Browsing by discipline "Käsityötiede"
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(2018)The main purpose of this literature overview is to examine the effects of educating handcrafts to ADHD pupils in terms of their self-esteem and self-image. In addition, in this research paper I will observe what type of learning environments and assignments would suit best for a student with ADHD. The objective of this research paper is to provide information for the handcrafts teachers about pupils having ADHD and instructions on how to process that disorder in handcrafts teaching. I collected my research data on 23 March 2017 by using four different search engines that are Helka, Laurea Finna, Google Scholar and Melinda. Keywords that were used were combinations of different words relating to the subject, such as "handcrafts and special education pupil", "handcrafts and self-esteem" and ADHD. By using the latter keywordI found several results in English. I included one piece of English literature to my research. According to the intake criteria after collecting background material I categorized the material based on both the titel and table of contents. The intake criteria consisted of Finnish and English literature published no later than in 2000. Based on these criteria I selected 15 pieces of pragmatic literature as my research material. The outcome of this literature overview is that the teacher, learning environment and given assignments have significant effect on the self-esteem and self-image of an ADHD pupil. The key findings of the reasons affecting the self-esteem and self-image were the way ADHD pupils were located in the classroom, teacher's understanding attitude and knowledge of the disorder and the way of giving over positive feedback for pupils suffering the disorder. Learning assignments, too, have a significant role in affecting the self-esteem of a pupil, thus the assignments should be challenging enough considering the level of knowledge of a pupil. In almost every classroom there is a pupil with ADHD. Therefore, it is crucial as a teacher to recognize the weaknesses and strenghts of a pupil with ADHD. This thesis summarizes the results of several different pieces of research.
(2019)Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia käsityöntekijä Julia Latva-Panttilan elämäkertaa hänen käsitöistä käsin. Julia Latva-Panttilalta jäi valtava kokoelma käsitöitä hänen elämänsä varrelta ja hänet muistetaan tarkkana ja ahkerana käsityöntekijänä sekä erittäin aktiivisena Kurikan kansalaisopiston opiskelijana. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, miten käsityöt ovat kulkeneet Julian mukana läpi hänen elämänsä sekä miten kansalaisopisto on vaikuttanut yksittäisen opiskelijan elämään. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin elämäkerrallista tapaustutkimusta. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla Julian vanhinta lasta Liisa Kirvestä. Aineistona toimi myös Liisa Kirveen Kurikan kansalaisopistossa keräämä haastatteluaineisto, johon osallistui neljä Julian tuntenutta henkilöä. Tutkimuksessa esiintyvät tapahtumat ovat ajoitettu aikajärjestykseen, mutta tarkkoja vuosilukuja kaikille tapahtumille ei ole. Huomioitavaa myös on, että haastattelu on toteutettu toisen ihmisen kertomana eli itse asianomainen Julia Latva-Panttila ei ole asioita kertonut ja muistellut. Julia Latva-Panttilan elämässä käsityöt olivat hyvin suuressa roolissa. Kudonta oli Julialle ehdottomasti tärkein käsityötekniikka. Julia oli käsitöitä tehdessään hyvin tarkka ja täsmällinen eikä sallinut epäsiistiä jälkeä. Käsityöt kulkivat Julian elämässä läpi eri elämänvaiheiden ja asutettujen kaupunkien. Tutkimuksessa selviää, että vapaalla sivistystyöllä oli erittäin suuri rooli Julian elämässä. Kansalaisopisto toi hänen eläkepäiviinsä rytmiä, ohjelmaa, seuraa ja uuden oppimista. Julia oli nopea ja innokas oppija, joka muistetaan kansalaisopistolla ahkerana opiskelijana. Kansalaisopisto ylläpiti Julian käsityöharrastusta ja toi siihen uusia ulottuvuuksia uusien käsityötekniikoiden avulla. Kansalaisopiston avulla Julia oppi sellaisia tekniikoita, joita hän tuskin olisi opetellut yksinään ilman seuraa ja opettajaa. Vapaa sivistystyö ylläpiti Julian kohdalla elämän mittaista harrastusta ja toteutti elinikäisen oppimisen periaatetta.
