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  • Rytsölä, Senja (2020)
    Jag har valt att skriva om barnens rörelsemönster, eftersom det är ett aktuellt ämne då barn rör sig allt mindre nuförtiden. Fysisk aktivitet ser även annorlunda ut på olika daghem och genom att lyfta fram detta kan man inspireras av andras sätt att röra på sig. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur små barns rörelseaktiviteter ser ut på daghem. Jag vill få reda på om barnen rör sig tillräckligt under daghems dagen och i vilka aktiviteter barnen rör på sig. I studien fokuserar jag på barn i åldrarna tre till fem, eftersom de oftast har utvecklade grundmotoriska färdigheter. Baserat på studiens syfte, är mina forskningsfrågor följande; 1. Hur mycket rör barn på sig under vardagen på daghem? 2. Hurdana rörelseaktiviteter tar barnen del av under vardagen på daghem? Studien är utförd med hjälp av frågeformulär med fasta och öppna svarsalternativ. Studien har både en både kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskningsansats. Infomanterna för studien är 10 stycken lärare inom småbarnspedagogik i en kommun. Resultatet visar att barnen i allmänhet rör sig tillräckligt samt mångsidigt. Det framkom att de flesta pedagoger ansåg att barnen i deras grupp rör sig i enlighet med Ubildniningssty-relsens rörelse rekommendationer, medan några lärare påpekade att barnen kunde röra sig mer. Alla barn ges möjligheten att leka fysiskt aktiva lekar både inomhus och utomhus samt i olika miljöer, som skogen och parker. Barn har rätt till att röra på sig och ska upp-muntras att göra det oavsett miljö.
  • Suontama, Roosa (2020)
    Kaupunkimaantieteen tutkimus on osoittanut, että Suomen kaupungit 1990-luvun jälkeen ovat alkaneet eriytyä alueellisesti sosioekonomisen taustan ja etnisyyden perusteella. Alueellista eriytymistä havaitaan erityisesti Helsingissä ja muissa suurissa kaupungeissa. Eriytymiskehitys heijastuu myös kouluihin, joiden toimintaympäristöt muokkautuvat alueen mukana. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoite oli selvittää, mitä koulujen alueellinen eriytyminen tarkoittaa, miltä ilmiö näyttäytyy Suomessa ja miten koulujen eriytymiskehitykseen voidaan vaikuttaa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistona käytettiin aikaisempia ilmiötä käsitteleviä kansainvälisiä ja kotimaisia tutkimusartikkeleita sekä muita tutkimuksiin perustuvia julkaisuja. Suomessa aiheen tutkimus on vielä nuorta, joten aineisto muodostui siten melko rajatuista tutkimuksista. Kaupunkimaantieteen, koulutussosiologian ja kasvatustieteen tutkimuksia yhdistelemällä, koulujen alueellinen eriytyminen hahmottui kaupunkitilan eriytymiseen kietoutuneena koulujen oppimistulosten eriytymisenä. Koulut keräävät oppilaansa pääosin lähiasuinalueilta, ja näin ollen väestörakenteellisen eriytymisen seurauksena koulujen oppilaspohja eriytyy. Koulumarkkinoiden toiminta ja kouluvalinnat lisäävät oppilaspohjan valikoituvuutta. Koska oppimistulokset ovat vahvasti yhteydessä oppilaan taustaan, koulujen oppimistuloksissa havaitaan eroja oppilaspohjan eriytymisen vuoksi. Suomessa koulujen alueellinen eriytyminen näkyy erityisesti suurten kaupunkien kouluissa. Helsingissä koulujen eriytyminen on voimakasta, segregaation vahvuista. Myös Espoossa ja Turussa koulujen erot ovat suuret. Koulujen eriytymiseen voidaan vaikuttaa tukemalla haastavien alueiden kouluja myönteisen erityiskohtelun lisärahoituksella, lähikoulujen merkitystä korostamalla ja muilla yhteiskunta- ja kaupunkipoliittisilla toimilla, kuten asunto- ja kotouttamispolitiikalla sekä aluekehittämisen hankkeilla.
