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  • Rouvinen, Alina (2023)
    Smiling is fundamentally human but a more complex phenomenon than might appear at first glance. Studies in the field of language sciences have explored smiling in the context of speech and found that speaking while smiling has perceivable effects on the voice, and this phenomenon is commonly known as “smiling voice”. Although this phenomenon is widely recognised, there is no clear consensus on the precise acoustic characteristics that cue listeners to the presence of a smile. This study aims to investigate whether listeners can identify smiling voice based only on audio stimuli, what prosodic cues or characteristics they might be using to do so, and whether those cues can be extracted and used to replicate smiling voice using speech synthesis. Another aim of this study is to determine whether the level of perceived smiliness can be controlled in synthetic speech. These issues are addressed with the objectives of adding to the understanding of smiling voice in the field of phonetics and exploring the potential of speech synthesis technology for producing expressive speech. A corpus of Finnish speech was used to conduct a preliminary listening experiment where participants compared neutral and positive utterances in a questionnaire and indicated whether the speaker was smiling in the latter. Utterances that were identified as smiley were analysed acoustically to detect prosodic differences between neutral and smiley speech. Based on the results, formant frequencies F2 and F3 and centre of gravity were selected as prosodic cues to control smiling in speech synthesis. The speech synthesiser was a Tacotron 2 system, including a reference encoder, which was already trained on the speech corpus used. Synthesis evaluation was conducted with a second questionnaire where participants listened to the synthesised utterances and indicated how strongly the speaker was smiling. The results of the first questionnaire showed that listeners were able to distinguish neutral and smiley speech, and subsequent acoustic analyses indicated significant effects of smiling on fundamental frequency, formant frequencies, and centre of gravity. Speech synthesis evaluation results further indicated that F2, F3, and centre of gravity can be used to control the level of perceived smiling at least to the extent of a binary distinction. However, the evaluation showed that more sophisticated control of the level of smiling voice was not achieved.
  • Aronen, Timo (2020)
    Microservice architecture style has become one of the most popular software development ar- chitectural styles in the recent years. Microservice architecure is not defining an entirely new independent software architecture, but it is a specific way to implement service oriented archi- tecture. Together with the automated software deployment processes it enables organisations to publish new features and fixes to their applications in a rapid and lean way. Microservice architecture style is usually seen as an alternative way to implement applications compared to the more traditional way where an application, often called a monolith, is a single executable piece of software. Monoliths are thought to be more difficult to develop and maintain, limited in scalability, causing more downtime in production and causing technology lock-ins. Although microservices can resolve some problems with monolithic application, microservices are introducing new different kinds of problems that must be addressed. For example, the amount of deployable components and the complexity of the whole system are increasing. Many organisations are planning to migrate their existing monolithic applications to a set of microservices. However, it is not clear when this kind of migration is cost-efficient. This thesis is a case study of an organisation which is trying to find alternative for their monolithical style and which has already migrated some applications to microservices. Using the organisation as a case study, we will reflect how some theories from some selected literature are working in practise.
  • Kalkku, Saramaria (2022)
    The thesis discusses recent instances of application of the principle of universal criminal jurisdiction in Finland, Germany, Argentina and in several nations to the situation in Ukraine. Despite the lacking international consensus at the United Nations and the prevailing academic dissonance, the quantity and frequency of national adjudication of international crimes have been multiplying. The increasing number of cases in new hotspots have shifted the traditional balance of where international crimes are being tried. The cases will be discussed in light of the present doctrine on universal jurisdiction. An overview will be provided to the doctrinal development and international lawmaking efforts as well as international practice. The national cases will be discussed alongside the relevant national legislation and practice. The cases will show numerous legal challenges such as unforeseeability in the reality of the practice. Some closely connected principles will be also discussed in light with the cases such as judex loci deprehensionis, aut dedere aut judicare and the legality principle. The doctrine and the national judicial practice on the principle of universal jurisdiction seem to be in separate realities. The amount of adjudication in national courts is increasing and many of the fundamental doctrinal questions of definition, scope and application criteria remain undecided. The cases with complex settings of international and non-international conflicts as well as differences in legal cultures create challenging settings for national first instance judiciaries to determine and serve justice.
