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Browsing by discipline "Hushållsvetenskap"

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  • Heikkinen, Tanja (2018)
    Aims. In home economic lessons there can be vegetarian diet students because of many different reasons, like religious or ethical reasons. They should also offer equal opportunities to learn home economics as well as others. The purpose of this study is to find out how home economic teachers fulfill vegetarian students working at the lessons and also how teachers feel about vegetarian diet and vegetarian students working in home economic lessons. The study is also finding out how vegetarian diet and those implementation influences home economic teachers lessons planning and fulfilling. Methods. I collected the material by interviewing four home economic teachers. The interviews were conducted by theme interviews, where the theme was predetermined. I analyzed the material by disassembling the interviews into the text format and by theme thematizing them according to research questions. Results and conclusions. The study found that vegetarians did not change the structure of the lessons. Time planning and practical work it affected because of the material ordering. In most cases, all the students were familiar with the same recipe that was changed as needed. In lessons, the composition of the groups varied, and sometimes vegetarian student worked in the group, sometimes alone. Social situation, a vegetarian was not affected, because other students were approving and relate them positively. Teachers did not experience vegetarian diets and related work difficult, and it did not require special attention.
  • Liuska, Lotta (2018)
    Objectives. This bachelor’s thesis examines the relationship between a vegetarian diet and social relationships in the everyday lives of young adults. Vegetarian, or more specifically, vegan diet, has become increasingly popular in Finland over the past years. However, its impact on social relationships has not been thoroughly examined. The aim of this research is to gather young adults’ experiences on how following a vegan diet has affected their relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners. The study has specific emphasis on situations where a shared diet has connected people. Methods. A qualitative study was carried out to measure how peoples’ relationships were affected by their vegan diet. The chosen method for this study was a focus group. Three people between the ages of 20 and 21 participated in the focus group. The interview was recorded and then transcribed word for word. The ten-page transcription was analysed by utilizing content analysis method. Conclusions. The overall attitude towards a vegetarian diet was found to be positive and encouraging. Increasing knowledge on vegetarian diet and its growing popularity were said to be the source of the positive attitude. The participants reported that a vegetarian diet had caused conflicts in their relationship with their family, if the family did not understand the participants’ diet or failed to take it into consideration. A vegetarian diet was found to be a connective aspect in both friendships and romantic relationships when others were either interested in or following a similar diet. Overall, vegetarian diet was perceived as a part of normal and flowing everyday life. The main limitation of this study is the small sample size, which may skew the results. Further research on this topic ought to expand the sample size by selecting participants from areas of Finland and backgrounds.
  • Seppälä, Riina (2018)
    Goals. This Bachelor’s Thesis’ goal was to find out how supermarkets’ groceries-in-sale have influence on the amount of produced food waste in households. This subject is topical because in 2015 in Helsinki metropolitan area S-ryhmä started a campaign, where they sell products, which have best before and expiry date nearby, with double discount after 9pm. In the autumn of 2017 these sales expanded to whole of Finland. With this research, the reasons behind throwing away food would like to be found out and how different transforms like age and education affect the food wasting. Also, the effect of deep-freezing on the amount of food waste is studied. Methods. The thesis was conducted as a quantitative research. The material was collected by a survey in e-form. 38 respondents were gotten, from which there were 31 women and 7 men. The link to the survey was shared via Facebook group called Järvenpää-ryhmä. As a sampling method, self-selected sample was used. Analysis was done in Excel, using cross tabulation and percentages. Results and conclusions. According to the results of the thesis, those who participated in the survey bought 1-5 sales items at a time. Buying was almost always an impulse purchase. According to the results, most of the participants (79%) did not throw food away at all. This could be explained by the fact that they bought only few things (1-5 items) at a time or if they bought more they might deep-freeze it. The biggest reasons on why they threw food away were that the best before date had already gone or food was left over on the plate. According to the results, a relation between deep-freezing and food waste was found. The more people deep-freeze the less they waste food. These results can be used as a starting point for a more comprehensive study. The results and conclusions in this study are directional due to the small sampling. In order to be able to universalize these results, further research on the matter is needed.
