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  • Kettunen, Alisa (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata perusopetuksen arvioinnin ja oppijan minäpystyvyyden välistä yhteyttä. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että arviointi vaikuttaa lapsen mi-näkäsityksen kehittymiseen. Lapsen kokonaisvaltaisen kasvun ja elinikäisen oppimisen edis-tämisen takia arvioinnin tulee kehittää myönteistä minäpystyvyyttä oppijana. Tutkimuskysy-mykseksi asetettiin ”Millä tavoin arviointi on yhteydessä oppijan minäpystyvyyteen aiemman aiheesta kirjoitetun tutkimuskirjallisuuden mukaan?”. Tutkielma on laadullinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, jonka toteutus mukaili kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen mallia. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin mukaan. Tutkimusai-neistona oli ajankohtaista suomalaista tutkimuskirjallisuutta, joka on haettu tutkimusaihee-seen liittyvillä hakusanoilla ARTO-tietokannasta. Arviointi oli monella tapaa yhteydessä oppijan minäpystyvyyteen. Oppijan suhtautuminen ar-viointiin vaikutti siihen, millä tavoin arviointi oli yhteydessä oppijan minäpystyvyyteen. Arvioin-titavoilla voitiin vaikuttaa siihen, minkälainen suhtautuminen arviointiin oppijalle muodostui. Tärkeimmät tekijät arvioinnin myönteiselle minäpystyvyyden kehittymisen tukemiselle olivat arvioinnin kohdistuminen oppimisprosessiin, yksilöllisen kehittymisen huomioiminen arvioin-nissa ja arvioinnin ymmärrettävyys.
  • Kytömäki, Saara (2017)
    The aim of this thesis was to gather more information on the topic of values education from the perspective of primary school teachers in Finland. While the topic has been examined to some extent in previous studies, the focus of this thesis differs from those earlier works. Paula Suhonen (2012), for example, has studied the role and realisation of values education in schools, and the ideas and attitudes the teachers have concerning their role as value educators. My study continues her work by further examining especially the latter topic. Above all, the goal was to examine how teachers themselves view their role as a value educator, and how conscious this role is. Furthermore, the aim was to determine how teachers see values in general: as absolute and immutable, or more dependent on time and place. The theoretical background of the thesis leans on general deninitions of values and values education and - as in most previous research - values education is here linked to moral philosophy. The research was carried out as focused interviews of three teachers of various ages and career stages. The focused interview as a method suited the process well, as the aim of the research was to record the teachers' thoughs as personal and authentic as possible. The interview material was then phenomenografically analyzed by creating categories portraying teachers´ perceptions of themselves as value educators. These descriptional categories were based both on theory and the interview material. The findings of the thesis supported those of previous studies: in addition to the school curricula and the Finnish law, the values of the interviewees were based on their own upbringing and personal experiences in life and at the workplace. While being highly conscious of their role as "quardians of a lot", they also view the busy everyday encounters at the school as rather concrete interaction, where values education is carried out mainly through solving ordinary, everyday problems. Each of the teachers experienced values education as an essential part of their work, but what they hoped for was that their role would be specified more clearly, for example in the school curricula. This would be a good topic in future research on values education, as previous studies have also called for by suggesting that The aim of this thesis was to gather more information on the topic of values education from the perspective of primary school teachers in Finland. While the topic has been examined to some extent in previous studies, the focus of this thesis differs from those earlier works. Paula Suhonen (2012), for example, has studied the role and realisation of values education in schools, and the ideas and attitudes the teachers have concerning their role as value educators. My study continues her work by further examining especially the latter topic. Above all, the goal was to examine how teachers themselves view their role as a value educator, and how conscious this role is. Furthermore, the aim was to determine how teachers see values in general: as absolute and immutable, or more dependent on time and place. The theoretical background of the thesis leans on general deninitions of values and values education and - as in most previous research - values education is here linked to moral philosophy. The research was carried out as focused interviews of three teachers of various ages and career stages. The focused interview as a method suited the process well, as the aim of the research was to record the teachers' thoughs as personal and authentic as possible. The interview material was then phenomenografically analyzed by creating categories portraying teachers´ perceptions of themselves as value educators. These descriptional categories were based both on theory and the interview material. The findings of the thesis supported those of previous studies: in addition to the school curricula and the Finnish law, the values of the interviewees were based on their own upbringring and personal experiences in life and at the workplace. While being highly conscious of their role as "quardians of a lot", they also view the busy everyday encounters at the school as rather concrete interaction, where values education is carried out mainly through solving ordinary, everyday problems. Each of the teachers experienced values education as an essential part of their work, but what they hoped for was that their role would be specified more clearly, for example in the school curricula. This would be a good topic in future research on values education, as previous studies have also called for by suggesting thatvalues education should be more closely linked to actual studying material. The questions of values and their immutability divided opinions among the teachers - which might have though been affected by their differing interpretations of the research questions on the topic. values education should be more closely linked to actual studying material. The questions of values and their immutability divided opinions among the teachers - which might have though been affected by their differing interpretations of the research questions on the topic.
