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  • Karhunen, Laura (2020)
    The aim of this dissertation was to create an understanding of unpaid domestic work and household services and the value of it. The idea was to bring a philosophical-economic per-spective to help perceive the phenomenon, and to use the definition of economic value to help in the search for philosophical values. There was also a desire to bring in the centrality of the welfare aspect. The dissertation approaches unpaid domestic work through the con-cepts of everyday management and everyday well-being. The monetary value of the house-hold in the national economy and the problem of ignoring it are presented. The aim is to pro-duce a summary that makes it natural to continue researching the topic in a master's thesis. The dissertation was carried out as a descriptive literature review, within the framework of the narrative literature review methodology. The main research material used was Statistics Finland's online material and other material related to the topic that was found using relating keywords and references from the texts of other authors. Due to the variations related to everyday and household vocabulary, the most important material in the construction of the dissertation body was the material in Finnish. A dissertation of this scale somewhat succeeded in presenting the concept of household value from an economic point of view as well as presenting the philosophical aspect of the concept. The research process ignited a desire to explore the topic further, and in more depth, and to plan the direction of further research. It will surely help in coming up with possible research questions in the future.
  • Myntti, Mikko (2019)
    The purpose of this thesis in home economics is to present how young people makes a home out of their first dwelling. The thesis examines things done and felt after moving to ones first housing, which is in their own control, and how these things affect in shaping the feel of home. The hypothesis was that the home was made with the help of objects, for example furniture, but also by getting used to the dwelling and its properties or by modifying them. It was also assessed that when moving to the first dwelling, the process would be a bit different than when moving an already established households. The focus of this thesis is on the new residents’ actions and feelings. Former studies close to this subject show that the making of home can be done by a variety of ways, which might result in a feeling of home. A theme interview was conducted for five young adults, who had moved to live on their own at the ages between 16 and 22. They had lived in their dwellings from one to four years. One of the subjects had moved and still lived with their spouse, the others lived alone. Subjects were found by sending an invitation to a mailing list of university students and to a Facebook group of organization providing housing for young people. After transcribing the interviews, the 16-page material was examined for the theme relating expressions which were divided into sub-groups. The main theme is making of home, and sub groups are safety, property, social matters, and actions, senses & premises. The youth who had moved to their first dwellings had turned them into homes with objects, gathered free of charge from childhood home, friends and close relatives or bought as used or new. Social relationships and living everyday life at home also benefitted forming the feeling of home. The traces of former residents, unfamiliar sounds and the lack of objects due to the dwellers economic situation slowed down settling a home. The lack of felt security prevented the feeling of home, which could also be lost at the end of a relationship. Even after forming a feeling of home, home and its object world was adapting in a constant move.
  • Topp, Jenni (2016)
    The aim of the study was to explore how cultural sustainability is displayed in the new secondary education curriculum, which was introduced in 2015. In addition to the curriculum review the study focused on teachers views about the cultural sustainability themes in practical work. The main purpose is to get information about the new curriculum and find practical approaches to teach cultural sustainability. The theoretical framework in the study is based on Soini´s and Birkeland´s seven storylines on cultural sustainability. In the light of previous studies, it can be said that cultural sustainability is not an established place in the context of sustainable development. For this reason it is important to explore and bring out the significant role of the cultural sustainability as a pillar of it´s own in the sustainable development discourse. The study focused on the curriculum of Stadin ammattiopisto – vocational college. The research material consisted of three compulsory parts of food service degree and three common modules of the degree. In addition to this, data were obtained by interviewing three professional teachers. All the research material was analyzed using content analysis. Based on the theoretical framework a tool called “cultural sustainability glasses” was created to support the analysis. As analyzing the curriculum data, it was found that the results were quite interpretative. There were no specific findings on the cultural sustainability themes as Soini and Birkeland determine but more like tools and practical measures. The teachers made a point that cultural sustainability as a term is not well known but the meanings behind appear in everyday lives. Especially multicultural issues, equality, charity and environmental responsibility are included in the practical lessons. The study shows that culture is a broad term and includes many meanings and interpretations. Cultures important role in the context of sustainable development cannot be denied. It is extremely important to educate responsible young people who understand the importance of cultural sustainability.
