Browsing by discipline "Erityispedagogiikka"
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(2018)The purpose of this study is to describe and investigate the use of AAC methods in school-age children and adolescents, and to examine the use of AAC particularly in terms of interaction, social inclusion and peer relationships. Earlier studies have shown many challenges in communication and interaction environments with children using AAC, so this study is made to find out whether the challenges are present in this material also, and whether there are also positive observations in terms of interaction or relationships. I am also interested in searching for what needs to be developed, especially with the school system. Research question is as follows: How does the interactions and peer relationships of children using AAC appear in the research material? The research material was examined using an integrative literature review and a qualitative content analysis method. The research material consists of five peer-reviewed scientific articles from different countries, published in 2012-2017. The articles discuss the social skills, interaction, communication challenges and peer relationships of school-aged children (aged 6-16) using AAC. The results of the research were divided into five themes. The themes are as follow: 1: the number of interaction experiences, 2: the structural factors, 3: the availability of the AAC method, 4: the significance of the interaction partner, and 5: the desire to participate. The main results under each theme are as follows:1: lack of common time, weaker social skills, 2: non-accessibility, timetable problems, lack of co-operation, 3: AAC not available, AAC bans; 4: must know how to use AAC, preferring adults, lack of friends, and 5: little interaction initiatives, and failures affecting motivation.
(2020)Tiivistelmä: Tavoitteet. Tässä kandidaatin tutkielmassa tarkastellaan ylikeskittymistä aktiivisuuden ja tarkkaavuuden häiriössä eli ADHD:ssa. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin pyrkiä kuvaamaan tutkimustietoa ylikeskittymisestä ADHD:ssa. Aihetta koskevan tiedonhaun perusteella voidaan todeta kyseessä olevan melko huonosti tunnettu ja vähän tutkittu ilmiö. Tutkimuskysymykset, joihin katsauksessa etsittiin vastauksia, olivat: 1. Onko ADHD:n ja ylikeskittymisen välillä yhteys? ja 2. Millaisia selittäviä tekijöitä ylikeskittymisen ilmenemiselle ADHD:n yhteydessä on esitetty? Taustaoletuksena esitettiin, että ylikeskittyminen ja ADHD ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa ja selittävänä tekijänä ylikeskittymiselle esitetään ADHD:lle ominaiset poikkeavuudet tarkkaavuuden säätelyssä. Menetelmät. Tutkielma on systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa yhdistellään ja vertaillaan ylikeskittymistä ja ADHD:ta koskevia tutkimustuloksia. Tutkielmassa aineiston haku, rajaus ja analyysi toteutettiin systemaattisesti. Aineiston haussa käytettiin Helkatietokantaa, jossa hakusanoina oli ”Hyperfocus AND ADHD” sekä ”Hyperfocusing AND ADHD”. Hakutuloksien rajaamiseksi aineistolle oli määritelty sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteerit. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin temaattisena analyysina. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella ei voida yksiselitteisesti todeta, onko ylikeskittymisen ja ADHD:n välillä olemassa yhteys. Kahdessa tutkielman aineistoon kuuluvassa tutkimuksessa löydettiin yhteys, mutta yhdessä tutkimuksessa yhteyttä ei löydetty. Kahden tutkimuksen tuloksista taas ei ollut mahdollista tehdä johtopäätöksiä yhteyksistä. Tutkielmassa selvitettiin myös, millaiset tekijät saattavat selittää ylikeskittymistä ADHD:ssa. Ylikeskittymistä selittävistä tekijöistä yleisimmin tutkimusartikkeleissa esitettyjä olivat motivaatioon ja tarkkaavuuden säätelyyn liittyvät tekijät. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että aiheesta tarvitaan lisää tutkimusta ilmiön ymmärtämiseksi, mutta ylikeskittyminen voi mahdollisesti olla aikaansaamisen ja positiivisten kokemusten lähde ihmisille, joilla on ADHD.
