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  • Lehto, Roosa (2023)
    Tässä laadullisessa tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan tapoja, joilla suomalaisuutta rakennetaan alakoulun S2-opetuksessa käytettävissä oppimateriaaleissa. Kielen opettamisen ohella, S2-opetuksella on vuoden 2014 perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman mukaan myös sosialisaatiota ja kotoutumista edistävä tehtävä. POPS:in mukaan kulttuurinen identiteetti, ja siten myös kansallisuus, on kuitenkin dynaaminen ja yksilön itsensä määriteltävissä. Aiempi tutkimus on osoittanut, että kansallisuus rakentuu diskursiivisesti; kansallisuuden rajoja, sen jaettua historiaa ja homogeenisyyttä uusintavan puheen kautta. Samalla kansallisuuden diskurssi luo toiseuttavia ja rodullistettuja kategorisointeja ja subjektipositioita, joiden kautta kuuluminen johonkin kansallisuuteen estetään. Tutkimukseni kysyy minkälaista ja miltä näyttävää suomalaisuutta tällä hetkellä käytössä olevat S2-oppimateriaalit rakentavat, ja mitä suomalaisuuden ulkopuolelle mahdollisesti suljetaan. Tutkimuksen aineistona toimi Opetushallituksen julkaisema S2-oppikirja Kielikarhu 1 ja siihen kuuluva opettajan materiaali. Aineistoa lähestyttiin diskurssianalyysin kautta; tunnistamalla suomalaisuuden diskursseja oppikirjan kuvista ja oppimateriaalien teksteistä ja erittelemällä suomalaisuuteen eksplisiittisesti ja implisiittisesti yhdistyviä kategorisointeja ja oletuksia. Suomalaisuus rakentui oppimateriaaleissa valkoisuuden normiin yhdistyvän kehollisuuden ja suomalaiseen tapakulttuuriin yhdistyvien rituaalien kautta. Suomalaisuus vertautui usein toi-siin kansallisuuksiin erontekojen ja vastakohtien kautta. Opettajan materiaaleissa suomalaisuus ja ei-suomalaisuus yhdistyivät oletukseen S2-oppilaan suomalaisuuden taidoista, jotka oli sidottu oppilaan maahanmuuttajataustaisuuteen. Oppimateriaalissa kuvailtiin kuitenkin moninaista lasten suomalaisuutta ja yksilön mahdollisuuksia määritellä omaa suomalaisuuttaan ja identiteettiään. Oppimateriaalien ristiriitainen tapa rakentaa suomalaisuutta korostaa koulun ja opetuksen valtaa uusintaa normatiivisia kansallisuuden diskursseja sekä niiden mahdollisuuksia haastaa näitä diskursseja. Sen sijaan, että suomalaisuus rakennettaisiin valmiiksi S2-oppilaille, heidän omaa toimijuuttaan sen rakentamisessa tulisi tukea. Siten myös suomalaisuus voitaisiin tulevaisuudessa rakentaa valtadiskursseja haastavien vaihtoehtoisten diskurssien kautta.
  • Lehtinen, Heini (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to analyse paid club activities in early childhood education from the point of view of the parents and the kindergarten staff. The discources about paid club activities is thought to reflect the social status of the interviewee and the educational values and norms in accordance with this position. Civil status is conceptualized with the concept of Bourdieu's capital. According to the Bourdieu’s theory of the fields, societal classes are set up to the field of education, fighting for educational goods with different kinds of strategies. The material of this study is produced by interviewing and analyzed by means of discourse analysis. The studied private kindergarten and its multiple paid club activities were thought to support the children’s habitus originated from home. The activities of the kindergarten reflected the lifestyle of the residents of the area and children were expected to receive a large amount of capital from paid club activities for the future school path and work career. Parents wanted their children to get as diverse a variety of skills as possible. Skills were also placed in hierarchical order based on how much they produced benefit for the future. Charging of club activities was defended and the charges were not believed to have an inequitable effect. Based on Bourdieu's theory, the discourses about paid club activities could be combined with middle class and their cultural consumption.