  • Saastamoinen, Roosa (2018)
    This study views how consumer education is seen in the latest National core curriculum (2014). Consumer’s operational environment has changed due to the need for sustainable consumption and due to diversification of media and digitalization of technology, and this increases the pressure to enhance consumer education. I define my study to cover grades 7–9 and I will specially focus on transversal competences’ goals. The study questions are: 1. How does the latest National core curriculum (2014) boost sustainable consumer education? a. Which subjects include consumer education in upper comprehensive school? b. How is sustainable consumer education seen in the aims of transversal competence? c. How is ecological sustainability seen in home economics’ consumer education? This study is a qualitative document analysis that analyses the latest National core curriculum (2014). I divided my literature in two different themes and for the themes I selected keywords. Based on the keywords I analysed the curriculum and tabulated all sentences that include the keywords. I divided the accumulated literature even more specifically by subjects and the aims of transversal competence. The study suggests that even though there is no own subject for consumer education, the educational and learning aims related to sustainable consumption are very extensively present in the National core curriculum (2014). Even in the curriculum’s foundation of values it is advised to consider the conflicts between consumerism and sustainable lifestyle. The skills of transversal competence are obligatory for all subjects and in those skills consumer and economical education is viewed.
  • Kiviniemi, Anni-Maria (2017)
    Goals. The goal of the study was to examine Finnish female consumers’ views on food safety. The answerers all had at least one child. The research questions were what kind of matters the consumers consider as risks for food safety, how the consumers aim to effect food safety risks with their own actions, and by whom food safety information should be produced for the consumers to trust it. According to earlier studies, consumers can be divided roughly in two groups: those who are conserned about food safety and those who aren’t. There are only a few studies on this subject and the latest Finnish study which applies to the entire population is from the year 2004. There are no earlier home economic studies, conducted in Helsinki University, on this subject. Methods. The study was conducted as a qualitative study and its material was gathered by the means of semistuctured theme interview. Six women, all with a family, participated in the interviews. One of the women was a test subject. The interview material was analysed by thematising the contents according to the research questions and examining which the-mes repeatedly emerged from the answers. Results and conclusions. As in earlier studies, the interviewees in this study could be divi-ded in two groups: those who were somewhat conserned of food safety and those who we-ren’t. Most importantly, the idea that the food should be as clean as possible and that not-hing additional should be added to the food during the production, stood out from the ans-wers. Food additives were also considered harmful per se. The answerers were interested in food safety but they weren’t already familiar with it. For further studies, it would interesting to examine in more detail what the consumers mean by the cleanness of food and what they consider clean food to be. Also, an interesting topic for follow-up studies is the consu-mers’ attitude towards food additives.
  • Ajosenpää, Kirsi-Marja (2016)
    The purpose of the study was to examine the opinions of the students of home economics in Helsinki University about future homes and housing. The theoretical framework of the study is based on future research. The base for the research and the analysis of the results were Sitra`s, the Finnish Innovation Fund, 2016 megatrends and the exhibition of Britain “home economics” in Venice Architecture Biennale 2016. The study searches answers to following questions: What kind of technology can be found in future homes? How will be different rooms and their transformability taken into account? What kind of co-ownership can be found in future homes? The students of home economics in Helsinki University had written an essay about “Future home 2030” in their course of home economics research. There were altogether thirty essays that were analysed of by the method of content analysis. The results were classified based on technology, transformability of room and co-ownership. The results proof that technology has huge significance in the future homes. Technology was utilised for example by robots in cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry and opening doors. Houses will be smaller in the future and that is why movable walls and sliding doors are used in the future homes. In this research co-ownership means owning, borrowing or renting household appliances or other things among inhabitants. As a conclusion, future homes will be small but based on needs of inhabitants and homes are easily transformable. Technology as well utilised in all functions in future homes. There is no need for big storage room because people own and share things together.