  • Rissanen, Minttu (2020)
    Aims. The aim of this study was to find out whether food blogs can help to develop one’s cooking skills. The study assignment was to find out why food blogs are read, how food blogs are found developing cooking skills and how one could develop more cooking skills with the help of food blogs. Learning a skill is constant, happens often by modelling others and contains a lot of silent knowledge (Hakkainen & Paavola, 2008). The aim was to find out whether food blogs work by developing skills. Blogs’ community nature was thought to support to develop cooking skills. Methods. This study was qualitative and was done by using an internet survey and it was shared via social media and which it was open for a month. There were 12 participants aged 20-40 years old. The material was analyzed by content analysis. Results and discussion. The results showed that the food blogs do contain many sectors that help develop reader’s cooking skills. “Step by step pictures”, specific recipes, and critical points being pointed out were important in reader’s opinion when developing their cooking skills. These were also the elements that were missing in some of the food blogs. Adding videos to recipes would support develop cooking skills in the future. Better reviewing chances in food blogs would help the reader read food blogs that contain good recipes and by it develop their cooking skills even more.
  • Huovinen, Millie (2017)
    This literature survey’s target was to describe ways of building a sustainable society and controlling global warming in Japan. Japanese households’ waste sorting and recycling are described in this study. The study also reflects the significance of consumption choices towards more ecological solutions in society and how global warming is affected by, for example, food waste. It is essential for the study to describe Japanese society, its social structures and history. By understanding them it’s possible to find factors that explain why Japanese waste management and recycling culture is well developed. Similar studies of this topic haven’t been made. The research material consists of articles, books and internet sources from the 21st century. The research materials were collected during 6 months’ time (from March to August) in 2017. Most of the sources were available only as web publications and the reliability varied greatly. The researcher’s lack of Japanese language skills limited the collecting of materials. Japanese municipalities and cities have taken different actions to control climate change. Japanese households’ waste sorting and recycling are considerably developed due to law, Japan’s biocapacity and the cooperative action of social and cultural dimensions. The typical group behaviour of Japanese people and the country’s scarce area have an impact on the fact that waste sorting and recycling in Japan are very developed and innovative. Alternative solutions to waste incineration have been developed constantly, since the capacities of Japan’s landfills are limited. Also, efforts have been made to affect Japanese citizens’ consumer choices in order to control climate change effectively. This topic would require research covering the whole of Japan and comparative research between different countries. New country-specific solutions for controlling climate change could be developed with a comparative research.
  • Pölhö, Elli-Sofia (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää toiminnallisuuden esiintymistä suomalaisten asunto-messukotien keittiöissä asukkaiden näkökulmasta. Aihetta lähestyttiin tarkastelemalla asuk-kaiden esiin nostamia aiheita keittiön suunnitteluvaiheessa sekä keittiön toiminnallisuuteen liit-tyviä tekijöitä myöhemmin asumisen aikana. Tutkielmassa perehdytään myös aiempiin tutki-mustuloksiin sekä suosituksiin toiminnallisen keittiösuunnittelun periaatteista. Näitä ovat keit-tiössä tapahtuvien perustoimintojen mahdollistaminen ja yksilöllisten tarpeiden ja toiveiden huomioiminen. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin vuosina 2016-2020 julkaistuja blogikirjoituksia ja Instagram-julkaisuja, jotka olivat asuntomessuraken-nuttajien tekemiä. Aineistoa koottiin yhteensä 13:sta blogista ja kuudelta Instagram-tililtä: kä-siteltäviä blogikirjoituksia oli 22 ja Instagram-julkaisuja yhdeksän. Yhteensä aineisto käsittelee 13:ta eri messutaloa. Aineistoa analysoitiin teemoittelun ja teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tutkimuksen mukaan asuntomessutalojen keittiösuunnittelu toteutetaan pääasiassa niin hy-vissä ajoin, että vaikuttamismahdollisuuksia muun muassa keittiön sijaintiin ja muotoon sekä kodinkoneiden sijoittamiseen on vielä paljon. Suunnittelutyössä käytetään apuna ammattilai-sia, mutta suunnittelua ohjaavat perheiden omat toiveet sekä kokemukset aiemmista keitti-öistä. Yksilöllisten toiveiden kautta esiin nousee keskeisiä toiminnallisuuteen liittyviä seikkoja, kuten keittiön rooli perheelle ja perustoimintojen mahdollistuminen. Keittiön merkittävä rooli niin oman perheen arkisena yhteistilana kuin ajanviettotilana vieraiden kanssa mainitaan useasti. Tätä yhteisöllistä roolia tukevana ratkaisuna keittiö sijoitetaan usein olohuoneen yh-teyteen. Keittiön perustoimintoja varten keittiöön hankitaan usein aamiaiskaappi ja paljon työ- sekä säilytystilaa. Myös keittiön esteettisyyteen kiinnitetään paljon huomiota. Esteettisyyttä tukevia valintoja ovat esimerkiksi kalustepeitteiset kodinkoneet ja vetimettömät kaapit. Keit-tiösuunnittelu koetaan asuntosuunnittelun tärkeäksi vaiheeksi ja keittiöön ollaan valmiita pa-nostamaan. Yksilölliset suunnitteluvaiheessa valitut ratkaisut koetaan käytössä toimiviksi ja perheen tarpeita palveleviksi, mikä vahvistaa kuvaa suunnitteluvaiheen tärkeydestä.
