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  • Karstunen, Emma (2017)
    Major extracardiac malformations are more common than previously 67 reported and found in 2/3 of cases with CDH and heart defect. Prenatal detection rates 68 for CDH and heart defects are low (49% and 41% respectively). The total prevalence of 69 UVH is 64 times higher and live birth prevalence 192 times higher than in general 70 population in Finland. The prognosis of CDH with major heart defects remains poor.
  • Raitahila, Iivo (2019)
    The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of physical devices, such as temperature sensors and lights, that are connected to the Internet. The devices are typically battery powered and are constrained by their low processing power, memory and low bitrate wireless communication links. The vast amount of IoT devices can cause heavy congestion in the Internet if congestion is not properly addressed. The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is an HTTP-like protocol for constrained devices built on top of UDP. CoAP includes a simple congestion control algorithm (DefaultCoAP). CoAP Simple Congestion Control/Advanced (CoCoA) is a more sophisticated alternative for DefaultCoAP. CoAP can also be run over TCP with TCP's congestion control mechanisms. The focus of this thesis is to study CoAP's congestion control. Shortcomings of DefaultCoAP and CoCoA are identified using empirical performance evaluations conducted in an emulated IoT environment. In a scenario with hundreds of clients and a large buffer in the bottleneck router, DefaultCoAP does not adapt to the long queuing delay. In a similar scenario where short-lived clients exchange only a small amount of messages, CoCoA clients are unable to sample a round-trip delay time. Both of these situations are severe enough to cause a congestion collapse, where most of the link bandwidth is wasted on unnecessary retransmissions. A new retransmission timeout and congestion control algorithm called Fast-Slow Retransmission Timeout (FASOR) is congestion safe in these two scenarios and is even able to outperform CoAP over TCP. FASOR with accurate round-trip delay samples is able to outperform basic FASOR in the challenging and realistic scenario with short-lived clients and an error-prone link.
  • Wang, Lei (2017)
    Nowadays many hosts have more than one network interface. For example, mobile smartphones are generally equipped with cellular network and WiFi network interfaces. If users can utilize all available network interfaces simultaneously, it allows a potential improvement in terms of network redundancy and performance. To use multiple network interfaces simultaneously, many multi- path communication networking protocols are proposed. At the transport layer, Multipath TCP (MPTCP) is a protocol for multipath communication, which in fact is an extension to regular TCP. MPTCP allows to spread the traffic onto several TCP subflows which take different network paths. Its advantage is the ability to balance the load, improve the connection resilience in case of path failure and maximize connection throughput. Congestion control and packet scheduling are two important components for MPTCP design. Congestion control is in charge of controlling induced network load, while packet scheduling is responsible for the distribution of data over multiple paths and improper scheduling decisions might introduce higher delay. Therefore, congestion control algorithms and packet schedulers are two components which greatly impact the performance of MPTCP. Four MPTCP congestion control algorithms, that is, Cubic congestion control algorithm, linked increases algorithm (LIA), opportunistic linked increase algorithm (OLIA) and wVegas algorithm, and two schedulers, that is, round robin (RR) scheduler and lowest RTT first (LowestRTT) scheduler, are deeply studied in the thesis. Furthermore, we design experiments to evaluate and compare the different MPTCP congestion control algorithms and packet schedulers. The experimental evaluation results show that Cubic congestion control algorithm could achieve highest aggregate throughput of all, but is less fair to competing flows than the others. OLIA can achieve similar aggregate throughput to LIA, but is more fair and responsive than LIA. OLIA is also more stable and responsive than LIA, while wVegas is unstable in terms of responsiveness to network changes. When compared with OLIA and LIA, wVegas behaves similar to OLIA but better than LIA in terms of fairness to competing TCP flows. As for two MPTCP schedulers, the results show that RR scheduler has a lower delay jitter than LowestRTT scheduler in rate limited traffic mode. Besides, LIA and OLIA have a lower delay jitter with LowestRTT scheduler than wVegas has.