  • Westman, Anna (2017)
    The study deals with factors that aim to address HIV-related stigma on the basis of analysis of publications by the HIV Center in 2016. Previous studies have shown that HIV can lead to social isolation and often stigmatizes the carrier. The basis of the study therefore lies in the fears and prejudices that HIV positive people are subject to. The purpose of this study was to analyze the image of the infection presented in the HIV Center’s materials as well as the importance of that image in overcoming the stigma-generating factors. The subject was approached from the perspective of social stigma. The study perceived three HIV-associated stigma-producing factors: deviation from societal norms, fears of easy transmissibility, and assumptions of morbidity and poor prognosis. The research material consists of the HIV Center’s brochures for public use and its 30-year-anniversary publication from 2016. The research method was theory-oriented content analysis. The material was examined in relation to stigma-generating factors in order to find content related to reducing the stigma associated with infection with HIV. The study showed that the HIV infection is a rather well-managed disease in Finland. Manageability manifested itself through two themes: the maintenance of functional capacity, and of an independent lifestyle. Negative attitudes occurred in the effects that restrict the life of the HIV positive. A change in attitudes on a general level will help HIV positive people maintain their functional capacity and an independent lifestyle. Hence, this study considers it important to spread knowledge among the wider population through academic research and open discussion.
  • Matsi, Jukka-Pekka (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutustua narratiivisella otteella kasvatusfilosofiaan kirjallisuuden avulla ja tutkia mitä voidaan tarkoittaa puhuttaessa kasvatuksen tavoitteista ja arvoista, sekä tarkastella miten nämä liittyvät toisiinsa. Käsittelen arvoja ja niiden merkitystä kasvatuksessa. Ensimmäisessä luvussa johdannon jälkeen käsittelen kasvatusta. Toisessa pääotsikossa tarkastelen kasvatusfilosofiaa sekä aiempaa tutkimusta ja kirjallisuutta. Nostan esille muutamia aiempia tutkimuksia, kuten Leevi Launosen väitöskirjan. Viimeinen pääotsikkoni ennen yhteenvetoa ja pohdintaa on arvot. Siinä keskityn arvojen ja kasvatuksen tavoitteiden määrittelyyn. Tarkastelen arvoja sekä niiden merkitystä kasvatuksen tavoitteissa. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksessani hyödynsin kasvatustieteellisiä sekä kasvatusfilosofisia menetelmiä ja sivusin hermeneuttisen tutkimussuuntauksen perinnettä. Valitsin kasvatusfilosofiseen kuvailevaan kirjallisuuskatsaukseeni sopivia teoksia ja julkaisuja. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kasvatusfilosofiaa tarvitaan kasvatustieteen rinnalla vastaamaan esimerkiksi arvoja sekä tavoitteita koskeviin kysymyksiin. Kasvatusfilosofian kiinnostuksen keskiössä ovat juurikin kasvatuksen tavoitteet. Näyttäisi siltä tutkielmani perusteella, että arvot ovat erottamaton osa kasvatusta ja tämän tavoitteita.
