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  • Laukkanen, Silja (2020)
    Aikaisempaa tutkimusta asumisen ekologisuudesta ja ergonomisuudesta on olemassa, mutta minitaloasumisen näkökulmasta vastaavia aikaisempia tutkimuksia on hyvin vähän. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millä tavoin ekologisuus ja ergonomisuus näyttäytyvät minitaloasumisessa asukkaiden kertomina. Aikaisempien tutkimusten mukaan asumisen ekologisuus näyttäytyy erityisesti asuinpinta-alan, lämmitysratkaisujen, rakennusmateriaalien ja energiatehokuuden kautta. Asumisen ergonomisuuteen puolestaan vaikuttavat etenkin asukkaiden mittojen, toimintatapojen ja kykyjen hyödyntäminen asumisympäristön suunnittelussa asukkaiden tarpeiden mukaisesti. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten ekologisuus ja ergonomisuus näyttäytyvät minitaloasumisessa. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan asumisessa tapahtuneita muutoksia Suomessa, sekä pientaloliikettä ja siihen kuuluvia minitaloja. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jonka aineisto kerättiin internetissä kyselylomakkeella. Kyselyn linkki jaettiin suljetulla Tiny House Suomi -keskustelualustalla. Kyselyllä kerättiin tietoja yhteensä kahdeksalta minitaloasukkaalta. Kerätty aineisto analysoitiin sekä teoriaohjautuvalla että aineistolähtöisellä teemoittelulla. Tutkimuksen perusteella erityisesti ekologisuus näyttäytyi minitaloasumisessa melko hyvänä. Ekologisuus oli otettu huomioon erityisesti energiankulutuksessa, johon liittyivät esimerkiksi lämmityksen sähkönkulutus ja kodinkoneiden käyttö, lämmitysratkaisut sekä rakennusmateriaalien valinta. Minitalojen lämmöneristyksen vaihtelevuus ja puutteet näkyivät lisääntyneenä energiankulutuksena. Minitalojen ekologisuuteen verrattuna ergonomisuudessa oli paljon enemmän vaihtelua. Minitalojen ergonomisuus vaihteli muun muassa sen mukaan, miten asukkaiden mittasuhteet oli otettu huomioon työtasojen ja kodinkoneiden, kuten esimerkiksi uunin, sijoituksessa. Lisäksi vapaan tilan ja liikkumisen sujuvuus niin leveys- kuin korkeussuunnassa sekä useimmiten käytössä olevien tavaroiden saatavuus vaikuttivat asumismuodon ergonomisuuteen huomattavasti. Minitaloasumisen ergonomisuuteen näytti vaikuttavan myös ilmanvaihto. Tutkimus antoi viitteitä siitä, että minitalon iällä on yhteys asumisen ekologisuuteen ja ergonomisuuteen. Jotta minitalot olisivat ekologisempia ja ergonomisempia myös tulevaisuudessa, tulisi kyselyn mukaan kiinnittää erityistä huomiota minitalojen lämmöneristykseen sekä asukkaiden mittasuhteisiin.
  • Vihtiälä, Elisa (2017)
    In today’s society, people often speak about gender equality and its materialisation or the lack of it. Gender specific material, such as pictures and articles, around us everywhere and these materials repeat various gender stereotypes and gender roles. However, in the public talk we aim to be gender-neutral, and for example in schools teaching material must not make gender segregation. This study investigated how boys appear in Finnish children’s cookbook artwork between 1970-2010. Presumably this is an inaugural study around this topic in Finland; however gender roles in other areas of children’s books have been studied previously. Researches focusing on children’s cookbooks have been conducted in other countries such as Denmark and Norway. These have been chosen for references as Nordic countries have largely simi-lar history of cookbook literature and a sense of equality as in Finland. This content based grounded theory research investigated whether children’s cookbooks convey certain gender skewed mental images about who should be cooking. In total ten children’s cookbooks were selected for this study, two from each decade. Mas-culine and feminine characters were calculated in the pictures of each book, as the goal was to investigate proportion of masculine characters against feminine. Division between masculine and feminine was based on visual stereotypes of each gender. In addition this study investigated in which roles boys were shown in pictures. This was done by choosing one picture in each book including a boy with another person. Different roles were identified from the picture dynamics and tasks each character was executing. In conclusion pictures with boys were a minority versus girls. Boys’ roles were identified as younger and older brother waiting for food, assisting role, equal role with a girl and athlete. Results are derived from the selected books and should not be generalized.