  • Isoaho, Eemeli (2016)
    The 2015 World Summit Outcome Document underlined the fundamental role of sovereign states as protectors of their citizens from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing, but it further stressed that should a state fail to protect its citizens from such atrocities, the international community would have a responsibility to intervene. As the first UN document to explicitly declare that states would no longer be safe from foreign interference solely on the principle of sovereignty, the Outcome Document’s formulation of the emerging concept of 'responsibility to protect' was unprecedented. In seeking to study the implementation of the responsibility to protect principle in the context of the African Union, this study analyses how the Union has conceptualized sovereignty vis-à-vis humanitarian interventions. The theoretical framework of study is built on two opposing notions of sovereignty a pluralist, state-centered sovereignty akin to traditional Westphalian sovereignty, which considers all states equal in their protection from foreign intervention, and a solidarist notion of sovereignty that prioritizes the protection of civilians against mass atrocities over the protection of states against foreign interference. The discussion of the study’s main findings draws on theories of political realism. The research analyses 346 communiqués issued by the Peace and Security Council of the African Union between 2004 and 2014 to ascertain whether the Union maintains a pluralist or a solidarist understanding of sovereignty. The method of analysis builds on content analysis and combines both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The analysis suggests a twofold argument. On the one hand, the AU PSC maintains a state-centered, pluralist understanding of sovereignty. The Peace and Security council categorically links sovereignty to the territorial integrity of member states, thereby conceptualizing sovereignty in the context of bordered nation-states. It also strongly rejects foreign humanitarian interventions and issues sanctions to primarily to protect states, not civilians. On the other hand, the findings suggest that the African Union is slowly moving towards a more solidarist notion of sovereignty that prioritizes civilian protection. Although most calls for sanctions relate sanctions to the protection of the state, since 2012 the AU PSC has increasingly called for sanctions on humanitarian grounds. The Peace and Security Council has also opened up its traditionally closed deliberations for engagement with civil society actors in open sessions on themes closely related to the protection of civilians. An analysis of the findings suggests that the African Union suffers from severe lack of financial self-sufficiency, which undermines its neutrality but also its ability to react rapidly to emerging crises. Moreover, the notion of subsidiarity and seeking African solutions to African problems are prevalent in the Union’s policy discussions, which contribute to rendering it more likely to oppose non-African interventions in its member states. A theoretical discussion of these findings from the perspective of political realism further points to growing economic interdependence and transnationalization of African crises as factors that might explain the African Union’s shift towards solidarist sovereignty.
  • Ronkainen, Katariina (2014)
    The term 'Third World women' has its connotations back in the history reflecting both the juxtaposition of developed and developing world, and the dichotomy based on sex. It is still a widely used concept in current everyday life. The women of developing countries are portrayed under one category as Third World women in news, journalism and textbooks. As a term Third World women is understood in context of certain geographical locations and stagnant representations of people. In core are also their victim roles in relation for example to religion, culture or men. The aim of this master's thesis is to examine representations of the Third World women in Finnish development journal. Temporal changes in representations are discovered by observing the forty-year long publishing history of Kehitys -journal (former Kehitysyhteistyö). The main premise of this thesis is the idea of social constructionism. In social constructionism actions and thoughts are seen creating the social reality and language used both reflecting and creating it. The thesis questions media's representational power to name, illustrate and portray women in developing countries. This is done by utilizing theories of feminism, postcolonialism and development studies. Caroline Moser's and Janet Momsen's listings about the policy approaches on Third World women can be held as the frame work of this thesis. They have categorized global trends in development discourses relating to women. By comparing these approaches, trends in feminist and development theories, with the Finnish development journals, linkages between context and place specific representations of the Third World were found. Even though Finnish trends in Third World women's representations were less varying, still universal relations were able to be discovered. By conducting critical discourse analysis and content analysis of the women related articles in Kehitysyhteistyö and Kehitys -journals during the publications period from 1969 to 2009, it was possible to find five different kinds of discourses: women in development discourse, welfare discourse, efficiency discourse, misery discourse and life story discourse. Within these discourses main changes were in the ways to write and position women. Changes occurred for example in the themes relating to women and in their subjective narration. During forty years, the representations of the Third World women have changed back and forth, but it seems that the current trend in development journalism in Finland is highlighting the subjectivity and expertise of women. Women's own interests and thoughts are getting more exposure and the representational top-down dictation is decreasing while giving the floor to personal depictions.
  • Sunnarborg, Logan (2024)
    When multilateral development banks (MDBs) finance projects that result in significant harm to individuals, there are limited avenues to seek recourse. With the ability to rely on national juridical systems restricted due to international organization immunity, individuals may seek recourse by lodging their complaints with the Accountability Mechanisms (AMs) of banks. The proliferation of accountability mechanisms and environmental and social safeguard policies across MDBs denotes a shift in approach compared to early development finance institutions. By reviewing policies and procedures of the New Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the Islamic Development Bank, this thesis illustrates how accountability manifests within these institutions. In the absence of an international legal framework, this thesis traces the internal and external influences that contour accountability, highlighting how AMs and protection policies are developed within a community of practice. This thesis also considers the implications of the widespread practice of AMs on international law. Some arguments suggest that IOs should recognize customary obligations to provide a right to remedy, and thereby allowing these actors to contribute to customary international law. While this could enhance the ability of individuals to seek recourse against IOs, this thesis asserts that linking these practices to customary international law is premature. As this thesis observes, accountability does not materialize uniformly within the MDB community of practice. Accountability has developed parallel to any international legal developments regarding individual recourse, and banks have varied motivations for institutionalizing accountability. While international law may offer a solution for providing individuals with a right to remedy, its efficacy remains uncertain. In the meantime, developing effective AMs is the viable alternative.
