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  • Keil, Catarina (2022)
    Goal. Previous studies show that dog assisted pedagogy may have positive consequences on pupil behavior and learning. There are relatively few studies on dog assisted pedagogy in Finnish schools. The aim of this study is to attain a deeper understanding of dog assisted activities in Finnish schools and to investigate how a dog as a pedagogical resource affects pupil behavior, socio-emotional development and learning at school from a teacher perspective. Methods. The study is qualitative in nature and the empirical material is based on three semi-structured interviews with four qualified teachers who apply dog assisted pedagogy in their classroom. Two of the informants are special education teachers teaching small groups, one informant is a special education classroom teacher teaching a small class and one informant is a classroom teacher teaching a normal class, however, including children with special needs. The data was analyzed with thematic analysis. Results and conclusions. The study shows that the teacher participants believe dog assisted pedagogy is an excellent method that should be entitled for all educational institutions on pedagogical grounds. Above all, children with special needs, who perceive schoolwork as particularly demanding, seem to benefit from dog assisted activities, according to the informants. The presence of a dog in the classroom may have positive effects on pupil behavior and the executive functions. The study reveals that the presence of a dog improves especially a pupil’s stress management and self-regulation skills and contributes to a calmer atmosphere in the classroom. Further, the study shows that a dog’s participation in school activities may increase pupil motivation concerning school tasks and accordingly enhance pupil self-efficacy. Additionally, the informants feel that the dog increased social interaction and communication between teacher and pupil but also between pupils. The informants do not recognize a direct connection between the presence of a dog and socio-emotional development and learning. However, they identify several indirect correlations between these factors.
  • Bäckblom, Minette (2024)
    Mål. Denna avhandling undersöker hur konstbaserad undervisning påverkar STEAM-utbildningen (Science, Technology, Engeneering, Arts & Mathematics), med syfte att undersöka och belysa den konstbaserade undervisningens roll i att främja lärprocessen och det tvärvetenskapliga tänkandet i alla åldersgrupper och världen över för att lyfta fram dess viktiga bidrag till STEAM-utbildningen. Tidigare forskning har visat att mer integration av konstbaserad undervisning kan förbättra lärprocessen på en kognitiv och affektiv nivå. Tidigare forskning visar att använda sig mer av konstbaserad undervisning ökar elevernas engageman och elevernas förståelse för komplexa vetenskapliga begrepp.   Metoder. Avhandlingen använder en narrativ litteraturöversikt som metod för att samla in och analysera befintlig forskning om konstbaserad undervisning. Datamaterialet består av åtta forskningsartiklar som valts ut för att täcka olika aspekter av ämnet. I artiklarna behandlas konstbaserad undervising, utifrån olika utbildningsnivåer; från småbarnspedagogik till vuxenpedagogik. Artiklarna är både nationella och internationella, vilket bidrar till en rätt så heltäckande översikt av ämnet. Materialet analyseras för att identifiera gemensamma teman inom ramen för konstbaserad undervisning som bidrar till att främja lärprocessen och det tvärvetenskapliga tänkandet.   Resultat och slutsatser. Resultatet av analysen visar att konstbaserad undervisning har positiva effekter på elevers lärprocess och på elevers tvärvetenskapliga tänkande. Då det gäller lärprocessen förbättrar konstbaserad undervisning elevernas kreativitet, kritiska tänkande och problemlösningsförmåga. Då det gäller det tvärvetenskapliga tänkandet så främjar konstbaserad undervisning engageman, tillämpning och integrering av kunskap från olika discipliner. Resultaten går in i varandra och vissa av dem främjar både elevers lärprocess och elevers tvärvetenskapliga tänkandet.
