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  • Parma, Viivi (2022)
    Tämän lisensiaatintutkielman kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena on koota yhteen tämänhetkinen tutkimustieto Chiari-tyyppisen epämuodostuman, kallo-kaularankaliitoksen ahtauman ja syringomyelian yleisyydestä, etiologiasta, patogeneesistä, diagnostiikasta, oireista ja niihin liitetyistä kuvantamislöydöksistä, hoidosta ja ennusteesta, sillä tasolla, jolla kliinistä työtä tekevän praktikon olisi hyvä tuntea aihetta. Aihe on oleellinen uuden, etenkin oireita koskevan tutkimustiedon takia. Pienten brakykefaalisten koirarotujen suosion lisääntymisen myötä Chiari-tyyppisen epämuodostuman, kallo-kaularankaliitoksen ahtauman ja syringomyelian yleisyys koirapopulaatiossa saattaa lisääntyä, mikä lisää tarvetta tunnistaa näiden rakenteellisten poikkeamien aiheuttamat oireet. Chiari-tyyppiselle epämuodostumalle, kallo-kaularankaliitoksen ahtaumalle ja syringomyelialle alttiita ovat brakykefaaliset pienet rodut. Se on erityisen yleistä cavalier kingcharlesinspanielilla ja chihuahualla. Chiari-tyyppinen epämuodostuma on kallo-kaularankaliitoksen ja useiden kallon luiden kehityshäiriö, jossa kallon koko on suhteessa liian pieni aivojen kokoon nähden. Tämän seurauksena aivot järjestäytyvät kallon sisällä uudelleen ja pikkuaivot tyräytyvät niska-aukkoon. Chairi-tyyppisen epämuodostuman taustalla uskotaan olevan takaraivon rustoliitoksen liian aikainen luutuminen. Kallo-kaularankaliitoksen ahtaumassa kallon ja kaularangan luiset rakenteet ovat normaalia lähempänä toisiaan, ja alueen hermokudokselle jää normaalia vähemmän tilaa. Syringomyelia on selkäytimen nesteontelotauti, jota todetaan usein Chiari-tyyppisen epämuodostuman yhteydessä. Syringomyelian syntymekanismi on vielä epäselvä, mutta sen uskotaan kehittyvän aivo-selkäydinnesteen virtaamisen häiriön seurauksena. Parhaiten diagnoosiin päästään korkeakenttämagneettikuvauksella. Chiari-tyyppistä epämuodostumaa ja syringomyeliaa voidaan hoitaa oireenmukaisesti pääasiassa yhdistelmällä tulehduskipulääkkeitä ja pregabaliinia tai gabapentiinia, sekä kirurgisesti. Chiari-tyyppinen epämuodostuma, kallo-kaularankaliitoksen ahtauma ja syringomyelia aiheuttavat kivuksi tulkittavia oireita, käytösmuutoksia ja motorisia puutoksia. Kivuksi tulkittavia oireita ovat ääntely, pään ja naaman hankaaminen, koskettamisen ja harjaamisen välttely, katkonainen uni, haluttomuus kiivetä portaita tai hypätä, sekä kosketusarkuus. Kivuliailla koirilla on voimakkaampi brakykefalia kuin oireettomilla koirilla. Kipuun liitettyjä rakenteita ovat isoaivojen rostaalisten osien lytistyminen ja hajulohkojen ventraalinen kiertyminen, lyhyt kallonpohja ja korkea kallonmuoto, jyrkkä otsapenger, ydinjatkeen taipuminen ja ensimmäisen ja toisen kaulanikaman alueen yläpuolinen kompressio. Syringomyelialle tyypillinen oire on ilman raapiminen, jota todetaan koirilla nesteontelon ollessa halkaisijaltaan yli 4 mm. Motoriset puutokset voidaan neurologisessa tutkimuksessa paikallistaa nesteontelon aiheuttaman selkäytimen vaurion sijainnin mukaan. Käytösmuutosten uskotaan olevan seurausta kivusta. Chiari-tyyppisen epämuodostuman, kallo-kaularankaliitoksen ahtauman ja syringomyelian oireiden tunnistaminen auttaa eläinlääkäreitä diagnoosiin päätymisessä. Tunnistamalla oireisiin liitettyjä rakenteita voidaan pyrkiä välttämään ja suosimaan tiettyjä rakenteellisia piirteitä jalostuksessa. Näin voitaisiin pyrkiä välttämään kipua ja kärsimystä tulevissa sukupolvissa sellaisilla roduilla, joissa on todettu yleisesti Chiari-tyyppistä epämuodostumaa ja syringomyeliaa. Kallo-kaularankaliitoksen ahtauman osuutta oireiden aiheuttajana tulisi tutkia lisää.
