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  • Ankkuri, Jenni (2017)
    Many adolescents participate in youth work activities in their leisure time. The mission of youth work is to support socialization of adolescents in their leisure time in a changing society. This study examines how adolescents’ snack practices show in youth work. The aim of this study is to consider junior high school adolescents’ snack practices and action in the youth center. The purpose of the study is get knowledge about what do adolescents eat for snacks and what kind of a role do snacks play in the youth center. This theme was selected because youth center snack practises have been studied very little. The study questions are: 1. What kind of snack practices do junior high school adolescents have? 2. What do junior high school adolescents think about the snack practices in youth center? 3. What kind of snack practices can be found in youth centers? The research method was qualitative and research data was collected using two different methods a the youth center in Vantaa. Using observation I observed about 70 junior high school adolescents during six weekdays. Structured internet-enquiry was answered by 23 junior high school adolescents from which eight were girls and 15 were boys. The method of analysis was material based content analysis. Three important themes was found as the research results. The themes were the social impact of food, the comforting impact of food and food rules. The study revealed that almost half of the adolescents in junior high school ate snacks every day. The most popular snacks were sweet and savory cereal products. Adolescents discussed about snacks and they enjoyed eating together. Adolescents were very satisfied about the offered snacks and almost half of the activities and almost half of adolescents felt that it was very important that the youth center offered snacks free of charge. Snacks were also used as an incentive to motivate the adolescents to participate in different chores in the youth center. Teaching adolescents to prepare healthy and easy snacks is an important task in the field of home economics education.
  • Lahtinen, Krista (2018)
    Objectives. The objective of this thesis was to find out how often Finns have guests in their home that are relatives and visitors who are other acquaintances. My goal was also to analyze if there are any differences between men and women or people from different age groups on what they do with their guests. The two main research questions of this study were “How often does a Finnish household host guests?” and “What do the hosts do with their guests?” It is known that in Finland it is typical to drink coffee and socialize with your guests. Previous studies show that women are more active than men in visiting each other. Methods. The research material of this study was an open online survey that was conducted by Helsingin Sanomat in the autumn of 2016. The questionnaire was answered by 13 438 people. Three questions from the 42 in the questionnaire were selected to be the data for this study. The research was carried out as a quantitative research and SPSS program was used in analyzing the data. A statistical analysis was made of each of the variables from the data, followed by either t-test or chi-squared test depending on which one was applicable. Test results. According to the test results about half of Finns have guests at their home at least once a month and over 90% have guests over to their house at least few times a year. Women host relatives as guests more often than men. The difference in hosting non-relatives is not statistically significant. When Finns have guests over to their house, they typ-ically socialize and eat with them. Around one third also told they had cooked and drank al-cohol with their guests. There is hardly any difference between men and women in what the hosts do with their guests. However, between different age groups it was found that the old-er the host is, the less they do things that require physical activity. In the future it would be beneficial to study regional differences in visiting culture in Finland, since differences have been found in past studies.
  • Hannonen, Linda (2019)
    The purpose of this research was to find out how Finnish food traditions are portrayed in home economics textbooks. The theoretical framework of the study was based on traditional foods, Finnish food culture and Finnish traditional foods. The theory acted as a frame of reference for the research questions through which the textbooks were researched. The textbooks were researched to find out what is told about Finnish traditional foods and which foods are seen as traditional. The research material composed of six different home economics textbooks from three different publishers. All the books were published in the 21st century. The research was a qualitative textbook research and the research method used was theorybased content analysis. According to the research task and research questions, the analysis focused on the parts of the textbooks that covered either traditional food recipes or had content about Finnish traditional foods and food culture. According to the results the traditional food content of the home economics textbooks was coherent with the theoretical framework. In the textbooks traditional foods were defined as foods that are passed on from generation to generation. Some foods were brought out as Finnish traditional foods, such as seasonal foods, for example christmas casseroles, and different province-specific pastries. There was variety in the way traditional foods were portayed and highlighted in the books. All in all the emphasis on traditional foods was low in the home economics textbooks and their occurence was scarce.