(2017)Objectives. In 2015 more than 30,000 asylum seekers arrived in Finland, exceeding the number of applicants of previous years multiple times. In Finland school-aged asylum seekers are entitled to free basic education. For pupils who have insufficient Finnish or Swedish language skills in order to study in a general education group, preparatory education can be arranged. The students of preparatory education groups are a heterogeneous group of immigrants, from which minor asylum seekers can be seen as the most vulnerable group. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the factors affecting the learning and education of minor asylum seekers and refugees in particular. Methods. The thesis was conducted as a descriptive literature review. Peer-reviewed articles were found in the ERIC database for the review. 8 articles were selected for the analysis. Results and Conclusions. The results of this review were divided into educational, psychological, social and cultural factors affecting the learning and education of minor asylum seekers. The previous school experiences of minor asylum seekers vary. In addition, their parents' previous educational opportunities are likely to be inadequate, creating poor starting points for learning. The pre-migration experiences of asylum seekers can expose them to various mental disorders. In addition, waiting and uncertain future can affect learning, for example, by losing motivation or reducing progress. Minor asylum seekers' education is also affected by the difficulties encountered in peer relationships, which result from the weak language skills, class placements and limited integration opportunities. The assessment of asylum seekers is hampered by incomplete background information and the lack of appropriate assessment tools, which is why it is challenging to recognize their needs. Asylum seekers may experience conflicts in their home and school culture and therefore might refuse from the support and rehabilitation services provided.
(2019)The purpose of this review is to investigate which cognitive factors are related to the development of mathematical problem solving skills in primary school children. Problem solving is often defined as a form of learning that enhances creativity and requires to apply one’s knowledge. Yet, in the context of this kind of definition, the relation between cognitive factors and the development of mathematical problem solving skills has rarely been in the focus of studies. This review was made to be part of a larger research project regarding problem solving skills. The literature was gathered to describe the subject as extensively as possible. By applying the Pathways to mathematics model of Sowinski et al. (2015), the cognitive factors were categorized into three groups: language skills, numerical skills and executive functions. In studies concerning language skills, vocabulary and listening comprehension were found to be related to solving mathematical tasks containing irrelevant information. Symbolic and non-symbolic number sense and number ordering were found to be related to mathematical problem solving that required to apply mathematical facts, concepts and procedures. No studies were found to describe a direct relation between executive functions and mathematical problem solving that requires applying of knowledge. Most of the studies found a relation between cognitive factors and traditional arithmetic achievement. In future studies it might be useful to especially concentrate on mathematical open problems.
(2019)Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää alakoulun laaja-alaisen erityisopettajan työnkuvaa ja yhteistyötä muiden opettajien kanssa sekä uuden opetussuunnitelman vaikutusta laaja-alaisen erityisopettajan työhön. Tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus ja siinä käytettiin teoriaohjaavaa analyysiä ja teemoittelua. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla. Tutkimuskohteena oli kolme eteläsuomalaisen kaupungin alakoulun laaja-alaista erityisopettajaa. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että alakoulun laaja-alaisen erityisopettajan työnkuva on monipuolinen ja laaja. Eri opetusmuodoista korostui pienryhmäopetus. Varsinkin kuntouttava pienryhmäopetus koettiin tärkeänä. Samanaikaisopetusta luokanopettajan kanssa tehtiin jonkin verran, kun taas yksilöopetusta vain vähän. Työhön kuuluvaa taustatyötä tehtiin välitunneilla ja omalla ajalla. Työtehtävien määrä ja ajanpuute aiheuttivat kiirettä ja stressiä. Tutkimuksen mukaan erityisopettajat tekivät yhteistyötä luokanopettajien kanssa lähinnä oppilaiden tuen tarvetta arvioitaessa sekä yhteisissä oppilaspalavereissa ja pedagogisia asiakirjoja laadittaessa. Erityisopettajat tekivät jonkin verran yhteistyötä oman koulun erityisluokanopettajien kanssa mutta kaupungin erityisopettajien kesken yhteistyötä ei ollut. Pienryhmäopetukseen painottuvien työtapojen vuoksi erityisopettajat eivät kokeneet uuden opetussuunnitelman vaikuttaneen paljonkaan omaan työhönsä. Tutkimus antoi konkreettisen kuvan erityisopettajan monipuolisesta työs-tä ja yhteistyömuodoista.