  • Leppänen, Pipsa (2016)
    The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of the experiment of a housing pilot and communal living on young people`s everyday life management skills and to identify the factors of communal living and having summer jobs that affect and improve their everyday life management skills. The theoretical framework of a previous research on mastering everyday life and the importance of home is used in my study. The main questions of the study are: 1. What kind of everyday life management skills had the young people taking part in the housing pilot? 2. How did communal living affect young people`s everyday life managements skills? 3. How did having summer jobs affect young people`s everyday life managements skills? The data was gathered by interviewing four young people under 25 years of age who in the summer 2016 participated in A home that fits project, an experimental housing pilot in the island of Vartiosaari in Helsinki. The data was analyzed by using quality analysis of the contents. The study revealed that communal living improved the young people`s everyday life management skills. Their interactive skills, their ability to make plans and manage time in everyday life improved during the time of the housing pilot. Communal living improved their interaction skills and living on an island developed their skills in planning and managing time. Summer jobs contributed to their ability to observe and follow the regular daily rhythm. The implementation of the experiment of communal living and the integration of the summer jobs with the housing pilot can be considered to be a successful solution to improve and strengthen young people`s everyday life management skills.
  • Silvennoinen, Emmi (2019)
    The aim of this study was to find out home economics teachers views on sustainable development in general and in their own teaching. Sustainable development is a current topic as in general also in home economics education. Previous research on sustainable development usually focuses on school-wide education, consumer education or responsibility. From the perspective of home economics teaching, sustainable development has been studied while the previous curriculum was in use, so there is a reason for the upgrade. The research data were gathered by email questionnaire of six home economics teachers around Finland. The questionnaire data were analyzed by using qualitative content analysis, both theory bound and data-driven analysis. In theory bound analysis I used dimensions of sustainable development as a theory. In this study teachers gave priority to the ecological dimension of sustainable development, both in their views of sustainable development and in the content of their own teaching. Phrases related to the ecological dimension were often mentioned first in the answers and also found the most. Teachers used a variety of teaching methods to teach sustainable development, but most of the methods were teacher-led, practical teaching in the classroom.
  • Laitinen, Rosa-Maria (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Vaatteiden huolto on vaatteiden elinkaaressa ympäristöä kuormittavin osa, jos vaatet-ta pestään paljon. Aikaisemmin on tutkittu eri kokoisten kotitalouksien tekstiilienhoitokäytäntö-jä ja niiden kestävyyttä Suomessa. Eri ikäryhmiä ei ole tutkittu. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään kestävien toimien toteutumista korkeakoulussa opiskelevien 25–30-vuotiaiden aikuisten vaate-huoltokäytännöissä. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin viittä 25–30-vuotiasta korkeakouluopiskelijaa puo-listrukturoidulla teemahaastattelulla. Haastateltavat hankittiin tutkijan tuttavapiiristä. Haastattelut toteutettiin pääasiassa etänä videokonferenssiohjelman avulla keväällä 2020. Haastattelut nau-hoitettiin ja litteroitiin tarkasti. Aineiston analyysiin käytettiin teorialähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kestävyys näyttäytyi tuloksissa monin tavoin. Haastateltavat pyrki-vät pesemään vaatteet likaisina ja pyykkiä pestiin pääsääntöisesti tarpeen mukaan. Kaikki an-nostelivat pesuainetta mitan avulla, ja useat tiesivät annosteluun vaikuttavan veden kovuuden Suomessa. Monet myös ottivat huomioon ympäristönäkökohdat pesuaineen valinnassa. Vaat-teet kuivattiin energiatehokkaasti pyykkitelineellä. Haastateltavien kotitalouksissa pyykkiä pesi-vät sekä naiset että miehet. Tärkeänä vaatteiden huollossa näyttäytyi vaatteen käyttöarvon yllä-pitäminen mahdollisimman pitkään.
