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  • Hautakangas, Heidi (2018)
    To better understand biology of complex traits, quantifying the contribution of different genetic factors is essential. Heritability is a population parameter that estimates the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by genetic factors. A recent goal in statistical genetics has been to estimate heritability from genome-wide association study (GWAS) data. GWAS have shown that a large number of genetic variants with small effects together affect complex traits. Because the individual effects are so small, a challenge of the GWAS is to achieve enough statistical power to detect the true associations. Statistical power has been increased by increasing the GWAS sample size, typically by a meta-analysis. In a meta-analysis, summary association statistics from multiple study cohorts are jointly analysed, and therefore it is often impossible to get access to the original individual-level data underlying the meta-analysis. In this thesis, I will study linkage disequilibrium score regression (LDSC), that estimates heritability by regressing GWAS summary statistics on linkage disequilibrium (LD) scores, that measure how much genetic variation each variant tags. Importantly, LD Scores can be estimated from a reference panel without requiring any individual-level data. Furthermore, I will study stratified LD Score regression (S-LDSC), that is an extension of LDSC for partitioning heritability by functional annotations. This thesis has three aims. First, to explain the statistics behind LDSC. Second, to evaluate the effect of LD reference panel on heritability estimation of lipid levels in the Finnish population by comparing an in-sample LD reference panel to external LD reference panels. Third, to partition the heritability of lipid levels in the Finnish population by functional annotations using S-LDSC. I applied LDSC and S-LDSC to the National FINRISK Study and used four lipid levels as quantitative phenotypes: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides (TG) and total cholesterol (TC). As results, I observed that LDSC was robust to the choice of LD reference panel when applied to the Finnish population. Heritability estimates were consistent between different LD reference panels regardless of the LD mismatch. The highest heritability point estimates and the lowest point estimates of confounding biases were produced by the Finnish specific panels, though the differences were not statistically significant. In the heritability enrichment analyses, I replicated several previous findings: for example, I observed enriched heritability for many histone marks in all four lipid traits and enriched heritability for super enhancers for HDL-C, TC and TG.
  • Kuokkanen, Emma (2024)
    The aim of the study. The importance of emotional intelligence in the 21st century has grown considerably, when it comes to the world of work, and has created an emergence of research literature around the topic in the past decades. Especially, when talking about leadership, there is an increasing emphasis on emotional, communication and interpersonal skills that are needed for leaders to navigate in the ever-changing work environment and to tackle different, multidimensional challenges. The current world situation and changes in it has also placed new demands on both employees and managers as well as probably permanently altered the way we do work and have understood it previously. Today, leadership ability is often studied through competences, as they provide an easily understandable and measurable approach to a demanding and complex subject. The purpose of this study was to explore the extent to which emotional intelligence and its different scales are associated with leadership competences and differentiate the most relevant applications these findings have in real life. The impact of gender and job level was also examined. Methods. The data consisted of 482 individuals who took part in competence assessments, as part of recruitment processes, conducted by a private talent management consultancy between 2020 and 2023. Their emotional intelligence was assessed by the EIP3 questionnaire, which measures the overall emotional intelligence and additionally, the 16 subscales of emotional intelligence. Furthermore, the respondents also completed the PAPI3+ questionnaire, which was used to assess their ability in three different leadership competences: ’Coaching and developing’, ’Motivating and engaging’, and ’Resilience’. The relationship between emotional intelligence, gender and job level, and the three leadership competences was examined using regression models. Results. The results of the study showed a statistically significant association between emotional intelligence and leadership competence. When looking at each of the three leadership competences, statistically significant associations were found across a number of different emotional intelligence subscales, indicating that emotional intelligence is indeed an important key factor underlying leadership ability. Conclusions. The findings in this study highlights emotional intelligence as a crucial factor when predicting leadership performance and competence. Future research efforts should focus on understanding this connection in more depth and studying the effect of emotional intelligence on other leadership competences as well.
  • Chapman, Jack (2022)
    Climate change is expected to cause long-term drying on northern peatlands due to increased evapotranspiration. Summer heatwaves and droughts are also predicted to increase with climate change. Vascular plant leaf area phenology on peatlands is affected by reduced water levels and interannual variation in weather. Nutrient rich mire types are more susceptible to both functional and compositional changes in response to long-term and short-term changes in water level. What remains unexplored is the potential for interactive effects between long-term drying and short-term drought events on leaf area phenology on varying mire types. This study quantifies the response of leaf area phenology to 20-year experimental water level drawdown (WLD) across three mire types of varying nutrient levels (mesotrophic fen, oligotrophic fen and ombrotrophic bog). Measurements were conducted in two contrasting growing seasons, 2017 a cool wet year and 2021 a hot dry year. WLD led to significantly earlier growth peaks across all sites. Community compositional changes in response to WLD were most significant at the more nutrient rich mire sites. At the mesotrophic site WLD resulted in significant reductions in peak leaf area (LAIMAX), which was not observed at the other sites. Across all the WLD plots the hot dry year 2021 resulted in significantly greater LAIMAX relative to the cool wet year 2017, this difference was not significant at any of the control plots. This suggests long-term drying alters the way mire phenology responds to short-term variations in weather. This has important implications for the ability of northern mires to function ‘normally’ under future climate conditions.
