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Browsing by discipline "Kotitaloustiede"

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  • Möntti, Melina (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on luoda yleiskuvaa kotitaloustaidon käsitteen lähestymisestä Helsingin yliopiston kotitaloustieteellisien julkaisuissa eli tuoda esille mistä näkökulmasta julkaisuissa on aiemmin käsitelty kotitaloustaitoa. Toisena tavoitteena tutkimuksessa selvitetään mitä kotitaloustaidot ovat Helsingin yliopiston kotitaloustieteellisissä julkaisuissa. Tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi tutkimuksessa perehdytään ensin taito - käsitteen ja ilmiön näkökulmiin. Ymmärrys taidosta muodostuu ajansaatossa esitetyistä erilaisista näkökulmista taitoon Antiikin Kreikasta 2000 - luvulle. Tämä dialogi taidon näkökulmien välillä muodostaa tutkimuksen teoreettisen viitekehyksen, yhdessä kotitaloustieteellisen taidon tutkimuksen näkökulman kanssa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineisto on kerätty Helsingin yliopiston taitoa käsittelevistä julkaisuista, ja se muodostaa ajallisen jatkumon vuodelta 1990 vuoteen 2009. Katsaukseen valitut julkaisut kuusi julkaisua käsittelevät kotitaloustaitoa tai toimintaa eri näkökulmista, kuten esimerkiksi ilmiönä sekä kotitalousoppiaineen opetuksen ja arvioinnin näkökulmasta. Aineiston analyysi tiivistää yhteen valitut kotitaloustieteelliset julkaisut kotitaloustaidon osalta, ja pyrkii muodostamaan aineistosta yhtenäisen teoreettisen kokonaisuuden, joka vastaavaa siihen mitä kotitaloustaito on julkaisuissa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksena kotitaloustaidosta muodostui teoreettinen kokonaisuus. Kotitaloustaito on tutkimusten mukaan teoriaa ja käytäntöä yhdistävää, edellytys arjesta selviytymiselle, kokonaisvaltaiseen ihmisen kehitykseen tähtäävää, muutoksessa monien ulottuvuuksien ja käsitteiden kanssa elävää, pohjalleen tietoa ja kokemuksia tarvitsevaa ja päämäärätietoisen toiminnan ja päämäärättömän tekemisen yhdistävää. Tutkimustuloksien pohjalta tutkija käsittelee lopuksi omassa pohdinnassaan tulevaisuuden kotitaloustaitoa. Tutkimuksen pohdinta osuus on poikkeuksellisesti dialogia tutkimustulosten ja tutkijan omien näkemyksien ja kokemuksien kanssa.
  • Larjavaara, Hanna (2016)
    This study examines home related food memories. Previous research on this subject shows that senses and emotions play significant role in creating and re-creating food memories. This is due to shared neural and mnemonic connections of the emotions and senses in the brain. Food memories can also be embodied transmitting tacit knowledge. With them one can create and express own roots and self-image. Food memories are a part of collective memory and they can create polytemporal experiences. This study considered home related food memories because home is a central place for the formation of food memories. The aim of this study was to reveal the ingredients of home related food memories and to scrutinise how home appears in texts sent to www-pages of Ruoka-Kalevala. Ruoka-Kalevala is a project of Marttaliitto, S-group and The Finnish Literature Society. The data consists of 39 texts which were analysed by content analysis. This study is based on oral history methodology. This material emphasized that food memories reflect common societal development and urbanisation. Migration from rural societies to cities and the sense of belonging to one’s roots stood out from data. Also descriptions of the various regional food cultures in Finland were crucial. Based on the data of the study, home was seen in a positive and even a nostalgic light. Most of the food memories were located in childhood homes. Home economics education could benefit connection between senses and food memories for example when studied food traditions or in social integration of immigrants. Oral history research focus on subjects that are mundane and personal. Therefore it can well benefit home economics studies.