  • Hiltunen, Ronja (2018)
    The study has been inspired by Finland's 70-year free school meal. The purpose of the study is to find out how free school meal was decided. Which steps and justifications led to the conclusion that in the 1943 parliamentary elections the bill was adopted unanimously. There was also an interest in the discussion on the topic, what kind of debate was born and which parties participated in the debate. Although school catering has been widely studied and the subject has been comprehensively written, these details, which I am trying to find out, have not been studied before. Based on previous studies, it can be assumed that the Social Democratic Party was the most active participant in the debate on the subject. My research is based on the source materials in the archives of the Parliament Library. The material was selected from documents that essentially concern free school meals. I started collecting the material by acquainting the documents of the Parliament in the Parliamentary Library. The addition to the National School Act concerning free school meals was made in 1943, so the documents and records of the parliamentary sessions of that year were selected for my material. Some of these documents raised a few reports and statements that I added to my material. My material consisted of ten official documents. In the analysis, I used typical qualitative research methods of content analysis. I read the documents carefully, after which I shared the arguments under the two main themes. The Social Democratic Party proved to be the most active party in the 1943 parliamentary debate on free meals at schools. The party was also actively engaged in education work for free school food. The need for free meals was mainly due to health reasons, in addition to the economic and social situation in our country. There was not much debate about legislating the law. Only two members of the Social Democratic Party gave their speeches. The explanations were largely in line with the same pattern as other documents.
  • Kivi, Juulia (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to map the essential themes of the discourse on teachers. The transition of the teacher as a model citizen is also under investigation. Furthermore, this thesis studies the transformation of the ideal teacher and the attributes it consists of. The myth of the “good” teacher is also a matter of interest in this study. These research questions all aim to create a more indepth overall picture on the matter. This thesis has been carried out as a literary review. While this literary review is integrative by nature, it also has some traits of a more narrative approach. The information retrieval in this research has been structured and there has also been specific criteria for the sources of the study. The sources in this study have been, in general outline, research literature that dates from 1995 to 2017. The “berry picking” –method of information retrieval has been utilized in this study in order to obtain the most relevant sources. As a result, the most essential themes in the discourse on the teacher are the transformations of the teacher’s model citizenship, the teacher ideal and the myth of the ”good” teacher. Another noteworthy theme is the impact the constructivist theory of learning has had on the discourse. In addition, themes such as the ”new” teacher, pedagogy and learning are also significant. Lastly, the appearance of new marketing lingo in the discussion about teachers can’t be left unnoticed. The new kind of expectations and ideals bestowed upon the teacher seem to help create a discourse where more traditional teaching practices are losing their appeal as newer ones enter the stage. These expectations and ideals are a complex field in which the demands are interchangeably conflicting.
  • Juoperi, Santra (2021)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää sairaalakouluhenkilökunnan kokemuksia debriefingistä. Pyrkimyksenä oli ymmärtää, millaista debriefingiä sairaalakoulutyöntekijälle tarjotaan. Lisäksi kiinnostuksen kohteena oli se, mihin sairaalakoulutyöntekijä kokee tarvitsevansa debriefingiä. Aiempaa tietoa sairaalakoulutyöntekijän kokemuksista suhteessa debriefingiin ei juurikaan ole. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisesti eli laadullisin menetelmin. Tutkimus on laadullinen tapaustutkimus. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin puolistrukturoidusti kolmea sairaalakoulutyöntekijää. Haastatteluaineistoa tarkasteltiin sisällönanalyysillä. Aineiston analyysitavaksi valikoitui induktiivinen sisällönanalyysi. Kaikkia haastatteluja yhdistävät käsitykset debfiefingistä olivat, että purkukeskustelu on seuraus uhka-, vaara- tai väkivaltatilanteesta. Kaikkien haastateltavien mukaan debriefingiin osallistutaan tiimeittäin ja lisäksi siihen osallistuvat aina tilanteessa läsnäolleet aikuiset. Kaikki haastateltavat kokivat tarvitsevansa debriefingiä uhka-, vaara- sekä väkivaltatilanteiden purkamiseen, hyvinvointiin ja työssä jaksamiseen sekä ammattillisuuden säilyttämiseen ja ammatilliseen kehittymiseen.