  • Forsström, Petra (2019)
    Aims. Sustainable development has been one of the most discussed topics over the past decades. Changes towards sustainable way of life are demanded increasingly more as the state of environment deteriorates. Sustainable development has also received a central status in curricula and in contents of subjects as home economics. Textbooks are still often important tools in studying. The aim of this study is to find out what kind of discourses are used in textbooks of home economics in speech considering sustainable development and are there features of educationally acceptable teaching or indoctrination in these discourses. Research questions are: 1) What kind of discourses are used in textbooks of home economics in speech considering sustainable development? 2) What kind of features of educationally acceptable teaching or indoctrination can be recognized in these discourses? The study also participates in discussion of importance of critical thinking and reading and how exercise of power and influencing are present in Finnish textbooks. Methods. This study was carried out analyzing two textbooks of home economics aimed to 7–9-grades in primary school. The study material was analyzed using critical discourse analysis. Results and conclusions. Ten discourses used in textbooks were found: neutral passive, appealing to knowledge/argument, adjectives describing consumer's attitude, evaluating some products as better, appealing to personal and common responsibility, orders, requests, appeals and advices, questions considering consuming, benefits of making sustainable choices, defining sustainable development and goals considering sustainable development in home economics and appealing to feelings. Eight out of ten of discourses contained features of educationally acceptable teaching and seven out of ten features of indoctrination. In most discourses both features were mixed. It seems that there is indoctrination in texts of textbooks to some extent. On the other hand what is interpreted in this study as indoctrination can in other research frames be interpreted for example as using rhetorical methods or other kind of influencing. Thus it's important to carefully ponder if it's possible to claim that it is just indoctrination that is present. Exercise of power and influencing seem to be present in textbooks, despite which concepts considering influencing are used. As conclusion teacher must acknowledge and bring out attempted influencing in textbooks, broaden attitudinal views of books, present reasoning for arguments in books and help pupils develop their critical thinking. Then again can be stated that sustainable development is a political and ethical subject and universally accepted principle. Can sustainable development in general be taught in completely neutral way or be detached from ideologies behind it?
  • Holappa, Sirpa (2020)
    The aim of this bachelor`s thesis is to clarify the use and maintenance of a wood fire oven. Through these tasks the centre role of the wood fire oven in everyday life of the home was to be described. The idea of this thesis came from the researcher`s own experience of a wood fire oven without a manual. Two students of home economics science participated in this research. The students wrote an essay. The topic of the essay was a wood fire oven. No questions were presented to the students. The only wish from the researcher to the students was to find out experiences and memories of a wood fire oven. The material was analysed by the means of qualitative analysis method. In this study the centre are the wood fire oven and the everyday life of a household. The know-how and tacit knowledge is important to pass from generation to another. The idea has been to have the whole family together by the wood fire oven. This is perhaps the most concrete way to learn by doing.
  • Söderström, Ina (2016)
    The aim of this study is to determine the basis on which the family's mother chooses the laundry detergent and what products the mother feels she needs in her daily laundry at home Theory deals with domestic laundry laundry detergents, as well as the factors influencing consumer behavior. In addition, it deals with earlier research based on factors affecting the choice of detergent. The study included eight mothers of different families Semi-structured interviews were carried out in K-citymarket Ruoholahti (Helsinki) detergent department in September-October 2016. The interviewees were given a task to choose all necessary products for their laundry from the supermarket's range. All choices had to be justified during the interview and some specific questions were asked. Interviews were recorded and transcripted. Interviewees chose total 41 products of which 21 were laundry detergents. According to this study mothers choose detergents by its liquid state, scent and sensitivity. Also product's domesticality and being free from zeolites were factors that influence the choice of detergent. Based on this study mothers needed at least two different detergents and one stain removal product in their laundry Half of the examinees needed fabric softener to use with some textiles.