  • Myyryläinen, Roope (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten nuoret aikuiset käsittävät termin kotiruoka ja mitä mielikuvia se heille herättää. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli sel-vittää minkälaista ruokaa nuoret aikuiset valmistavat kotonaan ja mitkä asiat siihen vaikutta-vat. Kotitalousopetuksen näkökulmasta on tärkeää tietää, millaisia muutoksia ruokakulttuu-rissa on tapahtunut, jotta opetus on mahdollista pitää ajankohtaisena. Lisäksi kotitalousope-tuksen näkökulmasta on tärkeää tiedostaa, minkälaiset asiat ohjaavat nuorten aikuisten ruo-anvalintaa. Menetelmät. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena, jonka aineisto on kerätty haastattelemalla seitsemää 20–30-vuotiasta aikuista. Haastateltavat valittiin tutkimukseen lumipallo-otannalla. Haastattelut toteutettiin kasvotusten sekä puhelimen välityksellä ja ne nauhoitettiin, jonka jälkeen ne litteroitiin. Tutkimuksessa syntynyt aineisto on analysoitu ai-neistolähtöisesti. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat aiempaa aiheeseen liittyvää tutki-mustietoa. Kotiruoka koetaan perinteiseksi suomalaiseksi ruoaksi, jota on syöty lapsuuden-kodissa. Kotiruoan koettiin myös olevan riittoisaa, käytännöllistä ja ravitsevaa. Tutkimuksen mukaan nuoret aikuiset valmistavat kotonan perinteisiä suomalaisia ruokia, mutta myös mui-den ruokakulttuurien ruokia. Kotona valmistettavaa ruokaa kuvattiin riittoisaksi, käytännöl-liseksi, ravitsevaksi, maukkaaksi ja terveelliseksi. Samat ominaisuudet myös vaikuttivat nuorten aikuisten ruoanvalintaan. Ruoanlaitto koettiin arkena pääosin raskaaksi taakaksi, mutta vapaa-ajalla ruoanlaiton koettiin olevan nautintoa tuovaa. Tuloksia voidaan käyttää esimerkiksi tukemaan kotitalouden opetuksen suunnittelua erityisesti ruoan valintaan ja ruo-kakulttuuriin liittyvissä kysymyksissä.
  • Sara, Sassi (2017)
    The development of food industry has led to increase of selection in retail markets and creation of processed food items. Even more products having health improving effects are launched on the market. Although consumers prefer easy and effortless food options, healthy food is considered to be additive-free and as naturally manufactured as possible. A healthy diet supports both physical and mental well-being. Despite of the fact that adult population is having enough protein already, high-protein diet has become a fashion trend in today’s society. High-protein food items are sold in almost every retail markets and used by all kinds of consumers on daily basis. Not only sport nutrition brands but also dairy companies are nowadays manufacturing high-protein products. The aim of this research was to sort out how the young and sporty women took an attitude towards protein quarks. The research was carried out as a qualitative research and the data was assembled basis interviews. The purpose of interview was also to find out to whom high-protein products were targeted and if the products were generally considered to be useful. The results proved that the attitude towards high-protein food products was variable. In interviewees’ opinions, high-protein products were brought into the market to serve the needs of the consumers that are more active than average, although, it was believed that these products were used by even more people in reality. High-protein products were not considered to be essential but in some cases useful. Protein quarks were purchased every now and then, in case of a sudden need of snack. Easy usability and high amount of protein were seen as a redeeming feature of the products. On the other hand, the amount of added sugar or artificial sweeteners reduced the eagerness to buy the product.
  • Viljaala, Mirva (2019)
    This study’s goal was to describe young female students as consumers and to create a new consumer type that represents young female students. The aim was to find similarities and differences between young female students’ stories about their consumption and four different consumer types presented by Saarinen (2001, 52). In this study the young female students’ experiences about consuming in their every-day student life are being described. The study was conducted with a qualitative research approach. The data was collected with themed group conversation. This method was created by putting the characteristics of theme interview and group conversation together. Four young female students participated in the themed group conversation. The themes for the themed group conversation were created based on Saarinen’s (2001, 52) four different consumer types. The students’ consumption stories were formed during the themed group conversation and those stories were analysed in two steps. First in the content analysis the data was divided by themes related to Saarinen’s (2001, 52) different consumer types. Later a new consumer type was created with narrative analysis by consumption stories by the students. There were similarities and differences with the students’ consumption stories and Saarinen’s (2001, 52) consumer types. In each students’ experiences of consumption were different features of more than one consumer type. The new consumer type was created by the consumption stories of the students and was named as thrifty considerer. Thrifty considerer saves money target-oriented regularly, buys only in need and considers environment when doing consumption decisions. In the future it should be researched what kinds of other consumer types there is among students and form new consumer types to describe for example a student with a family or a student with an earlier degree.