(2018)The purposes. Aino (1894 – 1949) and Alvar Aalto (1898 – 1976) were architects and designers whose work is well known around the world. Aalto had a holistic way of thinking about architectural work, which meant creating detailed compilations, including designing textiles also. Artek used other textile producers too, but this paper focuses on the textiles Aino and Alvar Aalto designed themselves for their interior designs, furniture and world exhibitions. The purpose of this research is to figure out what textiles Aino Aalto designed at the time when Artek was founded in the 30´s and what textiles Alvar Aalto designed later, in the 50’s. Aino and especially Alvar Aalto’s architectural work and furniture design has been researched extensively, but less has been written of their textiles. Therefore, one purpose of this research is to lighten this less known area of the Aalto’s work. The methods. For the artefact study in this research I photographed every fabric sample (over 100pcs) in the Alvar Aalto Archives in Jyväskylä and sorted them by the models/prints, colours and designers. The following steps in the research were done based on the photographs. There were five different models designed by Aino Aalto among the samples, four of them were screen printed fabrics and one was a woven textile. There were five different prints designed by Alvar Aalto. For closer examination, four of Aino Aalto’s and four of Alvar Aalto’s textiles were chosen for this research. The research work analyses the textile design careers of the Aalto’s and how their fabric designs have been in use. The conclusions. Many different colour variations exist of these print designs and they have been printed on various fabrics, for example same print were printed on upholstery and curtain materials. Aino Aalto’s fabric designs have stayed as part of design history and have not been manufactured ever since. She ended up designing fabrics when she worked as Artistic Director in Artek. Alvar Aalto’s ”Siena”-fabric is still in production by Artek, perhaps because of its timeless design.
(2018)In my bachelor thesis, I wanted to research experiences of participants of Käden taidot courses at Vantaa Adult Education Institute of Tikkurila. I chosed Adult Education Institute of Tikkurila as research target, because it is one of the biggest adult institute in Finland. I wanted to find out following themes: what kind of different motives people had to take part in different kind of Käden taidot courses and what kind of preconceptions they had toward these courses. I also wanted to find out how these preconceptions came true. Inquiry method I used, was survey, because with it, it is easy to handle big sampling and it is easy to answer anonymously. Inquiry method I used was based on Likert scale multiple choice questions and open questions. In the inquiry form every multiple choice was followed by open question where the participants could define the answer they gave. I took 60 forms to the Adult Education Institute and I ged back 24, so the answering percentage was 40. The classification of my inquiry based on qualitative and narrative analysis. Based on the answers I get, I divited participants to three different groups; “the Repeater”, “the Hang arounder” and “the Knower”. The repeater wats to revise a course again, because it is possible to learn something new. The Hang arounder takes part to a course, because the reference group is so good, even if she/he wants to learn something new. To the Knower it is most important to learn something new, when the social aspect has a minor role. Named groups went one on the other and it was difficult to make accurate categorizations. All the respondents agreed that all preconceptions towar courses came true and they were educational. In addition to they served social needs.
(2020)Yksilön kokemus itsestään käsityötä tekevänä tai tekemättömänä ihmisenä muodostuu läpi elämän. Ala-asteella saadut kokemukset luovat pohjan tälle ajatukselle itsestä. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa opettajan ja koulun vaikutusta oppilaan kuvaan omista taidoistaan on tutkittu usean eri oppiaineen saralla ja on saatu selville, että koulun opetus ja opettajat vaikuttavat oppilaan kokemuksiin melko paljon. Käsityönopetuksen kannalta kuvaan tulee mukaan myös konkreettisten taitojen oppiminen ja tekniikoiden muistaminen ja ymmärtäminen. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitän mitkä asiat vaikuttavat oppilaiden käsityön osaamisen kokemukseen käsityöntunneilla, sekä miten tätä osaamisen kokemusta voi muuttaa aikuisena. Tutkimukseni metodina käytin kuvailevaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Tutkin aineistoani ja etsin siitä vastauksia tutkimuskysymyksiini. Etsin lisätietoa tutkimukseeni hakemalla informaatiota eri tietokannoista hakusanoja apuna käyttäen. Tutustuin aiheesta kertoviin pro gradu- tutkielmiin, sekä muihin teksteihin ja peilasin niitä toisiinsa etsien yhtymäkohtia ja samankaltaisuuksia. Oppilaiden kokemukseen käsityön opetuksesta vaikuttivat perusasiat, kuten välineistö, materiaali, sekä tilat. Peruspuitteiden ollessa kunnossa, tilaa jää muiden kokemusten muodostamiseen. Opettajan palautteenantotyyli, onnistumisen tai epäonnistumisen kokemukset, sekä mahdollisuus mielekkääseen suunnitteluun ja toteuttamiseen vaikuttivat oppilaiden osaamisen kokemuksen muodostumiseen. Näiden asioiden toteutuminen tai toteutumattomuus voi vaikuttaa oppilaan kokemukseen omasta osaamisestaan ja tämä kokemus voi leimata yksilöä aikuisuuteen asti. Aikuisella iällä kokemuksia pystyi kuitenkin korjaamaan. Kokemusten korjaamista tapahtui koulutusmaailman ulkopuolella esimerkiksi sosiaalisissa ympäristöissä, sekä arkielämän oppimisen muodoissa.