  • Uusi-Kilponen, Alisa (2019)
    Aims. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to study the forms of professional support given to newly qualified teachers and how efficient these forms of support are in enhancing teachers’ professional development in Finland. Previous studies have shown how demanding the induction phase can be for new teachers. The fact that a systematic induction program is not yet available doesn’t help new teachers assimilate new information, adapt to the work community and become committed to the teaching profession. Different kinds of experiments have taken place, however. The purpose of this thesis is to chart those forms of support that help the progress of teachers’ professional development in Finland. The purpose is based on the motivation to promote knowledge and understanding of new teachers’ possibilities to get the help needed. Methods. This thesis was produced as a descriptive literature review. The data was collected by using the databases Helka, ARTO and Google Scholar. Ultimately, six publication that were released between the years 2006 - 2015 and written in Finnish, Swedish or English were selected for the analysis. Results and conclusions. According to the research data, the forms of support for newly qualified teachers varied from an introduction to the working environment within the school to different types of mentoring organised in different parts of Finland. The mentoring programs differed from each other in terms of their duration, content and organizing models. While one-to-one conversations in dyadic mentoring supported the professional and personal growth of the mentees, group-based mentoring also offered social support. After the first mentoring experiments, peer group mentoring was further developed, and it seems that it is the most efficient form of support in enhancing a teacher’s comprehensive professional development.
  • Forsström, Petra (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to discover how Asperger syndrome is connected to child’s intelligence, giftedness and motivation in school and teaching context. Research questions were: 1) How true is the image of intelligence and giftedness often associated with people with Asperger syndrome and how does this image appear in school context? 2) How do special interests characteristic of Asperger syndrome affect child's study motivation? In former studies the syndrome has often been seen in the light of challenges in social communication and there is less information about teaching children with Asperger syndrome and how do these children learn. Thus this study brings out further information about academic performance of a child with Asperger syndrome. This study was carried out as a descriptive literary survey. Scientific publications of experts in the field of autism spectrum and Asperger syndrome were used as sources and sources were searched for in libraries of The University and City of Helsinki and in databases of the Internet. As a result was discovered that the image of intelligence and giftedness was partly a myth. Most children with Asperger syndrome had normal intelligence and a relatively small number of children with Asperger syndrome were especially gifted or intelligent. Child's style of speaking and vocabulary gave an impression of intelligence and hid other problems. Performance in intelligence tests was uneven and giftedness was often narrow and connected to child's special interest. Many children had difficulties in other areas such as concentration and social relations. Some children with Asperger syndrome are however truly gifted and teacher has to be able to take both child's gifts and weaknesses into account. As a result was also discovered that special interests affected child's study motivation. Child was motivated to gather more information about his special interest but wasn't necessarily motivated to study other subjects or to do assignments. Using special interests one could on the other hand get child interested in new things and assignments. Therefore teacher should be aware of child's special interests and incorporate them into teaching with deliberation.
  • Siniketo, Aino (2019)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan syrjäytymisen yhteyttä Aspergerin oireyhtymään sekä sitä, miten Asperger-ihmisiä voitaisiin tukea ja syrjäytymistä ennaltaehkäistä. Erityisesti nuorten syrjäytyminen on ollut jo pitkään pinnalla. Aspergerin oireyhtymään liittyy syrjäytymisriski ja usein ongelmat ovat kumuloituvia, ja monella Asperger-ihmisellä voi olla vaikeuksia ylläpitää sosiaalisia suhteita tai työpaikkaa. Koulutus on yksi syrjäytymistä ehkäisevä osio, sillä vain peruskoulun varaan jäävät nuoret ovat syrjäytymisvaarassa. Tämä tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkielma on yleiskatsaus Aspergerin oireyhtymään sekä syrjäytymiseen liittyvään kirjallisuuteen. Aineistona toimi monipuolisesti sekä suomalaiset että kansainväliset tutkimusartikkelit, kirjat sekä muut raportit ja aiheeseen liittyvät sivustot. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella voidaan sanoa Aspergerin oireyhtymään liittyvän syrjäytymisriski. Syrjäytymisriski tulee nimenomaan kumuloituvasti eri ongelmien kasautuessa jo lapsesta lähtien. Syrjäytymisriskiin liittyviä ongelmia Asperger-ihmisillä voivat olla kiusaaminen, vaikeudet sosiaalisessa käyttäytymisessä sekä erilaiset arjen hallinta taidot koulu- ja työelämässä. Eri ongelmat saattavat aiheuttaa myös liitännäisoireita kuten ahdistuneisuutta ja masennusta, mitkä myös osaltaan voivat vaikuttaa syrjäytymisriskiin. Tärkeintä on tuki nivelvaiheissa, esimerkiksi koulutukseen tai työelämään siirryttäessä. Tuki-toimet voivat olla konkreettisia aputoimia koulussa ja työelämässä, tai esimerkiksi omien tunnuspiirteiden käyttämistä voimavarana. Koulutuksen lisäksi on tärkeää luoda ystävyyssuhteita ja harjoitella sosiaalista kanssakäymistä, sillä näitä taitoja tarvitaan läpi elämän. Jokainen Asperger-henkilö on oma yksilönsä, ja läpi elämän kestävien tukitoimien lisäksi on tärkeää, että Asperger-henkilö hyväksyy itsensä.