  • Hoffrén, Noora (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kuluttajuuden vaikutuksia nuorten identiteettiin, nuorten kokemuksia omista taloustaidoista ja tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat niihin. Myös käyttörahan määrään vaikuttavia tekijöitä tarkasteltiin. Aiemmat vähäiset tutkimukset aiheesta osoittavat vanhempien olevan suuressa asemassa taloustaitojen opettamisessa, ja että kuluttajakasvatusta kaivattaisiin kouluihin enemmän. Tutkielmassa otetaan selvää, miten kuluttajuus vaikuttaa nuorten identiteettiin, minkälaisiksi nuoret kokevat taloustaitonsa sekä mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat nuorten taloustaitoihin ja käytettävissä olevan rahan määrään. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena kuudesta tutkimusjulkaisusta. Kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli muodostaa luonteva kokonaiskuva nuorten taloustaidoista. Aineisto hankittiin pääosin hakukone Googlea ja Google Scholaria sekä Helsingin yliopiston hakupalvelu Helkaa hyödyntäen. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä, jotta saatiin parhaiten ja edustavimmin kuvattua tekstin merkitykset. Aineiston käsittelyyn käytettiin teemoittelua, eli tekstissä esiintyneet ilmaisut jaettiin viiteen värikoodattuun luokkaan. Nuorten käyttämät tavarat ja palvelut sekä oma tyyli olivat tärkeitä osia itsensä esille tuomisessa ja itsetunnon kohottamisessa. Nuoret ilmaisivat itseään ja sosiaalista asemaansa erityisesti (merkki)vaatteilla. Isoa osaa nuorista kiinnosti oman rahankäytön suunnittelu ja talousasiat. Heillä oli kattava käsitys, minkälaiset piirteet omasi taloustaidoiltaan huono henkilö verrattuna henkilöön, jonka taloustaidot olivat hyvät. Talousosaamisen tasoon vaikuttivat nuoren oma kiinnostus talousasioita ja -taitoja kohtaan sekä talousopetukseen osallistuvat tahot ja niiden käyttäjäystävällisyys. Nuorille jaettavan taloustiedon oppimateriaalin luomisessa tärkeintä oli sen käytännöllisyys ja ajankohtaisuus nuoren elämään juuri sillä hetkellä. Käytettävissä olevan rahan määrään vaikutti eniten sukupuoliero, mutta myös sosioekonomisella asemalla, perhetaustalla ja asuinpaikkakunnalla oli merkitystä.
  • Huiku, Laura (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to find out how overparenting appears in young adults´ student life and how overparenting affects on young adults´ success in studying. Previous studies have showed that parental involvement has a positive effect on child´s development. However, there is a growing evidence that there is a type of intensive parenting which has a negative effect on child´s transformation from child to independent adult. This type of phenomena is often referred to overparenting or helicopter parenting. Studies have shown that overparenting has a negative effect on child´s motivation and well-being. I carried out my research as a systematic literature review. I chose this method because I wanted to have a narrow academic-related picture of my subject. Scientific articles of my literature review needed to fulfill the criteria that I defined for quality. The content was analyzed by a qualitaive content analysis. Based on my literature review, overparenting appears to emerge as a high level of parental involvement in adult child´s life. Parents role as a guidance and knownledge of is being emphasized from parent-child relationship. In addition, helicopter parents were constantly trying to solve their adult child´s problems. Therefore a young adult cannot develope skills that are important in problem solving and independent thinking. These skills are crucial for succeeding in academic studies. There was also evidence that helicopter parenting had a negative effect on child´s self-efficacy.
  • Kanerva, Tuuli (2018)
    Youngsters leave their childhood home and move to their own apartment in the age of 18–20 in Finland. This is quite early compared to the rest of European countries. Independency and getting a job or going to study are the major reasons for youngsters to move out. Immigration has been growing in Finland and the children of people from the first great immigration wave in the 90’s are now in the age when they start to think about independency and moving out. These young, second generation immigrants and their housing have not been studied much. In this study the purpose is to examine the thoughts of young people with immigrant background. Specially about housing and independent living and when and why these youngsters think is an adequate age to move out. The data for the study was collected with interviews which is typical for qualitative research. Five 20–24 years old people with an immigrant background were interviewed, two of them were men and three of them were women. The interviewees were found partly from the researchers circle of acquaintances and partly from a vocational school. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. A theory-based content analysis was used. The interviewees did not describe the ideal apartment in detail. Only a sauna was mentioned in more than half of the interviews. A grocery store within walking distance and a good public transportation are important to youngsters with an immigrant background. Youngsters with an immigrant background have almost the same reasons for moving out as Finnish youngsters. The major reasons are independency and a need for their own space. The interviewees thought that an adequate age to move out is around 18–20 years even some of them still lived with their parents.