  • Frauenknecht, Alice (2019)
    The Aim of this study is to examine what kind of interpretations children make from the pictures on social media, and what kind of cultural references they find in them. The theoretical framework is built by defining the terms social and visual culture and multiliteracy. Social and visual culture includes social media, social media influencers and social media pic-tures. Multiliteracy includes media literacy and visual literacy. This is the first study conducted about this subject. The study is a part of the MOI- development project. The study is conducted as a qualitative research where the data for this study is collected by theme interview. There was a total of 17 interviews. Out of the 17 interviews conducted, 4 were ruled out. The remaining 13 interviews are analyzed in my thesis. 18 pictures were used to support the interview and make it a bit game like. These pictures contained five social media portraits. Children were asked to catego-rize the pictures and tell more about the categories. The methodology of analysing the material was content analysis. The findings were that the children divide thei attention based on the thoughts and emotions conjured by appearances, poses and images. At first, it was easiest for them to grasp on to clear exterior attributes, such as hair, expressions, or colors of the image. The remarks focused more on the backgrounds and the explanations of people in the images. Much of the focus of the in-terpretation was in the world crated by the children. There were a lot of cultural interpretations as well. The appearance, profession and social media of the characters were processed also.
  • Ranta, Joanna (2022)
    The goal for this study was to examine how students of educational science had experienced the remote studies caused by the pandemic and to examine how the remote studies had affected the students motivation, self-discipline and ability to concentrate. I was also interested in finding out how the students perceived their academic self-efficacy. The research approach in this study was phenomenographic. Phenomenographic studies strive to understand personal experiences. All together 5 students were interviewed about their experiences with remote studies. The interviews were semi-structured and done remotely through zoom. Afterwards the interviews were transcribed and analyzed with thematic analysis. The conducted study shows that the students were affected by the remote studies. Their motivation, self-discipline and ability to concentrate was affected by the remote studies. All of the participating students felt that they had good academic self-efficacy despite the remote studies.
  • Sahlberg, Cecilia (2016)
    The aim of this study is to get a deeper understanding for the kindergarten teachers experiences of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) in kindergartens. The focus of this study is on the usefulness, benefits and applicability of AAC methods in the kindergartens activities. It is interesting to see how the kindergarten teachers experience AAC methods as a support for learning language and communication, because of the fact that all children learn in different ways. The theoretical part is the foundation for the study. It gives an insight into the matter of the subject, and introduces the basic facts about children’s communication and language abilities. The qualitative study was done by interview technique. The group that was studied included three kindergarten teachers from three different kindergartens in Swedish-Finland. To get more diverse answers the study was done in kindergartens were the occurrence of ACC is more frequent than in most kindergartens. The interviews were recorded and transcribed to ease the process of analyzing. Meaning concentration was a suitable analyzing method because the amount of gained material was large. The result indicates that the three kindergarten teachers use AAC for different purposes. In contrary all the informants use the alternative methods as a support for the language and communication abilities of the children. In comparison with the theory can be stated that the kindergarten teachers use similar methods with those that are listed in the literature, but the black and white support pictures are seen to be outdated. The kindergarten teachers don´t see any downsides with using the AAC methods but they all don´t concur over if all the children benefit of the methods. This thesis gives a picture of how AAC methods can be used in practice, especially with children between the ages of three and six. There´s near to no practical advice in the literature about AAC and this thesis can therefore be useful for later studies.