  • Suonpää, Maarit (2016)
    The main goal of this study was to investigate what kinds of beliefs higly intelligence persons have about intelligence itself; do they consider intelligence as a fixed trait that people are born with or something in what they can affect themselves. In the light of the previous studies, I argue that people with higher intelligence would consider intelligence as something they can self make a difference in. Secondly I’m investigating how these beliefs correlate with beliefs about other aspects of intelligence. Finaly I’m investigating does person’s sex or educational backround affect their beliefs about intelligence. This study’s target group, the higly intelligence persons, were all official members of Finland’s Mensa. The data for this study was collected by electrical questionnare, on Finland’s Mensa’s official Facebook-page and on their own web site. In february 2016 alltogether 148 people answered to this questionnare, 88 of them were males, 58 of them were females. The results of this study indicate, that my targer group’s epistemological beliefs are very heterogeneous. One’s high intelligence quotient doesn’t necessarely correlate with person’s higher level thinking. The beliefs of the nature of intelligence correlated most with beliefs of musicality. Person’s sex or educational backround showed no statistical significance to their epistemological beliefs.
  • Veijola, Anna (2020)
    Tutkielmassani tarkastelen ammattikoulun keskeyttäneiden nuorten keskeyttämisen syitä. Opintojen keskeyttäminen ja etenkin ammattikoulun keskeyttäminen on edelleen yleistä, vaikka tähän ongelmaan on pyritty vaikuttamaan erilaisilla poliittisilla päätöksillä. Keskeyttämisestä on tehty tutkimuksia sekä selvityksiä, kuitenkin nuorten näkökulma näistä tutkimuksista puuttuu. Siksi halusinkin perehtyä tutkimuksiin, jossa nuoret ovat itse päässeet kertomaan kokemuksi- aan koulusta sekä siitä, mitkä tekijät he näkevät syiksi omaan ammattikoulutuksen keskeyttä- miseensä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena onkin ymmärtää paremmin nuorten kuvaamia syitä am- mattikoulun keskeyttämiseen. Tutkimuskysymykseksi muodostui: mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat nuor- ten näkökulmasta ammattikoulun keskeyttämiseen sekä Tutkielma on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, joka koostuu kymmenestä koulutuksen keskeyttämistä käsittelevästä tieteellisestä lähteestä. Aineisto on hankittu HELKA- tietokannasta sekä jo löytyneiden aineistojen lähdeluetteloista. Aineiston valinta perustui siihen, kuinka hyvin ne vastaavat tutkimuskysymykseeni. Analyysi on toteutettu teemoittelemalla aineisto keskeyttämiseen ajaviin syihin sekä etsimällä aineistosta yhteneväisiä syitä. Tuloksissa olen esitellyt syyt, jotka esiintyivät useammassa käyttämässäni tieteellisessä artikkelissa. Tulosten mukaan ammattikoulun keskeyttämiseen ajavat syyt ovat moninaisia, yksilöstä sekä hänen elämäntilanteestaan riippuvaisia. Keskeyttämiseen ei siis ole suoraviivaista tietä, vaikka riskitekijöitä keskeyttämiseen voidaankin nähdä olevan. Karkeasti jaoteltuna keskeyttämisen syyt voidaan kuitenkin aineistoni perusteella eritellä neljään eri kategoriaan; koulun ilmapiiriin liittyviin tekijöihin, koulun ulkopuolisiin tekijöihin, työelämään suuntautumiseen sekä vääräksi koettuun alavalintaan. Aineistoni perustui suurimmaksi osaksi nuorten omiin tarinoihin koulutuksen keskeyttämisestä sekä keskeyttämiseen aiheuttaneesta elämäntilanteesta. Kategorioihin jakamani syyt esiintyivät näissä tarinoissa usein samanaikaisesti ja keskeyttämiseen johtaneita syitä oli usein enemmän kuin yksi. Tutkielmani tarjoaa ymmärrystä keskeyttämiseen johtaviin syihin ja näin mahdollisuutta pohtia sitä, miten keskeyttämistä voitaisiin vähentää nuorten keskuudessa.
