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  • Tuohilampi, Kaisa (2020)
    Today mindfulness is a popular method to develop awareness skills and well-being. Its effectiveness has been studied in adults, but there is still relatively little research data on how it works with children. Recent mindfulness studies have focused on examining mindfulness intervention with children. Mindfulness research has received surprisingly little critique in the past, and its applicability to all children has not been questioned, although in the future mindfulness may be part of children’s daily life at school. This study seeks to critically examine mindfulness interventions and to determine why mindfulness is needed to be incorporated into the school world. This research is a systematic review based on 10 international research articles from 2005-2020, where a mindfulness intervention was done for elementary school students. This research seeks to answer the questions: 1) why is a mindfulness intervention done in school?, 2) what kind of benefits are sought? and 3) what kind of results are obtained?. Using data driven analysis, I highlight the rationale for mindfulness research as to why mindfulness would benefit children and the outcomes of interventions. According to this research, mindfulness interventions are done in schools mostly because most children can be reached there, and schools have the responsibility to teach well-being skills to their students. Most interventions are hoping to have an impact on mental health and academic success. In addition, mindfulness interventions have yielded the most results that develop cognitive and emotional skills. This research shows that mindfulness research is still in its infancy. This topic requires further research to gain more knowledge about the suitability of mindfulness to children and whether the practice can achieve the desired results.
  • Westerberg, Mila (2017)
    Objectives. Increasingly younger children are faced with rapid mastery of knowledge and social interaction requirements. A new phenomenon-oriented curriculum reform 2016 brings these new challenges in front of the student. Previous studies show that different efficacy beliefs influece individuals actions. The purpose of this study is to describe, analyse and interpret the concept of self-efficacy. In the research field, the term is used with different meanings. The aim of this study is also to find out the related concepts from the selected research articles as well as their similarities and differences from self-efficacy in order to understand and to clarify and differentiate the concept. . Methods. The study is a systematic litterature review. A more accurate method used is conceptual analysis, which allowed the comparison and interpretation of different definitions. The research data was selected from twenty scientifically valid research studies in various articles and literature on the basis of concepts centrality. The materials were compared and restructured, bringing together concepts and definitions of self-efficacy from different researchers. Second, the study looked at the material encountered about the near concepts that were opened and analyzed in a conceptual analysis and the phenomenographic review. Conceptual distinctions were operated using few concrete practical examples. Results and conclusions. Self-efficacy is a complex concept, which this study found a number of different definitions and related concepts. Some researchers defined the term very broadly and also new dimensions, such as social self-efficacy concept were found.; Related concepts used synymously with self-efficacy found were such as skill possessing, self-image, self-concept, self-esteem, outcome-expectations, self-confidence), self-regulation, controllability, personality traits, personal agency, effectance motivation, perceived control and locus of control As a result of the study on the basis of the definitions and comparisons occurring data the core of the concept and its different variations and emphases were located. For the key element of self-efficacy was individuals feeling of efficacy in a particular moment a feeling in relation to the situation or activity. The results will help to structure self-efficacy conceptually as internal process of the individual, which gives the teacher the tools to support student.
  • Hölsä, Eevi (2017)
    Scope of the study. The scope of the study is to research the key concepts in the book Identity and Agency in Cultural Worlds by Holland, Lachicotte, Skinner, and Cain (1998) using systematic analysis as the method. The aim was to expand the knowledge of how the surrounding world affects human identity and action according to the authors. Method. The study was conducted by the means of systematic analysis where the aim was to apply oneself to one book and the key concepts in it. The book by Holland et al. used in the study was the first edition from 1998. The focus in the analysis was the concepts of identity, agency and cultural worlds (as in the title of the book), and also how the concepts are structured in the book studied. Results and analysis. Results reveal that it is sensible to think the meanings of the concepts (identity, agency and cultural world) that the authors of the book have mentioned in the title in more detail. After reading and studying the book, it was noticed that the structure of the book might not reveal the meanings of the key concepts if one has not thoroughly gotten into the book. The concept of agency is left somewhat on the background even though it is significant part of human action in cultural and social worlds and in the building process of identity. The concept of agency in the book is linked to the concept of improvisation. Also, instead of cultural worlds, the book focuses on the concept of ‘figured world’ which includes both, cultural and social aspects. At the same time, the meaning of identity is described on many levels in the book, and cannot be understood with a singular meaning. The role of identity can be seen as directing the action of a person, based on previous experiences that one has encountered but also the current situation. People also have different sides of identity that show in different figured worlds. All the key concepts in the book are built by heuristic development throughout the book, meaning they inherit more meanings as the book advances.
