Browsing by study line "Genetiikka ja genomiikka"
Now showing items 41-60 of 62
(2022)Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are an important in vitro model of disease and development. iPSCs can be differentiated in culture into cell types which are difficult to access from patients, such as neurons. Applying iPSC-derived cellular models to disease studies requires a thorough characterization of the derived cell types, as well as assessing reproducibility across cell lines or differentiation batches. With the aim of providing such a comprehensive molecular characterization at an early stage of cortical neuronal differentiation in vitro, six iPSC lines from four donors were differentiated to cortical neural progenitors using a modification of an established protocol (Shi et al., 2012a). The protocol successfully produced neural progenitors, with over 75% of the differentiated cells aligning with a cortical identity, as confirmed via qPCR and immunocytochemistry of established markers such as PAX6, NES and SOX1. To further classify the cell types produced as well as identify potential differences between cell lines, gene expression of the obtained cells was profiled with single cell RNA sequencing of ~22,000 cells, which uncovered the heterogeneity of neural progenitors produced. Further, although two differentiation batches produced similar cell-type compositions on a whole, a fraction of the lines showed inter-individual differences in cell type composition, which correlated with expression variability of known marker genes. Additionally, the cell types produced in vitro were compared to those produced in vivo by mapping our dataset to a reference fetal brain dataset (Polioudakis et al., 2019). It was observed that the in vitro dataset represented a subset of the cell types present at mid-gestation. Overall, the single cell characterization of differentiated cells allowed greater resolution in understanding cell-type heterogeneity of cortical neurogenesis, which is of key relevance for future applications such as disease modeling.
(2023)Breast cancer is globally the leading cause of death in women. ER positive, HER2 negative breast cancer is the most common subgroup, covering two thirds of all breast cancer cases. The different isoforms of ERα, ERα66 and ERα36 are responsible of genomic and non-genomic ER signaling respectively. Tamoxifen is one of the most used drugs in ERα+ breast cancer. As a SERM tamoxifen blocks the activity of ERα66, but plays as an agonist for ERα36, which is associated with tamoxifen resistance. Tamoxifen resistance concerns more than 25% patients with ERα+ breast cancer but the molecular mechanisms that lead to development of resistant disease remain uncovered. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to reveal how two different ERα isoforms are used and regulated in tamoxifen resistance in two commonly used ERα+ breast cancer cell lines MCF7 and T47D. We studied the effect of hormones to tamoxifen sensitivity and to utilization of ERα isoforms. Additionally, we compared the transcriptomics of resistant and parental cells in both cell lines and tested how inhibition of key regulators affect the sensitivity against tamoxifen. In this thesis we report that MCF7 and T47D cell lines obtain different mechanisms of tamoxifen resistance, and that the development of tamoxifen resistance is a parallel process with the cell identity switch from luminal to basal. The EZH2 is involved in maintaining the luminal progenitor type of mammary cells, whereas c-Myc is highly expressed in the resistant cell lines. Hence, EZH2 and c-Myc are key players in development of tamoxifen resistance and could be considered as therapy targets in ERα+ breast cancers.
(2021)The wide distribution of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in boreal forests and the outstanding properties of its wood have made it an economically significant resource at the forest sector. The highly valued chemical and mechanical properties of Scots pine wood are related to heartwood, a specialized tissue forming the innermost part of a mature trunk. Decay resistance of Scots pine wood is largely defined by heartwood extractives of which the stilbene pinosylvin has the highest quality trait breeding interest. Pinosylvin concentration is a high-heritability trait that positively correlates with the heartwood decay resistance. Pinosylvin biosynthesis pathway is upregulated both developmentally at the mature tree transition zone between sapwood and heartwood and as stress response in various tissues of young trees. Identification of the regulators of pinosylvin synthase could speed up quality trait breeding providing a basis for variant screening in the natural populations and for analysing functional properties of the variants. Early genotyping would enable selection of the desired quality individuals before the start of developmental pinosylvin production and significantly accelerate breeding programs. Scots pine pinosylvin synthase PST-1 is proposed to be both stress-induced and developmentally regulated. Previous studies have identified several MYELOBLASTOSIS (MYB) domain transcription factors (TFs) that co-regulate with stilbene pathway transcripts under pinosylvin production inducing conditions or that have promising homologs in other species. In this study, eight Scots pine MYB TFs were examined in PST-1 promoter interaction studies using quantitative luciferase assay and yeast one-hybrid assay. This study aimed to clone the MYB coding sequences and confirm the integrity and MYB character of the proteins they encode, and to verify whether any of the MYB TFs are direct regulators of PST-1, and to characterize the regulatory functions of the MYB TFs as activators or repressors. This study identified one MYB TF as a direct regulator of PST-1 whereas the other studied MYB TFs did not bind the most promising MYB target elements in the promoter. The discovery of a direct regulator of pinosylvin synthase provides a potential marker for early selection making the finding highly valuable for quality trait breeding efforts. Additionally, another MYB TF was detected as a potential indirect regulator of pinosylvin biosynthetic pathway or as a regulator of neighbouring pathways suggesting that it would also be an interesting target for further studies. The MYB TFs were successfully cloned and seven out of eight MYB TFs were classified into MYB subfamilies. Tentative characterizations for the MYB TFs were presented based on the sequence analysis. The Gateway compatible vectors generated in this study will facilitate future experiments. The MYB coding sequences were incorporated in the verified entry clones ready-to-use in generation of other types of expression vectors. The MYB TF plant vectors could be directly used in Arabidopsis, as well. Two multisite Gateway compatible entry clones for N-terminal fusions to VP16 and SRDX transcriptional regulatory domains were generated for the plant expression vectors. The protocol developed for the 3’ fusion entry clones comprises of sequential polymerase chain reactions easily applicable for other cloning purposes. The yeast one-hybrid prey vectors could be utilized not only in another one-hybrid but also in two-hybrid studies. Several of the MYB TFs, including the PST-1 direct regulator, were hypothesized to interact with other types of TFs. The protein – protein interaction studies would detect possible co-factors involved in the MYB TF mediated regulation of Scots pine pinosylvin synthase. Identification of each member in the regulatory complexes would enable targeting the quality trait breeding efforts most effectively
