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  • Forss, Krista (2018)
    Aim. In pre-primary education ADHD-diagnosed children can be found in special groups, integrated groups and also in ordinary groups. It is important that teachers, who work in pre-primary education groups, recognize the individual needs of ADHD-diagnosed children and consider them in all teaching situations, including physical education. The purpose of this study was to find out the needs of ADHD-diagnosed children in pre-primary education during physical education and teachers’ ways to consider these needs. Methods. This study was a qualitative study. The material was collected in January 2018 by interviewing four pre-primary teachers working in the Helsinki metropolitan area, whose groups included an ADHD-diagnosed child. The interviewees were all trained as kindergarten teachers and one of the interviewees was also a qualified special kindergarten teacher. All pre-primary education teachers had at least 15 years of teaching experience and two interviewees had also worked as a day-care centre’s manager. The interviews were conducted as theme interviews in the pre-primary teachers’ workplaces. After the interviews, the material was transcribed and analyzed by content analysis. Results. The results showed that some of the ADHD-diagnosed children had difficulties with regulating their behaviour and emotions. Additionally, one ADHD-diagnosed child had weak motor skills and two very low self-esteem. The needs of ADHD-diagnosed children in physical education were, in spite of the common diagnosis, individualised. Pre-primary teachers make sure to consider ADHD-diagnosed children’s needs in physical education making sure that children have various options to move, simplifying the teaching situations, developing routines that add the feeling of safety and strengthening the child’s self-esteem for example giving lots of positive feedback. All pre-primary teachers evaluated the meaning of physical education as very important in their group that includes ADHD-diagnosed child. Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Aim. In pre-primary education ADHD-diagnosed children can be found in special groups, integrated groups and also in ordinary groups. It is important that teachers, who work in pre-primary education groups, recognize the individual needs of ADHD-diagnosed children and consider them in all teaching situations, including physical education. The purpose of this study was to find out the needs of ADHD-diagnosed children in pre-primary education during physical education and teachers’ ways to consider these needs. Methods. This study was a qualitative study. The material was collected in January 2018 by interviewing four pre-primary teachers working in the Helsinki metropolitan area, whose groups included an ADHD-diagnosed child. The interviewees were all trained as kindergarten teachers and one of the interviewees was also a qualified special kindergarten teacher. All pre-primary education teachers had at least 15 years of teaching experience and two interviewees had also worked as a day-care centre’s manager. The interviews were conducted as theme interviews in the pre-primary teachers’ workplaces. After the interviews, the material was transcribed and analyzed by content analysis. Results. The results showed that some of the ADHD-diagnosed children had difficulties with regulating their behaviour and emotions. Additionally, one ADHD-diagnosed child had weak motor skills and two very low self-esteem. The needs of ADHD-diagnosed children in physical education were, in spite of the common diagnosis, individualised. Pre-primary teachers make sure to consider ADHD-diagnosed children’s needs in physical education making sure that children have various options to move, simplifying the teaching situations, developing routines that add the feeling of safety and strengthening the child’s self-esteem for example giving lots of positive feedback. All pre-primary teachers evaluated the meaning of physical education as very important in their group that includes ADHD-diagnosed child.
  • Kilpeläinen, Milja (2020)
    Tiivistelmä Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää ja kuvailla, millaisilla keinoilla ADHD-oireista lasta voidaan tukea varhaiskasvatuksessa. Varhaiskasvatuksen tukitoimista ADHD-oireisten lasten osalta on olemassa vain vähän tutkittua tietoa, mutta voidaan olettaa, että tukitoimilla on positiivinen vaikutus lapsen oppimiseen ja kehitykseen. Tutkimuksessa esitellään keinoja ADHD-oireisten lasten hyvinvoinnin tukemiseksi päiväkodissa. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineisto koostui yhteensä neljästä teoksesta: Peitson ja Närhen Konsultaatiomalli päiväkoteihin - jäsentynyttä tukea levottomille lapsille (2015), Sinkkosen ja Korhosen Pulassa lapsen kanssa (2015), Berggrenin ja Hämäläisen ADHD-käsikirja (2018) sekä Sandbergin ADHD ja oppimisen tuki (2018). Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Aineistossa korostui toiminnan strukturoinnin, päiväkodin toimintaympäristön ja palautteen merkitys ADHD-oireisen lapsen tukemisessa. Toiminnan strukturoinnissa korostuivat selkeät ohjeet ja säännöt sekä rutiinit ja säännöllinen päivärytmi. Toimintaympäristön selkeyttämisen lisäksi erilaiset apuvälineet koettiin tärkeiksi. Myös positiivisen palautteen merkitys korostui kaikissa teoksissa.