  • Seppälä, Jenna (2020)
    The purpose of the study was to find out what challenges may arise with a child with Asperger in elementary school physical education. Previous studies have pointed out that most of the children need special forms of support to be successful in studies. In addition, motor difficulties and unsuitable instruction have shown to have a negative connection in individual’s motivation towards exercise. The study was conducted as a narrative figurative literature view. The purpose was to find out what kind of research can be found on special characteristics of Asperger’s Syndrome in physical education and how to support Asperger children during physical education. Materials selected from both Finnish and English databases were Finnish and international books and articles mainly based in the 2000s. Also, Finnish Autism Union website was utilized for additional data. The findings were that special characteristics with children with Asperger’s can cause difficulties in school physical education, but they can also be supported in various ways. Challenges were especially caused by social problems, linguistic difficulties, sensory defensiveness, routines and subjects of interest. In addition, difficulties were found in cognitive control and attention. From forms of supports significant factors were teacher’s competence and personality. On top, support was provided with the help of preliminaries and flexible curriculum.
  • Sundelin, Cecilia (2016)
    Tiivistelmä – Abstrakt – Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine documentation and its role in kindergartens and preschools. This means that I’m going to examine how often documentation is used in kindergartens and preschools, what forms of documentation appear and for what purposes. An important basis for this study is also to find out whether or not documentation is used as a pedagogical tool in kindergartens and preschools. The approach of this study is quantitative and was carried out as a survey. The survey was sent out by email to kindergartens and preschools in Helsinki and Espoo. The spreadsheet software Google Forms was used to collect the samples. Thereafter both Google forms and the spreadsheet of Excel was used to compile and analyze the results. The result shows that documentation is a familiar working procedure for most kindergartens- and preschools teachers. The teachers in kindergartens and preschools document in a wide variety of ways and often have several purposes for it. Documentation is used both as a tool to control and assess children’s skills and knowledge, as well as to follow and influence children’s learning processes and learning. The study also suggests that there is a pedagogical approach behind most used documentation and that there is a positive ambition to use documentation as more than just a “final product”.
  • Sundberg, Linda (2020)
    Syftet med kandidatavhandlingen är att göra en studie kring krisen i småbarnspedagogiken. När jag talar om ”krisen i småbarnspedagogiken” relaterar jag till den pågående samhällsdebatten. Det är inte frågan om en pedagogisk kris i sig utan en samhällelig kris som påtalar brister i strukturella frågor och personalbristen. I avhandlingen granskas hur krisen kunde lösas och hur den påverkar barnets rättigheter till en god småbarnspedagogik. Attityder till aktivism inom småbarnspedagogiken är en genomgående frågeställning. I studien används en fenomenologisk forskningsmetod (kvalitativ ansats) och utgår från empiriska data som jag samlar på basis av intervjuer. Jag intervjuar fyra personer (två som jobbar på fältet, professorn i småbarnspedagogik och barnträdgårdslärarförbundets ordförande). Resultatet visar att de intervjuade hade en positiv attityd till aktivism och alla informanter var redo att strejka för att få bättre löner. Den låga lönen och yrkets låga status ansågs vara de främsta orsakerna till personalbristen i branschen men också den inre konflikt som uppkommer hos behörig personal som inte har resurser att utföra sitt arbete i enlighet med styrdokumenten. Barnets rättigheter påverkas av krisen såtillvida att barngrupperna är för stora, personalstyrkan och kompetensen är ojämn och småbarnspedagogiken är ojämställd- kvaliteten på pedagogiken varierar drastiskt mellan olika daghem och kommuner.