  • Back, Lovisa (2020)
    Målet med denna forskning är att undersöka hur lärare förhåller sig till användning av dialekt i klassrum och hur lärare ska hitta en balansgång mellan dialektanvändning och standardsvenska så att eleven har maximal möjlighet att utveckla sin språkliga identitet. Problemet grundar sig i att lärare förhållit sig negativt till dialekt och att detta kan ha en skadlig effekt för elevens standardsvenska. Hypotesen är att lärare än i dag i viss mån förhåller sig negativt och jobbar relativt lite med dialekt i klassrum i Österbotten. Tidigare undersökningar har visat att lärare inte alls jobbar kring dialekter (Birkne, 2012) och att lärare i Finland uppfattat att elevernas muntliga svenska kunskaper är berömliga. Metoder som använts i denna forskning har varit kvalitativ forskningsansats med djupintervjuer med sammanlagt fyra anställda lärare i olika ämnen i Sursik skola, Pedersöre kommun. Analysen har gjorts fenomenologiskt. Resultatet har påvisat att lärare förhåller sig positivt men även neutralt till dialektanvändning i klassrummet. Lärare ser också vikten och betydelsen av att eleverna kan både sitt modersmål dialekt men även standardsvenska. Det kan också dras den slutsats att lärare har tillgång till väldigt få redskap om hur man ska få dialekttalande elever att känna sig bekväma i att tala standardsvenska.
  • Grönqvist, Heidi (2021)
    Mål. Syftet med denna studie är att genom kvalitativa intervjuer studera hur diktamen i undervisningen används inom årskurserna 1 – 4 och specifikt hur diktamen i undervisningen stöder elevernas lärande av rättstavning. Därtill är syftet att studera hur klasslärare använder sig av bedömning kopplat till diktamen samt hur bedömningen av diktamen påverkar elevernas motivation att utvecklas som skribent. Ingen tidigare forskning eller pedagogisk litteratur kring ämnet diktamen kunde hittas. Diktamen används som en del av undervisningen i undervisningsämnet Svenska och litteratur. Jag anser att det finns ett behov av min studie som kan erbjuda viktig kunskap om diktamens betydelse i undervisningen, för klasslärarna samt eleverna och deras vårdnadshavare. Metoder. Studien genomfördes med halvstrukturerade individuella intervjuer. Som stöd för intervjuerna skapades en intervjuguide som var uppbyggd kring den bakomliggande teorin för studien och delades in i teman. I intervjun deltog fyra (4) klasslärare som undervisade inom årskurserna 1 – 4. Tre av klasslärarna var behöriga, två av klasslärarna arbetade i samma skola och alla arbetade för samma kommun. Alla fyra (4) informanter var ganska lika i ålder och tre (3) av dem hade ungefär lika lång arbetserfarenhet som klasslärare. Intervjuerna har jag transkriberat för att sedan analysera dem genom att forma teman samt hitta likheter och skillnader i det insamlade data. Resultat och slutsatser. Diktamen används som en del av den mångsidiga undervisningen i undervisningsämnet Svenska och litteratur. Klasslärare önskar att eleverna ska genom den repetition samt modell som de får av diktamen befästa sådana skrivkunskaper som undervisas. Enligt klasslärarna erbjuder diktamen i undervisningen en möjlighet för eleverna till att fokusera på rättskrivningen. Därtill så upplevdes diktamen i undervisningen fungera som en övning där det kändes naturligt att lägga fokus på bland annat rättskrivning, grammatik och textuppbyggnad utan att störa eller påverka elevernas skrivflyt samt skapande av text som undervisningen för övrigt mycket grundar på samt som lyfts fram i Grunderna för den grundläggande utbildningen (2014). Genom intervjuerna framkom det dock att stort ansvar för övandet inför diktamen ligger på eleven samt det stöd som hen får av hemmet, vilket ansågs problematiskt både av klasslärarna samt av den teori som ligger för grund för avhandlingen. Klasslärarnas användning av bedömningen samt bedömningskutym varierade, men den huvudsakliga bedömningen som gavs eleverna var summativ och saknade återkoppling. Det rådde en enstämmighet bland klasslärarna om att elevernas motivation till att utvecklas som skribenter stöds då eleverna presterade bra i diktamen, medan de elever som upplevde att de inte lyckas bra så kan få motsatt effekt.
  • Kemppi, Annette (2016)
    The dissertation examines the role of technological tools in the rehabilitation of Parkinson's patients, and patients' attitudes and expectations regarding the future development of rehabilitation techniques.
