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  • Longi, Krista (2016)
    Researchers have long tried to identify factors that could explain why programming is easier for some than the others or that can be used to predict programming performance. The motivation behind most studies has been identifying students who are at risk to fail and improving passing rates on introductory courses as these have a direct impact on retention rates. Various potential factors have been identified, and these include factors related to students' background, programming behavior or psychological and cognitive characteristics. However, the results have been inconsistent. This thesis replicates some of these previous studies in a new context, and pairwise analyses of various factors and performance are performed. We have data collected from 3 different cohorts of an introductory Java programming course that contains a large number of exercises and where personal assistance is available. In addition, this thesis contributes to the topic by modeling the dependencies between several of these factors. This is done by learning a Bayesian network from the data. We will then evaluate these networks by trying to predict whether students will pass or fail the course. The focus is on factors related to students' background and psychological and cognitive characteristics. No clear predictors were identified in this study. We were able to find weak correlations between some of the factors and programming performance. However, in general, the correlations we found were smaller than in previous studies or nonexistent. In addition, finding just one optimal network that describes the domain is not straight-forward, and the classification rates obtained were poor. Thus, the results suggest that factors related to students' background and psychological and cognitive characteristics that were included in this study are not good predictors of programming performance in our context.
  • Truong, Van (2021)
    The current study is an exploration of native Finnish-speaking Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students’ attitudes toward English as a lingua franca (henceforth ELF). The author of this thesis, like many ELF scholars, harbors serious concerns about the issues of language attitudes and prestige vis-à-vis ELF. The aims of this study are to shed some light on the current situation of language attitudes toward ELF among Finnish degree students, raise awareness of ELF and its implications, and make a contribution to ELF research. A total of 116 native Finnish-speaking Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students at Finnish universities participated in an online survey. The survey was designed to investigate attitudes toward ELF with Likert-scale questions and the Verbal-guise Technique. In addition to the quantitative measurements, qualitative data on the participants’ understandings of ELF and their open-answer comments on the ELF speakers in the selected audio samples were collected in the survey. The findings of this study show that Finnish degree students indicated a good awareness of ELF in general. Overall, the participants had neutral preconceptions of ELF speakers. Furthermore, their attitudes after listening to the ELF speakers in the selected audio samples showed that nativeness is not the superior key to successful ELF communications. In addition, accentedness did not hamper intelligibility. Thus, success in meaning-making and mutual intelligibility should be of higher importance than sounding like a native speaker. Familiarity with the ELF speakers’ accents had a positive influence on the participants’ attitudes toward the ELF speakers themselves. To avoid the opposite scenario, it is important for educators to accommodate students with authentic learning materials that help increase exposure to English speakers with different first languages. This study provides empirical evidence showing that there is some success in raising awareness of ELF in Finland, yet there remains some room for improvement. Importantly, there should be a rethinking of English learning goals and teaching approaches. As increasingly more people participate in ELF interactions, more emphasis should be placed on how to build mutual intelligibility, how to utilize communication strategies to succeed in meaning-making, and how to empower English speakers regardless of their first languages.
  • Asumaa, Nea (2023)
    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder, which in 2021 alone affected approximately 537 million adults. DM is a multi-organ disease with several comorbidities, one of which is chronic kidney disease (CKD), which often leads to renal impairment and kidney damage. While current treatment strategies have improved, they fail to protect the kidneys efficiently, which is why further understanding and renoprotective strategies are required. Podocytes are terminally differentiated cells central to the proper function of the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB) in the kidneys, and their injury can lead to the leakage of protein into the primary urine, which is a hallmark of CKD. One of the potential causes of podocyte injury in DM is hyperfiltration induced increase in fluid flow shear stress (FFSS). Podocyte responses to FFSS are still, however, relatively unknown. We exposed cultured human podocytes in vitro to FFSS at 2 dyne/cm2 for 2 hours via a novel flow chamber system. From the FFSS experiments, we studied podocyte motility from live cell imaging, protein expression levels by Western blotting and finally did immunofluorescent labelling to identify protein localizations in the cells. We discovered that podocytes express different modes of motility upon FFSS exposure, notably bleb-like motility previously only described in tumor and embryonic cells. In addition, we observed that podocytes significantly increased the phosphorylation of both AMPK and Ezrin, indicating the activation of pro-survival signalling as well as formation of bleb-like protrusions in response to FFSS stimuli. However, we did not observe significant podocyte loss, indicating that podocytes are capable of withstanding increased FFSS for short exposures such as 60 minutes. We believe that upon FFSS exposure, podocytes activate pro-survival mechanisms such as increased phosphorylation of AMPK and changes in motility in order to better withstand the increased shear stress. However, increased FFSS in for example DM patients is persistent, making it potentially a key factor in the development of podocyte injury and ultimately kidney damage.  