(2017)The research examines the development and sharing of expertise in the profession of tailoring. The focus is on four themes: the impact of individual and social factors on the development of expertise and activities that either advance or inhibit its deepening. Research focused on traditional handcraft professions is important as it increases the appreciation, understanding and knowledge of these professions. Studying traditional handcrafts is also important in order to prevent the decline and disappearance of these fields. The theoretical part of the study focuses on examining previous research and theoretical literature on expertise and the development and sharing of expertise. Literature on the diversity of the methods of learning skills is also briefly discussed in the second chapter of the study, which also serves as a general introduction into the topic of the study. In this study, the development and sharing of expertise was studied by using qualitative research method. The collection of the data was carried out by conducting semi-structured individual interviews. For the purpose of the research, the experiences of skill development as well as the development and transfer of skills were collected from tailors engaged in the trade (n=4).Theoretical content analysis was used in the analysis of the material. The research results showed that the deepening of one’s own expertise was advanced by imitating the technical details of competitors and by learning by research. Sharing knowledge and skills together with other experts was not found to very common in the data. According to the tailors interviewed, the biggest obstacles for sharing expertise were the challenge of teaching skills that require routine and the lack of time. It can also be seen from the data that the reflection of one’s own workmanship was low, which may be related to the challenge of sharing skills. Those tailors who constantly challenged their own skills and routines experienced their opportunities for professional development more strongly. The reluctance to deviate from routines also rose from the data as one of the most concrete obstacles for the development of expertise. Acknowledging the factors that advance professional development is justified when the education of tailors is considered. The results of this study can contribute to this process. The organizations educating tailors should avoid teaching students simply to repeat things that are already known, even if it is important to build on what has already been learned. Educational arrangements that promote open learning and are based on students’ own interests’ support their ability to both renew and transfer what they have learned into future professional practices.
(2019)The purpose of this thesis was to describe use of the digital equipments in education. Making of the products, is understood as new curriculum (POPS 2014) is suggesting, coaching student to pervasive knowledge, multimaterial use, fenomena based and 21st century skills learning abilities. Theory of this work is based on invention pedagogy where students are making inventions from their own life. Inventionpedagogy is supporting pervasive knowledge skills as kritical thinking and selfregulated learning abilities. Student based learning is changing the way how teaching is implemented. There are no models you can use, product goals are driven in real life. That is problem based learning, fenomena based or challenge based learning. Use of technology and integrating it to learning is spreading slowly. Equipments are expensive and sofware unfamiliar. Teachers education is aming to advance technology based invention pedagogy and need of knowledge. In InnoKomps training teachers are designing project using these methods. Innokomp is nation wide research, whitch is pointed to teachers and teacher education. InnoKomp training is still going on. Material of this thesis was given 2018 and it contains starting point inquiry (N35) and ending poin inquiry (N14). Permission to use this material was given from participating universities. Teachers answers were analysed by Atlas.ti program and content analyse. Research method is qualitative. Teachers feelings and experiences toward digitality and future aims were collected from material. Results are reflected to changing of craft teaching and reform of curriculum. Research outcomes turn out that 21 teacher have previous experience on digital modeling. On the other hand 11 teacher have few or none. From these teachers, 8 got benefit of the training and they learned something new. Teachers feelings toward digitality were vast, dislike to enthustiasm. InnoKomp training was conceived good. Teachers own objectives to the training were to understand and learn new things. To complete professional skills to meet up OPS 2014 goals. To bring new equipments to craft teaching and new ways of teaching future skills.