  • Lillqvist, Miranda (2019)
    Aims. Previous research shows that attitudes towards mental illness are to some extent negative and that stigmatization and discrimination exist, therefore a majority of the one´s who suffer from mental illness choose not to reveal their condition. Employees suffering from mental illness have a greater risk of losing their jobs, have worse career opportunities and are in the risk zone of being bullied or even left as an outcast. The aim of this study was to identify different attitudes towards mentally ill employees in Finland and Sweden, how these attitudes affect their everyday working life and if research indicates a change of attitudes over time. Methods. I chose to demarcate this thesis on studies on attitudes towards mental illnesses among employees in Finland and Sweden, published between 2012 and 2017. The material was retrieved from various databases including Google Scholar, Helda, Helka and Julkari and the searches were made in Swedish, Finnish and English. The keywords I used were: mental illness, mental health, attitudes, working life, stigma, psykisk ohälsa, psykisk hälsa, attityder, arbetsliv, mielenterveys, asenteet and työelämä. Results and conclusions. The results of this study show that stigmatization and negative attitudes towards mental illness within the working life are prevalent both in Finland and Sweden. Yet, the general awareness of mental illness is relatively high and the supportive discussion about the subject is improving in organizations. However, the majority of mentally ill employees in rehab, executives and the general population considered that in situations where an employee is mentally ill, and the employer knows about it, there might be a risk of a lower status or maybe even a loss of an employment. The career prospects for employees with mental illness are limited, because of an unwillingness to hire or keep an employee suffering from mental illness. Employers who have previous experience of employees with mental illnesses are more willing to hire people who have or have had a mental illness. The attitudes of the employers and colleagues turned out to have a major impact on the affected person, and the support was considered extremely important. The fear of stigmatization, special treatment and the potential loss of employment leads to a concealment of the condition for the majority of the affected. Although the results show that the attitudes towards mental illness in the working life have improved over time, unfortunately negative attitudes and stigmatization still exists.
  • Larma, Sonja (2019)
    Everyone in the Swedish speaking minority in Finland does not come easily in contact with the Finnish language. At the same time, there is an increase of Swedish-speaking Finns moving to Sweden. One of the reasons for emigration to Sweden is language. It is important that all Swedish-speaking Finns have the chance to learn and master the Finnish language to have the same opportunities in the Finnish society as the native Finnish speakers. The purpose of this study is to observe the attitudes towards the Finnish language among pupils in Swedish speaking schools. To get a wide perspective a comparative study was conducted between so to say pair schools (where a Finnish and a Swedish speaking school are sharing the school property) and a regular Swedish speaking school. In this quantitative study, the data was collected by a paper questionnaire that pupils in grades 4-6 filled in. Two pair schools and one regular school participated in this study. The sample consisted of N=81 pupils and the data where analysed in the statistical program SPSS. The results showed that the pupils in general had a relatively neutral or a slightly more positive attitude against the Finnish language. The pupils in the regular school had slightly a better attitude towards the Finnish language than the pupils in the pair schools. Students that spoke Finnish regularly had a better attitude towards the Finnish language. The pupils in the pair schools where not that interested in interaction with the pupils from the Finnish speaking schools.
  • Ollas, Hellin (2018)
    The aim of this study was to find out how a group of kindergarten pupils and their teacher have experienced their participation in a project on multiliteracies in early childhood education, the MOI project, and to compare these experiences with the expressed aims of the MOI project. The research questions are: 1) In the opinion of the project planner, what are the aims of the MOI project? 2) Does the teacher think that participating in the project has helped the children to learn multiliteracy skills? 3) Which aspects of the project did the children find interesting? To answer the first two questions, two qualitative research interviews were conducted. One with a project planner from the MOI project, and one with the kindergarten teacher whose group took part in the project. To answer the third question, a number of children in this specific group were asked to produce a drawing of some project related activity they had found agreeable. Structured discussions about the drawings were also conducted with the children. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and categorised. The structured discussions with the children were also recorded and coupled with each drawing in question. Also this material was categorised in order to demonstrate the diversity in the children’s different ways of thinking. When the answers given by the teacher and the project planner are examined, it is found that participation in the MOI project has introduced the concept of multiliteracy to the teacher, and also inspired them to work on the matter in the future. This is also in accordance with the expressed aims of the MOI project. As for the children’s learning, the teacher found that they had become better storytellers and they questioned more. They also became more confident at dramatizing, and better at understanding one another in play situations. These are all skills considered by the teacher as relating to multiliteracy, which is also confirmed by the literature. The teacher emphasised, though, that the learning process was individual. The digital aspect of multiliteracy, such as the use of digital equipment, did not become prominent in this group. The majority of children used symbolism in their drawings, even when they were asked to draw concretely. However, thinking and drawing on a symbolic level can be seen as a multiliteracy skill. The theme of the project, “the Feelings of Nature”, was also well represented in the drawings.