  • Farah, Idil (2024)
    This thesis delves into the identity of Somali women and its intricate connections with their sense of belonging and overall well-being. The central theme revolves around intersectional theory, weaving together the intersecting identities of Somali women. Utilizing focus interviews, pair and group interviews, and ethnography, the aim was to explore individual and communal perspectives on identity, specifically examining how the multicultural environment, belonging, and perceptions of well-being shape the lives of young Somali women. Within the realm of immigration and diaspora studies, the second generation often confronts complex and ambiguous notions of home, identity, and a sense of belonging. Additionally, the concept and phenomenon of identity can exhibit either a static or entirely variable nature, emphasizing the importance of studying this intricate subject. The theoretical foundation of this research rests on the theory of intersectionality. By employing this theory, the study aims to understand the complexities of individuals' identities. This framework acknowledges the dynamic interplay among diverse social identities, recognizing the intricate mechanisms through which systems of power and privilege shape their lived experiences. Besides intersectionality theories, the thesis utilizes anthropological theories of belonging as by comprehending the notion of belonging, we can gain understanding into the elements that foster or impede a sense of belonging. The theories of wellbeing used in this thesis helps us understand well-being, encompassing its pursuit and moral assessment, within diverse cultural contexts. The analysis and ethnographic evidence presented in this thesis indicate a complex experience for Somali women in Finland. They often perceive themselves as not aligning with the prevailing collective identity presented in society, leading to a sense of being "othered." Despite this, Somali women consistently rely on their intersectional identities for peer support and embrace the evolution of their identities as a natural part of growing up and living in Finland. Through ethnographic descriptions of a trip abroad and attending a wedding, the thesis explores how belonging manifests in physical spaces. In the well-being chapter, factors that enhance or impede well-being are examined from both communal and individual perspectives. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan somalinaisten identiteettiä ja sen yhteyksiä heidän yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteeseen sekä hyvinvointiin. Tutkimuksen keskeinen teema pyörii intersektionaalisuuden teorioiden ympärillä ja kutoo yhteen somalinaisten risteäviä identiteettejä. Fokushaastatteluja, pari- ja ryhmähaastatteluja sekä etnografiaa hyödyntäen tavoitteena oli tutkia yksilöllisiä ja yhteisöllisiä näkökulmia identiteettiin, erityisesti kuinka monikulttuurinen ympäristö, kuuluminen ja hyvinvoinnin käsitykset muovaavat nuorten somalinaisten elämää. Maahanmuutto- ja diasporatutkimuksen alalla toinen sukupolvi kohtaa usein monimutkaisia ja moniselitteisiä käsityksiä kodista, identiteetistä ja yhteenkuuluvuuden tunteesta. Lisäksi identiteetin käsite ja ilmiö voivat olla joko staattisia tai täysin muuttuvia, mikä korostaa tämän monimutkaisen aiheen tutkimisen tärkeyttä. Tämän tutkimuksen teoreettinen perusta nojaa intersektionaalisuusteorioihin. Näitä teorioita hyödyntäen tutkimuksessa pyritään ymmärtämään yksilöiden identiteetin monimutkaisuutta. Tämä viitekehys tunnustaa erilaisten sosiaalisten identiteettien dynaamisen vuorovaikutuksen ja tunnistaa monimutkaiset mekanismit, joiden kautta valta- ja etuoikeusjärjestelmät muokkaavat heidän elämiään kokemuksiaan. Intersektionaalisuus teorioiden lisäksi opinnäytetyössä hyödynnetään antropologisia kuulumisen tunteen teorioita, sillä kuulumisen tunteen ymmärtämisellä voidaan saada ymmärrystä niihin elementteihin, jotka edistävät tai estävät kuulumisen tunnetta. Tässä opinnäytetyössä käytetyt hyvinvoinnin teoriat auttavat ymmärtämään hyvinvointia, mukaan lukien sen tavoittelua sekä moraalista arviointia erilaisissa kulttuurisissa konteksteissa. Tässä opinnäytetyössä esitetyt analyysit ja etnografiset todisteet osoittavat kuinka somalinaisilla on monimutkaisia kokemuksia Suomessa. He kokevat usein itsensä olevan epä sopusoinnussa yhteiskunnassa vallitsevan kollektiivisen identiteetin kanssa, mikä johtaa "toiseuden" tunteeseen. Tästä huolimatta somalinaiset luottavat johdonmukaisesti risteäviin identiteettiinsä vertaistukeen ja omaksuvat identiteettinsä kehittymisen luonnollisena osana Suomessa kasvamista ja asumista. Opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan etnografisten kuvausten kautta ulkomaanmatkaa ja sekä tapahtumsisa kuten häissä käymistä ja miten kuuluminen ilmenee fyysisessä tilassa. Hyvinvointiluvussa tarkastellaan hyvinvointia edistäviä ja estäviä tekijöitä sekä yhteisöllisestä että yksilöllisestä näkökulmasta.