  • Lassila, Joose (2020)
    The aim of this study was to examine the leaf endophytic bacteria in Plantago lanceolata. The first aim was to get a comprehensive picture of the bacterial diversity, by screening for the different bacterial genera inside the leaves. Furthermore, I aimed to examine the effect of soil and maternal genotype on the endophytic community within P. lanceolata leaves and search for clues of vertical inheritance of endophytes from parent to offspring via seeds. I studied the endophytic bacteria by extracting DNA from the plant leaves and by trying to amplify any bacterial DNA present to get a view of the bacterial diversity in the leaves. My aim was to compare the bacterial community of the mother plants to that of their offspring and also to compare the bacterial communities of plants grown in different soil conditions. Furthermore, I tried to study how the soil conditions affect the growth of P. lanceolata seedlings. I collected seeds and leaf samples of P. lanceolata from Åland, Southwestern Finland, from a population that is part of the ongoing long-term metapopulation research started in Åland in the early 90’s. I marked 21 plant individuals (hereafter referred to as the “mother plants”) in the field in June, when collecting the first leaf samples. In August I collected all seeds from the same plant individuals and a second set of leaf samples. I also collected soil samples from the same location. With the seeds collected from the wild population I executed a growth experiment in Viikki, Helsinki. I grew one set of seeds in twice autoclaved sand (hereafter referred to as the “sterile soil”) and another set in twice autoclaved sand mixed with soil collected from the Åland population (hereafter referred to as the “environmental soil”). I surface sterilized all seeds and then sowed each in their own growth pot and placed them in a growth chamber. During the experiment I took measurements of the leaves. At end of the growth experiment, I took samples of the leaves and surface sterilized them to exclude any epiphytic microorganisms from the analysis. I also surface sterilized the leaf samples taken from the mother plants. I then extracted DNA from the leaf samples and run PCR to amplify certain regions of the bacterial 16S rDNA gene, that is widely used in bacterial taxonomy. The obtained DNA reads where then clustered into Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) and assigned taxonomy using SILVA reference database. Mitochondria and chloroplasts of eukaryotic organisms also harbour 16S rDNA regions, so the challenge of studies looking at endophytic bacteria is to exclude the 16S regions of mitochondria and chloroplasts. This proved to be a problem in my study also. More than 86% of all DNA reads obtained turned out to be from P. lanceolata mitochondria and more than 12% from P. lanceolata chloroplasts. Only a bit more than 1% of the reads were eubacterial. This effectively hindered reliable analysis of the endophyte community. I nevertheless analysed the observed eubacterial diversity although the results must be taken as only preliminary and with utmost caution. The eubacterial reads clustered into 218 OTUs, representing 71 different bacterial genera. Six most common genera constituted over 83% of eubacterial reads. Most of these bacteria, most notably Shewanella, Ralstonia and Halomonas, could be identified as being clearly contaminants and not real endophytes. For the 65 less common bacterial genera I performed community analysis using Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity index and Analysis of Similarities (ANOSIM). The results showed that there was a significant difference between the different soil treatments (P = 0.014, R = 0.3787) and also between the two growth chambers (P = 0.011, R = 0.5493). I found no effect of maternal genotype on the bacterial community. Therefore, I observed no sign of vertical inheritance of endophytes. The growth experiment results showed that germination percentage was significantly lower in the environmental soil than in the sterile soil for all genotypes (F = 10.78, P = 0.0012). However, seedling in the environmental soil grew bigger than the seedlings in the sterile soil (F = 10.91, P < 0.0001). For future studies on similar topics, validating molecular methods before large scale sequencing could yield more reliable results. Size fractionating the DNA products of the first PCR round could exclude most mitochondrial sequences and hence allow better analysis of endophytes. This would enable studying interesting questions on coevolution and ecology of host-endophyte interactions. Although I did find some differences in the bacterial communities of different treatments, these results must be considered with caution and as only preliminary.
