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  • Meriläinen, Elina (2020)
    Aims. Accoring to the Self-Determination Theory all human beings have fundamental psychological needs to be competent, autonomous, and related to others. Satisfying all these basic needs is essential to motivation and also affects the psychological well-being of people. The concept of motivation can be examined also from the perspective of social psychology and cognitive science. Combining several theoretical models enables a more in-depth analysis of the phenomenon. This study focuses on reading motivation. The first research question of this thesis is, how much autonomy Finnish primary school teachers provided their pupils when choosing the latest novel to be read in class.Teachers’ arguments for using this particular way of choosing the book will be analyzed in the second research question. The aim was to find out what kind of thoughts about motivation guide teachers’ pedagogical choices when teaching literature. Additionally, the aim was to find out if all the psychological needs were mentioned equally when the term motivation was used in an answer or was one of them highlighted more than the others? Methods. This study is a part of the Lukuklaani research project and it’s data was collected by an online survey in Finnish primary schools during November-December 2017. The total number of answers was 885. This thesis is based on two questions from the questionnaire. One of the questions was closed and the other question was open. The data of this study includes only the Finnish-speaking answers from the research project schools and sample schools. The research method was theory driven analysis, which was based on the quantitative data of the first research question. As a qualitative research the corpus was wide including 583 answers. Results and conclusions. Teachers’ arguments hold a lot of understanding of motivational psychology. Also the fundamental psychological needs of The Self-Determination Theory appear widely in the whole data. Interestingly, the concept of autonomy appeared more than the other aspects of the SDT when teachers were referring to motivation in their answers. According to this study it is relevant to consider how the term motivation differs from the terms of enthusiasm or interest in teachers’ minds.
  • Ylämäki, Laura (2019)
    For years there has been concern for children who are reading less in their spare time and whose reading skills are worsening. Earlier research has proven that reading groups can have positive effects for classroom climate, reading motivation and pupils to become a lifelong readers. Social interaction and pupils’ own choices support children’s reading motivation. The most common definition for reading group is that small group of students reads a book, plan timetable for their reading and discuss about the book together. In this study the aim was to find out how pupils define reading group, what they think about it and how reading group can support pupils’ reading motivation. Study gives the voice for pupils and provides valuable information about reading groups that have not been studied a lot before in Finland. This thesis is part of Lukuklaani research project which is funded by Suomen kulttuurirahasto and Kopiosto. Participants of this study included 37 pupils from fifth and sixth grade. They participated Lukuklaani’s ’Narrit’ reading group for three weeks in 2019. Data of this study was collected with online survey in the beginning and in the end of the reading group. The survey provided data about pupils’ reading habits and thoughts about different parts of reading group. Also 12 students were interviewed in groups of four. Data analysis method was qualitative content analysis. Earlier research supported results while they were analysed. The pupils in this study had positive thoughts about reading group and reading already in the beginning of the study. Students liked working with the group and choosing books by themselves. Group and book choices supported reading in the reading group. Pupils wanted to have reading group also the next time when they read a book at school because in reading group pupils got to discuss with others. They also thought that it was a nice learning method. This study shows that reading group can motivate pupils to read if the book choices are succesful and working in the group goes without problems.