  • Antola, Hanna (2017)
    Objectives: The objective of this study was to find out the meanings of laundry washing in home economics textbooks, as well as to find out how these meanings reflect the objectives of laundry washing defined in curriculums. It was proposed that home economics textbooks had little content on laundry washing compared to content on other topics, and that the existing content on laundry washing was rather concise. Previous research on home economics textbooks has not been conducted, but research comparing the contents of geography textbooks with curriculums shows that the contents of textbooks reflects the objectives of the curriculums rather well. Methods: The material used for this study consisted of ten home economics textbooks written between 1970 and 2015. Two textbooks representing two publishers were chosen from each decade. The textbooks were compared with primary school curriculums published during each decade. Content analysis was used to study the different themes occurring in the textbooks. The different areas researched included laundry washing, laundry washing by hand, laundry drying, the ecological and economical aspects of laundry washing, the environment, allergies and different materials. The objectives related to laundry washing were first identified from the textbooks after which they were compared with the contents of the textbooks. Results: The contents of the textbooks reflected the objectives defined in the curriculums on each decade rather well. The content related to laundry washing was concise in each textbook that was studied. The biggest percentage of content related to laundry washing compared with the rest of the content was 5,9 % whereas the smallest percentage was 1,4 %. Many of the books discussed the topic in a broad scale regardless of the few pages designated to the topic. The newer the textbook the more the topic of this study was discussed. However, the pages designated to laundry washing did not increase in the newer textbooks. Even though the topic of laundry washing is often less significant, the topic is discussed in a broad scale fulfilling the objectives of the curriculums rather well.
  • Silander, Niina (2020)
    The public health situation in Finland is better than ever but a growing number of the population doesn't have a grasp on their lifestyle and eating habits. Because of this, the extremities in public health are growing stronger. The point of this literary overview is to gather information about what kind of differences there are in nutrition between the finnish people in different socio-economic groups. In addition, this overview's pivotal meaning is to study the impact of home economics as a equalising subject between diverse socio-economic groups. This overview is also meant to show what kind of connections does group-eating have with differing socio-economical groups. As the overview progresses topics like the goverments political actions on equal rights and better nutrition will be examined also. The first draft of this overview was started in the autumn of 2017. My literary overview adapts descriptive and integral features so that the subject can be approached as extensively and critically as possible. Making a literary overview that is descriptive and integral made it possible for me to condense the sources used in the research and make it a part of my own research. the literature overview proceeds through the theoretical part to the layout of the research problem and the acquisition of the material. this is followed by analysis and interpretation of the material. Finally, I present the results of the study and evaluate the reliability of the results. The health and nutritional disparities between socio-economic groups were seen as a worrying phenomenon in all sources used. Finns nutrition has been regularly studied and the goverment has taken regular measures to promote good nutrition to Finns. In spite of these measures, recent research findings indicate that there are differences in nutrition between population groups. The biggest difference is in the use of fruits and vegetables, which are used by the highly educated more than the less educated Finns. Less educated Finns use more dietary fats, vegetable fats and butter in relation to energy intake. Also the use of red meat and meat products is higher among the less educated than the more highly educated. Group meals were widely seen in research as promoting good nutrition and equalizing. School meals for many years have evened out differences between socio-economic groups in terms of diet quality and improved the nutritional quality of young people. Staff and those who eat lunch at student restaurants also have a healthier diet than the rest of the population. However, the problem with mass catering is that, despite their prevalence, not all people of working age have the opportunity or desire to take advantage of them. The most important task of home economics education can be considered to be the teaching of skills required for everyday home management and a sustainable lifestyle that enhances well-being. Practical action and knowledge management skills learned from elementary school housekeeping classes contribute to a more systematic and balanced diet and thus serve as a socio-economic equalizing subject.