  • Pyrhönen, Susanna (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Lasten ja nuorten vähäinen lukeminen on ollut paljon esillä viime vuosina. Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa tutkitaan lasten ja nuorten heikkoa lukumotivaatiota. Tarkoi-tuksena on selvittää, mistä heikko motivoituneisuus lukemiseen johtuu ja millaisia piirteitä ja syitä siihen liittyy. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkimus perustuu Lukuklaani-hankkeen tutkimusaineistoon. Lukuklaani on Suomen Kulttuurirahaston rahoittama hanke, jonka tarkoituksena on kannustaa nuoria luke-maan. Lukuklaani-hanke jakautuu alakoulun vuosien 2017-2019 ja yläkoulun vuosien 2019-2020 hankkeisiin. Tutkimusosio toteutettiin Helsingin ja Turun yliopistoissa alakoulun ja ylä-koulun opettajille suunnatuilla kyselyillä ja niiden analyysillä. Tässä tutkielmassa aineistona oli yläkoulun hankkeeseen kerätty aineisto vuodelta 2019. Kyselyyn vastasi 407 äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden opettajaa. Tässä tutkielmassa etsittiin opettajien avovastauksista syitä sille, miksi kaikki oppilaat eivät olleet lukeneet kirjaa loppuun. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Epämotivoituneista lukijoista voidaan päätellä Lukuklaani-aineiston valossa, että he eivät jaksa tai halua lukea kirjoja, ainakaan koulussa annettua kir-jaa. Joko lukemiseen ei ole aikaa tai siihen ei jakseta keskittyä. Eniten vastauksia oli heikosta motivaatiosta ja kiinnostuksen puutteesta. Lukeminen voi myös olla vaikeaa ja hidasta, mikä tekee lukemisesta epämiellyttävää. Opettajien mukaan moni ei myöskään pysty lukemaan pit-kiä kokonaisteoksia, niihin ei jakseta keskittyä. Osa oppilaista ei myöskään lue kirjoja, jos ne jäävät kotiin luettaviksi.
  • Ylämäki, Laura (2017)
    There has been a big concern about children and youth’s, especially boys, decreasing leisure reading and how it effects reading skills. This Bachelor’s Thesis are meant to find out what we already know children’s leisure reading and the support of it in. The other goal is to find out what need to be research next. This thesis is systematic literature review. Material consists of seventeen research articles and three Finnish Master’s Thesis. The research articles are published in Finland, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore and Taiwan. Material has been limited in 2010s. Studies has been categorized to seven groups: reading motivation, leisure reading support, reading habits, reading engagement, reading choices, gender effects and connection between leisure reading and learning. There is only few Finnish studies so more research of each group is needed. The research of leisure reading support needs also new viewpoints and more research. Especially middle school aged children are group who doesn’t have much research.
  • Lohvansuu, Henriikka (2017)
    Aims. This study analyses how valuation of mathematics and self-concept in mathematics are related to mathematical skills in primary school. This thesis relates to Eccles and colleagues (Wigfield & Eccless, 2002) expectancy-value theory in which self-concept and valuation in mathematics explains the student’s motivation. This theory separates the valuation of mathematics in intrinsic value, utility value and cost. The theory and aim of this thesis focused on the on-going international MatMoth project. The project examines 3rd grade pupils motivation factors connection to their mathematic skills Methods. This study is a literature review. The purpose of this thesis was to create an overview of results how motivation factors deal with mathematical skills. As sources I used national and international research reports. Results and conclusions. In primary school motivational factors hardly correlate with mathematical skills. This correlation increases trough out the duration of the primary school. Self-conceptions of mathematics have the strongest correlation to mathematical skills in primary school pupils. The strongest link found in the valuation field was that of intrinsic value connection to skills. Motivation factors causally correlate to mathematical skills in a bidirectional manner. In the other words motivation factors correlates with mathematical skills, and mathematical skills correlates with motivation factors. In conclusion it’s very important for teacher to support their pupils positive motivation and help progress of knowledge building and mathematical skills.
