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  • Suorsa, Arttu (2017)
    Tutkielman tehtävänä on selvittää Wolfhart Pannenbergin näkemys Pyhästä Hengestä kolmiyhteisessä Jumalassa. Tutkielmassa käytetään systemaattista analyysia. Pääasiallisia lähteitä ovat Pannenbergin kirjoittama Systemaattinen teologia I-III, Taylorin Pannenberg on the Triune God sekä aiheeseen liittyvät artikkelit. Pannenberg korostaa Jumalan kolminaisuutta. Kolmiyhteinen Jumala on Isä eli Luoja, Poika eli Lunastaja ja Pyhä Henki eli Pyhittäjä. Jeesus Kristus Vapahtajana on keskeinen. Henki toimii yhdessä Pojan kanssa. Pannenbergilla on vahva pneumatologia verrattuna muihin tutkijoihin. Pyhä Henki on täysivaltainen persoona. Monarkiassa Isä on yksi Jumala. Jeesus käyttää termiä ”Isä” jumalasta. Tämä ei tarkoita kolmiyhteistä Jumalaa. Kolminaisuuden persoonat Isä, Poika ja Henki ovat suhteessa toisiinsa keskinäisellä itse-erolla. Persoonat liittyvät toisiinsa persoonallisen identiteetin ja jumaluutensa kautta. Henki on Kristuksen täyteläisyyden kenttä. Henki on rakkauden voima, elämän luoja ja dynaaminen voima, joka kirkastaa Jumalan kunniaa. Henki välittää Pojan kumppanuuden Isään. Henki lähtee Isästä ja Pojasta, mutta ei ole syntynyt Isästä niin kuin Poika on. Henki auttaa kristittyjä pääsemään Jumalaa kohti, antaa heille vapauden ja yhdistää heidät Jeesuksen suhteeseen Isän kanssa. Henki on rakkauden yhdysside Isän ja Pojan välillä. Isä, Poika ja Henki ovat riippuvaisia toisistaan. Isä on isä suhteessa Poikaan, Poika on poika suhteessa isään. Pannenbergilla Henki on jumalallisen kolmannen persoonan heijastus toisin kuin kirkon kokemuksen perusta. Jumalallinen tietoisuus on toimintakeskus, jossa jokainen kolmesta persoonasta liittyy toisiinsa ja eroaa toisista. Henki täyttää Pojan ja kirkastaa hänet Isälle sekä kirkastaa myös Isän itsensä. Henki vahvistaa Pojan yhdeksi Isän kanssa, hänen riippuvuutensa ja paljastaa hänen rakkautensa. Lauseet ”Jumala on rakkaus” ja ”Jumala on Henki” ovat sama olemisen ykseys, jossa Isä, Poika ja Henki yhdistyvät yhdeksi Jumalaksi. Jumala inkarnoitui ihmiseksi-Jeesuksena. Ihmisen tarvitsee nähdä Jumalan kasvot. Jumalan Henki on paremminkin voimakenttä kuin äly. Henki on Jumalan luomisen muutostyön aktiivisen läsnäolon periaate sekä välittäjä osallisuuteen luodusta elämästä kolmiyhteisessä jumalallisessa elämässä’. Pyhä Henki vaikuttaa maailman historiassa. Pyhä Henki laittaa täytäntöön Jumalan pelastussuunnitelman. Jumalan Pyhä Henki vuodatetaan uskoviin. Henki on eskatologinen todellisuus. Henki on lahja. Jeesuksen Kristuksen Henki. Kuolemassa Henki palaa takaisin Jumalan luo. Kristus nostettiin kuolleista Jumalan Hengellä. Henki on elämänvoima. Usko on Pyhän Hengen lahja. Hengen lahja on lupaus uskoville tulevasta ylösnousemuksesta. Henki on osa jumalallisen elämän ekstaattista liikettä. Hengen avulla jokainen liittyy Herraan Kristuksessa ja myös muihin uskoviin muodostaakseen yhteyden kirkossa. Henki opettaa näkemään Kristuksen Jumalan Poikana ja eskatologisena Messiaana. Pneumatologia ja eskatologia kuuluvat yhteen, koska Hengellä on keskeinen rooli eskatologian täytäntöönpanossa. Pyhän Hengen rooli eskatologiassa on elämän antaminen ihmisille ja koko luomakunnalle, uusi luominen, mikä samalla merkitsee ihmisen intiimiä yhtymistä ja uniota kolmiyhteisen Jumalan omaan elämään. Tämän vuoksi ihmiset voivat elää ikuisesti, partisipoimalla Hengessä Jumalan omaan elämään. Muutoin he olisivat kuolevaisia. Pyhä Henki on ylösnousemuksen, uuden luomisen ja ikuisen elämän mahdollistaja. Pannenbergin Jumala on kolmiyhteinen, mutta salaisuus. Jumalaa ei voi täysin kuvata ihmisen käsittein. Jumala on persoona, rakkaus ja Henki. Jumala itse on kaiken alku ja loppu. Jumalan valtakunnan lopullinen täyttymys liittyy Kristuksen toiseen tulemiseen. Lopussa hyvä voittaa pahan viimeisessä taistelussa. Antikristus, epäjumalanpalvojat ja pakanat kukistetaan. Viimeinen tuomio on kolmiyhteinen toiminto, jossa kaikki kolme Jumalan persoonaa toimivat yhdessä: Isä on lopullinen tuomari, Poika tuomion valintaperusteiden toimeenpanija sekä Pyhä Henki puhdistautumisen ja muuntautumisen suorittaja. Lopulta ihmisen on mahdollista nähdä, tuntea ja kokea Jumala. Ihmisen eskatologinen tulevaisuuden päämäärä on päästä kolmiyhteisen Jumalan oman ikuisen elämän yhteyteen.