  • Jakobsson, Pehr (2021)
    This study examined the relationship between maternal resources and child well-being in an attempt to outline which maternal resources, potentially could serve appropriate for facilitation of children’s developmental processes. Data from a Finnish sample of 52 mother-child dyads with children aged between 6–16 (29 boys), were analyzed. The children’s well-being was assessed via measures of life satisfaction and 5 positive psychological characteristics (engagement, perseverance, optimism, connectedness and happiness). The resources of the participating mothers were assessed via measures of; awareness of strengths, mindfulness, Mindful parenting (listening with full attention, emotional awareness of self and child, self-regulation in the parenting relationship, non-judgmental acceptance of self and child and compassion for self and child) and positive emotions. An Experience sampling method (ESM) and a web-based questionnaire were used to collect data from the participating mothers, and the children self-reported on their own well-being via a questionnaire, aided by their parents when/if necessary. Results showed that the mothers’ interpersonal Mindful parenting more specifically; emotional awareness of self and child, self-regulation in the parenting relationship and non-judgmental acceptance of self and child, were positively related to their children’s life satisfaction experienced within their family. The mothers’ mean Mindful parenting and Mindful parenting subscales non-judgmental acceptance of self and child and compassion for self and child, where negatively related with their children’s ability to engage in activity. In conclusion, the mothers’ Mindful parenting resources, shown to be significantly positively related to their children’s well-being could potentially be more efficient in supporting their children’s development, in contrast to the significantly negatively related resources which may even serve as counterproductive.
  • Immonen, Satu (2016)
    Objectives: The present study examines everyday executive functioning in adults who have had perinatal risks related ADHD in childhood. ADHD symptoms often persist from childhood to adulthood but the long-term developmental course of ADHD beyond young adulthood is still poorly understood. The present study focuses on adults around 40 years of age who have had perinatal risk factors with subsequent onset of ADHD in childhood. The present study may advance understanding of the long-term impact of perinatal risks and childhood ADHD in adulthood. Methods: The present study is part of a larger longitudinal birth cohort research project examining long-term effects of perinatal risk factors. The cohort has been followed since 1970's. The present sample includes individuals with perinatal risks associated childhood ADHD (n = 32), individuals with perinatal risk factors without childhood ADHD (n = 158) and control individuals without perinatal risks or childhood ADHD (n = 38). Experienced everyday executive functioning was compared between these three groups using Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning – Adult Version (BRIEF-A). Executive functioning was compared between the three groups using analysis of variance (ANOVAs) and non-paramentric Kruskal-Wallis test. Results and conclusions: Adults with perinatal risks related childhood ADHD reported more cognitive and behavioral executive difficulties than control adults or adults with perinatal risks without childhood ADHD. The group with perinatal risks related childhood ADHD reported executive difficulties in domains of working memory, planning, inhibition and self-monitoring. Executive problems were mild in group level, although a small proportion reported more severe clinically significant dysfunction. Adults with perinatal risks but without childhood ADHD did not differ from controls in experienced executive functioning which suggests that perinatal risks alone without early ADHD symptoms do not affect executive functioning in adulthood. It appears that childhood ADHD with perceding perinatal risk factors can have long-term but mostly mild consequences for daily executive functioning extending to mid-adulthood.
  • Hiidensalo, Anna (2018)
    Objective This study explores if and how quality of child-parent relationship and parental socio-economical-status predict psychological maturity in adulthood, operationalized as higher levels of desirable traits and as temporal profile stability. Further it examines if more desirable traits in 2007 are correlated with higher temporal profile stability 2007–2012. Methods This prospective two-generation study used data from the population-based Young Finns Study. Study sample consisted of 1403 participants, aged 3–18 years at baseline in 1980. Quality of parent–child relationship in terms of emotional warmth and acceptance was self-rated by parents in 1980. Personality was assessed in 2007 and 2012 using NEO Five Factor Inventory. Overall and distinctive profile stability were analyzed with intrapersonal correlations. Associations between childhood environment and psychological maturity were examined using simple and standard multiple linear regressions. Results and conclusions Higher quality of child–parent relationship in terms of emotional warmth predicted psychological maturity when defined as more desirable traits. Parental SES predicted both forms of profile stability. More desirable traits in 2007 correlated only with overall stability, not with distinctive stability. The results show that early childhood environment is associated with psychological maturity especially when defined as desirable traits, but to a lesser degree when defined as temporal profile stability.
  • Kunnari, Anton (2018)
    There has been little developmental research on individual differences in rationality and cognitive biases. Prior research shows that the same environmental factors predict the development of life history strategies as well as working memory capacity (WMC), a major determinant of capacity for rational reasoning. I hypothesized that those environmental factors would also predict cognitive miserliness – lazy reasoning accompanied by susceptibility to cognitive biases. In a laboratory study of 71 library-users, I measured life history strategy (K-factor), retrospective childhood unpredictability, WMC, cognitive reflection, belief-bias, denominator neglect, and outcome bias. My results did not support the hypothesis postulated. I did not observe an association between either life history strategy or unpredictable childhood and any of the cognitive variables. Due to limited sample size and methods, further research is warranted. Furthermore, a failure to conceptually replicate the previous findings that childhood adversity predicts lower working memory capacity suggests a need for conceptual clarification of these existing results.
