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  • Raaska, Nea (2018)
    Working life has undergone drastic changes faster than ever in the past few decades. Because of these changes organizations and their structures have also changed and been renewed. One of the key areas of change is the increase of remote work that is caused by new flexible ways of work and the breakthrough of technology. The increase of remote work brings new challenges to leadership that need to be studied. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe and analyze remote leaders’ experiences of remote work and remote leadership. By investigating these experiences, I aimed to describe what special characteristics remote work brings to leadership and how should these characteristics be considered in remote leadership. This study highlights key areas of remote work that should be developed in the future regarding the fast-changing working life. The theoretical framework of this study consists of previous research conducted regarding remote work and remote leadership. The data consisted of four semi-structured theme interviews that were analyzed using content analysis. The aim was to find similarities and differences between the data and the theoretical framework. The interviewees were experts in their own field and they all had at least one year of experience as a remote leader. Every interviewee had their own team that consisted of remote and non-remote workers. The interviewees brought up dissimilarities on different areas between remote and non-remote workers. The results of this study were divided in two sections: experiences of remote work and special characteristics of remote leadership. Remote work was seen as a positive and long-awaited change that makes combining work and personal life possible especially to people with families. On the other hand, remote work can dim the boundaries between work and personal life that could cause burnout. Special characteristics of remote leadership were found to be the importance of regular interaction and communication, equal treatment between remote and non-remote workers and the importance of building a trustful relationship between the leader and subordinates. Especially the results indicated that remote leaders had the feeling of inadequacy because of the lack of time that was allocated to leadership. This indicated that remote leaders lacked the support from their supervisor and the organization. None of the interviewees had been trained to remote leadership. In conclusion, this study highlights that managing remote subordinates is a challenging form of leadership and it should be investigated further to provide training and support to remote leaders.
  • Maliniemi, Anna-Maria (2020)
    Objectives Due to the COVID-19pandemic that is rampant in the world, remote work has become the focus of working life in the spring of 2020. Many people have had to rebuild their everyday working life while planning new practices of working. This study aims to examine what kinds of rhythms there are in remote workers’ everyday life. It also studies how different dimensions of function interlace in the everyday life of remote workers. The theoretical framework of this study consists of different studies of time-use, the most important being the four kinds of time by Dagfinn Ås. This study focuses on how remote workers’ work, housework and free time interlace. Methods This study was a qualitative study. I used a time-use diary as a data collection method. The participants were selected randomly and they filled in the diary for three days. I collected the data working together with the National institution of occupational health and the workers’ employer. I contacted the participants via e-mail and they could take part in this study in their own initiative. This study had seven participants. I analyzed the data first by dividing the participants in different worker types. In addition to this I grouped different functions I found in the diaries based on the four kinds of times by Ås and studied the interlacing and overlapping of these functions. Results Out of the workers that participated in this study I could clearly find two worker types, daytime workers and night time workers. Families and spouses can fit their rhythms easier together while working during the daytime. There were interlacing of work, housework and freetime in every participants everyday life. Six out of seven workers did housework on their work breaks. Especially chores involving cooking and laundry where represented in the data during working hours. It can also be said that interlacing house work with the working day opens up time during free time for relaxation, socializing and for recovery.
  • Koskela, Essi (2022)
    Etätöiden tekeminen on yleistynyt valtavasti kahden viime vuosikymmenen aikana teknologian kehittymisen myötä. Tämän vuoksi tutkielmassa selvitetään, mikä on etätyön tekemisen yhteys työtyytyväisyyteen. Tutkielma keskittyy vastaamaan kahteen tutkimuskysymykseen, joiden avulla selvitetään, millä tavoin etätöiden tekeminen on yhteydessä työtyytyväisyyteen sekä vaikuttaako etätöiden määrä työtyytyväisyyteen. Tutkimus toteutettiin narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistoon valikoitui yhdeksän vertaisarvioitua tutkimusartikkelia. Aineiston analysoinnissa hyödynnettiin teemoittelua, jonka avulla tutkimusartikkelit jaettiin kahteen pääryhmään tutkimuskysymysten mukaisesti. Ensimmäinen pääryhmä jakautui edelleen kolmeen eri alaryhmään ja toinen pääryhmä kahteen eri alaryhmään. Tutkielman tulosten mukaan etätyöntekijöiden työtyytyväisyys on korkeampaa kuin toimistolla työskentelevien työtyytyväisyys, mikä osoittaa etätyön ja työtyytyväisyyden yhteyden olevan positiivinen. Toisen tutkimuskysymyksen kohdalla havaittiin kuitenkin, että etätyöt ovat positiivisesti yhteydessä työtyytyväisyyteen vain tiettyyn pisteeseen asti, sillä etätyöpäivien noustessa tiettyyn määrään työtyytyväisyys kääntyykin laskuun. Osa tutkimuksista kuvaa tätä etätyön ja työtyytyväisyyden yhteyttä käännetyn U:n muotoiseksi. Tutkielman tulokset osoittivat, että organisaatioiden kannattaa antaa työntekijöille mahdollisuus tehdä etätöitä muutamana päivänä viikossa. On kuitenkin huomioitava, että tutkielman perusteella ihmiset kaipaavat myös kasvokkaisia tapaamisia, jonka takia siirtyminen pelkästään etätöihin ei ole työtyytyväisyyden näkökulmasta kannattavaa.