  • Steffansson, Mikaela Madelene (2018)
    Peacebuilding today is increasingly guided by the inclusivity norm, which has resulted in a call for participation of a diversity of actors. While religious actors’ and women’s efforts are sought in peacebuilding, the bridging group of actors – women active in peacebuilding on religious basis – has largely remained invisible. The aim of this thesis is to explore if and how women and religion are recognized and described in recent research on the role of religion in peacebuilding and the role of women in peacebuilding respectively. A second aim is to try to understand why women active in peacebuilding on religious basis remain invisible, especially with the recognized need for diversity in the peacebuilding field. In this thesis, quantitative and qualitative analyses are carried out on two sets of literature sources regarding the role of religion in peacebuilding and the role of women in peacebuilding respectively. The literature sets included primary sources such as official United Nations documents and secondary sources with a broad, global research focus. The quantitative analysis indicates that the literature on religious peacebuilding more frequently delved into topics related to women and gender than the literature on women’s peacebuilding does on matters of faith and religion. The qualitative analysis reveals several, at times contradictory perspectives on women and religion. In literature on women’s peacebuilding, religion is portrayed as a hindrance to women’s rights, as a resource for peacebuilding, as extremism and as a reason for conflict. The literature on religious peacebuilding portrays women as suppressed by religion, as empowered by religion, as victims of violence, as religious peacebuilders and as equal to men. The qualitative analysis reveals that identity and agency are important questions when looking at intersections of women, religion and peacebuilding. Both literature sets tend to juxtapose religious identity and gender identity in attempting to determine which one is or should be of greater importance. Both fields could benefit from carrying out an intersectional analysis, creating new possibilities for action in different contexts. Regarding agency, especially the field of women’s peacebuilding could benefit from a broadened view of agency, where it would not only be equated with women resisting religious traditions and leadership. The field of religious peacebuilding, on the other hand, could benefit from broadening the view of women to include the role of agents and not just passive victims. Future research should address the different forms of agency exhibited by religious women engaged in peacebuilding and how religious and/or gender identity can enhance or hinder peacebuilding.
  • Teppo (nykyisin Svärd), Saana (2005)
    Tämä pro gradu-työ käsittelee naisten toimijuutta uusassyrialaisessa imperiumissa. Toisin sanoen työssä tutkitaan naisten vaikutusmahdollisuuksia assyrialaisessa, patriarkaalisessa yhteiskunnassa – aihe, johon ei aiemmin ole juurikaan kiinnitetty huomiota. Täydennän työssä assyriologista näkökantaa kulttuuritieteiden ja antropologian käsitteistöllä ja teorioilla. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys liittyy yksilön, yhteiskunnan ja vallan välisiin suhteisiin, jotka kohtaavat toimijuuden käsitteessä. Vaikka työssä esittelen toimijuuden käsitettä laajemminkin, päädyin aineiston asettamien rajoitusten takia määrittelemään toimijuuden seuraavasti: toimijoita ovat ne naiset, jotka toimivat aktiivisina subjekteina yhteiskunnassa. Näin määritellyt toimijat jaoin vielä kahteen ryhmään, eksplisiittisiin (explicit agents) ja implisiittisiin (implicit agents) toimijoihin. Ensimmäisen ryhmän jäsenet selkeästi toimivat teksteissä jollain tavalla, jälkimmäisen ryhmän jäsenten toimijuus on pääteltävä asiayhteydestä. Pro graduni perustuu laajan tekstiaineiston analyysiin. Jaan imperiumin toimijanaiset kolmeen laajaan ryhmään: palatsissa, temppelissä ja niiden ulkopuolella toimineisiin naisiin. Jokaisen näistä kolmesta ryhmästä jaan vielä useisiin alaryhmiin, useimmiten ammattinimikkeen tai arvonimen mukaan. Suurimmaksi ryhmäksi osoittautuivat palatsissa toimineet naiset. Heistä erityisen aktiivisia olivat šakintut, jotka hoitivat vastuullisia hallinnollisia tehtäviä palatseissa. Myös kuningatarten ja muiden kuninkaallisten naisten rooli toimijoina oli uusassyrialaisella kaudella merkittävä. Temppeleissä toimineista naisista merkittävin ryhmä toimijuuden kannalta olivat naispuoliset profeetat, jotka toimivat aktiivisissa rooleissa ainakin toimittaessaan jumalallisia sanomia. Palatsien ja temppelien ulkopuolelle jäi vain vähän naistoimijoita: omaksi selkeäksi ryhmäkseen erottuivat ainoastaan harimtut, prostituoidut. Lopuksi pohdin jokaisen ryhmän toimijuutta ensin taulukkomuodossa (taulukot 9, 10 ja 11) sitten lyhyessä analyysikappaleessa.