  • Liukko, Emmi (2023)
    Objective: Psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) are common in general population and exist in a continuum with clinical psychotic disorders. PLEs are associated with later psychotic and non-psychotic disorders as well as concurrent poorer functioning and distress. It has been well established that childhood trauma is a risk factor for later sleep disturbances, and both are predictors for higher occurrence of PLEs. However, these factors are rarely studied together and better understanding of the risk factors and underlying mechanisms behind PLEs is of clinical relevance to ensure better treatment and prevention of further disadvantages. Methods: The study population (N = 681) consisted of adolescent outpatients in psychiatric care in Finland. Results from self-reported questionnaires of childhood trauma, sleep quality, and PLEs were used in multiple linear regression models and the possible mediating effect of sleep quality between childhood trauma and PLEs was tested. Depressive and anxiety symptoms were later added as possible confounding variables. Results: Childhood trauma and sleep quality were both associated with hallucinations and delusions in primary analyses and there were indications of a small, partial mediating effect. However, adding depressive and anxiety symptoms to the models changed the mediating effects and sleep no longer appeared as an explanatory factor. Discussion: Depressive and anxiety symptoms appeared to explain the connection between childhood trauma and PLEs better than sleep quality. This could be due to overlap in symptomology that mask the possible effects of sleep or similar mechanisms behind examined variables that are also closely connected to depressive and anxiety symptoms.
  • Saukkola, Jenni (2020)
    Article 3(1) of the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child requires that in all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration. Every Member State of the Council of Europe has ratified the Convention. The European Court of Human Rights has increasingly begun to refer to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Articles in cases concerning children and acknowledged that the best interests of the child are of particular importance. Especially Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which protects every individual’s right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence without unjustified state interference, has been envisaged as having great potential in effectively promoting and protecting the rights of the child under the European Convention on Human Rights, which does not contain rights designed specifically for children on its own. However, the European Court of Human Rights has been criticised for failing to provide clear and coherent general principles in situations where the traditional obligations and principles under Article 8 owed to adult members of the family are to be balanced against the best interests of the child. The thesis addresses questions relating to how the national authorities succeed in striking a fair balance in specific circumstances between different interests at stake within the meaning of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and makes an assessment of these findings in relation to the requirements set out in Article 3(1) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The concept of the best interests of the child as stipulated in Article 3(1) of the CRC obliges national authorities to transparently explain how the best interests of the child have been identified, what they are considered to be and how they have been balanced against other interests. The best interests of the child also require that the child is involved in the proceedings affecting the child either by him or herself personally or through an independent representative. The European Court of Human Rights has acknowledged that the interests of the child and those of his or her parents might not always coincide and assessed whether national authorities have struck a fair balance between these interests by considering whether the authorities could have attempted to assist the family in some other way before taking the child into care or restricting contact with the child and adult. In assessing the adequacy of the national authorities’ balancing process, the Court also takes into account whether the authorities have obtained relevant opinions by professionals and experts, whether the procedural requirements inherent in Article 8 are met and whether the child is involved in the proceedings.
  • Pokhrel Bhattarai, Indira (2017)
    Child labour nowadays has become a pervasive problem all over the world, predominantly in developing countries. About 150 million of children are involved in child labour throughout the world. In South Asia, almost 17 million children between five and seventeen years of age are involved in child labour and 2 million of children are involved in child labour from Nepal. Child labour issue is high among Dalit/lower caste community where one in every three children in Nepal is child laborers and about 1 million children are engaged in hazardous and exploitative activities because of the caste based discrimination and extreme poverty. The Purpose of this research is to identify the reasons behind the lower castes children involved in laborers activities and further studying in details about the sub-caste of lower caste children, their physical working condition in brick kilns, how they are exploited in work and the pulling factors to work precisely in brick kilns. The research was conducted at the brick kilns of Kathmandu valley which consists: Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, and Lalitpur district. The sample size for the research was 60 which was taken from 2brick kilns from each district and from each kiln ten samples were taken, and the purposive sampling method was used. The study is based on questionnaires, interviews, observation, review of literature and reports. Poverty was the major reasons found behind the involvement of lower castes children in labourer’s activities in brick kilns. The second reason is the advance money provided by the owner/naikes of the brick kilns. The third reason is the caste discrimination in the village society where they work and get very less money, or sometimes they have to work without money. The wage in the kiln is based on the quantity i.e. the number of brick produced or the number of brick carried. So, the families who brought their children along with them knowingly or unknowingly involved their children in the work of brick kilns like clay making, carrying bricks, moulding the bricks, domestic works like preparing food, making tea, cleaning dishes and laundry and as well as looking after their younger siblings. Some of the parents send their children to their relatives and neighbour to work in the brick kilns. Being the lower castes children, they are primarily exploited in the labourer’s activities from their household conditions because of the poor economic background of the families and uneducated parents where they couldn't go to school and are compelled to involve in child labour.