  • Hytönen, Heidi (2016)
    Aims. Aggressive behaviour should not be allowed to children. At the day care, it is important to intervene every situation when child behaves aggressively and guide him to find better ways to behave. The aim of the research was to find out how kindergarten special education teacher and kindergarten teacher understand child’s aggression behaviour, what kind of experience they have about it and how they support a child who behaves aggressively at day care. In my research, I focus on children who are over 3 years old. Methods. Research method was qualitative, phenomenographic research. As a data collection method, I used theme interview and as a method of analysis, I used content analysis. I interviewed one kindergarten teacher, one special education kindergarten teacher and one kindergarten resource special education teacher. All of them work for the city of Helsinki and they have between 20 to 40 years of work experience. Results and conclusions. According to the research results, the interviewees thought that child’s aggressive behaviour was both physical and verbal. All of the interviewees told that they encounter child’s aggressive behaviour almost daily at their work. There were similarities and differences in the way kindergarten special education teachers and kindergarten teachers support a child who behaves aggressively. Different educational backgrounds might be explanatory factor. All of the interviewees brought up that it is important that adults remain calm when a child acts aggressively. Due to the safety reasons, they sometimes had to hold the child until the child can be calmed down. The kindergarten special education teachers brought up teaching the child the skill to recognize and name feelings.
  • Åsvik, Miranda (2019)
    The purpose of my bachelor’s thesis was to describe the thoughts of children who speak both Finnish and Swedish as their first languages. I investigated how bilingual children make a language choice when interacting with peers. I also observed how code-switching from Finnish to Swedish appeared in children’s talk. My intent was to expand the understanding of language development of a bilingual child from an early education teacher’s view. The questions of my study were: 1. What thoughts do children who speak Finnish and Swedish as their first languages have about bilingualism? 2. How do bilingual children make a language choice when interacting with peers? 3. How does code-switching appear in children’s talk? My thesis was a qualitative study and as the study method I used a theme interview. I gathered the material by interviewing four simultaneously bilingual children aged six to eight who speak both Finnish and Swedish as their first languages. I analysed the material with content analysis. The study shows that children think their bilingualism is a natural part of their lives. They had thoughts about languages transferring from one generation to next. When interacting with peers children followed their joint language history and also negotiated what languages to use together. Appearance of code-switching was variable. Code-switching worked as a part of children’s language strategy to make discussion more fluent. The conclusion of the study is that bilingualism generally does not affect child’s language development. Children mainly do not feel that their bilingualism is a negative thing. Code-switching is a conscious language skill and strategy. In an interaction between bilingual children it is natural to speak both languages and negotiate together which languages to use.
  • Alho, Erika (2019)
    Tunnekasvatuksella voidaan vaikuttaa oppilaan kokonaisvaltaiseen hyvinvointiin, akateemiseen menestykseen sekä koulun sosiaaliseen ilmapiiriin. Tunnetaitojen heikkous puolestaan altistaa käytöshäiriöille ja syrjäytymiselle. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on kuvata, millaisia mahdollisuuksia tunnetaitojen opetuksen integroimisella äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden oppiaineeseen voi olla. Tunnekasvatuksen tarve on huomioitu uudessa opetussuunnitelmassa, mutta käytännössä opetus ei ole vielä systemaattista ja ennaltaehkäisevää, oppilaiden tasapainoisen tunne-elämän kehitystä tukevaa. Tutkielmassa kuvataan tunnekasvatuksen asemaa suomalaisessa alakoulussa opetussuunnitelman velvoittamana, oppiaineeseen sitoutumattomana sisältönä. Tutkielmassa selvitetään, miten äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden oppiaineessa voidaan tukea tunnekasvatuksen tavoitteita ja mikä merkitys lastenkirjallisuudella voi olla oppilaan tunnetaitojen ja kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistona käytettiin kotimaista ja ulkomaalaista teoriakirjallisuutta, tutkimuksia ja muita tieteellisiä artikkeleita, sekä muutamia opinnäytteitä. Aineisto on rajattu harkinnanvaraisesti suhteessa tutkittavaan ilmiöön. Tunnekasvatuksen asema alakoulussa on yhä hajanainen, vaikka opettajat tunnustavat tunnetaitojen merkityksen oppimisen edellytyksenä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella tunnekasvatuksen integrointi äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden oppiaineeseen näyttäytyy tarkoituksenmukaisena ja tehokkaana. Tunnekasvatuksen tavoitteita on mahdollista tukea äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden opetuksen osana, kun toiminta on tavoitteellista ja opettajat tietoisia vaikutusmahdollisuuksistaan. Lasten- ja nuortenkirjallisuuden lukemisella ja käsittelyllä voi alakoulussa olla tunnetaitojen tukemisen kautta rooli oppilaan kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin edistäjänä.