  • Liu, Mengxia (2016)
    Conifers are used for forest plantations and as landscape trees. Norway spruce is the main softwood species in Finland and can occasionally be observed in urban areas. However, root rots of conifer trees caused by Heterobasidion annosum leads to huge economic losses not only in Finland but also in other European countries. Due to the availability of complete genome sequence for both host and pathogen, in this study using Norway spruce and its root rot pathogen (Heterobasidion annosum) as an experimental model, the host-pathogen interaction was investigated. Conifer trees have established a variety of defense mechanisms to repel microbial infections, including constitutive barriers, accumulation of antimicrobial chemicals, activation of signaling pathways and induction of defense-related compounds resulted from an intra-organismic response including cell death. In the conifer pathosystem, cell death associated necrotic browning reactions promote tissue colonization by necrotrophic pathogens such as Heterobasidion annosum. By contrast, in crop plants, cell death associated hypersensitive response (HR) is known to inhibit invasive growth of biotrophic pathogens. However, not much is known about the chemical and molecular characteristics of necrotic cell death responses observed in different developmental stages of conifers from seedlings to mature trees. In addition, the term reaction zone is often used to describe responses of tree tissues bordering the heartwood to pathogenic infections, but nothing is known on whether there are any similarities between the necrosis response and reaction zone. To investigate this, Norway spruce at different developmental stages (seedlings, young trees and mature trees) were challenged with Heterobasidion parviporum. Six major indicators were assayed: necrosis lesions, cell death, pH, reaction zone, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and expressions of defense-related genes (Per1, Per2, LAC, JAZ1, OPR, and STS2). Increased transcript levels of the following genes Per1, Per2, LAC and JAZ1 were documented in seedlings but higher expression of Per2 and LAC was recorded in mature trees. Results revealed that all infected tissues were strongly necrotic or had increased lesion size. This is accompanied by increasing pH units up to 6.0 similar to levels documented in the reaction zone. Furthermore, ROS-generating peroxidase activity increased in infected tissues compared to the control. All these changes were found to be similar to observations in the reaction zone of woody trees. However, cell death was only measured in seedling roots and the method needs to be optimized for woody tissues. Further tests are therefore required for the clarification of relationship between necrotic cell death in seedling plants and reaction zone responses in mature woody tissues.
  • Zhen, Zeng (2014)
    Rhizobia are agriculturally important bacteria that possess the ability to fix nitrogen for their host legumes, an attribute ascribed to the presence of symbiosis-related genes usually clustered on plasmids called symbiotic plasmids (pSyms). Many pSyms have been proven self-transmissible, capable of transferring themselves to other bacteria through conjugation, thereby propagating their symbiotic features. Rhizobium galegae symbiovar (sv.) officinalis has a pSym, on which typical conjugation genes have been revealed. A Type IV secretion system (T4SS) functioning as a conjugation system has also been computationally predicted on a chromid, another replicon in R. galegae sv. officinalis. In addition, the transfer of the pSym of R. galegae sv. officinalis to a non-nodulating mutant strain of R. galegae sv. orientalis has been previously observed under laboratory conditions. Therefore, this thesis was aimed at investigating the self-transmissibility of the pSym of R. galegae sv. officinalis and the necessity of the T4SS’ presence for the pSym transfer. Two derivatives of the R. galegae sv. officinalis were generated with one strain cured of its pSym by using Tn5-mob-sacB transposon and the other strain excised the T4SS from the chromid by Cre-lox site specific recombination system. Conjugation were then performed between these two derivatives as well as between the wild-type strain and the plasmid-cured derivative, followed by the host plant nodulation tests. The tests showed no formation of a single nodule in either pair, which was unexpectedly inconsistent with the previous experimental observation. No solid explanations could be proposed at this stage. It might be due to the low transfer frequency resulted from complex associations with subtle environmental signal molecules or recipient cell recognition that presumably disabled the transmissibility of the pSym.
  • Alvarez Garcia, Patricia (2013)
    Connections between organizational engagement and internal communication have gained much interest in recent years, due to existing evidence suggesting that employees who engage with their organization affect organization’s effectiveness and that, in turn, internal communication can influence organizational engagement. However, there is little evidence about such connection seen from an employee perspective and therefore, this study sought to explore linkages between employee organizational engagement and internal communication, on the basis of experiences of employees. This thesis draws on theoretical concepts such as knowledge workers, internal communication and organizational engagement as well as on an empirical research inspired by principles of grounded theory. The research analyzed twelve semi-structured interviews to employees working for a global knowledge-based organization; aiming at exploring the factors that had the potential to influence their engagement with the organizational; their key expectations towards internal communication and the implications that their overall experiences suggest for the practice of internal communication. Key findings indicated that organizational engagement can be influenced by organization-level internal communication and suggested that, while there cannot be a universal internal communication strategy to engage employees with their organization, the responsibility to engage and to achieve effective internal communication which supports engagement needs to be shared by all members of the organization, whereby employees’ accountability and empowerment is central. The findings also suggested a revision of the role of leaders and managers of the organization and the role of the function of internal communication. Overall, this study suggested that, in the relationship between organizational engagement and internal communication, seen from an employee perspective, both the organization and the employees could have significant gains.