  • Blommendahl, Riina (2021)
    Tutkielmani tavoite oli kuvata ja analysoida varhaiskasvatuksen etäopetuksen toteuttamista keväällä 2020. Tutkimustehtävänä oli kuvata, analysoida ja tulkita ryhmään kuulumisen ja vertaisvuorovaiku- tuksen tukemiseen liittyviä pedagogisia käytäntöjä varhaiskasvatuksen etäopetuskokemuksista. Aiem- paa tutkimusta etävarhaiskasvatuksesta on vielä hyvin vähän, mutta ne ovat osoittaneet, että verkko- opetus voisi olla mahdollista monivaiheisen suunnittelun, toteutuksen ja reflektion avulla. Tutkimuksessa viitekehyksenä käytin sosiokulttuurisen oppimisen teoriaa. Teorian mukaan lapsen kasvu, kehitys ja oppiminen tapahtuvat vuorovaikutuksessa sekä yhteisön toimintamalleihin osallistumalla. Sosiokulttuurisista teorioista tarkastelin erityisesti Vygotskyn ja Rogoffin teorioissa esiintyviä käsitteitä; Vygotskyn lähikehityksen vyöhyke sekä Rogoffin ohjatun osallisuuden -käsite. Tämä tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen. Aineisto on koottu yksilöhaastatteluina puolistrukturoitujen kysymysten avulla. Haastattelurunko sisälsi seitsemän aiheeseen virittävää kysymystä. Haastateltaviksi valikoitui viisi varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa yksityisen toimijan varhaiskasvatusyksiköistä. Haastattelut toteutettiin verkko- ja puhelinhaastatteluina, jotka tallennettiin, litteroitiin ja analysoitiin. Analysoinnissa pyrin löytämään aineistosta yhtenäisiä teemoja sekä yksilöllisiä kokemuksia. Analyysi eteni ensin teorian pohjalta ja myöhemmin mukaan tuli aineisto, joka sai vahvistusta teoriasta. Tulosten perusteella etäopetuksessa toteutettiin pedagogisesti painottunutta suunnitelmallista ja tavoitteellista toimintaa. Tavoite etäopetuksessa painottui struktuurin ylläpitämiseen, ryhmään kuulumisen ja vertaisvuorovaikutuksen tukemiseen sekä perheiden kanssa tapahtuvan kasvatusyhteistyön jatkamiseen sekä lastensuojeluun. Tuloksissa korostui etäopetustuokioiden antama mahdollisuus osallisuuden ja ryhmään kuulumisen kokemuksille. Tutkimukseni johtopäätöksissä voin todeta, että etäopetuskokemukset antavat toiveita siitä, että etäopetus varhaiskasvatuksessa on mahdollista hyvän suunnittelun, toteutuksen ja reflektion avulla. Tutkimustulokset antavat myös viitteitä siitä, että etäopetusjärjestelyillä voisi olla merkitystä ryhmään kuulumisen tunteen kannattelussa poikkeusoloissa.
  • Knuutila, Otto (2020)
    The aim of this work is to get new, interesting information about what subjects co-write among beginner songwriters raises about the career development of a songwriter. The research question is to explore the benefits, disadvantages, opportunities, and threats of co-write work in terms of the beginner songwriter's career development. Previous research has shown that co-writing, i.e. making music in a team, is more effective than making music alone and has become an almost standard way of working in the industry. In terms of careers in general, networking has also been seen as a positive opportunity. At the same time, studies around work and career have shown that they are more and more fragmented and shifting in a more liberating and responsible way for individuals. The research was carried out with a thematic interview, which was attended by two beginner professional songwriters from Helsinki. The interviews were conducted and recorded in April 2020. The thematic interviews were conducted in a consistent manner using the interview framework. The material was analysed by thematizing the views of beginner professional songwriters on the benefits and opportunities of co-write work, as well as the disadvantages and threats to the songwriter's career development. The study found that beginner professional songwriters see co-write work as useful for career development in terms of networking, developing new competencies, and making songwriting more effective. Co-write work also has some threat images that may appear to be a lack of systematic scheduling and focus on writing. Personal chemistry was also seen as a potential challenge to the success of the co-write situation. In the light of the answers to the dissertation, it seems that co-write work should definitely be utilized in the training programs of future songwriters, as well as recognizing the networking and new learning opportunities it offers.