(2019)Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälaisia epätyypillisiä vaatetusmateriaaleja voidaan käyttää vaatteen valmistuksessa. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää epätyypillisestä vaatetusmateriaalista valmistetun vaatteen yksityiskohtia ja esiintymistä. Teoriaosuudessa käsittelen perinteisiä vaatetusmateriaaleja sekä vaatesuunnittelun periaatteita. Tästä teoriaosuus siirtyy tarkastelemaan kokeellista vaatesuunnittelua ja vaatetta teoksena. Tutkimuskysymykset muotoutuivat sekä oman työskentelyn ja kiinnostuksen kautta, että kirjallisuudesta syntyneistä ajatuksista. Tutkimuskysymyksiä on yhteensä neljä: 1.Minkälaisia epätyypillisiä vaatetusmateriaaleja voidaan käyttää vaatteen valmistuksessa? 2.Minkälaisia vaatekappaleita valmistetaan epätyypillisistä vaatetusmateriaaleista? 3.Esiintyykö epätyypillisestä vaatetusmateriaalista valmistetussa vaatteessa myös muita materiaaleja? 4.Missä kontekstissa epätyypillisestä vaatetusmateriaalista valmistettu vaate esiintyy kuvassa? Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli sisällönanalyysi, jota on sovellettu kuvalliseen aineistoon. Keräsin tutkimusaineiston internetin kuvapalveluista, Pinterestistä ja Instagramista sekä kirjalähteistä. Aineiston keräämiseen käytin hakusanoja avantgarde fashion, wearable art, experimental clothing design, contemporary fashion. Kirjalähteitä etsin samoilla hakusanoilla. Tutkimusaineiston perusjoukko sisälsi kahdeksankymmentä (80) kuvaa, joista valitsin systemaattista otantaa käyttäen neljäkymmentä (40) kuvaa analysoitavaksi. Nämä neljäkymmentä (40) kuvaa muodostivat tutkimusaineiston otoksen. Suoritin kuville sisällönanalyysin, jolloin katseen kohteena oli vaatteessa käytetyt materiaalit, vaatekappale ja sen yksityiskohdat sekä vaatteen esiintyminen. Tutkimustuloksissa eniten ilmennyt epätyypillinen vaatetusmateriaali oli käyttöesine tai paperi. Tuloksista kävi ilmi, että tutkittavien vaatteiden mallit ja leikkaukset mukailivat arkivaatetuksessa nähtäviä malleja. Epätyypillistä vaatetusmateriaalia ilmeni eniten mekoissa ja takeissa. Yli puolessa (24) otoksessa esiintyvässä vaatteessa oli käytetty vain tätä epätyypillistä vaatetusmateriaalia. Yleisin epätyypillisen vaatetusmateriaalin rinnalle lisätty materiaali oli tekstiili. Eniten epätyypillisestä vaatetusmateriaalista valmistettuja vaatteita esiintyi ihmisen ylle puettuna. Tutkimustulokset tarjoavat katsauksen kokeelliseen vaatesuunnitteluun, jossa materiaali on lähtökohtana. Tuloksia voi soveltaa kokeellisen vaatesuunnittelun parissa tehtävään tutkimukseen tai työskentelyyn.
(2020)Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutustua kansanpuku feresiä koskevaan kirjalliseen aineistoon sekä sen omakohtaiseen valmistusprosessiin. Tutkija sai lahjana tarvikepaketin ja ohjeet kansanpuvun valmistusprosessiin. Teoreettisessa taustatutkimuksessa syvennytään pukeutumiseen sekä kansanpuvun ja feresin historiaan, joiden avulla valmistusprosessi lähti käyntiin. Prosessia varten tutkittiin useita erilaisia kansanpukumalleja, joita Suomessa on valmistettu, sillä aiempaa tutkimusta kansanpuku feresin valmistuksesta ei ole. Tutkija on erinomainen ompelutaidoiltaan, mutta ei ole aiemmin valmistanut kansanpukua. Tutkimustehtäväksi määräytyi selvittää, kuinka kansanpuku feresin valmistus onnistuu noviisilta, joka ei ennen ole kansanpukua valmistanut. Tutkimuksessa kuvataan tutkijan omakohtainen valmistusprosessi kansanpuvun valmistuksesta, jonka ympärille tutkimus kietoutui. Tämä kvalitatiivinen tutkimus toteutettiin autoetnografisena tutkimuksena. Aineisto koostui tutkijan omista muistiinpanoista, valmistusprosessin aikana kerätystä kuva- ja videomateriaalista sekä kahdesta haastattelusta. Lähdin analysoimaan aineistoa paneutumalla ensin huolellisesti teoreettiseen taustaan ja kansanpuvun historiaan, jonka avulla jäsentyi selkeä kuva valmistusprosessista. Valmistusprosessin jälkeen muistiinpanot ja kuvamateriaali yhdistettiin yhteiseksi dokumentiksi, jotta niistä oli selvitettävissä tutkimuksen merkityksen kannalta tärkein asiasisältö reflektoivaan tutkimusprosessiin. Tutkimuksen tulos koostui yksilöllisestä valmistusprosessin kuvauksesta, jossa tutkijan prosessi ja teoria etenevät lomittain. Valmistusprosessissa ilmeni haasteita, mutta haastattelun ja lisäavun turvin prosessi saatiin päätökseen ja kansanpuku saatettua valmiiksi. Tutkimustulos yksilöllisenä valmistusprosessina osoitti, että feresin valmistus vaati paljon käsityöllistä taitoa ja täysin noviisin ompelijan olisi vaikea pukua valmistaa, vaikka hänellä olisi kuvalliset ohjeet tarjolla. Puvun valmistus onnistui tutkijalta kuitenkin hyvin, aiemman laajan ompelutaustan vuoksi.
