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  • Kotro, Anne (2017)
    In Finland bullying has been researched mainly in a school context. Based on a slight scien-tific knowledge it has come out that bullying occurs already amongst under school-aged chil-dren and educators of kindergartens don’t have enough knowledge to recognize or prevent it. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis in education was to examine and represent an areal view on bullying as a phenomenon: what kind of views the educators of kindergartens have on bullying, its prevention and intervention. It was also taken to notice whether the views of the educators differed from each other depending on the kindergarten unit. The theory of this study consists of the analysis of the concepts that are related to bullying as a phenomenon and the principles of bullying prevention and intervention. The aim was to reveal the charac-teristic features of bullying in kindergarten. This research is a qualitative phenomenografic case study. The data was collected by exam-ining 19 written action plans for preventing bullying. The action plans are composed by 19 kindergarten units in one south-east municipality in Finland. Each action plan is attached to each kindergarten units’ preschool and early childhood education year plan 2015–2016. The collected data was analyzed by retelling the content analysis. The data revealed that the educators of the examined kindergartens have quite a lot of infor-mation about bullying. The views of the educators about bullying were quite similar in spite of the kindergarten. It seemed that those views were based on the scientific knowledge rather than the myths of bullying. The prevention and intervention methods seemed to be appropri-ate for young children. The methods differed from each other a little depending on the kinder-garten unit. As a result of these findings it can be proposed that written action plans for pre-venting bullying can advance educators’ awareness of bullying.
  • Laine, Sonja (2016)
    Objectives. The purpose of this study was to determine trained educational staff views and experi-ences of special education and its implementation in day care centers. In theory, the research efforts have been made to describe the special education sub-area daycare as versatile as possible. In the-ory deals with, among other things, how the specific needs detected, the specific needs of children can be and how special education is carried out. Special education is looked at and it realization of early childhood education plans and breeders were asked, among other things, how well they feel studied early childhood education plans. The questionnaire asks whether the share of special educa-tion criteria, as well as in municipal day-care center in their own plans for early childhood educa-tion plan. One goal was also to find out what is special education educators view. Methods. The study took part in the trained early childhood professionals, who worked in the pro-cess of municipal day-care centers. The study was conducted a questionnaire and participation in it was voluntary. Answering took place anonymously, and no clear results of the survey respondents' identity. Background The data were asked to tell the professional, as well as gender and kindergar-ten, which employs. Total study involved 16 educators. The analysis followed the principles and material motified EV-mended form of content analysis. Results and conclusions. The participants felt that they had a moderate or fairly well informed about plans for early childhood education and special education. The questionnaire respondents described the special education and its implementation so that all of the research presented in theory concepts rose out at least once. It was considered important, inter alia, education, partnership, multi-profes-sional and individual attention to the child's position and facing. High-quality early childhood edu-cation was seen as the best take the form of special education. This means planning, operations, and brought the child's holistic encounter.
  • Lustig, Milla (2016)
    Objectives. Previous studies shows that art education has positive effects on children’s development but there is rather little knowledge about how early childhood educators' from kindergarten feel about under three-year-old children’s art education. The main purpose of this study is to describe those early childhood educators’ views on under three-year-old children’s art education. The study observed the importance of art education to under three-year-old children’s development and what kind of characteristics art education has. The study also examined the role of early childhood educators and how art education has been integrated to basic care in kindergarten’s. Methods. This study was conducted as qualitative research. The research materials were collected by using a theme interview. Three early childhood educators from different kindergartens were interviewed. The materials have been analyzed by using content analysis. Results and conclusions. According to the results, art education is important to under three-year-old children’s development because it supports language development, increases psychic well-being, emotional development, and self-esteem, and build identity and produce actor experiences. The characteristics of art education for under three-year-old children were activeness, short ability to concentrate, multisensory experience, creativeness and high motivation. Activity inspired children when there was play, experimentation and concrete matters. Their planning was based on child perspective, small group activities and the creation of aesthetic learning environment. Organizing methods, materials and time use affected the success of activity. Child’s observation and documentation and self-reflection of early childhood educator’s actions were part of the practice. They supported children during art moment by empathizing, creating sensitive interaction, setting an example and encouraging. Children’s needs of different ages were supported by differentiation. Integration of art education to basic care was seen best suitable for songs/singing, books, rhymes, painting/drawing, aesthetic play and decoration of space. Under three-year-old children’s art education requires understanding the importance of art and children’s needs and sensitive approach so that art would become meaningful to children. Results of this study can be put into practice by using it to develop early childhood educators’ art education methods and practices.