  • Sandal, Gökçe (2018)
    This study explores the topics of equality and inclusion of non-Western immigrant artists into the Western mainstream arts scene. Through an intersectional research focus, it argues that being a woman from a non-Western ethnic background and being an artist create site specific challenges for artists in gaining recognition and success within the industry. The main argument states that the Western art world still carries neocolonial overtones, and that the institutional practices of multiculturalism rely on a problematic manner of tokenism which creates a new stereotype of an exotic non-Western artist with strong roots in their cultural backgrounds. As a case study, this thesis analyzes the topic of equality in the contemporary Swedish art scene, as well as the artistic intervention strategies the artists employ to challenge the hierarchical and exclusive traits in the arts industry. The works of art by two women artists/artist duos practicing in Sweden, namely Roxy Farhat and Mahoyo, are examined through a visual content analysis method to explore art’s function as a means of critical intervention into the systems of oppression and marginalization. Through the critical works of art by the afore-mentioned artists, the study aims to answer the question of how artistic personal narratives of intersectional identities confront and challenge the grand narratives on multiculturalism, anti-racism and gender equality in the Swedish context. It is concluded that artistic narratives of intersectional identities are of great importance since they reclaim the right to define themselves, and to get their own perspectives acknowledged in an industry that still tends rely on stereotypical definitions of the other. By using art as a political and critical tool, these artists demand transformation from the arts scene to do away with privileges and to better accommodate different identities and perspectives.
  • Flinck, Noora Katariina (2020)
    This thesis studies Finland’s and Sweden’s current and potential future engagement methods with the DPRK by focussing on women’s rights and gender equality. Interviews held with Finnish and Swedish foreign ministry representatives, NGO workers, and experts on North Korea reveal how the two countries engage with North Korea and how women’s rights and gender equality are being addressed in the Northeast Asian context. It will first outline how this research was conducted before introducing some of the most pertinent problems relating to gender equality and women’s right in the DPRK. Next, the histories between North Korea and the two Nordic states is outlined, after which theoretical considerations concerning feminist foreign policy, human-rights based, middlepowermanship, and soft power are discussed. Research findings are then examined and analysed before concluding with further broader examination of Finnish and Swedish engagement with North Korea and the importance of advancing gender equality and women’s rights globally.
  • Teiskonlahti, Terhi (2021)
    This thesis studies women in peacebuilding and concentrates on questions: why women are excluded from peacebuilding, and in vice versa how women could be involved in peacebuilding processes. The case study within this research focuses on the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (Rojava) and young women’s experiences and opinions about which factors either prevent or improve women’s participation in peace processes. In this master’s thesis, the data was collected by emailing the questionnaire surveys. Five young women from Rojava answered the questions, which were analyzed using conventional content analysis to find respondents’ opinions on barriers and enablers for women’s participation in peacebuilding. The findings of the study demonstrate that women from Rojava emphasized very similar enablers what the literature also underlines. These are an access to formal and informal education, allowing social norms, non-violent environment, political will and participation, and economical and other resources. In addition, a key finding of this research was, that in the case study women stressed their participation in the army and how this empowered them also for being part of peacebuilding. All these enablers are interlinked with each other and to have encouraging environment women to participate in peacebuilding, most of these factors should be in place. In addition, when these factors are lacking, they become barriers for women’s participation. The result of this thesis shows the main factors that are impacting women’s participation in peacebuilding. In addition, an increased understanding about women’s participation in army, and how it may empower women for peacebuilding is a finding worth of deeper study.
  • Vuorenlehto, Leena; Hinnelä, Kaisa; Äyräs, Outi; Ulander, Veli-Matti; Louhiala, Pekka; Kaijomaa, Marja (2019)
    Sikiöseulonta on Suomessa osa kuntien tarjoamaa julkista terveydenhuoltoa. Seulontoja ohjaa Valtioneuvoston asettama seulonta-asetus. Osallistuminen on ilmaista ja vapaaehtoista. Tavoitteena on löytää rakenteellisia ja kromosomaalisia poikkeavuuksia ensimmäisen ja toisen raskauskolmanneksen aikana. Alkuraskauden aikana naisille annetaan sekä kirjallista että suullista tietoa seulonnan tavoitteista, rajoitteista ja menetelmistä, minkä jälkeen heidän tulee tehdä itsenäinen, tietoon pohjautuva päätös osallistumisestaan. Useat tutkimukset ovat kuitenkin osoittaneet, että seulontoihin osallistuvat naiset ovat tyytymättömiä terveydenhuollosta saaneensa tiedon määrään ja selkeyteen. Selvitimme tutkimuksessamme Helsingin alueella seulontoihin osallistuneiden naisten tyytyväisyyttä tiedonantoon ja tietämystä seulonnoista. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kyselykaavakkeilla, joita tarjottiin jokaiselle Helsingin yliopistollisessa keskussairaalassa seulontaan osallistuneelle. Kyselyyn vastaaminen oli vapaaehtoista. Tutkimuksessa huomioitiin vastaukset kaavakkeissa, jotka oli täytetty heti seulontapositiivisen löydöksen kuulemisen jälkeen ja jatkotutkimusten aikana. Kyselyyn vastasi 168 naista. Tuloksemme osoittavat, että Naistenklinikalla saatu tiedonanto koettiin merkittävästi aiempien seulontavastaanottojen neuvontaa selkeämmäksi ja perusteellisemmaksi. Valtaosa naisista (73%) olivat jatkotutkimuksia edeltävästi huolissaan, mutta alle puolet vastaajista (47,4%) olivat miettineet arvojaan tutkimuksia edeltävästi. Puolet (53,2%) uskoivat raskautta koskevan huolestuneisuutensa jatkuvan, vaikka jatkotutkimuksien tulos osoittautuisi normaaliksi. Suurin osa (82,4%) naisista olivat tietoisia jatkotutkimusten vapaaehtoisuudesta ja tyytyväisiä päätökseensä osallistua (86%). Seulontapositiivisen tuloksen saamisen jälkeen naisille jää siis epätietoinen olo, johon liittyy ahdistuneisuutta ja hämmennystä. Tämän olotilan välttämiseksi tarvitaankin korkealaatuista neuvontaa heti ensimmäiseltä vastaanottokäynniltä lähtien. Vanhempien oikeanlainen, riittävän kattava neuvonta on myös tärkeää, jotta sikiöseulonnoissa oleellisen tietoon pohjautuvan päätöksen tekeminen on mahdollista.
