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  • Ruutuoksa, Maria (2022)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Tavoitteet. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan perheaterioinnin yhteyttä lasten ja nuorten ruokailutottumuksiin. Yhdessä syöminen on ollut tärkeä osa yhdessä elämistä, mutta perheaterioinnin on havaittu vähentyneen. Suomalaisten lapsiperheille suunnattujen ruokasuositusten (2019) mukaan perheen yhdessä syöminen edistää ruokailun terveellisyyttä. Lasten ja nuorten ruokailutottumuksista ollaan kuitenkin huolestuneita, sillä tutkimusten mukaan ne eivät useinkaan vastaa ravitsemussuosituksia. Esimerkiksi kasviksia, hedelmiä sekä marjoja lapset ja nuoret syövät ravitsemussuosituksiin nähden liian vähän, kun taas sokerin, suolan ja punaisen lihan kulutus on ravitsemussuosituksiin nähden runsasta. Suositusten mukaisella ruokavaliolla nähdään olevan vahva yhteys hyvinvointiin ja terveyteen sekä lasten ja nuorten kasvuun ja kehitykseen. Tavoitteena tässä tutkielmassa onkin selvittää, mitä vaikutuksia perheaterioinnilla on havaittu olevan lasten ja nuorten ruokailutottumuksiin ja millä tavoin perheaterioinnilla voidaan edistää lasten ja nuorten ravitsemussuositusten mukaisia ruokailutottumuksia. Menetelmät. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tiedonhaussa hyödynnettiin Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston kokoelmahakua sekä Google Scholar hakupalvelua. Kirjallisuuden valinnassa ei käytetty täsmällisiä seulontamenetelmiä, mikä on tyypillistä kuvailevalle kirjallisuuskatsaukselle. Aineiston haussa hyödynnettiin avainsanoja sekä niiden yhdistelmiä. Aineistoista koostettiin taulukko, johon tutkielmassa käytettävien aineistojen perustiedot, kuten julkaisuvuosi ja päätulokset koottiin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tässä tutkielmassa mukana olevien tutkimusten perusteella perheateriointi näyttäisi edistävän lasten ja nuorten ravitsemussuositusten mukaisia ruokailutottumuksia. Säännöllisesti perheen kanssa aterioivat lapset ja nuoret söivät enemmän kasviksia, hedelmiä ja marjoja sekä kuluttivat vähemmän pikaruokaa, makeisia ja virvoitusjuomia, kuin ne, jotka eivät aterioineet säännöllisesti perheensä kanssa. Tämän lisäksi säännöllisellä perheaterioinnilla havaittiin olevan syömishäiriöiltä suojaava vaikutus. Säännöllisen perheaterioinnin voidaan siis nähdä olevan tärkeä tekijä lasten ja nuorten terveellisten ruokailutottumusten näkökulmasta sekä siten myös lasten ja nuorten terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Tästä syystä olisikin tärkeää, että perheissä pyrittäisiin järjestämään aikaa yhteiselle aterialle.
  • Pulli, Annuliina (2020)
    Mielenterveyden pulmat ovat yleistymässä, ja erilaiset mielenterveyshäiriöt ovat myös kansanterveydellisesti katsottuna entistä suurempi riski. Nuorten kohdalla erityisesti huomionarvoista on se, että hoitamattomina ne voivat vaikuttaa esimerkiksi nuoren kehitykseen sekä koulumenestykseen, ja täten myöhempään tulevaisuuteen. Myös koulu-uupumuksesta kärsivien nuorten määrä on kasvanut. Kouluissa tulisi huomioida psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin ja mielenterveystaitojen merkitys. Tämä tutkimus pyrkii selvittämään, minkälainen merkitys nuorten saamalla sosiaalisella tuella on heidän psyykkiselle hyvinvoinnilleen ja miten koulukontekstissa, esimerkiksi opettajien toimesta, voidaan tukea nuorten psyykkistä hyvinvointia. Tutkimuksen tulokset olivat hyvin selkeät: sosiaalisella tuella on suuri merkitys siihen, miten hyvinvoivia nuoret ovat. Vanhempien ja vertaisten merkitys korostui sosiaalisen tuen antajina. Opettajien merkitys sosiaalisen tuen antajina korostui tilanteessa, jossa nuori ei saanut syystä tai toisesta riittävästi tukea perheeltään tai vertaisiltaan. Tietoisuuden lisääminen, positiivinen psykologia, ryhmätyöskentelyn hyödyntäminen sekä vertaistoiminnan mahdollistaminen nousivat aineistosta esiin keinoina, joita koulut voivat käyttää nuorten hyvinvoinnin edistämiseen. Myös mielenterveystaitojen opettaminen kouluissa on äärimmäisen tärkeää.