  • Rukoro, Jeffrey (2020)
    This research had the fundamental aim of closely examining the identity negotiation of people who are of bi-racial heritage. Utilizing a combination of the positioning concept and discourse analysis, the objective was to get an in-depth view of how the bi-racial identity is negotiated and situated within four sub-identities or variants, and those four subidentities being referred to are the singular, border, protean and transcendent identities by Rocquemore. The questions used to guide the research goals were the following: How does the identity negotiation take place? What are the discursive resources and tools used to facilitate the negotiation? Are all four sub-identities engaged equally? What is the relationship between the four sub-identities? What role does the media play in the identity negotiation? Through purposive sampling, the text was selected to represent cases from America, Britain, and Finland. Four cases were selected of which two are American. One from Finland and the other from Britain. The cases feature three females and one male. The study mainly utilized discourse analysis techniques with a particular focus on critical discursive psychology, which all form part of the qualitative approach methodologies. The outcomes indicated that for all the cases studied, the identity was observed to be negotiated within the confines of the four sub-identities. However, the ordering, the positioning of the identities, and the discursive tools that were employed to negotiate the identities varied, and this variation was found to be connected to an assigned identity or a challenged asserted identity. As a result, certain negotiations caused stress or cognitive dissonance, and to avoid the stress or minimise the dissonance, various discursive resources were strategically employed to help negotiate or situate other identity variants. As the analysis continued six theoretical themes emerged, that were found to be supported by the discursive works. This six theoretical themes were, self-agency, distant other, cognitive dissonance, emotional repertoires, sense of belonging and altruism. An interconnectedness between the six themes was also noticed, due to the proximity of functionality within which some of them operated. The implication is that the identity, whether assigned or asserted is rather complex, and is not without psycho-social conflict, perhaps its stability is through its continuous negotiations and mobility.
  • Asikanius, Niina (2023)
    This thesis is an ethnographic exploration into co-production evaluation. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate outcomes of a knowledge co-production workshop in the context of Finnish urban planning using a co-production evaluation framework. For the context of the research, the status of allotment gardens in urban planning was studied. Central concepts also include participation and the status of knowledge in the urban planning context. I collected my research data by participating in the workshop process as a co-facilitator and co-producer in a garden workshop held in Pähkinärinne allotment plots in June 2022. I carried out the research using qualitative research methods, participatory observation. Field notes and the material and data the garden workshop produced are the main body of data. The results show that the workshop did produce a tangible outcome, a usable concept for the Pähkinärinne allotment gardens. When situated in the Finnish urban planning context, analysis shows that implementation may be difficult due to institutional and governance barriers. Intangible impacts were produced in the form of social learning. This entailed the identification of existing social networks in and outside of the allotment plots and their development through social capital. These effects fare better in the Finnish context through self-governance and self-organization. As a conclusion, it can be said that the knowledge co-production process was a successful process but in the Finnish urban planning context bottom-up initiatives can be difficult to implement due to institutional barriers and city-led planning and participation.