  • Kumpuniemi, Suvi (2023)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on luoda monipuolinen katsaus etnisen segregaation yhteydestä Helsingin peruskoulujen oppilaspohjan eriytymiseen. Kokoan yhteen Suomen kontekstissa vielä melko vähäistä ja hajanaista tutkimustietoa etnisestä segregaatiosta ja sen vaikutuksista koulujen oppilaspohjan muotoutumiseen sekä lapsiperheiden muuttopäätöksiin ja kouluvalintoihin. Tutkimuskysymykseni on: Millä tavoin etninen segregaatio on yhteydessä peruskoulujen oppilaspohjan eriytymiseen? Etninen segregaatio ja sen yhteys peruskoulun oppilaspohjan eriytymiseen on ajankohtainen aihe, sillä etninen segregaatio ja sen yhteys koulumaailmaan ovat olleet viime aikoina vahvasti esillä suomalaisessa mediassa. Kyseessä on tärkeä aihe tutkia, koska aihe koskettaa koko yhteiskuntaa ja sen ympärille kietoutuu myös kysymykset oppilaiden eriarvoistumisesta sekä mahdollisuuksien tasa-arvosta eli siitä onko oppilaiden taustalla väliä sen kanssa, miten he tulevat kouluttautumaan ja suoriutumaan opinnoistaan. Myös sosioekonominen tausta ja sen vaikutukset liittyvät vahvasti etniseen segregaatioon ja lapsiperheiden muuttopäätöksiin ja kouluvalintoihin, jonka takia käsittelen läheisesti myös sen yhteyttä oppilaspohjan eriytymiseen. Lasten samanarvoisesta kohtelusta ja yhtäläisistä mahdollisuuksista koulutukseen liittyen tulee huolehtia, koska koulutus ja koulut ovat hyvin merkittävä sosialisaation väline. Toteutin tutkimukseni kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jolle tyypillistä on luoda aiheesta yleiskuvaus tiivistämällä aiempaa tutkimusta. Valitsin aineistooni kolme julkaisua, joista yksi on väitöskirja ja kaksi tieteellistä artikkelia. Valitsin aineiston siten, että saan aiheestani mahdollisimman monipuolista materiaalia, joten valitsemillani julkaisuilla on kaikilla hieman eri painotus. Etnisellä segregaatiolla on Suomenkin kontekstissa alkanut olla yhä enemmän vaikutuksia koulujen oppilaspohjan eriytymiseen. Koulut ja asuinalueet ovat alkaneet jakautua aiempaa vahvemmin halutumpiin ja välteltyihin ja perheiden taustalla on väliä, saavatko he lapsensa hyvänä pidettyyn kouluun. Tehdyt muuttopäätökset ja kouluvalinnat, jotka eivät mukaile lähikouluperiaatetta, eriyttävät koulujen oppilaspohjaa ja kasvattavat koulujen välisiä eroja.
  • Väätäinen, Ella (2019)
    Goals. In the research, primary school’s preparatory classroom teachers’ experiences in preparatory teaching materials of Finnish language are being examined. The acquisition of Finnish language is one of the bases in preparatory education because one’s linguistic readiness must be sufficient for daily schoolwork and interaction when proceeding to mainstream education. The goal of the study is to examine what kind of materials teachers use, which materials they find useful and what things they find challenging in using the materials. Guaranteeing equality for the newly arrived is behind the goals for those who in the beginning face in addition to a foreign environment also a foreign school language. Methods. The study was made as a part of University of Helsinki’s Meeting in the Middle -project. The study is qualitative case study and it was carried out as a semi-structured theme interview. The interviewees were chosen by their expertise in the topic of the research. Two experienced preparatory class teachers served as experts in the study. The teachers are from different schools, but they both work in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The interview data was analysed inductively, so according to material-based analysis process. Results and conclusions. The study revealed that teachers use different types of materials as part of the Finnish language teaching. Materials that were intended to the preparatory teaching, other learning materials and also self-made materials were used in their teaching. In the preparatory education, the needs of the pupils are very different and therefore the teachers felt they benefited from using versatile, both ready-made and self-made materials. However, many materials and meeting the needs of the pupils created challenges. The materials did not always meet the pupils’ needs when it came to meaningfulness and functionality thus the teachers provided self-made materials. These factors caused problems for teachers in the planning and to the time spent on it, too. Although the teachers showed contentment towards some materials, it was noted analysing the data that there is still a demand for materials suited for the needs of the pupils.