  • Kurki, Samu Niklas (2017)
    Terveydenhuoltojärjestelmien kuormittuneisuus ja kustannukset ovat nousseet jatkuvasti vuosien ajan niin maailmalla kuin Suomessakin, mikä on nostanut esiin vaatimuksia toiminnan tehostamisesta. Erityisen selvästi tämä kehitys on näkynyt akuuttia sairaanhoitoa tarjoavilla päivystyspoliklinikoilla, jotka ovat ruuhkautuneet potilaista. Koska päivystyspoliklinikat eivät voi asettaa jonoja hoitoonpääsyyn eivätkä sulkea oviaan ylikuormittuessaan, niiden täytyy aktiivisesti etsiä keinoja tehostaa ja kehittää toimintaansa. Suomessa terveydenhuollon kiristyvässä rahoitustilanteessa tämä tehostaminen on täytynyt tehdä olemassa olevia resursseja hyödyntäen. Keinoja on haettu lean-ajattelun soveltamisesta sekä uusista kokeilevan kehittämisen metodeista. HYKS Akuutin Meilahden sairaalan päivystyspoliklinikalla toteutettiin vuoden 2015 aikana kokeilevan kehittämisen projekti yhdessä konsulttitoimisto Reaktor Innovations Oy:n kanssa, jonka tarkoituksena oli lyhentää päivystyspoliklinikan kokonaisläpimenoaikaa (EDLOS) kohti asetettua tavoitetta (90%:lla potilaista EDLOS alle 4h). Tämän projektin aikana haettiin koko päivystyksen henkilökunnalle avoimilla säännöllisillä kokoontumisilla lean-ajatteluun pohjautuvia kokeiluideoita, joilla EDLOS olisi saatu lyhenemään ilman ylimääräisiä resurssipanostuksia. Lopulta kaksi kokeilua nousi ylitse muiden: kirjaamiskokeilu ja kirurgi aulassa -kokeilu. Ensin mainitussa kaksi erillistä potilaiden sisäänkirjaamisvaihetta yhdistettiin yhdeksi ja jälkimmäisessä allokoitiin yhden kirurgin työpanos saapuvien potilaiden pika-arviointiin. Nämä kokeilut toteutettiin 12 arkivuorokauden jaksolla syyskuussa 2015. Kokeiluiden toimivuuden mittareina käytettiin EDLOS:n lisäksi aikaa potilaan saapumisesta ensiarvion tekemiseen sekä aikaa saapumisesta ensimmäiseen lääkärikontaktiin. Vertailuajankohtana käytettiin vastaavia aikamääreitä puoli vuotta ja vuosi ennen kokeiluajankohtaa. Kokeilujen tuloksena EDLOS lyheni puolen vuoden vertailukohtaan nähden 1,45h (-16%). Vastaava lyhentymä ajassa ensiarvioon oli -48% ja lääkärin tapaamiseen -35%. Kokeilujen tuloksia voidaan pitää erittäin hyvinä ja niiden perusteella kokeilevaa kehittämistä on suositeltavaa jatkaa päivystystoiminnan sekä mahdollisesti myöhemmin myös muiden terveydenhuollon osa-alueiden kehittämisessä. Tutkimusprojektin aikana tehdyistä havainnoista rakennettiin ajan suhteen kolmiportainen muutosstrategiamalli terveydenhuollon jatkuvaa kehitystä ajatellen. Siinä lyhyen aikahorisontin tärkeimpänä prioriteettina nähtiin henkilökunnan sisäisen kommunikaation ja vaikuttamismahdollisuuksien lisääminen, keskipitkän horisontin kärkihankkeena terveydenhuollon sähköisten ratkaisujen hankintakanavien monipuolistaminen ja avoimiin kehitysympäristöihin panostaminen IT-kehityksen ketteryyden lisäämiseksi ja pitkän horisontin päätavoitteena terveydenhuollon henkilöstön koulutuksen monipuolistaminen potilasvirta- ja prosessiajattelun lisäämiseksi kautta järjestelmän.
  • Heinonen, Riku (2015)
    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia, kuinka kohteena olevasta ohjelmistokehitysprojektista voidaan havainnoida hukkaa, minkä tyyppisiä ja kuinka paljon mitäkin hukkaa havaitaan ja kuinka näitä hukkia voidaan poistaa. Tutkielmassa esitellään myös yksi lähestymistapa hukan lähteiden poistamisen priorisointia varten. Tutkielmassa alussa tutustutaan Lean-ajatteluun yleisesti ja tarkemmin sen soveltamiseen ohjelmistokehityksessä. Erityisenä mielenkiinnon kohteena on Lean määritysten mukainen hukka sekä kuinka sitä voidaan havaita ja poistaa ohjelmistokehitysprosessista. Tutkielmassa myös esitellään käytetyt tutkimusmenetelmät, menetelmien tulokset ja analysoidaan niitä. Tarkastelun kohteena oli erään valtiollisen toimijan IT-yksikön ohjelmistokehitysprojekti, joka alkoi joulukuussa 2011 ja päättyi vuoden 2015 maaliskuussa. Projektissa käytettiin monia ketteriä kehitysmenetelmiä, mutta ei Lean-menetelmiä suoranaisesti. Tutkielman aineisto kerättiin kartoittamalla arvovirtoja sekä muistioiden, raporttien, haastatteluiden ja kyselyn sisältöanalyysillä. Havaitut hukan lähteet jaoteltiin ohjelmistokehitykseen sovellettuihin 7 hukan luokkaan ja niiden aiheuttamasta hukasta pyrittiin keräämään mahdollisimman paljon vertailukelpoista tietoa. Luokkien mitattua hukkaa myös verrattiin koettuun hukkaan, jota mitattiin kyselyllä. Projektista pystyttiin havainnoimaan jokaisen luokan mukaista hukkaa. Suurimmasta osasta saatiin kuitenkin vain viitteellistä tietoa, eikä näiden määrää tai vaikutusta pystytty projektista kerätyistä tiedoista osoittamaan. Ne hukat, jotka saatiin mitattua, olivat kyselylomakkeella kerätyn aineiston mukaan paljon hukkaa aiheuttavia. Vastavuoroisesti jotain merkittäviksi koettuja hukkia ei pystytty mitta-aineistosta havaitsemaan. Kerättyjen tietojen perusteella voitiin tehdä selviä johtopäätöksiä hukista ja antaa suosituksia näiden poistamiseksi tai niiden vaikutuksen vähentämiseksi. Jatkotutkimuksen kohteiksi tunnistettiin esimerkiksi annettujen suositusten vaikutuksen tarkasteleminen.