  • Mirko, Pomatti (2023)
    Animal welfare is a multifaceted concept that encompasses the overall well-being of animals, considering their physical and psychological health, behaviour, social interactions, and ability to engage in species-specific behaviours. Though there isn't a single universally accepted definition, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) provides a widely recognized definition. According to the OIE, animal welfare refers to how well an animal copes with its living conditions. An animal is considered to have good welfare if it is healthy, comfortable, well-nourished, safe, able to express innate behaviour, and not suffering from pain, fear, or distress. In my thesis, the main objective is to identify knowledge gaps in recognizing factors that influence welfare among animal caretakers and to gather essential information that can serve as a foundation for future efforts to improve animal welfare in Korkeasaari Zoo. The project was conducted in collaboration with the zoo and involved studying and assessing the welfare of four different species. The assessments were based on scientific knowledge obtained through extensive literature research. The findings were then compared and analyzed by using a general linear model (GLM) with the zookeepers' own assessments. The results revealed that, overall, zookeepers tended to assess animal welfare more positively than the knowledge-based evaluation, although the extent of this difference varied among species. Notably, the results brought to light that certain species, especially the Asiatic lion, have specific welfare requirements that might not be fully recognized by the keepers. This implies there are opportunities for enhancing animal welfare in these cases. Furthermore, assessments varied depending on the type of question posed, with a significant observation being that nutritional requirements consistently received the highest evaluation across all species, regardless of the evaluator. This underscores the heightened attention that zookeepers pay to the nutritional well-being of the animals. This likely stems from the availability of well-documented nutritional information, in contrast to other facets of welfare in the studied species that might still be less comprehensively understood. My research is practical in nature, focusing on four specific species within one zoo. It may not primarily contribute to theoretical advancements but rather offer practical insights and applications. This marks just the starting point and indicates the need for further exploration and advancement. Shedding light on the various factors that shape animal welfare is pivotal for refining the operational protocols within the zoo setting. Such insights can pave the way for constructive measures that contribute to the betterment of the animals' well-being within the zoo environment. For instance, the notable difference in the evaluation of Asiatic lions, where the zookeepers scored them higher than the literature-based assessment, emphasizes the importance of incorporating scientific knowledge into zoo management practices. By bridging this gap and aligning assessments with well-established scientific data, we can make substantial strides in improving animal welfare in Zoos.
  • Luhtakanta, Anna (2019)
    Finding and exploring relevant information from a huge amount of available information is crucial in today’s world. The information need can be a specific and precise search or a broad exploratory search, or even something between the two. Therefore, an entity-based search engine could provide a solution for combining these two search goals. The focus in this study is to 1) study previous research articles on different approaches for entity-based information retrieval and 2) implement a system which tries to provide a solution for both information need and exploratory information search, regardless of whether the search was made by using basic free form query or query with multiple entities. It is essential to improve search engines to support different types of information need in the incessantly expanding information space.
  • Kauppinen, Kirsi (2018)
    Tutkielman aiheena on kielellisen diversiteetin tutkiminen Etelä-Amerikassa. Tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kielellisiä eroavaisuuksia voidaan mitata, ja miten näitä eroja voidaan selittää. Tarkoituksena on myös kuvata diversiteetin vaihtelua diakronisesti Etelä-Amerikassa ja ehdottaa syitä diversiteetin muutoksille. Yhtäältä tutkielma on siis kvantitatiivinen, mutta toisaalta myös kvalitatiivinen. Tavoitteena on lisäksi vastata seuraaviin kysymyksiin: Missä määrin olemassaolevat sukulaisuussuhteet vaikuttavat kielten välisiin eroihin? Voivatko maantieteelliset ja sosioekonomiset tekijät selittää kielellisiä eroavaisuuksia kielten välillä? Tutkielmassa esitetään myös hypoteesi, jonka mukaan kielten elinympäristö ja kielelliset eroavaisuudet korreloivat keskenään. Tutkielman teoreettisena taustana toimii kielellisen diversiteetin kuvaaminen, sekä analyysi diversiteetin vaihteluista. Teoriaosassa käsitellään yksityiskohtaisesti eri lähestymistapoja, jotka tukevat tutkielman kvantitatiivista ja kvalitatiivista tutkimusta. Nämä lähestymistavat kuvaavat tarkemmin eri keinoja tutkia kielellisiä eroavaisuuksia, ja ne myös laajentavat kielellisten eroavaisuuksien selittämiseen käytettävää teoriaa. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu yhdeksästä eteläamerikkalaisesta kielestä, joita puhutaan trooppisilla Andeilla Kolumbian ja Ecuadorin alueella sekä Perun Amazonin alueella. Aineisto koostuu kolmesta isolaattikielestä, ja kuudesta eri kielikunnan kielestä. Analyysi suoritetaan vertailemalla kielien kuutta eri rakenteellista piirrettä käyttäen tilastollista menetelmää, joka mittaa kuinka erilaisia kielet oikeasti ovat. Mittaukset perustuvat etäisyysmatriisiin, jossa rakenteelliset piirteet esitetään numeerisina arvoina. Lopputuloksena on kuvaaja, jossa mitatut eroavaisuudet esitetään kaksiulotteisessa tasossa. Tilastollinen analyysi osoittaa, että kielten eroavaisuuksia voidaan mitata. Tutkielman pohdintaluvussa kuvataan myös syvällisesti, miten maantieteelliset ja sosioekonomiset tekijät voivat selittää kielellisiä eroja. Mitattujen eroavaisuuksien perusteella havaitaan esimerkiksi maantieteellisten sijaintien vaikutus eri kieliin, sillä samalla alueella puhuttavat kielet osoittavat suuria kielellisiä eroja, mikä on selitettävissä kielten elinympäristöjen mahdollistamalla eristyksellä. Lisäksi sosioekonomiset tekijät, kuten kaupungistuminen sekä alkuperäiskansojen sisäryhmäavioliittoisuus, voivat selittää sekä diversiteetin vähenemistä että kielellisten eroavaisuuksien kasvamista. Diversiteetin vaihtelua kuvataan esittämällä myös muita syitä, kuten maanviljelyn kehittyminen ja teollinen vallankumous. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että kielikuntien viimeiset elossaolevat jäsenet, eli isolaattikielet, osoittavat huomattavia rakenteellisia eroavaisuuksia verrattuina kieliin, joilla on yhä olemassaolevia sukulaisuussuhteita. Tulokset vahvistavat myös hypoteesin, jonka mukaan kielten elinympäristö korreloi kielellisten eroavaisuuksien kanssa. Täten tutkielma tukee käsitystä kielten ja niiden elinympäristön välisestä monimutkaisesta suhteesta.
  • Li, Xiaoyi (2022)
    This thesis investigates the linguistic landscape at a multilingual Finnish university. It explores which languages are used in the signs at the university's city centre campus, how the languages are arranged, how language choices in the linguistic landscape in the studied setting align with the university's language policy, and how international students and staff members perceive the language environment and language policy of the university. In order to provide more thorough answers to the research questions, two types of data were included: linguistic landscape signs and semi-structured interviews. The linguistic landscape data was collected from seven locations around the city centre campus in November 2021 and focused on the signs displayed in public spaces. Seven international MA students and four international teachers were interviewed for their experiences and perceptions of the linguistic landscape of the university. All the interviews were conducted via Zoom between January and February 2022. Content analysis was used as the principal method for data analysis. The linguistic landscape and interview data analysis revealed that multilingualism is a norm in the city centre campus surroundings. The language choice and the order of languages in the signs reflect the disparity in the role and hierarchy of languages. Finnish is the prominent language and the preferred code in the signs, while Swedish and English show less important status. It can be seen that these three languages are displayed in the majority of the signs, which corresponds to the guidance of the trilingual language policy. Although the linguistic environment of the University of Helsinki is considered more multilingual and international than that of other academic institutions with which the interviewees were familiar, it was suggested that the implementation of the trilingual language policy and multilingualism should be taken into account in a broader sense, not only in public signs, but also in everyday communication.
  • Seitamaa, Aino (2021)
    Purpose. In the context of rapid digitalization and the need to develop students’ 21st century skills, acquiring a growth mindset is essential. A person with a growth mindset believes that, for example, intelligence and creativity are malleable and develop through persistent practice. The purpose of this investigation was to first, explore Finnish 7th grade students’ mindsets related to intelligence and giftedness. Secondly, this study investigated students’ mindsets relation to academic achievement in mathematics and mother tongue, as well as students’ educational aspirations. Thirdly, this investigation examined how the mindsets are related to students’ sociodigital competence beliefs and perceived digital school practices. Finally, findings of a mindset intervention conducted in a Finnish educational context, which targeted mindsets in intelligence, giftedness and creativity, are reported. Method. Data for Study A was collected with a questionnaire, which was answered by 1059 7th grade students in Helsinki. The questionnaire assessed students’ intelligence and giftedness mindsets, educational aspirations, sociodigital competence beliefs and perceived digital school practices. A TwoStep cluster analysis was used to locate natural intelligence and giftedness mindset groups from the data. Next, two-way ANOVA’s were utilized: identified mindset groups and gender were independent variables and academic achievement in mathematics and mother tongue, educational aspirations, as well as sociodigital competence beliefs and perceived digital school practices were dependent variables. In Study B 21 students answered a questionnaire on intelligence, giftedness and creativity mindsets before and after the intervention. Differences between pre- and post-test were analyzed using a paired samples t-test. Results and significance. The results indicated that 7th graders had a strong growth mindset in intelligence and giftedness, yet groups of fixed, mixed and growth mindsets were found. Moreover, a growth mindset in intelligence and giftedness was positively related to students’ academic achievement in both mathematics and mother tongue as well as their educational aspirations. Further, a fixed mindset in giftedness indicated higher technical sociodigital competence beliefs. Similarly, students with a fixed mindset in both intelligence and giftedness perceived there to be more sociodigital school practices. Study B found that only students’ creativity-related mindsets changed significantly. The investigation proposes that schools should more strongly support students’ growth mindsets and their creative and academic sociodigital competences as they are a relevant part of the 21st century skills.