  • Sundelin, Cecilia (2019)
    In connection with the new curriculum for the basic education some concepts have received more attention than others and one of them is formative assessment. Today, new demands are placed on the assessment in school. The assessment should not only be used as a controlling tool but also as a support for learning. What formative assessment means in practice, however, is not unambiguous. There are misinterpretations about formative work and some believe that an increased documentation requirement is what characterizes a formative assessment. The aim of this study is to examine how the literature describes the practice of the formative assessment. This is to be able to investigate the role of the documentation in the formative way of assessing pupil learning. The study is carried out in the form of a systematic literature review. The result is analyzed on the basis of a hermeneutic approach in which the purpose is to interpret, understand and convey knowledge about a certain phenomenon based on literature on the subject. The result shows that the role of documentation is only a part of several important aspects when it comes to formative assessment. The decisive factor in the formative assessment is the use of the key strategies described in the literature and not necessarily an increased requirement for documentation. Documentation is, however, inevitable in the work with the formative assessment and is needed for the teacher to be able to collect information about the student learning.
  • Vähävaara, Jannina (2017)
    Goals. This thesis’s purpose was to find out do kindergarten workers experience aggressive behavior from children at the kindergarten. Other goal was to find out how kindergarten workers encounter a child who is behaving aggressively. This subject has not been studied earlier, but aggressiveness has been studied a lot for example in schools for what kind of aggressiveness happens in schools. In school world there has been a study done by Hanna Hakala Master’s degree study in which she studied with same kind of questions how schoolteachers have experiences aggressiveness in schools and how they have encountered aggressively behaving child. Research questions have been developed based on different articles, which the researcher has read before writing this thesis. Purpose of this study was to find out does kindergarten workers experience aggressive behavior from children and how do they encounter a child that has been behaving aggressively. Methods. In this research, five kindergarten workers participated in the research. From the interviewees three were kindergarten teachers by their education and two where practical nurses. Interviewees worked in different kindergarten except for two worked from the same kindergarten. The interviews where done by semi-structured theme interview and they lasted from about seven to twenty minutes. After the interviews, they were transcripted and analyzed using theory-driven content analysis. Findings and conclusions. The main results were that kindergarten workers face aggressive behavior from children in kindergarten. Aggressiveness can manifest itself in any kind of situations and aggressiveness can be hitting, spitting or throwing things. When encountering aggressiveness they were advised to stay clam and to take care of everybody’s safety. From these results we can make conclusions that you have to be tranquil but also prepare for situations where a child can behave aggressively towards you. Applying the findings to practice requires a wider sampling.
  • Suoranta, Tuuli (2016)
    Introduction. The objective with this study was to gather information about how preschool aged children act prosocially. Prosocial acting and prosocial behavior are described as the same concept in this study. Prosocial behavior is positive social behavior which purpose is to promote someone other’s wellbeing. Such as behaviors are for example helping, sharing, comforting and cooperating. In the theory part I clarified prosocial behavior through the previous theories and research information and also with the related concepts as social learning, altruism, moral reasoning, empathy and sympathy. Previous researches had been focusing mostly to that part of prosocial behavior, which expounds why or how human species act prosocially, and for that reason there exists plenty of theories and research information of this perspective through decades. Because of this lack of information, in this study I want to search answer to the question how conventionally identified prosocial actings appear with preschool aged children Methodology. The material of survey was collected by systematic literature review. There were two databases where I found 218 researches, and in total four of the researches I picked for the complete survey material. The original researches and studies were international which specified the age limit of preschooler’s between 3 to 6. In the selected researches and studies prosocial behavior was described closely and they had effectual influence on the study designs and to the gained results. None of the selected researches or studies did only enter into gain information how preschool aged children act prosocially. The collected qualitative survey material was analyzed with the inductive content analysis. Results and conclusions. The results clearly show that preschool aged children act prosocially in multitudinious ways. I divided the prosocial acts, which emerged from the survey results, to the six categories. These were comforting, helping, friendliness, sharing, defending and cooperating. The prosocial behavior was tangible, physical, verbal and affective. Voluntarily helping, inviting other children to the play and taking along her/him to the play was the most popular ways to act prosocially. The conclusions of this study is that preschool aged children ways to act prosocially are highly diverse and those acts promote social interaction positively. Nevertheless this study’s results and conclusions prosocial behavior doesn’t seem to be very trendy among educators when today’s society visibly recommends individualism and efficacy as a virtue.