  • Lammela, Iida-Lotta (2017)
    The aim of this study was to describe the perceptions of happiness of students stu-dying in a hospital school. There has been a lot of previous research about happi-ness, especially from the point of view of positive psychology . It has been found that perceptions of happiness vary a lot. This study is interested in the way that students, who were either inpatient or outpatient, view happiness. There is no previous re-search about happiness in the context of hospital schools. The material of this study consists of essays about happiness. The essays were writ-ten both with and without guiding questions. The writers were 14 finnish students who study in a hospital school. The group consisted of girls and boys studying both in elementary and secondary school. The material was analyzed using material-based content analysis. The results showed a diverse set of individual perceptions of happiness. The percep-tions included both joys and challenges that one encounters in life. The students’ es-says were classified into categories based on their content. The most significant ca-tegory was internal dimension. It refers to individually experienced, personal things that are hard to notice from the outside. The subcategory of personal strategies was highlighted from the internal dimension. It contained the ways in which students cont-rol their happiness by acting in a certain manner. It was concluded that the students of this study had a strong belief in the possibility of a happy life. The external challenges in their lives, such as problems with health, we-re not as pronounced as the possibility to influence happiness with their own actions. Generally, the students were able to contemplate happiness analytically and pro-foundly, although they brought up superficial aspects as well. The attitudes and diver-se perceptions of these students show that it is prolific to study happiness in different contexts. Happiness is something that constantly interests people. It is important that concepts from research are brought up to discussion, since the way people perceive happiness often affects the ways in which they pursue it in their lives.
  • Valaskivi, Liekki (2016)
    Goals. The new Finnish national curriculum names increasing knowlegde and understanding about the diversity of gender as one of the goals of basic education. Gender diversity contains not only boys and girls, but also transgender students, whose gender identity falls outside the binary. The experiences of these students have as of yet been researched little, especially in Finland, and insufficient information about transgender issues is available to teachers. The goal of this study is to understand transgender indentities through theoretical literature and to map the various factors that affect school experiences of transgender students. The study is based on educational sciences, but I also utilise gender studies as a frame of reference. Methods. I have executed this study as a integrative descriptive literary survey using a feminist approach. My goal was construct a comprehensive and coherent overall view by compiling different kinds of discretionarily chosen theoretical and research literature. I analyzed the material by constructing a general view of gender, sex and transgender identity from the theoretical literature, and by compiling factors that affect the school experiences of transgender students from previous studies. Results and conclusions. The study showed that the school institution is a relatively heteronormative institution, which upholds the idea of binary gender and reproduces both visible and hidden gendered practices. The material showed that expectations of gender control almost all school activity, so it is difficult for a transgender student to find their place as a part of the school community. The physical spaces at school, the toilets and changing rooms for example, have generally been divided by gender, so a transgender student is without a place at school in a very concrete way, as well. Transgender students face significantly more bullying, harrasment and violence at school than boys or girls do. Schools and teachers have not only the opportunity, but also the responsibility to change heteronormative and gendered practiced at school and make the school environment safer and more positive for transgender students. However, it is essential that transgender identities are researched more in Finnish schools.
  • Saari, Milja (2020)
    Uudet, modernit ja muokkautuvat oppimisympäristöt ovat herättäneet paljon keskustelua mediassa niin puolesta kuin vastaankin. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata, analysoida ja tulkita näitä uusista oppimisympäristöistä käytyjä mediadiskursseja. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, mitä teemoja media nostaa uusista oppimisympäristöistä esille ja millaisia etuja ja haittoja niillä artikkelien mukaan on. Aihetta lähestyttiin tarkastelemalla ensin oppimisympäristön ja uuden oppimisympäristön moninaisia määritelmiä sekä syitä oppimisympäristöissä tapahtuneisiin muutoksiin. Tämän jälkeen tutkittiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin uusista oppimisympäristöistä Helsingin Sanomissa ja Yle Uutisissa julkaistuja artikkeleita elokuusta 2019 helmikuuhun 2020. Analyysin tuloksena artikkelit jaettiin kuuteen eri teemaan, joita olivat ”uusien oppimisympäristöjen kuvailu”, ”haasteet pedagogiikalle”, ”hyödyt pedagogiikalle”, ”haasteet oppilaille/erityisoppilaille”, ”muutokset uusissa oppimisympäristöissä” ja ”taustatekijät”. Aineistossa korostuu kriittinen suhtautuminen uusiin oppimisympäristöihin. Niitä kuvataan uhkana niin fyysiselle, psyykkiselle, sosiaaliselle kuin pedagogisellekin turvallisuudelle. Toisaalta uusien oppimisympäristöjen katsotaan mahdollistavan monipuoliset ja modernit opetustavat.
