s conceptual and sensible conditions of experience are the internal conditions only of possible experience. On the other hand, transcending all possible experience, the ideas are for Kant fundamentally problematic concepts, which preclude all concrete interpretations. However, they too lend themselves to a legitimate employment as regulative principles of knowledge and experience. According to Deleuze, the Kantian conceptual structures determine experience only externally and do not constitute the ground for real experience. He maintains that this ground is to be conceived as a problematic, genetic structure. He elaborates this problematic nature of the idea with the mathematical concept of the differential, which paves the way to the formulation of ideas as problematic, yet internally determined in differential relations and immanent in relation to objects of experience. Thus for Deleuze, ideas are concrete, completely determined problems, which experience manifests only in its partial solutions.
  • Toikka, Saara (2015)
    The objective of my thesis was to develop knitting instruction that would guide the whole process from an idea to a ready product. The main focus of the instruction is to facilitate the design process with the techniques that I have developed using the theory of design thinking and studies of knitwear design. The method of the instruction is based on ready patterns and knitter's graph paper of the right gauge. With the use of the right graph paper is easy to see in which row to increase or decrease the stiches. The instruction includes base patterns for three most common types of sleeves in sweaters, each one in four different sizes. The adaptation of the patterns to user's own personal measures is explained in the methods among with the other techniques needed to design and execute a ready knit. The research task of my thesis is to develop comprehensible and usable instruction for designing and producing knit wear. The development process of this study was made in three parts. The first part was to obtain background information of existing instructions and literature of knitting. To deepen the knowledge I gathered user information to create criteria for a good knitting instruction. I used these criteria to develop a prototype of my own instructions. The second part of the study was to evaluate the prototype by its usability. With user experience I developed the first version of the instructions. The last part of the study was to make an expert evaluation, which I used to make a final product out of the prototype. Both the user and expert evaluation showed that the instruction made in this study was considered useful and motivational. The knitters chosen for the user evaluation commented the instruction from their personal point of views and the information revealed, which parts of the instruction were still unclear. The experts commented the instruction more than the knitters of user evaluation. Most of the comments concerned the structure and the terms used.
  • Kivikoski, Katja (2023)
    Yhteiskuntatieteellisessä tutkimuksessa on kasvavissa määrin kiinnostuttu selittämään politiikan muutosta ideoilla. Empiirinen ideatutkimus on kuitenkin vielä kehityksen alla ja ideoiden tutkimiseen on kaivattu uusia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Tässä maisterintutkielmassa selvitetään, miten aihemallinnusta ja kehysanalyysia yhdistävä kehysmallinnus sopii ideoiden tunnistamiseen tekstiaineistosta. Empiirisenä esimerkkinä käytetään hyvinvoinnin ideaa ja tutkimusaineistona eduskunnan täysistuntokeskusteluista poimittua kansanedustajien hyvinvointipuhetta vuosilta 2015–2021. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat: 1) Miten kansanedustajat kehystävät hyvinvointia täysistuntopuheissaan? 2) Miten hyvinvoinnin idea määrittyy kansanedustajien puheessa? 3) Miten kehysmallinnus soveltuu ideoiden tunnistamiseen tekstiaineistosta? Kehysmallinnuksella kansanedustajien puheesta tunnistetaan 12 hyvinvoinnin kehystä. Hyvinvoinnin idea määrittyy kansanedustajien puheissa sitä kautta, minkä ryhmien hyvinvoinnista ollaan kiinnostuneita, minkä asioiden katsotaan hyvinvointiin vaikuttavan, millaisiin instituutioihin ja niiden muutoksiin hyvinvointi yhdistetään sekä kenen tietoon ymmärrys hyvinvoinnista perustetaan. Kansanedustajien puheessa hyvinvointia käsitellään itsestään selvänä yhteiskuntapolitiikan päämääränä. Ideateoria ja kehysmallinnus ovat teoreettisesti ja tutkielman empiiristen tulosten perusteella yhteensopivia. Kehysmallinnuksen arvioidaan siten soveltuvan hyvin ideoiden tunnistamiseen tekstiaineistosta.