  • Laitila, Krista (2016)
    Studies have shown us, that factors influencing our career choices are based on the lifelong development of identity and self-perception. These have great importance on what kind of career starts to interest person and what kind of professional identity he or she may develop. On the top of interior motivation, there are many external factors, that effect on person’s choices. For example, does person feel the job valuable and relevant? Students ponder these themes before graduation. The goal of this research is to resolve, how kindergarten teacher students evaluate their own education at Helsinki university. The research aims to bring up the reasons why students change their education after or during the early childhood education program, and on the other hand, why students chose to become a kindergarten teacher, even it was not his or hers primary choice of career. Furthermore the aim is to find out, why the students chose to apply for early childhood education and how they evaluate the working field, so the education can support the development of person’s professional identity and provide the needed knowledge and skills. In this research eight students, who had started their studies at 2013, were interviewed. Half of the interviewee had applied to change career during the early childhood education and half of the interviewee had decided to stay in the program, even it was not their primary choice of career. The method of research was half-structured interview with some features of theme interview. Only relevant material collected by interview was retained, and the remaining material was categorized and split into themes. In one theme was placed all the material with common features. No matter, if the student was about to change the education, or had decided to work as kindergarten teacher, the evaluation of the education program was excellent. Negative comments were mostly related to the working field. The students experienced the education to be interesting and inspiring, but they were worried of the challenging situation of the kindergartens in Helsinki metropolitan area: lack of resources, growing group of children and low salary don’t necessarily lure students to become a kindergarten teacher.
  • Koivuneva, Katri (2018)
    The purpose of this study has been to assess exercise activity and self-experienced motivation to study among students in University of Applied Sciences. Study has been part of the project carried out by Metropolia UAS and Haaga-Helia UAS. The project aims to improve the exercise possibilities among the students studying in UAS in metropolitan area. The project is funded by the ministry of education and culture. The sports services in metropolitan area among students of UAS are much weaker than the given recommendations. This is considered a great problem in the field. Especially, among the male students. The aim of this study has been, adding the things mentioned above, to find out whether there really is a difference in the exercise activity between male and female students. To add, the interest has been to find out if exercise activity is linked with self-experienced motivation to study. The hypothesis has been that the students that exercise more active also experience their studies to be more motivational. Data was collected by using e-format that was sent to the students, teachers and other staff of the UAS. Number of the answers was N=221. The quantitative analysis was made by using SPSS statistics. Based on this study there was no scientific significance between male and female, considering exercise activity. The students exercised approximately 1-3 times per week. The connection between exercise activity and self-experienced motivation to study was neither to be found.
  • Pennanen, Laura (2019)
    The nature and way of working have changed due to changes in society. As result, perceptions of learning and the skills needed in the work are changing. Well-functioning cooperation between educational institutions and working life is seen as integral in competence development. Working life orientation is a term, which refers to the above-mentioned co-operation. Firstly, the aim of this literature review is to focus on the definitions of working life orientation in context of higher vocational education. Secondly, the objective is to describe the real-life cooperation between higher education and professional life and what the future outlook looks like. The study material consists of Finnish academic studies prepared in the 21st century. Based on the literature review, the concept of working life orientation is used in many ways in different contexts. In general, the concept is used in describing the university of applied science, in the justification for its necessity and in the definition of its function in society. Concretely, the concept is used to describe the cooperation and various forms of education and working life. The working life orientation describes the activities of the university of applied science, such as the design and implementation of the curriculum and the content of teaching. At the individual level, the working life orientation is examined from the perspective of the number and quality of the personal working contacts of teachers and students. This also relates to the success of recruiting and employing students. In addition, the working life orientation was also accompanied with the activity of employer representatives in the planning, evaluation and involvement in education. Cooperation between education and working life appears to be useful according to many studies. However, in practice the targets of the co-operation seem not to materialise. The co-operation seems to lack planning, uniform practices and continuity. The solution to this could be to increase the orientation of all parties involved in education and in student and working life to focus on new knowledge-creation. On the other hand, the studies criticize that the economic growth and competitive advantage targets have an adverse effect on the educational politics.
  • Sahlberg, Suvi (2017)
    Today children live in mediated culture. Therefore they need many different kind of literacy skills. Basic reading skills are the foundation that it is built on. Children´s literature has its own role in supporting the process of learning to read. The purpose of this qualitative content ana-lysis is to find out what kind of typographical, illustrational and textual ways to support pro-cess of learning to read can be found in Finnish learning to read books. Collected data invol-ves thirteen beginner readers books that are published in Finland. I had three categories in the focus of analysis: typography, texts and illustrations. Through analysis, the main focus on beginner readers books was based on readability and in the clarity of illustrations. The major finding was that some of the books was really targeted for children that are just starting to learn how to read but others was for children that already can read. The another result was that hyphenated text or increased text size are not the only factors that help the progress of learning to read. This study can be used as a support when parents are choosing a book when their children are in a stage of learning to read. Authors, illustrators and graphic designers that are planning to do a book for children that are learning to read can use this study for their benefit.