  • Rajala, Emmi (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää suuren ikäeron merkitystä sisarussuhteessa. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin sisarussuhteen suuren ikäeron merkitystä pikkusisaruksen perheen ulkopuolisissa ystävyyssuhteissa. Aiemmat vähäiset tutkimukset aiheesta osoittavat leikkimisen ja konfliktitilanteiden vähenemisen sisarusten välisen ikäeron kasvaessa sekä isosisarusten toimimisen roolimalleina ja opastajina pikkusisaruksille. Tutkielmassa selvitetään, miten suuri ikäero sisarussuhteessa näyttäytyy pikkusisaruksen lapsuudessa, aikuisuudessa sekä ystävyyssuhteissa. Tutkielma toteutettiin laadullisena empiirisenä tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoidulla teemahaastattelulla. Haastatteluun valittiin seitsemän 16–25-vuotiasta nuorta aikuista, joilla oli ikäeroa isosisaruksiin 6-12 vuotta. Aineiston analyysissa käytettiin sisällönanalyysia, jotta löydettiin merkityksellisimmät ja mielenkiintoisimmat havainnot aineistosta. Aineiston käsittelyyn käytettiin teemoittelua, jolloin mielenkiintoiset havainnot jaettiin seuraaviin aihealueisiin: lapsuus ja sisarussuhde, aikuisuus ja sisarussuhde sekä ystävyyssuhteet. Samankaltaiset havainnot värikoodattiin samalla värillä. Suurella ikäerolla sisarussuhteessa on merkitystä pikkusisaruksen lapsuudessa. Isosisaruksella oli erilainen elämäntilanne, ajatusmaailma ja mielenkiinnon kohteet kuin pikkusisaruksella. Pikkusisarusta saatettiin kohdella vähättelevästi eikä häntä välttämättä aina ymmärretty pikkusisaruksen toivomalla tavalla. Aikuisuudessa sisarukset olivat yleensä läheisempiä. Ikäeron ei koettu vaikuttavan samalla tavalla sisarussuhteeseen kuin lapsuudessa, vaikka sisaruksilla oli edelleen erilaiset elämäntilanteet. Sisarussuhteen ikäerolla ei ole aikuisuudessa niin suurta merkitystä kuin lapsuudessa. Lisäksi tutkimukseen osallistuneet haastateltavat eivät ajatelleet suuren ikäeron vaikuttavan perheen ulkopuolisiin ystävyyssuhteisiin. Ainoastaan koettiin, että sisarussuhteiden avulla on opittu positiivisia asioita, kuten tietynlaista käyttäytymistä sekä asioiden jakamista, mistä on ollut hyötyä ystävyyssuhteissa. Ikäeron merkitys pikkusisaruksen ystävyyssuhteisiin on todella vähäistä.
  • Hyppönen, Lotta (2017)
    The main purpose of this study was to find out the quality of support needing pupils in home economics lessons. Teaching support needing pupils are daily because the amounts of learning disabilities increase continuously. Previous studies show that disorders of brain development or external perpetrators cause learning disabilities. The purpose of this study was to find answers to questions: 1. What kind of support needing pupils are in home economics teaching groups? 2. In what kind of ways home economics teachers take notice of support needing pupils? 3. How do I analyse my own home economics teaching experiences compared to scientific literature? The data for the qualitative study were collected by sending writing invitations to six home economics teachers working in the capital city area. The purpose was to get the comprehension of how teachers support and take notice of support needing pupil, what kind of extra-education they have got and do schools supply extra-resources for meeting support needing pupils. Furthermore I aspire to analyse my own experiences of teaching support needing pupils and what literature has saying about it. According to the main outcome, the most support in home economics lessons needed attention deficit and concentration disorder pupils and they who had linguistic disorders. Mainly for support needing pupils teachers used home economics schoolbooks for special education. In addition they made teaching materials, which were articulated by few words and had demonstrational pictures. However they hoped more easily comprehensible and more pictures consist teaching material for support needing pupils. The education for teaching support needing pupil was low-quality, slight or non-existent. In some cases the schools were offered a special needs assistant to classes. Anyway the help from special needs assistant to home economics classes needed substantial and justifiable reason.