  • Lerto, Tobina (2017)
    Inklusion innebär på en skola för alla. En skola där alla välkomnas, oberoende handikapp, inlärnings- eller beteendesvårigheter, kön eller etnicitet. Grundidén är att specialpedagogi-ken inte mera segregeras utan tas in i den allmänna undervisningen. Undervisningen strä-var till att anpassas till individen, inte bara till majoriteten. Alla ska ges möjligheten till en god inlärning. Syftet med den här studien är att utreda hur Helsingforslärare ser på inklusion, hur de anser att den nya läroplanen behandlar inklusion, hur den implementeras i skolorna. I denna feno-menologisk-hermeneutiska studie har svaren på forskningsfrågorna besvarats genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fem Helsingfors lärare. Analysen är en innehållsanalys. Teoridelen koncentrerar sig på vad inklusion innebär i skolvärlden. Vidare presenteras pe-dagogens roll i inklusionen. Även läroplanen, som styrdokument analyseras ur inklusionens synvinkel. Resultaten visar att även om de fem lärare som deltog i denna studie är mycket positivt in-ställda till inkluderingen av barn med special behov i den allmänna undervisningen, anser de att resursbristerna har en tydlig negativ inverkan. Den största bristen, enligt lärarna, är att det inte finns tillräckligt med vuxna att stöda inkluderingen av samtliga barn.
  • Rannankari, Denise (2020)
    Syftet med denna kandidatavhandling är att ta reda på vad socioemotionell kompetens är och vad denna kompetens har för betydelse för skolframgången hos elever i grundskolan. Arbetets teoretiska bakgrund är pedagogisk. Som blivande klasslärare är jag intresserad av hur den socioemotionella kompetensen kan påverka en persons studiemotivation och enligt läroplanen för den grundläggande utbildningen (2014) ska sen socioemotionella kompetensen vara en del av skolans pedagogik. Den socioemotionella kompetensen har varit synlig i pedagogisk forskning och i media under de senaste åren. Därav är ämnet aktuellt och relevant att lyfta fram. Tidigare forskning har visat att den socioemotionella kompetensen stöder ett friskt självförtroende, ger en ökad empatiförmåga, förbättrar koncentrationsförmågan samt underlättar att skapa goda relationer. Tidigare forskning har även funnit samband mellan inlärningssvårigheter och socioemotionella svårigheter. Kandidatavhandlingen är en beskrivande litteraturöversikt som baserar sig på tidigare forskning. Resultatet baserar sig på 13 källor. Materialet som använts är främst pedagogisk facklitteratur och pedagogisk forskning. Avhandlingen visar att sociemotionella kunskaper har på olika plan en påverkan på det psykiska och fysiska välmåendet. Både den psykiska- och den fysiska hälsan har en koppling till inlärning och skolframgång. Känslorna har en stor roll i de sociala situationerna som elever stöter på i skolvärlden, vilket innebär att känslorna både syns och känns under lektionerna. Känslor påverkar studiemotivationen och inlärningen och därför är det viktigt att stöda den socioemotionella kompetensen för att hjälpa eleverna att kontrollera och styra sina känslor, för att bibehålla en god studiemotivation och en god framtidsvision. För att läraren på ett professionellt vis kan stöda eleverna på det socieoemotionella planet är det viktigt att läraren själv har en god socioemotionell kompetens. Avhandlingen presenterar även hur program som stöder de sociala- och emotionella kompetenserna har hjälpt eleverna att förbättra sina skolresultat
  • Tallgren, Carolina (2017)
    According to statistics, girls generally outperform boys in school. This performance gap is especially distinct in the Western world. Boys’ longtime underperformance is a concern for society, and the gender differences regarding reading ability in particular, have recently widened further. Which factors actually lie behind boys’ underperformance in school? The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine which factors previous studies have identified as the reasons to why boys underperform in school. A special focus is on why boys today are unmotivated in the school environment. The study method used in this thesis is literature study. The results suggest that biological, individual and social differences may impact performance in school. The masculine ideal forms a considerable amount of the selected research material. The results also indicate gender differences regarding motivation, maturation and interest. Much of boys’ interest appear to be directed toward video games.