  • Huotari, Miina (2020)
    This study investigates the relationship between policy and practice of access to education within the architectures of humanitarian action. The importance of education as a human right has been internationally widely acknowledged, and more recently it has gained more foothold in discussions about humanitarian action practices. The thesis deploys a research approach that is based on discourse analysis. To analyse policy, internationally and universally recognized and applicable key documents dealing with access to education have been selected for further inspection. Practice is approached through semi-structured interviews with practitioners in the field of humanitarian action and education, and through a case study of Za’atari refugee camp in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Theoretically this thesis is inspired by poststructuralist development theory (PSDT) and its hyponym discursive institutionalism (DI). Based on these influences, I treat education as an institution that is subject to interventions by different actors and phenomena. The findings of this thesis demonstrate, on one hand, that education has become a more central aspect of policy regarding humanitarian action. On the other hand, the results sheer light on various challenges that actors on the practical side face while intending to implement and follow through on policies and principles of the before mentioned documents in the field. Actors that operate in the field are especially facing challenges with unstable financial resources and shortcomings in bringing policy closer to the needs of the field. The findings of this study also suggest that the importance of education as a central element of humanitarian action in crisis and conflict situations need to be realized further. This applies to both policy and practice, for education is now realized as a mean of protection rather than additional good or service.
  • Niedermeier, Marcel (2021)
    Matrix product states provide an efficient parametrisation of low-entanglement many-body quantum states. In this thesis, the underlying theory is developed from scratch, requiring only basic notions of quantum mechanics and quantum information theory. A full introduction to matrix product state algebra and matrix product operators is given, culminating in the derivation of the density matrix renormalisation group algorithm. The latter provides a simple variational scheme to determine the ground state of arbitrary one-dimensional many-body quantum systems with supreme precision. As an application of matrix-product state technology, the kernel polynomial method is introduced in detail as a state-of-the art numerical tool to find the spectral function or the dynamical correlator of a given quantum system. This in turn gives access to the elementary excitations of the system, such that the locations of the low-energy eigenstates can be studied directly in real space. To illustrate those theoretical tools concretely, the ground state energy, the entanglement entropy and the elementary excitations of a simple interface model of a Heisenberg ferromagnet and a Heisenberg antiferromagnet are studied. By changing the location of the model in parameter space, the dependence of the above-mentioned quantities on the transverse field and the coupling strength is investigated. Most notably, we find that the entanglement entropy characteristic to the antiferromagnetic ground state stretches across the interface into the ferromagnetic half-chain. The dependence of the physics on the value of the coupling strength is, overall, small, with exception of the appearance of a boundary mode whose eigenenergy grows with the coupling. A comparison with a localised edge field shows however that the boundary mode is a true interaction effect of the two half-chains. Various algorithmic and physics extensions of the present project are discussed, such that the code written as part of this thesis could be turned into a state-of-the-art MPS library with managable effort. In particular, an application of the kernel polynomial method to calculate finite-temperature correlators is derived in detail.