  • Ravattinen, Elina (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Pivotal Response Training menetelmä on kehitetty autististen lasten kielen, sosiaalisten taitojen sekä leikkitaitojen kehittämiseksi. PRT-menetelmä keskittyy ydinvalmiuksien, kuten leikki- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen kehittymiseen. (Hyytiäinen, Kinnunen, Timonen & Ylönen, 2008.) Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada tietoa siitä, kuinka Pivotal Response Training (PRT) menetelmä vaikuttaa leikkitaitojen kehittymiseen ja muuttuuko leikin luonne menetelmän myötä. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka ympäristö vaikuttaa menetelmän toteuttamiseen ja millainen on aikuisen rooli menetelmän tehokkuuden ja toimivuuden näkökulmasta. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä tutkimuksessani on autismi, sekä leikki, vuorovaikutus ja kommunikointi autistisella lapsella. Menetelmät. Tutkimukseni on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jonka aineisto on kerätty puolistrukturoidulla teemahaastattelulla. Haastatteluihin osallistui neljä (4) henkilöä, jotka ovat joko PRT-ohjaajia tai menetelmään osallistuneen lapsen vanhempia. Käytin tutkimuksessani analyysimenetelmänä aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tuloksien mukaan PRT-menetelmän myötä yksin- ja yhteisleikissä tapahtuu muutosta. Menetelmää voi toteuttaa jokaisessa ympäristössä, mutta ympäristön muokkaamisen avulla on mahdollista lisätä vuorovaikutusaloitteita. Tuloksista ilmenee, että aikuisen rooli on korostunut menetelmässä. Aikuinen toimii lapsen aktiivisena havainnoijana ja mahdollistaa tilanteita, joissa harjoitella muun muassa leikkitaitoja ja vuorovaikutusta.
  • Heikkinen, Pauliina (2019)
    Aiemmat tutkimukset ja keskeinen teoria aiheesta osoittavat, että ilman aikuisen sensitiivi-syyttä ja emotionaalista herkkyyttä aikuisen on mahdoton tavoittaa lapselta tulevia aloitteita ja sanattomien viestien merkitystä. Pedagogisesti sensitiivisellä aikuisella on muun muassa kyky tunnistaa lapsen tunnetiloja sekä taito vastata niihin sopivalla tavalla. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää varhaiskasvatuksenopettajien käsityksiä sensitiivisen aikuisen merkityksestä ja tarkastella sitä, millä tavoin sensitiivisyys opettajien mukaan ilme-nee heidän toiminnassaan päiväkodin arjessa. Tutkimuksessa kysytään 1) Mitä merkityksiä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat antavat aikuisen sensitiivisyydelle lapsen kohtaamisessa päi-väkodissa? 2) Millä tavoin varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat kuvaavat sensitiivisyyden lasta koh-taan ilmenevän omassa toiminnassaan? Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, ja tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin haastatte-lemalla kolmea varhaiskasvatuksenopettajaa. Tutkimus toteutettiin puolistrukturoidun haas-tattelun avulla, ja tutkimusongelmaan pyrittiin etsimään vastauksia analysoimalla haastatte-luista saatua aineistoa sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimuksen aineiston analysointi tehtiin pääasiassa aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä käyttäen, mutta osittain käytettiin myös teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysia. Tutkimustuloksista kävi esille, että kaikki varhaiskasvatuksenopettajat pitivät aikuisen sensi-tiivisyyttä ensisijaisen tärkeänä ominaisuutena päiväkodissa työskentelevälle henkilölle. Sensitiivisyys koettiin asiana, joka on opettajan työn ytimessä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan sensitiivisyys nähtiin erityisesti aikuisen kykynä luoda lämmin vuorovaikutussuhde lapsen ja aikuisen välillä. Haastateltavat kuvasivat sensitiivisyyden ilmenevän toiminnassaan tietyn-laisena lapsen kannattelemisena, joka tulee esille muun muassa aikuisen ilmeissä ja eleissä, sekä lapsen sanallisena ja fyysisenä kannustuksena. Haastatteluista saadut tulokset olivat keskenään varsin yhteneväisiä sekä keskenään, että aiheeseen liittyvän keskeisen teorian kanssa.