  • Kuivalahti, Lotta (2016)
    The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to look into Finnish children’s books to see what kind of child main characters the books have and how the characters have changed in the past 50 years. The books studied in this research were published in the 1960s and 2010s, both times with big changes in the Finnish society. Books are a product of their time, which means that the changes in the society affect the literature as well. In the 1960s Finland was going through urbanization as well as other changes in ideology and advancements in technology. In the 2010s the changes involve the development of advanced technology as well as globalization. Because of the nature of books as the product of their time, it can be assumed that books written in the same country during the same time period have some similarities that narrate the society, its values and norms. The books used in the research were chosen from the “Helmet” network of libraries which includes all the libraries in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The number of books was narrowed down to 43 books with 60 different main characters. 26 of the books were published in the 1960s and 17 in the year 2015. The books were analysed using the means of qualitative content analysis, focusing on the inner and outer features of characters based on text as well as pictures. The key results show that there are differences between the two time periods. There are almost as many girls and boys as main characters from both time periods. The main difference considering gender are the two characters from 2015 whose gender is not defined in the book. The literature from the 1960s highlighted personality traits such as honesty and obedience, often in line with Christian values. Girls were shown wearing pretty dresses and described as pretty. Boys were also obedient and respectful. The gender stereotypes are still visible in the books from 2015 to some extent, but especially boys were more likely to show emotion: be lonely and afraid. Generally the characters have become more independent. The literature from 2015 is more visual and the pictures have taken over space from the text. The books from the 1960s are black and white with less frequent pictures. This means that the main way of giving information about the character has changed from text to pictures. When there is more text, the character development is often more profound than in the picture books. Even though the characters are more actively taking action in their lives, they are still mosty stereotypical and one-dimentional.
  • Mellin, Sandra (2020)
    Mål. Syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka den anonyma rekryteringens effekter på diskrimineringen inom rekrytering. Tidigare forskning tyder på att diskriminering fortfarande är en betydande orsak till den ojämlika arbetsmarknaden. På basis av relevant litteratur har jag redogjort för den anonyma rekryteringens möjligheter och svagheter för att hindra gynnande av majoritetsgruppen i rekryteringsprocessen. Metoder. Avhandlingen som har utförts är en beskrivande litteraturöversikt. Som inriktning valde jag att göra en integrerande översikt. Jag har främst använt mig av kedjesökning från relevanta artiklars referenslitteratur. Sökning i databaser användes också, men på grund av begränsat publicerat material ansåg jag att kedjesökning ledde mig till mer relevant litteratur. Jag analyserade 9 stycken artiklar i mål om besvara mina forskningsfrågor. Artiklarna är främst publicerade inom de senaste fem åren, men jag använde mig också av lite äldre litteratur. Studierna är huvudsakligen utförda i Europa, men också i USA och Australien. Resultat och slutsatser. På basis av en genomgående analys kom jag fram till att anonym rekrytering hade en inverkan på diskriminering på många olika sätt. I vissa fall ledde metoden till det önskade resultatet; en nedgång i diskriminering, men den kunde också resultera i att de underrepresenterade gruppernas chans till intervju och jobberbjudande var lägre i jämförelse med traditionell rekrytering. Som slutsats kan man dra att anonym rekrytering kan fungera som en snabblösning i en organisation där diskriminering ofta förekommer, men för att i grund och botten bota problemet krävs en mer genomgripande strategi. Eftersom diskriminering är ett strukturellt problem, kan det inte åtgärdas genom att endast tillfälligt undangömma faktorer som kan orsaka ojämlikhet.