  • Kaunisto, Nenna (2021)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena on syventyä design – etnografiaan ja sen käyttöön kasvatustieteellisellä kentällä, tarkemmin oppimisen ja koulun kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saadaan mahdollisimman monipuolinen kuvaus design – etnografiasta, sen käyttökohteista sekä mahdollisista hyödyistä ja haasteista oppimisen ja koulun kontekstin tutkimuksissa. Kandidaatin tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, joka mahdollistaa monipuolisen, laaja-alaisen sekä ajankohtaisen katsauksen design – etnografian käytöstä tällä hetkellä. Kuvailevaan kirjallisuuskatsaukseen valittiin pääosin kansainvälisiä tutkimuksia ja artikkeleita. Tutkimus osoitti, että design – etnografiaa on käytetty koulun ja oppimisen kontekstissa jonkin verran, mutta sen käyttö on soveltunut aikaisempien artikkeleiden ja tutkimuksien perusteella melko kapealle sektorille. Design – etnografista menetelmää on sovellettu erityisesti oppimisympäristöjen kehittämisen apuna sekä erilaisten kontekstien kulttuurien tutkimuksissa. Tutkimuksissa nostettiin esille erilaisia hyötyjä sekä heikkouksia design – etnografisen menetelmän käytössä kasvatustieteellisessä tutkimuksessa. Hyötynä koettiin erityisesti monipuoliset työkalut, joilla voidaan syventyä hyvin monipuolisesti erilaisiin tilanteisiin. Heikkoutena koettiin erityisesti design – etnografian monipuolisuuden tuomat haasteet, koska tutkimustavan käyttöönotto ja soveltaminen voi olla melko monimutkaista.
  • Saarijärvi, Kia (2017)
    In this research I have introduced the theory of design-pedagogy and its suitability to be used as a teaching method. The aim of this research was to highlight the primary school teachers’ thoughts about design-pedagogy as a teaching method in primary school. The interest of this study lays specifically in the teachers own experience in design-pedagogy and how they understand their own role as a teacher when using this method. I also brought up some points that are in favour of design-pedagogy as a teaching method in primary school from the new curriculum that was published in the Autumn of 2016. My research material consisted of semi-structured the interviews from two teachers. The interviews were analysed using thematic approach of content analysis method. Both of the teachers had used design-pedagogy as a method in their classrooms multiple times. The teachers were also acquainted with the theory of the method. The material was collected in May 2016. I classified the material in three different categories. The categories were based on the research questions. Both teachers interviewed saw design-pedagogy as a positive and versatile teaching method. The teachers highlighted that the strength of the method lays specifically in the way it lets the students collaborate and get involved. The teachers described and experienced their own role in design-method diversely with multiple terms of classification. All together the teachers saw design-pedagogy as a way to develop students’ own self-determination and transversal competence. These are points that are brought several times in the new curriculum for Autumn 2016.
  • Kylander, Caroline (2016)
    The aim of this study was to find out what kind of methods teachers use with children in age three to five that have attention difficulties. This study is qualitative, and to answer my research questions I have interviewed three pedagogues. The interviews where based on my three research questions which read: what characterizes a child with attention difficulties, what kind of methods are used with these children and how does teachers relate to children with attention difficulties. The most central results in this study was which methods teacher prefer to use with children with attention difficulties. Teachers use many kinds of methods with children who has attention difficulties depending on the situation and the child. One thing pedagogues must remember is that every child is unique and have their own difficulties, which means that pedagogues have to see the child’s individual needs and find the right methods for every child individually. The most important methods that came up in this study was to divide the child group in smaller groups and remember to give clear instructions so everyone understands the tasks. It was also common to use different means for example the clock or an hourglass to make it clear for the child how long the child will work with a task. Another thing that came up in the study was that it is very common these days for a child to have attention difficulties and there is almost one child in each group with some kind of attention difficulties. It also emerged that pedagogues can see signs of attention difficulties in a child already at the age of three. Because of that it is important that the teachers that are working with children at the age of three to five, are aware of how common attention difficulties are and know how to give the best support for each child.
  • Aalto, Jenna (2017)
    The aim of this study is to gain insight into how preschool teachers in the field think about the physical activity in preschool; how they plan physical activity, the opportunities and challenges they face in making the child involved and how they organize physical activity from a child's perspective. The study highlights what preschool teachers value in the planning stages and during the actual moment of physical activity. The research questions for this study are "What does the preschool teacher highlight in the planning of physical activity and during the moment of physical education?” and " What opportunities and challenges are there for the preschool teacher to make the child involved in the moment of physical activity? The theoretical part deals with how physical activity looks like at the preschools’, what the child's perspective and participation means, and how the preschool teachers and the preschools approach to physical activity affect the physical education. The research was carried out by using a qualitative research method and the data collection was done by interviewing three preschool teachers. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed. The results suggest that teachers attach importance to versatility, variety, effectiveness and joy of movement in the planning phase of the physical education. The physical education class structure has to be the same, a clear introduction, a main part and a conclusion. During the physical education, teachers’ value that all children are active, try out new things, get challenged and deal with different equipment. The original plan doesn’t need to hold and the preschool teacher must be flexible, be able to read into the group of children and be also manage to take the child's perspective. In order to make the child involved it is necessary to listen to the children's wishes. The concepts of the child’s perspective and the child’s participation are familiar to the preschool teachers, but there are variations in how they are perceived. The challenge is how to take the child's perspective and how to make the child involved and thus needs to be emphasized in the policy documents, staff meetings and training courses.