  • Aalto, Karoliina (2018)
    Goals. The goal of this Bachelor’s Thesis was to examine how often households living in Helsinki are cooking food and is there a connection between frequency of cooking and the size of the household or the financial resources of the household. My Thesis is related to a survey carried out by Helsingin Sanomat in fall 2016. Thesis examines how often households cook food and what kind of households are cooking the most. In addition, this Thesis examines is there a connection between the frequency of cooking and the number of children living in the household or between monthly incomes of the household. The subject is topical because it hasn’t been much examined before and it provides information about the Finnish eating habits. According to some previous examination about the frequency of cooking Finns cook quite often. Factors that may be connected to the frequency of cooking have hardly been previously examined. Methods. My Thesis was executed as a quantitative research. The data of my Thesis was secondary, as it was originally collected by a survey carried out by Helsingin Sanomat in fall 2016. There were 13 381 respondents and 4 147 of the respondents were from Helsinki. The respondents were either readers of the Helsingin Sanomat online magazine or people who visited the website. Hence data can not be considered as statistically significant take, it is more like a comprehensive sample. The data was analyzed with SPSS Statistics 24 utilizing descriptive statistical analysis methods such as frequencies and percentages. The connections between variables were analyzed with crosstabulation, Khi square -test and Fisher’s exact -test. Intensity of the connections were analyzed with Cramérs V -coefificient. Results and conclusions. According to the results of my Thesis, households living in Helsinki cooked food at home few times a week or daily. Familys with children and two parents cooked the most. Between the frequency of cooking and the number of children a statistically significant, but rather weak, connection was found. The results provided indications that households with more children cooked more often. Between the frequency of cooking and the financial resources a statistically significant, but weak, connection was found. However, the results provided indications that households with higher incomes cooked slightly more often. Although results are not generalizable in Finland, they provide information about Finnish eating habits in Helsinki. The results of this Thesis offer reckoned ideas for further scientific research from this subject.
  • Nokso, Eveliina (2018)
    The purpose of this research is to explain what are the eating habits of celebrities and what kind of image they convey to reader. This research tries to find out what kind of picture of dietary habits is being transmitted to the readers, as information disseminated in the media has an impact on consumer behaviour, including nutrition. The research material used nine celebrities interviews from magazine. The interviewees were women, aged 21–36-years old. The interviews were published in 2015. The study was conducted by qualitative research methods. The data were analyzed with the principles of content analysis and theming model. According to the results, public figures emphasized, in their eating habits, the diet, healthiness, versatility and regularity of eating. Based on the results of the research, the interplay of the interviews on the eating habits of public figures is healthy and balanced and the eating habits are understood as a whole. Also the results highlighted that the most important thing is to eat in the right way and not to stress about the Meals. Without an accurate diet and energy supply and energy consumption, you can still eat healthy and feel good.
  • Rostiala, Nina (2018)
    According to FAO edible insects would be a solution to feed the growing amount of people in the world. Insects have been collected traditionally from the natural environments. In Finland insects have become a commercial food ingredient since 2017. House cricket is one example of insect species reared. Insects are considered as an ethical option to substitute meat as a protein source. This research evaluates ethical aspects of wild harvested and farmed insects, and how the ethical aspects may differ. The research was reported as a narrative review. Publications used in this study consisted of 16 research articles, reports and books that were chosen according to specific keywords. All sources of the study were published between years 2001–2018. Ethical aspects of edible insects were evaluated by nature conservation, human rights and animal welfare. Positive aspects were found at greenhouse gas production and land use compared with livestock. It´s also ecological to use biowaste on feeding insects. Insects produce less food waste than livestock. Negative aspects were energy consumption at insect farming, and disadvantages to natural habitats at wild harvesting. There were some inequalities between developing and developed countries at insect business. Positive issues were livelihood opportunities that both insect farming and wild harvesting offers for poor members of the societies. It´s not clear if invertebrates suffer or not. Therefore animal welfare aspect was difficult to evaluate. There are different ethical aspects depending on the origin of edible insects. Generally eating insects is more ethical than eating other livestock animals, but some unethical aspects are also found at insect harvesting. It´s important to know multiple dimensions concerning nature, humans and animals so that disadvantages can be reduced in the future.