  • Kölli, Mira (2017)
    Compared with other research methods story crafting is a fairly new reasearch approach. It has not yet established position and there is a constant contradiction in scientific community. The purpose of this study is to research the strengths and weaknesses of this method and explore its possibilities in Home Economics Science Research. The literature review consists of child perspective research and story crafting literature. Also the previous child studies made with Home Economics science at Helsinki University and University of Eastern Finland have been eximined. The review shows that the method could open new percpectives for research and it also has an positive effect on child´s self-esteem and social skills. Nevertheless of all the benefits, there is also lot of preconceptions based on ethical reasons. Even though the social research is never only about facts and concepts, it is also about feelings. If the researchers want to understand the thoughts and experiences of children they cannot build these according to the opinions of parents or other adults. Story crafting offers an essential form to describe children´s own experiences and to share understanding about the world. There is a lot to im-prove in the welfare of the finnish children. At the moment children feel like their voices are not listened and they do not have possibilities to affect even for the matters concerning themselves. Story crafting offers a way to overtake all the traditional power relations be-tween adults and children and see the world thorough children´s eyes. The way to see the world differs a lot depending on viewers age. One of the leading trends in Home Economics science research is a family and its daily life. Children has a deep impact on the routines and interaction but also an unique way to react to the functions. By listening to children voices it would be possible to deepen the research field even though far-reaching interpretations for example of the families relationships can not be made based on story crafting results.
  • Mursula, Anuriitta (2018)
    The aim of this study was to describe children ́s views on everyday life and family activities. Everyday life at home and it ́s functions are seen important factors for families` well-being and child ́s development. Household activities and family interactions intertwine in everyday life. Family activities are also influenced by the environment and cultural factors. In their stories children tell about what it is to be a child today. In their stories they also mirror perceptions of the surrounding society. Previous studies have shown that in their everyday life children value family and time together, friendship, routines and involvement. Both family and children are seen as active actors who are capable of modifying their everyday activities. The data of this study was an electronically recorded data of childrens` storycrafted tales. Of this data was limited 60 homestories in finnish. The data had been collected between 1995 and 2000 and the storycrafted children were between the ages 3 and 8 years old. The narrative data was analyzed by means of content analysis. The resoults of this study showed that in their stories children tell about their everyday life and family activities richly and diversely. The stories took often place at home and the nature around it, often in the woods. Routines and rituals gave rhythm for the everyday life in children ́s stories. The characters in the stories often played and acted spontaneously, and found shelter and safety at home with their families. In the stories parents and characters taking care of animals maintained and carried out important routines and rituals. A lot of time in the stories was spent with family and friends. Families ate together, went for walks and for a swim, for example.
  • Hurtig, Anna-Riikka (2016)
    The goal of this thesis is to study the desired domestic services provided by municipalities for families with children, specifically from the viewpoint of families that have not used the service before. Additionally the survey sought out reasons as to why the service was not used. The questions presented in the survey asked what the families would want from the domestic services and which factors are stopping them from using these services. The survey has been performed using qualitative research methods. The material was gathered by interviewing eight mothers from Vantaa in semi-structured thematic interviews, and the gathered material was analyzed using content analysis and thematic analysis. The survey revealed several situations where families with children would have use for domestic services, including the birth of a new child, the illness of a child or parent, and the lack of a support network. Most often help was needed for taking care of the children, but also with housework, like cooking, laundry, and cleaning. The material shows that the mothers desired concrete and temporary help with their day-to-day chores, and there was no need for guidance services. The mothers had a basic idea of the domestic services provided for families with children, but they weren't aware the requirements or minimum criteria for receiving the services. The material showed that the families had not used the services because of their cost, the need for self-suffiency, and a lack of trust. The mothers felt that the application process for the services was difficult and that domestic services for families with children were only available in emergencies. None of the interviewees had been offered domestic services even though some of them had already been using other municipal social services. According to the material domestic services are used by people who know how to ask for them. The services need to be described as preventative services with minimal criteria, better than they currently are. In addition the application criteria and the intended clients of the domestic services for families with children should be communicated more clearly.