  • Hölttä, Aino (2024)
    Viestintä- ja vuorovaikutustaidot sekä digitaalisten ympäristöjen hallinta nähdään vuosituhannen tärkeimpinä työelämätaitoina. Yhteiskunnan digitaalinen murros on siirtänyt työelämän vuorovaikutuksen digitaalisiin työympäristöihin, joissa myös yksilöiden työssä oppiminen tapahtuu. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on lisätä ymmärrystä digitaalisen murroksen merkityksestä työssä oppimisen vuorovaikutuksellisiin ulottuvuuksiin. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että työssä oppiminen on laajasti epämuodollista ja kollektiivisesti tapahtuvaa, minkä vuoksi päätin lähestyä ilmiötä dialogisen oppimisen näkökulmasta. Buberin ja Bohmin dialogisuutta koskevien teorioiden valossa dialogisessa oppimisessa painottuvat vuorovaikutuksen ainutlaatuisuus, avoimuus ja tasavertaisuus, omien käsitysten kriittinen arviointi sekä lopulta uusien oivallusten syntyminen. Tutkimusongelmakseni muodostui aiheiden ajankohtaisuuden sekä teoreettisen viitekehyksen perusteella tarkastella, millaisia merkityksiä hybridi-mallisessa työssä työskentelevät antavat dialogisen oppimisen piirteille suhteessa työssä tapahtuvaan vuorovaikutukseen ja oppimiseen. Aineistonkeruumenetelmäksi valitsin dialogisen teemahaastattelun, jossa haastateltavien kokemuksista keskusteltiin avoimesti ja dialogisesti. Haastattelutilanne mahdollisti myös haastateltavan ja haastattelijan välillä syntyvät uudet näkökulmat ja merkitykset. Haastattelin tutkimukseen kahta hybridissä tietotyössä työskentelevää työntekijää tavoitteenani avata ikkuna haastateltavien kokemusmaailmaan ja ajatuksiin hybridityön vuorovaikutuksesta. Analysoin aineiston sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa läsnäololle annettiin erilaisia merkityksiä suhteessa dialogisen vuorovaikutuksen ja oppimisen toteutumiseen. Läsnäolo koettiin merkittäväksi tekijäksi etenkin vuorovaikutuksen vastavuoroisuuden, tasavertaisuuden ja ainutlaatuisten hetkien rakentumisessa. Tulosten valossa läsnäolo koetaan siis merkittävänä tekijänä kokonaisvaltaisen vuorovaikutuksen toteutumisen kannalta hybridityössä. Tutkimus sijoittuu digitaalisen vuorovaikutuksen tutkimuskentälle ja herättelee pohtimaan, miten hybridityössä voitaisiin ottaa huomioon digitaalisten alustojen rajoitukset sekä vuorovaikutuksen kokonaisvaltaisempi toteutuminen.