  • Karlsson, Krista (2017)
    Motivation. The motivation for this research was to analyse the everyday life of Tove Jansson´s Moomin family through the components of the activity theory. The study is theoretically based on the concepts of everyday life and family research on home, family, the everyday life and division of la-bour between family members, and on the Korvela´s (2003) home economic based interpretations of Yrjö Engeströms´s (1987) activity system diagram. The homemaking activities of the Moomin family are looked at through these concepts and interpretations. The aim of the study is to analyse the repre-sentation of everyday life in a work of fiction by using the methods of scientific research, and gather up a description of everyday life which can be compared to theoretical framework. The research question is: What is the activity system of the Moomin family? Methods. The research data was distinguished from the first two chapters of the book Comet in Moominland and includes 21 situations where homemaking activities of the Moomin family are de-scribed. The situations were distinguished from the story through following criteria: Two or more members of the family must be in active interaction with each other, or at least one member whose activity constructs home as a physical and emotional space. The research was directed by the research data, and elements of activity system – object, subject, mediating artefacts, rules, community and di-vision of labour – were used as a keys to gather and analyse data and to examine the results. The re-search data was reconstructed in table format, which helped to distinguish the everyday life activities and the possible repetitive activities of the Moomin family from the data. The results were collated with the theoretical framework, which outlined the everyday life system of the Moomin family. Results and conclusions. The Moomin family life is the like any family with children. Moominmam-ma carries the expressive role and main responsibility of the homemaking chores. She is the heart, which keeps everyday life running fluidly on all levels. Moominpappa fills the instrumental role in the family. He takes care of construction work requiring physical strength, and ensures the safety of the family by placing himself between the family´s operational environment and the outside world. The son, Moomintroll, and adopted son, Sniff, live everyday life of children, developing their identi-ties through play and shared interactional relationship. The boys´ growing independency expands the family´s operational environment and drives the family´s everyday life. By taking both children in equal consideration both through actions and communications, Moominmamma in developing a sense of community between herself and Sniff and the rest of the family. The arrival of the Muskrat brings with it the end of the world, which represents a new object to the family’s everyday activities. The family reacts both as individuals and as a community, but finally they respond to the challenges and changes in their operational environments as a co-operating unity.
  • Karhu, Pilvi (2018)
    The Finns love milk and they consume one of the highest amounts of milk per capita in the world. Dairy products are a big part of Finnish food culture and Finns get used to drinking and eating dairy products already at an early age. In the past few years milk and dairy products have nevertheless faced some significant criticism among consumers. The aim of this study is to get to know the history of dairy becoming a significant part of Finnish food culture and what kind of role dairy is given in the national nutrition recommendations in Finland. The study also aims to find out what are the meanings the milk has been given in the media and press during past years. The research was carried out by studying dairy-related articles published in Helsingin Sanomat -newspaper between years 2015–2017. By using the collected material, different milk-related categories were formed. The data was analyzed by using content analysis. Three main themes rose from the research material. The role of milk and dairy products in the Finnish food culture is considered to weaken. The range of plant-based and vegan products replacing traditional dairy products has increased during past few years. Consumers regard that dairy products can be replaced. Nevertheless, milk is still considered as a great source of calcium. There has also been conversation regarding health effects of dairy products. For example, milk is thought to aggravate skin problems and intolerances to lactose. According to scientific research, milk is nevertheless regarded to have a neutral effect on the risk of diet-related chronic diseases.