  • Jamisto, Heini (2016)
    This research is about recycling in Finnish households. Previous studies have shown place of residence and house type do have an impact on recycling. Also researches about time and its use show household activity is dependent on gender. The aim of this research is on families with children living in Helsinki metropolitan area and how the families recycle. Also recycled materials and recyclers who were responsible for recycling were part of this investigation. This research was qualitative and researched data was analyzed by content analysis. Research material was collected using half structured interviews from four couple. The interviewees were living in the metropolitan area and have underage child or children in their family. Number of interviews was eight in total and four of the interviewed people were female and four were male. The results of this research show recycling different materials is part of everyday life in families with children. Type of house effected how and which materials were recycled. Both parents were responsible for recycling but mothers had to answer for it more. Recycling at childhood home had at least some kind of impact on later behaviour. As a coclusion recycling is possible when living in metropolitan area and both parents can participate in it. The habits handed down for the next generation are not automatical but however childhood home and its habits do have an impact on later life style.
  • Manninen, Ida (2017)
    Previous studies and literature on the topic have shown a rise in the standard of living as well as a rise in the popularity of materialism during the last hundred years. People are spending more and more money on material things. We have now reached a point, where people own more than what they need. The amount of material things in our homes has begun causing problems. The aim of this study was to identify what is the meaning and importance of disposing of and reorganizing belongings, and how this affects household chores and satisfaction with life at home among families with children. I aimed to find reasons for such behaviour while also introducing the idea of disposing of belongings from different points of view, such as cleanliness and family. This study was conducted using an online questionnaire, which was completed by 101 members of the “Konmari Suomi” Facebook group. I analyzed the data using a qualitative approach combined with descriptive quantitative analysis. The results indicated that people began disposing of things due to the anxiety caused by abundance of material things, or when they just wanted to change their daily life willingly or because of current events in their life. A large number of the people who responded to the questionnaire felt that this process played a large role in helping them feel more satisfied with their life at home, as well as helping make household chores easier. Many people reported that tidying up their house became faster and more simple. Some families also noted that managing their laundry became easier. There were but a few families reporting no changes caused by the process.
  • Andlin, Heidi (2020)
    Tavoitteet: Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on saada selville minkälaisen tarinan kotitaloudesta sarjakuvat kertovat. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksessä tarkasteltiin kotitalouden toimintaa, sen malleja Jerome Bruner`n narratiiviteoriaa sekä sarjakuvaa osana kulttuuria. Menetelmät: Aineistona käytettiin Helsingin Sanomien elokuun 2020 sarjakuvia. Aineistosta valittiin sarjakuvat, jotka liittyvät kotitalouskontekstiin. Analysointimenetelmänä käytettiin Burke`n viisikkoa, joka vastaa kysymyksiin mitä, missä, miten ja miksi. Stripit luokiteltiin myös Frye`n juonijaottelun mukaan. Tulokset: Sarjakuvien kertoma kertomus kotitaloudesta ja sen toiminnasta on yksipuolinen, kotityöt nähdään ikävinä velvollisuuksina, henkilöhahmot kuvataan stereotyyppisesti. Toisaalta sarjakuvista löytyi myös rakkautta ja huolenpitoa. Juonityypiltään kotitalouskontekstiin valitut sarjakuvat ovat ironisia, mutta lajityyppi ei silti lievennä kerronnan stereotyyppisyyttä.
  • Niemi, Josefiina (2017)
    Earth's carrying capacity is limited. The goal of sustainable development is to secure good living conditions for present and future generations. Sustainable development is a continuous, controlled social change in which states and organizations are committed to the principles of sustainable development through agreements and legislation. In addition to public actors, individual consumers, especially households, play an important role in pursuing a more sustainable way of life. Many everyday little choices have an effect on environment. Households are guided to sustainable development by means of legislation and by increasing household knowledge and skills. This study examined the goals of sustainable development from households point of view. What kind of projects were conducted to make everyday life more sustainable. The study investigated who is organising these projects, what are the objectives, and what kind of practical solutions have been found to help reduce the environmental burden on households. The study also analyzed how the values of sustainable development, such as respect for life, ecological integrity, social and economic justice, democracy, nonviolence and peace, were reflected in a report made on the basis of Future Households -project. The projects were organized by public actors and non-governmental organizations. All projects aimed to reduce the environmental impact of household activities. The opportunities to effect to a more ecological way of living are at their highest when choosing the type of accomodation and transportation. Recycling and responsible consumption are also key factors. In particular, the importance of food choices was emphasized in consumer choices. Households were able to reduce the material footprint without affecting their everyday well- being. It is possible to achieve a more ecological way of life with small changes in everyday life. The final report of the Future household -project highlighted the importance of ecological inefficiency, which emphasizes the protection of nature and the importance of sustainable and production and consumption patterns.