  • Laaksonen, Roosa (2017)
    The role of vision for a child’s overall development is significant. Visual impairments have an effect on almost every aspect of a child’s early development. It has been estimated that the greatest challenges for children with visual impairments come with interaction and communication. Visual impairments exist in every age group, although only marginal among children. When it comes to children with visual impairments, there is a great need for research in the field of early childhood education, especially for providing ways to support the social skills and peer relationships among these children with special needs. Currently, there is only a meager amount of Finnish research and literature on the subject. The aim for this study is to examine the nature of interaction between a child born blind and his peers. It is as important to regard the ways teachers and other personnel support the children to build and maintain friendships. This study is a qualitative case study. The material of the study has been collected empirically observing and filming moments of interaction between 5-year old Antti, who was born blind, and his peers in daycare. After a month’s observation, each educator working in the child group was then interviewed individually. The material has been analyzed through transcription and classification. The conclusion to the study was, that there were significant challenges to interaction and play between visually impaired Antti and his peers. Adults’ support was in a key role in helping Antti succeed in binding and keeping up friendships with his peers. Over all, many social situations in the daycare’s context seemed specifically challenging for Antti. The educators gave insight to the ways they support Antti and all the other children in the group interacting with each other successfully.
  • Nyman, Arnella (2016)
    Mental imagery is considered as an effective method in teaching sports because of the neuromuscular activity that occurs. Recent research shows that mental imagery enhances body awareness and concentration. The purpose of this thesis is to study how the riding instructor can use mental imagery as a method in teaching to support the pupil's physical performance and consequently his or her learning. Five semistructured in-depth interviews were done to reach the riders experiences of mental imagery. Afterwards the results were analysed deductively. Earlier research done in the field of teaching dance and Raimo Lindh's theory of learning through mental imagery were used as a theoretical framework. The results indicate that clearly presented mental imagery supports pupil's learning and improves the physical performance. The communication between the teacher and the pupil is highly significant when using mental imagery in teaching horseback riding.
  • Finell, Clarice (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to gain a larger insight to how jewelry artists choose the use of textile materials and methods in their artworks. Based on the dissertations on jewelry art by Petteri Ikonen and Päivi Ruutiainen and Dormers theory on craft knowledge, the aim has been to study what has influenced the artists to choose textile materials and methods as a means to produce an artwork and if the choice of material directs the design or if design directs the choice of material. The study has been executed by means of phenomenography. 15 jewelry artist from different countries participated. A survey was sent via e-mail to 147 jewelry artists, three jewelry artist associations and was also put on a jewelry art forum on Facebook. The obtained material was analyzed with phenomenographic methods. The result of the study was the utterances of the jewelry artists could be categorized in three groups which pertain to what is needed to create art, what skills are needed and how these skills are obtained. The result showed the passion is needed to create art, that materials and methods are used because of a thorough knowledge to use them and that thorough knowledge is obtained by extensive experience and practice of said knowledge.
  • Sihvonen, Lina (2017)
    Our learning environment has become more and more digitalised and thus our society is trying its best to keep up with the technical development. The digitalisation of education is a trending topic as the new Finnish curriculum took effect on August 1st 2016. The question is whether the digitalisation really affects learning and motivation. Previous studies have shown that the use of IT in education can tribute to increased student engagement and higher study motivation. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to find out if there is a connection between the use of IT in education and the study motivation among matriculation candidates. The field study has been conducted using six semistructured depth interviews with matriculation candidates. The results have been analysed deductively. As a theoretical framework I have used Ryan and Deci’s Self Determination Theory. The results of this thesis indicates that IT has a positive impact on the matriculation candidates study motivation as the use of IT makes learning more fun, more versatile and facilitates schoolwork.