  • Tuuliainen, Suvi Tuuli Eufrosyne (2022)
    Ympäristökriisi on yksi aikamme suurimmista globaaleista ongelmista. Voimakkaana tekijänä kriisissä ovat ihmisten valinnat niin arjen kuluttamisessa kuin yleisessä käyttäytymisessä luontoa kohtaan. Ympäristömyönteinen käyttäytyminen kumpuaa luontoyhteydestä, jonka nähdään rappeutuneen nyky-yhteiskunnassamme. Tästä johtuen lisäämällä ihmisten luontoyhteyttä voisimme edistää heidän ympäristömyönteistä käyttäytymistään. Tämä tutkielma käsittelee luontoyhteyden ja ympäristömyönteisen käyttäytymisen välistä yhteyttä. Tavoitteena on hahmottaa, millä tavoin tämä yhteys muodostuu, jotta voimme lisätä ihmisten ympäristömyönteistä käyttäytymistä syvällä ja perusteellisella tasolla. Tutkielmassa pyritään vastaamaan tähän systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin perehtymällä aiempien tutkimusten aihepiireihin ja niiden teoreettiseen pohjaan koskien luontoyhteyden ja ympäristömyönteisen käyttäytymisen suhdetta. Katsauksessa löydettiin 38 kappaletta soveltuvia artikkeleita, joita analysoitiin luokittelemalla niitä seuraavin perustein: 1) millaisia yhteyksiä aiempi tutkimus on luonut luontoyhteyden ja ympäristömyönteisen käyttäytymisen välille, ja 2) mitä välittäviä muuttujia luontoyhteyden ja ympäristömyönteisen käyttäytymisen välillä on havaittu aiemmissa tutkimuksissa. Tutkimuksen mukaan aineistosta voidaan muodostaa kolme kategoriaa, jotka ovat: 1) CTN-PEB, 2) x-CTN-PEB, and 3) CTN-x-PEB. Tutkimuksessa syvennyttiin eniten kategoriaan numero kolme, jossa luontoyhteyden ja ympäristömyönteisen käyttäytymisen suhdetta selvitettiin erilaisten välittävien muuttujien avulla. Jatkotutkimusta kausaalisen yhteyden selvittämiseksi tarvitaan.
  • van Bruggen, Merijn Adriaan (2021)
    In the past decades, sanctions have become a vital part of the European Union’s (EU) Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). To better understand decision-making within the CFSP, this work focuses on how the EU sanctions against Russia are upheld. It does so through the lens of the Netherlands and Finland, two small countries in the EU. The study concentrates on the way small countries participate in sanctions regimes, which is important due to the required unanimity for upholding sanctions. Both domestic dynamics for participating in sanctions as well as attitudes towards European cooperation are taken into account. By conducting a Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA) on parliamentary debates in Finland and the Netherlands from 2016, the study compares the interests and focus of national politicians when sanctions are under discussion. The material consists of approximately 170 units of coding per country, which originate from around 15 debates throughout the year. The results offer new insight into some of the factors affecting decision-making of small states in sanctions. The data shows that the Netherlands has a stricter stance towards upholding sanctions on Russia, whereas Finnish politicians highlight the impact of sanctions on Finland. In general, both the Netherlands and Finland are in favour of upholding sanctions, but strongly differ domestically in the way they go about the sanctions. In conclusion, this study finds that small EU countries present themselves as strongly supporting EU unity when sanctions are in place. Nevertheless, these countries differ significantly in domestic preferences, meaning that they participate in sanctions regimes through different means.
  • Elevant, Ina (2021)
    The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought with itself an unimaginable ease to large-scale collection and sharing of personal data. Such large-scale collection and sharing are often done on the basis of data subject’s consent. Consent enjoys a prominent role in the European data protection framework. Consent has, however, been criticised for not providing individuals with adequate protection in online environments. This problem will only be exacerbated with the rise of IoT as IoT extends the data collection practices of the online environments also to offline environments. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the use of consent in the processing of personal data in the IoT. There are two research questions this thesis aims to answer: i) what are the problems and challenges related to the traditional consent based model in relation to IoT, and ii) is there an alternative way forward to user consent? This will be done through legal doctrinal methodology. However, this thesis will also take an interdisciplinary approach as it also draws from different disciplines than law such as technology, behavioural sciences and economics. This thesis shows that, in digitalized world, consent is neither freely given nor informed; thus, challenging the notion of valid consent. These problems arise from information and power asymmetries that are present between data subjects and controllers. However, IoT also brings with itself a unique set of problems as most IoT devices lack screens and input methods making it hard for individuals to access information and provide consent. Moreover, the unobtrusive and ubiquitous nature of IoT makes data collection activities invisible making it hard to apply transparency principle. It is also predicted that the presence of IoT in public spaces leads to the diminishment of private spaces. In light of this, this thesis discusses some alternative ways forward to user consent. The first approach focuses on improving consent, while the second approach aims to shift the focus away from consent by placing accountability on controllers. While both of these alternatives have appeal, they do not come without challenges. Therefore, more research is needed in the field of IoT and data protection.