  • Väisänen, Senja (2017)
    The division of work has been a subject of discussion in work communities, but these discussions have often led to altercations between professions (Kinos, 1997). The concept of responsibility has been attached to the kindergarten teacher within the division of work (Karila, 1997). The aim of this research was to form a point of view on what the educational staff thought about the division of work within work teams in kindergartens. The research examined the grounds behind the division of work within the work teams in kindergartens. The research also examined how the division differed between kindergarten teachers and kindergarten nurses and what kind of similarities the two professions had concerning the division of work. The material was gathered by using an electronic form, which was sent to four different kin-dergartens in a certain town in Southern Finland. The research was answered by 25 res-pondents, of whom three were kindergarten managers, one was a special early childhood education teacher, 10 were kindergarten teachers and 11 were kindergarten nurses. The electronic form consisted of a background information part and 13 open questions in which the respondents were supposed to answer in their own words. The material was analyzed by dividing the answers into themes supporting the research questions. All of the questions in the e-form presented answers to all of the three research questions, depending on the way the respondent narrated his/her views. The grounds of the division of work within the work teams included: job title and educational background -based, know-how and interest -based , areas of responsibility -based, shift -based, “everyone does everything”-based and division based on circumstances. Conversations, paper work and planning were usually the tasks of a kindergarten teacher, while the kindergarten nurses were seen to be in charge of the children during these out-of-child group tasks of the teacher. The main responsibility of the planning and execution of pedagogical activity was the task of the teacher, while the nurses had a supporting role. The kindergarten teachers’ work burden was seen to be increasing by time and the amount of work to be superior to the amount of time the teachers had to use. The division of work was seen to be alike between the staff while executing small group activities and during shared planning.
  • Väisänen, Senja (2017)
    The division of work has been a subject of discussion in work communities, but these discussions have often led to altercations between professions (Kinos, 1997). The concept of responsibility has been attached to the kindergarten teacher within the division of work (Karila, 1997). The aim of this research was to form a point of view on what the educational staff thought about the division of work within work teams in kindergartens. The research examined the grounds behind the division of work within the work teams in kindergartens. The research also examined how the division differed between kindergarten teachers and kindergarten nurses and what kind of similarities the two professions had concerning the division of work. The material was gathered by using an electronic form, which was sent to four different kin-dergartens in a certain town in Southern Finland. The research was answered by 25 res-pondents, of whom three were kindergarten managers, one was a special early childhood education teacher, 10 were kindergarten teachers and 11 were kindergarten nurses. The electronic form consisted of a background information part and 13 open questions in which the respondents were supposed to answer in their own words. The material was analyzed by dividing the answers into themes supporting the research questions. All of the questions in the e-form presented answers to all of the three research questions, depending on the way the respondent narrated his/her views. The grounds of the division of work within the work teams included: job title and educational background -based, know-how and interest -based , areas of responsibility -based, shift -based, “everyone does everything”-based and division based on circumstances. Conversations, paper work and planning were usually the tasks of a kindergarten teacher, while the kindergarten nurses were seen to be in charge of the children during these out-of-child group tasks of the teacher. The main responsibility of the planning and execution of pedagogical activity was the task of the teacher, while the nurses had a supporting role. The kindergarten teachers’ work burden was seen to be increasing by time and the amount of work to be superior to the amount of time the teachers had to use. The division of work was seen to be alike between the staff while executing small group activities and during shared planning.
  • Hakman, Jasu (2017)
    Goals. The purpose of this study was to find out, if there exists an effect on a pupil's attention as an assistance dog is working in a classroom or not. Also the direction of the possible effect was to be studied. Research questions arose from the practical needs as the use of assistance dogs has been increasing lately in Finnish schools. There was no earlier studies to be found from this particular subject, so there was a need for this study also on the theoretical side. Although there was no studies to be found according the connection of using an assistance dog and the child's attention, there was plenty of studies that pointed out that the presence of a dog has a calming and stress-relieving affect on a client. These results could be assumed to have an affect on ability of regulating an attention. The working hypothesis of this study was that using an assistance dog has a slight positive correlation with the ability of regulating an attention. Methods. The material used in this study were video recordings from a classroom of autistic children and children with autistic character. There was a trained assistance dog working in this classroom. The material was received from Iris Vainio, whom recorded the material precisely for her master's thesis. One eight-year-old pupil was targeted as the case to be studied. The effects of the presence of the dog were the most explicit with this boy. This boy had multiple diagnosis, among other things Asperger's syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. His environment of studies was the classroom for autistic children. Analysis of the material was realised through inductive video observation and thematised classification of the perceptions. Results. Using an assistance dog in the classroom had both positive and negative affects though mostly positive. The dog had an calming affect on otherwise very restless child and the dog helped him to direct his attention to the relevant things. The dog also clearly made the ambiance more relaxed for the whole class. Negative affect was that in some circumstances the dog may direct attention to the irrelevant things. Using and assistance dog in a class of autistic students is pedagogically justified because it improves the environment for studying.