  • Salovuori, Emil (2018)
    Preventing younger generation’s social exclusion is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The consequences of social exclusion reflect on economy and as human suffer-ing. Even though the subject has been researched very recently and quite extensively, the phenomenon has not decreased after different kind of interventions in the light of statistics. Different interview-based researches and knowledge based on experience help finding the core of the issue around the young people’s agency. The seminar essay focuses on finding the factors that limit the agency of younger generation who are using or are on the edge of using the public services. The research method used in the seminar essay is a literature survey, which is a theoretical survey of the research literature related to the phenomenon. Younger generation’s agency is examined through three different aspects: (1) the social capital and trust, (2) participation and loneliness and (3) different forms of power. The frame of reference is the public service system which is often the link for the young person to be part of the society. Social capital and trust, which are each other’s preconditions, were essential factors limiting young people’s agency. The fundamental causes to the situation appeared to be the experi-ences of not participating and loneliness. The consequence of these experiences is not be-ing able to have social capital. Different social networks play a great role in building the young person’s agency. In addition, different forms of power seemed to restrict young people es-pecially when using the public service system. Categorising way of talking about young peo-ple and labelizing them highlighted young people not confronting each other and their thought-lessness. Confronting young people by their problems seems to be discouraging and making them more passive.
  • Havonen, Riina (2020)
    This study was conducted to learn more about the conceptions of knowledge and learning of teacher students, and how strong of an appearance these different dimensions make. Additionally, possible differences between elementary school teacher students and pre-school teacher students are studied. The data is quantitative (n=217), acquired as a part of a larger study, Mind the Gap (2013 – 2016). The data was analyzed statistically. Tool used for analyzing the concepts of knowledge and learning was MED NORD created by Lonka, Sharafi, Karlgren, Masiello, Nieminen, Birgegård & Josephson (2008) based on Conceptions of Learning and Knowledge Questionnaire (CLKQ). The questionnaire tool used in this study consisted of 15 propositions made of five different dimensions (collaborative knowledge building, reflectivity, metacognitivity, certain knowledge, and practical knowledge) of conceptions of knowledge and learning. The differences between groups (age, having an earlier degree) inside of all the teacher students, and between elementary school teachers and pre-school teachers were studied with independent sample t-test and One-Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). Results showed that with the general group of teacher students, collaborative knowledge building, reflectivity, and practical knowledge were highly valued. Elementary school teacher students valued metacognitivity and collaborative knowledge building significantly more than pre-school teacher students. Instead, pre-school teacher students showed significantly higher appreciation of certain and practical knowledge, despite pre-school teacher students being older and more of them already having a degree in higher education. This difference could originate in a higher number of career-changers in pre-school teacher students and the differences in the extent of elementary school teacher and pre-school teacher studies.
  • Martin Jesse (2016)
    In recent years we have witnessed an increase of globalization and immigration all over the world, hence the rise of a new popular concept – multiculturalism. Living in a multicultural society requires citizens to have skills and knowledge such as the ability to act naturally in intercultural encounters. For some time now intercultural competence has been a vital concept in the field of communication, diplomacy and business and lately it has become stable also in the field of education. The concept simply refers to an ability to think and act in an appropriate and effective way in intercultural encounters. The field of multiculturalism is however polysemous which highly calls for consensus. In this study one´s are exploring teacher´s intercultural skills and competence in the field of education. The aim of this study is to introduce how teacher´s intercultural competence has been defined in the previous studies and what kind of dimensions the concept incorporates. The main object in this study is to describe the concept of teacher´s intercultural competence in the field of education in the light of previous studies. The type of my research was a literature review. The data of this research was eight international articles which definitions of teacher’s intercultural competence I compared and classified. Hence the research has also phenomenographical features in a sense that I brought together different researchers’ perceptions of teacher’s intercultural competence and I examined what similarities and differences these definitions had. Analyctical method in this research was pretty much as generally used in phenomenographical studies where the analysis of review data lead to the creation of various categories. The results indicate that the concept of teacher’s intercultural competence does not have settled definition in the research field. Different researchers define the term in different ways; some of the researchers define the term more broadly and leave unmentioned something that some other definitions bring up. In my research I have divided teacher´s intercultural competence into various categories which allows to approach the concept of intercultural competence through various dimensions. Based on the analysis, the central elements of the teacher’s intercultural competence were clarified which helps understanding the term and relating its different definitions in the field of education.