  • Virmo, Niina (2017)
    This thesis analyzes interaction between different generations as digital media has become more common in everyday life. Because digital media is often less familiar for older people, this research focuses on the perspective of elderly people and how they feel about it. The study is part of the home economics research field and is based on project KUMOUS (1.2.2015-31.1.2018) launched by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health The project aims to identify the everyday needs of users of different age (young people, people of working age- and seniors), as well as to identify possible new services. Data collection took place in October-November 2015 in South Karelian social and health district (Eksote) area. The data was obtained by interviewing representatives of different generations in two different genus. One of the interviews was carried out by WhatsApp. This is an ethnographic case study, in which the material was approached using two separate cases. The data was collected through interviews in cooperation with the project, in the presence of Senior Research Fellow Mervi Hasu from the Institute of Occupational Health. It can be concluded that digital media did not perceived to be a relevant form of media between the family members. Communication between oldest and their offspring took place by phone or meeting with face to face. Family elders do not find personal computers and smart phones familiar and for example video calls or other applications were not seen as offering more value to the current communication. In this perspective the change of digitalization was not noticed. Interaction between the third generation and the central person was found to be much lower as it is between the second-generation members and the oldest person in family. Communication an interaction between the family members includes the importance of a well-being and healthcare, and relations were found important, although interaction would be less face to face and they might see only rarely.
  • Ahonen, Marja-Leena (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Suomalainen ruokavalio perustui 1900-luvun alussa viljatuotteisiin, perunaan ja maitotuotteisiin. Lisänä oli vähäinen määrä suolattua kalaa sekä teurastusaikana lihaa. Lähes puolet energiasta saatiin viljatuotteista. 1800-luvun lopussa maatalouden tuotantosuunta oli muuttunut viljanviljelystä karjataloudeksi. Tämän seurauksena voista oli tullut tärkeä vientituote ja viljaa jouduttiin tuomaan maahan. Leipäviljaomavaraisuus oli vain 35–40 %. Teollistumisen myötä väkeä oli muuttanut kaupunkeihin ja toimeentulo perustui palkkatyöhön ja suurin osa hyödykkeistä ostettiin valmiina. Omavaraisuusaste oli kaupungeissa huono, eikä keittiöitä välttämättä ollut ahtaissa asunnoissa. Ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana tuontivaikeuksien vuoksi Suomessa oli pulaa elintarvikkeista. Kaupungeissa oli pulaa myös polttopuista sekä sähköstä ja kaasusta. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoite on kuvata Emäntälehden antamaa ruokaan liittyvää neuvontaa ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikaisessa elintarvikepulassa vuosina 1914–1918. Emäntälehti neuvoi elintarvikkeiden säästäväistä käyttöä, omavaraisuutta ja puuttuvien elintarvikkeiden, kuten viljan, voin, kahvin, teen, sokerin ja lihan korvaamista uusilla ravinnoksi kelpaavilla tuotteilla. Viljaa neuvottiin korvaamaan perunalla, petulla, selluloosalla, jäkälällä, kauralla, lantulla, porkkanalla ja kalalla. Lihaa neuvottiin korvaamaan kalalla ja sisäelimillä, voita margariinilla, silavalla, ihralla sekä talilla. Kahvin korvikkeena neuvottiin käyttämään voikukan juurta, porkkanaa, lanttua, sokerijuurikasta, juolavehnän ja sananjalan juurta, tammenterhoja ja ruusunmarjan kiviä. Neuvonnassa korostettiin kasvisruoan, sienten, marjojen ja hedelmien sekä villivihannesten ja luonnonmarjojen käyttöä. Lehti neuvoi heinälaatikon käyttöä energiaa ja työaikaa säästävänä ruoanvalmistusmenetelmänä sekä elintarvikkeiden hygieenistä säilyttämistä ja taloudellista säilöntää esimerkiksi kuivaamalla ja keittämällä marjoja suljetuissa pulloissa ilman sokeria. Tutkielma tuottaa tietoa ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikaisesta ruokaneuvonnasta, joka on sovellettavissa nykyaikaan esimerkiksi varautumisen, makutottumusten laajentamisen ja omavaraisuuden suhteen.