  • Naukkarinen, Jessica (2022)
    Varhaiskasvatuksessa työskentelevien eri ammattiryhmien työnkuvat ja työtehtävät ovat olleet pitkään haasteellinen kokonaisuus. Henkilöstön työtehtävistä ja työnkuvista on tehty useita selvityksiä ja niiden perusteella on laadittu suosituksia. Viime vuosina myös alan lainsäädäntöä ja velvoittavia ohjausasiakirjoja on uudistettu. Lapsiryhmissä tiiminä työskentelevien eritaustaisten ammattilaisten käyttöön on myös kehitetty ja laadittu tiimisopimuksia. Näiden sopimusten käytöllä tavoitellaan työtehtävistä ja työnkuvasta sopimisen lisäksi työn yhteisistä arvoista ja käytännöistä sopimista, pedagogista johtamista ja koko tiimin lapsiryhmätyön ohjaamista. Tällaisen sopimuksen oikeudellista luonnetta ja sen sijoittumista työoikeutemme sääntelykentässä ei kuitenkaan varhaiskasvatuksen alalla ole tarkasteltu. Tässä tutkimuksessa tiimisopimus sijoitetaan työoikeuden sääntelyhierarkiaan ja sopimuksissa tyypillisesti sovittuja asioita tarkastellaan kasvatustieteen ja oikeustieteen näkökulmista. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka orientaatio oli narratiivinen. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli tutkimuksessa toimia apumenetelmän roolissa ja antaa käsiteltävästä aiheesta laaja kuva. Tutkimusaineisto käsitti 18 tutkimusta ja muuta julkaisua. Aineisto kerättiin sekamenetelmänä. Pääosin (15/18) keräys toteutettiin hakukonehakuna, mutta vähäisessä määrin (3/18) myös muilla tavoin. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin sekä sisällönanalyysinä että oikeudellisena analyysinä. Tutkimuksen perusteella tiimisopimus oli työoikeudellinen työsuhteen ehtoja koskeva ja niitä määrittävä sopimusinstrumentti paikantuen ensisijaisesti kirjallisessa muodossa annetuksi työnjohtokäskyksi. Tutkimus osoitti kuitenkin myös, että tiimisopimusmenettelyihin liittyi oikeudellisia epävarmuustekijöitä. Kasvatustieteen näkökulmasta tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että tiimisopimuksilla ohjataan kasvatustoimintaa muun ohella siksi, että kasvatustoiminnan normiohjaus on kaiken kaikkiaan melko yleisluontoista. Tätä velvoittavan normiohjauksen yleisluontoisuutta pyritäänkin paikkaamaan muun ohella juuri tiimisopimuksilla.
  • Olkkola, Kia (2019)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on kartoittaa nykyhetken konkreettisia aloituskäytäntöjä alle 3-vuotiaiden varhaiskasvatuksen aloituksessa Espoon kaupungin varhaiskasvatusyksiköissä. Tut-kimus keskittyy erityisesti havainnoimaan aloituskäytäntöjä kasvatusyhteistyön alkamisen näkö-kulmasta ennen kuin lapsi saapuu varhaiskasvatusyksikköön. Tutkimusongelma kiteytyy tutki-muskysymykseen Mistä kasvatusyhteistyö alkaa? sekä aloituskäytäntöjen yhdenmukaisuuteen yksikön sisäisesti sekä yksikköjen välillä. Varhaiskasvatuksen aloituskäytäntöjä on tutkittu sekä havainnoitu kiintymyssuhdeteorian valossa (mm. Kalland & Sinkkonen, 2011) ja kasvatusvuoro-vaikutusta sekä vuoden 2005 Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteiden (Stakes) termistön kas-vatuskumppanuutta on tarkasteltu laajastikin suomalaisen tutkimuksen kentällä (mm. Karila, Ala-suutari, Hännikäinen & Nummenmaa 2006; Karila, Lipponen & Pyhältö 2013; Kekkonen 2012). Aiemman tutkimuksen kohdalla varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet ovat olleen suosituksia, mutta nykyään ne ovat velvoittava asiakirja (Opetushallitus), jossa kasvatusyhteistyön rakentumi-nen määritellään olevan työntekijän vastuulla. Vanhempien kanssa tehtävän yhteistyön alleviiva-taan merkitykseltään korostuvan erityisesti varhaiskasvatuksen siirtymätilanteissa, joista ensim-mäisenä mainitaan varhaiskasvatuksen aloitus (OPH 2016; OPH 2018). Tämä tutkimus pyrkii hahmottamaan realistista kuvaa tämän päivän aloituskäytännöistä ja tarkastelemaan siinä esiin nousevia havaintoja alan velvoittavien asiakirjojen kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää varhaiskasvatuksen kehitystyössä kohti työn todellisuuden sekä asiakirjan velvoitta-vuuden eheämpää kohtaamista arjen tasolla, mikäli tulokset indikoivat siihen tarvetta. Kyseessä on laadullinen tutkimus. Aineiston hankintamenetelmät olivat monimenetelmäiset, jotka koostuivat kentän työntekijöiden ja yhden Espoon varhaiskasvatuksen asiantuntijan vastauksista sähköiseen kyselylomakkeeseen sekä yhden varhaiskasvatusyksikön erillisestä puolistruktu-roidusta