(2021)Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are over 200 bp long RNA molecules that are not translated into protein. LncRNAs can regulate the expression of protein coding genes, and studies have indicated their role in stress response. Stress response has also been associated with differences in the structure of the myelin sheaths in the mouse brain cortex. Myelin is produced by mature oligodendrocytes (OLGs), and therefore, OLGs are likely to play a role in stress response. The aim of this thesis was to find lncRNAs differentially expressed in the oligodendrocytes and myelin on the medial prefrontal cortex of stressed mice in comparison to controls. Mice of strains C57/6NCrl and DBA/2NCrl, differing in stress response, were exposed to chronic social defeat stress. After the stress paradigm, the mice were assigned as stress-susceptible or stress-resilient, the susceptible mice exhibiting anxiety-like behavior. RNA from OLGs and myelin from the medial prefrontal cortex of the mice was sequenced, and I compared the lncRNA expression levels between stressed and control mice and stress-susceptible and resilient mice using bioinformatic methods. I also assessed modules formed by lncRNAs and protein coding genes correlating in expression in both datasets. I used RT-qPCR to investigate if results from two differentially expressed lncRNAs, Gm37885 and Neat1, replicate in a stress hormone-treated oligodendrocyte cell line. Three hundred and seventy lncRNAs were differentially expressed between stressed mice and controls or stress-susceptible and resilient mice in the OLG dataset and 132 in the myelin dataset. Two hundred and 87 of them overlapped with a protein coding gene in the OLG and myelin datasets, respectively. Sixty-one percent of the differentially expressed lncRNAs were specific to comparisons in the OLG dataset and 73 % in the myelin dataset, but 39 % of the differentially expressed lncRNAs in the OLG dataset and 27 % in the myelin dataset were shared between them. No module of genes with correlating expression levels was associated with stress, but the expression levels of two correlation modules from each dataset differed between strains. The results for one of the differentially expressed lncRNAs, Gm37885, replicated in stressed Oli-neu cells in RT-qPCR. The results of my thesis indicate that multiple lncRNAs are involved in the mouse stress response, as many were differentially expressed and shared between phenotype comparisons. Additionally, significant gene expression differences were observed between strains, which could contribute to the previously reported strain differences in stress susceptibility. The results also suggest a specific role of Gm37885 in GR-mediated stress response. However, the function of Gm37885 remains unknown, and further studies regarding Gm37885 and the other differentially expressed lncRNAs should be carried out to draw conclusions of their contribution to the OLG-mediated stress response.
Optimized sample preparation protocol for the metatranscriptomic analysis of bloodstream infections (2021)Bacteraemia, the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream, may lead to severe and costly health issues. Sepsis, a serious complication of bacteraemia, is one of the top causes of mortality globally. Early and specific diagnostics as well as fast acting are essential in successful treatment. However, current diagnosis relies mainly on time-consuming blood culturing and clinical symptoms, which are unspecific for the causative agent. With the advanced technology and decreasing cost, state-of-art sequencing-based (Next generation sequencing) methods provide a new way to investigate the bacteria present. Metagenomics, which means sequencing and studying all DNA extracted from a microbial community sample, is widely used, but it only describes the genetic potential of a community and does not differentiate live from dead microbes. Metatranscriptomics, in which essentially all RNA from a sample is sequenced, provides information about expression and activity together with identification of viable bacteria, However, the high amounts of host cells and host RNA complicate the detection of bacterial transcripts from complex host-microbe samples. In this thesis, I investigated solutions for the efficient isolation and enrichment of bacterial RNA from whole blood to be used in sequencing and metatranscriptomics analysis. Firstly, I tested the capability of bacterial cell lysis of two commercial blood sampling tubes with Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis suspensions. Both tubes, Tempus and RNAgard, were able to lyse gram-negative E. coli cells and good-quality RNA was extracted in measurable quantities with their respective RNA extraction methods. With Tempus tubes the RNA yield was clearly higher. With gram-positive S. epidermidis, RNA quantities from both extractions were below the measurement limits indicating insufficient lysis and need for further optimization. Secondly, I investigated the depletion of polyadenylated (poly-A) transcripts in order to reduce the host transcripts and thus to enrich the bacterial transcripts prior to costly sequencing step. I evaluated the performance of a previously designed in-house protocol, based on the capture of poly-A -transcripts with oligo-dT -beads, and tested different parameters to see whether the depletion efficiency could be enhanced. Most significantly, the amount of oligo-dT -bead suspension was reduced to half from the original protocol. In-house protocols were also compared to a commercial solution, which they clearly outperformed. Depletion performances were tested with a RT-qPCR and dot blot assay, which I designed along this thesis work. Finally, to make the poly-A depletion better suited for blood samples infested with globin transcripts (representing up to 80% of all poly-A transcripts extracted from whole blood), I tested and successfully pipelined the leading commercial method for depleting globin transcripts with the in-house poly-A depletion protocol. The optimized sample preparation protocol provides a platform for further bloodstream infection and sepsis studies. Next steps of the process, such as sequencing and testing with clinical samples, are already ongoing with promising preliminary results. In the future, the metatranscriptomics approach can be utilized in fast and specific identification of the pathogens and their antibiotic susceptibilities. In addition, infection mechanisms and host-pathogen interactions may be studied possibly providing novel insights for sepsis diagnostics and treatment.