  • Kiuru, Heidi (2016)
    Objectives. The aim of this research was to investigate what changes in types of recipes have happened in consumer targeted food magazines during the past 20 years and how these changes reflect changes in food culture. In addition the results were purposed to be compared with previous features of food culture. Previous researches give extensively knowledge about changes in Finnish food culture. Previous researches have also predicted what kind of food culture will be in the 2000s. This research examines what kinds of changes have happened in recipes of Finland’s co-operative store’s Yhteishyvä magazine during the past 20 years. Subjects of examination are raw materials, cooking methods and dishes of main courses. Results of research are compared with previous features of Finnish food culture. Methods. Yhteishyvä-magazines were the materials in this research. They have been published since 1997. Examinees were total of 20 pieces, one for each year of publication. All of them were published in February. Materials were analysed using content analysis method. Findings from materials were classified by dishes, main raw materials and cooking methods. Results and conclusions. Most of the dishes occurred throughout the period under review. Dishes that did not occur in food recipes throughout the period under review were mostly found in the beginning of 2000s. Between years 2001 and 2009 popular temptations, casseroles and lasagnas changed to meat loaves, meatballs and fried dishes in latter part of period under review. Minced meat, chicken meat and quickly cooked pork were the most popular raw materials. Cooking methods varied from stewing and boiling to cooking in oven, but frying became more common in latter part of period under review. Dishes in food recipes did not change a lot compared to previous decades. Despite the minor changes food recipes contain a lot of features which are already familiar in Finnish food culture.
  • Kovala, Antti (2017)
    Goals. The goal of the study was to investigate Finnish adults' experiences on using information and communication technology (ICT) to help with housework. This study focuses on everyday life's technologization, and the value and meaning of housework. The aim of the study is also to redefine the technology associated to households and its effects on consumers. As the amount and sophistication of technology available to consumers has evolved greatly in the past few years, the study tries to explain how and why households use technological artefacts in the aid of housework. Methods. The study was executed in the summer of 2017 as a e-questionnaire. The questionnaire was answered by 25 people ranging between 22-55 years of which 14 were men and 11 women. Questionnaire consisted of open-ended and multiple choice questions. The answers to the closed questions were tabulated and the answers to the open-ended questions were processed using content analysis. Results and conclusions. The most used applications of information and communication technology were social media, search engines and applications on smart devices. The response to ICT in the aid of housework was generally positive. The most aid was seen to be needed on time consuming, intermittent and skilfully challenging housework, such as cooking and home improvement projects. The most used application of ICT was information gathering through search engines. The most used applications of ICT do not directly correlate with the most used applications used to help housework. The greatest challenges in using ICT were reliability and the difficulty of use.
  • Vanne, Elina (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Tavoitteet. Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia 26–28-vuotiaiden pääkaupunkilaisten naisten välipalatottumuksia, ruoanvalintaa ja sitä, näkyykö välipalaistumisen ilmiö heidän ruokatottumuksissaan. Tutkimuskysymykseni olivat: Minkälaisia välipaloja syödään, missä tilanteissa ja korvataanko pääruokia välipaloilla? Välipalaistumisen ilmiö on noussut lähivuosina esille niin Suomessa kuin maailmalla, mutta ilmiöön vaikuttavia syitä tai sitä edistäviä tekijöitä ei ole vielä tutkittu. Välipalaistumiseen liittyy vahvasti napostelun käsite, jolla tarkoitetaan spontaania, strukturoimatonta ja mielitekojen ohjaamaa syömistä tai juomista, joka ei ole sidoksissa aikaan tai paikkaan. Napostelulla voi olla useita terveydelle haitallisia seurauksia, kuten hampaiden reikiintyminen ja painonhallinnan ongelmat. Aterioinnin välipalaistuminen koetaan huolestuttavana ja perinteisiä ruoan ja ruokailun arvoja uhkaavana. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla 26-28-vuotiaita pääkaupunkiseutulaisia naisia (n=5). Tutkittavilla oli toisistaan eroavat taustat, mutta yhteisinä tekijöinä ikä ja asuinseutu. Haastateltavat valittiin harkinnanvaraisesti. Haastattelut suoritettiin teemahaastatteluina ja aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tyypillisimmät välipalat koostuivat hedelmistä, rahkasta tai jogurtista ja leivästä. Välipaloja syötiin useissa paikoissa. Tyypillisesti välipalat nautittiin kotona tai kodin ulkopuolella, esimerkiksi liikkuessa paikasta toiseen, kirjastossa tai kauppakeskuksessa. Välipaloja syötiin, jos energiatasoja ja jaksamista haluttiin ylläpitää pääruokaan asti, urheiltiin paljon tai jos päivän kesto pitkitti ateriarytmiä. Tutkimustuloksista selviää, että pääruokia korvattiin välipaloilla hyvin harvoin, jos koskaan. Välipaloja syötiin kerran tai korkeintaan kaksi päivässä. Välipalaistumisen tai napostelun ilmiö ei näy tutkimuksen aineistossa ja siitä saaduissa tuloksissa.