  • Terhivuo, Tiia (2017)
    User experiences of vegetable protein products were investigated in this study. The study was focused on families with children and on their process of cooking. Scientific purpose is to develop easy practical ways to reduce meat consumption. The topic is timely because meat has a big role in Finnish diet but a meat consumption should be reduced. A meat production has negative environmental effects and in addition red meat is hazardous to health. Though many people are aware of adverse effects of meat, the meat consumption isn’t on the decrease. Meat and specially a minced meat is often seen as an easy, tasty and cheap alternative and people know how to prepare a wide range of dishes from meat in busy weekdays. Vegetable protein products can be an easy way to reduce meat consumption. Their sources of protein are more versatile and their composition resemble more the composition of meat. When the meat in food is replaced with vegetable protein product, food becomes ecologically friendly and healthier without a big difference between the meat dish and the vegetable dish. Vegetable protein products are also easy and quick to cook which is an important food selection criteria for many consumers. The user experiences were investigated with qualitative pre-experimental case study. Five families with children were participated in the study. Each family lives in Southern Finland and the children are under 8 years old. Families were selected through a social media, Facebook, by using a discretionary sample. The research process included for example designing food recipes and questionnaires and also instructing the families throughout the whole process. The food recipes were designed as similar as possible with the original Finnish favorite foods but the meat was replaced by the vegetable protein product. Before the start of the study recipes were tested and valued in practice at researcher’s family. In the practical phase of the study families familiarized with four different vegetable protein products. Families looked the products from the grocery, prepared four dishes according to the given recipes and valued both the products and the dishes. The user experiences were clarified by using a semi-structured questionnaire. A family-specific description was written based on the feedback from questionnaire. In the final analysis the user experiences of each vegetable protein product were summarized. From the summary it can be seen that a culinary art is different in each family. Mostly the families’ experiences were positive but some of the vegetable protein products divided opinions for and against. Still each family experienced that the study was useful. Families acquainted with unfamiliar vegetable protein products which families are going to use as substitutes of meat in future. Many families were inspired by the recipes and learned new ways of cooking. This research can serve as a pilot study for wider qualitative or quantitative research. For further study the functionality, practicality and pleasantness of the vegetable protein products could be tested on a larger scale or expend the topic to consist the ecology of the diet in overall.
  • Heimo, Meeri (2019)
    The purpose of this study is to overview the history of home economics education in Finland and Sweden. In the study I compared education and its history, similarities and differences during three different time periods, from the 1800s to early 1900s, the 1960s when comprehensive school started and the 2010s. The basic challenges and content of the education are still partly the same as when the education or comprehensive school started. It is important to know what has happened in history and how the changes have affected the education in order to truly develop it. This study is a discretionary literature review, which uses orientation used in historical research. The subject has not been studied much in the past, which is why the amount of literature is limited. The literature used comprises mostly Finnish and Swedish historical texts, studies and articles which describe home economics education in Finland or Sweden in the three time periods. I also use the first and latest home economics curriculums from comprehensive school as literature. Home economics education started during the same time in both countries in the 1960s.The first years of the education were similar, but home economics education developed faster in Sweden than in Finland. Comprehensive school started in Finland a few years later than in Sweden and Finland might have learned from Swedish example when forming their own comprehensive school. After comprehensive school started, education has changed a little and some themes of education have changed to other themes. There still are many similarities with the first and latest home economics curriculums from comprehensive school from the 1960s and the 2010s, for example cooperation between other subjects. The biggest difference with home economics education in Finland and Sweden has been the school level, when home economics is being taught. The education itself and the curriculums have been similar in both countries despite it being taught to students at different school level. When comparing the three time periods times I found out that even thought education in the 2010s is different than when home economics education started in the 1800s the core of the education, supporting the everyday life, has remained the same during its history.
  • Elisa, Ouedraogo (2017)
    The amount of immigrants has steadily been growing in Finland. In recent years the growth rate has only been increasing. As immigration increases, services and actions to promote acculturation are increasingly required. Acculturation is a two way street and requires equal commitment from society and the newcomer himself. In a new culture people are often forced to question formerly learned skills and knowledge as well as rules of society and family life. Immigrant families may also experience confusion with the stress that changing roles and role conflicts may bring. Lack of close relatives and social networks can cause loneliness, anxiety and grief. The need for peer support grows as the feeling of insecurity increases. In this thesis I analyze previous research to examine the challenges that immigrant families face during the acculturation process after relocating to Finland. I also want to identify ways that immigrant families are given support during acculturation. The perspective of the research is from different levels of operation in society: legal, municipal and the third sector. I have chosen to examine some projects that aim to support parenthood and participation. The thesis has been implemented as a literary review. The aim of a literary review is to give a general view of the examined phenomenon, to evaluate the theory and to identify areas for improvement. The basic services that are available to families are meant for permanent residents of the municipality. However, understanding the finnish welfare system can prove to be a difficulty for immigrant families which can cause them to be unaware of the services they are entitled to. For successful acculturation it is important to educate immigrants about finnish society and its services. In that way, parental participation and capabilities are strengthened, which in turn progresses the acculturation process. An increased amount of attention should be paid to informing immigrants and on the other hand, skills to support a multicultural clientele should be strengthened amongst public authorities. In multicultural work, strengthening coping skills for everyday life is essential for increasing overall well-being. The need for translation is good to consider to ensure successful communication and to avoid insufficient comprehension. A client-based approach and coordination and collaboration between organisations would be beneficial in developing the quality and efficiency of acculturation procedures. Sufficient resources should be allocated to ensure this is possible.