(2020)The aim of this survey was to view Finnair’s cabin crew uniform in particular. The research questions we’re: how does the cabin crew see their uniform as a part of their occupational identity, what is the meaning of the uniform for it’s user and is the cabin crew pleased with the current uniform? The data was collected through an interview electric questionnaire in November 2020. 14 cabin crew members answered. Statistical methods such as fenomenology and qualitative content analysis were used to analyze the data. The results of this surveys showed that the uniform has a significant role in the participants’ occupational identity. It highlights fellowship between crew members and responsibility and safety during flights. Identification of crew members between each other and customers was also important. The uniform has a lot of sentimental value and that the members did not want to give up using it. The cabin crew were mainly satisfied with the uniform abd it was conside-red to reflect well Finnair’s values. There were also many improvement requests for Finnair’s next cabin crew uniform whose design planning will be started during next years.
(2020)Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen vuosien 1919–1944 välisenä aikana Hämeenlinnassa sijoitettuna olleiden poliittisten naisvankien tekemää käsityötä vankien pakollisena työtoimintana, sekä etenkin omaehtoisesti työn ulkopuolella tehtynä käsityönä. Aiempien poliittisista naisvangeista tehtyjen tutkielmien perusteella voidaan sanoa, että he muodostivat yhteisön, johon kuuluneilla on ollut monipuolista toimintaa myös pakollisen työpalvelun ulkopuolella. Kuitenkin erityisesti työn ulkopuolella tehty käsityö on lähes kaikissa tämän tutkielman lähteissä sivuutettu täysin. Toisaalta nykypäiviin saakka on säilynyt Hämeenlinnan poliittisten naisvankien valmistamia käsitöitä, joista osa on hyvin todennäköisesti täytynyt valmistaa käsityössä esiintyvän poliittisen aiheen vuoksi vankilaolosuhteissa täysin omaehtoisista ja henkilökohtaisista syistä, salaa ainakin vankilan henkilökunnalta. Tutkimustehtäviä on kaksi. Ensinnäkin etsin vastausta kysymykseen: Millaisia käsitöitä poliittiset naisvangit ovat tehneet? Toisena tehtävänä on lähemmin merkitysanalyysimenetelmän avulla kuvata, analysoida ja tulkita yhtä poliittisen naisvangin valmistamaa käsityötä, joka esittää venäläistä laskuvarjohyppääjää (eli desanttia), jonka poliittinen naisvanki oli nuken esinetietojen mukaan salaa valmistanut lahjaksi toiselle vangittuna olleelle naiselle. Hämeenlinnaan sijoitettujen poliittisten naisvankien päivittäiseen elämään vankeudessa käsityö on liittynyt kiinteästi. Heti vankeuden alussa (usein yksinäisyyteen eristettynä) tehty pakollinen työpalvelu oli yleensä käsityötä ja samalla myös poliittisille vangeille keino parempaan asemaan siirtymiseksi progressiivisessa vankeusjärjestelmässä. Toisaalta pakkotyönä teetetty käsityö oli poliittisille naisvangeille merkittävä keino ilmaista vastarintaa vallitsevaa järjestelmää kohtaan. Käsityö oli keino kohentaa vangin omia elinolosuhteita, mutta se on voinut myös tarjota mielekästä tekemistä monella tavalla psyykkisesti ja fyysisesti vaativissa olosuhteissa. Poliittiset naisvangit ovat käsityön keinoin voineet ilmaista mm. omaa aatettaan ja yhteenkuuluvuutta muiden poliittisista syistä vangittujen naisten kanssa. Vankien kertomuksissa tuli esiin myös poliittisten vankien yhteisöllisiin tarkoituksiin käsityönä valmistamat tarvikkeet. Vaikeissa olosuhteissa, suljetussa yhteisössä vankilan muurien sisäpuolella, näyttäisi tehdyn monipuolista käsityötä vuosien 1919–1944 välisenä aikana. Tosin sodan myötä poliittisten naisvankien pakollinen työpalvelu yksipuolistui ja muuttui paljolti lähinnä sotilasvaatteiden korjaukseksi. Käsityötä kuitenkin tehtiin Hämeenlinnan vankilassa myös vaikeina sotavuosina omaehtoisesti erilaisista syistä, mistä desanttia esittävä nukke (80.2/ 80, liite 1) on hyvä esimerkki.