  • Vatanen, Heini (2014)
    Kiinan omat energiavarat eivät tyydytä teollisuuden kasvavia tarpeita, varsinkaan öljyn ja kaasun osalta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, miten Kiina turvaa energiaresurssien saantiaan tulevaisuudessa ja toimii kansainvälisessä yhteisössä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, pohjautuuko Kiinan politiikka materialistisiin tavoitteisiin vai noudattaako se ideologisia lähtökohtia. Viitekehyksenä ovat materialistiset ja ideatiiviset teoriakokonaisuudet. Aineistona on Kiinan vapaakauppa- ja investointisopimukset Chilen ja Myanmarin kanssa. Mailla on samanlainen suhde Kiinaan sillä erotuksella, että Myanmarilla on keskeinen rooli energiaturvallisuuden varmistamisessa. Sopimuksilla tutkitaan, kuinka energian tarve heijastuu Kiinan talous- ja ulkopolitiikkaan. Menetelmänä on teorialähtöinen sisällönanalyysi, jossa hyödynnetään teorian pohjalta laadittuja kriteerejä. Tulokset osoittavat, että Kiinan politiikka on materialistista niissä sopimuksissa, jotka ovat keskeisiä energiaturvallisuuden varmistamisessa. Selkeimmin tämä näkyy Kiinan ja Myanmarin investointisopimuksessa. Kiinan politiikka oli ideatiivista niissä sopimuksissa, jotka eivät ole keskeisiä energiaturvallisuuden varmistamisessa. Selkeimmin tämä näkyy Kiinan ja Chilen vapaakauppasopimuksessa. Kuitenkin kaikissa sopimuksissa on sekä materialistisia että ideatiivisia puolia. Ideatiiviset puolet luovat kehykset maiden väliselle suhteelle ja korostavat Kiinan anti-hegemoniatavoitetta. Materialistiset ja rationaalista energiaturvallisuuspolitiikkaa korostavat puolet varmistavat Kiinan teollisuuden ja talouskasvun intressit. Ideatiiviset ja materialistiset puolet muodostavat yhdessä tilanteen, joka tukee Kiinan intressejä energiaresurssien saannissa mutta myös antihegemoniatavoitteessa. Siten Kiina liittää sopimuksiinsa sekä materialistisia että ideatiivisia puolia, mutta painottaa niitä sopimuskohtaisesti omien tavoitteidensa pohjalta.
  • Gustafsson, Emilia (2011)
    Bakgrunden till denna undersökning utgörs av arbetslivets förändring och dess konsekvenser för konstrueringen av självidentiteten; hur avväger unga konsulter i början av sin karriär mellan olika diskurser för att skapa en förhandlad självidentitet som styrs av idén om en karriär och såvida är hållbar även i ett långtidsperspektiv? Undersökningen tar avstamp i de sociologiska diskussionerna om informationssamhällets framväxt och dess inverkan på arbetets karaktär. Undersökningen utgår från begreppet kunskapsarbete (Alvesson 2001; Blom, Melin & Pyöriä 2001) eftersom konsultyrket kan anses representera denna typ av arbete. Ett genomgående tema är flexibiliteten och det höga tempot som å ena sidan möjliggör självförverkligande men å andra sidan försvårar skapandet av en sammanhängande självidentitet (Sennett 2002). Denna problematik är viktigt att ta i beaktande då förlängandet av arbetskarriärerna och ökandet av arbetslivets attraktivitet blivit centrala mål för den finska samhällspolitiken (Julkunen & Pärnänen 2005) samtidigt som ett generationsskifte håller på att ske på den finländska arbetsmarknaden. Undersökningen utgår från idén om karriären som ett manuskript som ger upphov för identitetsförhandlingar och sammanbinder livets olika domäner till ett personligt liv inte bara i nuläget utan även i ett långtidsperspektiv. Enligt Alvesson & Willmot (2002) framkallas identitetsförhandlingar genom både samhälleliga och organisationsspecifika identitetsreglerande praktiker. Jag utgår från antagandet att självidentiteten fungerar som den sammanbindande knytpunkten mellan karriären och det övriga livet, vilket gör det intressant att koncentrera sig på de identitetsförhandlingar som informanterna utsätts för i förhållande till sitt arbete och idén om en karriär. Begreppet personligt liv ger utrymme för individuell aktivitet och personliga betydelser men behåller