  • Ma, Qian (2014)
    Objectives. This research addressed the problems and prospects of Lean Six Sigma (LSS), one of the world's most popular organizational development methods at present. The study enriched this method by suggesting a more sustainable way of organizational development. The previous research on LSS mainly focused on the technical tools in utilizing the production process. Drawing on the theory of Expansive Learning, this research evaluated the learning process of LSS by focusing on the practitioners. The purpose of the research was twofold. First, it analyzed the contradictions of LSS project activity in the research site. It was expected to uncover the problems that jeopardized the learning process of the practitioners. Second, it discussed the zone of proximal development (ZPD) of LSS project activity for the research site, with the purpose of shedding light on the possibilities of future development and learning. Methods. The research site was an international aircraft manufacturer in China. Eleven LSS practitioners were interviewed, including eight Green Belts, one Black Belt, one Master Black Belt and one Green Belt team member. The data were analyzed by adopting three methods: the analysis of conceptions, the Analysis of discursive manifestations of contradictions, and the analysis of action-activity transformation in expansive learning. The ZPD was sketched from two dimensions: the first one by analyzing the action-activity transformation of the practitioners; the second one by evaluating the conception of "what have expanded" in the practitioners due to the project experiences. Results and conclusions. The analysis uncovered eight contradictions in LSS project activity system. Five were scattered in the project activity itself between or within varied elements of activity. Three were between the project activity, the department-based work activity and the LSS training activity. One case in which the GB's trials in breaking the constraints in his own project resulted in collective expansive learning efforts cross projects was analyzed as the representation of action-activity transformation. In addition, some practitioners had re-conceptualized their work motivation through the project experience, seeing Lean Six Sigma as a conceptual tool for understanding strategic work planning and gaining long-term work motivation. In conclusion, two dimensions of the ZPD were suggested: first, an integrated top-down and bottom-up approaches for organizational transformation; second, transcending from LSS as the "concrete tool in individual skill appropriation" to the "conceptual tool in collective work reconceptualization". The organizations adopting the LSS method can reflect on this thesis to improve their LSS practices by paying attention to the "critical transition agent" for cross-functional processes' interaction, the employees' learning initiatives and work motivation.
  • Keski-Hynnilä, Olli (2022)
    The COVID-19 pandemic moved the work force to work from home (WFH). This is also true for the internal startup Toska, who started the development of a new course feedback system (CFS) during the pandemic. This thesis compares existing literature about lean software development (LSD) and remote working to the results gained from the interviews of the people who worked on the CFS. This thesis explores previous work on topics of lean software development, remote working and work from home during COVID-19. Developers and other personnel of the CFS project were interviewed to gain insight into how COVID-19 and remote working in general affected the project. After taking a look into previous work, the study design of the thesis is discussed after which the results gained from the interviews are analyzed. Finally the interview results are compared to the previous work to see if the CFS project produced similar results. At the end of the thesis the limitations and future work of the project are discussed. The results gained from the interviews indicate similiarities and differences between other studies which are discussed in the background chapter. Similarities include things such as the developers missing the face-to-face interactions with each other and the ability to have ad-hoc discussions around a whiteboard when discussing. The project was considered a success by everyone working on it and based on the results lean software development and remote working are tools that should be taken into consideration when discussing how to do a software development project. Remote working in most cases improves the work-life balance of people and lean software development methods help empower the development team.