  • Alajoki, Lotta (2017)
    Women’s movements in Bolivia have long been divided into different feminist groups and organizations on the one hand, and indigenous women’s movements on the other. Indigenous women have generally considered feminism to be an urban, middle-class ideology that is not compatible with their conception of gender and does not represent them. They have preferred to be active within the indigenous movement, which stresses the idea of decolonization as key to achieving gender equality. Even with these differences, attempts have been made by different women’s movements to work together in order to have a stronger voice around gender-specific issues in the national debate. In this thesis, frame analysis is employed to examine such efforts of cooperation. The data is a report published in connection with a conference that brought together representatives from several different women’s organizations, with the goal of advancing dialogue between them. The frames that these activists use are examined in order to analyse how those frames address differences between women and what kind of frames are most successful in using differences as strength. The frames that emerge from the data are grouped into three broad categories. First, there are universalistic frames that see a common identity of women and a shared experience of oppression as a starting point for solidarity. Second, there are local frames that ground themselves in the specific struggles to find common ground between different women’s movements in the Bolivian context. These frames base the idea of solidarity on common goals and agendas. Third, there are frames that take a personal approach and present personal accounts of struggles and processes of change. These frames are able to incorporate multiple identities into a personal narrative and to treat solidarity and coming together as an ongoing and open-ended process. The frames in this data that are best able to celebrate differences as strength are certain local and personal frames that move away from broad, conceptual definitions of patriarchy and feminism and towards lived experiences and shared struggles. They focus on the process of coming together and building alliances, which opens them up to differences and to dialogue. However, a more profound analysis of power and privilege is still lacking in all these frames.
  • Geritz, Anita (2021)
    Wonders or prodigies – unusual events such as strange births, apparitions, comets, and natural disasters, often understood as divine signs and warnings – were the subject of intense fascination and religious and political commentary in late 15th and 16th-century Europe. Works describing, collecting, and interpreting wonders circulated widely in different editions and translations. In the present study, I examine the works of two Elizabethan translators: Abraham Fleming, who translated two Latin treatises on comets and earthquakes by the Catholic bishop Friedrich Nausea in 1577 and 1580, and Stephan Batman, who published a translation and continuation of the Reformed Conrad Lycosthenes’s lengthy chronicle of prodigies in 1581. These influential Latin wonder books and their translations provide a varied look into 16th-century writings on wonders, which crossed linguistic and confessional borders alike and were linked to various discussions, from Reformation polemics to scientific and theological considerations about the natural and supernatural causes of unusual phenomena in nature. As translators, Fleming and Batman not only made their sources available in English but also made them their own by making various alterations, omissions, and additions to the texts. Previous studies of wonder literature have tended to either underappreciate this active role of early modern translators or be imprecise in identifying the nature and extent of the changes made by them. By analysing and comparing the translations by Fleming and Batman to their source texts, it is possible to gain a more accurate and detailed understanding of how and for what purposes they appropriated and transformed the works they translated. Fleming and Batman were able to both develop themes originally present in their sources and introduce new material and aims for the works. Fleming translated Nausea’s treatises to comment on two contemporary wonders and, wanting to emphasise their supernatural nature, first subtly altered and later directly criticised Nausea’s discussions of natural causes while praising his supernatural interpretations and translating additional writings by Nausea that focused further on apocalyptic themes. Meanwhile, Batman was able to tailor Lycosthenes’s wonder chronicle to a specifically English Protestant audience by supplementing it with anti-Catholic material and entries on English history. By developing Lycosthenes’s themes of divine judgement and having this augmented chronicle build up to the reign of Elizabeth I, Batman utilized it as a foundation for his Elizabethan continuation of the work, in which he called for stricter measures against religious nonconformism in England.