  • Liljavuori, Suvi (2017)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan millaisissa asiayhteyksissä ja miten lapset näkyvät yritysvastuudiskursseissa sekä onko diskurssien määrässä eroa toimialojen välillä. Otos koostuu edustavasta joukosta suomalaisia sellu- ja paperiteollisuuden sekä kuluttajatuotealan yrityksiä. Aineistoa tarkastellaan yhdistämällä sisällönanalyysi kriittisen diskurssianalyysin ensimmäiseksi vaiheeksi. Kriittistä diskurssianalyysiä on sovellettu yritysvastuu- ja yritysdiskursseihin kohdistuvissa taloustieteellisissä selvityksissä, mutta yritysvastuun kielitieteellinen tutkimus on ollut vähäistä. Lapsiin kohdistuvien diskurssien luonnetta tutkitaan kriittisen diskurssianalyysin avulla kuuden yrityksen englanninkielisistä yritysraporteista (vuosien 2012 ja 2014 vuosiraportit, tilinpäätökset ja yritysvastuuraportit). Aineisto sisältää kaikkiaan 26 raporttia, joita tarkastellaan seuraavien neljän muuttujan suhteen: lapsi, nuori, nuoriso ja perhe. Tutkimus selvittää: 1) esiintyvätkö valitut muuttujat aineistossa, millaisia teemoja diskurssit muodostavat ja mitkä ovat määrällisesti keskeisimpiä teemoja, 2) miten lapset näkyvät näissä diskursseissa sekä 3) näkyvätkö muuttujat vahvemmin jommankumman toimialan raportoinnissa ja mitkä tekijät voivat selittää mahdollisia eroja. Lapsiin liittyvä yritysvastuuraportointi kasvoi tarkastelujaksolla 134:stä 214:sta havaintoon. Vuonna 2014 näistä 87 % ja vastaavasti 55% vuonna 2012 liittyi yritysvastuuteemoihin. Valtaosa molempien vuosien havainnoista sisältyy sellu- ja paperiteollisuuden raportteihin. Havaintomäärä myös kasvoi vahvimmin kyseisellä toimialalla. Keskeinen selitys sellu- ja paperiteollisuuden kuluttajatoimialaa vahvemmin lapsiin kohdistamaan huomioon liittyy toiminnan laajuuden aiheuttamiin yhteiskunnallisiin vaikutuksiin ja siten tarpeeseen luoda yhteiskunnallista hyväksyntää ja (raportointi)käytäntöjä toiminnalle. Lapsiin liittyvä raportointi keskittyy suppeaan joukkoon teemoja. Valtaosa näistä yritysvastuudiskursseista sijoittuu kahden pääteeman alle. Hyväntekeväisyys kattaa 34 % kaikista havainnoista. Se kattaa tyypillisesti myönteistä yrityskuvaa edistävän toiminnan ja lasten hyvinvoinnin kehittämisen. Lapsityövoimaan viittaavat diskurssit kattavat 29 % havainnoista. Niiden osuus kaikista diskursseista kasvoi tarkastelujakson aikana eniten. Lapsityövoimaa koskevat diskurssit käsittelevät valtaosin lapsityövoimaan liittyvää raportointia ja yrityskäytäntöjä sekä näiden kehittämistä. Lapsityövoimaa koskevassa tarkemman tason tarkastelussa havaittiin diskurssien korostavan yritysten valta-asemaa erityisesti suhteessa toimitusketjun osapuoliin, mutta myös osin muihin sidosryhmiin. Valitsemalla erityyppisiä ilmauksia yritykset viestivät osin suoraan ja osin epäsuorasti vastuun ottamisesta tai sen jakamisesta. Lapset ovat valtaosin sivuosassa näissä diskursseissa ja lasten sidosryhmärooli nouseekin esille vasta asian vakavuuden kasvaessa, toisin sanoen kun kyseessä on lapsityövoiman käyttöön liittyvä tapaus. Muut pääteemat sisältävät 1) lasten oikeudet, joka esiintyy ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 2014 valtaosin yhden yrityksen raportoinnissa, 2) osaavan työvoiman saatavuuden varmistamisen perheiden ja nuorten elämänmahdollisuuksia parantamalla sekä 3) teeman ”muut diskurssit”. Lapsiin liittyvät diskurssit antavat kuvan hajanaisista raportointikäytännöistä ja rajoittuneesta näkemyksestä yritystoiminnan vaikutuksista lapsiin ja näiden huomioinnista osana liiketoimintaa. Tuleva tutkimus kannattaisi kohdistaa muun muassa yritysten lapsiin liittyvien toimintamallien tunnistamiseen ja kehittämiseen sekä yritysraportoinnissa käytetyn kielen kykyyn muokata asenteita ja liiketoimintaedellytyksiä.