  • O’Shea, Mia (2021)
    Objectives. This study sought to investigate factors related to the elicitation of music-evoked autobiographical memories (MEAMs) in healthy aging to improve overall understanding of the phenomenon and to enhance the selection of optimal musical stimuli to be used for the neurological rehabilitation and care of elderly individuals. The characteristic contents of MEAMs of healthy older individuals were also explored. Methods. 113 healthy senior subjects (aged 60 – 86 years) listened to 70 preselected song excerpts and rated each on a 5-point Likert scale in five domains: valence, emotional intensity, arousal, familiarity and autobiographical salience. Correlational and linear mixed model analyses were conducted to discover the relationship between the rated variables. Eighty-one participants additionally chose to verbally describe their MEAMs in further detail. These submitted inserts (n = 2790) were manually categorized and labelled into non-mutually exclusive groups and sub-groups. Results and conclusions. The analyses revealed that all rating variables had statistically significant positive relationships with one another. Valence, emotional intensity, arousal and familiarity all had significant positive effects on the dependent variable autobiographical salience. Thus, in order to maximally evoke MEAMs in healthy elderly individuals, the chosen musical stimuli should be regarded by the listener as being pleasant, emotionally intense, physiologically arousing and familiar. The contents of elderly individuals’ MEAMs often involved music-related activity, such as singing, dancing or listening to music. They also frequently contained details of specific people or locations. Lastly, they often weren’t very temporally specific and memories from adolescence were more common than other life periods.
  • Greeman, Tessa (2017)
    Children’s picture books play a crucial role in the education and socialisation of the young child, giving them both critical insight into literature, and ideas about life and its possibilities outside of their own immediate experience. In this thesis I have chosen to look more closely at portrayals of so termed ‘non-traditional’ gender identities and behaviours in children’s picture books. I undertook an analysis of 8 books depicting various non-traditional manifestations of gender, covering atypical gendered behaviour, transgender identity or genderlessness along with 6 interviews with educators and parents of children under the age of 7, The thesis explores how these books and ideas fit into an English speaking, European society, in this case based in Finland. The interviewee’s and analysis highlighted areas in which the stories could be problematic within the given context. Issues such as the subject matter, the style and tone were all held to be too controversial for young readers. Looking at the stories through an intersectional lens, they showed little diversity outside of the gender topic. Overall the analysis demonstrated the disconnect between the books and the English speaking, European society in Finland. These findings made it clear that the possibility of children in this context gaining access to stories where gender is not always seen as a finite and binary concept was low. As a final conclusion I created a story of my own. With a protagonist who does not conform to any gender at all, the story was created as the product of the interviews and analysis of the original 8 picture books, with the idea that it could be comfortably read to a class of children within the European, English speaking community in Finland.
  • Hämäläinen, Taina (2013)
    There are many studies concerning the supply of labor. However, although overtime work is a common phenomenon, it is rarely the topic of these studies. This thesis studies remuneration policy and the prevalence of overtime work for professional engineers in Finland. The data used in this study are annually collected survey data, for the period 2002-2011. The data represent union members of the Union of Professional Engineers in Finland (UIL ry). The data mainly consist of senior salaried employees. Remuneration policy and the incidence of overtime work are studied by descriptive methods and by regression models. A multinominal logit model is used for the overtime remuneration policy estimation. The method is used to impute missing data for those who do not work overtime. The Tobit regression model is applied as the overtime model. The findings of this thesis are that an individual’s position affects both the incidence of overtime work and remuneration policy. Individuals in a managerial position more often work overtime and bonus payment systems are the main incentive for this. This overtime model is reasonable for those senior salaried employees who are covered by the Working Hour Act. According to the Working Hour Act, those who work, for instance, as a specialist or in an expert position should be compensated for overtime work. In the overtime function for middle management, experts, and salaried employees the income effect initially dominates as remuneration for overtime increases, but finally, as overtime remuneration further increases, more individuals actually tend to work more overtime. As work experience increases, individuals work less overtime at first, but the relationship turns out to be U-shaped. Overtime work is less common for women and those in the public sector. The overtime model provides only a weak positive indication of the incidence of overtime for those who have recently been promoted to a new position or duties. The findings are only partly in accordance with empirical studies. The differences are explained by the characteristics of senior salaried employees. The results of this thesis might stem from the nature of their duties, the working environment and also from individual characteristics. That is why I assume here that long-run career objectives affect the incidence of overtime. In conclusion, there still remains the question of whether short-run or long-run factors have more explanatory power. For example is overtime work motivated by overtime rates or wage levels in the long run.