  • Kontiainen, Laura (2021)
    Health apps that are used by individuals in multiple ways to improve their health and wellbeing are promoted as empowering the individual to control their health. Their increasing use means that they also gather more data concerning the health of the users. This data could be used for research or other public interest purposes, but its availability for secondary use is limited. In the EU there is also political interest to both increase availability of personal data in the inner market, as well as facilitate the use of eHealth solutions, including health apps. In this thesis, I will use legal dogmatics as a method to analyse how health apps could be used to gather data for public interest purposes. I look at what type of data is gathered by the health apps and why it is useful, how the GDPR sets criteria for the gathering of data through the apps and it’s secondary use, and how in special cases of research and other public interests, the rights of the data subject can be derogated. I will also compare this to the planned regulatory framework for data sharing, of the proposal for the Data Governance Act has been published. The main conclusion of the thesis is that that the framework for processing data for public interest purposes does not, in most cases, suit either gathering data by health apps, or secondary use of this data. This is both because the public interest as a processing basis needs to be based on law and needs to be balanced similar to a limitation of fundamental rights in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. This approach would in most cases be too heavy for this purpose. Instead, the processing is mainly possible on a consent basis. This could, even with the possibility of easier mechanisms for data sharing through data altruism organisations, affect the quality of the data gained, as the willingness to share data – and to even use a health app - vary between different demographic groups.
  • Tahvonen, Ossi (2021)
    Despite continuous improvements in treatments, childhood cancers are among the most common causes of death for children in Finland. The cancer treatments are often arduous and have long-lasting effects even beyond the person diagnosed. Estimating these effects is important, since they can affect the cost-effectiveness of many policies. This thesis focuses on estimating the effects of childhood cancer on parental labour market outcomes, especially on the earnings gap between genders. Estimating the causal connection between health and socioeconomic variables is difficult for many reasons. In this thesis, a quasi-experimental method called "staggered differences-in-differences" is employed to solve this problem. In this method, families where cancer is diagnosed are compared to those that are diagnosed at a different time, and this way the true causal effect can be estimated. The thesis used administrative data from all childhood cancer diagnoses in Finland during years 1999-2017. The results show that childhood cancer reduces parents' income significantly. In short run, the effect is around 30% of the income before the diagnosis for mothers and around 7% for fathers. For mothers, the decline in employment is also significant. The welfare state provides support to these families to the extent that the decline in the income after transfers is not as large. The gender earnings difference increases around 20% in the short run, and increases also in families where mother is the main provider in the years before the diagnosis. My results are robust to different checks, including alternative estimators to correct for possible cohort-heterogeneous effects. The previous research is scarce and has provided differing estimates, but the results of this thesis are in line with the most relevant literature. The decline in earnings can be caused by the need to take care of the child, mental health effects or declined accumulation of human capital. While it is hard to suggest policy changes based on these results alone, the current benefits around ill children are short in duration and focused on one person and the results indicate that perhaps a longer benefit scheme distributed more evenly between genders might provide different outcomes.
  • Gonzaga Roa, Amaia (2023)
    Deforestation is the main threat to biodiversity, ecological integrity and socio-ecological resilience of the of the Amazon biome, one of the most biodiverse places on Earth and home to at least 2 million people. A complex network of diverse protection strategies exists across the Amazon as key component of the global strategy to halt biodiversity loss. Biosphere reserves are a part of this network that aims to create spaces to learn how human communities can develop sustainably, while the protecting the environment, by implementing a zonation system with different degrees of protection We consider that it is necessary to produce relevant efficiency assessments on area-based conservation strategies in this region, and to understand how different protection strategies affect conservation outcomes. We used state-of-the-art matching methods to create a counterfactual deforestation avoidance measure of seven Biosphere reserves the western Amazon: Yasuní, Podocarpus-El Cóndor, Sumaco, Manu, BIOAY, Pilón Lajas and Beni. We obtained diverse efficiency results, some of the studied reserves avoiding large quantities of deforestation to reserves that were attracting deforestation. We found that more strictly protected zones were subjected to significatively lower relative pressure levels and did not have higher deforestation avoidance values. Representativity of the matched treatment area was also lower for these zones, meaning that the matching analysis was more difficult to perform in these areas. These research findings add to growing evidence about the important role of biosphere reserves in buffering against deforestation in one of the world’s most important biodiversity hotspots.