(2022)Acute leukemia is a life-threatening disease of blood and bone marrow, which is caused by malignant transformation of immature white blood cells. These malignant white blood cells invade space in bone marrow decreasing its ability to produce normal blood cells, eventually leading to death within weeks after the diagnosis without treatment. The acute leukemia can be broadly divided into its lymphoblastic and myeloid form, based on the affected cell lineage. Furthermore, acute leukemias can be classified based on different genomic features, such as gene fusions. Fusion genes are strong drivers in various cancers such as acute leukemias, and they are formed when two or more original genes join together forming a novel hybrid gene. If the novel hybrid gene is transcribed, it can lead to a translation of an abnormal fusion protein with altered function. The detection of the gene fusions is very important, since it affects to diagnosis and treatment of the patient. Various techniques can be used for fusion gene detection, of which the RNA sequencing is the method of choice, due to its ability to provide an unbiased identification of all known and novel gene fusions from the sample in a single experiment. In this thesis, the overarching aim was to develop an optimal sampling protocol for fusion gene detection using RNA sequencing for acute leukemia diagnostics. First, the whole blood samples in EDTA-tubes were collected from acute leukemia patients based on the findings from routine diagnostics. Next, the RNA was extracted at three different timepoints (0h, 8h, and 32h). The samples were stored at 4°C between the extractions. Finally, the RNA sequencing libraries were constructed, and the RNA sequencing was performed. After the sequencing, the data was analyzed using the FusionCatcher algorithm for fusion gene detection and the EdgeR-package for differential expression analysis. The FusionCatcher detected the same gene fusion in all the four fusion gene positive patients compared to routine diagnostics. However, the FusionCatcher failed to recognize the gene fusion in some of the samples with very low number of fusion breakpoint-spanning reads. These reads were visualized with IGV, suggesting that the detection failure resulted from the very low number of break-point-spanning reads. Furthermore, the sample storage did not affect on gene fusion detection. In addition, FusionCatcher detected PIK3AP::BLNK gene fusion from one of the fusion gene negative patients, suggesting a possibility that the patient truly was fusion gene positive. The differential expression analysis revealed changes in gene expression between the different timepoints. The results showed changes in various pathways related for example to cell death and protein biosynthesis, but also to pathways related to cancer. The results showed that prolonged sample storage alters the gene expression profile thus affecting the results of a gene expression study.
(2024)In the central nervous system, GABAergic neurons serve as the primary source of inhibitory signals. The study focuses on the GABAergic neurons located in the anterior brainstem, which play a pivotal role in modulating monoaminergic circuits critical for mood, motivation, and movement regulation. The development of the anterior brainstem GABAergic neurons relies on the activation of the Tal1 transcription factor (TF) in the neuronal precursors located in the ventrolateral part of rhombomere 1 (rV2 progenitor domain). The aim of the study was to investigate the regulatory mechanisms governing Tal1 expression. Specifically, the co-expression of potential upstream regulators of Tal1 in differentiating GABAergic rV2 neurons was validated using RNAscope® In Situ Hybridization. Findings demonstrated that the early post-mitotic TFs Sox4, Insm1, Ebf1, and E2f1 are not only co-expressed with Tal1 but also precede the activation of Tal1 expression. This supports a potential role for these genes in activating Tal1 expression and therefore influencing the acquisition of the GABAergic identity in the neuronal progenitors of the anterior brainstem. This research contributes to the understanding of the development and differentiation of the anterior brainstem GABAergic neurons.