  • Ginman, Karolina (2019)
    Purpose: The perception and interpretation of how other people move their body is an important component of adaptive social interaction. Children are known to distinguish between body motion (biological motion) and non-biological motion at an early age, but their ability to interpret body motion has received little scientific attention. Music and dance-related movement activities have been found to positively influence social interaction in children. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effect of three classroom-integrated interventions (movement MO, music MU, movement-music MOMU) on social cognition in children. Since two of the interventions were movement-based, a test measuring the ability to recognise social interaction based on body motion was used in the current study. Based on previous research findings, the hypothesis was that children who received any of the interventions would improve more than a control group (no intervention) in sensitivity to social interaction. In addition, the children’s performance was compared with that of adults’. Methods: Video displays of two point-light human figures either interacting with each other or moving separately were used to measure the ability to recognise social interaction based on body motion. The test included 94 displays (47 interaction situations and 47 no interaction situations). Children aged 10–11 (3 intervention groups and 1 control group, n = 59) completed the test twice, pre and post intervention. In addition, nine adults (n = 9) completed the test. The theory of signal detection was utilised in the analysis of performance, with discriminability d′ reflecting sensitivity to social interaction and criterion c reflecting response bias. Results: Adults performed better than children at baseline. Children who received any of the interventions improved significantly in their ability to recognise social interaction post intervention, whereas the difference between the pre and post measurement did not reach statistical significance in the control group. Conclusions: Children were able to recognise social interaction based on body motion. Children who received a movement, music or movement-music intervention improved in the test, suggesting that all interventions had a positive impact on the ability to recognise social interaction based on body motion. This suggests that movement and music interventions conducted by elementary school teachers may support children’s ability to interpret body motion, an important aspect of social interaction.
  • Nyyssönen, Mihaela (2022)
    Objectives. Pedagogical planning is an essential process in early childhood education provision. It is also a space to embed child-centered pedagogy in practice. Connections between early childhood educators' well-being, children's well-being, and their participation in pedagogical planning have been found by prior research. Examining the dynamics between these phenomena sheds light on how important the well-being of all the early childhood education community members is in the process of education provision. This study aimed to look at the connection between children's psychosocial well-being, early childhood educators' subjective well-being, and the levels of child-centered pedagogical planning. The hypothesis predicted a positive association between the items mentioned above. Methods. The participants of the study were 43 early childhood educators and 165 children. The study was conducted in 15 groups within nine daycares across Finland. The data was collected through three questionnaires: SDQ (child's psychosocial well-being), WHO-5 (educators' subjective well-being), and Reunamo learning environment questionnaire (child-centered pedagogical planning). The statistical analyses were conducted with IBM SPSS Statistics. A quantitative item analysis was done to establish a child-centered pedagogical planning indicator. Three levels of this measure were identified (low, medium, and high). The analysis continued with performing a one-way analysis of variance between the levels of child-centered pedagogical planning indicator, the children's psychosocial well-being sum score, and the early childhood educator's subjective well-being sum score. Results and conclusions. The results highlighted that a high level of early childhood educators' well-being was positively connected with the high levels of child-centered pedagogical planning. However, regarding the children's psychosocial well-being and its association with the levels of child-centered pedagogical planning, a positive non-significant trend was observed. These findings raise awareness of the important connection between children's psychosocial well-being, early childhood educators' well-being and education provision. Additionally, they can be used in developing early childhood education practices.
  • Harri, Anniina (2022)
    Aims. Child abuse violates the human rights of the child and constitutes a risk factor for the child’s mental and physical health. In child abuse cases, disclosure is critical for ending the abuse and receiving support. The present study aims to explore the disclosure characteristics of both physical and sexual abuse to an adult recipient. The second aim is to examine, which factors are associated with receiving support after disclosure. Methods. This nationwide study utilized data from the 2019 Finnish School Health Promotion study of the National Institute for Health and Welfare, including answers from fourth to fifth (n = 99 686) and eighth to ninth (n = 87 283) graders. The analyses focused on participants who reported experiencing parental physical abuse and/or sexual abuse within the past year (n = 26 597). Logistic regression analyses were performed to examine which variables predicted disclosing abuse to adults and receiving support after disclosure. Results and conclusions. Of the total sample of 186 969 participants, 12.2% reported experiencing physical and 4.1% sexual abuse during the past year. Physical abuse (31.5%) was disclosed to adults almost as often as sexual abuse (31.7%). Logistic regression analyses showed that male gender, younger age, and foreign background were associated with disclosure regardless of abuse type. In addition, experiencing sexual abuse increased physical abuse disclosure whereas experiencing parental mental abuse decreased sexual abuse disclosure. Nearly 90% of the victims who reported needing support received it. Older age and exposure to only one abuse type were associated with receiving support after disclosure, as were also Finnish background among the physical abuse victims and experiencing sexual abuse by perpetrators other than parental figures among the sexual abuse victims. These results increase our understanding of the factors associated with abuse disclosure to adults and suggest the importance of assessing and identifying those exposed to multiple abuse types. In addition, the results help identifying victims at risk for not receiving support they need.
  • Sahlberg, Heidi Maria Elisabet (2016)
    Bicycling is a way of transport and a sport that is considered both healthy and environmentally friendly. It is also a convenient way to get around especially for children and adolescents who cannot drive cars. However, school-aged children are an overrepresented group in bicycling-related injuries. For Finnish children, bicycling injuries are the most common traffic injuries. One possible explanation for children's higher accident liability could be their less developed hazard perception skills. This thesis is based on a study about hazard perception, where a game-like hazard perception test with videos filmed from a bicyclist's perspective was designed and tested on participants of different age and exposure to bicycling. The videos contained natural, unstaged videos from traffic, and participants were instructed to point out targets such as road users on a potential collision course and locations where road users could emerge from (e. g. house corners).The test was done using a touch screen where participants were to point out targets while the video was rolling early enough to gain points. If a target was missed or pointed out too late, the video was paused and feedback given. Performance in the hazard perception test was tested on 3 groups: one group of 49 children from the 2nd grade (age 8-9) and two adult groups: 16 adults who cycle at least 3 times a week (experienced adults) and 15 adults who cycle never or only rarely (inexperienced adults). The adults performed better than the children both in terms of answer latency and percentage of correct answers. Adults were also significantly better at pointing out view blockers as potentially hazardous targets. No significant differences were found between the experienced and inexperienced adults groups, which suggests that the test might have been too easy for the adult group. A correlation between a high percentage of correct answers and a low answer latency was found on an individual level, which suggests that the game was successful in measuring hazard perception skills.