  • Mäki, Raitamaria (2018)
    This thesis is an ethnographic study examining how widely claimed and officially recognized indigenous autonomy is construed and practiced in a state-promoted nature conservation program taking place in four indigenous Chinantec communities in the state of Oaxaca, south of Mexico. This study is based on a four-month stay in two of the communities, San Antonio Analco and San Pedro Tlatepusco, during the spring of 2016. Fieldwork consisted of participant observation and semi-structured interviews. In this study, questions of autonomy and dependence are examined in a frame of political ecology focusing on the motives and actions of territorial control by varied actors including, besides the communities, state and its institutions, environmental actors and beings of nature. Understanding of these motives and forms of control is sought through anthropological theories of state control towards minorities, indigenous analysis on environmental change and theories of autonomy in relations and dependence. Mexico has a long history of homogenizing institutional politics of indigenismo, which have been argued to continue in today’s wide offering of social and development aid programs for rural populations. This view is expanded to cover programs of environmental protection. In this thesis, personified territorial control and territorial sanctification are argued to determine Chinantec motives towards environmental care and explain the good condition in which these tropical forests can be found today. These forms of control and sanctification have undergone historic syncretic transformations making environmental and social changes locally understandable and leading to the current environmental aspirations towards nature conservation. Syncretic, evangelic transformations are argued to explain differences in the attitudes of the two communities towards nature conservation. Personified territorial control has incorporated environmental actors into local cosmovisions and forms of territorial control. In this study, it is analyzed how green politics have been able to promote and decline new kinds of autonomy in relations and in dependence. These processes have allowed the communities some material benefits, “development”, and ways to defend their territories. Still, as this study suggests, these politics and the benefits they provide have not been able to obviate inequalities and the discrimination prevalent in Mexico as well as globally. Instead, these programs have sometimes even increased and reconstrued the pre-existing national and global inequalities, as could be found out living in the communities of Analco and San Pedro, “the zone of high marginalization”.
  • Suitariu, Ana-Maria (2016)
    The aim of this thesis is to study from a theoretical point of view the core and main changes of conservatism and its doctrine by analysing how this has developed during time in two countries: Great Britain and Romania. This study comes as a reaction of curiosity aimed to be yielded academically. After the events of 2013 in Great Britain when the activists from the Conservative Party put pressure on the Prime Minister David Cameron to extend the immigration controls on the citizens of Romania and Bulgaria living and working in UK. As at the end of December 2013 the controls barring most Romanians and Bulgarians working in UK were to expire, the chairman of the constituency parties along with the activists from the Conservative Party, urged David Cameron to extend the ban based on a provision from the EU law. This provision allows the extension of the ban against new member states in order to prevent those citizens to come and work in another EU country if this may cause serious disturbances on the labour market. Consequently, this ban is an act against the free movement of labour, one of the central pillars of EU and the European single market. As EU allows temporary restrictions on new member states in order to prevent mass immigration due to better economic benefits, under the EU law these are considered transitional controls and can only last up to seven years just like in the case of Great Britain and the ban over Romanian and Bulgarian citizens, taken into consideration that both countries joined EU in 2007 and the restriction to work in UK was to expire on the 31st of December 2013 at midnight. As a Romanian national myself, living and studying political science in Finland I have found this matter as a crucial subject to analyse from an academic and political theory point of view. My method of analysing the subject is purely theoretical and I provide a unique approach by just comparing how conservatism is portrayed by its thinkers in Great Britain with the one in Romania, having as main focus the changes the doctrine in both countries suffered along time, or how it actually adapted to modern times in order to survive as ideology put in practice. Needless to say why I have chosen to analyse the conservative thought of Great Britain, considering that this is the country where it was born, but of more importance is why this comparison is done with Romania, a country where nowadays there is no conservative party as such. As time frame I have chosen for Great Britain the 18th and 19th centuries and for Romania, as the conservative thought developed later, the second half of the 19th century up to 1921. Between 1880 and 1925 Romania went through numerous and fast changes. The country suffered modifications not only in terms of territorial extent and population, but also experienced deep alterations in its internal structures. However, the conservatives were not able to keep pace with the rate of change, and they struggled to direct the process of change according to their own doctrine and ideas. Nevertheless, the solutions they provided were not so appealing and comprehensive in order to attract a great number of people. Therefore, the main reason for the vanishing of the conservatives from the political scene is not only their particular reluctance to change, but especially the social and political context which was in such a manner that it did not allow them to develop and to go further with their traditional ideals. In Romania after 1921 the conservative party only survived with its name but no practical conservative approach as it did not manage to adapt to modern times and attract supporters. The method used consists of an analysis of the major works that define the conservative doctrine. Moreover, an analytical approach is also used to make the difference between theory and practice-especially for the Romanian case.