(2022)High-throughput sequencing techniques make it possible to identify DNA variants at a reasonable cost, representing a first-tier diagnostic test for rare mendelian diseases. However, a substantial number of variants identified through the analysis of sequencing data are frequently classified as variants of uncertain significance (VUS). Accordingly, only 30–60% of individuals receive a conclusive molecular diagnosis depending on the clinical phenotype. Reanalysis of older sequencing data has been encouraged by recently developed and improved methodologies for analysis and more robust bioinformatic pipelines to enhance variant interpretation and raise the diagnostic/detection rate. This study focused on reanalyzing data from a targeted gene panel, MYOcap, a targeted gene panel for patients with neuromuscular disorders. The aims were to find elusive (i.e., previously undetected/misinterpreted) variants in patients still missing a molecular diagnosis and, by using novel bioinformatic tools, focusing on pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants (according to ACMG guidelines) in Varsome as well as on variants affecting the splicing as predicted by SpliceAI. With this setting, the detection rate of solved cases increased by 2,7% in the first cohort and 0,5% in the third. This study suggests that additional data, such as segregation data or transcriptomic and proteomic data are essential for reducing the number of VUS and increase the detection rate. Notably, this study represents an essential first step of a larger reanalysis project, aiming at providing a diagnosis to an increasing number of myopathy patients.
(2024)Gerbera hybrida, a common ornamental plant, has natural resistance to fungal diseases. While there may be several bioactive compounds behind this trait, this master’s thesis focuses on two of them: gerberin and parasorboside. The gerberin/parasorboside biosynthesis has been profoundly investigated by Gerbera Laboratory at University of Helsinki. Gerberin and parasorboside are polyketide derivatives, a vast group of bioactive metabolites. The pathway that produces these compounds involves several enzymes: a polyketide synthase (PKS), two polyketide reductases (PKRs) and a glycosyl transferase. For gerberin to be synthesized, it requires presence of three enzymes: (1) G2PS1 (Gerbera 2-pyrone synthase 1) which initiates the chain by synthesizing the carbon backbone, and (2) an unknown first acting reductase, that continues the chain by reduction, lactonization, and (3) addition of a sugar molecule. Parasorboside production requires also a fourth enzyme, a reductase described by Zhu et al. (2022). This master’s thesis delves into post-modification of gerberin and parasorboside intermediates by the PKRs, which have not yet been verified. Until now, there has only been PKR-candidates for this position, derived from gerbera transcriptome library. The genes behind the proposed reductases were known from previous research. The objective of this master’s thesis is to demonstrate which of the proposed reductases coexpressed along with the G2PS1-reductase will produce the desired compounds (gerberin and parasorboside) in a model plant tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum in stable transformation and Nicotiana benthamiana in transient expression). The gene combinations were constructed into plasmids via PCR and Golden Gate cloning. Enzyme production was analysed by western blot and the secondary metabolites by HPLC. The hypothesis for this work was to produce the aglycones of gerbera’s natural products gerberin and parasorboside in the model plant tobacco via constructing the plasmids carrying our genes of interest. This master's thesis documents the successful construction of double and triple fusion plasmids, their integration into agrobacteria, and subsequent transformation into stably transgenic tobacco. Gerberin production in tobacco was observed with certain gene combinations, parasorboside production was not analysed yet in this work. Through meticulous work, the desired combination of genes for gerberin synthesis was identified in both agroinfiltrated plants with co-expressed genes and stable transgenic tobacco lines expressing genes from a single transcript cleaved by 2A-peptides.
(2024)Double homeobox 4 (DUX4) is a transcription factor normally repressed in somatic cells but expressed in early human embryo and involved in embryonic genome activation. Before transcription starts from its own genome, the embryo uses maternally stored transcripts and proteins, which undergo selective degradation as development progresses. DUX4 is transcribed from a repetitive region called D4Z4, along with another gene, DBE-T, that encodes a long non-coding RNA involved in the de-repression of DUX4. DBE-T partially overlaps with the D4Z4 region and shows some sequence similarity with DUX4. DUX4 regulation in early embryo is currently not well understood. The aim of this study was to use updated RNA in situ hybridization technology (RNAscopeTM) to observe DUX4 transcripts in doxycycline-inducible DUX4-TetOn human embryonic stem cells and ovarian samples. DUX4 RNA target probes were first validated in doxycycline-treated DUX4-TetOn human embryonic stem cells. Doxycycline-treated cells express DUX4 protein as observed by immunofluorescence staining. After confirming that the DUX4 target probes were visible in DUX4-expressing stem cells, the same probes were used in human ovarian tissue samples. DUX4 probes showed signals in both somatic granulosa cells and oocytes in primordial and primary follicles in the ovarian samples. However, due to the sequence similarity between DUX4 and DBE-T, there is possible cross-detection of DBE-T with the DUX4 target probes. It is not possible to say with confidence whether the detected signal is derived from DUX4 or DBE-T. These results indicate that D4Z4-related transcription activity occurs in the immature oocytes and further studies are needed to determine which transcripts are expressed in the oocyte.