  • Mattila, Olga-Maaria (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Konkreettista ruokakasvatusta annetaan päiväkodeissa ja seuraavan kerran yläkoulun kotitalousopetuksessa. Peruskoulun ruokakasvatusta käsittelevät aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että ruokakasvatusta annetaan osana kouluruokailua sekä satunnaisesti osana muita oppiaineita. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan alkuopetuksessa työskentelevien opettajien käsityksiä ruokakasvatuksesta ja sen toteuttamisesta. Tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten opettajat ymmärtävät ruokakasvatuskäsitteen sekä miten ruokakasvatusta toteutetaan alkuopetuksessa. Lisäksi tutkitaan, mitkä ovat opettajien kokemusten mukaan ruokakasvatusta edistäviä sekä rajoittavia tekijöitä. Menetelmät. Tutkimusaineisto koottiin käyttäen puolistrukturoitua yksilöhaastattelua. Osa haastateltavista valikoitui harkinnanvaraisesti ja osa sosiaaliseen mediaan jaetun haastattelukutsun kautta. Aineisto kerättiin haastatellen puhelimitse tai kasvotusten maaliskuun 2020 aikana. Haastatteluun osallistui yhteensä viisi alkuopetuksessa työskentelevää luokanopettajaa. Haastattelujen kesto oli 32–45 minuuttia. Haastattelut nauhoitettiin ja litteroitiin. Litteroinnin tuloksena haastattelusta kertyi 53,5 sivun verran sanatarkkaa litteraattia. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisesti teema-analyysia käyttäen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tulosten mukaan alkuopetuksessa annettava ruokakasvatus keskittyi annettavaksi kouluruokailun aikana ja lisäksi ruokakasvatuksen teemoja eheytettiin osaksi muuta opetusta. Opettajien käyttämät toimintamallit olivat toiminnallisia. Ne kannustivat oppilaita hyviin käytöstapoihin. Ruokakasvatuksen käsite piti sisällään ravitsemustietoutta, arkitaitojen ja tapojen harjoittelua sekä sosiaalista kanssakäymistä ja makutottumusten laajentamista. Opettajat kokivat koulun toimintakulttuurin sekä oman motivaationsa ruokakasvatuksen keskeisimmiksi edistäviksi tekijöiksi. Ruokakasvatuksen haasteiksi koettiin puolestaan riittämättömät resurssit, kuten tuen vähäisyys ja koulun kiireiset aikataulut. Lisäksi opettajat kaipasivat ruokakasvatuksen näkyvän vahvemmin opetussuunnitelmassa.
  • Honkanen, Lotta (2019)
    Aims. The purpose of this study was to get a small picture of elderly people who use social media to search information about food and nutrition. Framing of the research question was shaped from the desire to investigate present-day elderly as users of social media. The purpose was to get a picture of how elderly experiences social media as a source of food and nutritional information. The previous studies have shown that social media can have an impact on the food choices that people make. Methods. This is a qualitative study. The sample of this study consisted of five discretionary selected elderly that live in the capital region. Besides the same age range all members of the research group had learned to use social media after they had retired on a pension. Individual interviews were the data collection method of this study. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. In this study data-driven content analysis was used as a method of analysis. Results and conclusions. The research showed that social media can offer peer support and motivation considering food and nutritional information. The elderly takes advantage of social media in their everyday life when they are searching information about food and nutrition.