  • Selin-Liukkonen, Hanna (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää suomalaisten käsityksiä ja mielikuvia tuoreyrteistä sekä niiden käyttöä ja viljelyä kotitalouksissa. Yrttien käytöllä on pitkät perinteet. Yrttien käyttöön ovat vaikuttaneet koko ruokakulttuurin muutokset. Yrttien kysynnän lisääntymisen myötä yrttien kokonaistuotanto ja viljelypinta-ala ovat kasvaneet merkittävästi. Työ toteutettiin keväällä 1999 ja tutkimuskohteeksi valittiin satunnaisesti alle ja yli 40-vuotiaita vähittäiskaupan asiakkaita sekä pääkaupunkiseudulla, että pienessä kunnassa. Kuluttajilta kysyttiin esimerkkiyrityksen tuotemerkin tunnettuutta sekä mielikuvia siitä, yrttivalikoiman tuntemusta sekä kuluttajien suosimien tuoreyrttien käyttötapoja. Tutkimuksen päivityksessä selvitettiin tuoreyrttien käytössä tapahtuneita muutoksia 2020 luvulla. Yhteistyökumppanina tutkimuksessa on Famifarm Oy. Yritys on luonut ensimmäisenä Suomessa elintarvikkeisiin selkeän tuotemerkin, jota se käyttää markkinoinnissaan. Lähes kaikki kyselyyn vastanneet olivat käyttäneet tuoreyrttejä. Naiset ostivat ja käyttivät yrttejä tutkimuksen mukaan miehiä useammin. Eniten yrttejä käyttivät perheet ja vähiten yhden hengen taloudet. Useimmin käytettiin tilliä, persiljaa ja oreganoa. Noin puolet vastaajista oli käyttänyt myös basilikaa, kirveliä, rakuunaa, rosmariinia, ruohosipulia ja timjamia. Osa tuoreyrteistä oli vielä tuntemattomia. Lähes puolet vastaajista ilmoitti, että oli käyttänyt tuoreyrttejä kuluneen vuoden aikana. Tärkeimpinä syinä käyttää yrttejä pidettiin terveellisyyttä ja sitä, että yrtit tuovat vaihtelua ruokiin. Myös kotimaisuus mainittiin ostoperusteena. Tuoreyrttien käyttöä rajoitti, tottumattomuus, yrttien huono tuntemus ja tuoreyrttien kalliina pidetty hinta. Kotimaiset yrtit kiinnostivat suurta osaa vastaajista ja niistä oltiin valmiita maksamaan. Tutkimus osoitti, että tuoreyrttien tunnettuudessa, esimerkkiyrityksen tuotteessa ja toiminnassa on mahdollisuuksia kehittyä. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että esimerkkiyritys voisi segmentoida eri yrttejä eri käyttäjäryhmille, koska yrttien terveysvaikutukset, gourmet-yrttiseokset ja erikokoiset myyntipakkaukset kiinnostivat kuluttajia. Tutkimuksen tuloksia on huomioitu esimerkkiyrityksen tuotannossa ja siten reagoitu yhteiskunnassa tapahtuneeseen ruokakulttuurin muutokseen.
  • Lokka, Johannes (2019)
    Aims. This Bachelor thesis considers with gainful employment which is done at households in the Uusimaa province. The aim of this research was to find out how common is to do a gainful employment at home and secondly, has the educational background an effect to it. Also those background factors were investigated which made teleworking at home possible. The subject is current because the number of teleworkers has increased year by year in the 2000s. A lot of teleworking is done at home. Methods. The material of the thesis was collected by Helsingin Sanomat in 2016. The survey was answered by 13381 people from all over Finland. Uusimaa was cropped as the research area because just over half of the responses, 6904, had come from Uusimaa. Responses from other provinces were fairly under-represented. Quantitative comparisons were made using cross-tabulation. IBM SPSS-statistics was used to analyze large amounts of research data. Results and conclusions. According to the results, 71.4 percent of the participants worked at home a few times a month or more often. Working at home was more common among poly- technics or masters of arts than at other educational levels. Working at home was common in Uusimaa compared to previous research results. Other reports found similar evidence that home-based gainful employment was more common among those with a polytechnic degree or a master of arts degree than those with lower education level.