  • Ilmonen, Saara (2020)
    Tutkielma keskittyy analysoimaan kapinallisryhmien muodonmuutosta poliittisiksi puolueiksi sisällissodan jälkeen ja siihen, kuinka kapinallistausta näkyy poliittisen puolueen toiminnassa. Aiempi tutkimus kapinallisryhmien muodonmuutoksesta poliittisiksi puolueiksi on kehittynyt pääosin viimeisten kahden vuosikymmenen aikana. Kylmän sodan päättyminen, lisääntyneet sisällissodat ja demokratisaation kolmas aalto ovat kaikki osaltaan vaikuttaneet siihen, että yhä useamman konfliktin jälkeen sen osallisina olleista entisistä kapinallisryhmistä kehittyy poliittisia puolueita. Työn tavoitteena on aiempaa tutkimuskirjallisuutta hyödyksi käyttäen ja kahta maatapausta vertaillen tuottaa analyysia kapinallisryhmistä poliittisiksi puolueiksi ryhtyneiden poliittisten toimijoiden vaikutuksesta maan demokratiakehitykseen pidemmällä aikavälillä. Lisäksi työ osaltaan kontribuoi sekä konfliktinjälkeistä demokratisaatiota analysoivaan tutkimuskirjallisuuteen sekä Burundia ja Ruandia analysoivan kirjallisuuteen. Tutkimuskysymyksiä etsitän vastauksia aikaisempaa tutkimusta analysoivan vertailevan tutkimuksen avulla, missä käytetään lisäksi kahta esimerkkitapausta. Vertailevaan tutkimukseen on valikoitunut kaksi samankaltaista Keski-Afrikan valtiota, Burundi ja Ruanda. Maiden jaettu historia, yhtenevä etninen rakenne ja samankaltainen kehityskulku siirtomaavallan jälkeen tekevät niistä ideaaliset vertailukohteet, sillä muuttujien määrä pysyy minimissään ja vertailussa voidaan keskittyä analysoimaan kapinallistaustan vaikutusta valtapuolueiden toimintaan. Työn materiaalina käytetään aiempaa akateemista tutkimusta, maakohtaisia raportteja sekä muuta olennaista kirjallisuutta. Konfliktinjälkeinen demokratiakehitys sekä Burundissa että Ruandassa on ollut negatiivista. Kummassakin maassa poliittiset vapaudet ovat erittäin rajalliset ja valta on keskittynyt valtapuolueiden ja niiden sidosryhmien käsiin. Viimeisten kahdenkymmenen vuoden aikana maista on tullut autoritaarisia yksipuoluevaltioita, jossa poliittiset päätökset tekee valtapuolueen sisällä oleva pienempi ryhmä. Poliittinen oppositio on olematon ja säännöllisiä vaaleja järjestään näön lähinnä vuoksi.
  • Thure, Aino Salla Katariina (2017)
    The Finnish TV-series Downshiftaajat is a story of couple whose company goes bankrupt and they need to start a new life. The couple moves to a suburb and tries to hide their money troubles by telling everyone that they are downshifting. The story then follows the couple’s balancing act in between their old and new lives: keeping up appearances and while working to find new work. In this thesis, I examine class constructs in Downshiftaajat. Social hierarchies and classes are not always very visible in societies. According to contemporary class research, class is made up of multiple elements, such as job, taste, wages, and hobbies. Skeggs writes of how when certain symbols are inscribed onto different groups of things, characters or physical object, these symbols then became markers of the group to which that object belongs. Bourdieu and Wright gives additional insights into classes, first from the perspective of style and the latter from a more economical way. Alain De Botton explains how and why humans behave in groups. This research was conducted using thematic analysis as a method. Thematic analysis is a method for finding repetitive patterns in data and then organising these patterns in hierarchical order. After watching the series closely, I made memos about the events and dialogue in the show. These memos I then turned into more detailed sections I call descriptions. These descriptions I organised under five main headings: infrastructure, morality, money, style, and behaviour. The results of the analysis showed that Downshiftaajat constructs class by representing things in the suburb, such as buildings, trains, and neighbours as distant form the main characters. Class also informs the morals of characters: the morality of the main characters are usually depicted as having higher standards than other characters’ morality. Money contributes to the construction of class in the dialogues between the main characters concerning the lack of it. Style is also used to construct class by giving examples of brands that the main characters prefer over other brands. Class is also depicted by means of behaviour: people from different classes behave differently and have different eating habits. The series does not explicitly criticise how Finnish society treats its unemployed. It does, however, reflect contemporary Finnish unemployment policies, where the sole responsibility for finding work and managing one’s life is placed on individuals.
  • Ylppö, Myrsky (2016)
    This thesis explores how the Finnish media’s representations of homosexual men and women changed between 1990 and 2010, from negative public portrayals towards more positive ones. The thesis also examines if these changes reflect attitudes and opinions of the Finnish society and population overall during this time period. The primary sources consist of newspaper articles from the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, along with material from other newspapers, tabloids, and supporting research material. The chosen theoretical approach for this thesis is qualitative research, and Queer theory is also employed to a certain extent. A larger focus for my study is Helsinki Pride, which has an important role in the Finnish LGBTQ community and gay culture. The festival is a grassroots movement and a political product of Seta, the main LGBTQ rights organisation in Finland. Helsinki Pride has played a role of utmost importance in consolidating and renewing the public images and representations of Finnish sexual minorities. This has mainly transpired through asserting the visual and spatial expressions and demands of the festival upon the public space of the city, usually reserved for the heterosexual mainstream. Due to the diversity and division existing within the Finnish LGTBQ community, this public image has not, however, been completely accurate or unproblematic. This has further complicated the construction of a unified public image, and has lead to the emergence of notions of homonormativity and other established forms of discrimination within the LGBTQ community. Visibility, which plays another important role in this study, has the effect of legitimising existence in society. Until the 1990s, the public images and representations of sexual minorities had been firmly maintained and controlled by the Finnish media, with members of the local LGBTQ community unable to partake in the construction of these definitions. The AIDS crisis with its aftermath in the 1990s had drawn homosexuals out of the shadows of anonymity and into the public space for scrutiny. For the first time homosexuals were presented with the opportunity of more extensively representing themselves publicly in the Finnish media, on their own terms. The 2000s marked the transition from the 1990s, with homosexuality as a human rights topic and political element, to one of representations of a minority group struggling to shake off stereotypes, homophobia, and false public conceptions. The abolition of many discriminatory legislations against homosexuals in the late 1990s and early 2000s also allowed for further expansion of the homosexuals’ visibility and influence in the Finnish media and society. The results of my work confirmed that the Finnish media’s representations of homosexuals changed notably during the period of 1990-2010. Much of the visibility and positive depictions in the media of the 2000s have been garnered through the Finnish LGBTQ community’s own activities, e.g. the Pride festivals, but also through the media’s growing interest for trendy and commercial gay portrayals. Thus the representations and public images of homosexuals in the Finnish media changed from those in the 1990s of ridiculed deviants towards those of more normal, Finnish citizens by the 2010s.