ändå föreställningen om individen som inbäddad och sammanbunden i och med det sociala och kulturella (Smart 2007). I bakgrunden finns teorierna om den nya form som makten antagit i organisationer (Foucault; Rose 1999; Grey 1994, Casey 1995) och förvandlat individen till en ett självstyrande subjekt som arbetar som en entreprenör (Rose 1999). Jag poängterar den subjektiva aspekten av karriären som någonting som individen själv konstruerar (Hughes 1997; Barley 1989) och uppfattar i likhet med Julkunen (2003) och Acker (1990; 2006) ålder och kön som sociala kategorier i organisationsstrukturen. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur unga personer utför identitetsförhandlingar i förhållande till arbetet och idén om en karriär i nuläget, samt sammanbinder karriären, framtiden och livet över lag med sin självidentitet i ett karriärperspektiv. Jag har valt unga konsulter som forskningsobjekt, eftersom endast en liten del av den sociologiska arbetslivsforskningen intresserat sig för just unga. Konsultbranschen är ett intressant forskningsobjekt av samma orsak – denna bransch har behandlats i mycket liten skala i finländsk forskning. Det empiriska materialet består av kvalitativa intervjuer med unga, högutbildade män och kvinnor i konsultbranschen. Som analysmetod har jag använt mig av tema-analys inspirerad av diskursanalys. Genom att undersöka individers identitetsförhandlingar i ett karriärperspektiv hoppas jag kunna bidra med nya synpunkter och infallsvinklar samt bättre förståelse för det postindustriella arbetslivet som karakteriseras av kunskapsintensifiering och snabba förändringar i organisationer. Studien visar att idén om en karriär fungerar som ett medel för designandet av det postmoderna självet på samma sätt som till exempel konsumtionen av vissa varumärken. Enligt studien har den flexibla kapitalismen olika inverkan på män och kvinnors idéer om en karriär och betjänar den manliga karriären betydligt bättre än den kvinnliga, åtminstone så länge traditionella könskonstruktioner dominerar. För männen är det naturligt att totalt utesluta faderskapet från karriärkonstruktionen, vilket får dem att kapitulera inför organisationens krav. För kvinnorna är det lika naturligt att justera idén om den framtida karriären enligt möjliga barn i framtiden. Möjligheten att bejaka moderskapets krav verkar beskydda den kvinnliga självidentiteten från att totalt ge efter för organisationens försök att kontrollera subjektiviteten. De unga informanterna konstruerar sitt arbete i mycket annorlunda termer än vad som traditionellt förknippas med arbete; konsultarbetets projektbaserade karaktär konstrueras som äventyrligt, roligt, intressant och omväxlande. Eftersom avsaknad av långsiktighet och rutiner förknippas med den tid i livet då man är ung, underlättades sammanförandet av konsultarbetet med självidentiteten. Samtidigt visar studien hur svårt individen, som fungerar likt en entreprenör i förhållande till sin arbetsgivare, har att skilja mellan arbete och övrigt liv samtidigt som diskursen om balans mellan arbete och fritid dominerar i samhället. Detta ger upphov till en konstruktion av självet som en lycklig och autonom individ som är nöjd över sitt val av start på karriären och tycker om att jobba, medan de långa arbetsdagarna och kraven på ständig effektivitet och prestationer konstrueras som något naturligt. Slutligen efterlyser studien en omdefiniering av begreppet kunskapsarbete. Arbetssociologin i sin helhet har utgått från tanken om arbete som något ofrivilligt eller som tvång, medan informanterna i denna undersökning tvärtom konstruerar sitt arbete i termer som traditionellt förknippas med fritid och frivillighet . Man kan fråga sig ifall kunskapsarbetet håller på att slita sig loss från den traditionella uppfattningen om arbete och skapa en allt skarpare kontrast till det arbete som utförs i traditionell bemärkelse?