  • Ahonen, Klaudia (2020)
    Objectives The objective of this treatise was to clarify preconditions for adult participation for the under three-year-old children`s free play and its effects on the child`s development. It is expected that this treatise gives information about how the adult can participate in the under three-year- old child`s play in the free play situations of the early childhood education and how the adult`s presence in the free play affects the child`s later development. Methods This treatise was carried out as a qualitative treatise. Ideas which dominate on the field of the early childhood education were cleared in the treatise as a describing literature look from the phenomenon to be examined. A pedagogical treatise five (5) of which were university based studies was selected to be a research material altogether and two (2) polytechnic based studies. Results and conclusions The results of this treatise showed that adult`s participation in the free play required of the adult, I play the securing of preconditions, the creation of the safe play environment, attitude which is open to the play and presence in the play. For the play enough time, the suitable premises and toys which are safe to child. Placing of the adult and opportunity to touch during the play promoted the forming of the safe play environment near. The adult`s presence in the play meant not only active participation in the play but the adaptation of the own role according to children`s needs. The adult participation in the under three- year – old child`s free play promoted the child`s welfare, social skills and development of play skills. The adult prevented the establishing of the play roles in the group and helped the child to join the play along. The child committed more deeply to the play when the adult participated in the play. The results show that the adult strengthens the child`s development when participating in the free play.
  • Ruohonen, Anni (2019)
    Objectives. The purpose of this study was to find out the experiences of pre-school children on how to deal with bullying situations. The aim was to get the children to have their own voice in an issue that touches their world of experience. The study also sought to find out how children define bullying and whether they feel some ways of resolving bullying situations as negative. Earlier studies have shown that bullying also occurs with early childhood education. Studies have also found that intervention methods classified as sensitive produce better results from both victim and bullying perspectives than non-sensitive methods. This research provides an important child perspective on how to deal with bullying situations. Methods. This research is qualitative research and research perspective is phenomenology. The research material was collected from two kindergartens in Espoo, where a total of five pre-school children were interviewed. A total of three children were interviewed in the first nursery and two children in the other. The interviews were carried out in thematic interviews at the nursery premises in November 2018. Individual interviews were recorded and transcribed. The material was analyzed by material-based and theory-driven content analysis. Results and conclusions. From the results of the research it can be stated that children could name different forms of bullying: psychological, physical and verbal. The easiest thing is to name physical forms of bullying, such as hitting, kicking and throwing goods. The solutions to bullying situations in children's experiences varied between sensitive and non-sensitive methods, and it was not possible to name very in-depth solutions - for some, simply telling the adult was enough. From children’s point of view it seems to be important either to learn something or move forward from the bullying situations. Adult’s role didn’t always seem to be central in solving the bullying situations, but children also named the victim, the bully and a defender. On the other hand, in the case of negative solutions, the adult was always a key factor. Negative solutions are, according to the investigator's interpretation, mostly those in which the situation is not actually solved, only suspended. This research can be used as a tool to develop activities to prevent and tackle day-to-day bullying.
  • Ehrstedt, Karen (2020)
    Kosketuksen vastaanottaminen on lapsen hyvinvoinnille ja kehitykselle tärkeää. Kosketus on tapa viestiä, luoda suhdetta toiseen ja oppia. Tämä tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata millaisia erilaisia aikuislähtöisiä kosketuksen tapoja on aikuisen ja lapsen välillä varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tavoitteena oli myös kuvata syitä, joiden takia aikuinen jättää varhaiskasvatuksessa koskettamatta lapseen. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä oli aiempia tutkimuksia kosketuksen merkityksestä lapselle ja minkälainen suhde aikuisilla, jotka työskentelevät varhaiskasvatuksessa, on lapsen koskettamiseen. Viitekehyksessä oli myös aikuislähtöisen kosketuksen eri muotoja varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tutkimuskysymyksinä ovat: (1) Millaisia erilaisia aikuislähtöisiä kosketuksen muotoja on aikuisen ja lapsen välillä varhaiskasvatuksessa ja (2) Minkälaisista syistä varhaiskasvatushenkilöstö ei kosketa lasta? Tutkimus toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka aineistoksi valikoitui seitsemän artikkelia vuosilta 2011–2020. Aikuisen tavat koskettaa lasta olivat omalla tavallaan hyvin universaalit. Yleisin kosketuksen muoto aikuisen ja lapsen välillä liittyi kosketukseen, jolla osoitettiin kiintymystä tai lohdutettiin. Kosketus oli aikuisen työkalu hallita paremmin tilanteita. Suuri syy miksi aikuiset jättivät koskettamatta lapsiin oli se, että he pelkäsivät syytöksiä lasten väärinkäytöstä. Aikuisen oma epävarmuus koskettamisesta vaikutti myös. Lopuksi todettiin, että koskettaminen on tärkeä väline varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tutkimus osoitti kuinka tärkeäitä ovat lisätutkimukset koskettamiselle varhaiskasvatuksessa.