  • Pihlajamäki, Sari (2020)
    Tutkimuksissa on osoitettu osan perheistä jäävän osittain ilman yhteiskuntamme tukea, sillä perheet ovat monimuotoistuneet ja perheen määrittely laahaa perässä. Yksi näistä perhemuodoista on apilaperheet, jotka on perustettu suunnitelmallisesti kahden tai useamman vanhemman kesken. Kaikkien apilaperheen vanhempien välillä ei ole parisuhdetta. Apilaperheissä on biologista, juridista ja / tai sosiaalista vanhemmuutta, lisäksi lapsella voi olla useampi kuin kaksi huoltajaa. Lapsen hoiva ja kasvattaminen perustuu jaettuun vanhemmuuteen mahdollisen puolison sekä eri kotitalouksissa elävien lapsen vanhempien kanssa. Tässä kandidaatin tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin apilaperheiden vanhemmuuden rooleja sekä vanhemmuuden jakamista perheen muiden vanhempien kanssa. Tutkimuksessa avataan apilaperheiden vanhemmuuden moninaisuutta ja vanhempien yhdenvertaisuutta. Eri perhemuodon tunnetuksi tekeminen on merkittävää, jotta perheet saavat tarvitsemansa hyväksynnän ja tuen. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin verkkokyselylomakkeella ja se sisälsi 13 avointa kysymystä. Tutkimusaineisto koostui kaksi-, kolmi- ja neliapilaperheiden vanhempien vastauksista. Vastaajia oli yhteensä seitsemän, joista kuusi määritteli itsensä äidiksi ja yksi isäksi. Perheissä oli yhdestä kolmeen lasta. Tutkimus tehtiin laadullisin tutkimusmenetelmin ja tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysillä. Apilaperheen vanhempien kuvaillessa vanhemmuutta, he kertovat vanhemman asemasta lapseen, perheen asumisratkaisuista ja vanhemmuuden osallisuudesta. Apilaperheissä vanhempien juridiset oikeudet lapsiin oli ratkaistu perheissä eri tavoin. Yhteistä perheille oli, että juridisella vanhemmalla on myös lapsen huoltajuus. Biologiset äidit olivat kaikissa perheissä myös juridisia vanhempia, mutta ei-biologisten vanhempien ja biologisten isien oikeudelliset asemat vaihtelivat. Kaikissa apilaperheissä jaettiin vanhemmuutta toisen tai useamman vanhemman kanssa ja kaikki perheiden vanhemmat osallistuivat jollain tasolla lapsen elämään. Vanhemmuuden jakautuminen vaihteli perhekohtaisesti. Kaikki vanhemmat eivät ole tyytyväisiä perhettä koskevaan lainsäädäntöön tai vanhemmuuden jakautumiseen perheessään. Biologisen äidin suhde lapseen on joustamattomampi biologisen isään ja ei-biologiseen vanhempaan verrattuna. Suomen perhepolitiikka ja -palveluja tulisi vielä kehittää, jotta ne kohtaavat myös apilaperheiden tarpeisiin.
  • Paro, Anni (2017)
    The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent nurses are feeling work engagement in a rehabilitation hospital in Southern Finland, and which factors are tied to it. Work engagement focuses on the positive experiences that the coming workday brings. It can be described by three different aspects; vigor, dedication and absorption. A total of 46 nurses participated in the research (N= 46). UWES-9 form (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale) were used to measure work engagement. Influence, work atmosphere and organization-based self- esteem were also measured and how they are tied to work engagement. The result show that nurses are feeling a high level of work engagement. Influence, work atmosphere and organization-based self-esteem are connected with the level of work engagement.
  • Åkerlund, Iris (2020)
    Mål. Syftet med avhandlingen är att utgående från aktuell forskning kartlägga arbetsrotationens inverkan på den upplevda motivationen och prestationsförmågan i arbetet. Detta för att skapa en djupare förståelse för effekten av arbetsrotation som en metod för kompetensutveckling. Eftersom tidigare forskning inte uttryckligen undersökt arbetsrotationens för- och nackdelar kommer även de att diskuteras i denna avhandling. Teoridelen baserar sig på de för temat mest centrala begreppen, vilka i detta fall är arbetsrotation, motivation och prestationsförmåga. I samband med begreppet motivation kommer även motivationsteorierna Maslows behovshierarki, Vrooms förväntningsteori samt teorin om självbestämmande att behandlas. I analysen behandlas arbetsrotationens påverkan på motivationen även utifrån dessa teoretiska ramverk. Metoder. Studien utfördes i form av en beskrivande litteraturöversikt med en integrerande infallsvinkel. Avsikten med studien var att skapa en bred helhetsuppfattning som även innefattar en kritisk granskning. Materialet, utifrån vilken analysen gjorts, består av 12 vetenskapliga artiklar och en vetenskaplig bok. Resultat och slutsatser. Resultatet av analysen antyder att arbetsrotationen är en betydelsefull kompetensutvecklingsmetod som under rätta omständigheter leder till att anställda upplever en högre grad av både motivation och prestationsförmåga. Resultaten indikerade även att metoden inte används hos alla organisationer i kompetensutvecklingssyfte, utan istället för att omplacera eller markera lågt presterande individer.