(2017)Children´s aggressive behavior is a worrying phenomenon in school environment. Over fifty per cent of special education teachers have reported students acting aggressively in school. The behavior makes it hard for the teachers to do their job and for pupils to learn and feel comfortable in school. Aggressive behavior is explained by many different theories, from frustration theory to model learning. Children´s aggressive behavior is often explained by social information processing problems. Pupils who tend to act aggressively often have a hostile attribution bias where they interpret peers or other´s actions in hostile way even in a neutral situation. In these situations, the child chooses an aggressive way to react in order to protect self. The aim of this study is to see what kind of interventions are there for children who act aggressively, how effective they are and what kind of meters are used to detect the effectiveness. The study is executed as a systematic literature review. Seven research article´s, which examined about intervention´s used to deal with children with aggressive behavior, were chosen in to the study. According to this study intervention´s which aimed at changing children´s hostile attribution bi-as were effective in decreasing children´s aggressive behavior. Children´s willingness to act ag-gressively decreased, they took the responsibility from their actions more likely and decoded their peer´s actions more positively, when the intervention had a positive impact on child´s hos-tile attribution bias. In some studies, the children also received intervention about social skills, which altered their perception about peer´s actions towards more positive. Also, teachers part in child´s aggressive behavior was studied, and found that teacher’s empathy had an impact in child´s aggressive behavior. On the grounds of this review it is important in the future to focus on aggressively behaving child´s attribution biases and how to prevent them. Would also be important to study more about teacher´s role in child´s aggressive behavior because the correla-tion between teacher´s increasing empathy and child´s decreasing aggressive behavior. In the future studies should have more adult´s evaluations about child´s actions, as many of the stud-ies in this review were based on child´s self-evaluation.
(2018)The aim of this study was to find out what reasons young people give for dropping out of vo-cational education or why they consider dropping out. Incompletion of upper secondary level studies is a current topic and is more widely associated with exclusion of young people. Dropping out of school can be viewed from the perspective of school engagement: dropping out our leaving school is a result of failed engagement. Study motivation affects school en-gagement. In the theories of study motivation intrinsic interest and autonomy play an im-portant role. In earlier studies reasons for dropping out of vocational education and training have been mental health issues, wrong choice of field and socio-economic reasons. This study was carried out as a qualitative, inductive content analysis. The aim was not to prove an existing theory, but to create categories based on the research material. The re-search material was picked out from Demi-fi -web page. Four conversations from years 2013 – 2015 were selected. In this study I concentrate on the reasons young people give for drop out in their texts. Three different reasons were given for dropping out of vocational education. The reasons were external issues, such as the actions of the educational institute and teachers’ lack of professionalism, lack of interest and failed choice of field and lack of personal resources, such as issues with mental health and wellbeing. According to the results of this study, it can be stated that more support should be given to student in choosing the right field of study. Al-so educational institutes should be developed and more attention should be paid to young peoples’ mental health and wellbeing.
(2016)Topic and purpose. The topic of this thesis is Finland’s ongoing process of reforming legislation on vocational upper secondary education. According to the government, the objective of the reform is an effective, competence-based and customer-oriented VET (vocational education and training) system. The aim is to increase the amount of on-the-job learning and vocational colleges should create more personalized learning paths for each individual student. I attempt to describe the reform in its societal, historical and ideological context. I also critically examine the key themes of political narratives for this reform. Materials and methods. Political discourse can be examined both as the instrument and as an effect of power. I used rhetorical analysis when I examined the draft (dated November 8, 2016) of government bill for The Vocational Education and Training Act and some acts related to it, and some stakeholders’ reactions to it. Results and conclusions. The draft of government bill is associated with neoliberal ideas, in which a student is personally responsible of his/her own employability. In this rhetoric, a student is a customer of a vocational institution, who is helped to plan educational and workplace pathways. Instead of pedagogical, educational or cultural goals, the student-customer is offered an opportunity to show his/her vocational skills. The neoliberal ideals of effectiveness, individualization and flexibility are emphasized in targets set to educational organizations.