  • Nieminen, Rosa (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli kuvata sekä asunnottomuuden kokeneiden helsinkiläisten asunnottomuuspolkuja että heidän arkeaan niin asunnottomana kuin asunnon saamisen jälkeen. Asunnottomuus on yhteiskunnallinen ongelma, jonka syitä ovat esimerkiksi väestönkasvu ja kaupungistuminen, talouden suhdannevaihtelut sekä suuret tuloerot. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että asunnottomilla on erilaisia polkuja asunnottomuuteen ja siitä pois. Valinnat, käytettävissä olevat resurssit sekä elämäntilanne muokkaavat arjesta omanlaistaan. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin asunnottomuuden kokeneiden kokemuksia arjesta. Tutkimusongelmia oli kolme: 1. Millaisia asunnottomuuspolkuja asunnottomuuden kokeneilla on? 2. Millainen arkipäivän rakenne on asunnottomana? 3. Millä tavoin asunnon saanti vaikuttaa kokemukseen arjesta? Menetelmät. Tutkielma toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena, johon haastateltiin neljää asunnottomuuden kokenutta helsinkiläistä teemahaastattelulla. Neljän haastattelun tutkimusaineisto litteroitiin ja analysoitiin sisällönanalyysillä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Jokaisen tutkittavan asunnottomuuspolku oli erilainen. Asunnottomaksi päätymiseen vaikutti kaikilla neljällä köyhyys ja kohtuuhintaisen vuokra-asunnon saamisen vaikeus Helsingissä. Asunnottomuusjakson alkamiseen vaikuttivat myös isot elämänmuutokset, kuten muutto toiselle paikkakunnalle, ero sekä päihteiden ongelmakäyttö. Neljästä haastatellusta kolmella arkipäivän rakennetta ei juurikaan ollut. Asunnottomana yöt vietettiin kavereilla, asuntoloissa tai kadulla. Asunnottomana tutkittavat elivät hetkessä ilman suunnitelmia, vain yhdellä työssäkäyvällä tutkittavalla oli suunnitelmia tuleville päiville. Yhteiskunnan palvelut auttoivat tutkittavat pois asunnottomuudesta. Asunnon saanti lisäsi kaikkien tutkittavien arkeen rutiineja ja rakennetta. Asunto lisäsi turvallisuuden tunnetta, sosiaalisia suhteita ja suunnitelmallisuutta. Oma tila koettiin tärkeäksi: omasta asunnosta sai päättää itse. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli ymmärtää ja esittää tutkittavien henkilöiden yksilöllisiä kokemuksia, eivätkä tutkimustulokset ole yleistettävissä.
  • Terna, Henna (2018)
    The aim of the study was to find out what persons with low-incomes eat and how healthy their diet is. Anu Raijas wrote an article to a social policy journal, in which she wondered if all can afford to eat healthy and responsibly. Previous studies have shown that economic factors influence the choice of diet. Following to a healthy diet is more common among highly educated people, but other socio-economic groups are increasingly paying attention to the wholesomeness of food. In addition to the meager dietary content, I was interested in how they get the food in their homes and whether the amount was adequate. My study was carried out through analysing narratives. The data was collected in 2006 by Isola, Larivaara and Mikkonen as a writing competition "Everyday Experience in Poverty". My data was analysed through qualitative content analysis and a descriptive quantitative analysis. My research showed that diet for the poor can be insufficient, one-sided and at times there is shortage. Sometimes, the low-income people had no choice but to receive food aid, steal or to collect waste food from the dumpster. In addition, some of the respondents diversified their diets by picking berries and mushrooms, fishing or growing some of their vegetables themselves. Based on the data, the diet of low-income people did not look very healthy.
  • Vähäkangas, Johanna (2017)
    The objectives. The subject of this study was the digitalisation of teaching in the Finnish school system. The purpose of this thesis was to bring forward what parents perceive as the objective of the digitalisation of teaching and also how parents feel the digitalisation has contributed to teaching and learning. In addition, the challenges the parents recognise in connection with the school digitalisation was also an interest of this study. Methods. Two parents of elementary school students in Vantaa were interviewed for this thesis. The data collection was carried out as semi-structured theme interviews conducted by Helsinki University teacher education students in the spring 2015. This was a qualitative study, and the data was analysed using thematic and content analysis. Results and Conclusions. According to the results, the parents felt that the purpose of the digitalisation of schools was to diversify teaching, learn 21st century skills and to decrease expenditure. Parents saw the new digital learning environments and teaching methods as a means to strenghten the ownership of knowledge of the pupil. The new kind of knowledge ownership was seen to increase the pupils motivation. Digital technology was considered an inherent part of shool routines and the everyday life of pupils. Parents also identified challenges in the adoption of digital teaching practices, namely in pedagogical decisionmaking, establishing ground rules for digital methods and practices, furthering co-operation between school and parents and in ensuring adequate funding. The results of this thesis suggest that digitalisation versifies teaching methods and enhances the pupils motivation to learn more. Even so, in order for digitalisation to reach its full potential in elevating teaching and learning, securing adequate funding is important, but significant efforts from the educational decisionmaking and teachers individually are imperative.