  • Tuomaala, Emilia (2014)
    Taita Hills are situated in southeastern Kenya (03°20'S 38°15'E), only 350 km from the equator. Ecology and biodiversity of the area is one of a kind and has been subject to multiple studies of natural sciences during the last decades. Taita Hills belong to the Eastern Arc Mountains, an ancient chain of mountains in Eastern Africa and one of the 25 biodiversity hotspots of the world. To qualify as a biodiversity hotspot an area must have lost significant amounts of its original vegetation and inhabit a number of endemic plant species. Both of these criteria are met in Taita Hills where the favorable climate enables endemic species to thrive. Large areas of forest has been cut down in order get more room for agriculture, the main source of livelihood in Kenyan countryside, making the environment threatened. The diverse environment of Taita Hills produces a multitude of ecosystem services. Ecosystem services can be defined as all benefits people obtain from nature. They are often divided into four categories: provisioning services, regulating services, cultural services and supporting services. Ecosystem services link ecological knowledge and economics together by enabling monetary valuation of abstract aspects of nature (e. g. water retention). This link helps decision makers to take environmental issues into consideration by providing a possibility to compare concrete and abstract aspects of nature with each other through tangible monetary values. Research on ecosystem services has grown exponentially in the recent years and decades. However, most of this research has been conducted in developed countries and only little research has been completed in developing countries such as Kenya. It has been established that provisioning services are considered the most important services in developing countries, though. This was the case in Taita Hills, too; the majority of ecosystem services recognized by the local people were provisioning services. Services like firewood, medicinal usage of local plants and scenery were familiar to local people and the role of water was also emphasized in their perceptions of ecosystem services and biodiversity as a whole. Phoenix reclinata was one of the keystone species of ecosystem services. People's perceptions of biodiversity can vary a lot. Like ecosystem services, biodiversity is a subjective concept that can be understood differently by different people. Understanding how people see nature that surrounds them and biodiversity it beholds can help e. g. in planning nature conservation areas. When people agree on decisions made about their environment and recognize their own basic values in the decisions made they are more eager to support them. Even so, research on people's perceptions of biodiversity is currently lacking. Results that have been obtained have suggested that plants' role in people's perceptions is emphasized and people respond better to beautiful and imposing species than modest or ugly species. This was true also in Taita Hills where people linked plants and forest directly to biodiversity. They also recognized local plant species well, regardless of their nativeness, and had a close relationship with nature overall.
  • Liikkanen, Lassi A. (2006)
    Design embraces several disciplines dedicated to the production of artifacts and services. These disciplines are quite independent and only recently has psychological interest focused on them. Nowadays, the psychological theories of design, also called design cognition literature, describe the design process from the information processing viewpoint. These models co-exist with the normative standards of how designs should be crafted. In many places there are concrete discrepancies between these two in a way that resembles the differences between the actual and ideal decision-making. This study aimed to explore the possible difference related to problem decomposition. Decomposition is a standard component of human problem-solving models and is also included in the normative models of design. The idea of decomposition is to focus on a single aspect of the problem at a time. Despite its significance, the nature of decomposition in conceptual design is poorly understood and has only been preliminary investigated. This study addressed the status of decomposition in conceptual design of products using protocol analysis. Previous empirical investigations have argued that there are implicit and explicit decomposition, but have not provided a theoretical basis for these two. Therefore, the current research began by reviewing the problem solving and design literature and then composing a cognitive model of the solution search of conceptual design. The result is a synthetic view which describes recognition and decomposition as the basic schemata for conceptual design. A psychological experiment was conducted to explore decomposition. In the test, sixteen (N=16) senior students of mechanical engineering created concepts for two alternative tasks. The concurrent think-aloud method and protocol analysis were used to study decomposition. The results showed that despite the emphasis on decomposition in the formal education, only few designers (N=3) used decomposition explicitly and spontaneously in the presented tasks, although the designers in general applied a top-down control strategy. Instead, inferring from the use of structured strategies, the designers always relied on implicit decomposition. These results confirm the initial observations found in the literature, but they also suggest that decomposition should be investigated further. In the future, the benefits and possibilities of explicit decomposition should be considered along with the cognitive mechanisms behind decomposition. After that, the current results could be reinterpreted.