(2018)In recent years, talk about expertise has increased to include new and new occupations in the labor market transition. Since I worked many years with homeless people, I began to think about how the talk about the expertise is appropriate for the social work sector and how the expertise is practiced there. My main objective was to find out how the expertise is shown in the third sector social work with homeless people. From my own perspective, the public sector has structures and frameworks that guide new employees quite strictly how to implement their work, while the third sector has more free working environment where the employee's personal qualities can affect more to the content of the work. In 2002, Hakkarainen, Palonen and Paavola published an article about the mechanisms for creating expertise that, in my opinion, disregarded the personal and emotional capabilities of an employee to become an expert. However, I believe that these characteristics are emphasized in the social sector as an essential part when building up one´s expertise. The purpose of the research was to find out how Hakkarainen and his partners' (2002) three aspects of expertise; the acquisition view, the participation view and the knowledge-creation view are emphasized in the social work. The second purpose was to study what role the personal characteristics play when developing one´s expertise in the third sector. The material of my qualitative research was based on three professional thematic interviews in the social sector, which I implemented as half-structured interviews with using the phenomenographic approach. Prior to the interviews, I became acquainted with the theory of expertise and the literature of homelessness, as well as to the previous research specifically on social work expertise. According to the results, the information required for expertise in homelessness issues was mainly collected from the customer base and at the individual level. Social education was hoped to take better into account the people with whom the professionals will work after their graduation. The content of the work was essentially influenced by the personal skills of the employee, as they determined, not only the nature of the client work, but also the long-term work-life. More public and third sector co-operation was hoped for in order to utilize expertise.
(2017)The purpose of this study is to define methods of psychotherapy that are used to treat comorbid psychiatric diseases with adults who have Asperger syndrome. There is a small number of previous studies in this field which is the reason this study was conducted. The aim of this study is to identify methods of psychotherapy that are used to treat comorbid psychiatric diseases. The aim is also to describe these therapeutic interventions in detail and to reflect on the gains and limitations of different methods. The theoretic background to this study consists of defining Asperger syndrome and psychotherapy. In the definition of Asperger syndrome the focus is on neurobiological background, diagnosis, behavioural traits and how the syndrome appears in adulthood. The need for this study is emphasized in the theoretical background by mentioning the commonness of psychiatric diseases. When introducing psychotherapy the focus lies on the cognitive approach. This is because it is the most important approach of psychotherapy for this study. The method used in this study is a systematic literature review. The study material was gathered according to precise search criterion. The study material consists of scientific studies that were gathered from Proquest Database. The gathered material was analysed and synthesized according to the study questions. According to the study material comorbid psychiatric diseases have been rehabilitated using three different types of psychotherapy. These three methods are: cognitive behavioural therapy individually, group cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness-based therapy. All of these methods have successfully reduced symptoms of psychiatric diseases.
(2019)Aims. Spontaneous communication is important because it allows you to have an influence on interaction and your surroundings. Also, it makes possible to express your needs, so others do not have to guess them. By strengthening spontaneous communication, the degree of independence of a person can be improved. The aim of this thesis was to collect information of spontaneous communication in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from the perspectives of nonverbal and verbal communication. In addition, the aim was to collect literature that discuss ways of supporting communication in ASD. This thesis asks (1.) in what way people with ASD use verbal and nonverbal communication in their spontaneous communication and (2.) in what way it is possible to support their verbal and nonverbal communication. Methods. This thesis was carried out as a descriptive literature review where sources that discussed ASD and especially communication in people with ASD were gathered from different databases. The databases used were Google Scholar, ProQuest, Scopus and Helka. Sources were searched, among others, by combining keywords autism spectrum disorder, spontaneous communication and nonverbal communication. Besides that, sources were searched for in reference markings of master’s theses and doctoral theses that discussed ASD. From these sources, information was gathered about people with ASD and their unconventional communication and spontaneous communication, about problems within their communication and ways of supporting it. The thesis used literature, among others, from Simon Baron-Cohen, Uta Frith, Hsu-Min Chiang and Mark Carter. Results and conclusions. Based on the literature, it appeared that people in ASD used less spontaneous communication compared to typically developing individuals and they often depended on prompts and clues to communicate. Additionally, it was noticed that people with ASD had difficulties in interpreting and producing nonverbal messages. Spontaneous communication could be supported with different kinds of interventions such as DTT (discrete-trial training) or milieu therapy. (e.g. Goldstein 2002.) Furthermore, the use of AACs (Alternative and Augmentative Communication) could supplement existing speech or to serve as the primary method of expressive communication of a person with ASD. (e.g. Duffy & Healy 2011.) Examples of AACs were picture and object communication, signs and device communication. (e.g. Oesch 2001.)