(2022)Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) accounts for 10-15% of all breast cancer cases and has the worst clinical outcome. Characterizing features of TNBC are high recurrence and mortality rates, and the absence of three commonly targetable breast cancer biomarkers estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2, limiting the number of targetable therapy options. Cytotoxic CD8 positive T cells play a crucial role in the anticancer immune response and act as a major component of successful cancer immunotherapies. However, cancer cells can evade T cell-mediated killing by overexpressing programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) resulting in T cell exhaustion and limited immune response via the interaction with programmed death protein 1 (PD-1). Systemic anti-PD-L1/PD-1 therapies aim to prevent this immunosuppressive mechanism, but they are burdened with potentially life-threatening autoimmunity-type adverse effects. Therefore, cancer cell-specific targets to downregulate PD-L1 could offer efficacious and less harmful ways to overcome PD_L1/PD-1 mediated immunosuppression. Serine protease hepsin is commonly overexpressed in many solid tumors where it is responsible for the activation of HGF/MET signaling pathway as well as degradation of desmosomes and hemidesmosomes leading to the loss of epithelial integrity, invasion, and metastasis. Earlier studies have linked hyperactive HGF/MET pathway to the upregulation of immune checkpoint molecule PD-L1. In this thesis, I show how pharmacological inhibition of hepsin leads to decreased MET activity and downregulation of PD-L1 in a panel of TNBC cell lines. My results demonstrate the potential of hepsin-mediated regulation of PD-L1 in tumor immunosuppression, and hint at the potential of hepsin as a therapeutic avenue towards safe and efficacious immunotherapy in the future. These results are part of a larger study addressing the role of hepsin as a regulator of PD-L1 breast cancer.
(2021)Bartonella species are facultative intracellular bacteria causing variety of diseases in humans and also infects endothelial cells and erythrocytes. Some Bartonella species utilize VirB/VirD4-type IV secretion system (T4SS) in order to secret Bartonella effector protein A (BepA) which infects endothelial host cells by inhibiting the apoptosis. But the enterotoxin homolog in Bartonella gene A (EhbA) and the enterotoxin homolog in Bartonella gene B (EhbB) are found in the non-BepA Bartonella strains. In my Master’s thesis, I study the host cell binding activity and identify host cell surface receptor of EhbB in Bartonella. In my thesis, the cell adhesion of multimeric B proteins of enterotoxin homologue in Bartonella (Ehb) have been analyzed with cell adhesion assay using HEK293T, HeLa 229, Ea.hy926, and CHO-K1 cells. The assay was conducted with EhbB1 and EhbB 1-1C proteins from Bartonella Bovis strain Bermond and Bartonella strain spp 1-1C and the experiment indicated the cell adhesion activity of both EhbB proteins compared to the controls used in the experiment. Moreover, the binding activity of EhbB1 with Ea.hy926 was studied at several incubation time points, such as; 30 min, 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, and 8 hours. Several incubation period of EhbB1 and EhbB 1-1C with Ea.hy926 cells did not enhance cell surface adhesion because the same absorbance compared to controls. The interaction of EhbB1 with cell membrane HEK293T was studied by using western blot on cell membrane preparation from Ea.hy926 cells which was used to identify possible protein receptor of EhbB1. The experiment suggests that EbB1 is binding to receptors present on the cell membrane of HEK293T which could be protein. The cell adhesion activity of HEK293T cell membrane with EhbB1 was analyzed by inhibition assay. This experiment indicated that EhbB1 protein attached to cell surface receptors present on the HEK29T cell membrane, which inhibited EhbB1 protein to attach to Ea.hy926 cells. This also indicate that the cell surface receptor for EhbB1 could be protein but requires further study.
(2022)Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world, and in 2020 it was the cause of nearly 1 million deaths. A major reason for the high death rate is treatment resistance; eventually, almost all colorectal cancer patients with metastatic disease stop responding to chemotherapy. The problem of treatment resistance is not specific to this type of cancer, but it is a widespread issue for all cancer treatments. Chemotherapy resistance is the sum of several cellular and non-cellular factors that together enable sustained cell growth despite the treatment. The non-cellular factors are related to the tumor microenvironment, whereas the cellular factors are related to changes in gene expression, which facilitate e.g. the repair of drug-induced damage or lead to changes in drug metabolism. Lately, researchers have turned their interest to translational control in chemotherapy resistance. This is because translational control plays a major role in stress adaptation. During cellular stress, global translation rates are reduced and those messenger RNAs that are most important for cell survival are translated efficiently. Moreover, translation is fine-tuned by transfer RNA (tRNA) modifications. These modifications are chemical groups that are added to the ribose and the nucleobase of the tRNA molecule, and they affect all aspects of tRNA function, ranging from the structure and stability of the molecule to reading frame maintenance and rate of translation. tRNA modifications are dynamic and change in response to the cellular state, thus facilitating adaptation by translational control. Given the major role of translational control and tRNA modifications in cellular stress responses, their role in the chemotherapy response and adaptation should be thoroughly investigated. The aim of this thesis was to study how chemotherapy affects translation and tRNA modifications in a colon adenocarcinoma model. The cell lines SW480 (from a primary colorectal tumor) and SW620 (from a metastasis) were treated with 5-fluorouracil, oxaliplatin, and leucovorin (FOLFOX), a common combination of chemotherapeutics used in colorectal cancer treatment. The cells were subjected to long-term cyclic treatment as well as 24 h pulse treatment. Chemotherapy resistant cell lines were established by increasing the concentration of FOLFOX for each round of treatment. The effect on translation was studied by polysome profiling, which revealed that FOLFOX treatment causes immediate translational stress, as evidenced by the “shoulders” in the polysomal fractions in the profiles of the pulse treated cells. We hypothesized that these shoulders represent halfmers, polyribosomes without the large subunit. No difference was observed between the long-term treated cells and controls, possibly indicating that the cells had adapted to FOLFOX. The resistant cells exhibited slightly reduced translational activity, which might be due to altered function of ribosomes following the exposure to 5-fluorouracil. Changes in tRNA modification levels were quantified by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. Several anticodon loop modifications exhibited altered levels after the pulse treatment. In addition, 5-FUrd, a metabolite of 5-fluorouracil, was incorporated into the tRNA. The long-term treated or resistant cells exhibited no differences in the modification levels. In conclusion, this study provided insights on the immediate effects of FOLFOX treatment on translation. This constitutes the first step towards understanding how RNA-based regulatory mechanisms may contribute to the effect and possible resistance to chemotherapy.
