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Browsing by Author "Ikonen, Jaakko"

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  • Ikonen, Jaakko (2016)
    The long-lasting and persistent issues of high unemployment levels and increases in long-term unemployment have presented a difficult challenge to welfare states. The political focus in addressing unemployment has slowly shifted from large supply-side solutions towards activation, which aims to guide the unemployed into employment as swiftly as possible by increasing the responsibilities of welfare recipients and reforming the terms of social aid and the service system in order to promote a more active and self-reliant approach among citizens. This paper aims to add to the understanding of activation policies by studying views that the long-term unemployed hold on the concept of activation and their participation in activation measures. The research question is 1) How do respondents view activation and particularly work-based activation measures, with a strong focus on examining whether they consider activation meaningful or beneficial in their situation and 2) How do the unemployed view the legitimacy and justification of activation policies? The perspective of the unemployed in this study is provided through eleven in-depth research interviews conducted with long-term unemployed participants from the city of Rauma, the forerunner of current Finnish activation policies. The 18 190 word final transcription of the interviews is analysed through qualitative content analysis, which is used to produce a condensed description of the researched phenomenon. The inductive approach of the study manifests as a reliance on the experiences of the interview subjects in creating an understanding on activation, rather than approaching their reality through a predetermined theory or presupposed notions. The respondents consider their participation in activation to serve one of the following purposes: 1) inclusion in society or 2) a bureaucratical means of categorizing and controlling them during their unemployment. As lack of employment and the associated inactivity are difficult issues for the respondents, their mostly positive reaction to work-based activation measures is natural. Respondents appreciate the activities provided to them and give intrinsic value to the provision of these activities, somewhat regardless of their actual contents. As the respondents generally have very low hopes of finding work, participation in activation measures satisfies many needs which are typically fulfilled through work, including those related to status, recognition, social interaction and meaningful activities. Reactions towards compulsory participation in activation measures can be categorized as either positive, negative or conflicted. As can be expected, these views reflect broader social discourses on unemployment and activation. The most alarming finding of this study is that while many participants are satisfied with taking part in activation measures, this activation does not help them towards their objective of finding employment. The respondents share a desire to find paid work but don't see how participating in active labour market policies will benefit them in this field. While the respondents identify many important aspects of life where they directly benefit from participation in activation measures, it is problematic that a large part of participants have almost completely given up on their goal of finding work.
  • Ikonen, Jaakko (2017)
    The political focus in addressing unemployment has slowly shifted from large supply-side solutions towards activation, which aims to guide the unemployed into employment as swiftly as possible by increasing the responsibilities of welfare recipients and reforming the terms of social aid and the service system in order to promote a more active and self-reliant approach among citizens. Reforms concerning unemployment policies and welfare are controversial, as proven by political debates, various movements visible especially on social media and academic works looking at the paradoxes of activation. This study produces an account on the ways in which the subjects of activation policies and practices, i.e. the long-term unemployed, approach the policies by answering the following research questions: 1.) What meaning do activation policies and particularly work-based activation measures have in the lives of the long-term unemployed? 2.) Do the long-term unemployed generally consider work-based activation measures beneficial and legitimate in their situation? The aim is to find out how activation policies are positioned in regards to the subjects' views on their own unemployment and place in society. Answering the second research question will show the perceived utility the long-term unemployed hold for these policies, which have stated aims such as increasing labour-market integration and combating marginalisation, and present prevailing attitudes towards the obligatory nature of activation and conditionality of welfare The perspective of the unemployed in this study is provided through eleven in-depth research interviews conducted with long-term unemployed participants from the city of Rauma, the frontrunner of current Finnish activation policies. Transcribed interviews were analysed through qualitative content analysis, which is used to produce a condensed description of the researched phenomenon. The theory of social marginalisation is central to this study and the accounts of the long-term unemployed are analysed against this context. Most of the respondents approach activation measures through the content and structure they produce. Activation provides a platform for social interaction and acts as a replacement source for the social aspects associated with paid employment. A majority consider activation measures to serve the general purpose of promoting inclusion in society. Most of the respondents oppose forced participation in activation measures and the conditionality of unemployment benefits. This study contributes insights into the role social marginalisation has in determining an individual's approach to activation measures. Those respondents who could be considered to be marginalised, especially in terms of reduced social participation, hold activation measures in high regard and consider them to be more beneficial than those respondents who are content with their level of social participation and generally cope quite well with prolonged unemployment. In other words, activation measures seem more attractive to those closer to social marginalisation. An alarming finding of this study is that while many participants are satisfied with taking part in activation measures, this activation does not help them towards their objective of finding employment. The respondents share a desire to find paid work but don't see how participating in active labour market policies will benefit them in this field.
