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  • Seikola, Anniina (2011)
    The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health published a report on development needs of elder care and geriatric pharmacotherapy in 2006. The major concern in this report was related to several challenges in pharmacotherapy of the aged, such as deficiencies in medical knowledge of nurses working with elderly people. One way to improve the medication expertise of those various parties involved in caring elderly people is continuing education (CE). The aim of this study was to explore pharmacotherapy-related training needs of health care professionals involved in the home care services for the elderly in the Social and Health Care Cooperation Region of Lohja, Siuntio, Inkoo and Karjalohja (the LOST Region). This study was started by conducting a survey among nurses working in home care services for the elderly in the LOST Region in 2009 (response rate 47%). To deepen understanding of the key findings of the survey, focus group discussions (FGDs) and face-to-face interviews were conducted among nurses, nursing aids, their managers and physicians (1 FGD among nurses, n=6; 1 FGD among their managers, n=6; and face-to-face interviews with 4 physicians). The survey data were analyzed separately for nurses (n=9), practical nurses (n=53) and home aids (n=9), but results were the same in every group. Of the theoretical training needs, topics related to pharmacokinetics and special characteristics of using medicines in the elderly, effects, adverse effects and interactions of medicines, were most important. In addition, the theoretical training needs covered professional ethics issues, such as accuracy and carefulness of nursing practice. The main training needs related to collaborative practice in pharmacotherapy concerned monitoring medicine user's condition and medication, and dosing medicines (right medicine, dose, strength, dosage) in the right time, and administration routes of medicines. Focus group discussions and face-to-face interviews of the physicians provided a deeper understanding of the results of the survey. One of the main findings of this qualitative part of the study was challenges in cooperation in home care services in the LOST Region. Implementation and monitoring geriatric pharmacotherapy can be improved by improving multiprofessional cooperation and training for nurses and physicians working in home care services. The most important diseases and disorders for which the nurses would like to have shared operational guidelines were diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, pain, memory and psychiatric disorders. Training needs also covered special characteristics of pharmacotherapy for the elderly, and formulations and administration routes of medicines. Finally, a synthesis was made of the results of the survey, focus group discussions and face-to-face interviews. On the basis of the synthesis, a proposal for a multiprofessional training was developed for the LOST Region. The training plan includes topics related to geriatric pharmacotherapy and improving collaborative practices and communication as identified by those involved in different stages of the study.
  • Hietanen, Jannemarkus (2022)
    The price competition of biological medicines induced by biosimilars has started slower than expected in Europe. One of the main reasons has been the differences in physicians’ attitudes toward biosimilars. Switching biological medicines to clinically comparable alternatives is an important way to enhance the cost-effectiveness of using biological medicines. The focus of the conversation has shifted from the general similarity of biosimilars and the originators to whether frequent switching involves additional risks. The purpose of this master’s thesis was to investigate factors influencing physicians’ prescribing of biological medicines. In addition, their perceptions of the automatic substitution of biological medicines in Finland were explored. The study was based on structured personal interviews of rheumatologists and gastroenterologists including specialising physicians who work at HUS Helsinki University Hospital in the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (n=48). They had a chance to comment on their responses at any time freely. The interview consisted of four sections: demographics, general attitudes toward biosimilars, factors affecting prescribing biological medicines, and perceptions of the automatic substitution of biological medicines. Study participants had a chance to comment on their structured responses during the interview. The interviews were recorded for further analysis of the comments. The results are based on a descriptive quantitative analysis and an inductive analysis of the comments. The interviewed physicians’ (n=27, response rate 56,3%) attitudes toward biosimilars were highly positive. Most of the physicians (21/27, 78%) also strive to motivate patients to switch biological medicines to clinically comparable but lower-cost options despite the challenges associated with switching, for example the differences in the administration devices. Of the previously determined factors, the ones affecting prescribing biological medicines the most were the willingness to support the price competition between the biological medicines, reimbursement status, and the hospital’s drug formulary when initiating the biological treatment in the hospital. The attitudes toward the automatic substitution of the biological medicines were positive among 13/27 (48 %) physicians. Our study results are in line with the results of earlier studies, but the open responses especially to the automatic substitution of biological medicines might indicate more positive perceptions on the subject among physicians in Finland.