(2020)Diabetic ovarian cancer patients who take metformin as part of their anti-diabetic medication generally respond better to DNA-damaging cancer treatment. The molecular mechanisms of the anti-cancer effects of metformin are currently being investigated, but they remain poorly elucidated. Not much is understood about the metformin effect on DNA damage in ovarian cancer cells, where it is of particular importance. When chemotherapy-induced double-stranded DNA breaks are unrepaired, cells reach a point when they cannot tolerate the accumulated DNA damage and die. However, some ovarian cancer cells efficiently employ DNA repair mechanisms, the most prominent being homologous recombination (HR), to overcome DNA damage. Efficient HR causes chemoresistance. An important question is whether metformin has the ability to induce the HR-deficient state in cancer cells, thereby sensitizing them to treatment. This study did not examine HR directly, but it assessed HR indirectly by observing the effect of metformin on recovery from DNA damage in two ovarian cancer cell lines: OVCAR4 (HR-proficient) and Kuramochi (HR-deficient). Additionally, this study evaluated the metformin effect on cell proliferation and apoptosis. OVCAR4 and Kuramochi cells were exposed to varying metformin concentrations (0,5 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM, 15 mM, 20 mM and 25 mM) and for varying durations (24 hours and 48 hours). This study also tested how metformin pretreatment affected the cells’ ability to repair externally (ionizing irradiation) induced DNA damage. The cells were imaged with a high-content imaging system, and percentages of nuclei that were positive for markers for different cellular processes (i.e., DNA damage, proliferation, and apoptosis) were calculated. The study found that only high metformin concentrations, such as 20 mM were able to increase DNA damage and reduce cell proliferation in HR-proficient OVCAR4 cells, both non-irradiated and irradiated. The HR-deficient Kuramochi cell line was generally more sensitive to metformin, particularly with regards to DNA damage, which increased using metformin concentrations < 20 mM. However, 20 mM concentration resulted in the most significant effects. Similarly, only high metformin concentration (25 mM) increased apoptosis, although data were obtained only for a limited number of Kuramochi cells. More experiments on apoptosis would be beneficial. Also, more extensive experiments for the irradiation part are needed to validate these preliminary findings, as well as examining whether high metformin concentrations (> 20 mM) affect specifically the HR-mediated DNA repair pathway.
(2022)Sex determination in humans occurs via the sex chromosomes, X and Y. Females carry two X chromosomes while males are XY individuals. Due to this X chromosome distribution the expression of X-linked genes is balanced with a process called X chromosome inactivation (XCI) where one of the X chromosomes is silenced, selected either randomly or preferentially, in early female embryogenesis. X-linked disorders are more prevalent in males as, generally, in females the effects of a disease-causing variant in other of the X chromosomes can be compensated with the normal allele on the other X whereas male express the allele on their only X chromosome. However, cases of heterozygous females manifesting an assumed recessive X-linked disorder have been reported although the symptoms are usually milder in these cases than in males. One suggested reason behind this is a skewed XCI where the majority of female’s cells express the mutated allele. The main goal of this thesis was to examine how often heterozygous female carriers have symptoms of X-linked disorders. To achieve this goal, likely pathogenic and pathogenic X-chromosomal variants were retrieved from the ClinVar database and their global allele frequencies were examined from The Genome Aggregation Database (gnomAD). The genetic and phenotypic data of 500,000 individuals from the UK Biobank (UKB) were used to conduct genetic association analyses between the ClinVar variants and quantitative traits related to their reported phenotypes. The associations were tested in males and in females separately to allow for examination of sex-specific effects and inheritance models via the comparison of effect sizes. 89 (likely) pathogenic variants were detected from UKB, and the majority of these were extremely rare with minor allele frequency below 0.01% in the global population. 11 and 27 of them were selected for the association analyses for the male and female populations of UKB, respectively, after filtering out variants that did not meet requirements such as enough carriers. One to five quantitative traits were chosen for each variant resulting in 28 tests among males and 87 among females. These analyses showed few significant associations while the majority of the tested variants were observed to have no effects on the chosen trait. The most statistically significant association was observed with variant rs137852591 on the gene AR (androgen receptor) in males. The variant was related to lower muscle mass and shorter height that are associated partial androgen insensitivity syndrome reported in ClinVar for this variant. Nominally significant associations were seen with this variant and the same traits in heterozygous females suggesting that there might be, indeed, symptoms of the syndrome in females as well. Additionally, in both sexes variants on gene G6PD seemed related to traits that are characteristics of glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. The limitations of these databases must be taken into account when conducting studies utilizing them. However, this thesis demonstrated that heterozygous female carriers may have symptoms of X-linked disorders assumed to have recessive inheritance pattern. In the future, a wider set of phenotypes could be used to investigate the impacts of the X-linked variants more broadly.