  • Liimatta, Aatu (2016)
    Internetin kielen tutkimus on lisääntynyt voimakkaasti viime vuosina, mutta internetgenret ovat silti edelleen laajalti tutkimattomia. Vaikka sosiaalisen median alustat kuten Twitter ja Facebook ovat saaneet jonkin verran huomiota, monet sivustot ja näkökulmat ovat vielä käymättä läpi. Tutkin pro gradussani Redditin sisäistä rekisterivaihtelua käyttämällä Douglas Biberin kehittämää multidimensionaalista menetelmää. Tavoitteenani on arvioida Biberin menetelmän soveltuvuutta Redditin rekisteritutkimuksen välineenä ja selvittää, millaisia rekisterivaihtelun ulottuvuuksia Redditissä on. Rekisterillä tarkoitetaan Biberin määritelmän mukaisesti tilanteen vaatimusten perusteella valittua kielen varieteettia. Tilanteen vaatimuksiin sisältyvät mm. tekstin tarkoitus, vuorovaikutteisuus, olosuhteet tai osanottajien välinen suhde. Douglas Biberin multidimensionaalinen menetelmä on määrällis-laadullinen tapa tutkia tekstikorpuksen sisällä tekstien välillä esiintyvää rekisterivaihtelua. Kustakin tekstistä lasketaan esiintymistaajuudet suurelle määrälle kielenpiirteitä. Tämän jälkeen tilastollisia menetelmiä (tarkemmin sanottuna faktorianalyysiä) käyttämällä löydetään piirteitä, joiden taajuudet kasvavat ja pienenevät yhdessä. Tällaisilla yhteen kuuluvilla piirteillä tulkitaan olevan yhteinen kommunikatiivinen funktio eli kommunikatiivinen syy, jonka vuoksi niillä on tapana esiintyä yhdessä, ja niiden määrässä havaittavien muutosten katsotaan ilmentävän tekstien erilaista sijoittumista piirreryhmien taustalla olevilla rekisteriulottuvuuksilla. Näin löydetyt rekisteriulottuvuudet nimetään lopuksi niiden kommunikatiivisten funktioiden mukaan. Reddit on pääasiassa englanninkielinen sosiaalisen median sivusto, joka koostuu tuhansista niin kutsutuista subredditeistä. Kuka tahansa voi perustaa uuden subredditin, joten Redditin subredditit käsittelevät kaikkia kuviteltavissa olevia aiheita ja teemoja eri näkökulmista. Käsittelen tutkimuksessani 37 subredditiä, joista keräsin itse kirjoittamallani tietokoneohjelmalla automaattisesti viestejä ja niiden kommentit yhden kuukauden aikana kesäkuussa 2015. Keräämäni aineisto sisältää 34 402 viestiä kommentteineen. Pääasiassa keskityin kuitenkin viesteihin, joiden kokonaissanamäärä oli 400 tai suurempi. Tällaisia viestejä aineistossani on 10 594 kappaletta, ja niiden yhteissanamäärä on lähes 17,5 miljoonaa sanaa. Tutkimukseni perusteella tutkimissani subredditeissä on kolme yleistä rekisteriulottuvuutta, joilla viestit liikkuvat: “henkilöfokus tai faktuaalinen fokus”, “informatiivinen tai osallistuva tyyli” ja “nykyhetken abstrakti tai menneen ajan narratiivinen fokus”. Näistä ainakin toinen ja kolmas ulottuvuus vastaavat hyvin Douglas Biberin myöhemmin esittämiä universaaleja rekisteriulottuvuuksia. Multidimensionaalinen menetelmä soveltuu Redditin (ja siten mahdollisesti muunkin sosiaalisen median) rekisteritutkimuksen välineeksi, mutta hienojakoisempi rekisterivaihtelun tarkastelu vaatinee menetelmän edelleen kehittelyä, sillä esimerkiksi yksittäisiä kommentteja tarkastellessa tekstin lyhyys tekee normalisoiduista taajuuksista nopeasti merkityksettömiä.
  • Lindgren, Eveliina (2015)
    An experiment-driven approach to software product and service development is getting increasing attention as a way to channel limited resources to the efficient creation of customer value. In this approach, software functionalities are developed incrementally and validated in continuous experiments with stakeholders such as customers and users. The experiments provide factual feedback for guiding subsequent development. Although case studies on experimentation conventions in the industry exist, an understanding of the state of the practice is incomplete. Furthermore, the obstacles and success factors of continuous experimentation have been little discussed. To these ends, an interview-based qualitative survey was conducted, exploring the experimentation experiences of ten software development companies. The study found that although the principles of continuous experimentation resonated with industry practitioners, the state of the practice was not mature. In particular, experimentation was rarely systematic and continuous. Key challenges related to changing organizational culture, accelerating development cycle speed, measuring customer value and product success, and securing resources. Success factors included an empowered organizational culture and deep customer and domain knowledge. There was also a good availability of technical tools and competence to support experimentation.