  • Ignatius, Heikki (2019)
    The structural changes concerning the forest industry sector will stimulate the incumbents in the sector to develop new product areas for the replacement of the old, declining core products. Wood-based biochemicals are considered as one of the major product areas able to compensate the decline in revenues caused by diminishing demand for graphic papers. There is already existing demand for biochemicals from the owners of major product brands who seek to replace fossil-based raw materials with more sustainable alternatives. New wood-based product areas respond to the changing operating environment of the sector but also require new types of business models and strategies as well as development of expertise from different fields. This work examines the systemic weaknesses and strengths of the development of the Finnish wood-based biochemical sector as well as the policy tools facilitating the development and diffusion of the sector. This study was carried out as a qualitative study where literature review was complemented with eight semi-structured expert interviews. The conceptual basis for analyzing the material were based on innovation theories, enabling the identification of the weaknesses and strengths of the system. The results revealed several drivers for the further progression of the system but specifically two internal functions of the system were identified which can be recognized to hinder the optimal development of the entire system. The development and diffusion of knowledge as well as the differing expectations and visions between system actors were identified as barriers to the further development of the system, necessitating more effective policy measures. As this study addressed specifically the systemic weaknesses and strengths, it would be important for the future studies to address more detailed policy measures in order to enhance the further promotion of the sector. This approach should also consider the relationship of the wood-based biochemicals as a part of the whole biochemical sector and its development.
  • Heikkinen, Katariina (2023)
    The amount of wooden multi-storey buildings has increased in Finland during the past years, but the volume remains low. The use of wood in the large building types has increased, because of ecological, environmental, architectural and pleasantness factors. Wood element production enables larger spans when building with wood. Because of the climate change, decreasing the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is important. Wood is a sustainable material due to its carbon storage capability and low-carbon emissions from the production. The aim of this research is to explore the criteria that impact financing decisions in multi-storey residential buildings. The research examines what the criteria for financing wooden multi-storey residential buildings are, how financiers assess risks and opportunities in wooden multi-storey constructions (WMC) and what is the role of the sustainability in WMC. The research was conducted by interviewing people in the field of financing and real estate investing. Interviews were held during autumn 2022 as online meetings. The interview results show that financiers especially focus on the financial criteria. This included profitability of the financing, ability of the construction company and risk analysis. Other criteria mentioned were location, sustainability factors, apartment pre-marketing and maintenance costs. Building material was not seen as a significant factor as it is decided by the construction company, and it is part of the risk analysis. According to the results, the building time is the riskiest time for the financier because of the low value of unfinished buildings. As risks, respondents find the construction company’s capability for the project and the lack of references, but also their realized lifecycle costs compared to concrete buildings. As opportunities good availability of material in Finland, development of the element building to lower the prices, ecological material, and carbon binding qualities were mentioned. Sustainability was seen as an important part of the financing decision; however, all respondents did not have it as a part of the current financial criteria. In addition to organization’s own sustainability goals, sustainability is guided from the outside as regulations. As an example, the EU taxonomy is already in use and is being implemented in the financing and building industry. Green financing was identified as one of the tools that guide sustainability and by adapting its criteria, construction companies may receive better loan conditions. As a conclusion, financiers are interested to finance wooden multi-storey buildings, but they require more long-term usage and cost experiences. As future research topics the thoughts and opinions of construction companies regarding the financing are suggested. In addition, what are the impacts of embedding the EU taxonomy into financiers’ and their customers’ actions.
  • Franzini, Florencia (2018)
    For the last 20 years, the state administration of Finland has supported the development of wooden multistory construction (WMC) into the residential housing market. While the number of WMC dwellings has increased, WMC is still not a normalized construction practice. Civil servants—who are responsible for complying with national strategies while being tasked to satisfy the needs of Finnish citizens—are legally entrusted to oversee and approve the planning of all zoning maps. This authority includes the power to compel builders to comply with material preferences through zoning regulations. Regardless of this gatekeeping authority, they rarely enact such regulations. This qualitative study examines the attitudes and perceptions of civil servants regarding WMC. It also examines the civil servants’ interpretation of other stakeholder opinions towards WMC. The aim was to set a precedent for current-day beliefs about WMC from the perspective of this authoritative group, given no such in-depth opinions currently exist in the literature. Semi-structured interviews were held between May 2017-January 2018. 11 civil -servants holding high-level administrative roles in city planning and development from six different municipalities were interviewed. Based on qualitative content analysis of the data, interviewed civil servants held a variety of attitudes towards WMC. Support for the implementation of WMC was due to benefits incurred by the positive qualities of the engineered wood products, which permit flexible construction technologies that directly enhance citizen lifestyles, while supporting local and national economies. Hindrances in the implementation of WMC were a result of an operating environment with poor information distribution, few WMC industry actors and limited government policy measures to support project implementation. These factors trigger high risk and high cost. Material limitations were rarely discussed, but may result in high cost or project risk. The stakeholders whose opinions were most frequently discussed included the municipalities the civil servants represented, municipality residents, and private developers. The opinions of other stakeholders (e.g. end users) were rarely mentioned. Developers are reluctant to take on WMC projects due to bottom-line mentality and perceived development risk. Residents’ opinions are equally colored with interest and skepticism. Municipality opinions were mostly in line with the perceptions shared by civil servants. All stakeholders were perceived to have greater interest in WMC if risk or prejudice were dispelled through positive, real-world experiences or exposure to WMC.