(2022)Colorectal cancer (CRC), which refers to the cancer of the colon and the rectum currently ranks as the second leading cause of cancer related death worldwide and as the third most common form of cancer in both males and females. The latest reports show that approximately 10% of all new cancer cases globally are diagnosed as CRC annually. Initiation of sporadic CRC is commonly caused by somatic mutations causing the loss of function of the tumor suppressor gene APC. This leads to aberrant activation of the canonical Wnt signalling pathway. The ApcMin/+ mice model the progression of CRC as they carry a constitutive heterozygous nonsense mutation in Apc allele and develop intestinal adenomas. TCF/LEF transcription factor family members are best known as the main downstream effectors of canonical Wnt signalling. In the presence of nuclear β-catenin, TCF/LEF proteins bind to it through their β-catenin-binding domain and activate the transcription of Wnt target genes. The TCF7 gene encodes several isoforms of TCF1 protein, which are traditionally divided into long and short isoforms, transcribed from different promoters. Previously, it has been shown that Tcf7 deletion (Tcf7-/-) in ApcMin/+ mice increases the formation of adenomas. The aim of my study is to better understand the role of Tcf7 and its isoforms in CRC tumorigenesis. To study the Tcf7 deletion in intestinal adenoma development, ApcMin/+; Tcf7mut/mut; Villin CreERT2 mouse strain was established. The expression of the full-length isoforms (p45) is constitutively prevented in the Tcf7mut/mut mice. Moreover, tamoxifen administration to these mice led to the deletion of all isoforms in the intestinal epithelium. The number of intestinal tumors, their sizes and the survival of the Tcf7 deleted ApcMin/+ mice were analyzed and compared to ApcMin/+ mice. Intestinal tissues of the mice were collected after euthanasia. The tissue samples were preserved in paraffin, and later cut into sections for IHC, stained and imaged. The deletion of Tcf7 was confirmed at the RNA level by qPCR, and at the protein level by immunohistochemistry (IHC). IHC and single-cell RNA sequencing was used to further analyze the effect of Tcf7 deletion in mouse intestinal adenomas. The deletion of all Tcf7 isoforms or only the p45 isoforms in ApcMin/+ mice increased robustly the numbers of intestinal tumors. IHC analysis of the intestinal adenomas showed that the deletion of p45 isoforms was sufficient to cause a dramatic decrease in total Tcf1 expression in the adenoma cells. These results were supported by the qPCR results. In summary, our results lead us to believe that the deletion of p45 isoforms causes an acceleration of tumorigenesis in the adenoma model. Without the Apc mutation, the mice did not develop intestinal adenomas. Interestingly, the expression of the Wnt-target gene Prox1 in intestinal adenomas was decreased when Tcf7 was deleted. We next aim to optimize our protocol for single cell dissociation of adenomas and re-run the single-cell RNA sequencing analysis for further analysis of the mechanisms behind the increased tumorigenesis.
(2023)Rare mutations in the primate specific ZNF808 gene are a novel cause of pancreatic agenesis, a congenital developmental disorder that leads to neonatal diabetes. ZNF808 loss-of-function has been shown to lead to aberrant activation of regulatory MER11 elements, followed by upregulation of genes in proximity to these elements and increased expression of hepatic lineage markers. These findings suggest ZNF808 to play a key role in balancing the differentiation of endoderm progenitor cells between pancreatic and liver lineages during early human development. This thesis work aimed to study the gene regulatory mechanisms of ZNF808 in the differentiating endoderm progenitor cells to understand its function in controlling pancreatic lineage specification. This was achieved by comparing the lineage specification processes in wild-type (H1) and ZNF808 knockout (H1-ZNF808-KO) human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) during pancreatic differentiation. Further characterization of cellular heterogeneity and gene expression profiles upon ZNF808 loss was done using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). To validate the role of ZNF808 as the mediator of the observed lineage specification bias, the phenotype rescue was examined in a ZNF808 knockout overexpression cell line (H1-ZNF808-KO-OX). The results of this study demonstrate a clear lineage specification bias in the ZNF808 knockout, seen as divergence of the multipotent endoderm progenitors towards alternate hepatic and biliary fates at the posterior foregut stage. By modifying the pancreatic differentiation protocol, we were able to observe phenotype manifestation and cellular heterogeneity suppressed in the standard differentiation conditions. The scRNA-seq data analysis revealed the emergence of a biliary cell population showing upregulation of several hepatic markers, suggesting an alternative lineage specification process governed by ZNF808. Additionally, preliminary results from ZNF808 overexpression showed rescue of the ZNF808 knockout phenotype, further supporting its critical role in the normal pancreatic lineage development. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate the important role of ZNF808 in early human pancreatic development and warrant further studies on the detailed gene regulatory network guiding pancreatic lineage specification.