  • Lähdesmäki, Emmi (2023)
    The most typical symptoms of dementia include impairment of cognitive brain functions, such as memory and thinking. Most common forms of dementia include Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and frontotemporal dementia, which is caused by degeneration of the frontotemporal lobe. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, covering about 75% of all the cases. The pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease includes beta-amyloid plaques and tau proteins, which accumulate in the brain, and which have been linked to damage to nerve pathways and the appearance of the typical symptoms of the disease. The disorder is progressive, but the exact cause remains unknown. However, old age (>65 years), the APOE-4 gene, lifestyle, and some comorbidities, such as cardiovascular diseases, are considered risk factors. Even though extensive research has been conducted, there is currently no curative treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Sleep disorders can be both a symptom of Alzheimer's disease and a risk factor for the onset of the disorder. Therefore, the mechanisms of sleep and circadian rhythm are connected to the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease, for example through the glymphatic system that cleans the brain mainly during deep sleep. Many drugs for Alzheimer's disease have a recommended time of administration. The dosing time can be very important issue in terms of the effectiveness of the drug. According to a recent study, sleep and circadian rhythm have not been considered in most studies on new rapid-acting antidepressants. Therefore, we carried out an analogous systematic literature review for Alzheimer's disease and dementia. The aim of this study was to find out whether sleep and circadian rhythm have been considered in the most cited preclinical and clinical drug research articles for Alzheimer's disease and dementia during the last decade (2010–2020). In addition, it was examined which drug groups the studied compounds belonged to, and what was the sex distribution of the test subjects in the studies. The number of subjects was also determined from clinical studies, and the animal species from preclinical studies. The research articles analysed in the study were collected with a systematic literature review of Scopus database. The study found that most studies did not include any consideration of sleep or circadian rhythm. Most of the investigated compounds were small molecules, followed by supplements and herbs, and rest classified as biological drugs. Most of the clinical trials were relatively small studies with less than a hundred subjects or hundreds of subjects. Among the 100 most cited clinical research articles, there were 14 reanalyses and observational studies that were not included in this analysis of subject numbers. In clinical studies, most of the test subjects were usually female, while preclinical studies used commonly male animals. To conduct more open and reliable science in the future, drug research should pay more attention to the subjects’ sleep patterns, the time of drug administration, and reporting on these issues in the articles, which is usually part of the requirements of scientific journals. This could potentially narrow the translational gap between preclinical and clinical research.
  • Myllylä, Heidi (2024)
    Korkeasaari Zoo has several large ruminants adapted to distinct climates and habitats. It is well known, that ensuring the possibility of the animals to live in captivity, that resemble their natural habitat, is important for their welfare. However, thermal environment of zoo-housed animals is not often studied, even though it can have major impact on animal welfare. Especially for cold-adapted species the shade availability during hot, sunny days is essential and therefore needs high attention. In my thesis, I monitored the shade use and behaviour of musk ox (Ovibos moschatus), yak (Bos grunniens), takin (Budorcas taxicolor), wisent (Bison bonasus), Przewalski’s wild horse (Equus przewalskii) and kulan (Equus hemionus kulan) in their enclosures in Korkeasaari zoo by using ZooMonitor application. Species were chosen by their different level of warm adaption for comparison. I found out the shade availability in each enclosure during different times of the day with aerial photographs. The purpose was to find out if there is a need to enhance the shaded areas to ensure animal welfare. Research questions were 1) How much shade is available in each enclosure? 2) Is shade use dependent on a) temperature b) time of the day? 3) Are less warm adapted species (musk ox, yak, takin) seeking shade more obviously than more warm adapted species (wisent, kulan, wild horse)? To analyse, behavioural space use data was assessed in the form of a heat map with aerial photographs to evaluate location preferences for each animal in each enclosure. Behaviour Budget reports were used to display the percent of time engaged in behaviours. In conclusion, musk ox has shade in their enclosure 43% in the morning, 18% in the noon and 36% in the afternoon. Its shade use is dependent on time. Yak, kulan and wild horse has shade 33% in the morning, 18% in the noon and 21% in the afternoon. Shade use of yak and kulan is dependent on temperature. Shade use of wild horse is dependent on time. Takin has shade 93% in the morning, 73% in the noon and 77% in the afternoon. Its shade use is dependent on temperature and time. Wisent has shade 57% in the morning, 43% in the noon and 14% in the afternoon. Its shade use is dependent on time. Less warm adapted species are seeking shade more frequently than more warm adapted species, but surprisingly kulan stronger than wisent and almost equally as yak. Combined, shaded areas are important for zoo-housed animals to thermoregulate. The least warm adapted musk ox needs more shaded areas as they are scarce in their enclosure. Providing more shaded areas increases the space available for the animals.