  • Tyynelä, Venla (2020)
    Suomalaisten nuorten lukutaidon heikentyminen on herättänyt huolta lähiaikoina niin kouluissa kuin mediassakin. Varsinkin nuorten poikien lukutaidosta on oltu jo pidemmän aikaa huolissaan. Viimeisimmät PISA-tulokset ovatkin osoittaneet, että suomalaisten poikien ja tyttöjen lukutaidoissa on suuri ero. Myös heikkojen lukijoiden määrä on tulosten perusteella kasvanut huomattavasti. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yläkoulun opettajien näkemyksiä siitä, millaisia haasteita yläkoululaisten kirjallisuuden lukemiseen liittyy. Haasteita tarkastellaan sekä oppilaiden lukuprosessista suoriutumiseen että opettajien kirjallisuuden hyödyntämiseen liittyvien kokemusten perusteella. Opettajien näkemykset perustuvat Lukuklaani-tutkimushankkeen vuonna 2019 kerätyn alkukartoituskyselyn vastauksiin. Tutkielman tavoitteena on vastata kysymyksiin: 1) Mitä haasteita yläkoululaisten lukemiseen liittyy? 2) Mitä haasteita yläkoululaisten luettamiseen liittyy? ja 3) Millaisilla teoilla voitaisiin lisätä kirjallisuuden osuutta opetuksessa? Tutkielman aineistona käytetyt Lukuklaani-tutkimushankkeen alkukartoituskyselyt on lähetetty hankkeen alussa kaikille suomalaisille yläkouluille, tarkoituksena selvittää yläkoulujen kirjallisuuskasvatuksen tilannetta, lukumateriaalien käyttöä ja opetuskäytäntöjä. Alkukartoituskyselyt on lähetetty kahdelle eri ryhmälle: äidinkielen opettajille sekä muiden aineiden opettajille. Kyselyihin oli mahdollista vastata joko suomeksi tai ruotsiksi, mutta tutkielmassa on keskitytty suomenkielisiin vastauksiin. Koska Lukuklaani pyrkii erityisesti tukemaan lasten ja nuorten lukuharrastusta sekä kirjallisuuskasvatusta kouluissa kannustamalla pitkien tekstien sekä kokonaisten teosten lukemiseen, keskitytään tutkielmassa nimenomaan kirjallisuuden ja pidempien tekstien lukemiseen ja luettamiseen. Aineiston perusteella yleisimpiä lukemiseen liittyviä haasteita ovat yläkoululaisten heikko lukutaito, heikko lukemiseen sitoutuminen, muun vapaa-ajan tekemisen priorisointi lukemisen edelle, epäonnistuneet kirjavalinnat ja sosioekonomisen taustan tai elämäntilanteen vaikutus lukemiseen. Kirjallisuuden luettamiseen liittyviä haasteita taas ovat aineiston perusteella opettajan asenne kirjallisuutta tai luettamista kohtaan, ajanpuute, kirjojen heikko saatavuus ja sähköisten materiaalien priorisointi. Tutkielman loppuun on kerätty muiden aineiden opettajien hyväksi kokemia käytäntöjä kirjallisuuden hyödyntämiseen opetuksessa. Selvää on, että nuorten heikentyneen lukutaidon taustalla on laaja kirjo syitä. Asenteella ja motivaatiolla on iso vaikutus sekä nuorten lukuharrastukseen että siihen kuinka paljon lukuharrastusta kotona tuetaan. Opettajilla on tärkeä tehtävä toimia lukemiseen kannustajina, jos nuoren kotoa ei syystä tai toisesta kannustusta tule. Tärkeintä olisi, että positiivisia kokemuksia syntyisi ja lukemisen merkitys ymmärrettäisiin, jolloin motivaatio sitä kohtaan nousisi. Pienilläkin teoilla pystytään tekemään paljon, kunhan kaikki ymmärtävät tekojen merkityksen. Aineiston perusteella moni nuori kokee lukemisen negatiivisena, ahdistavana asiana, ja siihen tulisi saada muutos, ennen kuin on ajankohtaista miettiä keinoja lukutaidon tason nostamiseen.
  • Parekh, Nirali (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to describe and compare the leisure reading habits of sixth grade students from a Finnish elementary school and fifth grade students from the Finnish-speaking departments of two European Schools. This study brings to light some of the reasons why some students read fiction during their leisure time and why some don't. The results of this study are compared with two theories: Appleyard's (1990) theory of developing as a reader of fiction and the extensive work with the leisure reading habits of Finnish school children of Saarinen and Korkiakangas (1997; 2009). The research data consists of questionnaires filled out by three different sixth grade classes from one school in the capital area of Finland during the spring of 2015 and Finnish-speaking fifth grade students from two European schools during the winter of 2016. The data analysis was performed using statistical methods. The answers to the questionnaire were used to determine the students' general attitude towards reading. The reasons for why some students read and why some students don't were also investigated. More specific information on what kind of literature the students read was gathered by determining the relative popularity of different genres of literature among the students. Students were also asked to give concrete examples of their favorite books, magazines and other literature. Many of the books the students read were similar to Appleyard's theory of what the typical reader who identifies with fictional characters reads. The main reason why some students didn't read was that they didn't have enough time. Lack of time was usually due to a large amount of school work or various time-consuming hobbies. The results of this study should be considered in relation to how the functions of reading and a child's need to identify with fictional characters can be taken into account when improving literary education in primary schools. Literary education and reading in school are particularly important to the students who have no motivation to read and to those who, despite their enthusiasm for reading, do not have the time to read in their leisure time.