  • Marttila, Annamaria (2023)
    In this thesis I studied children’s self-regulation with the data from the “friendship skills” intervention study in early childhood education and care. Self-regulation has been found to be central factor in school readiness and academic achievements as well as in general wellbeing. The data was collected in nine different early childhood education and care units (15 child groups), consisting of 162 children (n = 82 girls, M = 5,65, SD = 0.88). The study used Educator’s Evaluation Form (EEF, self-regulation) and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ, internalising and externalising problems, prosocial behaviour) to measure self-regulation and both internalising and externalising problems and prosocial behaviour. I aimed to study associations between self-regulation and internalising and externalising problems, and self-regulation and prosocial behaviour, as well as between self-regulation and age. Another aim concerns the effect of gender on these associations. The hypotheses of the thesis were: (1a) self-regulation is negatively associated with internalising and externalising problems; (1b) self-regulation is positively associated with prosocial behaviour; (2) self-regulation is positively associated with age; and, (3) self-regulation is associated more positive with age in girls than in boys. Self-regulation was found to associate negatively with both internalising and externalising problems and positively with prosocial behaviour. Regarding age, gender was found to moderate the association between self-regulation and age (age by gender interaction) in that statistically non-significant positive association between self-regulation and age was found in girls and statistically significant negative association in boys. Gender was not found to moderate other associations. The results indicate that self-regulation may have profound affects to overall wellbeing of children. Gender-difference imply possible complexity in interconnections between self-regulation, age and gender. Additionally, boys may be in more vulnerable position regarding self-regulation especially when approaching to school entry. In discussion section, I discuss the results additionally in relation to the concept of self-regulation, which I view more broadly in developmental and educational perspectives. Moreover, I will suggest tentative model constructed for the process of self-regulation. Finally, I will give suggestions for future research.
  • Virtanen, Ella (2019)
    Tutkimus tarkastelee Chilen pakolaisten toimijuutta muistitietotutkimuksen keinoin. Työn päämäärä on purkaa perinteisiä pakolaisuuden käsitettä.
  • Kylkilahti, Sanni (2022)
    Chilit ovat Capsicum-sukuun kuuluvia yleensä korkean kapsaisiinipitoisuuden omaavia paprikalajeja. Niitä käytetään mausteena. Lisäksi chilien sisältämillä kapsaisinoideilla on todettu olevan useita farmakologisia ominaisuuksia, kuten analgeettisia ja antioksidanttisia vaikutuksia. Niiden antimikrobisia ominaisuuksia on myös hieman tutkittu, mutta tutkimuksia on vielä verrattain vähän. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää muutamien eri chililajikkeista valmistettujen uutteiden antimikrobisia vaikutuksia Escherichia colia ja Staphylococcus aureusta vastaan. Uutteet testattiin dimetyylisulfoksidiin (DMSO) ja veteen liuotettuina. Lisäksi testattiin myös kahden puhdasaineen, kapsiaatin ja solaniinin, vaikutuksia kyseisiä bakteereita vastaan. Antimikrobiakokeet suoritettiin 96-kuoppalevyllä noudattaen aseptisia työtapoja. Testattuja chiliuutteita oli 19. Uutteita valmistettiin eri chililajikkeiden versoista (1 kpl) siemenistä (3 kpl), lehdistä (10 kpl) ja hedelmistä (5 kpl). Dimetyylisulfoksidiin liuotetut uutteet testattiin pitoisuuksilla 2,0 mg/ml ja 4,0 mg/ml. Veteen liuotetut uutteet testattiin pitoisuudella 4,0 mg/ml. Solaniini- ja kapsiaattiuutteet testattiin kahdeksalla eri pitoisuudella (0,001172–0,15 μg/ml). Tutkimuksen tuloksena on, että testatut chiliuutteet eikä solaniini- ja kapsiaattiuutteet estäneet E. colin tai S. aureuksen kasvua. DMSO:iin liuotetuista uutteista korkeimmat estoprosentit kumpaakin bakteeria vastaan saatiin nuorilla Pimento-lehdillä. Veteen liuotetuista uutteista korkein estoprosentti E. colia vastaan saatiin Dulcen versoilla (30 % esto) ja S. aureusta vastaan Dulcen hedelmillä (50 % esto). Aiemmat tutkimustulokset chilien antimikrobisista vaikutuksista ovat ristiriitaisia, joten yhteneviä johtopäätöksiä chilien vaikutuksista bakteereihin ei voida tehdä. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että chileillä on lukuisia terveysvaikutuksia. Antimikrobisen tehon varmistamiseksi tarvittaisi kuitenkin lisää tutkimuksia. Antibioottiresistenssi on maailmanlaajuinen ongelma, koska yhä useammat bakteerit ovat resistenttejä käytetyille antibiooteille. Tulevaisuudessa onkin erittäin tärkeää löytää uusia yhdisteitä bakteerien tappamiseksi, joten tutkimuksia uusien antimikrobisten aineiden löytämiseksi tarvitaan jatkuvasti lisää