haastattelusta. Valmiiseen tutkimusraporttiin ei kirjattu henkilötietoja. Yksiköistä puhuttiin alueellisesti ja yleisesti vastanneiden anonymiteetti takaamiseksi. Aineisto analysoitiin hermeneut-tista analyysimenetelmää noudattaen. Espoon kaupungin alle 3-vuotiaiden lasten varhaiskasvatusryhmien aloituskäytännöissä havaittiin keskinäistä epäjohdonmukaisuutta. Erillinen haastattelu sekä asiantuntijavastaukset toivat esiin vahvaa pohja- sekä kehitystyötä aloituskäytänteiden rakentamiseksi. Tässä työssä tulisi tämän tutkimuksen tulosten valossa huomioida vahvemmin ja tiedostetummin varhaiskasvatuksen tasa-laatuisuuden turvaaminen sekä osallisuuden toteutuminen aloituskäytännöissä niin lapsen kuin kasvatusyhteistyön osalta.
  • Jaakkonen, Henna (2022)
    Kasviproteiinien käytön ei nähdä enää olevan vain kasvissyöjien tapa täyttää proteiinintarpeensa, vaan siitä on tullut jokaiselle suositeltava ruokavalion osa. Kasviproteiinien lisääminen ruokavalioon ei kuitenkaan ole helppoa monelle, sillä ruokavalion muutos kasvispainotteisempaan vaatii aikaa ja resursseja. On kiinnostavaa tarkastella, tukevatko Kotiliesi-lehden ruokaohjeet ja artikkelit kasviproteiinien käyttöä osana ruokavaliota. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millä tavoin kasviproteiinien käytön kehitys näkyy vuosien 2010-2019 Kotiliesi-lehdissä. Tutkielma toteutettiin laadullisin menetelmin. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin 40 Kotiliesi-lehden numeroa vuosien 2010-2019 väliltä. Aineisto muodostui neljästä lehdestä yhtä vuotta kohden. Kasviproteiinia sisältäviä artikkeleita ja ruokaohjeita oli yhteensä aineiston rajaamisen jälkeen 21. Aineiston analysointiin käytettiin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysia. Teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin avulla tutkimusaineistosta nousi esille kolme yläteemaa. Aineistosta esille nousseet yläteemat olivat kasviproteiinien käytön kasvu, muutokset eri kasviproteiinien käytössä sekä kasviproteiinien käytön normalisoituminen. Tutkielmassa havaittiin, että 2010-luvun Kotiliesi-lehdissä kasviproteiinien käytössä oli kasvua ja muutosta. Erityisesti vuoden 2015 jälkeen kasviproteiineja esiintyi enemmän Kotiliesi-lehtien ruokaohjeissa ja artikkeleissa. 2010-luvun alkupuolella kasviproteiineja käytettiin yksipuolisesti aineiston ruokaohjeissa, mutta vuosikymmenen loppua kohti erilaisia kasviproteiineja ja kasviproteiinituotteita käytettiin monipuolisemmin erilaisissa ruokaohjeissa. Kasviproteiinien käytössä oli havaittavissa myös normalisoitumista. Tämän tutkielman johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että 2010-luvun Kotiliesi-lehdissä kasviproteiinien käytössä on tapahtunut kasvua ja muutosta, ja ne edistävät kasvipainotteisempaan ruokavalioon siirtymistä.
  • Heikkinen, Tanja (2018)
    Aims. In home economic lessons there can be vegetarian diet students because of many different reasons, like religious or ethical reasons. They should also offer equal opportunities to learn home economics as well as others. The purpose of this study is to find out how home economic teachers fulfill vegetarian students working at the lessons and also how teachers feel about vegetarian diet and vegetarian students working in home economic lessons. The study is also finding out how vegetarian diet and those implementation influences home economic teachers lessons planning and fulfilling. Methods. I collected the material by interviewing four home economic teachers. The interviews were conducted by theme interviews, where the theme was predetermined. I analyzed the material by disassembling the interviews into the text format and by theme thematizing them according to research questions. Results and conclusions. The study found that vegetarians did not change the structure of the lessons. Time planning and practical work it affected because of the material ordering. In most cases, all the students were familiar with the same recipe that was changed as needed. In lessons, the composition of the groups varied, and sometimes vegetarian student worked in the group, sometimes alone. Social situation, a vegetarian was not affected, because other students were approving and relate them positively. Teachers did not experience vegetarian diets and related work difficult, and it did not require special attention.