  • Hyvönen, Emilia (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to find out different kind of possibilities and challenges that the using of learning environments outside of home economics’ classroom could bring to home economics teaching. The purpose of this study was also to examine whether the using of these learning environments could support informal learning. Previous studies show that the demands considering learning environments have changed with the curriculum changes during different eras. This chance can also be seen in the new curriculum that has been taken in action in fall 2016. The new curriculum highlights that learning environments should open to and be combined with the society on a larger scale than before. This study aims to find out, what kind of learning environments outside of home economics classroom the teachers of home economics have used and how they justify their choices. The research questions are: 1) What kind of learning environments outside of home economics classroom the teachers of home economics have used? 2) How the teachers of home economics justify their choices? 3) How the using of learning environments outside of home economics’ classroom could support informal learning? The data consists of six theme interviews. Home economics’ teachers were interviewed from six towns: Helsinki, Vantaa, Sipoo, Riihimäki and Järvenpää. The interviews were executed during the time between December 2016 and March 2017. The data was analysed by using thematizing. The most significant themes that arised from the data were field trips to nature, school yard and its’ vicinity and other field trips. The teachers of home economics justified their choices by pointing out the demands on the curriculum and the versatility of teaching methods. The learning environments outside of home economics classroom were used approximately 1 – 3 times a year. Arguments for the minor usage of these learning environments were challenges with low resources, school’s location, scheduling and controlling of student groups. Home economics’ teachers saw the using of learning environments outside of home economics’ classroom to be a means to support informal learning.
  • Suhonen, Lilli (2017)
    There are three contents at the home economics’ national core curriculum for basic education in 2004 and 2014. All the contents are equal to each other’s’, but home economics teachers highlight them diverse ways during home economic classes. Prior studies have indicated that teachers are used to highlight the least content related consumer education. Teachers feel that consumer education is hard to implement at home economic classes. The aim of that study is to clarify home economics teachers’ experiences on consumer education during home economics classes. The aim is to find out, what kind of teaching problems teachers have concerning consumption and financial issues. This study was carried out as a qualitative study. Data were collected by interviewing five home economics teachers. Semi-structured theme interview method was used when carrying out the interviews. Transcribed data were analysed through a qualitative contents analysis. The results show that teachers believe that consumer education should be part of basic education and home economics classes. However, teachers experienced household teaching as a subject of handicrafts and learning food and cooking skills are the most important thing. Therefore, content related consumer education was less noticeable during home economics classes. The clearest challenge of teaching consumption and financial issues is teachers’ attitude concerning consumer education. They don’t feel that the content related consumer education is as important as the two other contents. Lack of updating training and inferior quality of learning materials were also seen as a problem. The results reflect that contents related consumer education should be more in updating trainings and learning materials should be developed. The results are mainly consistent with the results of previous studies
  • Ivanoff-Tenkanen, Sari (2018)
    Objectives. The aim of this thesis was to deal with functionality of Home Economics education. Household activity and research of household activity are essential research subjects in Home Economics that sought to find the grounds for functionality of Home Economics education. The objective of this thesis is to define functionality in perspective of Home Economics and Home Economics pedagogy and to sort out applicability of functionality of Home Economics education in context of primary school. Methods. This thesis was implemented as a discretionary literature review. Household activity and functionality which are central concepts of this thesis were defined with help of Home Economics literature. When processing functionality and third central concept of this thesis, Home Economics education in primary school, information was also seeked from the literature of other disciplines such as behavioral science and natural science. Results and conclusions. Based on multidisciplinary literature, synthesis table of functional learning process in Home Economics education was created. This can be utilized in planning and evaluation of Home Economics education in primary and upper level school. In this thesis, functionality is presented as comprehensive entirety covering all aspects of learning process. As the theme of Home Economics education in primary school is brough out in new curriculum, there is currently limited amount of research available of the subject. As knowledge and skills of household are no longer transferred from generation to another as they used to, the need for Home Economics education in primary school is essential. However, current incoherencies in Home Economics teaching material and shortcomings in class teacher’s education are potential obstacles for Home Economics education in primary school in many basic schools.