  • Perkiö, Leea (2023)
    Today, companies are facing an increasing amount of stakeholder demands. These demands often include environmental, societal, ethical, political, and economic themes that are commonly addressed in companies through corporate social responsibility and value communication. The aim of this research was to discover how large Finnish companies are responding to stakeholder demands through value communication on their websites, by recognizing how companies communicatively constitute their corporate social responsibility and how companies appeal to stakeholders through value communication on company websites. Studying large Finnish companies is significant and this study enabled recognizing what is perceived and showcased as important in these companies and how these companies with big audiences and a lot of influence are aiming to impact their stakeholders. This research was conducted as a qualitative content analysis and the material for the analysis was collected from the company websites of four large Finnish companies: Marimekko, UPM, Valio, and Elisa. In total the collected data consisted of 36 pages of textual material and included different types of organizational documents of the companies, such as strategy statements, sustainability reports, and info pages. Qualitative content analysis is a flexible and systematic research method that is based on categorizing the research material based on a coding frame. The method was well suited for this research, since it enabled making sense of the large amount of textual material and recognizing potential patterns and relationships between themes. According to the results of this study, large Finnish companies respond to stakeholder demands by constituting corporate social responsibility through the communication of societal, economic, and ethical themes, and impact on stakeholders. The results are remarkable in providing in-depth information about how these themes are communicated by the companies. Some themes are communicated by all the companies and in similar ways, while some themes are communicated in differing company-specific ways. In addition, companies respond to stakeholder demands by appealing to stakeholders through value communication to gain and maintain legitimacy, adapt to the environment, and cope with fuzziness. Companies use value communication to gain and maintain legitimacy and adapt to the environment more than to cope with fuzziness. The results of this study showed that some themes of corporate social responsibility are perceived and showcased as important widely in all the studied companies, while some themes are only relevant for certain companies’ whose stakeholders voice those specific demands. These results can be especially meaningful to other Finnish companies. In addition, the results of this study providing information on how companies aim at appealing to their stakeholders can be meaningful to company stakeholders and help them be more critical and conscious towards companies’ value communication.
  • Karlsson, Susanna Sofia (2012)
    This study analyzes the United Nation Security Council (SC) counter-terrorism measures, giving focus to the 1267 sanctions regime against individuals associated with terrorism. The procedures of the 1267 sanctions regime are critically reviewed, with the aim of indicating the human rights concerns, particularly relating to the fundamental procedural rights. The tension between human rights and the security interest behind the counter-terrorism measures is analyzed. Special importance is given to the nature of the sanctions measures, arguing them to be punitive and not only preventative measures. Thus, this study aims to argue that procedural rights should be guaranteed in the 1267 sanctions regime in accordance with human rights law. Secondly, this study aims to present constitutionalization of international community based on legal responsibility, which is reviewed through the progressive work of the International Law Commission. Firstly, the question of responsibility of the United Nations (UN) for the breaches of human rights obligations is analyzed, including the initial question of whether or not the human rights norms are binding towards the UN. Secondly, the focus is turned to the responsibility of the bodies implementing the SC 1267 sanctions measures. The question of responsibility for the implementation will be analyzed from two perspectives: first, from an international constitutionalist approach advocating for the hierarchy of norms in the international community. While the traditional hierarchy of norms invests supremacy to the UN Charter, the constitutionalist approach will lead to the question of responsibility for the implementation in accordance with the UN Charter obligations. When implementation measures, taken by another international or regional organization, are not in accordance with the 1267 sanctions regime obligations, the rules on responsibility will become applicable towards the organization. The second perspective for the responsibility of the implementation measures is the international pluralist approach relying on different legal orders acting parallel to each other. In connection with this perspective the question of State responsibility for circumventing its international obligations is analyzed. Third part of this study presents today’s international community after the improvements the UN has taken under the pressure of the decentralized challenges it has encountered concerning the 1267 sanctions regime. This study argues that even though the UN procedures regarding the 1267 sanctions regime have improved, they are still inadequate to accommodate the human rights concerns, particularly fundamental procedural rights, and that the constitutionalization of the international community requires rules on legal responsibility such as the ones the International Law Commission has drafted.