  • Rantala, Maija (2017)
    Ambitions. The main focus of this research is to study links between attributions and self-esteem from young adults` point of view. The framework for this research is in Susan Harter`s theory of self-esteem and Bernard Weiner`s attribution theory. The topic for this study developed from my personal interest towards social psychology and its many phenomena. When becoming a teacher, I feel the need to be on top of this topic since self-esteem is the basis for one's actions. In this research, the goal is to develop means to support children and adolescents` self-esteem. Previous research proves that negative attributes towards themselves are connected to low self-esteem whereas persons with strong self-esteem do not feel the need to blame themselves when experiencing a failure. Methods. I executed this bachelor`s thesis as a quantitative research, where I analyzed Risto Hotulainen and Kristiina Lappalainen`s (2012) control research material. The people participating in this research were 30-year-old young adults, who were sent a questionnaire in December 2012. This questionnaire was answered with 167 young adults during spring 2013. In this research, I compared the control research`s four attribution groups` averages and dispersions ergo variances in social, study and work-related situations. I studied the possibility to statistically recognize the significant differs between these groups. As my method, I used variance analysis. Results and conclusions. The research indicated that the group with attributions towards themselves, had statistically significant lower self-esteem experiencing failure comparison to the other attribution groups. This means that when a person accuses himself in experiencing failure, he has low self-esteem. The same result occurs in both study and work-related situations. This result supports my theory's summary. In these results' point of view, it is reasonable to state that supporting ones` self-esteem and the formation of attributions is important. Throughout this, it is possible to build ones` self-esteem and motivation, which fosters for example learning. It is crucial for teachers to recognize attributions and their meanings to self-esteem because one's well-being develops when self-esteem is being established.
  • Nyman, Maria (2016)
    Due to Finland’s economic situation, the youth of today have to grow up in a society that requires them to get an education as soon as possible, in order to quickly find work and be able to provide for themselves. Consequently, this means that e.g. high school graduates are forced to quickly decide where they would like to continue their studies. Hence, this thesis is specifically focused on high school graduates and their experiences. In order to create a greater understanding for what feelings the graduates go through during this time in their lives, the aim of this thesis is to investigate how the high school graduates experience this specific turning point; what factors lie behind the emotions they feel, and how they believe their high school has supported them in their thoughts and decisions regarding their future and education. The theoretical framework mainly consists of Ryan & Deci’s Self Determination Theory (SDT) and the theory of Locus of Control. This study is qualitative in nature; the data was collected through individual interviews with three high school students who graduated spring of 2016. The results of this study show that this particular phase in the high school graduates’ lives generates a lot of different thoughts and feelings among them. In order for them to experience this time in their lives as positively as possible, the results suggest that the graduates require a nurturing and supporting social environment. In addition, a healthy mental wellness based on intrinsic motivation and an inner locus of control is also required. Moreover, this study provides evidence for the fact that these particular elements, along with the support from the high school guidance counselling and the counsellors, support the graduates in handling this turning point in their lives. Together these elements help the graduates decide between the different choices they have to make regarding their future.