  • Liuska, Lotta (2018)
    Objectives. This bachelor’s thesis examines the relationship between a vegetarian diet and social relationships in the everyday lives of young adults. Vegetarian, or more specifically, vegan diet, has become increasingly popular in Finland over the past years. However, its impact on social relationships has not been thoroughly examined. The aim of this research is to gather young adults’ experiences on how following a vegan diet has affected their relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners. The study has specific emphasis on situations where a shared diet has connected people. Methods. A qualitative study was carried out to measure how peoples’ relationships were affected by their vegan diet. The chosen method for this study was a focus group. Three people between the ages of 20 and 21 participated in the focus group. The interview was recorded and then transcribed word for word. The ten-page transcription was analysed by utilizing content analysis method. Conclusions. The overall attitude towards a vegetarian diet was found to be positive and encouraging. Increasing knowledge on vegetarian diet and its growing popularity were said to be the source of the positive attitude. The participants reported that a vegetarian diet had caused conflicts in their relationship with their family, if the family did not understand the participants’ diet or failed to take it into consideration. A vegetarian diet was found to be a connective aspect in both friendships and romantic relationships when others were either interested in or following a similar diet. Overall, vegetarian diet was perceived as a part of normal and flowing everyday life. The main limitation of this study is the small sample size, which may skew the results. Further research on this topic ought to expand the sample size by selecting participants from areas of Finland and backgrounds.
  • Berggren, Vilma (2017)
    The aim of the study was to determine the state of art education in Finnish early childhood education from the point of view of art education and the daycare environment. The study is a descriptive literature review and aims to find out the role of art and visual arts in education and how visual arts education is reflected in Finnish early childhood education from the point of view of art education and the day care environment in the 21st century. The study creates an overview of the traditions of art education, the effects of modern and postmodern thinking on arts and art education and the theories developed for helping art education. The study studies the social and educational tasks and goals of art education. The study describes the kindergarten teacher as a visual arts educator and the kindergarten as a learning environment in visual art education. The research used literature sources on arts education and visual arts education and other research literature, Early Childhood Education Act (2015) and the Basics of Early Childhood Education Plan, which came into effect in 2017. The role of art was viewed in the study through the art's intrinsic value and its instru-mental value. The study found that the instrumental role of art is to act as a combiner of the inner and outer world of the child and as a contributor to the development of other areas of learning. The essence of art, it's intrinsic value, lies in the emotions and experiences which can be lived through art. The research showed that the identity of an art educator in early childhood education lies in the personal relationship between the kindergarten teacher and the perception of art and early childhood education. The art educator in early childhood education has a sensitive way to see the child and child's way of being, participating and engaging to the action. A sensitive art educator uses suitable pedagogic models in the right way and at the right moment. As a kin-dergarten teacher, he creates a shared cultural space with children. A kindergarten as a learning environment for visual arts education enables every child to engage in ac-tivities. Materials and tools are available to everyone. In such a learning environment, children act as active providers of knowledge and skills. Through this research, edu-cator in early childhood education becomes familiar with the traditions of art educa-tion, the art education and the kindergarten as a learning environment for visual arts education and gives new perspectives to their own relationship with art.