  • Utriainen, Maarit (2018)
    In this Bachelor's Thesis, the effect of the attachment style on the coping strategies of adults in romantic relationships and on the relationship satisfaction is examined. The attachment styles were examined in the framework of the attachment theory developed initially by the British psychiatrist, John Bowlby. The study questions were 1) how individuals of different attachment styles experience relationship satisfaction and what kind of coping strategies they use in emotionally stressful situations and 2) how individuals of different attachment styles experience the dissolution of a relationship. Adult attachment has been studied as an important predictor of romantic relationship quality in many earlier empirical studies which also is a starting point for this study. The Thesis was executed as a descriptive literature review. The research material consisted of 11 peer reviewed articles that were collected from the Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) and the Ovid PsycARTICLES databases of the library of the University of Helsinki. The material collected was limited to the years 2000—2015. All the articles were in English and they were written by international researches. A content analysis was used as an analysis method. The results of all the articles support the view according to which internal working models which are based on the attachment style affect the quality and satisfaction of the relationship. In general, securely attached couples were doing well in their relationships and were able to use many different constructive coping strategies in their relationships. Insecurely attached couples used easily negative coping strategies in emotionally stressful situations which often made relationship conflicts worse and reduced the relationship satisfaction. After the end of the relationships, securely attached individuals tend to have less negative emotions than insecurely attached individuals. It seems that attachment plays also a role in the dissolution of a relationship.
  • Vähäaho, Sanna-Maria; Leino, Sanna (2018)
    The aim of our research was to map how teachers experience their work and their attitude to school development. In addition we were interested in how the teachers perceive the future of their role and that of the school. The material was collected by interviewing two primary and two secondary school teachers. We interviewed at the schools where we found interested teachers, so the divide between the primary and the secondary teachers was incidental. Our method of interviewing was the theme framed interview. This was chosen because it allows the interviewee a freedom to talk widely about the subject, but it still gives a structured framework for the interview. The themes of the research were subdivided into four categories: being a teacher; the teacher’s role; the planning of the curriculum in the school and the attitude of the teachers towards the development of the school. In addition we asked the teachers to write an essay about the future of the teachers’ work and their school. In analysing the material we could use the themes as our framework. The themes springing out of the interviews were being a teacher, the role of the teacher, reforms and the future. Three important issues affecting the work of today’s teachers came up in the interviews. These were the increasing problems of pupils, the lack of training and insufficient time to do one’s work. The raise in pupils’ problems in school can at least partially be blamed on the increasing use of alcohol and drugs amongst the young and socio-economic problems experienced by parents. Pedagogic subjects especially were deemed lacking in the teacher training programme. Too much time is devoted to train student teachers in the subject matters and not enough time is used honing the skills to tackle the pastoral issues. Time management was the problem both when implementing reforms and co-ordinating work with colleagues. Teachers’ attitudes towards the reforms were generally positive. Experience showed that initiatives developed locally by teachers were more meaningful than the nationwide ones, because the results of the changes could be seen more quickly. The increasing socio-economic problems of pupils were seen to change the work of a teacher and the role of the school towards managing pastoral issues. Accordingly, the role of a teacher would become more concerned with raising the young and supporting the parents. The change in society and the increasing amount of information available will change teaching, thus encouraging students to get skills to seek information independently. Cooperation inside school, between school and parents and international cooperation will increase in the future according to the teachers. The results of our research cannot be generalised, but they will help us to understand the teachers’ work and the demands made on them in society both today and in the future.
  • Kotilainen, Aija Elina (2016)
    Aims. The purpose of this thesis is to study subject teachers’ conception of the special support given in schools. The special education system in Finland has been renewed in recent years. The special support given in schools is divided into three steps (general support, intensified support and special support) and it is called the tripartite support system. The idea behind this division is that the measure of support is planned individually according to the need for support (Basic Education Act, 1998/642). Previous studies have shown that the reform of the special education system has expanded the job description especially when it comes to elementary school teachers and subject teachers and this is experienced as add to the work load (OAJ, 2012). First, the intension of this thesis is to analyze how subject teachers emphasize the heterogeneity of the groups they teach. Furthermore, it is also reflected if there is a certain trend subject teachers discuss about their skills to support pupils with special needs. Finally, it is studied how subject teachers see their capacity and possibilities to provide sufficient support for learning and school attendance. Methodology. The thesis was a qualitative case study and the analyzing methods were discourse analysis and thematic analysis. Research material consisted of four semi-structured interviews of subject teachers. Results and conclusions. The study revealed that the teachers have positive attitudes towards students with special needs, although they had not received supplementary training to carry out the tripartite support system. The teachers had not participated in multiprofessional cooperation and they considered not having sufficient resources to support their students as the law and the Finnish National Core Curriculum demand. However, subject teachers judged that the special education support and the right for student counseling occurs in their school. According to these findings, subject teachers’ continuing education should still be increased. In addition, subject teachers should also become a solid part of the multiprofessional team planning the support for the students with special needs. Besides, it should be taken into account that teachers have sufficient resources to provide the support as required in the National Core Curriculum and Basic Education Act.