  • Ventre, Pernilla (2023)
    Children and young people across the world are online more than ever. With this, comes the risk of experiencing online sexual harms and exploitation which can be sources of trauma and impact students’ well- being, mental health, behaviour, academic and life outcomes. Teachers can be trusted adults in their student’s lives with the ability to recognise these kinds of harms and abuse and offer effective support and intervention. Finland shows a steady increase in children and young people experiencing online child sexual harms such as online sexual harassment, grooming and exploitation and a rise in the media coverage of these issues. This seeks to discover student teacher perceptions of online child sexual harms and exploitation of children and young people, whilst examining what student teachers might need to be able to understand and respond more effectively. Data was collected with individual interviews that included open questions and action tasks with four student teachers from The University of Helsinki. The study was guided by trauma-informed theory. Interviews were analysed using a mixture of deductive and inductive approaches to thematic analysis. In doing so, three themes and five sub-themes were found. The results of this study were that student teacher participants showed varied perceptions of online sexual harms and exploitation, related to the nature of abuse, victim, and perpetrator characteristics. These perceptions influenced participant ability to recognise potentially harmful situations. Additionally, participants lacked formal training in these issues. Finally, participants expressed unanimous professional anxiety in terms of how to practically respond to incidents of online sexual harms and exploitation of students, indicating a critical need for teacher education programs at the University of Helsinki to provide a more comprehensive education for student teachers that addresses understanding, identifying, and responding to sexual harms and exploitation online.
  • Ahlfors, Dennis (2022)
    While the role of IT and computer science in the society is on the rise, interest in computer science education is also on the rise. Research covering study success and study paths is important for understanding both student needs and developing the educational programmes further. Using a data set covering student records from 2010 to 2020, this thesis aims to find key insights and base research in the topic of computer science study success and study paths in the University of Helsinki. Using novel visualizations and descriptive statistics this thesis builds a picture of the evolution of study paths and student success during a 10-year timeframe, providing much needed contextual information to be used as inspiration for future focused research into the phenomena discovered. The visualizations combined with statistical results show that certain student groups seem to have better study success and that there are differences in the study paths chosen by the student groups. It is also shown that the graduation rates from the Bachelor’s Programme in Computer Science are generally low, with some student groups showing higher than average graduation rates. Time from admission to graduation is longer than suggested and the sample study paths provided by the university are not generally followed, leading to the conclusion that the programme structure would need some assessment to better incorporate students with diverse academic backgrounds and differing personal study plans.
  • Barral, Oswald (2013)
    This thesis goes further in the study of implicit indicators used to infer interest in documents for information retrieval tasks. We study the behavior of two different categories of implicit indicators: fixation-derived features (number of fixations, average time of fixations, regression ratio, length of forward saccades), and physiology (pupil dilation, electrodermal activity). Based on the limited number of participants at our disposal we study how these measures react when addressing documents at three different reading rates. Most of the fixation-derived features are reported to differ significantly when reading at different speeds. Furthermore, the ability of pupil size and electrodermal activity to indicate perceived relevance is found intrinsically dependent on speed of reading. That is, when users read at comfortable reading speed, these measures are found to be able to correctly discriminate relevance judgments, but fail when increasing the addressed speed of reading. Therefore, the outcomes of this thesis strongly suggest to take into account reading speed when designing highly adaptive information retrieval systems.
  • Suominen, Peppi Lotta Josefiina (2023)
    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignancy of antibody-secreting plasma cells in the bone marrow (BM). MM is the second most common hematological malignancy, accounting for about 14% of blood cancers. Despite the improvements in the treatment of MM, the disease remains incurable, and essentially all patients end up relapsing. Deletion of chromosome 16q, the location of tumor suppressor CYLD, occurs in 35% of MM patients. CYLD is a deubiquitinase, most recognized for its function as a negative regulator of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) pathway. The loss of CYLD is associated with disease progression and worse survival in MM, but its significance in drug response is unknown. As the loss of CYLD is common in MM, determining its effect on drug response is essential. Analysis of data gained from MM patient samples were used to study the effect of CYLD copy number status on drug response. The treatments were selected based on previous research performed by our group. The effect of homozygous deletion was most significant in inducing resistance to BMS-754807, an inhibitor of insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor. To investigate the role of loss of CYLD on drug response in vitro, cell lines with CYLD knockout (KO) were created using the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) – CRISPR associated protein 9 (Cas9) technology. An established CYLD-KO cell line was treated with carfilzomib, bortezomib, dexamethasone and BMS-754807 to assess the effect of CYLD-KO. The CYLD-KO slightly increased the sensitivity to BMS-754807, but essentially no differences were detected in response to the drugs. The effect of CYLD-KO was additionally explored to NF-κB - and Wnt-pathway activation by Western blot analysis, but due to technical difficulties, the results were inconclusive. The loss of CYLD is a common genetic aberration in MM, giving a survival benefit for the malignant cells. Based on the results from patient data analysis, the loss of CYLD could promote drug resistance to BMS-754807, and the effect should be further studied with more cell lines with CYLD-KO. As the population ages, and as the median age of newly diagnosed patients is 70, the need for efficient MM therapies increases. Studying the mechanisms behind drug resistance and sensitivity is essential in the aim of improving the efficacy of MM therapy and, in the end, the overall survival of the patients.