  • Karhinen, Kirsi-Maarit (2019)
    There is an intense debate about combining working life and family life going on in Finnish society. The subject is especially interesting at the moment because some recent social structural changes have blurred the boundary between work and family life. For example, the liberalization of the opening hours of the shops and markets poses new challenges for parents who are finding balancing their non-standard working hours with family life increasingly difficult. The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis is to find out how parents’ non-standard working hours are affecting the everyday life of families with children. The subject has been approached from different perspectives including individual, organization and society. The results this study has revealed are based on existing research materials and studies. The answers to the research questions were found in scientific articles, studies and literature related to this topic. Finna-portal, Google Scholar as well as the search engine of the City Centre Campus Library were mainly used to search articles and studies for this thesis. Comparing, studying and combining the results of previous studies have revealed that parents’ non-standard working hours have created a variety of new challenges for families with children. It turned out that the lack of regular family routines and the problems related to finding time for family members to spend with each other were considered especially demanding and stressful. Although the research results seem to focus mainly on factors which ignore the apparent complexity of family life and are thus perceived as not supporting family life, the research materials also revealed factors which have positive influences on everyday life of families with children. For example, there were some indicators which show that working non-standard hours may facilitate work-family balance. A day off in the middle of the week could sometimes be seen as a necessary and useful thing when running and organizing family life. Also, parents’ non-standard working hours seemed to offer more opportunities to fathers to share family and domestic responsibilities with women on an equal footing.
  • Kolmonen, Mari (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja analysoida lapsiperheissä tapahtuvaa käytettävissä olevien rahojen hallinnoimista puolisoiden kesken ja sen vaikutuksia lapsiperheiden sisällä. Tutkimustehtävänä oli myös tulkita mahdollisia erilaisten rahan hallinnointimuotojen ja niiden vaikutuksien yhteyksiä. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet erilaisia rahan hallinnoinnin muotoja, mistä on aiheutunut lapsiperheissä positiivia ja negatiivisia vaikutuksia, mitä tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on syventää. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin keräämällä kahdesta internetin perheaiheisiin keskittyneistä keskustelupalstoista aineistoksi rahan hallinnoimiseen liittyneitä keskusteluja tietyllä aikavälillä. Aineisto koostui 33 keskustelusta, joissa kommenttien määrä vaihteli viiden ja 503 välillä. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Perheissä rahaa hallinnoitiin omien tilien, yhteisten tilien sekä näiden yhdistelmällä eli yhteisten ja omien tilien avulla. Puolisoiden erot rahankäytössä ja rahaan liittyvässä päätöksenteossa edistivät perheessä erillisten tilien käyttöä. Kun taas vanhempien saman tyyppinen rahankäyttö näytti lisäävän yhteisten tilien käyttöä. Omista tileistä huolimatta perheissä korostui yhteisöllinen näkemys eli rahat ovat yhteisiä, mikä näkyi myös yhteisten tilien taustalla. Omien ja yhteisten tilien kohdalla ainoastaan omissa tileissä korostui yksilöllinen ja riippumaton näkökulma. Vaikutuksina erilaisista hallinnointimuodoista nousi esiin riitely tai sen puuttuminen, tyytyväisyys sekä samanlainen tai eritasoinen elintaso. Samantasoinen elintaso koettiin tavoiteltavaksi kaikissa hallinnointimuodoissa. Eritasoista elintasoa ja riitelyä havaittiin silloin, kun rahoja ei hallinnoitu yhteisillä tileillä esimerkiksi hoitovapaan aiheuttaman muutoksen myötä. Tyytyväisyyttä ja riitelemättömyyttä havaittiin kaikissa hallinnoinnin muodoissa. Jokaisen perheen onkin löydettävä itselleen sopivin hallinnointimuoto, sillä se, mikä sopii toiselle, ei välttämättä sovi itselle.