  • Lyu, Bingying (2014)
    Modern China has entered an era of risk society. The emerging public crises are challenging the government's reactions including the openness and speed of information, the reconstruction of credibility and reputation. On the other hand, the media environment has changed enormously. Despite the tight censorship of China's traditional media, social media provide both opportunities and challenges for government crisis communication in terms of its fast speed of transmitting and instantaneous sharing of information, reliance on user-generated content, and openness of public opinions and easiness to access. Since social media are empowered to reshape the public opinion field, media manipulation from the government changes accordingly. Therefore, this study focuses on the way social media was used actively in the crisis communication in the 2013 Ya'an earthquake by the Chinese government and respond from the public. Mixed research methods are used in the study, including content analysis as quantitative method, and frame analysis as qualitative method. This research first identifies how did the state-owned media presented the crisis. Subsequently, it explores what crisis communication strategies the state-owned media applies on social media during the earthquake, and how effective those strategies are based on attitudes of the public. As an authoritarian country, the Chinese government used to cover crisis and suppress discussions to maintain stability of the society, which caused distrust among the public. However, different from the stereotype, the Chinese government tends to guide public opinion to the positive direction rather than hiding the truth nowadays. Based on the analysis, the conclusion can be drawn clearly how the Chinese government managed and responded to the crisis through the state-owned media.
  • Higuera Ornelas, Adriana (2022)
    AI-driven innovation offers numerous possibilities for the public sector. The potential of digital advancements is already palpable within the tax administrations. Automation is efficiently used for tax assessments, to perform compliance management, to enhance revenue collection and to provide services to taxpayers. A digital transformation encompassing Big Data, advanced analytics and ADM systems promises significant benefits and efficiencies for the tax administrations. It is essential that public organizations meet the necessary legal framework and safeguards to expand the use of these automated systems since its sources of information, technical capacity, and extent of application have evolved. Using Finland as a case study, this research assesses the use of automated decision-making systems within the public sector. Constitutional and administrative legal principles serve as guidelines and constraints for the administrative activity and decision-making. This study examines the lawfulness of the deployment of ADM systems in the field of taxation by looking its compatibility with long-standing legal principles. Focus if given to the principles of the rule of law, due process, good administration, access to information, official accountability, confidentiality, and privacy. Numerous public concerns have been raised regarding the use of ADM systems in the public sector. Scholars, academics and journalists have justifiably pointed out the risks and limitations of ADM systems. Despite the legal challenges posed by automation, this research suggests that ADM systems used to pursue administrative objectives can fit with long-standing legal principles with appropriate regulation, design and human capacity.
  • Li, Xianyun (2016)
    China has captured global attention due to its rapid development of Internet infrastructure owing to the introduction of economic reform and marketization over the recent decades. The Internet regulation in China also has its Chinese characteristics. China has long been an authoritarian country whose censorship tradition is deep seated in its historical background and political entity. It has spawned a prosperous Internet culture to ironize the censorship action itself, netizens willingly use “to harmonize” as a synonym of “to censor”. My thesis aims to investigate the complex view of China’s Internet regulation and its Chinese characteristics, and how the censorship is practiced to secure the harmonious socialist society, from both existing research and news media. By investigating existing literature, I unfold the governmental development of the massive cyberspace surveillance and the ways in which the censorship works. On the basis of the theoretical understanding of China’s Internet regulation, my research continues to explore the specific cases of censorship programmes happened in the 2010s represented by news reporting, i.e. anniversaries of the Tiananmen Protest, Occupy the Central, the 50 Cents Army and the banned Internet spoofs, in order to see how China’s Internet censorship was portrayed in the real cases. The research primarily adopts case study and content analysis methodology, carefully identifies novel censorship phenomena appeared during the recent decade to embody the harmonization censorship processes. This paper serves to encapsulate the intricate Chinese Internet regulation system for both Chinese and western scholars, and most significantly, for the young generation of Chinese Internet consumers, to gain an improved understanding of the status quo of China’s cyberspace landscape.