  • Eklund, Tove (2024)
    Mål. Försämrade PISA-resultat samt elevers bristande välbefinnande väcker oro i Finland. Skolan har en viktig roll i att skapa förutsättningar för lärande genom att främja välbefinnande och trygghet. Tidigare forskning visar att goda lärare-elev relationer bland annat har en koppling till elevers skolengagemang och -prestationer. Enligt det sociokulturella perspektivet (Vygotskij, u.å., refererad i Säljö, 2022) sker lärande i samspel med lärmiljön och i interaktionen med andra. Goda relationer antas grunda sig i lärarens relationskompetens. Med detta som bakgrund undersöker avhandlingen faktorer som gynnar goda lärare-elev relationer i grundskolan. Målet med studien var vidare att bidra med kunskap om hur lärare kan underlätta byggandet av relationer och därmed främjandet av välbefinnande och lärande i skolan. Metoder. Denna studie genomfördes som en narrativ litteraturstudie där åtta nypublicerade referentgranskade artiklar har analyserats. Datainsamlingen begränsades till de tio senaste åren. De artiklar som slutligen valdes ut har publicerats mellan 2021-2023. Resultat och slutsatser. Resultaten visade att lärarens välbefinnande, emotionella intelligens, medvetna närvaro samt medkännande kärlek för eleverna är kopplat till kvaliteten på lärare-elev relationen. Därtill visade resultaten att elevernas beteende, förmåga till självreglering samt uppskattning av läraren och skolan hade en inverkan på lärare-elev relationens kvalitet. Även en stödjande sociokulturell miljö visade sig vara viktigt för att gynna goda lärare-elev relationer. Således är faktorer som gynnar goda lärare-elev relationer alltså kopplade till läraren, eleven samt skolmiljön och dessa verkar även samverka med varandra.
  • Kronlund, Ella (2023)
    Inom en organisation är det de anställda som i grunden bär den största rollen, och chefer strävar efter att identifiera de faktorer som motiverar de anställda att prestera på högsta möjliga nivå. Inom alla branscher där det arbetar människor är det relevant att fråga sig vilka faktorer som motiverar dem. Det finns flera olika faktorer som spelar in i ett företags framgång, så som personalrekrytering och ledning, men de anställdas motivation spelar ändå en betydande roll. Syftet med denna avhandling är att granska och identifiera motivationsfaktorer hos anställda på dagens arbetsplats. På grund av digitaliseringen ser den moderna arbetsbilden annorlunda ut idag i jämförelse med förut och därför är det värdefullt för organisationer och företag att granska kvaliteten på arbetsplatsen gällande trivselfaktorer och de anställdas motivation. Studien är genomförd som en litteraturöversikt av tidigare litteratur och studier. Som material användes åtta studier gjorda från olika håll i världen, i Finland, Indonesien, Pakistan, Turkiet och Italien. Jag har analyserat studierna i ljuset av min forskningsfråga “Vilka faktorer motiverar anställda på en arbetsplats?”, vilken jag strävar efter att svara på genom att analysera relevant litteratur utgående från ett systematiskt tillvägagångssätt. Det analyserade materialet är avgränsat till studier som undersöker motivationsfaktorer hos anställda på en arbetsplats mellan åren 2019 och 2022. Materialet har samlats in genom olika databaser, bland annat Helka, Helda, Google Scholar och Tandfonline. Ur resultaten framgår att de faktorer som är viktiga för anställdas motivation på dagens arbetsplats och i dagens arbetsliv ser något annorlunda ut idag än tidigare. Sammanfattningsvis går det att konstatera, efter en analys av både äldre och nyare teorier och studier, att det finns en hel rad olika faktorer som är viktiga vid motiverandet av anställda. De viktigaste faktorerna som motiverar anställda på en arbetsplats och för ett hållbart arbetsliv på lång sikt som har diskuterats i denna avhandling är inre motivation, arbetsmiljö, möjlighet till utveckling och karriärmöjligheter, samhörighet, respekt och jämställdhet samt balans mellan arbetslivet och privatlivet. En hälsosam och säker arbetsmiljö är grundläggande för både motivation och ett hållbart arbetsliv. Resultaten ger en djupare inblick i temat motivation på arbetsplatsen och avtäcker ytterligare perspektiv på anställdas motivation på arbetsplatser idag.