(2019)Objectives. The aim of the study was to collect information on craft entrepreneurship, who will become a craft entrepreneur and the reasons for craft entrepreneurship. Research tried to find answers to questions: Who is a craftsman?; Why people decide to be Handcraft Entrepreneur?; What should be considered when change from an amateur to an entrepreneur? And What kind of problems handcraft entrepreneur have encountered in their business? The aim of the study was to find answers to research questions from the studies already done and to make conclusions based on the material. Methods. The research method was a literature review. Literature review brings together the results of the research and serves as a basis for new research results. The review of the research literature was a narrative review of literature. In the literature review the studies which were published by public operators after year 2000 and debated on craft entrepreneurship, as well as master's theses and doctoral thesis in the field were studied. Results and conclusions. The study showed that there are many reasons for becoming a handcraft entrepreneur and they are very various. The definitions of the craftsman were also very varied and extensive. The problems experienced by craftsmen were very similar to other micro and small entrepreneurs. There were hardly any specific problems in this area. Answers to question what should be considered when moving from an amateur to an entrepreneur were not found in the material. So, this would be a good subject for further research.
(2019)There has been very little research on bead embroidery on the context of contemporary art. The aim of the study was to describe the use of beads and bead embroidery in contemporary art by using one case as an example. The research assignment was to examine how the technique used by textile artist Aura Kajaniemi has emerged and evolved and how the materials and the used technique affect the artist's expression. The study describes a case that serves as an example of bead embroidery as a means of artistic expression. The research is a qualitative case study and the research data consist of an interview with textile artist Aura Kajaniemi. The data was transcribed and analyzed by a theory-driven content analysis method. Three main categories emerged from the data: 1) bead business, 2) working process, 3) being an artist. The categories were divided on to subcategories. The result of the research is a narratively whole case which describes the meaning of beads and bead embroidery and their effects on expression and the experience of being an artist. Examining the emerge and evolvement of the technique it turned out that beads and bead embroidery contained many meanings that still influenced artist's expression. The beads did not seem to restrict the creation and enabled the visual unity of different themes. Due to its features the material was also used in the sketching phase. The used materials and technique appeared to be mediums to express an idea rather than to be its source.
(2019)Knitting is a popular hobby. Knitted products and patterns are shared on social media and advice on knitting is given and asked for. Multicoloured designs are knitted especially on socks and patterns are available online and in pattern magazines. I am a member of a few knitting groups on Facebook and the majority of multicoloured designs that are posted there, is knitted after ready made descriptions or charts. It raised the question to what extent own designs are planned, what function planning fills and which factors influence the decision to plan your own design or make use of ready made charts. The study was conducted using a web survey. An invitation to participate in the survey was published on Facebook in two knit-orientated groups: Iloinen villasukka- ja neuleryhmä (Happy sock- and knitting group) and Neulonta (Knitting). The survey was answered by 177 women, mainly without formal education in crafts. The collected data was analysed using statistical methods. The result of the survey showed that scantily half of the respondents had planned multi-coloured designs. Respondents planned their own designs when ready made charts of the desired motifs were not available or they wanted a personal product. Other frequently occurring reasons for planning were associated with personal development or self-realization. Just over 60 % of the respondents stated that they always or almost always knitted multi-coloured designs after ready made charts. Easy access to suitable charts and the certainty of success when using ready made charts, were stated as reasons for knitting after ready made charts. Planning own designs was considered time consuming and difficult.