  • Vänttinen, Johannes (2023)
    This thesis examined the role of China as a factor in the European Union’s enlargement policy towards Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. In relation to the Belt and Road Initiative, these five Western Balkan countries (WB5) have received substantial investments and other forms of financial input from China in 2013–2021. Characteristic for this is that large parts of this cooperation has been forged away from the public eye. Meanwhile, the relationship between China and the EU has turned dubious, causing the EU to increasingly “riskify” inbound Chinese investments. While the existing academic literature has highlighted the problems that these investments have caused for the region’s enlargement prospects, the extent to which the EU has responded to this phenomenon has received only slight attention. The purpose of this research has been to discover what concerns the EU has expressed over China, to analyze how these concerns are reflected in the EU’s enlargement policy towards the Western Balkans, and uncover the concrete measures through which the EU has mitigated China’s influence in the region. The results have been discussed in conjunction with the theoretical framework to provide new empirical literature on how the EU’s structural foreign policy, arguably the primary form of enlargement policy, functions in a contested setting, and how norms are diffused through the enlargement process. The research problem was addressed by employing framework analysis to an extensive body of official documents that have been produced by the European Union in 2013–2021. The analysis indicated that the EU’s concerns over China, primarily in relation to cooperation causing non-alignment with the EU’s rules, the neglect of economic and environmental sustainability and the distortive effects of state ownership and subsidies, have been reflected in the enlargement policy from 2018 onwards. After this the phenomenon has featured in multiple strategies and other official documents, albeit in an implicit fashion where China has only rarely been mentioned by name. The analysis showed that the EU has sought to re-assert its leadership by focusing especially on increased political steering and engagement, regional integration, connectivity and other infrastructure, public procurement legislation, and the environment and energy. By imposing various conditions to the fields where China-WB5 cooperation has been prevalent, the EU has achieved that the relationship has become largely subordinate to the EU-China relationship and the space for independent Chinese actions has narrowed. From a theoretical point of view, the thesis concludes that the new EU-norm – China and its investment activities constitute a potential risk – was embedded in the EU’s enlargement policy and that the EU has sought to enable the conditions through which alignment with this norm is possible. In a contested setting, the EU’s structural foreign policy appears to have placed emphasis on the structures rather than the sustainability of such. In such a context, it is a rather flexible mode of conducting foreign policy due to its adaptability to new realities. The EU’s structural foreign policy equally demonstrated an absorption capacity due to the successful combining of different objectives into coherent policies.
  • CONG, YU (2023)
    China, as a rising power, has transformed the global aviation market. Since the 1990s, China has flexibly used "aviation diplomacy" to bring its political ties with Europe closer. Is the $37 billion aircraft order between China and Airbus in 2022 a continuation of China's “aviation diplomac” with Europe? This thesis aims to analyse the political and diplomatic behaviour of Chinese and European Airbus in civil aviation through a historical comparison, especially in official documents and leaders' statements. It also examines the birth and development of 'aviation diplomacy', focusing on how China has used this diplomatic strategy. Another point is the analysis of Airbus as a product of European political and economic alliances. The paper argues that understanding China's 'aviation diplomacy' strategy is essential for studying China-Europe relations.