  • Westerlund, Ellen (2020)
    Mål. Sedan 1970-talet har man inom ledarskapsforskning intresserat sig för könsskillnader. Syftet med den här avhandlingen var att redogöra för könsskillnader specifikt inom rektorsyrket för att klargöra om manliga och kvinnliga rektorer skiljde sig åt i sitt ledarskap. Analysen utförs med pedagogiskt ledarskap och instructional leadership som utgångspunkt. Målet var att klargöra vilka könsskillnader som fanns inom rektorers pedagogiska ledarskap samt vilket kön som var en mer aktiv utövare av instructional leadership. Metoder. Avhandlingen utfördes som en beskrivande litteraturöversikt med en integrerande infallsvin-kel. Som material till analysen användes åtta relevanta artiklar som var högst sex år gamla. Materialet baserade sig på studier från olika delar av världen och alla artiklar var i elektroniskt format. Resultat och slutsatser. På basen av analysen ansågs kvinnor vara mer aktiva utövare av instructional leadership. I analysen undersöktes även olika ledarskapsförmågor och inom vissa förmågor syntes könsskillnader. De områden inom pedagogiskt ledarskap där man identifierade könsskillnader var inom kommunikation, beslutsfattande, visionära förmågor samt att sätta upp mål i samarbete med andra. Inom problemlösning, tidshantering & tidfördelning, självkännedom, konflikthantering, flexibilitet och hängivenhet till organisationstillväxt syntes inga tydliga könsskillnader. Även om resultatet visar på vissa skillnader i kvinnliga och manliga rektorers ledarskap, kan konstateras att båda könen är lika bra inom majoriteten av ledarskapsförmågorna som jämfördes.
  • Tuominen, Riikka (2019)
    In my thesis I study everyday life in families with small children, especially from the mother´s point of view, with three different themes: intimate relationships, physical well-being and social networks. Research question in my thesis is: how everyday life in families with small children is. I am interested in what we really know about life in families with small children and how it is discussed in scientific literature. I examine how intimate relationship, physical well-being and social networks change when a child is born, or do they change. I wonder if mothers themselves can influence the fluency of their everyday life and does the expectations and pressures created by culture affect them. I also examine what are the ways of responding to possible challenges in every-day life and does the child really change everything. I achieve my thesis as a literature review and it is based on versatile sources from many different sciences. There is much comprehensive research from this subject, for example in education theory, social science and in women´s studies. Perceptions about motherhood, intimate relationships and physical well-being has changed a lot during the last decades and IT development has brought new forms of social support. However, the traditional roles, for example in relationships, are also very alive. The key concepts in my thesis are motherhood, everyday life, intimate relation-ship, physical well-being and social networks. With themes I chose I can examine everyday life on families with small children in a versatile and comprehensive way. My the-sis confirmed my belief that even though the everyday life in family with small children can sometimes be challenging and tiring, there can also be many factors that help to maintain well-being. Because everyday life with children is regular, it is easier to place regular exercise and healthy eating moments. In the middle of chaotic child family, it is possible to build new healthier lifestyles for the whole family. Also, the relationship can be strengthened when parenthood unites spouses and brings a new sense of belonging. It is important to note that in everyday life in families with small children, the change is often seen as an opportunity in some positive aspects of life.
  • Ahlfors, Kira (2017)
    School evaluation always has a connection to the current learning concept. The evaluation indirectly indicates what is valued in society at that present time. These values are reflected in the human concept and hence the pupil's perception. Therefore, student assessment plays an important and responsible role in promoting favorable development in children. In this bachelor’s thesis I´m researching thoughts of the 5th grade teachers in the Arabian school about the significance of evaluation in children development, growth and learning. In the theoretical part I focus on the internal growth and development of children and young people between 7 and 15 years through different development areas and phases. I bring forth the most famous theories that have influenced our present understanding of the child as a developing and learning human being. In addition, I address evaluation methods that can support and promote student learning and thereby support favorable growth and development. Four 5th grade teachers from the Arabian school attended the study. Three of them were class teachers and one craft teacher and each had a teaching history for over five years. Interviews were conducted at the Arabia School as individual and semi-structured interviews. My research is data-driven and the focal point is the data that I have collected from the interviewed teachers. The theoretical part is based on the themes raised in the material. In the study, teachers considered the evaluation to be important if it was comprehensive and developing. By evaluating, the teachers felt the opportunity to increase the student's understanding of their skills, strengths and weaknesses, which provides tools for achieving the goals. In assessing the student, teachers felt that cooperation with parents, peers and other teachers was particularly important.