  • Purhonen, Laura (2022)
    We are living in a more diverse society than ever. Diversity is a broad theme, and this study includes gender and sexual orientation. Through those themes study examines diverse families and relationships. It is important to include diversity to children’s and youth literature because it allows everyone to identify to the characters and have social cohesion to their community. Theoretical background is the earlier studies of children’s and youth literature and literature education, family and relationship studies. Earlier research shows that there is very little diversity in sexual orientation and the discourse about families is predominantly heteronormative nucler family in children’s and youth literature. The aim of this study was to find out what kind of discourses of diversity in families and relationships are in a selected group of children’s and youth literature. The research data consisted of six children’s and youth books which were candidates for Finlandia prize in children’s and youth literature in 2020. There were children’s picture books as well as youth novels. Qualitative method and discourse analysis was used to analyze the material. Illustrations were analyzed as well as text. The research showed six discourses which were influenced by the notion of the gender and sexual orientation. The discourses of diverse families were: 1) heteronormative nuclear family, 2) diverse families, 3) family, illness and death and 4) family’s wealthiness, and the discourses for the diverse relationships were 5) be who you want and 6) heterosexuality is still predominant. This study reaffirms earlier research about diversity of families and relationships by showing that heteronormative nuclear family and heterosexuality is predominant in children’s and youth literature. However, the discourses of diverse families and relationships were varying and shown in most of the books.
  • Suorsa, Minna (2020)
    Aims. Finnish children and youth are succeeding in the international reading tests quite well but especially amount of weak readers has increased. In addition, the commitment of Finnish children and young people to reading and reading as a hobby have decreased. In particular, reading of entire books has declined. Some students read whole books in their mother tongue and literature classes, but it is not self-evident that it happens in every teachers’ class. In addition to reading the literature, the use of the library services is also one of the goals of the National Core Curriculum for Basic education. The National Core Curriculum does not define how often teachers should visit some kind of library with their students. The aim of this study is to find out what library services mother tongue and literature teachers in Basic education use in their teaching or preparation of it and how often they use those. Additionally, the aim is to find out why mother tongue and literature teachers can not use library services as often as they would like to. I will also find solutions to increase their use of library services. Methods. This study is based on the data on the Lukuklaani research project. I used the answers of 884 teachers from primary schools and 407 answers from mother tongue and literature teachers from secondary schools. In their answers to the survey, they described their use of library services in their teaching or preparation of it. The data were analyzed by qualitative content analysis and also described by quantitative methods. Results and conclusions. This study showed that teachers working in primary schools and secondary school mother tongue and literature teachers cannot use the library services as often as they would like to. The barriers to use library services are concrete and related to public libraries, book buses and school or classroom libraries. Those were also the most used library services by the teachers in this study. The barriers to use library services could be demolished by putting enough resources to both public and school libraries.
  • Rytkönen, Jasmiina (2022)
    Gender is a culturally, socially and personally significant category which is produced, repeated and reformed constantly in different social and cultural contexts. Biography is a literary genre, in which the main character is often presented in the frame of hero story. Biographies convey different time and place dependent teachings and values to their readers – including gender. The aim of this study was to find out in which ways the heroism of today is built and simultaneously consider in which ways heroism is gendered. In other words how through discourses the behaviors and actions which guide norms are replicated, violated and rebuilt through stories. The study also examined how gender diversity is taken into account in the stories. Biographical literature aimed at children is a popular genre nowadays, but it has not been studied before. Biographies and their gendered nature are also important to be studied from the perspective of literary education because in accordance with the national core curriculum for basic education (POPS 2014), literature teaching should deal with diverse texts in a gender-conscious manner. The research data consisted of three biographical books in the Sankaritarinoita -book series (Hero Stories) published during the 2017–2019. There were total of 146 stories in the books. The research materials were themed and the themes were quantitatively compared. The heroism and gender norms of the stories were qualitatively explored through critical discourse analysis. The data found five discourses I named after their thematic focus: violators of gendered behavioral patterns, violators of gender expression, breakers of professional segregation, breakers of the heterofamily ideal and crossers of the gender boundary. Girls’ heroism was built from emacipatory goals, the need for which was justified in the stories of female heroines dealing with the history of gender equality and the segregation of work life. Boys’ heroism was built on sensibility and eccentricity that rose in the stories of male heroes dealing with emotional skills and the violation of gender norms. The gender minorities were in a marginal position (4 %) in the stories. Overall, themes related to the diversity of gender and sexuality were brought up in only a few hero stories.