  • Seppä, Laura (2016)
    The purpose of this study is to find out intangible rewarding ways in Uimahyppyseura Tiirat Ry. In this study I focus on sport clubs intangible rewarding ways which they offer to clubs actors; what different ways of intangible rewarding is used and how those could be developed? My purpose is to offer information about the different ways of intangible rewarding in the club and their developing needs. To consider different aspects and to ensure coverage and scope of the material, I have chosen actors who have been working in the club already for a longer time. The study uses a theory based content analysis and the classification has been made on the basis of earlier research. Based on the results there are different intangible rewarding ways used in the club. There has not been paid particular attention to rewarding and especially intangible rewarding, and intangible rewarding ways have developed among other activities. There hasn’t been systematic invest in intangible rewarding and the ways of intangible rewarding should be developed in different ways. Moreover the club doesn’t have a rewarding strategy. In the future, the club should develop its intangible rewarding especially in tutoring and feedback which were the major lacks in intangible rewarding. This would improve the employees work motivation and commitment and it would help the club distinguish itself from other competitions in the field.
  • Hannamari, Weurlander (2020)
    Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tarkoituksena oli koostaa aikaisempia tutkimuksia kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin ja tarkastella onko luonnossa olemisella ja liikkumisella sellaisia ihmisen hyvinvointia edistäviä tekijöitä, joita voidaan hyödyntää kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen kontekstissa ekososiaalisen sivistyksen teorian näkökulmasta. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat 1. Millaisia aineettomia hyötyjä luonto tarjoaa ihmisen hyvinvoinnin edistämiseen? 2. Miten luonnon tarjoamia hyvinvointivaikutuksia voidaan hyödyntää opetuksessa ja kasvatuksessa ekososiaalisen sivistyksen näkökulmasta varhaiskasvatuksen ja peruskoulun kontekstissa? Aineisto muodostui Googlen Scholar (3), Journal (3) ja Helka (3) tietokannoista kerätyistä artikkeleista. Yksi tutkimuksista valikoitui mukaan taustatutkimusta tehdessäni. Aineisto koostui kymmenestä (10) tutkimusartikkelista, joista seitsemän (7) on suomeksi, yksi suomalainen tutkimus, joka on englanniksi ja kaksi (2) espanjalaista tutkimusta, jotka olivat englanninkielisiä. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin sisällön analyysin keinoin hyödyntäen teoriaohjaavasti suuntautunutta menetelmää. Tulokset antoivat viitteitä siitä, että luonnossa oleminen voi parantaa ihmisen psyykkistä, sosiaalista sekä fyysistä hyvinvointia ja vihreä ympäristö edistää lasten kognitiivisia taitoja, kuten työmuistia ja tarkkaavaisuutta. Työelämän kontekstiin liittyvässä tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että luonnossa olemisella ja ulkoilulla on vaikutusta positiivisesti työn imuun, tarmokkuuteen sekä tuottavuuteen. Tulosten perusteella luonnon hyvinvointivaikutuksia voisi hyödyntää myös varhaiskasvatuksen ja peruskoulun kontekstissa ekososiaalinen sivistys huomioiden.