(2017)The aim of this study was to investigate teaching of silver clay technique in the context of adult craft courses. In addition, information about challenges in teaching silver clay was collected. Theoretic background of this study consisted of studies and theories about learning and teaching of skills. Material was gathered in May to June of 2017 by individually interviewing three teachers who teach silver clay technique. The collected material was analyzed theory oriented, by using content analysis method. When classifying skills teaching, Romiszowski´s (1999) three phase method was utilized. The results of this study show that the silver clay teachers were mostly the same strategies and following Romiszowski’s (1999) three step model in their teaching. All the teachers introduced essential information for students to run the task in the beginning of the course. The information was shared by e-mail, paper copies or by organising a physical brief before the course. Explaining history and behaviour of the material as well as introducing the tools were considered essential by the teachers. In the second phase, every teacher said they would demonstrate working of silver clay concretely with the help of showpieces. Improvement of the students’s skills was supported by individual guidance and continuous feedback. When teaching silver clay, the teachers had faced various challenges, the most prominent of which were issues relating to people skills and unpredictability of materials. There is no previous research on silver clay teaching. Therefore, results of this study can be considered useful and applicable to teaching of the silver clay technique, but to teaching and planning of other craft techniques as well.
(2018)Making crafts is often connected to improved wellbeing and previous studies in this field have shown that crafts support the makers’ wellbeing. Mental health issues are very common among youth and they can lead to social exclusion which has lately been on display a lot in the public forum. The intention of this study was to examine the therapeutic effects of crafts and their possible connections to youth’s mental health and its progress. The study mission is to find out the therapeutic factors in the crafting process and their effects on youth’s mental health. This study is a descriptive literature study. I collected versatile material consisting of different academic and reliable publications. To collect the material I availed the database of Helka and the Google Scholar search engine. As keywords I used the ones mentioned below and their combinations. I chose 21 academic publications, availing most of them concisely. This study showed that the craft process has several factors that can improve youth’s mental health. These factors have versatile effects which can be connected to the challenges in the day-to-day life of the youth. The most notable effects are related to individuals – the development of self-esteem, self-image and self-confidence and also many life skills, such as emotional, interaction and coping skills. Based on this literature study, crafts can play a part in improving mental wellbeing and lower the risk of developing a mental health disorder.
(2018)The development of technology and science has changed the life of human. Dog clothing phenomenon has been born as a part of this development. Dogs can't share their thoughts about clothes so humans make conclusions based on behaviour of dogs. Users of dog clothing say that the garment must be of appropriate size. A suitable size means that the garment is not too small or too large. On the streets there is a smaller chance to see dogs in small clothes because the dog owner can't wear a small cloth over the dog. Instead there is a higher possibility to see dogs with too large clothes since it is more difficult to notice too large clothes. The purpose of this study was to make a guide how the dog owner can see too large clothing. To create a justifiable and reliable model I had to define three variables: dog, dog clothing and garment. All dogs have the same body model, so one dog's picture was used as an example in the analysis. The dog's garment and clothing were determined with a Nordic pattern system. A reasoned model to identify excessive clothing was created by analyzing the results ob-tained, exemplary clothing and important dimensions of dog clothing. A tutorial including series of images was created based on the study. Images makes it easy to visually understand how to choose the right sized garment for the dog. The study was fo-cused on practical problems so that the result material could be used for example to guide and make it easier for dog owners to purchase clothes for their dogs.
(2018)With crafting processes, sources of inspiration play an important role in finding ideas and planning own work. According to previous studies, the use of inspiration sources is abundant and the sources are multifaceted and diverse. Inspiration can be found, among other things, from nature, from photographs and both own and others crafts. Craft blogs also provide readers a place to find an inspiration. Craft blog post typically contains information about technics, materials, tutorials and crafting processes. The purpose of this qualitative research is to find out what are the factors in an craft blog post that readers find to be inspiring. In addition, the aim is to find out where the inspiration might lead to. I collected the research material through a web survey I shared on my blog. In the survey, I asked the respondents to recall an inspiring craft blog post, and to answer in own words what are the factors that respondents found to be inspiring, and did the inspiration led to any action. I analyzed the answers of each question as own groups by using content analysis. I summarized the material to reduced sentences and used coding to classify the reduced sentences. The analysis of the first questionnaire was continued by categorizing and conceptualizing the material into a more reduce form to identify differences and convergences in the material. The factors that raises inspiration were divided into four categories: factors that associated with blog post, factors that associated with the product, reader-related factors, and blogger-related factors. The results indicated that the sources of inspiration in blog post are diverse, but there where certain factors which were more clearly distinguished from other factors in the material. Those factors where: Providing information and support to the crafting process, New ideas, Learning new skills, Self development, Atmospheric and Possibility to apply the idea. The activities that inspiratiot led to were divided into eight categories. Three of them describing preparatory work for crafting, two describing making crafts and one describing self-development and challenging yourself. Last two categories were "other activities" and "did not lead to anything".