  • Forssell, Nora (2019)
    Objects. The aim in the thesis is to find out and illustrate what kind of methods does a dialogical teacher exercise in a teaching situation. The thesis considers dialogic teaching in general and focuses more closely on the dialogical methods that a teacher uses. The research question is: What kind of methods does a dialogical teacher use in a teaching situation? The thesis gathers the methods that a dialogical teacher uses in a form that is easy to interpret and where people who are interested in dialogic teaching can get an extensive idea of the subject. The thesis creates a grouping of the methods used by a dialogical teacher that can be used to observe dialogue in teachers’ actions. Methods. The thesis is a descriptive literatute review. The material used was earlier studies about dialogic teaching from which I chose the ones that described the methods of a dialogical teacher. The studies used as data were mostly written in English. Studies that only considered dialogic teaching but didn’t describe the teacher’s actions were left out of the material. Also textbooks were left out of the material because it is hard to find the original writer. I tried to find material in various databases. I mainly used Google Scholar and Helka Finna as my databases. I searched for material with different word combinations in Finnish and in English. Results and Conclusions. In defining a dialogical teacher, it wasn’t important to follow a certain grammar instead more important was the overall dialogic stance towards teaching. The methods that a dialogical teacher uses found from the material can be sorted into five groups: attitudes, thinking, feelings, principles and values. In addition to this the methods that be divided into verbal methods and non-verbal methods. This grouping can be used to observe teachers’ actions in a teaching situation. The results of the research show that defining a dialogical teacher focuses on the methods that a teacher uses and not on the teacher’s persona or his/her permanent qualities.
  • Arvola, Noora (2020)
    This study considers the life experience designated by the concept of dialogue in Hans-Georg Gadamer’s phenomenological hermeneutics. Dialogue is a major philosophical topic, but it is also central in the context of pedagogy. The concept of dialogue has become prominent in recent pedagogical discussions, where its role as the central aim of learning and teaching has often been emphasized. The goal of the study is to clarify, with the help of Gadamer’s thought and relevant commentary literature, the theoretical grounds of the concept of dialogue, and so to elaborate its dimension. Working on Gadamer’s philosophical theory and the relations between its major concepts, this study belongs to the area of theoretical basic research. Its research question concerns the way the concept of dialogue is connected to the concepts of experience and understanding. The study follows the method of descriptive literature review, combined with philosophical research. The research material consists of philosophical texts. The theoretical framework is constituted by previous research and commentary literature addressing Gadamer’s thought. The primary sources are Gadamer’s philosophical main work Wahrheit und Methode, together with four philosophical studies written by Francis Ambrosio, Colin Davis, Francisco Gonzalez and Martin Nosál. The keywords used in the text search were dialogue, Gadamer and dialogue, Gadamer and conversation, Gadamer and dialectic, Gadamer´s logic of dialogue, Gadamer´s structure of dialogue, Gadamer´s negative dialogue, Gadamer understanding experience dialogue. The research material shows that dialogue, in Gadamer’s thought, cannot be considered disconnected from the phenomena of experience and understanding. These phenomena are structurally intertwined. Central aspects found in experience and understanding are present also in dialogue. They all show a processual and dialectical character, in which particular negativity plays a crucial role in the constitution of their meaning. The processes of dialogue, experience and understanding only come about in the medium of language, while they are at once its conditions. Dialogue, experience and understanding belong together as the basic traits of the manifold unity of being-in-the-world. To consider one of these traits means necessarily to consider also the others. Gadamer’s thought shows that they must be addressed together.
  • Fonsell-Lehto, Kaisa (2019)
    Objectives The purpose of the study is to identify and describe schools’ digitalisation as one of the areas of school change. The research problem looks at the practice of projectisation educational policy has contributed to, and at the stakeholders and structures of this projectisation. There was no comprehensive study on the impact of digitalisation in schools, but there was plenty of material on various projects and justifications for digitalisation to be found. Research questions and the previous theoretical framework follow a coherent two-part approach: who are involved in digitalisation and which areas of activity do digitalisation projects seek to change? Methods The research material used was research related to digitalisation: dissertations, master's theses and scientific articles, lists of project funding from the National Board of Education and electronically available public records on digitalisation projects. The analysis examined projects and participants at universities, regions and content areas. The perspective and position of the researcher in the thesis is of a family-oriented class teacher student's one, with experience of digitalisation and service quality from the business sector. The position was a strongly directional factor in the analysis. Results and Conclusions Stakeholders are public sector, academic, private business, and school level executing and participatory actors. The content of the projects is guided by the National Board of Education and other funding providers. The time span of educational policy has shortened and the demand for development has accelerated. The lack of an impact study is widely recognized. By contributing to the impact study, also other students represented by the author of this thesis could improve their understanding of the change in the education industry and ultimately promote pupils' well-being through appropriate digitalisation.