  • Pällijeff, Pieti (2021)
    Recently, several novel post-translational modifications (PTMs) have been identified as important regulators in biology. Succinylation, the reversible addition of a succinyl group from a free succinyl-CoA into a protein lysine, is one such novel PTM. The last decade of research has unveiled succinylation as a powerful regulator of metabolism, prevalent in every organism it has been studied in and with functional effects on target proteins in several key metabolic pathways. A major contribution of this thesis is to catalogue the recent advances in succinylation research into the most comprehensive literary review currently available on succinylation. While the biological role of this PTM is being established, the relevance of succinylation in human disease has remained unclear. Meanwhile, mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome caused by defective SUCLA2 (SUCLA2 disease) is a progressive hereditary mitochondrial disease with no available treatment. SUCLA2 disease is caused by defective mutations in the ß-subunit SUCLA2 of the TCA cycle enzyme succinyl-CoA synthetase. While the characteristic manifestations, including impairment of respiratory complexes, and the etiological mutations in this disease are well established, the pathogenic model for SUCLA2 disease has remained incomplete. As succinyl-CoA synthetase shares a substrate, succinyl-CoA, with succinylation, this thesis set out to probe SUCLA2 mutants for a potential succinylation phenotype. An extensive hypersuccinylation phenotype was characterized in fibroblasts and tissue samples from SUCLA2 mutant patients by immunochemical methods. The hypersuccinylation target identities in SUCLA2 mutants were revealed with proteomics by mass-spectrometry. Hypersuccinylation in SUCLA2 mutants was shown to be enriched in proteins participating in mitochondrial energy metabolism, including respiratory complex proteins. In addition, several novel metabolic phenotypes were characterized in SUCLA2 mutants with metabolomics by mass-spectrometry, most prominently a significant depletion of aspartate metabolism. While identification of extensive hypersuccinylation in SUCLA2 mutants establishes a novel concept of succinylation relevance in human metabolic disease, the prospect of altered regulation of the respiratory complexes due to hypersuccinylation lays the foundation for a novel pathogenic model for SUCLA2 disease. Meanwhile, the observed novel metabolic phenotypes significantly contribute to the current understanding on SUCLA2 mutant metabolism and inspire a hypothetical model on how the defective succinyl-CoA synthetase could be circumvented in the TCA cycle of SUCLA2 mutants.
  • Salmirinne, Simo (2020)
    Time series are essential in various domains and applications. Especially in retail business forecasting demand is a crucial task in order to make the appropriate business decisions. In this thesis we focus on a problem that can be characterized as a sub-problem in the field of demand forecasting: we attempt to form clusters of products that reflect the products’ annual seasonality patterns. We believe that these clusters would aid us in building more accurate forecast models. The seasonality patterns are identified from weekly sales time series, which in many cases are very sparse and noisy. In order to successfully identify the seasonality patterns from all the other factors contributing in a product’s sales, we build a pipeline to preprocess the data accordingly. This pipeline consist of first aggregating the sales of individual products over several stores to strengthen the sales signal, followed by solving a regularized weighted least squares objective to smooth the aggregates. Finally, the seasonality patterns are extracted using the STL decomposition procedure. These seasonality patterns are then used as input for the k-means algorithm and several hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithms. We evaluate the clusters using two distinct approaches. In the first approach we manually label a subset of the data. These labeled subsets are then compared against the clusters provided by the clustering algorithms. In the second approach we form a simple forecast model that fits the clusters’ seasonality patterns back to the observed sales time series of individual products. In this approach we also build a secondary validation forecast model with the same objective, but instead of using the clusters provided by the algorithms, we use predetermined product categories as the clusters. These product categories should naturally provide a valid baseline for groups of products with similar seasonality as they reflect the structure of how similar products are organized within close proximity in physical stores. Our results indicate that we were able to find clear seasonal structure in the clusters. Especially the k-means algorithm and hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithms with complete linkage and Ward’s method were able to form reasonable clusters, whereas hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm with single linkage was proven to be unsuitable given our data.
  • Ojalehto, Tuomas (2016)
    Proteins responsible for homologous recombination are collectively called recombinases. They also have an important role in maintaining genome integrity. Recombinases are found in all three kingdoms of life. The first identified and characterized recombinase was RecA from Escherichia coli. Recombinases exhibit ATP hydrolysis coupled DNA-binding activity and strand exchange activities during homologous recombination. Homologous recombination produces new genetic combinations for evolution and general way to describe the different steps of homologous recombination is a DSBR model. Homologous recombination occurs in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells during meiosis crossover and horizontal gene transfer, respectively. The homologous recombination machineries are remarkably complex and synergistic and much is not known about detailed mechanisms for a majority of the species. More recently, recombinases have been used in isothermal nucleic acid amplification methods, mainly in recombinase polymerase amplification RPA and strand invasion based amplification SIBA. The aim of this study was to identify, clone, produce and analyze the functionality of novel recombinases from bacteria and viruses. The acitivity for single-stranded DNA binding and strand exchange was studied. The compatibility of the produced recombinases in strand invasion based amplification SIBA method was evaluated. Two recombinases from Enterobacteria phages T2 and RB69 were found to be functional and compatible in three SIBA assays.