  • Roimola, Meri-Tuuli (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Kasvun ajattelutapa liittyy Carol Dweckin kehittämään teoriaan älykkyyteen kohdistuvista ajattelutavoista. Teoriassa puhutaan kasvun ajattelutavasta ja muuttumattomasta ajattelutavasta, ja niiden väitetään vaikuttavan merkittävästi oppimiseen. Teoria on kuitenkin saanut myöhemmin kritiikkiä muissa tutkimuksissa. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli tehdä aikaisempia tutkimuksia yhteenkokoava kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa perehdyttiin kasvun ajattelutavan vaikutuksiin matematiikan oppimisessa ja opetuksessa. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millä tavoin kasvun ajattelutapa vaikuttaa matematiikan oppimiseen, ja mitä toimintamalleja matematiikan opetuksessa olisi hyvä käyttää kasvun ajattelutavan näkökulmasta. Tutkielmassa kootaan yhteen näitä toimintamalleja matematiikan opetuksessa sekä aikaisempien tutkimusten tuloksia liittyen kasvun ajattelutavan vaikutuksiin matematiikan oppimisessa. Menetelmät. Tutkielma oli kuvaileva, integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus kasvun ajattelutavan ja matematiikan oppimisen ja opettamisen välisiin yhteyksiin perehtyneistä aikaisemmista tutkimuksista. Aineistonhaussa oli käytössä neljä eri tietokantaa: Helka, ERIC, EBSCO ja Google Scholar. Tutkimusaineistossa oli mukana 12 artikkelia, joista yksi oli kirjallisuuskatsaus ja loput monimenetelmällisiä empiirisiä tutkimuksia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kasvun ajattelutavalla näytti olevan positiivinen vaikutus matematiikan oppimiseen osassa artikkeleista. Osassa aineistoa väitettiin, ettei ajattelutavalla olisi juurikaan vaikutusta oppimiseen. Eniten hyötyä kasvun ajattelutavasta vaikutti olevan matematiikassa heikosti suoriutuville oppilaille, ja suurimman osan aineistosta mukaan ainakin pitkällä aikavälillä kasvun ajattelutapa näytti johtavan parempiin tuloksiin matematiikan oppimisessa. Osassa tutkimuksista taustatekijöillä, kuten sukupuolella, oli merkittävä vaikutus, kun taas osassa taustatekijät joko sivuutettiin kokonaan tai niillä ei ollut merkittäviä vaikutuksia oppimisen ja ajattelutavan kannalta. Hyväksi todettuja toimintamalleja tai huomioitavia seikkoja opetuksessa olivat ainakin seuraavat: kasvun ajattelutavan opettaminen, kehuminen, ryhmäjako, keskusteleminen tunnilla, oppilaslähtöisyys, jatkuva palaute, tehtävien haastavuus, opettajan puhetapa ja positiivisen ilmapiirin tukeminen. Vaikka kasvun ajattelutavan ja matematiikan oppimisen yhteyden vahvuudesta ei ole täyttä varmuutta, kasvun ajattelutapa vaikuttaa hyödyttävän matematiikassa heikosti suoriutuvia ja yhteiskunnassa heikossa asemassa olevia oppilaita. Taustatekijöihin liittyviin ennakko-oletuksiin kannattaa tuloksista päätellen kiinnittää huomiota. Opettajan toiminnalla matematiikan tunneilla näyttää olevan merkitystä opetuksen laadun, oppilaille muodostuvien ajattelutapojen ja tasa-arvon kannalta.
  • Ahtola, Sini (2021)
    Carol Dweckin kasvun ajattelutavan teorian mukaan voidaan erottaa kaksi erilaista toimintaa ohjaavaa ajattelutapaa; muuttumaton ajattelutapa ja kasvun ajattelutapa. Älykkyyttä ja muita ominaisuuksia voidaan pitää muuttumattomina ja synnynnäisinä, joihin ei voi juurikaan vaikuttaa, tai niihin voidaan suhtautua kasvun ajattelutavan mukaisesti kehitettävinä ominaisuuksina. Ajattelutavat vaikuttavat erityisesti siihen, miten henkilö suhtautuu haasteisiin. Ajattelutapojen vaikutusta oppimiseen on tutkittu runsaasti nuoremmilla oppilailla, mutta korkeakouluopiskelijoita koskevaa tutkimusta on vähemmän. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella korkeakouluissa toteutettuja interventioita, joilla on pyritty edistämään opiskelijoiden kasvun ajattelutapaa oppimisessa. Tutkimus on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimukseen on valittu viisi interventiota, jotka on julkaistu vertaisarvioiduissa kansainvälisissä tutkimusartikkeleissa. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, millaisia interventioita korkeakouluissa on toteutettu ja millaisia tuloksia niillä on saavutettu kasvun ajattelutavan edistämiseksi sekä oppimisen tukemisen näkökulmasta. Tarkastelluissa interventioissa käytetyt interventiomenetelmät pohjautuivat osittain jo vakiintuneisiin interventiomalleihin, jotka oli muokattu kyseiseen kontekstiin soveltuvaksi. Tarkastelluista interventioista kaksi oli online-interventioita ja kolme suoritettiin luentojen yhteydessä. Interventiot oli pyritty laatimaan niin, että ne olisivat mahdollisimman helposti toteutettavissa. Interventioilla pyrittiin vaikuttamaan kasvun ajattelutavan lisäksi muun muassa opintomenestykseen sekä stressin hallintaan. Osassa interventioita todettiin vaikutuksia opintomenestyksessä, mutta ei kaikissa. Lisäksi havaittiin muun muassa asenteiden muuttuneen positiivisemmiksi opiskeltavaa ainetta kohtaan sekä kasvun ajattelutavan ennustavan proaktiivisten hallintakeinojen käyttöä. Kolmessa interventiossa todettiin intervention vaikuttaneen kasvun ajattelutapaan, yhdessä muutosta ei havaittu ja yhdessä interventiossa ajattelutapaa ei mitattu. Vaihtelevista tuloksista huolimatta interventioissa nähtiin potentiaalia ja jatkotutkimuksen tarve tuotiin vahvasti esille kaikissa tutkimuksissa.