  • Heino, Kirsi (2020)
    Ympäristöteemat ovat yhteiskunnallisesti erittäin ajankohtaisia. Jo varhaiskasvatusikäisten lasten kanssa on tärkeää puhua luonnosta, ympäristöstä sekä kestävästä kehityksestä, ja siten luoda ja vahvistaa lasten luontosuhdetta sekä toivoa tulevaisuuteen. Lapsen henkilökohtainen luontosuhde on pohjana luonnon ja ympäristön hyväksi tehtävissä teoissa. Ympäristökasvatus on tärkeä osa varhaiskasvatusta ja esiopetusta. Varhaiskasvatuksen ympäristökasvatuksessa voidaan hyödyntää taidekasvatuksen ja erityisesti draamakasvatuksen menetelmiä. Vaikka draamamenetelmien vaikuttavuudesta oppimiseen on tutkimusnäyttöä, on näiden menetelmien käyttö varhaiskasvatuksessa vähäistä ja draamapedagogiikan täydennyskoulutukselle on tarvetta. Syksyllä 2019 osassa Helsingin päiväkodeista toteutettiin yhteistyössä Teatteri ILMI Ö:n sekä Helsingin kaupungin varhaiskasvatusviraston kanssa Luontokosketus -ympäristö- ja yhteisötaidehanke. Luontokosketus -hankkeessa ympäristönsuojelua ja kestävää kehitystä käsitellään esiopetusikäisten lasten kanssa teatterin, draaman ja taiteen keinoin. Teatteri ILMI Ö:n suunnittelema ja toteuttama hanke koostui kahdesta lapsille suunnatusta teatteriesityksestä, päiväkodeissa toteutetuista kolmesta teatterityöpajasta sekä ympäristötaidenäyttelystä. Hankkeeseen sisältyi myös varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstölle suunnattu koulutusosio. Tämän tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on näkemys lapsesta itsenäisenä toimijana ja tiedontuottajina. Opetushallituksen Esiopetuksen opetussuunnitelmassa (2016) draamakasvatuksen lähtökohtana ovat lapset ja heidän kokemuksensa. Lasten kanssa tulee yhdessä suunnitella, toteuttaa ja arvioida ilmaisun kokonaisuuksia. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää lasten kokemuksia päiväkodeissa toteutetusta Luontokosketus -ympäristö- ja yhteisötaidehankkeesta. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin lapsia haastattelemalla, mitä hankkeessa käsiteltyjä ympäristöteemoja tai sisältöjä lapset kuvailevat sekä millaisia kokemuksia, elämyksiä tai tunteita lapset tuovat esiin? Tutkimukseen osallistui seitsemän (7) lasta kolmesta eri päiväkodista. Kvalitatiivinen tutkimusaineisto kerättiin teemahaastatteluin ja lasten tuottamaa aineistoa käsiteltiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tulosten mukaan lapset kuvailevat eniten hankkeen niitä teemoja ja sisältöjä, joissa he itse olivat toimijoina. Teatteriesitysten luonto- ja ympäristöteemoista lapset kertovat vähemmän. He mainitsevat esitysten yksityiskohtia ja liittävät omia kokemuksia esityksissä nähtyihin valokuviin. Esityksiin liittyen lapset pohtivat roskaamista sekä sen seurauksia. Draamamenetelmin toteutettujen työpajojen ympäristöteemoista lapset kuvailevat monipuolisimmin roskaamiseen sekä kierrätykseen liittyviä yksityiskohtia. Lapset tuovat esiin omakohtaisia kokemuksia työpajoissa käsitellyistä teemoista ja työpajoissa käytetyistä menetelmistä, kuten näyttelemisestä. Taidenäyttelyyn liittyen lapset kuvailivat näkemiään teoksia, etenkin oman lapsiryhmän toteuttamaa taideteosta. Lapset kuvailivat yksityiskohtaisesti taideteosten tekemistä sekä siihen käytettyjä materiaaleja. Lasten vastaukset haastatteluissa olivat verrattaen lyhyitä, mutta niissä oli tulkittavissa kokemuksia ympäristökasvatuksen eri osa-alueista. Lapset oppivat ympäristössä toimimalla erilaisissa oppimisympäristöissä sekä erilaisia materiaaleja ja draamankeinoja hyödyntäen. Lapset saivat mahdollisuuden empatian kokemuksiin sekä ympäristöstä huolehtimisen kehittymiseen oppimalla ympäristöstä. Kokemuksellinen oppiminen työpajoissa antoi lapsille mahdollisuuden toimia ympäristön puolesta ja draamaharjoitteissa hyödynnettiin lasten omia mielenkiinnonkohteita. Toiminnassa tavoitettiin myös osallisuutta, voimaantumista sekä yhteenkuuluvuutta.