  • Osama, Raisa (2016)
    The polyketide synthases (PKSs) are a large group of enzymes that catalyze the decarboxylative condensation of malonyl-CoA with various CoA thioesters, in order to biosynthesize different plant secondary metabolites. Anther specific chalcone synthase like (ASCL) enzymes are a novel group of plant type III polyketide synthase involved in the biosynthesis of sporopollenin, which is the stable biopolymer present in the exine layer of pollen walls. A gene encoding polyketide synthase, GhPKS8, was isolated from Gerbera hybrida from RNA sequencing data using gene specific primers. The structure, expression pattern and enzymatic activity of the corresponding enzyme were analyzed. The expression studies revealed that the GhPKS8 transcript is expressed at an early phase of anther development. Sequence analysis showed that the gerbera GhPKS8 gene displayed a high level (79%) of similarity to AtPKSB, the ASCL gene of Arabidopsis thaliana and all the important residues were seen to be conserved in the deduced amino acid sequence of GhPKS8. Additionally, the catalytic properties showed that the enzyme accepts medium chain starter as a substrate. The sequence homology, expression studies together with enzymatic assays revealed that the gerbera GhPKS8 may be an ASCL, involved in the development of anther. The putative role of GhPKS8 in anther exine development is discussed.
  • Saario, Maria (2024)
    Adaptive immunity is a specialized immune system, responsible for pathogen-specific immunity and the creation of memory cells. This system is activated in secondary lymphoid organs, such as lymph nodes, by antigen presentation conducted by professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to T cells. The activated T cells migrate to inflamed tissue for the elimination of pathogens. Recently, it has been shown that lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) of the lymphatic system also partake in immune regulation alongside professional APCs. LECs accomplish this by internalizing soluble antigens from the lymph. The internalized antigens can be either presented on the LEC plasma membrane with major histocompatibility complex I for induction of T cell anergy, or transferred to migrating professional APCs for complete T cell activation. Outside of direct immune regulation, the antigens can also be transcellularly transported through the LECs, which contributes to the transport of soluble antigens to lymph nodes. Through all these functions, LECs have been shown to play a role in the maintenance of peripheral T cell tolerance, impairment of tumor-specific immune responses, and conversely, the creation of stronger secondary immune response due to stimulation of T memory cell generation. However, the mechanisms of antigen internalization in LECs remain highly uncharacterized. To further study the role of LECs in adaptive immunity regulation, this thesis investigates the intracellular routes of antigen internalization and trafficking, in LECs. In this thesis, I set up antigen feeding assay on two primary cell culture models, and identify vesicular compartments involved in antigen internalization. To study antigen internalization, I set up extraction and cell culture methods for mouse lymph node primary cells and performed antigen feeding on the cultured cells. In addition, I optimized antigen feeding assay and identified means to increase antigen internalization in primary human dermal LECs (HDLECs). As LECs internalize antigens in both cell culture models, both models offer an opportunity to study antigen internalization and fates of antigens, in the context of LEC-performed adaptive immunity regulation. To investigate the pathways involved in antigen internalization and trafficking in LECs, I utilized RAB GTPases, major regulators of vesicular traffic, each specific for a distinct vesicular compartment. By observing and quantifying the colocalization between antigens and fluorescently stained RAB GTPases, I identified the antigen-associated vesicular compartments. The identification of the antigen trafficking pathways was successful, as functional validation of the results by inhibition of the antigen colocalizing RAB GTPases led to decreased antigen internalization. In conclusion, in this thesis, I optimized antigen feeding assay in LECs and identified pathways involved in antigen internalization and trafficking. The results of this thesis provide ground for further identification of molecules involved in LEC-performed adaptive immunity regulation. Manipulation of these control molecules would provide opportunities to modify the role of LECs in adaptive immunity regulation, to a desired direction.