  • Lehtimäki, Juulia (2017)
    The goal of the research was to find out, how happiness appears in young women’s everyday life. Purpose was to get knowledge how human relationships, free-time, health, education and economic situations have a effect on happiness and what other factors influence happiness. The theory of research is grounded on many researches and scientific literatures of happiness. In studies happiness is examined in typical way of home economics and views are present in everyday life and in home economics operation. With the help of group interviews it was found out how happiness appears in young women’s everyday life. In group interview participated six young adult women age of 21–27 years old, who study in Helsinki University home economics science and they live in domestic partnership. The researches were recorded and because of that analysing material was possible. The frame of the interview was made for the research in which the themes (human relationships, studying, free-time and economic situation) found out, how selected themes influence happiness and what is their role in everyday life. More information of happiness was gathered by questionnaire. In questionnaire was asked interviewee’s age, gender, about domestic partnership and residence and how they see their health and experience their happiness. Four influencing factors of happiness were asked in questionnaire. Purpose was to find out, do the interviewees experience happiness in the same ways as the research was shown and was there something else that were not in the researches. Results were analysed by content analysis. While analysing the results, it was noticed that researches and interviews results were quite similar. Based on interviews human relationships and health influence the most to happiness. Free-time, studying and that kind of economic situation that person can live with was seen to have an influence to happiness. Previously mentioned are also important factors to happiness recording to literature. In results was found out that good food, comfortable and clean home, sense of security, a pet and having a baby also increases happiness. From these, only sense of security came up in literatures. Based on researches and results it can note that the things that increase happiness are more spiritual factors than material factors. Happiness is often occurring in everyday life, in that moment we live most of our time.
  • Salminen, Marsa (2017)
    Faculty of Educational Sciences Laitos - Institution - Department Department of education Tekijä - Författare - Author Marsa Salminen Työn nimi - Arbetets titel Onnistunut ruokahävikkineuvonta; marttapiirien kotitalousasiantuntijoiden kokemuksiaja näkemyksiä Title Successful food loss advice; experiences and views of the Martha’s home economics specialists Oppiaine - Läroämne - Subject Home economics Työn laji/ Ohjaaja - Arbetets art/Handledare - Level/Instructor Batchelors Thesis / Kaija Rautavirta & Sari Kivilehto Aika - Datum - Month and year June 2017 Sivumäärä - Sidoantal - Number of pages 38 pp. + 2 appendices Abstract Objectives. In the developed countries, most households and restaurant services make the most significant food loss to climate change. In Finland, the Martha Organization, a Finnish home economics organization, have been one of the actors in food information counseling for consumers. Counseling has not reached so much consumers as it would have been desirable. The purpose of this study is to find out the experiences of the Martha’s home economics specialists on successful food information advice and ideas on how best to realize successful food information advice based on their experiences. The success of the research was based on success-oriented job development based on the concept of strength in positive psychology. In this study, research questions are structured according to the classical 4P model of marketing, attention was paid to the product's content (=product), price, availability (=place) and promotion. Methods. A qualitative research was chosen as a research strategy. The research material consisted of six theme interviewing sessions by the Martha's home economics specialists. The home economics specialists represented different district associations in Finland and had worked as home economics specialists for less than one year to 41 years. The interview material was transcribed and analyzed using the content analysis method utilizing the classic 4P model of marketing. Results and Conclusions. The survey showed that most of the experience of success in a counseling session that was a content. Functionality and concrete examples addressed consumers. Media coverage was also felt to be working. As a development idea of the material, it emerged that the Marthas would go to where people are already ready or come to the scene by some other thing. The Martha's communications also emphasized clarity and clear language. The social position of different target groups does not seem to matter to the ethical perspective of food loss. By raising food mentoring advice, ethicality alongside the issue of economics makes it possible to reach equally all consumers regardless of the of the consumer's income level. Avainsanat - Nyckelord ruokahävikki, kotitalousneuvonta, martat, onnistumiskeskeinen työnkehittäminen Keywords food loss, household advice, the marthas, success-oriented job development Säilytyspaikka - Förvaringsställe - Where deposited University of Helsinki, e-thesis Muita tietoja - Övriga uppgifter - Additional information
  • Salminen, Anni (2018)
    The aim of the study was to find out the attitude of the students to the insect food. The research seeks out the factors influencing students' attitudes towards insect food and explains how students feel about insect food in a student restaurant. Previous studies have shown that young adults have the most positive attitude towards insects. Insects as food is also associated with negative images because they are considered as dirty. Consumers are uncertain about their taste and structure. Attitudes towards insects are influenced by past tasting experiences, personal preferences and culture where an individual lives. Studies indicate that student dining can influence students' eating habits. Since the beginning of February 2018, there have been insect food in the student restaurant in Helsinki. I collected the material by interviewing six home economic students at the University of Helsinki. I examined their attitudes towards insects as food. I transcribed my recordings and analyzed the material by searching for frequently recurring themes. I connected theory and previous studies to the themes I found. The students' positive attitude towards insect food was affected by previous tasting experiences, traveling and interest toward other countries’ food culture. Other factors include insect’s ecology and the desire to reducing eating meat and try new foods. Students were concerned about insect’s safety because their appearance and unclear origin. They also caused disgust and suspicion. The students had not tasted insect food at the student restaurant, but they took a positive attitude because of low prices and ease. In their opinion, the range was limited, but the insects used for familiar food were considered a positive thing. The results were mostly the same as in previous studies. Based on this study, at least some of the home economic students have an open mind about insect food and are ready to expand the Finnish food culture.