  • Kangasjärvi, Anniina (2017)
    Traditionally psychological theories approach performance orientation as a personal trait or character. This study is based on the question if these traditionally individual considered traits could be consequency of social discourses. I consider neoliberal ethos as a governance by which individuals begin to govern themselves according to political interests. In neoliberal context entrenepreunial self becomes a new model of ideal self and governing themselves according this ideal individuals aim to redeem their proper citizenship and to secure their ”market value” in rising competition. Pursuing ideal self individuals adopt an entrenepreunial and performance oriented mentality and start to direct their actions and govern themself according these rationalities. The data consist of three half-structured interviews by general and adult education students of University of Helsinki. I study how society and its values is discussed by data and what are the individual consequences of neoliberal discourse and how individuals govern themselves by self techonlogies. The data is analyzed in discourse analytical way. The results consists of three chapter. At first chapter I analyzed how interviewees discuss about society and its values. Economical rules, result orientation and individual responsibility were emphasized but it could also be read that social responsibility was rising. At the second chapter I analyzed citizenship in neoliberal context. ”Zero-citizenship” was associated with participation of labor markets while reaching an ideal citizenship was associated with entrepreneurial performance rationalization and self governance. It was interesting that individuals detach themself of neoliberal governace e.g. through depression. This also makes agency possible. At third chapter I analyzed how downshifting and well-being have become an alternative to neoliberal demands althoug they could also be read as a new ways of governing the self. In this study is shown how neoliberal governance can effect harmful to individuals’ well-being. Mental health issues have traditionally been considered as a patological diseases but study’s results questions this view while considering these issues as a way to detach from neoliberal governance. Performance orientation is originated both individual and society and according to my reading some individuals are more sensitive to some ways of governance per se and adopt some subjectivities better than others. In future it would be intetersting to combine psychological and social perspectives when studying the formation of the self.
  • Meriläinen, Elina (2018)
    Aims. The intention of this research is to survey what kinds of methods do teachers in Lukuklaani research project use to inspire children to read fiction literacy. The answers are viewed from the aspect of motivational psychology. The previous researches have shown that reading motivation is increased by a good reading technique, a possibility to have an influence on choosing literacy, goals and values, sharing reading experiences with others and the valuation of reading in one’s classroom. The results of the study were compared to these aspects. The research questions are: What kinds of methods do teachers in Lukuklaani research project use to inspire their students to read and how can these methods be justified by motivational perspective? Methods. This research is based on the research data of the Lukuklaani research project. The data was collected in November and December 2017. The essential research data of this study consists of the answers of question 44 in Lukuklaani questionnaire (N=107). The answers were categorised in six different categories. The question to answer was: “If you use some other methods besides the ones mentioned in the previous question, describe them shortly.” Additionally, the previous question 43 was surveyed shortly. It offers information on how well teachers know and how often they use methods called reading group, reading diploma, book tipping, reading competition, drama and a reading worm or a reading tree. Results and conclusions. The answers of the teachers in Lukuklaani research data could be segregated in four different methodological categories. Those were methods based on the amount of reading, the content of literacy, working together with other students and integration with other school subjects. All the methods can be justified by the aspect of motivational psychology. As a synthesis of this research a figure of four dimensions of reading motivation was build up. The figure guides teacher’s actions and supports the planning of literacy teaching processes from the aspects of students’ motivation and the aims of the curriculum.