  • Jalkanen, Iiro (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella kaupallista sisältöä ja sen esiintymistä nuorten suosimien suomalaisten YouTube-sisällöntuottajien videoilla. Aikaisempi aiheesta tehty tutkimus oli tehty enimmäkseen markkinatutkimuksena. YouTube on ilmiönä melko uusi ja se on saa-vuttanut valtavan yleisön varsinkin nuorten keskuudessa. Tästä syystä kaupallisiin sisältöihin lähdettiin etsimään tulkintaa kuluttajakasvatuksen näkökulmasta keskittyen juuri mainontaan, markkinointiyhteistyöhön, tuotesijoitteluun ja kuluttamiseen. Tarkoituksena oli siis tunnistaa videoilta edellä mainittuja ilmiöitä ja löytää sieltä mahdollisesti sellaista sisältöä, josta sekä kasvattajien että nuorten tulisi olla tietoisia. Tutkimuksen aineistoksi valikoitui kahden suomalaisen tubettajan Roni Backin ja mmiisaksen julkaisemia videoita. Tutkimus toteutettiin aineistolähtöisenä aineistoanalyysina, jossa videoi-den kaupallisesta sisällöstä tehtiin erilaisia havaintoja. Aineisto koostui lopulta yhteensä kym-menestä YouTube-videosta, jotka ovat kaikki ajalta ennen koronaviruksen aiheuttamaa maa-ilmanlaajuista pandemiaa. Pandemian jälkeinen analyysi voisi mahdollisesti tuottaa erilaisia tuloksia. Lopputuloksena aineistosta voidaan todeta, ettei videoilla esiinny ainakaan tarkoituksellista negatiivista vaikuttamista tai piilomainontaa. Silti joitakin huolestuttaviakin ilmiöitä nousi esiin. Aineistosta löytyi esimerkiksi sisältöä, jossa ulkonäköpaineita lievitettiin ulkonäköön kulutta-malla. Tutkimustulosten perusteella laajemmalle jatkotutkimukselle olisi tarvetta.
  • Hiltunen, Ronja (2018)
    The study has been inspired by Finland's 70-year free school meal. The purpose of the study is to find out how free school meal was decided. Which steps and justifications led to the conclusion that in the 1943 parliamentary elections the bill was adopted unanimously. There was also an interest in the discussion on the topic, what kind of debate was born and which parties participated in the debate. Although school catering has been widely studied and the subject has been comprehensively written, these details, which I am trying to find out, have not been studied before. Based on previous studies, it can be assumed that the Social Democratic Party was the most active participant in the debate on the subject. My research is based on the source materials in the archives of the Parliament Library. The material was selected from documents that essentially concern free school meals. I started collecting the material by acquainting the documents of the Parliament in the Parliamentary Library. The addition to the National School Act concerning free school meals was made in 1943, so the documents and records of the parliamentary sessions of that year were selected for my material. Some of these documents raised a few reports and statements that I added to my material. My material consisted of ten official documents. In the analysis, I used typical qualitative research methods of content analysis. I read the documents carefully, after which I shared the arguments under the two main themes. The Social Democratic Party proved to be the most active party in the 1943 parliamentary debate on free meals at schools. The party was also actively engaged in education work for free school food. The need for free meals was mainly due to health reasons, in addition to the economic and social situation in our country. There was not much debate about legislating the law. Only two members of the Social Democratic Party gave their speeches. The explanations were largely in line with the same pattern as other documents.