(2019)Goal. The story of Ninni's Italian pattern system, which I named Italian pattern system à la Ninni, is a story of a person's enthusiasm and inspiration that is today a concept in the Swedish-speaking institutes in southern Finland. The study material that is now being developed is primarily intended for students at the Adult Education Institutes. Pattern drawing is an essential part of the clothing process. The pattern determines the appearance of the garment and how it fits the wearer. Because few women have standard measures, according to measures are used in the industry and in commercial patterns, therefore there is a need to produce patterns according to their own measures. After drawing a basic pattern, there are endless possibilities to design personal garments. The drawing of the basic pattern is a systematic process and requires clear instructions. Methods. Ninni (Jane-Ann Eager) who used the Italian pattern system she learned in her youth in Italy, had the key role in the study. I interviewed Ninni several times during the study. The course participants who attended Ninni's courses were asked to answer a questionnaire and 28 people answered the questionnaire in which the users' needs and wishes regarding a study material was examined. The last part of the study consisted of two tests of the material in practice, first on one of my own pattern drawing courses where eight women under supervision used the material. At the last stage, the material was refined after a test person independently used the material to produce a basic pattern for herself. Results and conclusions. This action research has developed a study material for the Italian pattern system. An instruction booklet was produced based on the wishes and needs of the users and Ninni. In addition to the written numbered instructions, the booklet also contains figures to support the pattern drawing. The instructions is for drawing a basic pattern. The next step would be to describe how these basic patterns are used for planning patterns for different clothes.
(2020)Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään mitä ja millä tavoin Suomen con-tapahtumissa järjestettävissä cosplay-pukukilpailuissa tuomarit arvioivat cosplay-pukua. Cosplay tulee sanoista costume + play ja tarkoittaa suomeksi pukuilua. Con-tapahtumissa tietyn populaarikulttuurin teeman harrastajat kokoontuvat yhteen. Japanilaisen populaarikulttuurin harrastamisesta ja cosplaysta on tehty aikaisempaa tutkimusta, mutta ei kuitenkaan cosplay-kilpailuiden osalta. Tutkimukseni tarkoitus oli selvittää ja ymmärtää cosplay-kilpailuiden arviointia. Olen koonnut teoriataustani kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja selvittänyt mitä cosplay-harrastus, puvun tekeminen ja hahmouskollisuus toimintana ovat sekä mitä cosplay-kilpailut ovat. Keräsin tutkimukseni aineiston yhdeksältä pukukilpailuiden cosplay-tuomarilta kolmesta eri con-tapahtumasta puolistrukturoidun kyselylomakkeen avulla. Kyselylomakkeeni koostui kolmesta avoimesta kysymyksestä, jolloin käytin aineistoni analysointiin sisällönanalyysiä. Suomalaisissa cosplay-pukukilpailuissa arvioidaan pukua referenssikuvan avulla arvioiden puvun toteutukseen ja hahmouskollisuuden luomiseen liittyviä tekijöitä. Cosplay-pukua arvioidaan kahdessa pääkategoriassa, joita ovat hahmouskollisuus ja käsityö. Tuomarit arvioivat yhteensä 16 eri osa-aluetta, jotka voidaan tyypitellä neljään eri tyyppiluokkaan. Osa-alueet jaetaan tyyppiluokkiin sen perusteella, kumman pääkategorian avulla niitä arvioidaan. Tyyppi A:han kuuluvat käsityö pääkategorian avulla arvioitavat osa-alueet. Tyyppi B:hen kuuluvat hahmouskollisuuden avulla arvioitavat osa-alueet. Tyyppi C:hen kuuluvat kummankin pääkategorian avulla arvioitavat osa-alueet. Tyyppiin D kuuluvia osa-alueita ei arvioida, mutta ne vaikuttavat arviointiin. Cosplay-puvun osia arvioidaan tietyillä tai kaikilla osa-alueilla niiden muokkausasteen perusteella. Cosplay-pukua tuomarointi huoneessa tarkastellaan päästä alaspäin. Yleensä kilpailija kertoo puvustaan tuomaristolle, mutta tarpeen tullen tuomaristo esittää kysymykset ja kilpailija vastaa. Lisäksi tuomarit katsovat pukua läheltä ja kokeilevat materiaaleja. Lopuksi tuomarit keskustelevat asioista, joihin kiinnittivät huomiota arvioidakseen kilpailijan mahdollisuuden sijoittua kilpailussa.
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