  • Partanen, Laura (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tavoitteena oli konkretisoida Uudet lukutaidot -kehittämisohjelman laatimia varhaiskasvatuksen digiosaamisen kuvauksia pedagogisten toiminnan kuvausten avulla. Tutkimuskysymykseni oli, mitä osaamisen kuvaukset varhaiskasvatusikäisten lasten luovan tuottamisen osalta tarkoittavat pedagogisen toiminnan tasolla? Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että laitteiden käyttö esimerkiksi perheissä keskittyy pääasiassa kuluttamiseen. Lapset tulisikin varhaiskasvatuksessa nähdä kuluttamisen sijaan myös tuottajina. Tutkimuskysymyksen lisäksi tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selkeyttää monilukutaitoon ja digiosaamisen kuvauksiin liittyvää moninaista ja vaikeatulkintaista käsitteistöä. Menetelmät. Tutkimus oli laadullinen tutkimus, jossa tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin sisällönanalyysia. Aineistona tässä tutkimuksessa toimi helmikuussa 2021 julkaistut digiosaamisen kuvaukset sekä tutkimusperustaiset ja ei-kaupallisten tahojen tuottamat pedagogiset toiminnan kuvaukset. Sisällönanalyysissä hyödynnettiin myös dialogista tematisointia, Analyysi nosti esiin tutkimuskysymyksen kannalta olennaiset digiosaamisen kuvaukset sekä niihin sopivat pedagogisen toiminnan kuvaukset huomioiden tutkimukseni tavoitteet. Tulososio rakentuu aineistojen vuoropuhelussa. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Luova tuottaminen mahdollistuu, kun sisältöjä tehdään lasten omista lähtökohdista, itse valituista aiheista ja heidän valitsemillaan tavoilla. Mediaympäristön moninaisuus ja erilaiset luovan tuottamisen menetelmät mahdollistavat monenlaisen toiminnan medialukutaidon, tieto- ja viestintäteknologisen osaamisen sekä ohjelmointiosaamisen parissa. Valmiita ja monipuolisia pedagogisen toiminnan kuvauksia on saatavilla valtava määrä. Vaikka kaikki digiosaamisen kuvaukset eivät itsessään sisällä luovaan tuottamiseen liittyvää toimintaa, voi siihen liittyviä menetelmiä silti soveltaa ja hyödyntää niiden toteuttamisessa.
  • Ratinen, Juuso (2023)
    Nykyään digitaalisen pelaamisen suosio on suurta, sillä 10–75 vuotiaista suomalaisista yli 80 % pelaa digitaalisia pelejä ainakin joskus ja yli 65 % aktiivisesti. Väestötasolla tarkasteltuna ilmiö on siis tavallinen. Pelaamisen yhteyksistä hyvinvointiin on keskusteltu kasvattajien keskuudessa ja mediassa jo pitkään. Aiheesta on myös tehty aiempaa tutkimusta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kerätä yhteen digitaalisen pelaamisen ja hyvinvoinnin väliset yh-teydet, jotta kasvattajat voivat käyttää kerättyä tietoa hyväkseen suunnitellessaan terveellistä pelikasvatusta. Digitaalisen pelaamisen merkityksestä hyvinvoinnille löytyi tutkimuksista sekä positiivisia että negatiivisia puolia. Näitä positiivisia ja negatiivisia yhteyksiä tarkasteltiin erikseen peilaten niitä kolmeen eri hyvinvoinnin osa-alueeseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineisto koostui useista erilaisista lähteistä, joissa käsiteltiin tutkittavaa ilmiötä. Eri lähteitä käyttäen saatiin muodostettua kokonaisuus, joka vastaa tutkimuksen tarkoitusta ja vastaa tutkimuskysymykseen. Tutkimuksen tuloksina löytyi monia erilaisia yhteyksiä digitaalisen pelaamisen ja hyvinvoinnin välillä. Tutkimuksessa hyvinvointi oli jaettu kolmeen eri osa-alueeseen, jotka olivat psyykkinen-, fyysinen- ja sosiaalinen hyvinvointi. Pelaamisen vaikutuksia tarkasteltiin sekä positiivisesta että negatiivisesta näkökulmasta ja niitä peilattiin jokaiseen hyvinvoinnin osaan erikseen. Tulosten perusteella digitaalisen pelaamisen voi nähdä sekä hyvinvointia tukevana että sitä haittaavana tekijänä. Negatiiviset vaikutukset linkittyivät yleensä ongelmapelaamisen ympärille. Positiiviset yhteydet olivat havaittavissa silloin, kun pelaaminen ei haitannut muuta elämää. Tulosten perusteella voidaankin todeta, että kasvattajan on mietittävä tilannekohtai-sesti, miten rakentaa lapsen pelikasvatus hyvinvointia tukevaksi.