  • Valkama, Elina (2016)
    Työssä tutkitaan sitä, kuinka chewatyttöjen initiaatiorituaali, chinamwali, rakentaa sosiaalista sukupuolta. Rituaali on tärkeä aikuistumisriitti tytöille ja sitä harjoitetaan tutkimusalueella yleisesti. Initiaatiorituaalin läpikäyminen tekee tytöistä naisia chewakulttuurille ominaiselle tavalla ja on hyvin tärkeä koko chewayhteisölle. Tutkielman aineisto on kerätty kolmen kuukauden kenttätyöjakson aikana kesällä 2004 Itä-Sambiassa, Kateten piirikunnan alueella M’chepan ja Undin kylissä. Aineisto koostuu osallistuvasta havainnoinnista, haastatteluista ja rituaalin aikana tehdyistä laulujen tallenteista. Laulujen sanoitukset muodostavat keskeisen osan aineistoa. Tutkimuksessa initiaatiorituaalia tarkastellaan sosiaalisen sukupuolen rakentajana ja siirtymärituaalina. Pääpaino analyysissa on sosiaalisen sukupuolen rakentumisessa. Tutkimus pohjaa sekä feministisen antropologian teorioihin sosiaalisesta sukupuolesta ja sen rakentumisesta että perinteisempiin siirtymärituaaliteorioihin. Yhdistämällä näitä kahta teoreettista tarkastelukulmaa tutkimuksessa on kyetty rakentamaan mahdollisimman kattava kuva chewatyttöjen initiaatiorituaalista. Chewayhteisössä naisten ja miesten roolit ovat hyvin tarkkaan rajatut. Chewakulttuuri asettaa kuitenkin enemmän odotuksia naisten käytöstä ja toimintaa kohtaan. Tämän vuoksi tyttöjen sukupuolittunut kasvatus aloitetaan jo varhaislapsuudessa. Tyttöjen naiseksi kasvamisesta ja oikeanlaisen naisen roolin omaksumisesta huolehditaan tarkasti ja tässä tärkeässä roolissa on tyttöjen initiaatiorituaali. Tutkimuksessa todetaan, että chewatyttöjen sosiaalisen sukupuolen rakentuminen tapahtuu laajemman rituaalisen jatkumon kautta. Jatkumo alkaa jo tyttövauvan syntymästä, kulkee varhaislapsuuden mallioppimisen kautta pikkutyttöjen tanssileikin, visudzon, läpi aina ensimmäisiin kuukautisiin liittyvään rituaaliin ja päättyy lopulta chinamwaliin. Tutkimuksessa on keskitytty analysoimaan etenkin visudzon ja chinamwalin opetuksia ja lauluja, sillä näiden avulla piirretään näkyviin chewayhteisössä vallitseva ideaalinen naisen malli, joka tyttöjen halutaan omaksuvan. Rituaalien opetuksien kautta tuodaan myös esiin, millaista naiseutta chewayhteisössä arvostetaan ja tuetaan. Tämä taas antaa pohjan tyttöjen omalle naiseuden kokemukselle ja sille miten he rakentavat omaa sosiaalista sukupuoltaan. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä on, että chinamwalilla ja muilla rituaalisen jatkumon osilla on merkittävä rooli tyttöjen sosiaalisen sukupuolen rakentumisessa. Ne vaikuttavat erittäin vahvasti tytön naiseksi kasvamiseen ja antavat selkeät raamit sille, millaisen naisen roolin chewatyttöjen toivotaan omaksuvan. Rituaali luo ideaalista naisen mallia omassa kulttuurisessa kontekstissaan. Tämän naisen mallin omaksumisessa on kyse silloin myös kulttuuristen moraalisäännösten ja tabujen oppimisesta sekä oman kulttuurin tuntemuksesta. Chinamwalin voidaankin sanoa rakentavan tyttöjen sukupuolta sekä sosiaalisesti että kulttuurisesti. Koko rituaalisen jatkumon läpikäymisellä tytöt saadaan kasvatettua chewakulttuurin mukaiseen naisen rooliin ja toisaalta myös yhteisön täysivaltaisiksi jäseniksi. Tutkimuksessa nähdään myös, että chinamwali tulee säilymään jatkossakin elinvoimaisena, koska sillä on tärkeä rooli chewakulttuurin ylläpitäjänä ja uusintajana.
  • Nurmi, Aleksi (2016)
    The aim of this study is to understand the fundamental features of China’s economic transition since 1992. In order to do so, the central features of China’s transition are reviewed, most notably the main economic reforms, the firm-level resource reallocation, productivity differences between state-owned and private enterprises, moderate wage growth and rising income inequality, financial market imperfections and the central macroeconomic indicators: accumulation of foreign surplus and high aggregate investment and savings rates. A growth model consistent with China’s growth experience is built to give a clear qualitative explanation to China’s puzzling phenomena: Why does a country accumulate a foreign surplus despite of high domestic rate of return to capital? Why does a country’s rate of return to capital remain high in spite of a high investment rate? The cornerstones of the model are heterogeneity in productivity, reallocation of resources and asymmetric financial imperfections. The enterprise sector is divided into private and state-owned enterprises. Private enterprises are more productive, but due to the discrimination by the financial sector they must rely on internal savings, while state-owned enterprises are less productive, but survive in equilibrium due to better access to external financing. If the entrepreneurial savings are large enough, private enterprises gradually outgrow state-owned enterprises. Financial integration of state-owned firms and labor mobility sustains the rate of return for both types of firms during the transition. Moreover, the aggregate rate of return to capital increases due to the composition effect. The accumulation of foreign surplus originates from the financial imperfections. The wage earners deposit their savings to the banks, which in turn, can either invest to domestic enterprises or in foreign bonds. As the transition progresses the volume of high-productive financially constrained enterprises increase while the volume of low-productive externally financed enterprises decrease. Hence as the volume of state-owned enterprises decrease, a higher amount of domestic savings is invested into foreign assets by the financial intermediaries causing the foreign surplus to increase. After the transition is over, the economy is dominated by private enterprises and capital accumulation is subject to diminishing return to capital. The main contradictions with China’s experience are frictionless labor market, financial market laissez-faire environment and the prediction that state-owned enterprises fully fades from the economy. Despite of these simplifications, the model gives a clear qualitative explanation to China’s puzzling phenomena of sustained return to capital and growing foreign surplus. The simplifications allow the model to focus on the main differences between E and F firms, that is to say the heterogeneity in productivity and asymmetric financial imperfections.