  • Harvala, Iida (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata sitä, minkälaisia asioita kuluttajat pitävät luksuksena. Erityisesti huomiota kiinnitetään siihen, onko vastuullista luksuskuluttamista olemassa. Luksuskuluttamista pidetään äärimmilleen vietynä vapaavalintaisena kuluttamisena. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa luksuskuluttaminen on saanut monenlaisia määritelmiä. Luksuskuluttamista pidetään subjektiivisena niin, että siihen nähdään vaikuttavan esimerkiksi omat kokemukset ja vallitseva yhteiskunnallinen tilanne. Tutkielmassa otetaan selvää, miten kuluttajat luksusta määrittelevät ja miten vastuullisuus näyttäytyy luksuskuluttamisessa. Tutkimuksen tutkimuskysymyksiksi valikoitui kaksi kysymystä: mitä pidetään luksuksena ja miten vastuullisuus näyttäytyy luksuskuluttamisessa. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineisto on koottu seitsemästä tutkimuksesta. Kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli saada laaja kuva luksuskäsityksistä ja vastuullisuudesta luksuksessa. Aineistoksi valittiin hakukoneiden Googlen ja Google Scholarin avulla sekä Helsingin Yliopiston Helka- tietokannasta löytämiäni tutkimuksia. Aineiston analyysi oli aineistolähtöistä. Aineiston käsittelyyn käytettiin ryhmittelyä etsimällä tutkimuksista yhteneväisiä piirteitä. Tarkoituksena oli yhdistää eri tutkimuksista löytyviä tuloksia ja tehdä niistä yhtenäinen kokonaisuus. Luksus näyttäytyi kuluttajille sekä tuotteena että kokemuksena. Luksustuotteelle tärkeitä ominaisuuksia olivat laatu, ulkonäkö, hinta, status ja harvinaisuus. Luksuskokemukselle tärkeä ominaisuus oli sen sijaan palvelu. Vastuullisuuden ja luksuksen välillä ei nähty paljoa yhteyttä. Kuluttajien ajatuksissa vastuullisuus tuli ilmi, mutta luksustuotteiden ostopäätöksiin se vaikutti vain vähän. Vastuullisilla valinoilla jokapäiväisissä hyödykkeissä nähtiin olevan enemmän vaikutusta esimerkiksi ympäristöön kuin vastuullisilla luksustuotteilla. Kierrätysmateriaalit luksustuotteissa ja kierrätetyt luksustuotteet jakoivat mielipiteitä vastaajien kesken.
  • Kettunen, Henna (2018)
    Aims. The purpose of this quantitative study is to find out how the supply of vegan convenience foods answers the needs and aspirations of vegans. The study finds out about how often vegans use the convenience food of grocery shops and what kind of opinions and experiences vegans have about vegan convenience food. The opinions and experiences are explored through opinion statements that are derived from the theory of food choice. Methods. The material of the study was collected from Facebook’s vegan group called “Sipsikaljavegaanit” by an electric questionnaire. Answers to the research questions were sought through the questionnaires opinion statements that were answered on the Likert’s scale. The opinion statements concerned vegan convenience food’s taste, price, nutritional quality, filling, effortlessness, friendliness to the environment, variety and disposition in grocery shops. The statements were divided into three different categories of convenience food. The answers of the open comment field complemented the quantitative results. There were total of 337 responses to the questionnaire. Results and conclusions. The respondents used vegan convenience food on average 1-2 times per week, which is more often than the average consumption of convenience food by Finnish people. The respondents were most satisfied with the effortlessness, taste, filling and variety of vegan convenience food. However, the variety was hoped to increase, especially for small shops and localities. The respondents were most dissatisfied with the prices of vegan convenience food. The prices were hoped to fall closer to the prices of similar products of animal origin. In addition, the respondents were not fully satisfied to the environmental friendliness and nutritional quality of vegan convenience food. Especially the packaging materials were hoped to be more ecological. Most respondents (87 %) also hoped that vegan convenience foods would be placed in grocery shops on their own shelf but on the other hand, this was also seen to potentially reduce other consumers’ enthusiasm to buy vegan convenience foods.