  • Pöntinen, Mikko (2018)
    One of the main factors currently limiting geophysical and geological studies of asteroids is the lack of visual and near-infrared (Vis-NIR) spectra. European Space Agency’s upcoming Euclid mission will observe up to 150,000 asteroids and gather a large amount of spectral data of them in the Vis-NIR wavelength range. Asteroids will appear as faint streaks in the images. In order to exploit the spectra, the asteroids have to first be found in the massive amounts of data to be obtained by Euclid. In this work we tested two methods for detecting asteroid streaks in simulated Euclid images. The first method is StreakDet, a software originally developed to detect streaks caused by space debris. We optimized the parameters of StreakDet, and developed a comprehensive analysis software that can visualize and give statistics of the StreakDet results. StreakDet was tested by feeding 4096×4136 pixel images to the software, which then returned the coordinates of the asteroids found. The second method is machine learning. We programmed a deep neural network, which was then trained to distinguish between asteroid images and non-asteroid images. Smaller images were used for this binary classification task, but we also developed a sliding window method for analyzing larger images with the neural network. After optimizing the program parameters, StreakDet was able to detect approximately 60% of asteroids with apparent magnitude V < 22.5. StreakDet worked better for long streaks, up to 125 pixels (corresponding to an asteroid with a sky motion of 80 "/h) while streaks shorter than 15 pixels (10 "/h) were typically not found. The neural network was able to classify the brightest (20 < V < 21) streaks with up to 98% accuracy when using very small images. When analyzing larger images, the sliding window algorithm produced heat maps as output, from which the asteroids could easily be spotted. The machine learning algorithm utilized was fairly simple, so even better results may be obtained with more advanced algorithms.
  • Mohanraj, Ushanandini (2016)
    The rapid emergence of antibiotic resistance among many pathogenic bacteria has created a profound need to discover new alternatives to antibiotics. Bacteriophages are viruses which infect bacteria and are able to produce special proteins involved in bacterial lysis. However, for many bacteriophage-encoded gene products, the function is not known, i.e., hypothetical proteins of unknown function (HPUFs). Screening these proteins likely identifies a rich source of leads that will help in the development of novel antibacterial compounds. The current study presents two phage genomics-based screening approaches to identify phage HPUFs with antibacterial activity. Both screening assays are based on inhibition of bacterial growth when a toxic gene is expression cloned into a plasmid vector. The first approach was a luxAB/luxCDE -based luminescence screening assay. The luxCDE genes encoding the luciferase substrate producing enzymes were integrated into an Escherichia coli strain genome as a transcriptional fusion. Also, a vector carrying the luxAB genes, encoding the luciferase enzyme, and a cloning site for the phage HPUF genes, was constructed. Ligation of a toxic gene into the vector would result in few or rare transformants after electroporation while ligation of a non-toxic gene would result in large number of transformants, and the difference in number of transformants will be reflected in the amount of bioluminescence after electroporation. The proof of concept of the approach was verified using the control genes g150 (a structural, thus a non-toxic gene of phage R1-RT) and regB (a known toxic gene of phage T4). The results demonstrated a significant difference in Relative Luminescence Units (RLU) between the g150 and regB electroporation mixtures. The second screening approach was an optimized plating assay producing a significant difference in the number of transformants after ligation of the toxic and non-toxic genes into a cloning vector. This assay was tested and optimized with several known control toxic and non-toxic genes. Using the plating assay approach, in the current study, ninety-four R1-RT HPUFs were screened and ten of them showed toxicity in E. coli. In future, the identified toxic HPUFs of R1-RT could be purified and characterized to identify their bacterial targets. Further, both of these screening assays can be used to screen among HPUFs of other phages, and this should allow the discovery of a wide variety of putative inhibitors for the control of current and emerging bacterial pathogens.
  • Varis, Vera (2020)
    Protein kinases are signaling molecules that regulate vital cellular and biological processes by phosphorylating cellular proteins. Kinases are linked to variety of diseases such as cancer, immune deficiencies and degenerative diseases. This thesis work aimed to identify direct substrates for protein kinases in the CMGC family, which consists of the cyclin-depended kinases (CDK), mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK), glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) and CDC-like kinases (CLK). CMGC kinases have been identified as cancer hubs in interactome studies, but large-scale identification of direct substrates has been difficult due to the lack of efficient methods. Here, we present a heavy-labeled 18O-ATP-based kinase assay combined with LC-MS/MS analysis for direct substrate identification. In the assay, HEK and HeLa cell lysates are treated with a pan-kinase inhibitor FSBA which irreversibly blocks endogenous kinases. After the removal of FSBA, cell lysates are incubated with the kinase of interest and a heavy-labeled ATP, which contains 18O isotope at the γ-phosphate position. Resulting phosphopeptides are enriched with Ti4+- IMAC before the LC-MS/MS analysis, which distinguishes the desired phosphorylation events based on a mass shift caused by the heavy 18O. With this pipeline of methods, we managed to quantify and identify direct substrates for 26 members of CMGC kinase family. A total of 1345 substrates and 3841 interacting kinase-substrate pairs were identified in cytosolic cell lysates, from which 165 were annotated in the PhosphoSitePlus® database. To identify substrates for kinases with nuclear localization, ten kinases were tested with nuclear HEK cell lysate. We identified 194 kinase-substrate pairs, 141 of which were unique to the nuclear fraction and 27 annotated in the PhosphoSitePlus® database. Finally, kinases with outstandingly high amounts of novel substrates were subjected to gene ontology analysis. We were able to link the gene ontology classifications of novel substrates to the biological processes regulated by the kinase of interest. These results indicate that heavy-labeled 18O-ATP-based kinase assay linked LC-MS/MS is a useful tool for large-scale direct kinase substrate identification.