  • Lindholm, Marjut (2019)
    Goals. The aim of this study was to review, describe and analyze, based on the research material, the teacher's actions that are considered to affect the class group dynamics. Group dynamics is interaction and internal forces within a group (Lewin, 1951). It is also continuous chance in group situations and internal relationships systems (Rovio & Saaranen-Kauppinen 2009). In this study groups are reviewed in the context of school and especially focusing on the teacher's significance in the chance of group dynamics. The effect of the teacher on group processes has for long been known and this phenomenon has been called the "invisible hand", but the proof of these processes is still rare (Farmer, McAucliffe Lines & Hamm 2011). This topic is important because learning in a group is a growing practice in schools according to national core curriculum and the coordination of class dynamics is barely covered in teacher education. Methods. This study was carried out according to the systematic literature review, the purpose of which is to map previously conducted research on the subject and summarize the key insights. The research material was collected by discretionary sampling and by researching existing articles. The targets of the search were researches covering the factors affecting school group dynamics including the perspective of the teacher's actions and that were published during the last decade in English. Eight international studies matching the search criteria were chosen as the research material. The material has been analyzed using material-based content analysis. Conclusion. The results of the study show that the teacher's actions are considered to affect the class dynamics by molding the pupils' relationships systems and affecting the aggressive and prosocial behavior. Group dynamics was seen to be affected by the teacher's affection for students, the emotional support and strategies to control class dynamics. These habits can be divided into conscious and subconscious actions. Based on the results it is safe to say that there are many actions to contribute to the group dynamics the teachers should be aware of.
  • Hiltunen, Aino (2017)
    In this thesis, I give a critical look for discourse and the ideals of community in Finnish national core curriculum for basic education 2014. I compare the results with students’ reported experiences of peer community. Communal learning, the active role of a student and practices that highlight peer learning have been the latest trends in Finnish education. In earlier studies these learning theories have been addressed separately with the study of peer relations and dynamics. As there has been a swift change in the nature of education from teacher centered towards communal learning practices, it is important to understand the circumstances where the communal learning takes place. Previous research has shown that for the children gaining popularity among the peers is often more important than succeeding academically. That emphasizes the need to study the relationship between school’s social aims and peer relationship power dynamics in order to adjust the goals and pay attention to possible challenges to them as well as social equality in social learning practices. This study was a critical discourse analysis. The general parts of the Finnish national core curriculum for basic education served as data for the analysis. The focus of the analysis was on the themes of communality and students’ engagement and participation in it. The themes were created based on theory and previous studies. The analysis was executed through careful reading, utilizing methods of rhetoric discourse analysis. The research tradition used was critical so the focus was on the power dynamics and revealing inequalities. The results showed that the Finnish national core curriculum has set up high expectations for communal practices. However, they were idealistic when comparing the dynamics in peer relationships. They did not pay attention to the effect of pupil’s social status which affects pupil’s possibilities to participate. That creates a change of inequality in communal practices as the curriculum favors pupils that already have strong social skills, high status and ability to affect others. The results are not applicable to represent the reality but give an idea and critic to the challenges of the nature of curriculum in this social context of peer relationships. Further research is needed to test these hypothesis.