  • Wang, Min (2018)
    Norway spruce (Picea abies) and silver birch (Betula pendula) are widely spread in Europe. They are important raw materials for sawmill, pulp mill and paper industry. This industry utilizes merely 30-40% of the wood in the form of cellulose. Hemicelluloses, mainly galactoglucomannans (GGM) in spruce and glucuronoxylan (GX) in birch, comprise around 30% of the mass of wood. By far, this part has not been utilized as raw material but burnt as a source of energy. GGM and GX can be recovered from sawmills, paper making and pulping process, according to current knowledge, utilized as emulsion stabilizers. This study aims at evaluating the role of wood extractives present in hemicellulose isolates for emulsion stabilization. This study investigated the characterisation of wood extractives in isolated hemicelluloses and evaluated the role of wood extractives in stabilization of hemicelluloses emulsions during lipid oxidation. In the experimental section, eight different spruce galactoglucomannan (GGM) isolates and two birch glucuronoxylan (GX) isolates were characterized for their wood extractive composition and their antioxidant capacities were evaluated. The isolates were collected from thermomechanical pulping (TMP), by pressurized hot-water extraction (PHWE) or by mild alkali pressurized hot-water extraction (BLN). The isolates were either used as such (Con), after spray-drying (Spdr) or after ethanol precipitation (EtOH). The content and composition of phenolic residues and triterpenes in hemicellulose isolates were determined and their effect on the emulsion stability were investigated. In addition, radical scavenging activities and metal binding capacity were investigated to further understand the role of wood extractives against lipid oxidation in emulsions. Lipid oxidation in emulsions were investigated by monitoring the formation of primary and secondary oxidation products. For all of the studied GGM and GX, the content of phenolic residues ranged from 18 µg/g to 4 mg/g. The quantities of phenolic compounds in PHWE GGM and GX were higher than in TMP and BLNGGM and GX. Con GGM and GX exhibited higher amount of phenolic residues than the corresponding EtOH ones. Triterpenes were not detected which indicated their negligible contribution to emulsion stabilization. Con_TMP exhibited high iron binding capacity whereas the others exhibited average capacities. TMP GGM showed higher hydroxyl radical scavenging capacity compared to other GGM. The content of phenolic residues correlated with DPPH radical scavenging capacity for both GGM and GX: Radical scavenging capacity was greatest in samples having high number of phenolic residues. The average droplet size D[3,2] of emulsions stabilized by TMP GGM increased at a higher rate than that of stabilized by EtOH_GX. EtOH_GX was more stable due to its higher phenolic content and hydroxyl radical scavenging capacity compared to TMP GGM. Peroxide values and volatile oxidation products indicated that Con_TMP stabilized emulsion oxidized at a higher rate compared to EtOH_GX stabilized emulsion. This study showed the potential benefits to have coextracted wood extractives in hemicellulose isolates instead of removing them. Wood extractives clearly affect the stability of emulsions.
  • She, Ji (2014)
    This study scrutinizes the domestic fuel consumption pattern and relating issues using survey data for households in three Peasant Associations Wosha, Kela, and Basha in Wondo Genet, south-central Ethiopia. It is found that in this region, households are still heavily reliant on traditional biomass fuels, particularly woodfuels (fuelwood and charcoal). Fuelwood is the most common and important fuel type for the majority of households and there are normally three sources for it, namely self-collection from non-private forests, private plantation, and market fuelwood sellers. A multinomial probit model is employed for the empirical analysis and it indicates in Wondo Genet, the probability for households obtaining fuelwood from these three sources is 0.1825, 0.0867, and 0.7308 respectively. Purchasing fuelwood from markets has replaced self-collection as the primary fuelwood source for households. Household size, economic status, availability of crop residues and modern fuels, and location are the main factors affecting households’ choices. In addition, charcoal is the main fuel substitute/ supplement to fuelwood and is also widely used. Transition towards use of modern fuels is taking place slowly among wealthy households, largely restrained by limitations in people’s perception, infrastructure, fuel supply, etc. This implies that the role of government is of extreme importance in the process of energy transition and development of people’s livelihood.