(2018)Endometriosis is a common complex disease that affects the quality of life of millions of women worldwide. It is characterized as an inflammatory condition where endometrium-like tissue is found at ectopic sites. The main symptoms are pain and infertility. There is no cure for the disease yet. Diagnosis requires surgery in most cases, the invasiveness is a problem. The costs for societies due to endometriosis are immense. Endometriosis, despite being a benign disease, shares characteristics with malignancies: invasion, proliferation, and angiogenesis. These enigmatic aspects make this disease an interesting subject for research. Endometriosis is shown to have a heritability of 50%. Research on the molecular genetic background is needed for the development of low-invasive diagnostic methods and better treatments for the disease. Genetic research has recently focused on genome-wide association studies of large patient and control cohorts. By design, these studies can only explain a portion of the low-risk genetic variants of common diseases. No causal high-risk gene defects behind endometriosis are found yet. In this study whole exome analysis is utilized for searching a heritable gene defect from a family of four closely related Finnish endometriosis patients in two generations. Two of the patients have a combined phenotype of endometriosis and ovarian or tubal carcinoma. Endometriosis is known to increase the risk for certain types of malignancies, endometriosis-associated ovarian cancers. Four candidate susceptibility genes for endometriosis were identified in this study FGFR4, NALCN, ZNFX1, and NAV2. The findings still need to be validated in patients not related to the study family. The variants found in this study lay a basis for screening additional endometriosis patients and functional analysis of the variants. Subsequent research on these found candidate susceptibility genes may elucidate the pathogenic pathways behind endometriosis or endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer in the future.
(2024)Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs) are rare mesenchymal neoplasms that arise from the interstitial cells of Cajal, the so-called pacemaker cells of the intestine. GISTs typically contain an oncogenic driver mutation either in the proto-oncogene KIT or platelet-derived growth factor receptor A (PDGFRA), which belong to the class III receptor tyrosine kinases. Patients with a high-risk or advanced disease are standardly treated with a tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib. Despite this molecularly targeted treatment, many patients experience disease relapse, after which the prognosis is poor. Personalised treatment is rarely offered to patients as a first-line treatment option, even though several targeted therapies have been approved for GIST. Increasing treatment personalisation could improve treatment outcomes, yet the lack of patient-specific research models for GIST hinders the research. Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture models are widely used in cancer research to study the molecular mechanisms underlying tumorigenesis. Their ability to mimic the tumour biology and microenvironment is superior compared to the traditional two-dimensional (2D) cell culture model. For several cancers, these cell culture models have also been researched as platforms for personalised treatment selection with promising results. This thesis project aimed to study UPM Biomedicals’ GrowDex-based 3D cell culture model as a potential platform for personalised treatment selection for GIST patients. GrowDex is a plant-derived hydrogel that resembles the extracellular matrix. Another aim of this project was to set up a Sanger sequencing protocol covering frequently mutated areas in GIST to facilitate the validation of this cell culture model through drug testing on patient samples. To assess the GrowDex microenvironment, the viability and proliferation of two GIST cell lines, GIST-T1 and GIST48 were monitored. Furthermore, the imatinib response of GIST-T1 in GrowDex was assessed and compared to the response in other cell culturing conditions. The Sanger sequencing protocol was optimised using the aforementioned cell lines and then applied to GIST patient samples. The results of this project demonstrated that GrowDex provides a suitable microenvironment for culturing GIST cells and supports their 3D growth. GIST-T1 cells were less sensitive to imatinib when cultured in GrowDex in comparison to the 2D culturing condition, which is likely explained by the 3D organisation of the cells. Finally, the Sanger sequencing protocol was used to uncover the KIT/PDGFRA mutation status of several GIST patient samples. In conclusion, these results provide important information for further development of this cell culture model with patient samples.
(2023)Biallelic germline mutations in ERCC6L2 cause bone marrow failure (BMF) and predisposition to myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The patients often develop varying cytopenias, and underlying hypoplasia in the bone marrow is usually evident. The aim of this thesis was to characterize the transcriptome of patient -derived fibroblasts with biallelic germline ERCC6L2 mutation. Moreover, the aim was to study changes on the gene expression at the RNA level in fibroblasts in different media conditions, ROS levels in ERCC6L2 -mutated fibroblasts, and whether addition of glutamine impacts the ROS levels. Fibroblasts from 16 skin biopsies were cultured; eight samples were from healthy controls and eight samples from patients with known mutations in ERCC6L2. Fibroblasts were cultured in different media conditions, followed by RNA extraction and RNA sequencing. We observed downregulation in base excision repair, nucleotide excision repair, mismatch repair, DNA replication, homologous recombination, and cell cycle in ERCC6L2 -mutated cells. MAPK signaling pathway, p53 signaling pathway, apoptosis, AMPK signaling pathway, and TGF-beta signaling pathway were in turn upregulated in ERCC6L2 -mutated cells. The medium did not affect the gene expression significantly across samples. We suspect that the effect of medium was not detected at the RNA level, but it might affect post-translational modifications. We also detected increased ROS levels in ERCC6L2 samples compared to control and observed decreased ROS levels in ERCC6L2 and control samples with excess glutamine. This study shows that biallelic mutations in ERCC6L2 do not only affect the bone marrow but can also affect tissues outside of the hematopoietic system. The transcriptomic analysis identified important biological processes, which could be studied with more detail in the future to further explore the pathology of the ERCC6L2 disease.
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