  • Wiksten, Ilona (2019)
    The purpose of this study is to figure out what knowledge about children’s voices, regarding singing, would be relevant and important for early childhood educators to be aware of. The aim is also to find out how early childhood educators could implement this knowledge in their teaching practices. This study is a qualitative literature study. The research process is guided by a hermeneutic cognitive approach and the method of analysis is a descriptive content analysis. The material consists of four research-based books from Sweden and Finland. The conclusion of this study is that early childhood educators would benefit from having knowledge both about children’s voice development and singing development, so that they can adapt to the pre-conditions of a child’s voice accordingly. Early childhood educators are recommended to both choose suitable songs and adapt the key of the songs to the children’s voices, to be able to contribute to the development of the children’s singing ability.
  • Schwela, Kristina (2020)
    Syftet med undersökningen var att granska om de olika karaktärerna i Enid Blytons barnbok ”Viisikko ja linnan aarre” (svenska titeln ”Fem gör ett fynd", engelska ”Five on Finniston Farm”) framstår som stereotypa ur ett genusperspektiv. En definition av genus som det socialt konstruerade könet användes. Enid Blytons var en mycket produktiv författare och hennes böcker har varit mycket omtyckta av barn, samtidigt som de varit omdebatterade bland vuxna. De har kritiserats för att bland annat ha stereotypa beskrivningar på flickor och pojkar, män och kvinnor. En del forskare har kommit med invändningar mot detta synsätt och uppfattat att böckerna också ger alternativ vad gäller synsättet på manligt och kvinnligt. Som bakgrund ingår i det här arbetet en genomgång av barnbokens historia, olika sätt att definiera barnlitteratur och forska i den samt barnlitteraturen i förhållande till värderingar, ideologi och mera specifikt genusfrågor. Barnlitteraturen har alltid i större eller mindre utsträckning setts som ett pedagogiskt redskap, vilket också är utgångpunkten för det här arbetet. Eftersom barn inte själva bestämmer över barnlitteraturen tar vissa forskare fasta vid relationen vuxna-barn och makt som viktiga aspekter i samband med definierandet av barnlitteratur. Barnlitteraturen antas ofta spegla och förmedla de värderingar och den ideologi som är rådande i samhället gällande t ex genus. Ideologi kan definieras som en samling uppfattningar som ett samhälle delar och använder sig av för att förstå världen. Barnböcker har å andra sidan också ansetts kunna ha en undergrävande eller ifrågasättande funktion visavi de rådande uppfattningarna i ett samhälle. Texter ses vara fyllda av ideologi, inte bara innefatta det som ett element. Intresset för kön och genus i barnlitteraturen väcktes på 1960- och 70-talen som en följd av en sociohistorisk syn på litteratur i allmänhet. Det som kan ses som intressant vid litterär analys av karaktärer är hur många av karaktärerna som beter sig på ett föreskrivet sätt snarare än antalet flickor/kvinnor och pojkar/män som förekommer. Undersökningen gjordes som en textanalys med Nikolajevas schema för stereotypa manliga och kvinnliga egenskaper som hjälpmedel. Också några forskares synsätt på hur ideologi syns i texter användes vid analysen. Slutsatsen av undersökningen är att det i boken inte förekommer några helt renodlat stereotypa manliga och kvinnliga karaktärer. Boken erbjuder alternativ, i synnerhet när det gäller skildringen av flickor, med en traditionellare flicka och också s k pojkflickor. En hel del av framställningen av karaktärernas beteende som önskvärt eller icke-önskvärt när det gäller både flickor/kvinnor och pojkar/män gav intrycket att utgå från en tudelning enligt sådant som artigt/oartigt och hjälpsamt/ohjälpsamt snarare än manlig/kvinnligt.