  • He, Xucheng (2017)
    Halogenated species have a significant impact on atmospheric composition, including catalytic ozone destruction and influence on HOx and NOx cycles. Halogens are also involved in marine and coastal new particle formation, a process that can ultimately affect Earth's radiation balance. However, the exact processes governing halogen chemistry and halogen new particle formation have been puzzling the community for years. One of the major difficulties in understanding these processes has been the lack of techniques able to measure inorganic halogenated radicals and stable species simultaneously both in laboratory studies and in ambient conditions. This is because previous spectroscopic and mass spectrometric methods utilized could only measure one, or a few halogenated species at once, while most of the halogenated species existing in the atmosphere were likely un-measurable. Here we present new chemical ionization (CI) mass spectrometric methods to measure over 20 halogenated species simultaneously at ambient pressure. These species include halogen oxides, halogen acids, nitrogen containing halogen species, halogen radicals and molecular halogens, covering the major categories present in the ambient atmosphere. The methods will further be deployed into field measurements in various locations around the world to better understand the impact of halogenated species to the atmosphere. A recent study revealed homogeneous nucleation processes by (HIO3) (brackets here indicate all the isomers). However, the exact formation mechanism of (HIO3) has not been investigated in laboratory experiments. We deployed the above mentioned new measurements methods to study the formation mechanism of (HIO3) in dedicated flow tube experiments. The results show that OIO and OH radical could form (HIO3) as indicated by previous quantum mechanism calculations. In addition, two novel (HIO3) formation pathways from photo-oxidation of CH2I2 and molecular iodine were suggested. One pathway shows that the homogeneous bimolecular reaction of CH2IOO could form (HIO3), while the other suggests either iodine radical or iodine monoxide could react with ozone and water vapor to form (HIO3). These findings could potentially explain the large amount of (HIO3) observed. Beside from coastal areas, the first ambient data showing the existence of (HIO3) in various locations in the world, including a boreal forest site, a wet land site, Greenland and Antarctica are also presented here. These findings indicate that the (HIO3) might be involved in nucleation processes in locations other than coastal areas. More than (HIO3), sulfuric acid is known for its active role in atmospheric nucleation over different environments. However, the knowledge of its gas phase oxidation processes is not complete. Our laboratory results imply that iodinated species might be able to oxidize SO2 to sulfuric acid through some yet unknown mechanisms. Further studies are needed to understand the exact mechanisms in the oxidation processes and how important this mechanism could be in the ambient atmosphere.
  • Tuulensuu, Tiina (2021)
    This thesis examines the Europeanisation of public spheres. According to the deliberative democratic theory, political decisions need to be based on public consideration. Similarly to the decision-making processes in the nation states, in order for democracy to function also in the European Union, there is a need for a joint European public sphere where the peoples of Europe can discuss common issues of relevance and thereby contribute to the EU decision-making. Research conducted on the gradual Europeanisation of public spheres examines how politicisation of EU issues on the national levels contributes to cross-border communication, creation of joint communities of communication and a strengthening of collective European identity. Drawing on previous research in this field, this study highlights communication flows and discursive frames in the selected national media outlets and examines to what extent these discussions point to the emergence of a collective European identity strong enough to sustain mutualisation of debt and fiscal transfers, justifying ”solidarity among strangers” within the community. Through analysis of media coverage on the EU Recovery Fund – the political and politicised face of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic response on the EU level – this thesis examines to what extent the public spheres in Germany, France and Finland are Europeanised in these debates and whether it is possible to identify a joint community of communication pointing to a collective European identity. The theoretical framework of this study draws largely on Jürgen Habermas’s public sphere theory and its later developments (and criticisms) as well as on the growing body of literature on the gradual Europeanisation of national public spheres in the EU Member States. Contrary to the early studies on the European public sphere, later research points towards increasing politicisation of EU affairs in the national public spheres and the related strengthening of Europeanisation. No consensus, however, exists yet among researchers on whether these developments will lead to enhanced European identity and further integration or renationalisation and further rise of Euroscepticism. This thesis contributes to that discussion through a case study on the Europeanisation of national public spheres in relation to the discussion on the EU Recovery Fund in 2020.