  • Saarinen, Santeri (2020)
    Viime syksynä suorittamani opetusharjoittelun jälkeen minulle muodostui vahva mielenkiinto tutustua tarkemmin siihen, mitä opettajan ja oppilaan välisestä suhteesta on tutkittu. Tutustuttuani aihepiirin tutkimuksiin minulle selvisi, että opettajan ja oppilaan välisen positiivisen suhteen on tutkittu olevan yhteydessä oppilaan koulumenestykseen (Fredriksen & Rhodes, 2004, s. 45). Suhteen laadun on tutkittu olevan yhteydessä sen lisäksi myös muihin oppilaan kannalta tärkeisiin asioihin, kuten esimerkiksi oppilaan kouluun sitoutumiseen ja jaksamiseen (Birch & Ladd, 1997 s. 62; Muhonen ym., 2016, s. 113). Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen opettajan ja oppilaan välistä ammatillista suhdetta. Tarkoituksenani on määritellä, mitkä eri tekijät vaikuttavat siihen, millaiseksi opettajan ja oppilaan välinen pedagoginen suhde muodostuu alakoulussa. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena kevään 2020 aikana. Kuvailevalle kirjallisuuskatsaukselle on tyypillistä, että sen avulla jostakin tietystä asiasta pyritään luomaan mahdollisimman laaja yhteenveto. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkimusaineistoa etsittiin pääsääntöisesti Helsingin yliopiston Helka-kirjastosta ja Google Scholar hakukoneesta. Hakusanoina toimivat muun muassa ’’Student-teacher relationship’’, ’’Pedagogical relation’’ ja ’’Sosiaaliset suhteet’’. Aineistokseni valikoituivat pääosin 2000-luvulla ilmestyneet suomen- ja englanninkieliset teokset, jotka sisälsivät tutkimuskysymykseni kannalta oleellisia tuloksia. Käytin tutkielmassani 33 eri lähdeteosta, joista 13 vastasi suoraan tutkimuskysymykseeni. Määrittelin löytämästäni tutkimusaineistosta pedagogiseen suhteeseen vaikuttaviksi päätekijöiksi ympäristön, opettajan ja oppilaan. Ympäristöön liittyviksi alatekijöiksi määrittelin ajan ja muut oppilaat. Opettajaan ja oppilaaseen liittyviksi alatekijöiksi määrittelin opetusmetodit, etnisen taustan, luonteenpiirteet, sukupuolen, perhetaustan, oppimisvaikeudet, oppilaan asenteen ja kehitysvammat. Vaikka osa suhteeseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä liittyy melko pysyviin ihmisen ominaisuuksiin, on opettajan tärkeä tiedostaa oman toimintansa reflektointi ensisijaisena keinona suhteiden laadun parantamisessa. Tarkoituksenani on tutkia pedagogista suhdetta lisää pro-gradu tutkielmassani oppilaiden kokemusten näkökulmasta.
  • Riekkinen, Anna-Maija (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Vain kolmannes suomalaisista nuorista kokee saavansa kunnollisia valmiuksia kouluun tai lähiympäristöön vaikuttamiseen (Myllyniemi 2018). Samanaikaisesti 83% alaluokkien opettajista katsoo, ettei ole saanut riittävästi koulutusta demokratiakasvatuksen toteuttamiseen koulussa (Opetushallitus 2011). Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella, millaisia yhteiskunnallisia toimijoita opettajaopiskelijat ovat, miten he näkevät yhteiskunnalliseen aktiivisuuteen kasvattamisen ja millaisia valmiuksia opettajankoulutus antaa yhteiskunnalliseen aktiivisuuteen kasvattamiseen. Teoreettisenä viitekehyksenä käytän aktiivisen kansalaisen ja demokratiakasvatuksen käsitteitä. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineisto koostui kahdeksasta vertaisarvioidusta artikkelista, joista kolmessa käsiteltiin suomalaista opettajaopiskelijaa ja opettajankoulutuslaitosta. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Opettajaopiskelijat pitivät aktiiviseen kansalaisuuteen kasvattamista tärkeänä tavoitteena. Suomalaiset opettajaopiskelijat pitivät opettajaa yhteiskunnallisena vaikuttajana ja käyttivät demokraattisia menetelmiä opetuksessaan. Erilaisilla kansalaiskasvatukseen liittyvillä ohjelmilla oli vaikutusta opettajaopiskelijoiden yhteiskunnallisen ymmärryksen kasvuun, mutta kriittisyys ei johtanut yhteiskunnallisen toimijuuden kehittymiseen. Suomalainen opettajaopiskelija lähestyi tarkasteltavassa aineistossa yhteiskunnallista kasvatusta säilyttävän perinteen kautta siinä missä muut länsimaalaiset opettajaopiskelijat näkivät tärkeänä kriittisemmän lähestymistavan yhteiskuntaan. Tässä mielessä suomalainen opettajaopiskelija asemoituu lähemmäs turkkilaisia opiskelutovereitaan kuin länsimaisia opiskelijakollegoitaan.