  • Pulkkanen, Suvi (2020)
    Uusimman peruskoulun opetussuunnitelman (POPS 2014) yhdeksi keskeiseksi tavoitteeksi on nostettu oppilaiden ekososiaalinen sivistys ja kasvu kestävään elämäntapaan eli vastuullisuuteen. Kestävän kehityksen mukainen opetus vaatii kouluilta ja opettajilta kestävyyskasvatusta. Aiemmin vähemmän tunnettu villiruoka on alkanut kiinnostaa ihmisiä, kun ravinnon ekologiset ja eettiset arvot ovat nousseet esiin yhä enemmän maapallon hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Tavoitteet. Tällä tutkimuksella haluttiin selvittää, mikä on kotitalousopettajien käsitys villiruoasta osana kestävää kehitystä sekä millä tavoin kotitalousopettajat käyttävät villiruokaa osana opetustaan. Vastaavia tutkimuksia aiheesta ei juurikaan ole Suomessa tehty. Suomalaista villiruokaa on tutkittu verrattain vähän. Kestävää kehitystä on tutkittu varsinkin opetuksen näkökulmasta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten villiruoka näyttäytyy osana kestävää kehitystä nykypäivän kouluopetuksessa. Menetelmät. Tutkimustehtävään etsittiin vastauksia laadullisen tutkimuksen keinoin. Puhelinhaastattelut tehtiin viikolla 13. Haastateltavia oli yhteensä viisi ja heidät saatiin kotitalousopettajien Facebook-ryhmän kautta. Haastattelut nauhoitettiin ja litteroitiin. Analyysi tehtiin aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä käyttäen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että opettajat käyttivät villiruokaa hyvin samaan tapaan luonnollisena osana opetustuntejaan. Oppilaat olivat aiheesta innoissaan, varsinkin päästessään ulos itse keräämään villivihanneksia. Kaikkien opettajien mielestä aihetta olisi pitänyt käsitellä enemmän, ja he kokivat yhteistyön muiden toimijoiden kanssa erittäin tärkeäksi. Tulokset osoittivat, että koulukulttuurilla on ratkaiseva rooli siinä, miten kestävä kehitys otetaan opetuksessa huomioon. Opettajat tarvitsevat lisäkoulutusta ja –tukea vastuullisessa kestävyyskasvatuksen tehtävässään. Tältä osin tulokset tukevat aiempia tutkimuksia, joiden mukaan kestävyyskasvatus tiedostetaan tärkeänä, mutta sen käytännön toteutus kouluissa vaihtelee paljon niin laadun kuin määränkin suhteen.
  • Mehtäläinen, Mette (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze gymnast girls’ meal rhythms. Previous studies show that most suitable meal rhythm for athletes is to eat 5−7 times a day. The time between meals shouldn’t be more than four hours and post-exercise meal should be eaten within an hour from the end of the practice. The meal rhythm of rest days should be similar to the training days meal timing and weekends’ meal rhythms shouldn’t differ from weekdays’ meal rhythms. By eating together with children, parents can teach the importance of regular eating. This study aims to find out what kind of meal rhythms the gymnasts have and how their meal rhythms differ from recommendations. The research questions are 1) What kind of meal rhythm the gymnasts have on weekday training days? 2) What kind of meal rhythm the gymnasts have on weekend training days? 3) What kind of meal rhythm the gymnasts have on rest days? The data consists of six food diaries. The persons who participated in the study are 11−13 year-old girls, who practice aerobic gymnastics four times a week. The gymnasts kept a food diary for five days. The subjects wrote down when they ate the meal, what they ate, as well as who they ate the meal with. The data was analyzed by using content analyzes. The results show that more meals were eaten on weekday training days than on weekend training day. On weekday training days the gymnasts ate mainly 5−6 meals, on weekend training days’ 4−5 meals and on rest days’ 3−6 meals. Over 4 hour break between meals appeared less on rest days. The gymnasts ate with their parents 1−2 times a day on the weekdays and more on the weekends. The results indicate that eating with parents on weekdays is focused in the late evening and on weekends they tend to eat together in the morning and afternoon.
  • Aspholm, Laura (2018)
    Shift work and its impact on meals, food habit and everyday life has been researched marginally from Home economics point of view. This research examines how shift work, in form on night work, impacts home and workplace eating, food choices and everyday life. The amount of shift work has increased in society. An increasing number of people work in two or three rotating shifts both on weekdays and weekends. Finnish food culture, food habits and meal services guide food rhythm at work and on spare time. Shift work creates challenges to the following of food rhythms. This study interviewed shift workers whose working hours take place at night. The purpose was to survey what kind of food rhythm has formed for the interviewees at workplace and at home. Inter-viewee’s food rhythm was compared to the food recommendation made by the National Nutrition Council. In the interviews the structure of the weekday and what kind of effect night work has had on time management during everyday life was also inquired. The study was carried out in theme interviews through the use of three themes. Five persons partici-pated in the interview, all of whom were employed by the same employer. Analysis of the material was made through theming the answers. The results were compared with the food recommendations made by the National Nutrition Council that have been presented in the theory part. The result showed, that shift work has an effect on the structures of everyday life and food choices. Because of the employer the use of food services were not available. The principal meal was com-posed of packed lunch. The majority of the interviewees brought ready meals, bread or fruits for the principal meal. Against food recommendations some of the interviewees enjoyed plenty of caffein-ated drinks during their shift. On the basis of the study one can say that shift work has had an effect on the interviewee´s food pattern´s, food customs and the structure of the everyday life. The signifi-cance of the effects is individual but it was possible to find congruent factors.