  • Veilahti, Antti (2019)
    Aims Studies on the efficacy of NF training of ADHD patients have given ambiguous results because most randomly controlled trials (RCTs) have sought to establish its effect in the entire ADD/ADHD-population, treating it as a uniform group. This study addresses whether those who do and do not learn to self-regulate based on NF training differ in terms of ADHD related outcomes and whether the two groups could be identified in advance. Secondly, the study asks whether ’learning’ to succeed in NF training exercises is a sufficient or necessary condition for the effects of NF training on ADHD symptoms. Methods By studying existing data from 23 patients with ages between 25 and 57 and who were trained in the CENT project, the learners and non-learners were first identified by a regression model. The two groups were subsequently compared in terms of several background variables as well as behavioral and self-reported ADHD related outcomes. Moreover, the learning processes in the two groups were analysed by using continuous time structural equations modeling (CTSEM). Results One of the most important predictors of NF learning appeared to be low score in the dissociative experiences scale (DES) and high score in the behavioral inhibition scale (BIS). At the same time, NF learning was enhanced by elevated scores on the generalised anxiety disorder scale (GAD). However, the behavioral effects were mixed among the ‘learners’ and ‘non-learners’, with some positive and some negative effects visible in both groups. Conclusions The study concludes that patients’ ability to learn to self-regulate according to NF data does not appear to be a necessary nor sufficient condition for positive ADHD-related outcomes. This supports the conclusion that the effects of NF training are not solely based on operant conditioning but that the learning processes involved in NF training are more complex. The study suggests that more research should be done regarding the specific role of DES, with possible reference to different neurological mechanisms associated with different classes of symptoms (e.g. inattention and hyperactivity), and possibly explaining the mixed results of RCTs.
  • Noponen, Miska (2016)
    Learning in collaboration with others with the support of a computer has been found to improve learning results and increase learner satisfaction in comparison to other methods of learning online, when implemented successfully. Many studies have, however, found that it is common that there is very little social interaction when learning online. This has been shown to be related to students dropping out, low levels of motivation and generally fails to harness the benefit of learning in collaboration with others.The aim of this study is to analyze learner's motivation to collaborate in an online course. Some studies regarding the motivation to collaborate exist in the tradition of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) but very few have taken into account the situational nature of motivation. The participants in this study were students taking part in an online course on responsible business at a university in Finland (N = 179). Their motivation was sampled by triggering the Situational Motivation Questionnaire (SIMS) when they performed collaborative acts, using what is termed context-sensitive ecological momentary assessment. The students' patterns of interaction were studied using social network analysis based on their use of the chat function afforded by the learning platform. Students were found to experience more extrinsic than intrinsic forms of motivation to collaborate on a situational level. Motivation did not appear to be affected by progression in the course or deadlines. Participation in the social interaction was moderately high, varied a lot from student to student and appeared to be clustered to sub-groups within the social network. Intrinsic motivation was more likely to be experienced in positions of lower centrality and betweenness in the social network. Due to there being very little earlier research into this topic using similar methods, these results provide important new insights into why students collaborate in an online environment.
  • Luo, Liangyi (2017)
    This thesis addresses score-based learning of Bayesian networks from data using a few fast heuristics. The algorithmic implementation of the heuristics is able to learn size 30-40 networks in seconds and size 1000-2000 networks in hours. Two algorithms, which are devised by Scanagatta et al. and dubbed Independence Selection and Acyclic Selection OBS have the capacity of learning very large Bayesian networks without the liabilities of the traditional heuristics that require maximum in-degree or ordering constraints. The two algorithms are respectively called Insightful Searching and Acyclic Selection Obeying Boolean-matrix Sanctioning (acronym ASOBS) in this thesis. This thesis also serves as an expansion of the work of Scanagatta et al. by revealing a computationally simple ordering strategy called Randomised Pairing Greedy Weight (acronym RPGw) that works well as an adjunct along with ASOBS with corresponding experiment results, which show that ASOBS was able to score higher and faster with the help of RPGw. Insightful Searching, ASOBS, and RPGw together form a system that learns Bayesian networks from data very fast.
  • Lehtola, Jere (2024)
    Climbing is a versatile sport that has increased in popularity. Previous research shows that climbing has great pedagogic potential. The aim of this study is to depict and analyse climbing coaches' perceptions of learning. The coaches' views on learning are illustrated by analysing how they perceive learning to happen within climbing. The research questions of the study are as follows: 1. How do climbing coaches' view learning within climbing? 2. How do climbing coaches' perceptions of learning relate to sociocultural learning theory? 3. How do climbing coaches' perceptions of learning relate to experiential learning theory? The study was conducted as a qualitative study with a phenomenological perspective. The research data was collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews. A total of four interviews were conducted. The interviewees were climbing coaches with experience of coaching climbing groups. The data was analysed through an inductive content analysis, based on theories of sociocultural and experiential learning. The results suggest that the climbing coaches perceive learning as a physical process involving the whole body. Learning within climbing consists of learning physical, psychological, and social skills. Physical activity in practice as well as repetition in conjunction with reflection was emphasized in the learning process. Cooperation and community were also underlined as important aspects of learning. The coaches shared the perception that learning happens together and of each other. The role of the coach was viewed as supporting instead of governing. Learning was focused on problem solving and reflection. The view on activity and reflection resembles that of experiential and reflective learning. The emphasis on problem solving also correlates with the theories. The coaches' views on learning of each other and adapting learning to the learners' level resemble sociocultural learning.