  • Mattsson, Jonatan (2020)
    Mål: Forskningens syfte var att analysera vilka stöd som rekommenderas för olika inlärningssvårigheter och sedan relatera detta till en helklass miljö inom lågstadiet. Syftet var att komma fram till vilka stöd som är återkommande och om det finns stöd som skulle fungera för alla inlärningssvårigheter. Detta är relevant i Finland då man allt mer börjar jobba enligt en inkluderande praxis. Metoder: Denna studie är en beskrivande litteraturöversikt vilket betyder att litteratur har använts för att i relation till forskningsfrågan påvisa vilka stöd som rekommenderas. Resultaten har sedan påvisats genom att de lagts till i en tabell där man kan se deras förekomst. Resultat och slutsatser Studien visade att det som förväntat oftast rekommenderades att eleverna fick ett visst intensifierat stöd av läraren. Under studien uppkom inget stöd som i sig självt skulle stöda alla samtidigt. Däremot visade det sig att man antagligen måste dela upp när de olika inlärningssvårigheterna stöds extra mycket för att stöden ofta kräver resurser eller annat som begränsar arbetet. Det visade sig också att mycket stöd varierar från elev till elev och därför måste man pröva sig fram för att hitta det optimala stödet för en viss elev.
  • Laaksonen, Julia (2020)
    PISA-undersökningen 2018 visar att mängden svaga läsare ökar i Finland och att allt färre ungdomar läser på sin fritid (Leino et al., 2019). Försämrade resultat har lett till olika åtgärder i Finland. Den här undersökningen går ut på att undersöka vilka läsfrämjande metoder som används i Finland. Begreppet metoder använder jag i betydelsen av olika typer av åtgärder som görs i hem, skolor och i samhället. Det kan vara pedagogiska metoder, projekt, initiativ, rekommendationer eller andra åtgärder. Jag utgick ifrån teorier om motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2017) och intresse (Krapp, Hidi & Renninger, 1992; Tapola & Niemivirta, 2014) samt aktuell forskning om läsning för att analysera metoderna och utvärdera deras lämplighet. Syftet var att skapa en helhetsbild av situationen i Finland. I den här kvalitativa, narrativa litteraturstudien använde jag mig av tematisk analys och tematisk innehållsanalys för att analysera mitt data. Jag började med att samla en lista på läsfrämjande metoder som används i Finland. Den här listan analyserade jag sedan genom att leta efter likheter i metodernas funktion. Det här arbetet resulterade i åtta grupper som jag valde att kalla Expertgrupper och organisationer, Professionellt kunnande, Fortbildning, Kampanjer, företag och media, Tid för läsning, Resurser och tillgänglighet, Synliggörandet av litteratur och Pedagogiska metoder. För att hitta relevant forskning gjorde jag strukturerade sökningar på utvalda databaser. Med hjälp av några kriterier valde jag ut litteratur som behandlar läsmotivation, läsintresse eller någon av de läsfrämjande metoderna som är med på min lista. Till sist analyserade jag metoderna utifrån teori och forskning för att utvärdera deras lämplighet. Utifrån den här studien gick det inte att säga vilken metod som lämpar sig bäst för att främja läsning men det fanns metoder som får vetenskapligt stöd. Dessa var metoder som väcker situationsbundet intresse, gör böcker tillgängliga, skapar upplevelser av autonomi och kompetens, skapar tid för läsning, sätter in tidiga stödåtgärder och gör läsning socialt. Min slutsats är att det finns ett intresse att upprätthålla goda läskunskaper i Finland. Hela samhället engageras i det läsfrämjande arbetet vilket resulterar i olika typer av läsfrämjande metoder. Resultaten går inte att generalisera eftersom syftet var att beskriva situationen i Finland.
  • Pelkonen, Pihla (2020)
    Luokanhallinta ja auktoriteetin saavuttaminen ovat haasteita etenkin uusille kokemattomille opettajille. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten pedagoginen auktoriteetti määritellään ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat sen rakentumiseen. Kirjallisuuskatsaus tarjoaa tietoa opettajille siitä, millaisten tekijöiden kautta he voivat ymmärtää omaa asemaansa pedagogisena auktoriteettina. Käytin tutkimusmenetelmänä kuvailevaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Aineistoa etsin käyttäen Helka- kirjaston hakupalvelua, Eric-tietokantaa sekä Google Scholaria. Tutkielman aineistoksi valikoitui sekä suomalaisia että ulkomaisia artikkeleita. Lähdekirjallisuuden perusteella pedagogiselle auktoriteetille löytyi useita erilaisia määritelmiä, joiden mukaan sitä voidaan tulkita. Esille nousi pedagogisen auktoriteetin ymmärtäminen sosiaalisena konstruktiona sekä autoritaarisen ja auktoritatiivisen vallankäytön erot. Erilaisiksi auktoriteetin muodoiksi lähdekirjallisuuden perusteella nousivat episteeminen eli tiedollinen auktoriteetti sekä deonttinen eli käskyjä antava auktoriteetti. Muita esille nousseita auktoriteetin muotoja olivat asiantuntija- karismaattinen- traditionaalinen sekä oikeutettu auktoriteetti. Nämä muodot voivat esiintyä osana opettajan auktoriteettia myös samaan aikaan. Pedagogisen auktoriteetin rakentumiseen vaikuttaviksi tekijöiksi aineiston perusteella löytyi opettajan ammatillinen kokemus, pätevyys ja asiantuntijuus sekä huumori ja karisma. Lisäksi vaikuttaviksi tekijöiksi löytyi luottamus ja yhteistyö oppilaiden kanssa sekä kontekstuaaliset tekijät.