  • Pekander, Carla (2019)
    Tarkastelen tutkielmassani Li Yun kuuden eri elokuvan naishahmoja psykoanalyysin ja diskurssianalyysin avulla. Li Yu on kiinalainen naisohjaaja, joka on aloittanut dokumenttielokuvien parissa 1990-luvulla. 2000-luvun alusta lähtien häneltä on valmistunut kuusi fiktioelokuvaa Fish & Elephant (2001), Dam Street (2005), Lost in Beijing (2007), Buddha Mountain (2010), Double Xposure (2012) ja Ever Since We Love (2015). Viimeisimmät kaksi ovat kaupallisia elokuvia, aiemmat olivat itsenäisiä tuotantoja. Yhteistä näille elokuville on traaginen naiskohtalo. Samalla elokuvat jatkumona kuvaavat kiinalaisen yhteiskunnan nopeaa kehitystä. Tutkimuksessa käytetty metodi on kolmiosainen: 1) alustava analyysi, 2) elokuvien yksittäisten ottojen luokittelu kategorioittain, 3) perusteellinen analyysi käyttäen psykoanalyysia, tele-elokuvallista diskurssianalyysia (telecinematic discourse analysis) ja ns. mindstyle menetelmää, jossa otetaan huomioon kuvaus, puhe ja eleet. Yksittäisten ottojen laskeminen paljasti, että hypoteesin mukaisesti miesten osuus elokuvissa nousee kohti valtavirtaa siirryttäessä. Yllättävää oli, että myös naisten osuus kasvoi aina viidenteen elokuvaan asti, minkä jälkeen naisten osuus vasta laski huomattavasti. Kuudennen elokuvan päähenkilö on miespuolinen, mikä osaltaan selittää naisten osuuden laskua. Li Yun naishahmot ovat itsenäisiä ja melkeinpä jääräpäisiä. Heillä on vaikea äitisuhde ja huono isäsuhde – isä on usein poissa tai väkivaltainen. Li Yun naishahmot elävät usein yhteiskunnan marginaalissa ja kamppailevat olemassa olostaan kiinalaisessa yhteiskunnassa. Elokuvissa on havaittavissa muitakin muutoksia siirryttäessä kohti valtavirtaa ja kiinalaisen yhteiskunnan vaurastuessa. Elokuvat saavat enemmän rahoitusta ja siitä seuraa se, että elokuvien hahmot ja tapahtumapaikat keskiluokkaistuvat ja standardikiina (putonghua) tulee paikallisten murteiden tilalle.
  • Pöysälä, Tuomas (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to create a comprehensive picture of exorcisms performed on the British Isles between 1550 – 1700. By reading all of the pamphlets from England, Scotland and Ireland that include exorcism narratives, a much more varied picture is formed when compared to older studies. The end of the 16th century saw a growing conflict between the Calvin-leaning Church of England, Luther-leaning Puritans and the Roman Catholics regarding the performance of exorcisms. The Church of England saw exorcisms as an example of 'popish' superstition and denied the possibility of successful exorcisms. The dissenting sect of Puritans wanted to modernize the rite from superstitious influences and the Catholics saw the performance of exorcisms as a way to convert the laity back to the Catholic faith. The pamphlets published during the late 16th century are mostly polemic and contain extensive prefaces detailing the author's stance regarding exorcism. The Church of England was able to solidify its power and effectively disallow the clergy from performing exorcisms and drive out the Catholics at the start of the 17th century and effectively stopped the publication of both witchcraft and exorcism pamphlets as a result. However, the creation of a Protestant unity had not been succesful. The Catholic connections of King Charles I, the following civil war and interregnum around the middle point of the 17th century caused a fragmentation of religious unity and made witchcraft fears increase once again. Witchcraft pamphlet publishing saw a revival first, followed a decade later by new exorcism pamphlets. As the clerical exorcisms were still seen as 'popish' superstition, the exorcists of these new pamphlets came from the laity and medical professions. Superstitious 'white magic' cures performed by the laity, cunning-folk as they were known, made up a large portion of healing during the early modern era, so they also had to deal with demonic possession and witchcraft quite often. The witchcraft trials of England and Scotland were secular affairs due to legislation, and usually involved medical professionals in order to distinguish between natural and supernatural symptoms. Thus medical professionals had a working understanding of possession and made up the majority of the late 17th century exorcists. The fragmentation of the authority on exorcism methods in England, as opposed to the Catholic continent, meant that both the performers and the methodology became mixed; elements of old conjuration magic, superstitious spells and medicine were used side by side. The later pamphlets either told of miraculous events and cures or advertised the accomplishments of various physicians. The very end of the 17th century saw the release of heavily sceptical pamphlets, as the scepticism towards the supernatural in English society was at its highest. The most revealing were the mentions of unsuccessful exorcism attempts that usually preceded the main exorcist’s successful attempt. The pamphlets, whether they told of actual events or were works of fiction, were merely the tip of the iceberg, many attempted exorcisms were either unsuccessful or didn't even end up on print. By going beyond the previous focus on the exorcism controversy of the end of the 16th century, a very different view of the scope and depth of the beliefs in possession and exorcism and how strong they were well into the 17th century is gained.