  • Rastas, Anni Frida (2024)
    The aim of this thesis is to investigate and offer new perspectives on the concurrent emergence of embodied affects and politics in the care and conservation of birds in an urban environment. It is based on expanding research focused on affective-political multispecies entanglements, and reconsiderations of urban as lively. This work pursues to highlight the complex relationships through which people ‘learn to be affected’ by and with birds, in a contemporary Finnish city. The thesis is based on ethnographic research carried out periodically in Helsinki during 2021 and 2022. It draws from the experiences of and embodied learning with 15 people who actively observe birds, through semi-structured interviews; participatory observation during bird walks and guided bird excursions in parks and conservation areas; as well as written stories of bird encounters. As a multispecies ethnography, the birds are also active participants in the research. The work focuses on the multiplicity of observations and identifications between people and birds in the city, as well as the concurrently emerging care and conservation. These occur both in relation to the decline of bird populations and to the hunger and pain of individual birds. The contextually normative expert knowledge - emphasising the natural scientific paradigm, especially the identification of populations and species - both guides and conflicts with the complex human-bird relationships. The embodied-affective intensities related to identifying birds appear central, but often come out more subtly in ornithologically oriented observation practices and discourses. In human-bird relations, especially with "urban birds”, where mutual reciprocity and intimate care are more clearly in focus, expert natural scientific knowledge also guides thinking. However, these negotiations are often accompanied by uncertainties and conflicts, as people try to evaluate ways to approach "wild" creatures, who also appear as individual, social and deeply intertwined with human life. The care and conservation of birds emerges in negotiations of wildness, intimacy, multispecies communication, trust, expertise and differentiation which are infused with power relations. Simultaneously, understandings of the possibilities of socio-ecological diversity in the city are formed in unexpected encounters with beings that do not stay solely in ‘animal places’.
  • Jokinen, Iina (2018)
    The I SEE module was designed to motivate broad groups of students in the field of science. The module is built on Action Competence framework, which is an educational ideal that aims for ability and willingness to take action. Students with learning disabilities were not considered within this process, but this research is dedicated to evaluating the module through this point of view. The diagnoses of interest were attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and dyslexia, which were analyzed in a small literature review. Activity-based methods of instruction have been used as a means to include students with special needs, but several issues need to be addressed -- Students with ASD, for instance, need familiar and structured environment to achieve learning objectives in said instructional activities. The first research question was how the Action Competence approach is suited for students with disabilities. The main concern is whether Action Competence education is carried out by mainly text-based instructions and materials, but through visualizing their own future and gaining good action experiences, students may become interested in pursuing a career in science. The second research question is twofold: What opportunities and threats lie in the I SEE climate change module for students with disabilities, and how can the module be improved? The conclusions of the literature review on learning disabilities were implemented to improve a six-step assessment tool for instruction, which was used as a theoretical backround for this thesis. The utilization of the tool is based on expertise on both subject matter and learning disabilities. Finally, the I SEE module was assessed according to the six steps when it was suitable. However, as the module progressed from subject matter based content towards action competence skills, the assessment tool became less relevant to the learning activities. The evaluation of the module indicates that it is well suited for students with learning disabilities, but some text-based activities may need to be enhanced by adding visual supports such as pictures or figures. Some contradiction lies between the importance of explicit communication while educating students with disabilities, and open exploration in exercises associated with action competence.