  • Pelkonen, Esa (2019)
    The objective of this research was to find out what kind of social practices digital gaming contains, and that how do these practices improve youth involvement. Existing literature handles different participatory appearances of gaming culture, but there is a lack of study where social practices of digital gaming would be scrutinized in the framework of involvement. Therefore this study aims to work as a synthesis, where the social practices of digital gaming are being viewed through the lenses of involvement-theory. This thesis was methodically carried out by descriptive literature review, that contained two main theory-pieces; involvement and the practices of digital gaming. Sources in this thesis are mainly finnish, but there is also international literature that is being cited to – especially in the part of digital gaming practices. My aim in this descriptive literature review is to produce a new standpoint towards the phenomenon that is being scrutinized. The findings of this study indicated that my presumption about the social practices of digital gaming as a way to improve youth involvement holds true; there were features of improving involvement in every nexus of the gaming practices. Different forms of identity-work, collaboration, ways to point out capability and marking trail were emphasized in the nexus of social practices where one participates into the gaming situation by playing or watching. Governing gaming avocations is, on the other hand, a practice-nexus, where commonality and especially different ways of affecting and being impressed are highlighted. The last nexus, where social practices of gaming culture outside the gaming situation are being examined is found to be an area that produces communality, life importance, different ways of affecting and local involvement.
  • Krouvi, Jaana (2019)
    The purpose of this thesis was to describe use of the digital equipments in education. Making of the products, is understood as new curriculum (POPS 2014) is suggesting, coaching student to pervasive knowledge, multimaterial use, fenomena based and 21st century skills learning abilities. Theory of this work is based on invention pedagogy where students are making inventions from their own life. Inventionpedagogy is supporting pervasive knowledge skills as kritical thinking and selfregulated learning abilities. Student based learning is changing the way how teaching is implemented. There are no models you can use, product goals are driven in real life. That is problem based learning, fenomena based or challenge based learning. Use of technology and integrating it to learning is spreading slowly. Equipments are expensive and sofware unfamiliar. Teachers education is aming to advance technology based invention pedagogy and need of knowledge. In InnoKomps training teachers are designing project using these methods. Innokomp is nation wide research, whitch is pointed to teachers and teacher education. InnoKomp training is still going on. Material of this thesis was given 2018 and it contains starting point inquiry (N35) and ending poin inquiry (N14). Permission to use this material was given from participating universities. Teachers answers were analysed by Atlas.ti program and content analyse. Research method is qualitative. Teachers feelings and experiences toward digitality and future aims were collected from material. Results are reflected to changing of craft teaching and reform of curriculum. Research outcomes turn out that 21 teacher have previous experience on digital modeling. On the other hand 11 teacher have few or none. From these teachers, 8 got benefit of the training and they learned something new. Teachers feelings toward digitality were vast, dislike to enthustiasm. InnoKomp training was conceived good. Teachers own objectives to the training were to understand and learn new things. To complete professional skills to meet up OPS 2014 goals. To bring new equipments to craft teaching and new ways of teaching future skills.