  • Pöllänen, Heidi (2018)
    Objectives. The purpose of the study was to clarify what kind of housework is done in the households at the moment and do the young people participate in the housework. Controlling the everyday life requires many everyday functions and housework is an important part in all that. Housework is often thought as being a blunt routine which just has to be done. Two study questions are set: what kind of housework is done in the households today and how do the young people participate in doing it. There is only little study done in adolescent's participation in housework and the earlier studies have examined the subject from the points of view of time management of different age groups' and differences in genders. The earlier studies show that gender affects the amount of housework that adults and the young do. Hypothesis is that the increased amount of home technology affects doing housework. Methods. The study was carried out as a qualitative study. The study questions were examined with interviews. The interviews were done for five 15-year-old's and their guardians. A theme interview was used for gathering data which was used for getting answers on the desired themes. The gathered data was analyzed thematically. Results and conclusions. The results show that the usual housework done in households includes vacuum cleaning, filling and emptying a dishwasher, doing laundry and cooking. The home technology in households consists of regular home appliances and a tablet with an internet connection for searching food recipes. Other than that, smart devices weren't used for doing housework. The young people are often forced to participate in doing housework or they use a list with designated tasks which are agreed on in advance. This usually has to do with a weekly or monthly allowance. Furthermore, the young people asked for extra housework if they were in need of extra money. The conclusions are that the young people do not identify or see all the housework that's done in the household. This may have a connection to the fact that wording the household chores is difficult for the young. Young people aren't spontaneous in doing housework as much as following predesigned agreements made in the household.
  • Juntunen, Noora (2018)
    The influence of social media onto generation Y consumers purchase decision has been examined largely during the past few decades, but the researches haven’t been able to consider all variables. There is one variable that could affect the test results relevantly and that is the gender of the consumer. The aim of this thesis is to create a general view about the gender differences in consumer behavior and examine how social media influences purchase intentions among generation Y consumers. Based on these findings I make conclusions on how social media confirms the purchase decisions of both male and female among generation Y consumers. I searched the answers for my research questions by familiarizing myself with the newest studies and other literature about the topic. The material I chose was all up to ten years old, because more than ten years old studies could define social media in a different way than we do now. In this thesis I familiarize myself with two themes. I start by familiarizing myself on gender differences on consumer behavior. After that I read up on how social media confirms the purchase decisions among generation Y consumers. Because the role of social media as a purchase decision confirmer hasn’t been examined among generation Y’s genders, I aim at creating conclusions of it. The literary review indicated that the gender of the consumer affects their consumer behavior. The researches show that women compare products in several aspects more often than men. Instead, men are shown to make more impulsive purchases than female. This review shows that the consumers of generation Y are the most critical group out of all the remaining generations. Despite their critical stance the social media is able to confirm their purchase decisions both directly and indirectly. Especially the female consumers of generation Y are exposed to the impact of social media, because they use social media more than the men in their generation. Based on these facts it’s possible to conclude that social media confirms purchase decisions in a different way among generation Y consumers. The female consumers among generation Y can be assumed to exploit social media mainly for comparing products. The social media influence can be assumed to be more significant to female than male, since male use social media a little less than female. Instead, the targeted marketing in social media can work better for male than for female, because male make more impulsive decisions than females when it comes to purchase making.