  • Korpela, Laura (2013)
    Tavoite: CLIL, sisältöpainotteinen kieltenopetus, on yleistynyt Suomessa 1980-luvulta lähtien. Sillä viitataan opetusmuotoon, jossa sisältöjä opiskellaan vieraalla kielellä. Vieras kieli on sekä oppimisen kohde että väline. CLIL voidaan toteuttaa joko pelkkänä sisällönopetuksena tai siten, että oppilaat osallistuvat myös formaaliin kielenopetukseen. Oppimistulokset ovat olleet rohkaisevia niin kielen- kuin sisällönoppimisen osalta. Vieraan kielen rakenteiden ja kieliopin hallinnan on kuitenkin todettu olevan CLIL-oppilailla heikompaa kuin perinteisesti kieltä opiskelleilla oppilailla. Aiemmista tutkimuksista monet on tehty ympäristöissä, joissa CLIL-oppilaat eivät osallistu lainkaan formaaliin kohdekielen opetukseen. Tämä tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään, onko oppilasryhmien kieliopin hallinnassa eroja sellaisessa ympäristössä, jossa CLIL-oppilaat ovat osallistuneet alusta lähtien myös formaaliin kielenopetukseen, sillä tutkimusten mukaan tämä tukee kielen rakenteiden omaksumista. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on analysoida, kuvailla ja tulkita mitä eroja on CLIL-oppilaiden ja perinteisesti kieltä opiskelleiden oppilaiden englannin kieliopin hallinnassa. Tutkimuskohteena ovat sekä implisiittinen kielitaito että tuottamistaidot kirjoitetussa kielessä. Tutkimuksen perimmäisenä tavoitteena on lisätä tietoa vieraan kielen oppimisen luonteesta ja haasteista CLIL-kontekstissa sekä CLIL-opetuksen kehitystarpeista. Tutkimusmenetelmät: Tutkimuksen vastaajina oli yhteensä 30 alakoulun oppilasta, joista 14 kävi kaksikielistä (CLIL) viidettä luokkaa ja 16 suomenkielistä kuudetta luokkaa. Kyseessä oli tapaustutkimus. Aineisto kerättiin keväällä 2013 kahdeksansivuisen kielikokeen avulla. Kielikokeen neljä osiota mittasivat implisiittistä kielitaitoa, rakenteiden hallintaa sekä kirjallisia tuottamistaitoja. Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmin SPSS-ohjelman avulla. Lisäksi oppilaiden tuottamat virheet käännöstehtävässä ja luovissa kirjoitelmissa analysoitiin kuvailevan virheanalyysin menetelmällä. Tulokset: Tulokset osoittivat, että CLIL-oppilaiden implisiittinen kielitaito ja kirjalliset tuottamistaidot englannin kielessä olivat kokonaisuudessaan paremmat kuin suomenkielisen luokan oppilailla. CLIL-oppilailla oli parempi implisiittinen kieliopin hallinta ja englannin rakenteiden tuntemus, ja he tuottivat virheettömämpää ja idiomaattisempaa tekstiä niin käännöstehtävässä kuin luovassa kirjoitelmassa. Virheanalyysi osoitti, että suomenkielisen luokan oppilailla oli taipumus käyttää CLIL-oppilaita yleisemmin puutteellisia (omissions) tai virheellisiä rakenteita (false concepts hypothesized), virheellisiä yleistyksiä (overgeneralizations) ja suomen kielen sanajärjestystä (transfer from L1). Molemmat ryhmät tekivät yleisesti prosessointiongelmista (processing problems) johtuvia virheitä, mutta CLIL-oppilailla nämä juontuivat selvemmin sanojen ääntämisasusta, minkä voi tulkita osoitukseksi suuremmasta suullisesta altistuksesta kohdekielelle. Aineisto osoitti myöskin, että CLIL-oppilaat olivat englannin taitotasoltaan suomenkielisten luokkien oppilaita homogeenisempi ryhmä. Tämä voi johtua paitsi toimivasta CLIL-opetuksesta, suuremmasta päivittäisestä altistuksesta kohdekielelle, kuin myös soveltuvuuskokeesta, jonka perusteella CLIL-oppilaat valikoidaan kaksikielisille luokille. Kaiken kaikkiaan tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että kohdekielen oppimistulokset ovat lupaavia sellaisessa CLIL-opetuksessa, jossa yhdistetään sisällönopetusta ja formaalia kohdekielen opetusta.
  • Hinkkanen, Miikka-Matias (2022)
    Tutkielmassa tehtiin virheanalyysi A-tason englannin ylioppilaskirjoitusten kirjoitelmista keväältä 2020. Tutkimuskysymykset olivat: 1. Minkälaisia virheitä opiskelijat tekevät A-tason englannin ylioppilaskirjoitusten esseetehtävissä? 2. Minkä tyyppiset virheet esiintyvät useimmin? 3. Miten nämä virheet vertautuvat aiempaan samankaltaiseen tutkimukseen? Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuoda esille, minkä tyyppisiä virheitä opiskelijat tekevät ja mihin tulevaisuuden opetus voisi kiinnittää enemmän huomiota. Meriläisen väitöskirjassa tutkittiin äidinkielen siirtovaikutusta englannin kielessä, ja tutkimuksen kohteena oli 500 ylioppilaskoe-esseetä vuosilta 1990, 2000 ja 2005. Leksikaalisten siirtovaikutusten piirteet olivat vähentyneet, kun taas syntaktisten nousseet. Kirmizin & Karcin tutkimuksessa tutkittiin 30 turkkilaisen opiskelijan esseitä, ja huomattiin, että morfologiset ja kielioppivirheet olivat kaikista yleisimpiä, johtuen todennäköisesti äidinkielen siirtovaikutuksesta. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin 100 ylioppilaskokeen esseevastausta. Niistä käytiin läpi virheet ja ne kategorisoitiin käyttäen samankaltaista mutta tähän tutkimukseen muokattua kategorisointia kuin Kirmizin & Karcin tutkimuksessa. Tutkimuksesta kävi ilmi, että yleisimpiä virheitä olivat kirjoitus-, välimerkki-, prepositio- ja artikkelivirheet. Kun tuloksia vertailtiin Kirmizin & Karcin tutkimukseen, huomattiin, että leksikaalisia virheitä tehtiin enemmän tässä tutkimuksessa, kun taas funktiosanoissa ja syntaksissa tehtiin enemmän virheitä turkkilaistutkimuksessa. Tutkimuksen tulosten avulla voidaan pohtia miten opetusta voisi kehittää. Tutkimusta pystyisi myös jatkamaan esimerkiksi vertailemalla tuloksia aiempien vuosien ylioppilaskirjoitusten kanssa.