  • Eerolainen, Eemeli (2017)
    Goals. Strength-based mindset can be seen in schools today. This is shown, for instance, in the newest curriculum of comprehensive school (POPS 2014). There is a plenty of positive findings in school context about character strengths, which are an essential part of strength-based mindset. Also, there is a plenty of research about self-efficacy among students. Still, not much research can be found about the relation between character strengths and self-efficacy among students. The aim of this study was to examine, how the identification and using of students’ own character strengths affect their self-efficacy. Another aim was to find, how a single character strength is related to students’ self-efficacy. This study is based on the classification of character strengths by Peterson and Seligman (2004) and the theory of self-efficacy by Bandura (1997). Method. The material of this research consisted of seven international research papers, which studied the relation between the character strengths and self-efficacy among students. The material was acquired from electronic databases. This study is a systematic literature review, which is an efficient method to study a specific topic. Material-based content analysis was used in the analysis of the material. The results and discussion. The results of this study showed that character strengths and self-efficacy are in a positive relation among students. The identification and utilizing of one’s character strengths predicted improved self-efficacy. The strongest predictor of self-efficacy was the character strength of hope and the weakest predictor was the character strength of modesty. These results highlight the importance of strength-based teaching in schools in order to support the development of students’ self-efficacy. Both the identification and utilizing of one’s character strengths and good self-efficacy has been found to improve the well-being and performance of students. Thus it is necessary to find new ways to support the development of these traits in schools.
  • Nokelainen, Meeri (2017)
    The main goal of this bachelor's thesis is to find out how a student's introversion appears in school context. Introversion is a personality trait which is a result of an interaction between an environment and a temperament. A psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Jung mentioned the concept “introversion" in 1920s. Also, Briggs and Briggs Myers' (1944) and Eysenck's (1976) theories of introversion were used in this thesis. The energy of an introvert tends to go inward. Introverts reflect and think a lot about their own mind. Unfamiliar people and long meetings are overwhelming and exhausting for introverts which is why they tend to favour peace and quiet. In Finland, there has not been much research about the connection between introversion and school. The purpose of this thesis is also to increase awareness about introversion. The method used in this bachelor's thesis was an integrative literature review which allows to examine and describe the phenomenon diversely. This thesis' material consisted of 17 international researches and a book in which introversion's connection with school was studied. The material was collected systematically and manually from various international databases. The material-based content analysis was used in this study to analyse the material The results of this study indicate that introversion did appear in school in various ways. Introversion had a connection with academic achievement. Introverts benefited from teaching in which students receive information from a teacher. The results indicate that introverts needed a peaceful learning environment. Music and other background noises had a negative effect on introverts' performance. Teachers can take introverts' needs into account by creating an appropriate learning environment and lessons for introverts.
  • Tammi, Essi (2018)
    Aims. The new curriculum for primary schools emphasizes improvement of thinking skills and critical thinking which includes reflection skills. Several studies have proven that reflection enhances learning. Therefore, it is important to know how to promote it in primary schools. In this study, the theory is based on Jack Mezirow’s theory of critical thinking which is based on John Dewey’s observations from education and pedagogy. The aim for this study is to provide an overview of the research field considering the enhancement of pupils’ reflection skills, and also to provide concrete ways of action which have been proven to enhance pupil’s reflection. The purpose of this study is to provide the information needed about reflection for teachers, which they can utilize while planning the teaching. Methods. This study was conducted by integrative literature review examining different studies regarding reflective thinking and creating a synthesis from them. The data for this research consists of seven scientific articles, which dealt with promotion of reflection of primary school pupils (6 to 12-year-old). The data was collected from different electronic databases. Scientific articles were analyzed with content analysis, utilizing data based thematization. Results and conclusions. Based on the analysis, four different categories/themes considering promoting pupil’s reflection and reflective thinking skills were found. These were: support from teacher, concrethic working style, social interaction/communication with other pupils and verbalization of thinking and thinking out loud. The data for this study was only seven scientific articles, so it can be presumed that there might be more categories to be found in further studies. These themes though represent different dimensions of learning which can be actively implemented in classroom activities. Teaching which utilizes these themes will help pupils to enhance their reflection skills in primary schools. The results can be applied in practice, since the new curriculum also aims to reinforce thinking skills, such as critical and reflective thinking.