  • Häkkinen, Milla (2018)
    The aim of this study was to examine autism as a socially constructed phenomenon. Autism is a medical diagnosis for a neurological disorder. Assesment whether an individual is autistic or not, is based on the behavior of the individual. Certain type of stereotypical behaviour is a criteria for defining physical attribute as a disorder, disability or illness. Studying autism as a socially con-structed phenomenon allocates the research to those social practices where autism is linguistically actualized and constructed. Examining autism from the viewpoint of social constructionism sets the autistic people, and those that are considered normal, in more equal positions. This is because both parties are considered to equally participate in constructing the shared reality. The methodological choices have been primarily made by recognizing them as choices based on values. Research subject and theoretical viewpoint are also choices made because of their social significance. Belief for shared responsibility and the importance of equal participation has been the theme of this thesis. Equality and universal wellbeing have been most important values that have influenced this study. The premises of social constructionism are special especially consid-ering their relationship with reality. Building on to these thoughts about reality, this thesis is seen as making reality. Discourse analysis relies to the paradigm of social constructionism, therefor it is easily and naturally utilized as part of the analysis. In this thesis discourse analysis is focused on material made by finnish union of Autism- and Asperger (Autismi- ja Aspergerliitto). about autism. The material consists of eleven interviews and it is part of a campaign that’s purpose is to spread awareness about different manifestations of autism. The theoretical viewpoint of social constructionism explains the social and lingual construction of autism as parallel sign systems where autism is seen as a social construction. In this context au-tism exists through its meanings that have been socially and linguistically attached to it. The anal-ysis gave information about the social construction of autism from the lives of autistic persons and their closest ones. Analysis showed that where autism appears there aren´t always challenges and difficulties. This means that there can only be seen a form of neurological development that does not carry inextricably certain type of problematics due to the premises of social construc-tionism where problems only exists when they are socially constructed. In this thesis, reality has been constructed by associating autism with creative possibilities that social constructionism has offered.
  • Mattila, Emilia (2018)
    The aim of the study was to describe participation in children's playful activities. The theories of participation used in the early childhood research are derived from sociology and its models of participation. In earlier studies, the levels of participatory approaches have been applied with the aim of finding out what kind of participation is characteristics for the experience of small children. Early childhood education documentation acknowledges play as a part of the overall growth, development and learning of children. The purpose of the study is to find out how the play promotes or restricts the participation of children in free play of the kindergarten. The study was conducted as a theoretical content analysis. The material used was video material collected in Leikin polut varhaiskasvatuksessa -project in 2014. The study examined free play of ten children aged from 3 to 6 in a kindergarten. The results of this study were that children feel that they are a significant part of the play community. The central result was the common meanings that children create while playing allow play to develop to a long-lasting play, and thus the likelihood of participation is increased. On the other hand, the results showed the experience of non-participation, which was particularly evident at the time of joining the play. Children can prevent a child from experiencing participation by leaving a child out of play or during play contributing to non-participation. The findings confirm previous research where play is a tool for participation. The role of adults is to create favourable structures and circumstances for long-lasting play. In particular, the sensitivity and activation of adults in the child's joining the play is essential. Children need successful experiences of playing together to enhance participation. It would be good for the kindergarten team’s to discuss the importance of play and playfulness in the development of participation.