  • Heikkinen, Oona (2017)
    Hunting is a part of Finnish culture, even though less people hunt for a living. Growing numbers of female hunters have been receiving media attention over the past years. The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is to describe the presentation of a hunting female living in the Helsinki Metropolitan area and what are the factors behind the hobby. An objective is also to determine whether the hunting females living in the Helsinki Metropolitan area face attitudes or prejudices in their hobby due to gender or place of residence, and whether the female hunters feel that the Helsinki Metropolitan area creates special characteristics for the hobby regarding other hunting females elsewhere in Finland. Survey research was implemented using a questionnaire which was undertaken by 62 hunting females living in the Helsinki Metropolitan area. Questionnaire included 30 questions, of which 29 were structured and 1 open. Some of the questions were attached with an open question. Questionnaire was distributed via Facebook groups Jahditar, Haulikkohelmet, Helsingin Erä-Ämmät, Metsästyskaverit, Metsästäjät, and Ellit erätulilla. The structured questions of the questionnaire were analyzed qualitatively and by using Excel programs as help. Open questions were analysed by utilizing content analysis guiding the theory. Tables, figures and argumentation by quantitative relations were used in presenting the results. According to the research, hunting hobby seems to be an interesting hobby for the participants. Most typically, one went to hunt together with a partner or a friends. Nature, hunting with dogs and wild game as nourishment rose as most important factors for a hunting hobby. 87% of the female hunters of Helsinki Metropolitan area which participated in the research saw that they had encountered some amount of prejudice towards their hobby due to their gender, from people who did not hunt. Encountering prejudice from male hunters was rarer, but not unusual. 73% of the respondents also saw that they had encountered prejudice as hunters due to their place of residence. 63% of the respondents also saw that Helsinki Metropolitan area brought some special characteristics in to the hunting hobby regarding other hunting females elsewhere in Finland.
  • Valkonen, Elina (2017)
    Goals. Family life is being challenged by many changes in society. Family dining interacts with other activities in an individual’s life and by studying it can we better understand the complex nature of everyday life. In this research family meals were observed through an adolescent lens. In this age a child’s relationship with his or her family is transforming. Since family meals can affect the well-being of adolescents in various ways, it seems relevant to examine their views on eating together. The aim of this study was to look for the diverse thoughts that family meals would evoke in 9th graders. The research task is to find the themes that strike out as most meaningful in a 9th graders’ thinking. Methods. The study was executed according to the qualitative research strategy while making use of phenomenological methodology. The data was acquired from 9th graders on an optional home economics lesson at a school in Uusimaa. The data was collected as mind maps and the event was observed. The data consists of ten (10) mind maps. It was analyzed and the comments in the mind maps were divided by their themes into three groups: (1) actions and habits, (2) regularity and quantity and (3) emotions, wishes and statements. Results and conclusions. The most recurring themes the adolescents brought up were spending time together, catching up with each other and experiencing positive emotions. In addition to these the youngsters expressed plenty of wishes and statements regarding eating together. In light of this thesis’ results, eating together in an adolescent’s everyday life would appear to be a positive operation of social and emotional significance. The results confirm earlier studies suggesting that family meals have positive effects on the well-being of young people.