  • Korja, Sinituuli (2019)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate how Finnish high school students studying in different mathematics tracks (i.e. intermediate, advanced pro-longed advanced mathematics) differ with respect to mindsets. In addition, gender differences in mindsets and the associations between mindsets and grades were examined. This research was based on the Carol Dweck's theory of growth mindset, which concludes that people consider basic features such as intelligence, either as evolving (growth minset) or permanent (fixed mindset). In the US Growth mindset has been seen increasing the likeability that students choose more challenging high school courses. A questionnaire measuring growth mindset in mathematics was sent to pupils. 238 first-year high school students responded to the survey. Group differences in mindsets were examined by using analysis of variance, gender differences were investigated by conducting t-tests, and associations between mindsets and grades were explored by means of correlations. When interpreting the results, it should be noted that the group differences were statistically significant, yet rather small. The students of the intermediate mathematics track had the weakest growth mindset, followed by the students of the advanced mathematics track, while the students of the pro-longed advanced mathematics track reported the strongest growth mindset. This study also found that boys and the students who have better grades in mathematics seem to have a somewhat stronger growth mindset. In the future, it would be important to look more closely at causal relationships and to examine the impact of social context and how it affects students’ mindsets. Special attention should be paid to supporting the growth mindset of girls and students with lower grades in mathematics.
  • Langenskiöld, Johanna (2016)
    Objectives. According to the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013 results Finnish elementary school teachers do not receive enough feedback about their performance. The ethical guidelines published by the Finnish Trade Union of Education outline that teachers should aim at understanding each student’s thinking and opinions. The Finnish basic education’s core curriculum (POPS 2014) that takes effect in the fall of 2016 highlights the importance of student involvement. The main objective of this study was to examine the value of students’ feedback in elementary schools. In addition, this study examines the reliability of elementary school students’ feedback. The aim is also to increase the interest towards students’ feedback among Finnish educators. The theoretical framework of this study consists of the personality Rogers’s theory on personality development, Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory and Erikson’s theory on psychosocial development. Methodology. The study was implemented as a systematic literature review. The scientific material consisted of ten English-language peer-reviewed articles. Two of the articles were published in England, two in Holland, one in Belgium, one in Norway, three in the United States and one in Australia. The research material included also one Swedish-language doctoral dissertation published in Sweden. Results and conclusions. Soliciting feedback from students had a positive effect on both teachers and students. The students appreciated that teachers were interested in their opinions. The teachers received useful information related to the children’s views on school- and teacher-related issues. The answers provided by the children were to a large extent reliable. Doing research on teacher-student relationships and students’ feedback in Finnish elementary schools can provide valuable information to teachers and educators alike. Examining the silent information among students may foster stronger mutual understanding and interaction between teachers and students, increase the teachers’ job motivation and support the students’ learning.
  • Ojalehto, Henna (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Ammatti-identiteetin kehittyminen on tärkeä osa omaa opettajuutta. Sen merkityksen pohtiminen on hyvä aloittaa jo varhaiskasvatuksen opintojen aikana. Tutkimukseni teoreettisessa osassa tarkastelen erilaisia ammatti-identiteettiä ja reflektointia käsitteleviä tekstejä. Lisäksi tarkastelen miten kolmen eri maan, Alankomaiden, Suomen ja Sveitsin, varhaiskasvatuksen opettajankoulutukset muodostuvat. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli ymmärtää varhaiskasvatuksen opettajankoulutuksen merkitystä ammatti-identiteetin muodostumisessa. Tutkimuksessa haluan selvittää millaisilla tavoilla ammatti-identiteetin rakentumista tuetaan opettajankoulutuksen aikana ja eroavatko kolmen eri maan yliopistojen tavat tukea ammatillista kehitystä toisistaan. Menetelmät. Tutkimus oli laadullinen tapaustutkimus ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin sisällönanalyysia. Tutkimusaineistoni koostui kolmen eri maan varhaiskasvatuksen opettajajaopiskelijoista. Haastattelut litteroitiin tuoreeltaan, jonka jälkeen niistä poimittiin viittaukset keskeisiin käsitteisiin. Seuraavaksi tutkimuskysymyksen kannalta keskeiset havainnot teemoiteltiin. Aineiston kuvailussa käytettiin haastattelusta tutkimuskysymykselle keskeisiä sitaatteja apuna. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kaikkien kolmen haastateltavan vastauksissa ilmeni paljon yhteneväisyyksiä siinä, miten yliopistot tukevat heidän ammatti-identiteettinsä kasvua. Erityisen tärkeäksi nousi harjoittelujen sekä reflektion tärkeys. Harjoittelussa opiskelija pystyy soveltamaan yliopistolla opittua teoriaa käytännössä. Harjoittelut tarjoavat hyvän ympäristön reflektoida omaa ammatti-identiteettiä. Yliopistot tukevat opiskelijoiden ammatti-identiteetin kehitystä myös tarjoamalla heille tietoa lapsen kehityksestä ja oppimisesta sekä ymmärrystä pedagogiikasta. Opiskelijat kokivat tärkeäksi myös yliopiston tarjoaman palautteen ja neuvot. Kaikki haastateltavat kokivat, että vaikka he olisivat toivoneet enemmän tukea oman ammatti-identiteettinsä kehityksen suhteen yliopistoilta, he ovat kuitenkin valmiita aloittamaan työnsä opettajina.