  • Laaksonen, Mira (2016)
    Tiedekunta - Fakultet - Faculty Behavioural Sciences Laitos - Institution - Department Teacher Education Tekijä - Författare – Author Mira Laaksonen Työn nimi - Arbetets titel Marttaliiton kotitalousviestintä sosiaalisessa mediassa Title Communication of the home economics of the Martha Organization in social media Oppiaine - Läroämne – Subject Home Economics Työn laji/ Ohjaaja - Arbetets art/Handledare - Level/Instructor Master’s Thesis / Supervisor’s Name Hille Janhonen-Abruquah Aika - Datum - Month and year December 2016 Sivumäärä - Sidoantal - Number of pages 27pp. + 9 appendices Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Abstract: In today´s world the communication has moved more and more to networks and social media. As the society has turned into medial world there is a need for companies and associations to communicate multichannel to reach their focus groups. Succeeded creation of the brand and its execution can have an influence to imagines and reputation of the organization. The goal in this research was to find out what type of image there is of the communication of the home economics of the Martha Organization in the social media. In addition the goal was to investigate how the brand of Martha Organization appears in the communication of the social media and what type of publications interest the most of the followers of the Facebook-pages of the Martha Organization. In the behavioural science the quantitative and qualitative research methods cannot be excluded in analytical models but they can be used as continuum in the research. That is how it was performed in this study, where the publications of the Martha Organization in the Face-book were first categorized and then investigated the reactions of these publications and the visibility of the Martha brand. The material consisted of 537 publications in the Martha Organization Facebook-pages during the October 2015 and September 2016. The food related publications were the most and the garden-theme publications were the least common publications. The food-related publications received the most reactions as well. The money and consumption themes got the least reactions. Those publications related to food or domestic care that included a good receipt or a handy tip, draw attention the best in the Facebook. In those publications the Martha brand were the most visible as well. Avainsanat – Nyckelord kotitalousneuvonta, viestintä, sosiaalinen media, brändi, Marttaliitto Keywords Home economics counselling, communication, social media, brand, The Martha Organization Säilytyspaikka - Förvaringsställe - Where deposited Library of Helsinki University, Kaisa-house, Behavioural Sciences Muita tietoja - Övriga uppgifter - Additional information
  • Totro, Ella (2020)
    Lihansyönnin vähentäminen ja kasvissyönnin lisääminen ovat ajankohtaisia ravitsemukseen liittyviä teemoja. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä ovat kasvispainotteisesti syövät naiset, jotka käyttävät lihaa ruokavaliossaan satunnaisesti. Tällaisia henkilöitä kutsutaan ’’joustaviksi kas-vissyöjiksi’’ eli fleksaajiksi. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat naisfleksaajien lihankäyttöön sekä mitkä tekijät puoltavat lihankäytön vähentämistä ruokava-liossa. Aikaisempien tutkimuksien perusteella lihaa syödään sen maun, valmistuksen help-pouden ja esimerkiksi ravintosisällön takia. Kasvissyöntiä perustellaan puolestaan ekologi-sista, terveydellisistä sekä eettisistä syistä. Tutkimukseen osallistui viisi 20–47-vuotiasta naista. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelua. Haastattelut toteutettiin maaliskuussa ja huhtikuussa 2020. Haastattelut äänitettiin ja litteroitiin. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen aineistolähtöistä sisäl-lönanalyysiä. Tulosten mukaan lihankäyttöön vaikuttavat eniten sosiaaliset tilanteet. Sen lisäksi liharuoan valintaan todettiin vaikuttavan sen mausta pitäminen. Naisfleksaajien lihankäyttöön vaikuttivat myös mielihalu, ravintosisältö muun muassa proteiinin ja raudan suhteen sekä käytännön syyt. Lihankulutuksen vähentämistä perustellaan eniten terveydellisillä syillä. Vähentämiseen vaikuttivat lisäksi ympäristölliset, eettiset ja käytännölliset syyt sekä tavat ja tottumukset.