  • Kuivila, Reetta (2017)
    The purpose of this Bachelor´s Thesis was to examine the amount of digital devices and the use of them on the finnish pre-primary education of Espoo. This thesis examined also was there any factor what prevents the use. The National Core Curriculum for Pre-School Education (2014) and the Espoo Pre-Primary Education Curriculum (2016) emphasize the information and communication technology competence. The previous studies show that the utilization of infor-mation and community technology in early childhood education is low. In addition, there is little qualitative research information of the pedagogical utilization of the information and comminty technology. This thesis was conducted by a quantative method. The data was collected by an online survey. The onley survey was built on the basis of previous studies and the objectives of the National Core Curriculum of Pre-School Education (2014). The target group of the research was selected pre-school teachers of Espoo Finnish early childhood ecucation, who have the windows devices on their pre-primary groups. The data was analyzed by a IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0 -statistical program. The thsesis found that the digital devices were versatile in the pre-school goups of the Espoo Finnish early childhood education. Half of the respondents used their digital devices pedagogically. In addition to the pre-school teacher, the other adults and children used the digital devices. The children´s use of the devices was supervised and controlled. Chilren used the tablets more regularly than the other devices. Pre-School teachers utilized the applications and digital learning enviroments to support expression skills and linguistic and mathematical skills. The biggest factor prevents the use of the devices was the failure of the devices.
  • Rajala, Inka (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Pelillisyys on ollut jo pitkään osa opetusta alakouluissa ja erityisesti digitaaliset opetusmenetelmät ja pelit lisääntyvät vauhdilla. Lukemaan oppiminen on koulun alkaessa merkittävimpiä taitoja saavuttaa, sillä se vaikuttaa vahvasti opiskelussa pärjäämiseen ja koko koulumenestykseen. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia pelejä lukemaan oppimisen tukena käytetään alakoulussa ja millaisia hyötyjä ja haasteita pelin avulla lukemaan oppimisessa esiintyy. Menetelmät. Tutkielma on kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus, jonka aineistona tarkastellaan oppimispelien kuvauksia ja vertaisarvioituja tutkimusartikkeleita. Aineiston hakuun käytettiin Helka Finnaa ja Google Scholaria. Suomenkielisistä hakutermeistä käytettiin ilmaisuja oppimispeli-, lukemaan oppiminen peli ja digitaalinen oppimispeli lukeminen. Englanninkielisiä hakutermejä olivat digital learning game-, game- based learning, reading game, learning game reading ja computer learning reading. Aineistosta rajattiin pois kandidaatin tai pro gradu- tasoiset tutkielmat, jotka eivät ole vertaisarvioituja. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimusten perusteella lukutaidon harjoittamiseen käytetään pelejä, joissa keskitytään kirjaintuntemuksen, dekoodauksen, grafeemi-foneemi-yhteyden sekä luetunymmärtämisen harjoittamiseen. Lukemisen harjoittelu pelin avulla näyttää tutkimusten perusteella vahvistavan peruslukutaidon eri osa-alueita pelin ominaisuuksista riippuen. Lukemisen harjoittelu pelin avulla näyttäisi aineiston tutkimusten perusteella olevan erityisen motivoiva harjoittelumuoto lapsille. Pelillisen lukuharjoittelun haasteina tutkimuksissa nousi esiin palkitsemisjärjestelmien negatiivinen vaikutus sisäiseen motivaatioon ja huomion vieminen pois itse opeteltavasta aiheesta. Myös vaikeustasoltaan liian hankalat pelit koettiin haasteeksi harjoittelussa ja laitteiden asentaminen käyttövalmiuteen koulussa koettiin työlääksi.
  • Koponen, Liisa (2019)
    The usability of digital games in education has been studied from many perspectives; games are an effective learning method, but using them has also risks. Teachers' beliefs and perceptions on benefits and disadvantages of digital games have been researched in many European countries. Teachers' perceptions of digital games in teaching have been largely positive, but teachers have also been avoiding games in learning, especially in education of young children. The aim of this study was to find out the perceptions of Finnish early childhood education teachers on the benefits and disadvantages of digital games in teaching. The study is a qualitative thus having also quantitative features in data collection and data analysis. The main method of data collection was a questionnaire distributed to ECEC teachers on Internet. The indicator is based on a study by Allop & Jessel (2015), which explored the beliefs and reflections of European teachers on the use of digital games in education. The material consists of answers to a questionnaire distributed to answerers in teacher platforms on Internet (N = 25), who said they had acted as a teacher of early childhood education in the previous year. The results are broadly in line with those of previous researches: Early childhood education teachers generally regard the use of digital games in teaching important, but resources and staff skills easily become an obstacle to their exploitation. Since most teachers saw the importance of digital games but lacked resources to exploit them, it is important to find a solution that would make it easier for teachers to use digital games appropriately in teaching.