  • Kalo, Antti (2017)
    This thesis aims to clarify and integrate how Martin Buber's philosophy is utilized in Finnish research regarding education and dialogue. According to this thesis, in recent Finnish research main focus has been on following themes: Buber's worldview and religion, Buber's philosophy, the two word pairs (I-It and I-Thou) and education.
  • Laaksonen, Mira (2016)
    Tiedekunta - Fakultet - Faculty Behavioural Sciences Laitos - Institution - Department Teacher Education Tekijä - Författare – Author Mira Laaksonen Työn nimi - Arbetets titel Marttaliiton kotitalousviestintä sosiaalisessa mediassa Title Communication of the home economics of the Martha Organization in social media Oppiaine - Läroämne – Subject Home Economics Työn laji/ Ohjaaja - Arbetets art/Handledare - Level/Instructor Master’s Thesis / Supervisor’s Name Hille Janhonen-Abruquah Aika - Datum - Month and year December 2016 Sivumäärä - Sidoantal - Number of pages 27pp. + 9 appendices Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Abstract: In today´s world the communication has moved more and more to networks and social media. As the society has turned into medial world there is a need for companies and associations to communicate multichannel to reach their focus groups. Succeeded creation of the brand and its execution can have an influence to imagines and reputation of the organization. The goal in this research was to find out what type of image there is of the communication of the home economics of the Martha Organization in the social media. In addition the goal was to investigate how the brand of Martha Organization appears in the communication of the social media and what type of publications interest the most of the followers of the Facebook-pages of the Martha Organization. In the behavioural science the quantitative and qualitative research methods cannot be excluded in analytical models but they can be used as continuum in the research. That is how it was performed in this study, where the publications of the Martha Organization in the Face-book were first categorized and then investigated the reactions of these publications and the visibility of the Martha brand. The material consisted of 537 publications in the Martha Organization Facebook-pages during the October 2015 and September 2016. The food related publications were the most and the garden-theme publications were the least common publications. The food-related publications received the most reactions as well. The money and consumption themes got the least reactions. Those publications related to food or domestic care that included a good receipt or a handy tip, draw attention the best in the Facebook. In those publications the Martha brand were the most visible as well. Avainsanat – Nyckelord kotitalousneuvonta, viestintä, sosiaalinen media, brändi, Marttaliitto Keywords Home economics counselling, communication, social media, brand, The Martha Organization Säilytyspaikka - Förvaringsställe - Where deposited Library of Helsinki University, Kaisa-house, Behavioural Sciences Muita tietoja - Övriga uppgifter - Additional information
  • Ovaska, Outi (2019)
    The aim of this study is to look how Mary Olki's 80-year-old handicraft is suitable for today. The study also examines what kind of thoughts and emotions emerge when preparing a handmade product according to the old craft instruction. Mary Olki's craft instructions have not been studied before. For the research material, the annuals of the Kotiliesi -magazine were reviewed from 1923 to 1942 and Mary Olki's handicraft instructions were listed. One handicraft instruction Sievä virkattu kesähattu 5-vuotiaalle tytölle (“Pretty crocheted summer hat for 5-year-old girl”) was implemented by a protocol analysis. Instruction was published in June 1934. The material of the study was produced by a protocol analysis. Three main themes could be interpreted from the material through qualitative content analysis: 1) Instruction - text and image, 2) Girl's summer hat - materials and crochet, and 3) Emotions during the work. The importance of handicraft has changed in Finland over the decades. Despite the change, handicrafts are still important for people and crocheting has maintained its position. The results of the study found that handicraft instructions for magazines have also changed. In the past, handicraft instructions contained only a few images, and the verbal instructions were more ambiguous. The readers were supposed to know and understand the handicraft techniques. During the study, the work of Mary Olki's 80-year-old craft was successful, even though the instruction had to be interpreted in some places. Variety of emotions like success and uncertainly were emerged during the crocheting. When the old handicraft was implemented, the differences and the similarities between the past and the present had to be considered. Today's response to Olki's summer hat is crocheting child hat with antenna.