  • Mäenpää, Sanna (2018)
    Aims. This study evaluates and analyses sustainable consumption choices by using fashion blogs. Different studies concerning blogs have been executed earlier in Finland, but studies concentrating precisely on ethical and ecological aspects have been rare. The aim of this study is to examine in which ways ethical and ecological values are presented in fashion blogs. The theoretical background covers several topics including sustainable consumption choices, ethical and ecological fashion, fashion blogs, consumership and blog marketing. Methods. The data selected for this study consists of six blog posts from six Finnish bloggers. The bloggers were chosen discretionarily from predefined criteria. The blogs had to be professionally written and somehow address ethical and/or ecological matters. The blog posts should also have been recently released to include the most current topics. This thesis was executed as a qualitative study and the data was analysed with a qualitative content analysis. A quantitative analysis was also used in support for the qualitative analysis. Results and conclusion. Ecological and ethical aspects were considered diversely in the data and after the qualitative content analysis, five main categories were combined. The bloggers wrote mostly about their own consumption habits, but they also gave advice for the readers. Some questions were raised about the ecological and ethical issues in clothing industry, but especially ethical issues were presented only remotely. Most of the bloggers also wrote about the conflict between fashion blogs and ecological and ethical values. The motives of writing about ecological and ethical matters varied a lot among the bloggers, but the most important reason was to evoke discussion on the subject. The bloggers also sought to inspire their readers to strive for more sustainable consuming.
  • Paloviita, Miliza (2020)
    Goals. This research try to sort out which factors influencing women’s ethical food consumption. In addition I also want to sort out how to increase ethical consumption. On the grounds of former research, Finnish people trust on domestic food. They also want pure and safe food. Ethical consumers think environment, human and animal rights over when they are doing their choices. Consumers are interested of organic food but they don’t buy it as much. On the grounds of former research, price is important choosing factor. This research tries to find out method, how to increase ethical consumption. Research questions were: 1. which factors influencing women’s ethical food consumption? 2. How to increase ethical consumption? Methods. Research carried out by electronic form in May 2019. There were 22 responders. Analysis was content analyses. Results and conclusions. According to results, price and manner of production affected to women’s ethical consumption. Responders favoured domestic food products. They wanted to support producers and environmentally friendly products. Judging from this research, that consumer education and reasonable prices are good ways to increase ethical consumption.
  • Kilpi, Laura (2019)
    This thesis studies women’s voluntary childless. The focus of the thesis is why some women want to be childless. It is also discussed how other people deal with voluntary childless. Previous studies show that freedom is the most common reason to be voluntary childless. Some people are also uncertain if they can live good life with children, as if they need to compromise some other important things. These important things are, for example, own body, travel, sleep and spontaneity. All participants of the survey of this thesis were obtained through Vapaaehtoisesti Lapsettomat ry. Answers were collected as electrical survey sheet online. Surveys gets 328 answer’s but this studies analysis only 20. From the survey results, it was observed, that voluntary childlessness affects especially own wellbeing and freedom. Own will of being childless also arose from the results meaning that childlessness is intrinsic choice. On the other hand, childlessness is not considered as choice by some people. Instead it is seen as way of living individual’s own life its own way. Preconceptions of other people, typically seen as underrating, also arose from the survey results.
  • Nuutinen, Sonja (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten sosiaalisen median käyttäjät hyödyntävät ruokablogeja ruoan valintaa tehdessä. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli kuvata ruokablogeja lukevien näkemyksiä sosiaalisessa mediassa esiintyvistä ruoka-aiheisista blogeista sekä selvittää minkälainen yhteys blogien sisällöillä oli näiden käyttäjien ruoan valintaan. Menetelmät. Lähestymistapa on kvalitatiivinen ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytin teemahaastattelua. Tutkimuksen otos koostui kolmesta harkinnanvaraisesti valitusta, pääkaupunkiseudulla asuvasta aktiivisesta sosiaalisen median käyttäjästä. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin yksilöhaastatteluja, jotka äänitettiin ja litteroitiin. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Ruokablogit ovat vaikuttaneet tutkittavien ruoan valintaan muun muassa antamalla inspiraatiota ja opettamalla uusia tekniikoita ruoanlaitossa, antamalla vaihtelua omaan arkiruokailuun ja tutustuttamalla uusiin ainesosiin ja raaka-aineisiin. Uusia ruokia uskalletaan myös kokeilla rohkeammin. Tutkielma avaa sosiaalisen median ruokablogien sisältöjä ilmiönä ja antaa yleiskuvan siitä, miten sosiaalisen median kuluttajat suhtautuvat niihin. Aiempi tutkimus on keskittynyt sosiaalisen median vaikutukseen ruoan valinnassa. Tämä tutkielma kartoitti erityisesti sitä, minkälainen vaikutus ruokablogeilla nähdään olevan ruoan valintaan ja käytännön ruoanvalmistukseen.