  • Tarvainen, Tea (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten yleistä perheateriointi Suomessa on ja kuinka säännöllinen perheateriointi vaikuttaa nuorten fyysiseen, psyykkiseen ja sosiaaliseen hyvinvointiin. Työssä etsittiin vastausta näihin kysymyksiin useista lähteistä ja tutkimuksista. Työn lähtökohtana oli huoli perheaterioinnin merkityksen vähentymisestä Suomessa. Tarkoituksena oli lisäksi tutkia ja pohtia keinoja, millä eri tavoin perheateriointia voi tukea sekä lisätä sen yleisyyttä. Menetelmät. Työ toteutettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistoon valikoitui sekä suomalaisia että kansainvälisiä tutkimuksia, joista suurin osa oli vuoden 2014 jälkeen julkaistuja. Aineisto muodostui tieteellisistä artikkeleista, pro gradu -tutkielmista ja muista opinnäytetyöstä sekä muusta kirjallisuudesta. Aineisto oli poikkitieteellinen; siinä käytettiin suurimmaksi osaksi kotitaloustieteen ja terveystieteen julkaisuja. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Käytetyn aineiston perusteella perheateriointi oli todennäköisesti vähentynyt Suomessa muun muassa individualismin lisääntyessä, teknologisen kehityksen myötä ja välipalakulttuurin kasvaessa. Suurimpina syinä perheaterioinnin puuttumiselle mainittiin kiire ja ajanpuute. Tässä työssä näyttää siltä, että perheaterioinnilla oli selvästi useita myönteisiä vaikutuksia, jotka koskettavat niin fyysistä, psyykkistä kuin sosiaalista hyvinvointia. Myönteisten vaikutuksien vuoksi olisi tärkeää, että perheateriointiin kannustetaan ja saadaan edistettyä sen yleistymistä. Perheet ja nuoret tulisi tehdä tietoisiksi perheaterioinnin myönteisistä vaikutuksista. Kotitalousopettajilla on otollinen asema tietoisuuden lisäämisessä.
  • Kylliäinen, Mira (2018)
    In this thesis, the factors threatening everyday life time of families is being examined. The research questios are: how these threats are being defined on the research literature and to what kind of discussion these threats are connected in terms of social sciences and home economics. The theoretical framework of the study includes definition of everyday life, management of everyday life, concept of time, definitions of Finnish families and negative factors affecting family life. Especially the theory of managing everyday life including value choices of family members is strongly linked to the topic of the thesis. This study is a systematic literature review, based on research reports. Literature was collected from the library databases of the University of Helsinki using search words and bibliographies of literature. Altogether 15 studies were included to the review. Four different themes were found describing the time in which the challenges may occur: everyday life time, work time, free time and rhytms and management of everyday life. The aim was to get an overview from the studies and to find research trends on the topic. The results of the literature review show, that the word ”threat” was not used, instead, words like ”challenges” and ”difficulties” were often used. In every theme, the research was connected to the present public discussion. In terms of everyday life time, haste and business was the leading factor causing problems in the families. Many parents feel that the are constantly busy in their lives. Research reports that were included under the work time theme show, that combining work and family life was not posing threaths to families. However, significant factor in time use of families was the amount of parents working hours. Research reports show that during the free time, housework was shared quite evenly between spouses, and uneven distribution of housework duties was not a threat to the family time. Media however, has a significant role in affecting everyday life time sometimes negatively. At the same time, media connects families to the society. According to the research literature, rythms and management of everyday life may be threathened by chaos at home and unstrucured time use, even if there is time to be spent.
  • Mc Clellan, Elina-Maria (2019)
    The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the challenges facing Puntland’s and Somaliland’s primary education in Somalia and of the ways to tackle these challenges. Both Puntland and Somaliland have been affected by the civil war in Somalia, that collapsed the already fragile education system, and are slowly recovering. Puntland and Somaliland face many challenges that affect the primary education, like the fragile economy. This study is based on the idea of education having positive impacts on households and the society as a whole. By recognizing challenges and ways to intervene, can development happen, further improving the lives of households and promoting the development of society. This study was executed as a narrative literature review. The final data consisted of seven (N=7) scientific studies and surveys. The data was analyzed by inductive content analysis. Three main results were found concerning the challenges facing Puntland’s and Somaliland’s primary education. Firstly, issues related to the society, such as major governing problems, poverty and children left out of primary education. Secondly, challenges related to the education system, such as weak professionalism of teachers, lack of a uniform education system and lack of proper school structure and materials. Thirdly, children’s inequality was also a major challenge; girls, rural children and nomads being the most disadvantaged. Two main results were found concerning how to face these challenges. Firstly, the development of the core fabric of the society, such as the political system, and advancing in both national and international cooperation to improve the primary education. Secondly, the development of the institutions, such as teacher training and Koranic schools, and the unification of the primary educaton as a whole, were suggested. The results of this study are not to be generalized and do not provide an exhausting answer to the challenges facing primary education or to the ways to develop it in Puntland and Somaliland. Nevertheless, the results provide an overview and general information about the challenges and development opportunities both in Puntland and Somaliland. Further studies could tackle the issues of teacher training system and it is implemented. Also, the functioning of the existing schools should be researched