  • Hautamäki, Mia (2019)
    Objectives. The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis was to find out what kind of connections are there between pupils’ self-assessment skills and self-regulation skills and to collect information about student’s experiences and perceptions about self-assessment as a part of one’s learning process based on earlier studies in the field. The purpose was to examine the impact of the child’s age on their self-assessment skills and self-regulation skills. Theoretical framework for this study was constructed on Inhelder’s and Piaget’s (1977) theory of cognitive development. According to them, universal stages and features can be found in cognitive development. Every stage of cognitive development is always connected to the previous and following stages. According to Inhelder and Piaget (1977), the cohorts of the target group are on two different stages depending on their age. These stages are concrete operational stage and formal operational stage. Methodology. The study was implemented as a narrative literature review. Target Group consisted of elementary school students aged 9-13 who studied in grades 3-6. The material of this study was collected from the internet using carefully selected keywords in five different data bases. The material consisted of five research articles. One of these articles was published in Finland, two in Australia, one in the Netherlands and one in New Zealand. All these articles were published within five years and they were peer reviewed. Results and conclusions. Pupils’ experiences about self-assessment varied a lot. Some students thought that self-assessment had positive impacts on their learning. Others, on the other hand, felt that self-assessment didn’t have any significant impacts on their learning. With some students the attitude was more like careless. They filled out the self-assessment forms only because they were compulsory tasks. However, studies showed a clear link between pupils’ self-assessment skills and self-regulation skills. Self-assessment appears to be a significant contribution to the development of pupils’ self-regulation. The results point out that pupils can improve their self-regulation skills and raise academic performance through self-assessment. This research showed that pupils have difficulties to understand the structure of a learning process. They were not able to understand different parts of it, for instance self-assessment, and benefits of these individual parts. This might explain why many of these pupils felt that self-assessment didn’t have any significant impacts on their learning.
  • Hyvättinen, Tuija (2019)
    Objectives. Previous studies have shown that the importance of learning content knowledge has decreased in a world where to apply knowledge has become a requirement in almost all branches. To meet these future needs, supporting thinking skills has come internationally as a top priority in teaching activities. However, research has shown teachers' ability to teach thinking skills inadequate. The purpose of this study is to clarify the concept of thinking skills and the development of these skills in accordance with the theory of Demetriou et al. (2011). In addition, the aim is to find out what factors, especially in relation to the teacher activities, support or undermine the development of pupils' thinking skills at school. Methods. The research was carried out as a systematic literature review. After choosing the topic, the data was collected from the Thinking Skills and Creativity -journal in accordance with the admission and exclusion criteria defined in my study. Four peer-reviewed articles published in 2016-2018 were selected as material, all of which deal with teachers or teacher students and the teaching of thinking skills. The key words were "teacher" or "teaching" combined with "teaching thinking skills". Results and conclusions. The results showed several shortcomings in supporting thinking skills. Teacher-oriented teaching style, poor understanding of the concept, persistent beliefs about learning, inadequate knowledge and skills, and the content of teacher education proved to be obstacles to the development of thinking skills. The results also showed that how to learn is relevant to the development of cognitive skills (not so much what to learn). The results showed that student-centered ways of working also supported thinking skills development. Teacher's self-efficacy towards thinking skills, as well as sufficient knowledge and skills in thinking skills, supported the development of pupils' cognitive development. In conclusion, there is enough evidence of student-centered work practices to support future skills learning and the need to reform teacher education to better support the development of future teachers' thinking skills.
  • Lähdesmäki, Maria (2016)
    The goal of this thesis was to point out such faults that may occur with day care’s child welfare notifications when observed through parental partnership’s definition. Besides parental partnership’s definition and diversity, such laws, regulations and guides were took under observation that leads the day care personnel in the process of making child welfare notifications. The meaning of this study was to also clarify how the conversation arenas that the internet and social media offers function with such delicate matters as child welfare notifications. There has been no earlier research with this specific perspective. The research material for this thesis was collected from the internet’s Suomi24–conversation arena. A single conversation was selected for this research with alleged accusations regard-ing a child welfare notification been done with loose or unfounded grounds. The research method used in this thesis was qualitative case study. The research material was analysed using qualitative method of originating from the content. The results of this research showed that in this case study there had been no dialogue be-tween the day care’s personnel and the child’s mother about the worries considering the child before the child welfare notification had been made. With this action it was conducted as a violation of parental partnership’s definition and principles and was found insulting to the par-ent. The results for the reasons leading towards the child welfare notification were seen both subjective and insufficient. As to the role of the internet and social media as a conversational arena, they were found to offer such possibilities to produce and share personal meaning that one would not share face to face. The anonymity offered by the internet gives the op-portunity to share confidential and personal matters but still managing to save ones face. Internet is providing a possibility to claim to be an expert on a certain field without other users questioning ones expertise.