  • Tolvanen, Kristiina (2020)
    Ecophysiology and ecology in plants are strongly affected by the conditions surrounding them. Adaptation aids plants to survive and to succeed in the prevailing conditions. Winter is a challenge to plants, particularly in northern latitudes and higher altitudes, because it exposes plants to cold and drought, for example. Plants survive from winter on species level with the help of genetic adaptations and as individuals also with the help of acclimation. Woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca) has been observed to grow separate winter leaves. This allows it to continue photosynthesis in mild conditions during winter, thus improving its energy balance, and to start growing earlier than other species in the spring, which is beneficial in interspecific competition. Fragaria vesca is a species that has wide distribution in the northern hemisphere, and its genotypes are found from very different locations and conditions. However, adaptive traits such as producing a new set of leaves for winter can turn out to be a disadvantage if environmental conditions change rapidly. Climate change brings about changes that are difficult to predict, and these changes are advancing at a fast pace when compared to the developmental history of plants. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of temperature on summer and winter leaf development, stolon formation and summer and winter leaf chlorophyll, flavonol and anthocyanin content in different Fragaria vesca genotypes. Leaf chlorophyll and secondary compound content give information about leaf development and stress reactions in plants. Plants are known to produce anthocyanins in order to protect the photosynthetic apparatus during chlorophyll recovery in leaf senescence. Anthocyanins are also produced as a response to low temperatures. Research increases knowledge of the ecophysiological and winter ecology-related processes in Fragaria vesca and in the commercially valuable Rosacea-family as well as provides information about the possible responses of these organisms to climate change. Material for the study consisted of twelve European Fragaria vesca genotypes, which had originally been collected from five countries: Norway, Finland, Germany, Italy and Spain. The genotypes had been collected from different latitudes, and they also expressed altitudinal differences. In this study, these genotypes were kept in two temperature treatments, warm (+16°C) and cold (+11°C/six weeks, after which +6°C/four weeks) at a greenhouse. Leaf development was studied by measuring summer and winter leaf middle leaflet width and length, and petiole length. Stolons from each plant individual were counted on a weekly basis and observations about stolon production in relation to the timing of summer leaf senescence and winter leaf development were made at the same time. Leaf chlorophyll and secondary compound content was measured with a Dualex-meter, which provided values for chlorophyll, flavonol and anthocyanin content. The underlying assumption was that cold temperature would induce winter leaf development and summer leaf senescence. The results show that there were differences in summer leaf size between genotypes. Winter leaves had differences between genotypes, but also within genotypes at different temperature treatments. Stolon count was lower and stolon production ceased slightly earlier in the cold treatment. Moreover, summer leaf chlorophyll content decreased in both treatments, but the summer leaves senesced earlier in the warm room. Summer leaf flavonol and anthocyanin values were generally higher in the cooler temperature treatment. Anthocyanins were also produced by winter leaves in the cooler temperature treatment. Based on the results, Fragaria vesca genotypes had differences related to their origin, but temperature also had an effect on winter leaf development, stolon production and the production of secondary compounds. The effect of cold temperature on the size of developing winter leaves was clear. In the cooler temperature treatment, the winter leaves were smaller than in the warmer treatment. The anthocyanin content of summer leaves was higher than in the winter leaves, and the summer leaf anthocyanin content was higher in the colder temperature treatment, where the stress related to the photosynthetic apparatus and low temperatures was combined. Nevertheless, lower temperature did not explain all the responses observed in the genotypes of the study, and thus it is likely that acclimation and winter leaf development in Fragaria vesca are affected by some other factor in addition to temperature, e.g. light regime. A possible continuation for this work would be to study the effect of light conditions or milder winters on winter leaf development in Fragaria vesca genotypes and on the physiology of the species.
  • Saastamoinen, Taneli (2020)
    Word2vec is a method for constructing so-called word embeddings, or word vectors, from natural text. Word embeddings are a compressed representation of word contexts, based on the original text. Such representations have many uses in natural language processing, as they contain a lot of contextual information for each word in a relatively compact and easily usable format. They can be used either for directly examining and comparing the contexts of words or as more informative representations of the original words themselves for various tasks. In this thesis, I investigate the theoretical underpinnings of word2vec, how word2vec works in practice and how it can be used and its results evaluated, and how word2vec can be applied to examine changes in word contexts over time. I also list some other applications of word2vec and word embeddings and briefly touch on some related and newer algorithms that are used for similar tasks. The word2vec algorithm, while mathematically fairly straightforward, involves several optimisations and engineering tricks that involve tradeoffs between theoretical accuracy and practical performance. These are described in detail and their impacts are considered. The end result is that word2vec is a very efficient algorithm whose results are nevertheless robust enough to be widely usable. I describe the practicalities of training and evaluating word2vec models using the freely available, open source gensim library for the Python programming language. I train numerous models with different hyperparameter settings and perform various evaluations on the results to gauge the goodness of fit of the word2vec model. The source material for these models comes from two corpora of news articles in Finnish from STT (years 1992-2018) and Yle (years 2011-2018). The practicalities of processing Finnish-language text with word2vec are considered as well. Finally, I use word2vec to investigate the changes of word contexts over time. This is done by considering word2vec models that were trained from the Yle and STT corpora one year at a time, so that the context of a given word can be compared between two different years. The main word I consider is "tekoäly" (Finnish for "artificial intelligence"); some related words are examined as well. The result is a comparison of the nearest neighbours of "tekoäly" and related words in various years across the two corpora. From this it can be seen that the context of these words has changed noticeably during the time considered. If the meaning of a word is taken to be inseparable from its context, we can conclude that the word "tekoäly" has meant something different in different years. Word2vec, as a quantitative method, provides a measurable way to gauge such semantic change over time. This change can also be visualised, as I have done. Word2vec is a stochastic method and as such its convergence properties deserve attention. As I note, the convergence of word2vec is by now well established, both through theoretical examination and the very numerous successful practical applications. Although not usually done, I repeat my analysis in order to examine the stability and convergence of word2vec in this particular case, concluding that my results are robust.