  • Setälä, Aleksandra (2024)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää erityisopettajien suhtautumista puhetta tukeviin ja korvaaviin kommunikaatiomenetelmiin (AAC) sekä sitä, millä tavoilla AAC:n käyttöä voidaan tukea koulumaailmassa erityisopettajien näkökulmasta. Aiheesta on tehty ulkomailla tutkimusta, mutta Suomessa aihealuetta ei ole vielä kattavasti selvitetty. Tällä hetkellä kuitenkin AAC:n käyttöä on alettu tutkia myös Suomen tasolla. Suomessa on tehty muun muassa tutkimuksia opettajien ja oppilaiden suhtautumisesta AAC:hen. Menetelmät. Tutkimus tehtiin laadullisin menetelmin. Monitapaustutkimus toteutettiin haastattelemalla kolmea erityisopettajaa, jolla oli kokemusta AAC:n käytöstä. Haastattelu toteutettiin puolistrukturoituna haastatteluna, jotka litteroitiin äänitysten jälkeen. Aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin induktiivista sisällönanalyysia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kaikki tutkimuksessa olleet erityisopettajat kokivat AAC:n käytön hyödylliseksi. Erityisen hyödylliseksi koettiin piirtäminen sekä tukiviittomat. Kaikki haastateltavat kokivat myös tiedon lisäämisen tukevan AAC:n käyttöä koulumaailmassa. Kaksi opettajaa koki myös materiaalien helppouden ja saatavuuden lisäävän AAC:n käytön edistämistä. Kaikki haastateltavat nostivat myös kommunikaattorit esille. Haastateltavista kaksi koki kommunikaattorit haastaviksi ja yksi helposti käytettäväksi. Tutkimuksen mukaan AAC tiedon lisäämiselle on tarve koulumaailmassa ja erityisopettajat suhtautuvat positiivisesti AAC:n käyttöön
  • Kokko, Sini (2016)
    Studies have consistently reported the link between depression and Alzheimer's disease. The purpose of this thesis is to clarify this link and to examine depression as a risk for Alzheimer's disease as well as its prodrome. On the grounds of research, history of depression seems to be both an individual risk factor and a prodrome for Alzheimer's disease. Depression earlier in life, even dozens of years before the onset of Alzheimer's, is related to the increased risk for Alzheimer later in life. It also seems possible, that the severity and number of depressive symptoms and episodes may increase the risk for Alzheimer. However, for some elderly people depression seems to be the first symptom of a dementia disease. Depression close before getting the diagnosis of Alzheimer's seems to be associated with Alzheimer's especially when there's cognitive decline along with depression: either pseudodementia or MCI. In the future, depression must be seen as a risk for Alzheimer's that can be affected. Thus, effective and early treatment of depression may then decrease the risk for Alzheimer's and possibly prevent it. More attention should also be paid on geriatric depression, especially when along with memory problems or decline in other cognitive skills.
  • Ylijoki, Anu (2016)
    Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a mental health disorder, which requires a diagnosis or identifying an illness in order to be treated. There are nine criteria symptoms for MDD, and to acquire a diagnosis, an individual must exhibit five to nine of these symptoms (DSM-5). The weight of the criteria symptoms is assumed to be equal and a sum-score is calculated. The sum-score determines whether the MDD in question is mild, moderate or severe. The sum-scores simplify MDD because it is a heterogeneous syndrome. The diagnostic criteria see MDD as a common cause network: criteria symptoms are equally weighted indicators of an illness called MDD. Symptom-based networks are presented as an alternative, more precise way of modeling MDD. In symptom-based networks MDD is seen as consisting of causal connections between symptoms so that a certain existing symptom is likely to result in the manifestation of another symptom. Symptom-based networks are well-suited for explaining the heterogeneity of MDD, the vast spectrum of symptom combinations and the interrelationships of symptoms. In addition, symptom-based networks bypass entirely the problematic assumption that MDD is a latent phenomenon. The heterogeneity hidden in the MDD diagnosis is critically examined through research evaluating the diagnosis and pathogenesis of MDD as well as symptom studies. The results from depression studies and clinical practice strongly indicate that the official view of the scientific community on the etiology of MDD is wrong. A tremendous amount of heterogeneity is hidden behind the MDD diagnosis.