  • Pöyhönen, Rosanna (2013)
    Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathy is one of the most common forms of inherited peripheral neuropathies with the prevalence of one in 2500 individuals. CMT is phenotypically and genetically a very heterogeneous disease. It can be inherited as an autosomal recessive, dominant or X-linked trait. CMT is characterized by distal muscle weakness, atrophy and deformity of the feet as well as clumsiness of gait. The onset of CMT varies and also the symptoms of the disease can vary even among the members of a single family. So far more than 40 genes have been identified for CMT and the list is estimated to grow by 30-50 genes. Whole exome sequencing (WES) is a next generation sequencing technique, which targets the protein coding area of the genome. Through WES analysis it is possible to search for disease causing mutations with all kinds of inheritance patterns. Patients suffering from CMT are good candidates for WES analysis because of the genetic heterogeneity of their disease. WES can be used for diagnosing Mendelian disorders with atypical symptoms as well as diseases, which are difficult to confirm using clinical criteria alone and which require costly evaluation, e.g. CMT. In this master study new disease causing mutations for early-onset neuropathies are identified by whole exome sequencing. The aims of this study include using WES for the molecular diagnosis of four patients suffering from early-onset axonal neuropathies, the functional analysis of possible causative variants and improving and developing the process of analyzing variants from whole exome sequencing data, especially the analyzing steps of insertion and deletion variants. Finding causative variants among the insertion and deletion variants has previously been often left out from the WES analysis because of the lack of systematic analysis technique. As a result of the WES data analysis a new candidate disease gene, tripartite motif containing 2 (TRIM2) was identified. A missense mutation c.761T>A (p.E254V) and a deletion c.1779delA (p.K594Rfs7X) were found in patient 2, who suffers from severe CMT type 2. The carrier frequency was analysed to see whether the variants are present in the general population or not. The functional analysis of TRIM2 was started by preparing constructs carrying the missense mutation and the deletion and by setting up conditions for western blotting.
  • Pöyhönen, Julia Rosanna Hellin (2013)
    Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathy is phenotypically and genetically a very heterogeneous disease. It can be inherited as an autosomal recessive, dominant or X-linked trait. CMT is characterized by distal muscle weakness, atrophy and deformity of the feet as well as clumsiness of gait. The onset of CMT varies and also the symptoms of the disease can vary even among the members of a single family. So far more than 40 genes have been identified for CMT and the list is estimated to grow by 30-50 genes. Whole exome sequencing (WES) is a new next generation sequencing technique, which targets the protein-coding area of the genome. Through WES analysis it is possible to search for disease causing mutations with all kinds of inheritance patterns. Patients suffering from CMT are good candidates for WES analysis because of the genetic heterogeneity of their disease. WES can be used for diagnosing Mendelian disorders with atypical symptoms as well as diseases, which are difficult to confirm using clinical criteria alone and which require costly evaluation, e.g. CMT. In this master study new disease causing mutations for early-onset neuropathies are identified by whole exome sequencing (WES). The aims of this study include using WES for the molecular diagnosis of four patients suffering from early-onset axonal neuropathies, the functional analysis of possible causative variants and improving and developing the process of analyzing variants from whole exome sequencing data, especially the analyzing steps of insertion and deletion variants. Finding causative variants among the insertion and deletion variants has previously been often left out from the WES analysis because of the lack of systematic analysis technique. As a result of the WES data analysis a new candidate disease gene, tripartite motif containing 2 (TRIM2) was identified. A missense mutation c.761T>A (p.E254V) and a deletion c.1779delA (p.K594Rfs7X) were found in patient 2, who suffers from severe CMT type 2. The carrier frequency was analysed to see whether the variants are present in the general population or not. The functional analysis of TRIM2 was started by preparing constructs carrying the missense mutation and the deletion and by setting up conditions for western blotting.