(2016)This bachelor thesis reviews drama education and possibilities to use drama education in the school environment. The thesis is influenced by the international effort to provide equal possi-bility to common primary school for everyone, so that the support needed by the pupil can be arranged as far as possible in connection with the mainstream, which brings to the schools in-creased interaction between all the students and the teacher. The background work has been af-fected by the new basic education curriculum introduced in 2016 which highlights both the ne-cessity and topicality of drama education as well as the inclusive aspiration to offer a common school for all, as defined in the Basic Education Act. The main argument of the thesis is the question, whether or not drawing attention to the inter-action between the students, could prevent pupils with special needs from falling out of the school system, and further on from social isolation. The aim of this study is to determine if the drama education can increase the interaction between the students and develop their interper-sonal skills. Attention is drawn especially to those pupils who have high risk of social exclusion. The method is a systematic review of the literature. In the theoretical part as the concept of drama education is defined broadly and interaction is defined narrowly. The theoretical part al-so clarifies the current status of special needs education as well as integration and inclusion ef-forts and concepts. Studies, books and articles about drama education, special education and in-teraction in studies have been used as material of the theoretical frame. In the theory part there is drama education is determined extensively and interaction is deter-mined briefly. In the theory part there is clarifyed how the special education is now and which are the aims of the integration and inclusion. In the theory framework Key results show that the drama potential way of working are diverse and wide. Interaction, embodiment and learner-oriented approach are in the center of drama education. The results of this study show that drama is a joyful way of working. Role-taking can be used in classrooms to bring in excitement, emotion, fun and interaction between people. Science learning is approached by experience and study becomes a holistic experience. Also positive development in psychological well-being has been found as a result of using drama education. Based on this Bachelor's thesis it is not possible to draw direct conclusions about a connection between development of drama and communication skills, but the use of drama education working in the school environment is increasing the amount of interaction at school, and thus it is increasing the interaction skills of pupils of drama education. Drama education can also have a significant positive impact on learning outcomes.
(2020)Tämä tutkielma on kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka tarkastelee kaltoinkohtelun, hajottavan ja negatiivisen toiminnan, sekä leikin, kohottavan ja hyvää tekevän, toiminnan kohtaamista: millaista on kaltoinkohtelua kohtaavan lapsen leikki. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on kuvata kaltoinkohtelua kohdanneiden lasten leikkiä. Lisäksi tutkielma kartoittaa miten kaltoinkohtelu näkyy leikissä ja voiko kaltoinkohtelu johtaa leikin katoamiseen. Leikin moninaisia määritelmiä tarkasteltiin eri näkökulmista lyhyesti, ja leikkiä ilmaisun keinona ja toimintana, jota tarkkailemalla voidaan saada tietoa lapsen kehityksestä ja hyvinvoinnista. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan leikkiä kaltoinkohtelua ilmentävänä toimintana. Lapsiin kohdistuvan kaltoinkohtelun seurauksia, kaltoinkohtelun eri muotoja sekä määritelmä kuvattiin tutkielmassa niin World Health Organizationin kuin Suomen lainsäädännön näkökulmasta. Tutkielma on kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka keskittyy leikin ja kaltoinkohtelun välistä suhdetta tarkastelevaan aiempaan tutkimukseen. Tutkielman aineisto kerättiin HELKA ja Eric –tietokannoista. Aineisto rajattiin koskemaan vertaisarvioituja, suomeksi tai englanniksi julkaistuja tutkimuksia. Aineiston tuli sisältää kuvauksia kaltoinkohtelua kohdanneiden lasten leikistä. Kaltoinkohtelun muoto vaikutti leikin ilmenemiseen, ja kaltoinkohtelun eri muotoja kohdanneet lapset leikkivät eri tavoin. Kuvaukset leikistä jaettiin kaltoinkohtelun muodon mukaan fyysistä väkivaltaa, seksuaalista hyväksikäyttöä ja laiminlyöntiä sekä kroonista laiminlyöntiä kohdanneiden lasten leikkiin. Kroonista kaltoinkohtelua kohdanneiden lasten leikin kuvaukset erosivat huomattavasti muista kaltoinkohtelun muodoista. Kaltoinkohtelun keskellä ilmenevästä leikistä tuli keino vaikuttaa ympäröiviin olosuhteisin ja vahvistaa omaa kokemusta toimijuudesta ja yhteydestä niin sisaruksiin kuin normaaliksi miellettyyn lapsuuteen. Kaltoinkohtelu johti leikin katoamiseen hetkellisesti vain äärimmäistä, kroonista kaltoinkohtelua kohdanneiden lasten kohdalla.