  • Ilomäki, Wiivi (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutustua kansanpuku feresiä koskevaan kirjalliseen aineistoon sekä sen omakohtaiseen valmistusprosessiin. Tutkija sai lahjana tarvikepaketin ja ohjeet kansanpuvun valmistusprosessiin. Teoreettisessa taustatutkimuksessa syvennytään pukeutumiseen sekä kansanpuvun ja feresin historiaan, joiden avulla valmistusprosessi lähti käyntiin. Prosessia varten tutkittiin useita erilaisia kansanpukumalleja, joita Suomessa on valmistettu, sillä aiempaa tutkimusta kansanpuku feresin valmistuksesta ei ole. Tutkija on erinomainen ompelutaidoiltaan, mutta ei ole aiemmin valmistanut kansanpukua. Tutkimustehtäväksi määräytyi selvittää, kuinka kansanpuku feresin valmistus onnistuu noviisilta, joka ei ennen ole kansanpukua valmistanut. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan tutkijan omakohtainen valmistusprosessi kansanpuvun valmistuksesta, jonka ympärille tutkimus kietoutui. Tämä kvalitatiivinen tutkimus toteutettiin autoetnografisena tutkimuksena. Aineisto koostui tutkijan omista muistiinpanoista, valmistusprosessin aikana kerätystä kuva- ja videomateriaalista sekä kahdesta haastattelusta. Lähdin analysoimaan aineistoa paneutumalla ensin huolellisesti teoreettiseen taustaan ja kansanpuvun historiaan, jonka avulla jäsentyi selkeä kuva valmistusprosessista. Valmistusprosessin jälkeen muistiinpanot ja kuvamateriaali yhdistettiin yhteiseksi dokumentiksi, jotta niistä oli selvitettävissä tutkimuksen merkityksen kannalta tärkein asiasisältö reflektoivaan tutkimusprosessiin. Tutkimuksen tulos koostui yksilöllisestä valmistusprosessin kuvauksesta, jossa tutkijan prosessi ja teoria etenevät lomittain. Valmistusprosessissa ilmeni haasteita, mutta haastattelun ja lisäavun turvin prosessi saatiin päätökseen ja kansanpuku saatettua valmiiksi. Tutkimustulos yksilöllisenä valmistusprosessina osoitti, että feresin valmistus vaati paljon käsityöllistä taitoa ja täysin noviisin ompelijan olisi vaikea pukua valmistaa, vaikka hänellä olisi kuvalliset ohjeet tarjolla. Puvun valmistus onnistui tutkijalta kuitenkin hyvin, aiemman laajan ompelutaustan vuoksi.
  • Wik, Elin (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to analyse how gender roles are portrayed in popular Finno-Swedish picture books from the 1980s and 2010s. Little research has been conducted to examine how characters are portrayed from a gender perspective in Finno-Swedish children’s litterature. The new regulations in early childhood education emphasise gender equality, which means that pedagogues need to be aware and critical towards children’s litterature, e.g. to create a more gender equal preschool culture. This qualitative study was carried out through text- and picture analysis of six popular Finno-Swedish picture books. Three books from the 1980s and three from the 2010s. The characters were analysed based on five pre-existing questions. The result indicates that Finno-Swedish picture books show a wide range of various attributes among the characters. The characters that are children are more gender neutral than the adults portrayed in the books. The female characters are the ones who changed most during these years. They show signs of a more explorative and active side, compared to the 1980s books. The male characters on the other hand, already show stereotypical female behaviour like thoughtfulness in the earlier books, and similar behaviour can also be seen among the male characters in the 2010s books. Hence, the male characters show a lesser degree of change than female characters from the 1980s to the 2010s.
  • Ray, Jenny (2019)
    Aims. Previous studies have shown that few Finnish children and adolescent fulfil the physical activity (PA) recommendations. Previous studies have also shown that the PA gained during the school day is more important for children and adolescents that are the most inactive. This group gain the majority of their physical activity during their time in school. According to socioecological models, physical and socio-psychological factors affect children’s and adolescents’ physical activity. This study aims to describe the Finnish Swedish speaking children’s and adolescents’ recess time, focusing on where they spend their recess, how physically active they are during recess, what conditions there are for PA during the recess, and whether the children and adolescents have participated in planning the schools activities. Methods. The sample consisted of 1119 Swedish speaking Finns in the grades 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 in Finland. The material was collected in the schools during spring 2018 through electronic questionnaires. Most of the participants were 1st, 3rd, and 5th graders. Frequencies and cross-tabs were used in analyses to describe the participants. To explore whether there was statistically significant differences between the grades and gender regarding the respondent’s answers in the questionnaires, khi2-test and t-test were used. Results and conclusions. Younger children spent their recess time outside more often than the adolescents. PA during recess decreased as the age increased. Moreover, the younger children found the support from schools for PA during recess to be better than the elderly ones. Children on the 3rd grade were the most active in planning the recess activities, while adolescents in the 7th and 9th grade were the least active. Conclusions: The results in this study are in line with previous studies. Keeping in mind that the recommendations for daily PA is less fulfilled, it is important that schools encourages and supports children and adolescents to be physical active during the school day. Future studies should explore whether there is an association between schools’ support for PA and children’s and adolescents’ PA, and further between participating in planning the school physical activities and children’s and adolescents’ PA.