  • Ankkuri, Jenni (2017)
    Many adolescents participate in youth work activities in their leisure time. The mission of youth work is to support socialization of adolescents in their leisure time in a changing society. This study examines how adolescents’ snack practices show in youth work. The aim of this study is to consider junior high school adolescents’ snack practices and action in the youth center. The purpose of the study is get knowledge about what do adolescents eat for snacks and what kind of a role do snacks play in the youth center. This theme was selected because youth center snack practises have been studied very little. The study questions are: 1. What kind of snack practices do junior high school adolescents have? 2. What do junior high school adolescents think about the snack practices in youth center? 3. What kind of snack practices can be found in youth centers? The research method was qualitative and research data was collected using two different methods a the youth center in Vantaa. Using observation I observed about 70 junior high school adolescents during six weekdays. Structured internet-enquiry was answered by 23 junior high school adolescents from which eight were girls and 15 were boys. The method of analysis was material based content analysis. Three important themes was found as the research results. The themes were the social impact of food, the comforting impact of food and food rules. The study revealed that almost half of the adolescents in junior high school ate snacks every day. The most popular snacks were sweet and savory cereal products. Adolescents discussed about snacks and they enjoyed eating together. Adolescents were very satisfied about the offered snacks and almost half of the activities and almost half of adolescents felt that it was very important that the youth center offered snacks free of charge. Snacks were also used as an incentive to motivate the adolescents to participate in different chores in the youth center. Teaching adolescents to prepare healthy and easy snacks is an important task in the field of home economics education.
  • Pankka, Essi (2016)
    The need of belonging is one of human beings’ primary needs. Nearly all people belong to multiple groups defining one’s persona and self-confidence. In addition to their class group, Finnish ninth-graders belong to varying social groups, groups defined by organized and unorganized pastime ac-tivities, families and various other groups. These groups provide the time and place for learning and practicing co-operating skills, leadership and seeking one´s own voice. The objective of this thesis is to study the connection between the ninth-graders’s pastime activities and their social status in the classroom as well their perceptions of skills required in co-operative learning. Methodological approaches of this thesis are sociogram – for measuring social status – and semi-structured interviews – for studying perceptions of co-operative learning skills. Further, co-operative learning skills are also presented in the light of relevant literature and the current national core cur-riculum for basic education in Finland. Focal point of the thesis is in Scouting and its educational approach regarding group working and peer leadership skills. In general, the performed analyses did not find connection between pastime activities and social sta-tus when defined as likeliness to become a peer leader or a partner in co-operative learning assign-ments. Studying those individuals, who most clearly were distinguished as peer leaders, no connec-tion was found to them belonging to organized pastime activity. Likewise, those, who most clearly distinguished as unwanted co-operation partners, did not differentiate in terms of commitment to pastime activities. Scouts in the sample group did not stand out in the results to one direction or other. Interviewees described co-operating skills and learning of such in a realistic manner, consistent with the current core curriculum and previous studies in the field. Negotiation skills, ability to interact with various types of people and listening skills were regarded especially important. Interiviewees of the present thesis were almost unanimous, in perceiving that co-operating skills were best learned in school and organized pastime activities.