  • Leinonen, Nea (2010)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella laadullisten tutkimuskeinojen avulla keskeisten tekijöiden etenkin palkitsemisen vaikutusta word-of-mouth -viestintään. Teoriakatsauksen perusteella tutkimusaluetta lähestyttiin tarkastelemalla viittä eri aihealuetta, suosittelijan sisäistä motivaatiota, kokemusta tuotteen tai palvelun ominaisuuksista, suhdetta yrityksen kanssa ja suosituksen vastaanottajan kanssa sekä palkitsemista ja suosittelukampanjaa. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osuudessa avattiin käsite word-of-mouth -viestintä ja suosittelumarkkinointi sekä selvitettiin word-of-mouth -viestintään vaikuttavia keskeisiä tekijöitä, jotta suosittelupäätökseen liittyviä tekijöitä olemassa olevan tutkimustiedon avulla. Empiirinen tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jossa tutkimuksen casena oli Agronomiliitto ry:n suosittelukampanja. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin Helsingin yliopiston maatalous-metsätieteellisen tiedekunnan syksyn 2009 tutoreita koskien heille suunnattua jäsenhankintakampanjaa. Kampanjan tarkoituksena oli saada tutorit suosittelemaan Agronomiliiton jäsenyyttä uusille opiskelijoille. Parhaiten kampanjassa menestyneet tutorit palkittiin. Kahdeksasta haastateltavasta seitsemän oli Agronomiliiton jäseniä. Haastateltavista kolme palkittiin hyvästä menestyksestä kampanjassa. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua ja henkilökohtaista teemahaastattelua. Haastatteluissa pyrittiin ennen kaikkea selvittämään haastateltavien ajatuksia liittyen word-of-mouth -viestintään sekä suosittelusta palkitsemiseen. Tutkimus antaa suuntaa, että sisäisellä motivaatiotekijöillä on suuri merkitys suositteluviestinnän tapahtumiselle. Suosittelijan tulee tunnistaa suositeltavasta tuotteesta tai palvelusta koetut hyödyt. Suosittelua myös edesauttaa jos suosittelija omaa mielipidejohtajan ominaisuuksia. Palkitseminen toimii kannustimena suositella, mutta palkitsemisjärjestelmä tulee miettiä huolellisesti, jotta suosittelija ei koe suosittelun vähentävän omaa tai suositteluviestin uskottavuutta. Tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat molempien, suosittelijan ja suosittelun vastaanottajan palkitsemisen olevan paras palkitsemisjärjestelmä suosittelukampanjassa.
  • Lakka, Päivi (2018)
    This pro gradu thesis discusses the information war during the Ukraine conflict in 2014. In particular, it examines the production of enemy images in the Finnish and Russian online media articles. The role and significance of communication in national defense has increased significantly in recent years. In many aspects, information warfare has in fact returned to the core of modern warfare. The importance of conquering territory has lost its significance to operating in cyberspace. The term information war as understood in this thesis is characterized by the battle over information and the minds of people. The winner is therefore the one who creates the best narrative to support themselves and justify their action. After the escalation of the events in The Maidan demonstration in the center of the Ukrainian capital Kiev in November 2013, it soon became evident how Russia and the Western media both covered the conflict from remarkably different perspectives, all building their own narrative behind the events. This thesis focuses on two particular epochs in year 2014: the annexation of Crimea in March and the Russian aid convoy crossing the Ukraine border in August. The data consist of 64 randomly selected editorial articles from four media: Finnish public broadcasting company Yleisradio, Finnish tabloid newspaper Ilta-Sanomat, the Russian news channel Russia Today and the Russian news agency Sputnik International. This research focuses especially on the hidden power of media discourse (Norman Fairclough) and the main objective is the de-neutralization of the discourses of “the other” used in these media texts to represent “the other”. The method used for this study is the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), concentrating on role of language as being shaped by the society and shaping the society. CDA aims particularly at revealing the power relations behind discursive conventions. The main discourses found in this study were the discourses of military threat (1), truth (2), externality (3) and megalomania (4). The discourse of hypocrisy (5) solely appeared in the Russian media, whereas the discourse of despotism (6) was only used by the Finnish media. The prevalence of the four main discourses in the four media analyzed was surprisingly equal. However, there was more difference on a national level, as Ilta-Sanomat and Russia Today represented ”the other” clearly more actively with the help of these discourses compared to Yle and Sputnik. All in all, the representations of “the Other” in all the four media analyzed can be described as extremely negative.
  • Laine, Petteri (2013)
    This master’s thesis focuses on how a virtual team uses Second Life for working. A virtual team is a globally distributed group of people, which can include members from several geographical locations, time zones and various cultural and organizational backgrounds, working towards a common goal. Virtual teams are increasingly deployed by organizations to harness talent regardless of their location and as a response to increasing global competition. A virtual environment is a computer-generated display that enables a user to have a sense of presence in an environment other than the one in which they are currently situated in, and to interact with that environment and other users. Second Life is one of the most popular three-dimensional online virtual worlds, and is the technology utilized by this virtual team for their weekly team-wide meetings. The data consists of semi-structured interviews of 11 virtual team members and video recordings of team meetings in the virtual environment. The method of analysis is qualitative content analysis, informed by relevant concepts such as affordance, domestication and social presence. The research questions of this study are 'in what ways is the Second Life technology used in virtual teamwork?', 'how do the patterns of technology use take form and evolve? 'what are the experiences of the team members regarding the use of technology?' The results of the study are divided in three. Firstly, a narrative of a typical virtual team meeting is presented, thus introducing the reader to the virtual environment. Second, descriptions of two forms of technology use – simulation and information transfer – are provided. Third, the contributing factors that shaped the teams’ technology use are explicated. These include the perceived poor quality of the simulation; the ability to multitask afforded by the technology, thus influencing negatively on the team members’ social presence; severe technical difficulties and poor technical skills; time limitations resulting in the need to work efficiently; as well as the availability of other technologies. Regarding the result on affordance, domestication and social presence, this study confirms and adds to previous research.