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  • Markkanen, Marianna (2024)
    Ikääntymiseen liittyvä lihasmassan määrän väheneminen ja lihasten toiminnan heikentyminen ovat merkittävimpiä gerastenialle altistavia tekijöitä. Gerastenia on kliininen oireyhtymä, jolle on ominaista alentunut stressinsietokyky, sekä fysiologisten ja neurologisten toimintojen kumulatiivinen heikentyminen. Proteiini yhdistettynä liikuntaan on tutkimuksissa parantanut ikääntyneiden liikunta- ja toimintakykyä ja siten gerastenian oireita ikääntyneillä. Maidossa luontaisesti esiintyvä, MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane) -yhdiste, on tutkimuksissa osoittanut lupaavia terveyttä edistäviä vaikutuksia ikääntyneiden fyysiseen suorituskykyyn. Pro gradu -tutkielmani ensisijaisena tavoitteena oli selvittää, vaikuttaako MFGM-yhdistettä ja proteiinia sisältävien välipalatuotteiden käyttö yhdistettynä kevyeen liikuntaharjoitteluun ikääntyneiden naisten gerastenian asteeseen. Toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää, eroaako tutkittavien proteiininsaanti tutkimuksen alussa eri gerastenian asteen omaavien henkilöiden välillä. Voimapala-tutkimus oli 12-viikon satunnaistettu kontrolloitu tutkimus. Osallistujat olivat yli 70-vuotiaita, kotona asuvia naisia, joiden proteiininsaanti lähtötilanteessa oli alle 1,2 g/painokilo/pv. Osallistujat satunnaistettiin interventio- (n=51) ja kontrolliryhmiin (n=50). Interventioryhmä nautti päivittäin yhden välipalatuotteen, joka sisälsi 23 grammaa maitoproteiinia ja 3,6–3,9 grammaa MFGM-yhdistettä. Molempia ryhmiä ohjeistettiin suorittamaan kotona kevyt liikuntaohjelma päivittäin koko tutkimuksen ajan. Gerastenian asteen arviointiin käytettiin Friedin fenotyyppimallia, jossa on viisi kriteeriä: Tahaton laihtuminen, uupumus, vähäinen fyysinen aktiivisuus, hitaus ja heikkous. MFGM-yhdistettä ja proteiinia sisältävien välipalatuotteiden käytöllä ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää vaikutusta yli 70-vuotiaiden naisten gerastenian asteeseen. Tutkittavista 3 %:lla oli gerastenia ja 46 %:lla esigerastenia tutkimuksen alussa. Proteiinin saanti lisääntyi interventioryhmässä 0,2 g/kg/pv (p<0,001) tutkimuksen aikana. Tutkittavien proteiininsaannissa ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa gerastenian asteiden välillä. Vaikka MFGM-yhdisteellä ja proteiinilla ei tässä tutkimuksessa havaittu olevan vaikutusta ikääntyneiden gerasteniaan, muutamien aiempien tutkimusten perusteella MFGM-yhdisteellä on havaittu ikääntyneiden liikunta- ja toimintakykyä edistäviä ominaisuuksia. MFGM-yhdiste sisältää useita bioaktiivisia yhdisteitä, jotka voivat vaikuttaa gerasteniaan eri mekanismeilla. Gerastenia on monitekijäinen oireyhtymä, joten MFGM-yhdisteen, ravitsemuksen ja liikunnan yhdistävillä monikomponentti-interventioilla, voitaisiin saavuttaa hyviä tuloksia gerastenian hoidossa. MFGM-yhdistettä on tutkittu ikääntyneillä toistaiseksi hyvin vähän, joten lisää tutkimuksia aiheesta tarvitaan erityisesti niillä ikääntyneillä, joilla on jo gerastenia.