  • Strang, Erna (2020)
    Traditional Japanese dyeing methods are hundreds of years old. Nowadays those traditional techniques are still in use and they are highly appreciated in the Japanese society. One of the Japanese dyeing techniques is Katazome. It is a resist dyeing technique in which the pattern is created with the help of resist paste made of rice. There is very little information about these techniques in Finnish. With this study aim is to deepen the comprehension of Japanese resist dyeing techniques and to analyze the information clearly. There are many different variations of resist dyeing techniques and they all are called Katazome dyeing. What links these Katazome variations together is the use of katagami paper stencil and nori resist paste in the dyeing process. The focus of the study is on these five Japanese resist dyeing techniques: Edo Komon, Nagaita Chūgata, Katazome Chūsen, Katagami Nassen and Bingata. In this study every dyeing technique is researched for their history, use of the textiles and the features that separates these techniques from each other. The aim of this study is to compare these dyeing techniques with the information found and look for those uniting factors that connects the techniques and for those individualizing factors that makes them unique. The research method in this study is a descriptive literature review with a combination of narrative and integrative approach. In the study the material is collected from literature sources (5), articles (6) and internet-pages (8), that are used to examine how the different techniques work and which concepts the dyeing techniques involves. With the help of the visualization the aim was to build a clear overall image in which different Katazome dyeing techniques are shown in the relations to each other from different aspects. Each and every one of the dyeing techniques had their special features which separates them from the others. The main differences were associated with the methods used in dyeing and with the colors used in the techniques. Also placing all the techniques on a timeline and on a map based on their origin, showed that the backgrounds of the techniques vary from each other quite a lot. With the information from this study it is easier to understand the diversity of the Katazome technique and its uniqueness at the same time.
  • Vettenranta, Mariel (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to find out ways to kindergarten documentation and documentation targets. I was interested in exploring how the importance of documentation was seen in kindergarten. In the research I also took up documentation of change and how it is displayed in kindergarten and in criteria for early childhood education plans. My research questions were following: 1 What kind of documentation methods are used in kindergarten? 2 What do kindergarten teachers document in kindergarten? 3 Do kindergarten teachers find documentation significant and that it has changed over years? The research was carried out in Helsinki and the group of researchers consisted of three kindergarten teachers with at least four years of work experience. My interview was semistructured and was recorded and transcribed afterwards. The interviewees mentioned a variety of different tools for documentation and the satisfaction, harm and desires that were targeted at them. My results show that kindergarten teachers carried out a wide range of documentation but due to lack of time, thought it to be less what they would have liked to. Each kindergarten teacher strongly emphasized the importance of children documentation because it helped developing the functionality of the kindergarten, gave children meaningful experiences and took parents as part of their children’s day. Questions about the assessment of the kindergarten teacher’s own work also arose but for the most part, however, it took place at the conversational level and not so much by using documentation tools. All kindergarten teachers regarded documentation as significant. They felt that it is brought up a lot and its importance as part of their work was significant. Early Childhood Education Plans for the years 2005 and 2016 also highlighted the importance change of documentations.
  • Mäkinen, Leena (2017)
    In recent years, there has been interest in the effects of conscious presence, ie using mindfulness in children’s learning. According to previous studies, mindfulness exercises have been observed to improve managing children's feelings and reducing discomfort. The purpose of this study was to find out are the mindfulness exercises suitable for pre-school aged children and how do the children feel about the exercises. In addition, the aim of the study was to find out if there are any changes to the children’s attentiveness. The subject of the study was a pre-school class of 14 pupils. The majority of pupils were boys. The study was a qualitative study and methods used for data gathering were observation both as individual and as a group. Exercise work methods were fairy tales, exercises and discussions, based on Mindfullness guides. The study material was collected in the spring 2016 during ten training sessions. All 14 pre-school children participated in the study. The material was analyzed by material-based content analysis. Based on the study, it can be stated that mindfulness exercises were suitable forpre-schoolers. Positive changes were noted during and after the intervention period. Pre-schoolers liked the exercises and hoped the mindfulness slots to be continued. The pre-class atmosphere calmed down due to intervention. Research showed that exercises can help to strengthen children concentration and attention. Although the results of the study are not generalizable outside the target group, the results encourage the use of similar exercises in pre-school classes.