  • Ikonen, Jaakko (2017)
    Poronhoito on perinteinen suomalainen elinkeinonmuoto, jota harjoitetaan Pohjois-Suomessa. Poronhoitoa saa harjoittaa elinkei-nona maantieteellisesti määritetyllä poronhoitoalueella. Poronhoitoalue käsittää 36 % Suomen pinta-alasta. Poronhoito tähtää elinkeinona ennen kaikkea poronlihan tuotantoon ja myyntiin. Poronlihaa tuotetaan vuosittain noin 2 milj. kg ja kokonaislihan-kulutuksesta Suomessa poronlihan osuus on noin 0,7 % per vuosi. Poronlihan tuotannossa erityispiirteenä on sesonkiluonteisuus. Porotaloudessa teurastusaika ajoittuu loppusyksyyn, jolloin valtaosa vuotuisesta lihantuotannosta virtaa markkinoille. Poronhoi-toon elinkeinona kuuluu olennaisena osana myöskin paliskuntajärjestelmä. Poronhoitoalue on jaettu 54 paliskuntaan ja jokainen poromies on oman paliskuntansa osakas. Poronhoitoa harjoitetaan kollektiivisesti osana paliskuntaa. Paliskunta on verotukselli-sesti sekä hallinnollisesti yhtenäinen yksikkö, jota edustaa paliskunnan nimeämä poroisäntä. Tämän tutkielman aiheena on poronlihan tuotantoketju vertikaalisen koordinaation näkökulmasta. Varsinaiset tutkimuskysymyk-set ovat seuraavat: 1. Miten poronlihan tuotantoketju toimii tällä hetkellä? 2. Minkälaisia suhteita poronlihan tuotantoketjun eri toimijoilla on keskenään? Lähestyn tutkimuskysymyksiä tässä tutkielmassa ennen kaikkea vertikaalisen koordinaation sekä SCP-paradigman näkökulmasta. Nämä käsitteet toimivat tutkielmani teoreettisena viitekehyksenä. SCP-paradigmalla voidaan tutkia ja analysoida esimerkiksi toimialan markkinarakennetta. Vertikaalisen koordinaation avulla voidaan tarkastella tuotantoketjun eri tasojen ja toimijoiden välisiä yhteistyösuhteita. Tämä tutkielma on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus. Tapaustutkimus tarkoittaa tutkimusmenetelmää, jossa tutkimus-kohdetta tarkastellaan tarkoin valitun haastattelujoukon avulla. Tässä tutkielmassa haastateltavien henkilöiden joukko käsittää 15 porotalouden asiantuntijaa poronlihan tuotantoketjun eri tasoilta. Haastattelut on toteutettu puolistrukturoitua mallia hyödyntä-mällä. Haastateltavien henkilöiden joukko on pyritty rakentamaan siten, että henkilöt edustavat tasapuolisesti eri osapuolia poro-taloudesta. Poronlihan tuotantoketju vaikuttaa aineiston perusteella toimivan tällä hetkellä melko hyvin poromiesten näkökulmasta katsot-tuna. Poronlihan kysyntä on varsin hyvää ja tuottajahinta on korkea. Porolihan suoramyynti on myöskin myyntikanavana tällä hetkellä varsin merkittävä. Jalostajien näkökulmasta katsottuna poronlihan niukkuus sekä pitkäaikaisten tuotantosopimusten puute ovat tuotantoketjun nykytoiminnassa haasteena. Poronlihan tuotantomääriä vähentää ennen kaikkea petohävikki sekä luon-nonolosuhteet. Julkinen valta voi esimerkiksi eloporokiintiön sekä suurpetojen kaatolupien avulla vaikuttaa poronlihan tuotanto-määriin. Poronlihan tuotantoketjussa vertikaalinen yhteistyö on merkittävää. Toisaalta poronlihan tuotantoketjut ovat pituudeltaan vaihte-levia ja toimialan kokoon nähden toimijoita tuotantoketjun kaikilla tasoilla on varsin paljon. Horisontaalista yhteistyötä tuotan-toketjun saman tason toimijoiden kesken on varsin vähän. Yhteistyön tiivistäminen ja kehittäminen olisi varsinkin pienten toimi-joiden etu tulevaisuudessa. Porotaloudessa alkutuotanto on säilyttänyt itsenäisyytensä melko hyvin. Vertikaalista integraatiota ei ole aineiston perusteella havaittavissa.