  • Kalliomäki, Ville (2022)
    Abstract Background: Excessive consumption of red and processed meat has been associated with an increased risk of developing chronic diseases. Finnish men consume too much red and processed meat compared to the recommendations. In contrast, legumes account for only about one percent of total daily energy intake. Because legumes are rich in protein, they are well suited as meat substitutes in the diet. Replacing some of animal-sourced protein in the diet with plant-based sources can shift the diet in a healthier and more sustainable direction. Aim: The aim of the thesis was to investigate how the partial replacement of red and processed meat with non-soy legumes affects the intake of energy nutrients, energy, and fiber in healthy working-age men. It was also investigated how the sources of nutrient intakes in the diet change when meat is replaced by legumes. Methods: Material from the Papumies (“bean man”) intervention study was used in this thesis. The subjects were healthy Finnish men aged 20–65 years (n = 102) who were randomized into two different intervention groups for six weeks. The meat group received red and processed meat and meat products 760 g / week (25% of daily protein intake). The legume group received legumes and legume products (including peas and fava beans) corresponding to 20% of daily protein intake and red and processed meat 200 g / week (5% of daily protein intake). Subjects’ energy, energy nutrient, and fiber intakes were analyzed from food records kept by subjects before the beginning of the intervention period and during the last week of the intervention on three weekdays and one weekend day. Energy and energy nutrient intakes were analyzed from food records using CGI’s Aromi Diet program. Results: At the endpoint the intake of fiber (p <0.001) was higher, and the intake of cholesterol (p = 0.013) was lower in the legume group compared to the meat group. The percentages of energy intake of polyunsaturated (p <0.001) fatty acids and n-3- (p <0.001) and n-6- (p <0.001) fatty acids were higher in the legume group than in the meat group. In contrast, the percentage of saturated fatty acids (p = 0.012) of energy intake was higher in the meat group compared to the legume group. Conclusions: The partial replacement of red and processed meat with legumes improves the fatty acid composition of the diet and increases fiber intake. Through these favorable changes, even the partial replacement of animal protein with plant protein may reduce the risk of developing chronic lifestyle diseases. The study highlights the diet-improving effects of legumes (peas and fava beans) grown in Finland, which is important when considering ways to change eating habits in a healthier and more ecological direction.
  • Suikki, Tiina (2020)
    Introduction: Individual’s physiological functions and behavior are controlled by biological and social rhythms, as well light-dark-rhythm. The biological, intrinsic circadian rhythm is synchronized to follow the 24-hour day by external cues, mainly by light-dark-rhythm. Despite the synchronizing, there are inter-individual changes in this rhythm partly due the genetics. Chronotype expresses these differences and can vary from extreme morning type to extreme evening type. In addition, social rhythms, such as work schedules, control behavior as well. Sometimes these biological and social rhythms are not aligned causing social jet lag (SJL). From SJL can be distinguished two different phenomena; sleep debt caused by changes in sleep-awake-rhythm and the misalignment between biological and social rhythm without the effect of sleep debt. Especially evening types have been considered to suffer more of SJL and therefore, SJL has been thought to explain adverse health outcomes, such as obesity, and unhealthy behavior, such as poor quality of total diet, of evening types. However, the amount of previous studies considering the association between SJL and quality of the diet and prevalence of obesity of different chronotypes is scarce. Objectives: The objectives were to study the association between chronotype and SJL, as well the association between SJL and quality of the diet evaluated by Baltic Sea Diet Score and obesity by chronotypes in Finnish adult population. The purpose was also to study differences of two SJL formulas, of which are meant to distinguish the sleep debt and misalignment between biological and social rhythms. There are not previous studies to examine the differences between these two formulas. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study based on two national population-based studies (FINRISK 2012, DILGOM 2014) which included 6779 men and women aged 25─74 years. Chronotype was evaluated by shortened Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) and it was categorised into three group (morning, intermediate, evening). SJL was calculated by the original SJL formula and the sleep corrected SJL formula and was categorised into three groups by the degree of SJL (< 1h, ≥ 1h, < 2h and ≥ 2h). Participants’ habitual food consumption was evaluated by validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and the quality of the diet by Baltic Sea Diet Score (BSDS). Body weight, height and waist circumference (WC) was measured by study personnel and BMI was calculated (kg/m2). Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) followed by Bonferroni multiple comparison post hoc test and logistic regression were used to analyse the differences between the lowest (< 1h) and the highest (≥ 2h) SJL groups by chronotypes. Results: Among evening types were more participants in the SJL-group of at least 2 h by both of SJL formulas compared to morning types (p < 0.001). Participants in the highest SJL group (≥ 2 h) tended to have lower adherence to Baltic Sea Diet, however this association was statistically significant only among morning types (p = 0.006) as SJL was calculated by the sleep corrected formula. Participants in the lowest SJL-group consumed more berries, fruits and cereals and less alcohol compared to the participants in the highest SJL-group, but those were significant findings only among morning types (< 0.05). Participants in the highest SJL group were more obese measured by BMI and WC compared to the lowest SJL group (< 1 h) only among morning types (BMI, p = 0.016; WC, p = 0.012) by the sleep corrected SJL formula. Among evening types, there were not differences between SJL groups considering the obesity measurements. Results were similar about nutrition and obesity when SJL was calculated by the original SJL formula. Conclusion: Evening types suffer more of SJL, but it does not seem to be relevant for the quality of the diet or obesity as it is among morning types of which SJL is associated to the quality of the diet and prevalence of obesity. However, sleep debt does not seem to explain these findings.