  • Yeom Song, Victor Manuel (2024)
    Planning and decision making are active areas of research in cognitive neuroscience that strive to explain how the brain makes decisions in complex scenarios. Research in this field has traditionally been restricted to simplistic experiments such as two-alternative forced choice situations, and has relatively recently broken into more naturalistic settings with the help of computational modeling and games. Importantly, these computational models aim to be interpretable, meaning that they are crafted in a way that what each parameter means has a clear meaning, perhaps in contrast to massive neural networks. However, the latter may better capture more complex behaviors that the hand-crafted model could miss, so it may be desirable to use a neural network as a guide or ``oracle'' to study and improve the parameters to include in the interpretable model. In this thesis, we present GPT-4IAR, a transformer neural network architecture for modeling and predicting human behavior in the board game four-in-a-row (4IAR). Building upon previous studies that use fully connected neural networks to improve models around 4IAR, and the excellent capabilities of the GPT architecture in tasks where data is sequential, we train a transformer on millions of games of 4IAR to study biases that arise in human decision making. Experiments show that conditioning action predictions on longer histories of previous moves leads to improved accuracy over prior state-of-the-art models, hinting at longer-term strategic biases in human gameplay. Reaction time prediction is also explored, showing promise in capturing meaningful gameplay statistics beyond raw actions.
  • Luukkonen, Petri Samuel (2015)
    In this thesis, a theoretical background of algorithms called NLS-BB-NMF and K-SVD for computing the image dictionary have been introduced. The NLS-BB-NMF algorithm computes the matrix factorization V ≈ WH of the training data matrix V (in our case the set of image patches from training image) using gradient descent methods by applying non-negative constraint on matrices W and H. The K-SVD in turn computes the matrix factorization WH applying sparsity constraint on the coefficient matrix H using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). In the factorization, matrix W is the so called dictionary and it contains features, also called atoms, of the data V . The atoms serve as a building blocks of the original data, and they are also assumed to represent data that is similar to the training data V . The testing of the methods were carried in two phases. Initially, in the so called training phase, the dictionary was learned by the algorithms from a training image. The visual structure of the atoms learned by the algorithms were notably different although the approximations WH made by both dictionaries were visually very close to the original image. The visual difference between the learned dictionaries was seen as a consequence of the sparsity constraint that was forced for the coefficient matrix in K-SVD but not in NLS-BB-NMF. Secondly, in the test phase, a test image with various noise levels was approximated using the learned dictionary. The algorithms were able to produce approximations that were closer to the clean test image than the noisy test image. This was seen as the effect of dictionaries whose atoms were representing only the features of clean images. This observation led to a second test where the algorithms were tested to compute the denoised reconstructions of the test image with varying noise levels by using an extended dictionary containing additionally atoms learned from a noise sample. The qualities of the reconstructions were evaluated by using the Frobenius matrix norm and Structural Similarity (ssim) index that has been observed to adapt better the visual perception of human eyes.
  • McBride, Kiana (2024)
    Machine learning is by no means a novel field, but a recent boom in interest has led to a rapid increase in funding for related research. Because of this, many pure-mathematicians may find themselves trying to transition to this currently lucrative area of research. Thus, there is some demand for literature which helps ease this transition for mathematicians with a geometry or topology background. In this thesis we provide an introduction to contemporary machine learning research for a geometrically or topologically inclined individual. We do so by tracing the study of manifolds from their inception to modern machine learning. The thesis begins with a brief history of manifolds to motivate the examination of a proof of the Whitney embedding theorem. The theorem is then proved in detail, following texts from Adachi and Mukherjee on differential geometry. Later, a brief introduction to manifold learning introduces the reader to the manifold hypothesis and connects the classical study with its machine learning counterpart. Then, we provide a canonical introduction to neural networks after which we share rigorous mathematical definitions. Finally, we introduce the necessary preliminaries and subsequently prove the universal approximation theorem with injective neural networks. While we consider the Whitney embedding theorem as having applications in machine learning research, the universal approximation theorem with injective neural networks has clearer uses beyond mathematics. The studies of inverse problems and compressed sensing are two areas for which injectivity is a necessary condition for the well-posedness of common questions. Both fields have many deep applications to scientific and medical imaging. Injectivity is also a prerequisite for a function to preserve the topological properties of its domain.