  • Sneck, Antti (2018)
    Objectives. Differences in people and the reasons behind them have been a subject of interest through-out history and, among others, the concept of temperament has been used in an attempt to explain them. According to theoretical literature, temperament is biologically-based, at least partly inherited behaviour-al and reactional tendency, which appears early and is relatively stable through life. Temperament ex-plains the individuality in people and serves as a biological foundation for personality, which develops through the joint influence of temperament and environment. Temperament is composed of different temperament traits, the number of which is debated by different temperament theorists. Temperament is in constant interaction with environment, including at school, where temperament has been suggested to contribute to an unequal treatment of children. The objectives of the present study were to discover how temperament is being defined within school context, what kind of effect temperament has on children’s educational experience, and how it should be taken into account in connection to children’s educational experience. The aim is to analyse current theoretical and empirical literature and advance temperament-related knowledge and understanding in the field of education. Methodology. The present study was executed as a descriptive literature review. The material was com-prised of international and Finnish theoretical literature as well as numerous research articles, published in prestigious, peer-reviewed international journals. The material included research conducted specifical-ly in the Finnish school context as well. Results and conclusions. In research conducted in school context, temperament was defined based on the theoretical literature with small variations mostly in temperament traits. According to research, chil-dren’s temperaments were directly and indirectly linked to children’s school adjustment, social relation-ships with teachers and peers, and academic achievement, including school grades. Reviewed studies suggested more temperament-related education for teachers and rethinking of assessment practices. Temperaments’ different kinds of effects on children’s school experiences put them in unequal posi-tions at school. Some children, based on their innate attributes, have more negative relationships with teachers and peers, and worse grades, which, in turn, are connected to different kinds of educational opportunities in the future. Temperament-related education for teachers and more equal assessment practices might improve educational experience of children with all kinds of temperament.
  • Niemelä, Jasmin (2018)
    The purpose of this research is to provide qualitative information about what makes work meaningful to millenials. At the moment, there is a lot discussion about meaningful work and millenials’ perceptions about it. Therefore, it is important to understand how millennials understand meaningful work and that is what I aim to describe in this study. As a theoretical background I use Marjolein Lips-Wiersma and Sarah Wrights’ (2012) framework about the construction of meaningful work. In addition, I will present former research connected to millenials’ perceptions of meaningful work and researchers’ propositions on how to develop meaningfulness of work. This study has been conducted by interviewing three students. All of them studied in University of Helsinki and at the time of interviews they were 20-24 years old. All of the interviews were recorded and transcribed in order to ensure accurate and truthful description of results. The analysis was conducted with the help of content analysis: first by identifying relevant parts from interviews and then by grouping findings based to its theme. The analysis revealed that interviewed millennials had different approaches to meaningfulness of work. Other interviewees approached meaningfulness of work through work’s purpose and goals. However, one of the interviewees viewed works’ goal only as one component among others that are constructing meaningfulness of work. Millenials saw good working atmosphere, opportunity to develop oneself and working for common advantage as elements that construct the experience of meaningful work. The results of this study describe millenials’ perceptions about meaningful work and their expectations about their future jobs. This information can be utilized in practice for example in work design, leadership and recruiting.