  • Lee, Arim (2020)
    In 2017, the trend of declining birth rates arose as a problem in Finland in comparison to the 1868 Great Famine, as the recent number of live births was decreasing closer to that of the Famine. To correspond to that, family policy was paid attention to as a solution in the Finnish Parliament. The term, child-friendliness, was prevalently used to describe the goal of the family policy reform, which implies that the focus of justification for family policy would move from women-friendliness. It was an intriguing phenomenon to observe given the historical reputation of the Finnish family policy as a women-friendly policy. Motivated by the social phenomenon and following discussions on it, the thesis aims to study different discourses on birth rate and family policy in the Finnish Parliament in 2017 and 2018. The second objective of the thesis is to interpret explicit or implicit gendered implication of the discourses used to problematize birth rates and politicize family policy. To build a contextual foundation, the thesis explores the history of development of the Finnish family policy since the 1970s with reference to the concept of defamilization and refamilization. Also, it elaborates theories and concepts regarding family and family policy and familism in relation to gender. This thesis utilizes feminist critical discourse analysis with the three-dimensional framework of Norman Fairclough on data collected from the database of the Parliament. The data set includes 20 columns from 19 parliamentary minutes recorded in a form of text. The three-dimensional framework enables to examine discourses as text, discursive practice and social practice. The feminist critical discourse analysis helps to discover how gender relations are (re)produced, resisted and transformed in discourses from an overtly gender-sensitive perspective. Based on findings of the thesis, it appears that the justification of gender equality has not been replaced yet by the frame of child-friendliness. Nonetheless, the frame entails normative power to blind the women’s issues related to family policy. With the development of gender sensitivity, the gender issue has become more inclusive, but it is still limited to the hegemonic norms of heterosexuality. Also, the political goal of gender-equal parenthood confronts a threat of backlash that maintains the traditional gender norms in caring and resists gendering the issue of family policy.
  • Pircklen, Joel (2018)
    Sosiolingvistinen pro gradu-tutkielmani käsittelee englanninkielisen terminologian integraatiota suomalaiseen lumilautasanastoon. Tavoitteena on perehtyä tasoihin, joilla suomalaisessa lumilautasanastossa käytettävä englannista peräisin oleva sanasto on sulautunut osaksi suomalaisten lumilauta-lajisanastoa. Tutkielman teoriatausta perustuu kielensekoittamiseen ja anglismeihin, englannin asemaan Suomessa ja käytäntöyhteisöihin. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelulla, johon osallistui kaksi suomalaista lumilautayhteisön aktiivista ja pitkäaikaista jäsentä. Haastateltavat katsoivat lumilauta-aiheista videota ja keskustelivat vapaasti niin videon sisällöstä kuin lumilautailusta yleisemmällä tasolla. Haastattelun nauhoite oli noin tunnin mittainen ja siitä litteroimani kirjallinen versio koostui 6128 sanasta. Analysoin tätä keräämääni aineistoa kvalitatiivisin keinoin. Haastateltavieni käyttämän lumilautasanaston integraatio voidaan jaotella neljään eri tasoon: (1) Muuttumattomana englanninkielisenä säilyneeseen; (2) englanninkieliseen jota on muutettu hieman ääntämisen helpottamiseksi, (3) englanninkieliseen jota on muutettu hieman suomenkieliopin mukaan taipuvaksi sekä (4) englanninkielisiin muokattuihin, joiden englanninkielistä alkuperää saattaa olla jopa vaikea hahmottaa tuntematta sanan etymologiaa. Näillä eri tasoilla suomen kieleen integroituneilla englanninkielisillä sanoilla kuvataan muun muassa temppujen nimiä, pyörimissuuntia ja joitakin esteitä. Lisäksi pieni osa lumilautajargonia on täysin suomenkielistä. Tällaisia tapauksia ovat yleisimmin varusteita koskeva sanasto ja ilmassa pyörimisen määrää ilmaisevat asteluvut. Englanninkielinen lumilautasanasto on lumilautailijoiden käytäntöyhteisön ulkopuolisille suomalaisille usein täysin mahdotonta ymmärtää ja voidaankin ajatella, että heidän kohdallaan tässä ilmiössä on kyse koodinvaihdosta. Lumilautayhteisön jäsenille tilanne on kuitenkin toinen. Heille sama sanasto on arkipäiväinen, täysin ymmärrettävä osa lumilauta-aiheista keskustelua. Voidaankin ajatella, että heille ne ovat anglismeja, englantilaisia lainasanoja jotka ovat integroituneet osaksi kohdekieltä, tässä tapauksessa suomea