(2019)Autismikirjo on laaja-alainen kehityshäiriö, jonka ydinpiirteitä ovat vaikeudet sosiaalisessa kommunikaatiossa ja vuorovaikutuksessa. Vaikeudet voivat näkyä esimerkiksi puuttuvana katsekontaktina tai kykenemättömyytenä havaita muiden henkilöiden emotionaalisia vihjeitä. Autismikirjoon liittyy yleensä myös toistuva käyttäytyminen ja rajoittuneet mielenkiinnonkohteet. Autismikirjoon kuuluville rutiinit ovat usein tärkeitä, ja niistä poikkeaminen voi saada henkilön pois tolaltaan. Autismikirjoon saattaa liittyä myös aistiherkkyyttä ja kielenkehityksen viivästymiä. DSM on APA:n julkaisema ja ylläpitämä mielenterveyden häiriöiden tautiluokitus. Sen viides painos otettiin virallisesti käyttöön vuonna 2013. Neljännessä painoksessa laaja-alaiset kehityshäiriöt oli jaettu viiteen eri aladiagnoosiin. Viidennessä painoksessa aladiagnoosit on yhdistetty yhdeksi, autismikirjon häiriö -diagnoosiksi. Myös diagnostiset kriteerit muuttuivat. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella uusien kriteerien muutosten vaikutuksia autismikirjon diagnosoinnissa. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös mahdollisia muutoksiin johtaneita syitä. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset aiheesta ovat keskittyneet luonnoskriteerien vaikutuksiin ja virallisten kriteerien muutoksista on tehty tutkimuksia paljon vähemmän. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka aineisto koostui viidestä vertaisarvioidusta tutkimuksesta. Aineisto valittiin tiukkojen sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteerien mukaan. Aineistoksi valikoidut tutkimukset olivat toteutukseltaan luotettavia. Lähes kaikki autismi -diagnoosin omaavista saivat autismikirjon diagnoosin. Suurin osa Asperger-diagnoosin omaavista sai autismikirjon diagnoosin. PDD-NOS -diagnoosin kohdalla tulokset olivat ristiriitaisia. Heistä kuitenkin suuri osa jäi ilman diagnoosia. Mahdollisia syitä muutoksille oli esimerkiksi arviointimenetelmien sopimattomuus sekä autismikirjon piirteiden peittyminen muiden häiriöiden alle. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että osa autismikirjon henkilöistä jää ilman diagnoosia. Arviointimenetelmiä päivittämällä voidaan kuitenkin pyrkiä tarkempaan ja parempaan diagnosointiin.
(2017)In this special education bachelor thesis I explored educational motivation and influences related to prison education by using qualitative analysis method. The material consisted of four half-structured theme interviews recorded and transcribed. The people interviewed were men aged between 26 and 42. They had educational experiences from vocational school, high school or university studies while incarcerated. When collecting the data the interviewees were no longer incarcerated or they were on parole, so the experiences of prison education were shared as tales from the past. Themes were gathered from the material and analysed against area’s theoretical framework. The theoretical framework shows that study on prison education’s area has traditionally had interest on employment and cost-effectiveness. Recently there have also been interest to explore prison education’s effect on self-image, cognitive and social skills on the person studying. Prison education correlates with lower recidivism. Finnish prison education seems not to be on the same level with the other Nordic countries. Prisoners are statistically low-educated, they have a lot of learning difficulties and prison as a learning environment has its own unique features. Agreements concerning human rights point clearly that all people must have possibility for life-long learning. It’s meaningful to develop prison education also by gathering experiences from people who have studied incarcerated. The educational motives discovered in the interview material of this study were viewed through the motivational categories structured by Manger, Eikeland and Asbjørnsen (2012): 1) future planning, 2) social reasons and escapism and 3) competence building (learning for the sake of learning). In the interview material of this bachelor thesis future planning and escapism were the most shown factors. Competence building was discovered indirectly in the material and social reasons were shown only slightly. In the analysis prison education’s influences were related both to sentence time and life after release. The themes formed in earlier studies and discovered also in this bachelor study’s interview material were getting a degree, better employment and stronger self-image. The new theme found was getting rid of the fear for school.