  • Maisonlahti, Victor (2018)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Goals. The goal of this thesis was to study connections a regular sleep schedule, and social media usage before sleeping, and after waking up. Additionally, the thesis aims to portray the nature and frequency of social media usage occurring in the respondents’ homes. The nature of social media usage was described with situations in which the respondents used social media in their home, and how frequent their social media usage was. As social media is becoming a bigger part of peoples’ lives, the more important it becomes to study its effects on the lives of people. Methods. This thesis was conducted as a quantitative study. The results of an inquiry conducted by Helsingin Sanomat in 2016, was used as data for this study. The inquiry was conducted on the website of Helsingin Sanomat, and was answered by 13438 respondents. A majority of the respondents were women (77%) and lived in Uusimaa (51%). Hereby the results of this study cannot be generalized to the entire population of Finland. The data was analyzed with the help of descriptive statistics, Pearson Chi-square test and cross tabulation. Results and conclusions. The findings of the study suggest that social media usage before sleep, and after waking up has a statistically significant connection with the sleeping schedule of the respondents. With the help of cross tabulation, the study was able to conclude that respondents who used social media before sleep and after waking up where more likely to have an irregular sleeping schedule. According to the findings, social media was used at home by the respondents fairly frequently. 29% of respondents claimed to have used social media at home “every now and then” (FI: “vähän väliä”). 36% claimed to have used it every few hours (FI: “Muutaman tunnin välein”). Social media usage was an activity that was practiced side by side with other everyday activities such as watching television, or when preparing for bedtime or after waking up. The results show us that social media in fact does have a connection to the completion of daily routines. We can use the information it as a foundation for future research.
  • Yli-Heikkilä, Eveliina (2018)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Aims. The purpose of this Bachelor's Thesis was to find out the connection between the socio-economic status and getting on at home. The thesis is related to a home-based questionnaire survey conducted by Helsingin Sanomat in fall 2016. The thesis deals with getting on at home as part of household wellbeing. Domestic life can be considered a major factor influencing the physical and psychological well-being. The thesis examines how Finnish people getting on at home, both at the general level and among the various socio-economic groups. The socio-economic groups to be surveyed in this study were students, pensioners, unemployed, farmers, employees, lower officers, senior officers, entrepreneurs and other persons. Methods. The study was carried out as a quantitative study. The data consisted of numerical responses (N = 13,307) and respondents' socioeconomic status (N = 13,125) in the questionnaire conducted by Helsingin Sanomat in autumn 2016. People participate in the research through the Helsingin Sanomat website, so the material is not a statistically representative sample of Finns. The material is treated as a large sample. The study material was analyzed using by the IBM SPSS Statistics 24 software. The study material was analyzed using by descriptive analytical methods and the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results and Conclusions. According to the results, people who responded to the Helsingin Sanomat questioned got on at home very well. The socioeconomic position was related got on at home in such a way that people who have a high socio-economic status got on at home better than people in lower social groups. Unemployed persons and the students got on at home all the worst. According to the statistical tests, the results were statistically significant. According to research results, home is a significant place for Finns. As other well-being studies, getting on at home is linked to socio-economic status so that a high socio-economic status seems to predict better home comfort and well-being than a low socio-economic status. Based on results, we should pay attention to the inequalities of socio-economic groups in all aspects of life as well as supporting the comprehensive well-being of students and the unemployed persons.
  • Liikanen, Anne (2018)
    Goals. This thesis examines the families with children and how they do laundry. The aim was to figure out the differences between men and women in their laundry habits. This is timely topic, because it has not been studied really much. The thesis examines who does laundry in the family and what kind of differences exist in laundry habits between men and women. Earlier studies show that mother has mainly been the one who takes care of the laundry in the family. According to the time-use study, men do only the laundry, whereas women do also ironing, making the clothes and other maintenance work. Methods. In the analysis of the thesis I used quantitative research methods. I collected the material by a survey in e-form. By the appointed time (4.12.2017), there were 37 respondents in total, from which there were 22 women and 15 men. I sent a link to the electronic survey via WhatsApp-application to my acquaintances having children. As a sampling method I used snowball sampling, whereupon instead of probability samples I must talk about non-probability samples. In analysing the material I used descriptive statistical analysis methods such as percentages, means and frequences. By means of SPSS-program I analysed the differences between men and women with Mann-Whitney U-test, because the preconditions of T-test (normal distribution) weren’t fulfilled Results and conclusions. According to the results of the thesis, women did still do the majority of the laundry. However, men were involved in the laundry work more than earlier and in more ways. Women washed clothes by hand, steeped, removed spots, dried the laundry on a line or rack, ironed and mangled the clothes more than men, according to Mann-Whitney U-test (p < 0,05). Research results help to understand the laundry work in the family with children and also the distribution of the housework. The results of this study can be utilized when assessing how well the equality of the housework is fulfilled.