  • Järvinen, Saraleena (2016)
    The aim of this study was to show how present master’s theses of home economics position themselves on four dimensions of home economics practice: societal, curriculum, academic discipline and everyday living. Another purpose was to categorize the master’s theses to different subfields of home economics. This study aimed to see if the master’s theses were able to be as diverse as the field of home economics science. Home economics as a diverse and integrated, yet holistic, system was defined by McGregor (2011) along with other home economists. The definition formed was used as a coding frame to generate and structure different subfields. The previous categorization of master’s theses has been made in 1990. The research material consisted of home economics master’s theses during 2010–2015 (n=173). The data was reduced focusing on master’s theses’ titles, keywords, purposes, research questions and results. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. The master’s theses were categorized according to four dimensions of home economics practice and structured and generated to different subfields. Analyses of the results showed that nearly half of the theses studied the area of everyday living. Quarter was a part of the curriculum area and one third approached home economics form the societal area. Three theses represented the academic area of home economics. Main focus was on the subfields of everyday living, food culture, foods and nutrition. Clothing, textiles and cleaning were the least researched subfields. According to this study, all the theses were combined by the purpose to enhance the well-being of individuals and families. Subfields created from the data show the diverse field of home economics. According to this study, the master’s theses’ of home economics divide unevenly to the dimensions, as well as its subfields. This study can be used when improving the masters’ research of home economics. It can also work as a guide for students to study less researched subfields and find new approaches.
  • Mustonen, Maiju (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kotitöiden tekeminen näyttäytyy yhteisöasumisessa. Tutkimuksessa keskitytään yhteisöasumisen eri muotoihin sekä siihen, miten yhteisiä asuintiloja jakavat ihmiset tekevät keskenään kotitöitä. Kotitöiden osalta aihe on rajattu koskemaan siivousta, ruoanlaittoa sekä tekstiilien pesua, sillä nämä ovat kolme yleisintä kotityötä, joita on lähes kaikissa kotitalouksissa. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, miten kotitöitä jaetaan, mitkä ovat jakamisen hyviä ja huonoja puolia sekä, miten kyseisiin kotitöihin liittyviä aineita, välineitä, koneita ja raaka-aineita jaetaan yhteisöasumisessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena ja tutkimusta varten haastateltiin viittä eri yhteisössä asujaa. Haastateltavat olivat kaikki yli 25-vuotiaita, jotta heille olisi jo kertynyt kokemusta kotitöiden tekemisestä. Haastattelut suoritettiin joko puhelimitse tai kasvokkain puolistrukturoituna teemahaastatteluna. Haastattelujen jälkeen saatu aineisto litteroitiin ja analysoitiin aineistolähtöisesti. Analyysin avulla saatiin luotua aineistosta kaksi pääluokkaa, joiden avulla alettiin etsiä vastausta tutkimuskysymykseen. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan osa kotitöistä jaetaan asukkaiden kesken ja osassa kotitöistä jaetaan vain kotitöihin tarvittavia aineita, välineitä, koneita tai raaka-aineita. Tekstiilien pesua ei haastattelujen mukaan yhteisöissä juuri jaeta, vaan jokainen huolehtii henkilökohtaisesti omien tekstiiliensä pesun. Sen sijaan siivous on kotityönä sellainen, jota jaetaan asukkaiden kesken ja siihen liittyy myös paljon sääntöjä. Ruoanlaittoa ei myöskään suunnitellusti jaettu, mutta sitä saatettiin jakaa tilanteen tullen. Yhteisöasuminen ei ole uusi ilmiö, mutta sitä ei ole paljoa tutkittu. Yhteisöasuminen voi toimia kuitenkin ratkaisuna moneen nykyajan ja tulevaisuuden haasteeseen kuten esimerkiksi: suurten ikäluokkien vanheneminen, yksinäisyys sekä yksinhuoltajien tarvitsema tuki. Yhteisöasumisen mahdollisuuksien takia on tärkeää, että yhteisöasumista tutkittaisiin enemmän ja tuotaisiin aihetta esille, jolloin saataisiin vähennettyä myös aiheeseen liittyviä ennakkoluuloja.