  • Flinck, Anna-Sofia (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Psykologinen resilienssi on ihmisen kykyä selviytyä ja sopeutua vastoinkäymisistä elämässä. Resilienssi nähdään myös reittinä kohti hyvinvointia. Resilienssi syntyy sekä traumoista selviämisen yhteydessä että arkisissa stressitilanteissa. Kiinnostus resilienssiä kohtaan on lisääntynyt positiivisen psykologian terveyslähtöisyyden myötä. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, voiko resilienssi olla osa urheiluharrastusten hyvinvointia edistäviä vaikutuksia. Urheilun harrastamisella on tutkimuksien mukaan useita hyvinvointia edistäviä vaikutuksia. Lisäksi urheilun luonteeseen kuuluu stressaavat tekijät, joita syntyy suorituspaineiden alla. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitetään, onko psykologisella resilienssillä sekä lasten ja nuorten urheiluharrastuksilla yhteyttä. Lisäksi tutkitaan, millaisia resilienssin määritelmiä tutkimuksissa on käytetty ja mihin tarkoituksiin resilienssin hyötyjä on ajateltu. Menetelmät. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta. Aineisto valittiin monitieteellisistä tietokannoista vuosilta 2017–2021. Aineistoon valikoitui yhteensä 10 vertaisarvioitua artikkelia. Aineistossa oli mukana sekä määrällisiä että laadullisia tutkimuksia. Analysoinnissa käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä ja tulosten syntetisoinnissa luokittelua. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että aiempien tutkimuksien perusteella psykologisella resilienssillä oli yhteys lasten ja nuorten urheiluharrastuksiin. Urheilun harrastaminen paransi tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttivat myös resilienssin kehittymiseen. Tällaisia tekijöitä olivat muun muassa minäpystyvyys ja hallinnan tunne, sekä sosiaalinen osallisuus. Resilienssin määritelmissä oli eroavaisuuksia, mutta suurin osa määritelmistä oli nykyaikaisten suositusten mukaisia. Lisäksi resilienssi nähtiin tärkeänä välineenä sosiaalisen osallisuuden parantamisessa, mielenterveyden edistämisessä ja suorituskyvyn parantamisessa. Voidaankin päätellä, että urheilun harrastamisesta on hyötyä resilienssin kehittymiselle, ja kehittynyt resilienssi on hyödyksi hyvinvoinnille.
  • Kankaanpää, Lotta (2018)
    Reasearchers have been interested in community housing for a long time. Community housing is seen to be a potential solution to help adolescents find an apartment and to support their own life. Besides reasons for food choice are very important especially when we think about global warming. The purpose of this study is to imagine how community housing takes part of adolescent’s food choice process. This study was completed using qualitative research methods. The data for this study collected through a theme interview. There were five interviewees in this study. They were 19–23- years old and I know them well. Three women and two men took part of this study. Collected material analysed by analysis of the content. Community housing taking part of adolescent’s food choice process was a bigger deal in women’s life compared to men’s life. Young women talked more about food and they also suffered from social pressure in food choice situations. Health and taste were often the main reason for food choices. Besides, was person’s own wellbeing a major factor of food choice process. All interviewees’ food choices and habits had changed a lot and they were more interested in food after they had moved on their own. It’s hard to say which one changes the habits more: moving on their own or the social influence through many discussions and accommodation? Health benefits of the food and especially the taste are important factors in decision making when food is considered. Also, environmental issues influence in adolescent’s choices. People are more and more interested in the environmental effects of food production. On one hand, many young people eat less meat. On the other hand, opinions of meat consumption and vegetarianism varies a lot.
  • Nousiainen, Katja (2016)
    Aim: This study explores eating habits of secondary school students: whether they eat school lunches and which kind of snacks are consumed. Earlier studies show that almost one third of the students consume unhealthy snacks at least twice a week. More than half of the students do not eat all components of the school meal. This research elaborates the following questions: 1. How often an adolescent consumes school lunches and its portions? 2. What kind of snacks the adolescent enjoys in and out of school? 3. Which factors affect his or her snack choices? Methods: This study was executed by using qualitative methods. Six students aged between 13 and 15 were interviewed in November 2016, in the city of Joensuu. Interviews were semi-structured. The data was analysed by using quantitative methods as well as qualitative, data-driven analysing methods. Results and conclusion: The students consume school meals daily but leave some portions aside. Girls seem to eat salad more often than boys. Boys drink milk or sour milk more often than girls. Students rarely consume any snacks at school except one girl who has fruits or biscuits three times a week. Almost all interviewed enjoy a sandwich and yoghurt for a snack after school. Fruits are common snacks for half of the students. Most of the interviewed made decision what they will have for snack due to the availability and taste of snack. Some also found healthiness as a key factor. Overall it seems that rea-sons for decreasing the need for snacks at school are 1) food made in home economics class, 2) it is not allowed to exit school during school day as well as 3) comprehensive con-sumption of different portions of school meal.