  • Holsti, Sebastian (2018)
    Purpose: Problem-based learning (PBL) is a teaching model that, through open problems, aims to motivate in a motivational way both facts and problem-solving skills. This essay aims to investi-gate the extent to which the teachers among the Swedish-speaking Finns are aware of the prob-lem-based learning and to what extent they work based on principles that comply with the basic principles of PBL. In this paper, PBL is presented as a model and the reader gets to know the re-search available. PBL: s usability is also tested against the goals of the Finnish curriculum. Final-ly, it is investigated to what extent the teachers among the Swedish-speaking Finns are aware or implement PBL as a method of teaching. It has been shown that the problem-solving skills of the Finnish schoolchildren is not at an ac-ceptable level. Since the Swedish speaking students perform worse than the Finnish speaking at all levels, this is most interesting research from a Swedish speaking Finn perspective. Method: This research is done as a survey and the answers are interpreted both quantitatively and qualitatively. Based on the questionnaire responses, two sum variables were created that aim to measure how collaborative and communicative the teachers work, as well as a variable that strives to measure how problem-based teachers worked. The survey also consisted of two open questions that were interpreted qualitatively. Results: The results show that the teachers among the Swedish speaking Finns are not very famil-iar with PBL and that they generally seem to use collaborative and communicative methods to a small degree in their mathematics education. They also tend to work just as little and just as su-perficially with problem solving.
  • Virto, Ella (2020)
    The aim of this survey was to view Finnair’s cabin crew uniform in particular. The research questions we’re: how does the cabin crew see their uniform as a part of their occupational identity, what is the meaning of the uniform for it’s user and is the cabin crew pleased with the current uniform? The data was collected through an interview electric questionnaire in November 2020. 14 cabin crew members answered. Statistical methods such as fenomenology and qualitative content analysis were used to analyze the data. The results of this surveys showed that the uniform has a significant role in the participants’ occupational identity. It highlights fellowship between crew members and responsibility and safety during flights. Identification of crew members between each other and customers was also important. The uniform has a lot of sentimental value and that the members did not want to give up using it. The cabin crew were mainly satisfied with the uniform abd it was conside-red to reflect well Finnair’s values. There were also many improvement requests for Finnair’s next cabin crew uniform whose design planning will be started during next years.
  • Ruusuvaara, Ronja (2024)
    I dagens samhälle i Finland är det allt vanligare att barn har en annan språklig bakgrund än finska eller svenska. Det är viktigt att stödja barnens språkutveckling från tidig ålder, oavsett om de kommer från enspråkiga eller flerspråkiga familjer. Språkutvecklingen börjar redan före födseln och bör stödjas i småbarnspedagogisk verksamhet för att främja både språklig och kulturell identitet. Det är också viktigt att daghemsmiljön är trygg och välkomnande för att ge barn från olika språkliga bakgrunder en positiv grund för integration i samhället. Barnets språkutveckling beskrivs som en naturlig del av deras allmänna utveckling, och pedagoger bör vara medvetna om att barn i samma ålder kan vara i olika skeden av sin språkutveckling. För att stödja detta bör pedagogerna använda en mångfald av språkliga modeller och ge barnen möjlighet att kommunicera och uttrycka sig på olika sätt. Småbarnspedagogikens roll i barnets språkutveckling är avgörande, och verksamheten bör främja en inkluderande lärmiljö som stöder barnens individuella behov och språkliga identitet. Pedagoger bör använda stödmetoder som tydliggörande pedagogik och visuellt stöd för att skapa en förutsägbar och stimulerande miljö som främjar barns delaktighet och självständighet i lärandet. Eftersom syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur lärare inom småbarnspedagogik kan stödja flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling så blev ansatsen kvalitativ. Jag intervjuade tre personer som har jobbat eller fortfarande jobbar med att främja språkutvecklingen hos flerspråkiga barn. Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade och utfördes på distans, jag bandade in intervjuerna med min telefon och sedan transkriberade dem. Som analysmetod använde jag innehållsanalys. Resultaten visar att flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling och hur pedagoger kan arbeta för att stödja det, är ett aktuellt tema. Även om det finns utmaningar med detta, så finns det massor med material och stödmetoder tillgängliga för pedagoger att använda. Även om resultaten visar att pedagogerna har ett positivt synsätt till att arbeta med flerspråkiga barn, krävs det dock mycket eget initiativ, nyfikenhet och öppenhet.