  • Pihkala, Ulla (2020)
    Perheiden hyvinvointi on tärkeä yhteiskunnallinen asia, sillä noin 70 prosenttia suomalaisista kuuluu jonkinlaiseen perheeseen. Vaikka hyvinvointi onkin subjektiivinen asia ja jokainen kokee ja määrittelee hyvinvointiinsa vaikuttavat asiat itse, voidaan kuitenkin perheiden hyvinvoinnista löytää yhdistäviä tekijöitä. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi arjen sujuvuus, taloudellinen tilanne, sosiaaliset suhteet, terveys, itsensä toteuttamisen mahdollisuus sekä tasapuolinen ja -painoinen ajankäyttö suhteessa työhön, perheeseen ja vapaa-aikaan. Kotitöiden ja hyvinvoinnin yhteyttä on tutkittu paljon ja kotitöitä voidaankin pitää perheen hyvinvointia lisäävänä suorituksena. Kotitöitä tekemällä voidaan huomioida ja täyttää perheenjäsenten erilaisia tarpeita. Tässä kandidaatintyössä kotitöitä tarkastellaan kokonaisvaltaisesti eli kotityöt tarkoittavat kotona tehtäviä ja kodin arjen sujuvuuteen vaikuttavia töitä. Näitä töitä ovat esimerkiksi siivous, astioiden peseminen ja vaatehuolto, erilaiset huoltotyöt, lastenhoito ja -hoiva, ostoksilla ja asioilla käyminen, naapuriapu sekä valmisteleva kotityö eli niin kutsuttu näkymätön kotityö, johon liittyy suunnittelua, organisointia, laadunvalvontaa sekä kokonaisvastuunkantoa kotitöistä. Tämän kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla on tarkoitus saada tietoa siitä, millä tavoin kotityöt jakautuvat perheen sisällä ja miten kotitöiden jakautuminen näyttäytyy perheen hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Vaikka perheet päättävätkin itse, miten kotityöt perheen sisällä jakautuvat, voidaan niillä todeta olevan yhteneviä piirteitä. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi perheiden sisäinen ajankäyttö, traditiot ja sukupuolittuneisuus, työssä käyminen, lasten saanti ja -hoito, ihmisten henkilökohtaiset arvot ja asenteet sekä vallitseva yhteiskunnallinen malli. Perheiden hyvinvoinnin kannalta olisi tärkeää, että osallistuminen kotitöihin olisi mahdollisimman tasapuolista ja samankaltaista sekä niiden jakamisesta ja tekemisestä sovittaisiin ja neuvoteltaisiin etukäteen. Kotitöiden teko on perheissä usein riitelyn ja eripuran aihe ja niiden epätasainen jakautuminen aiheuttaa tyytymättömyyttä parisuhteeseen ja perhe-elämään. Epäsuhtaisella jakautumisella on myös suurempia rakenteellisia ja yhteiskunnallisia merkityksiä, joita yritetään ratkaista esimerkiksi perhepolitiikkaa kehittämällä.
  • Hakala, Marjo (2016)
    The aim of this study was to determine if doing and sharing housework is causing disagreements in young couples´ homes. Futhermore my study was about the causes of disagreements and how they were shown out. I was also interested in the influence of childhood home when it comes to young couples´ expectations of the division of housework. The theory part of the study dealt with the qualitative contents of the concept of mastery of everyday life and the knowledge that guides actions. It was also especially about young couples´ skills in everyday life. With the explanations about housework sharing was provided an explanation to housework division by sex. In addition, a previous research about the reasons why couples want to live together, what causes disagreements in relationships and if they are reasons for separations was presented. The studies have proved that couples are more satisfied than expected in sharing the housework. 13 young couples with no children took part in the study. They answered the questionary which was linked on a facebook profile. Everyone answered the questions individually on their own forms. The questions were either multiple choices or they demanded open answers. The frequencies were calculated and compared to couples and to women and men. The research showed that the most disagreement causing housework is cleaning. The housework was shared partly unequally and an allocation to women´s and men´s work was very clearly seen. Women did most of the laundry and men took care of the car and the household´s small maintenance tasks. It can be seen that housework causes disagreement in young couples´ homes. The model from childhood home is significant but effects in two ways, either young couples want to obey it or do the opposite way.