  • Hirvola, Elina (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Nykyajan lapsia kasvatetaan tulevaisuuteen, jossa menestyksen uskotaan vaativan aiempaa enemmän kriittistä ajattelua, luovuutta sekä monenlaisia sosioemotionaalisia taitoja. Sosioemotionaalinen oppiminen nähdään yleisesti tärkeänä osana tulevaisuuden taitoja, mutta käytännöt sen tukemiseen vaihtelevat. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää minkälaisia hyötyjä oppilaiden sosioemotionaalisen oppimisen tukemisesta intervention keinoin on havaittu olevan. Tutkielmassa kootaan tietoa siitä, mitä havaintoja tutkijat ovat viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana tehneet sosioemotionaalisen oppimisen interventioiden toteuttamisesta koulukontekstissa. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa vastaavilla interventioilla on havaittu olevan positiivisia vaikutuksia ainakin oppilaiden hyvinvointiin, käyttäytymiseen ja oppimistuloksiin. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkielma on menetelmältään systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui seitsemästä vertaisarvioidusta tutkimusartikkelista, joissa jokaisessa on toteutettu jokin sosioemotionaalisen oppimisen interventio. Aineisto kerättiin EBSCO-tietokannasta systemaattista hakua käyttämällä, hakusanoilla social AND emotional learning sekä intervention OR program. Analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin aineistolähtöistä teemoittelua, jonka avulla tutkimuskysymykseen vastaavat havainnot jaettiin neljään kategoriaan. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Sosioemotionaalisen oppimisen interventioilla havaittiin olevan positiivisia vaikutuksia oppilaiden sosioemotionaalisiin taitoihin, hyvinvointiin, akateemiseen suoriutumiseen sekä käyttäytymiseen. Sosioemotionaalisten taitojen osalta oppilailla esiintyi kehitystä neljällä viidestä osa-alueesta: minätietoisuudessa, itsensä johtamisessa, sosiaalisessa tietoisuudessa ja ihmissuhdetaidoissa, mutta ei vastuullisessa päätöksenteossa. Intervention vaikutukset hyvinvointiin näkyivät etenkin positiivisina muutoksina oppilaiden mielenterveydessä. Akateemisen suoriutumisen paraneminen ilmeni koulumenestystä ennustavina käyttäytymisen ja asenteiden muutoksina. Myös oppilaiden muussa käyttäytymisessä havaittiin positiivisia muutoksia. Tämän tutkielman tulosten valossa sosioemotionaalisen oppimisen interventioilla näyttäisi olevan monipuolisesti oppilaan kasvua, hyvinvointia ja akateemista menestystä tukevia positiivisia vaikutuksia.
  • Viljakainen, Reeta (2018)
    Emotions are present everywhere, also at school. In this thesis, I aim to clarify the meaning of academic emotions and achievement emotions by looking at research literature on the subject. Furthermore, I will study the connection between achievement emotions and achievement in mathematics through previous research. The theoretical basis of this thesis is the control-value theory developed by Pekrun (2000). According to the theory, different types of control-value appraisals and their combinations predict achievement emotions. This thesis is a descriptive literature review. In the thesis, I examined the connection between achievement emotions and achievement in school. The criteria for studies included were that their theoretical basis was in control-value theory and at least one of the subjects studied was mathematics. Based on previous research, enjoyment is directly related to better grades. Mathematics anxiety, on the other hand, is associated with lower achievement in mathematics. Boredom also has a significant yet modest negative relationship with academic success. The research studied in this thesis suggests that teachers should be increasingly aware of the emotions experienced in classrooms. They also ought to be able to create such learning environments and learning experiences that nourish emotions favourable for learning. It is therefore important to gain further research information on how different learning environments and teachers’ means and methods impact the pupils’ positive emotions and increase the amount of control and value appraised.
  • Puljujärvi, Joonas (2019)
    Goals. Flow experience is a state where the individual is so immersed in ongoing activity that nothing seems to disturb him or her. The purpose of this literature review is to find out what things need to be taken into consideration in teaching, so that pupils could achieve this kind of state of immersion in learning. The aim is to expand the factors of the flow experience in learning and highlight ways how teacher can support flow experience from research results. The aim of this study is also to find links between research results and theoretical literature. Methods. This study is a descriptive literature review. The research material of this study based on 13 scientific articles, related to different aspects of the flow experience. The data of this study was analysed by thematising the research results. Theoretical literature was used to support the analysis of the research results. Results and conclusions. In this study, the research results showed that, when the teacher focusing on the factors which influencing the flow, it is possible to support pupils in achieving the flow experience. The most prominent research results was supporting individual pupils competence and autonomy. However, it is important to note that the flow experience is a personal experience, so it can be influenced by different factors between individuals.