(2016)Objectives. There has been a wide range of international studies of self-esteem between students in regular classes and special classes. However, research has yielded conflicting results. Some studies report lower self-esteem levels among students in special classes, while others note no differences. Throughout the history of research on self-esteem, there have been concerns that the concept was poorly defined and there were a large number of self-esteem instruments poorly correlating with one another. The purpose of this study is to compare the global self-esteem of students in special classes and in regular classes in two secondary schools in grades 7 through 9 in the city of Espoo. The difference in global self-esteem between the genders and the grade levels is also studied. Methods. The data was collected in April and May 2015 in two secondary schools in Espoo. Selfesteem was assessed with two different self-esteem measures, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (RSE) and the State Self-Esteem scale (SSES) among 88 students. The participants included 56 students in regular classes and 32 students in special classes. The students in special classes were classified weather as having learning disabilities (17) or emotional and behavioral disturbance (15). Results and Conclusions. Results indicate that there is no difference in global self-esteem between students in regular and special classes. No difference was found with either self-esteem measures. Neither was there any difference in self-esteem between the different types of special classes. However, the difference in self-esteem between genders was obvious and statistically significant: the boys had higher self-esteem scores than girls with both scales. As different grades were compared, the ninth-graders had lower self-esteem scores than the seventh-graders assessed with SSES-measure indicating that self-esteem lowers during the secondary school years.
(2016)High sensitivity is a part of a temperament. Most of the highly sensitive persons are also introverts. Their senses and minds get easily overloaded and they need to rest after being in a large, noisy group. This is why school years can be hard for highly sensitive children. If the teachers understand them, they will enjoy learning and their good qualities will come out.
(2019)Goals: The reasearch on teachers’ job satisfaction shows that the teachers’ job satisfaction is getting lower. The barometer on work conditions, published in May 2018 by the The Trade Union of Eduaction in Finland, shows that the teachers’ job satisfaction had lessened in the preceding two years. One viewpoint to understand more thoroughly the concept of job satisfaction is to look into the factors that cause job satisfaction in teachers’ work life. In this research, the goal was to widen understanding on the communication that lies behind teachers’ job satisfaction. The answers to this research problem were approached through the experiences of special education teachers. Job satisfaction was defined by the definition of Locke (1976): job satisfaction is "a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences". The recent research literature (e.g. Pepe, Addimando & Veronese 2017) shows that the relational communication is a factor that explains job satisfaction In this research, the interest is in the communication with the pupils, colleagues and pupil’s parents that supports job satisfaction. Methods: In this research, the data consisted of two interviews of special education teatchers. They were conducted in April 2018. The interviews were transcribed and the data consisted of 32 pages. The data was analyzed using qualitative, hermeneutic-phenomenological principles. Resuls: The communication relations with the pupils and the colleagues were seen as strongly meaningful factors explaining special education teachers’ job satisfaction. The communication with the parents was seen as less meaniful when considering job satisfaction. The communication atmosphere and the roles in the different communication relations were common factors when looking into the communication that was considered strenghtening job satisfaction. These factors apporach the transactional factors explaing burnout that Chan (2009) has represented. Openness, honesty and experience of trust seem to be the central common ground on all communication supporting the job satisfaction of the special education teachers.
(2018)The special education reform, has resulted in major changes in the job description of Finnish special education teachers. Also, distribution of resources to schools have changed. Previous researchers have found lack of resources in special education. Teachers also experience lack of time. To date, there have not been quantitative research about the matter of time specific to special education teachers. I explored special education teachers experiences about challenges that connect to resources in this research. Opinions of special education teachers are interesting because they not only operate in the field but also have academic education. The aim of the study was to answer two questions: which resource challenges A teachers experience to be (1) most disturbing and (2) least disturbing (2). The answers collected via electric questionaire, were from previous students from University of Helsinki whose major was special education. The participants were special education teachers in primary school. The questionnaire included many questions about resources. Answering scale were from 0-4. These answers were analysed by using quantitative methods. Also, questionnaire contained open questions. These answers I analysed using quantatative measures by themes related to resources. According to the study the special education teachers experienced many different challenges. The teachers often experienced lack of time. They were in hurry which left little time for planning the co-teaching. The teachers also worked after the working hours. Co-operating were also experienced challenging caused by lack of planning time. Also, great challenge faced the system of special education. Amount of given support to pupils were too little. The teachers also found challenging the lack of special education classes. The size of special education classes was right. Experiences about human resources showed need for special education teachers and assistants. It was also hard to get substitute. The special education teachers didn’t see need for adding more regular teachers.
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