  • Nikitin, Noora (2019)
    The purpose of this research was to figure out how shift working mothers experience their everyday lives. Nowadays working in shifts is common so it is important to get acquainted with these kinds of families and their experiences of everyday life. The study was used to find out the threats and opportunities of shift work and what mothers think about combining shift work and family life. Previous studies have clarified that working in shifts burdens parents and has an affect on family and social relationships. This thesis can help to get answers on what factors parents feel are a strain and on the other hand what factors act as resources in everyday life. Stress in everyday life can be decreased by enjoying the little things in life such as the alone time on the way to work or a family meal. This study was carried out with qualitative research. The Data was collected using a thematic interview (n=6) and the respondents were found from a Facebook group called Äitylit. A post was made to the Facebook group in which the purpose of the research was explained and suitable respondents were recommended to contact the researcher via personal message. The interviewees were mothers doing shift work who have atleast one child aged 7-10 years. This was because researching the mothers’ everyday lives was more easy using limitations. Five of the interviews were carried out using Facebook videocall and one was carried out using e-mail. The research data was first analyzed with thematising and then with content analysis. According to the results of this research, mothers working in shifts thought their everyday life is irregular and they felt tired. Additionally they brought up problems with schedules and little time with family and loved ones. On the other hand, shift work also enables things in life, for example better pay, free weekdays, doing things during the week and picking up children from school. Also variability in everyday life was a positive thing. The Spouse and his possible daytime job, grandparents and close ones helped to combine shift work and family life. How mothers feel in their everyday lives is dependent on the family.
  • Korpimäki, Henna-Riikka (2016)
    The new curriculum emphasizes the importance of interaction. It is very important part of home economics teaching because the group work is a significant part of the learning process. Information and communication technology has also become more common in home economics education. The aim of this study was to find out how learning environments affect the social interaction in home economics education and what are the challenges and opportunities of information and communication technology to the social interaction. The study method was literature review which made it possible to evaluate the previous theory and get an overview on the chosen theme. Critical analysis was absolute necessary because then I was able to present the essential things to my own study. Open spaces enabled the interaction between students and the teacher was able to communicate more easily with students and saw when the students need help or what they were actually doing. A well-planned learning environment encouraged students to work together. Information and communication technology expanded learning environment outside the classroom. Interaction was still important even though it was different from face to face communication. The teacher can affect classroom interaction, for example, re-organizing desktop. Small things can have a significant impact. Information and communication technology requires the teacher continuous learning process because the devices and applications are developing rapidly.
  • Pöllänen, Ilona (2018)
    Goals. The goal of this thesis was to describe nuclear family parents’ thoughts of parenthood and the diversity of everyday life. According to the results of The Family Barometer 2017 by The Family Federation of Finland young childless adults that are postponing their parenthood see the everyday life of a family with children busy and troublesome. They also see families with children as so called Prisma family which are similar to each other. Prisma family is a fairly new concept of a stereotypical family whose parents seem to be busy and nervous and their children furious. The Family Barometer doesn’t disclose the parents’ points of view on family life, so this thesis aims at providing information of the everyday life of a family with children, and at raising the diversity of daily life of the nuclear family i.e. heterosexual parents and their common children. The generalization of Prisma family doesn’t fit in this diversity. The goal was to stir up ideas of the diversity of daily life and diminish its emphasis on the extremes. Methods. This thesis is placed between qualitative and quantitative research. The data for the thesis was collected with a questionnaire that included open ended questions. The data based on five nuclear family parents that were chosen by discretionary sample and was analyzed by using content analysis. Eventually the qualitative features were emphasized in the execution and demarcation of this thesis because the goal was to describe nuclear family parents’ own thoughts without a need of generalization. Results and conclusions. The parents of nuclear families experienced their everyday life positively. It seems that the support and compromising between the parents are connected to better experience of their own time and opportunity to have hobbies. Four of the couples saw that their time together had diminished. In turn three of the couples found that their children have strengthened the bond between the parents. Combining work and study with everyday life of a family with children worked out well among the families in the research. All in all, the families participating in the thesis were actually examples of Prisma family, whose lives are busy but thanks to their flexibility they didn’t experience the rush only negatively but could control it.