  • Kärnä, Julia (2019)
    Aims. Examining job demands and recourses has become central to the study of occupational well-being. Two phenomena emerging from this framework, work engagement and job crafting, have been found to be linked to the well-being of employees. However, previous studies have largely overlooked the possible effects of personality on these relationships. In addition, studies examining the impact of work engagement and job crafting specifically on the well-being of physicians are scarce. The aim of this study was to examine the work engagement and job crafting of Finnish physicians, how these phenomena relate to the physicians’ well-being and whether personality traits affect these relationships. Methods. The sample (N = 2932) consisted of Finnish physicians, who had filled out the “Working Conditions and Health of Physicians” 2015 survey by The Finnish Medical Association, The National Institute for Health and Welfare and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. In this study, personality was assessed using the Big Five traits of the Five Factor Model and well-being with self-reported work ability, health, psychological stress and sleep symptoms. The relationships between work engagement, job crafting, personality traits and well-being were examined using linear regression. Results. Finnish physicians often felt engaged in their work but crafted their jobs only sometimes. Work engagement was consistently and fairly strongly related to better well-being, whereas for job crafting the results were mixed and the effects weak. Personality traits had hardly any effect on these relationships. Out of the Big five traits, neuroticism had the most notable effect; it somewhat weakened the connection between work engagement and well-being, was a stronger predictor than work engagement for some of the well-being indicators and added significantly to the proportion of variance explained by those models. Some weak interactions were also observed between work engagement and some personality traits, where the link between engagement and well-being differed in strength depending on the personality trait. Conclusions. These findings support previous observations that work engagement is linked to the well-being of employees. It points to the fact that besides preventing and treating burnout, the promotion of work engagement may have significant positive effects on the well-being of physicians. Regarding the role of personality traits in occupational well-being, at least neuroticism should be taken into account in future studies as a possible risk factor for the well-being of employees.
  • Viitala, Erika (2024)
    Globaalit ympäristöongelmat vaikuttavat haitallisesti ekosysteemien lisäksi ihmisen terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin. Terveydenhuollossa onkin tapahtumassa liikehdintää kohti kestävämpien toimintatapojen huomiointia. Globaalin kestävyyskriisin ratkaisujen löytämiseksi tarvitaan eri sektoreiden ja eri alojen ammattilaisten osallistamista keskusteluun ja kestävyyden edistämiseen. On kuitenkin syytä tutkia niitä luontoon ja kestävyyteen liittyviä ajattelumalleja, jotka vaikuttavat terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten työhön tässä ja nyt. Ihmisen etääntynyttä luontosuhdetta on ehdotettu yhdeksi syyksi kestävyyskriisille. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan yleislääkäreiden näkemyksiä heidän työnsä suhteesta luontoon, sekä heidän käsityksiään siitä, millainen lääkäreiden rooli tulisi olla ekologisen kestävyyden edistämisessä. Aineisto koostuu 20:n eri puolella Suomea työskentelevän yleislääkärin haastattelusta. Aineiston analyysimetodina käytettiin laadullista sisällönanalyysia. Lääkärit tunnistavat useita yhteyksiä työnsä ja luonnon välillä konkreettisten lääkärin toimien tasolla, filosofisella tasolla, sekä terveyden ja luonnon yhteyksissä. Luonto nähdään kuitenkin työn valossa ristiriitaisena, samalla sekä olennaisena että etäisenä. Lääkäreillä on tietämystä työn ympäristökuormituksesta sekä terveyden ja luonnon yhteyksistä, mutta he kaipaavat lisää tietoa ja tukea siihen, miten he voisivat konkreettisesti ottaa kestävyys- ja luontonäkökulmat työssään huomioon. Lääkärit ilmaisevat halukkuutta kestävyyden edistämiseen työssään, mutta kokevat roolin haasteelliseksi. Monet lääkärin ammatin toimivaltaan liittyvät piirteet, kuten eettiset ohjeet ja vaatimukset tutkimusnäyttöön perustuvan hoidon toteuttamisesta vaikuttavat jarruttavan yksilöiden toimintaa työssä kestävyysteemaan liittyen. Perustavanlaatuista muutosta, jossa ihminen tunnistettaisiin kokonaisvaltaisesti osana luonnon kokonaisuutta, tarvitaan terveydenhuollon sektorilla. Tutkielma on toteutettu osana Maj ja Tor Nesslingin rahoittamaa HUMUS – Terveydenhuolto rakentamassa kestävää tulevaisuutta -tutkimushanketta, joka tutkii terveydenhuollon sektorin ja sen toimijoiden mahdollisuuksia osallistua kestävyyskriisin ratkaisemiseen.