Browsing by discipline "Kasvatuspsykologia"
Now showing items 1-20 of 95
(2019)Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisilla työtavoilla ajattelun taitoja voidaan harjoitella sosiaalisen median avulla. Ajattelun taidot määritellään Bloomin uudistetun taksonomian mukaisesti, koska sen nähdään vastaavan Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman (2014) tapaa määritellä ajattelun taidot laaja-alaisissa osaamiskokonaisuuksissa. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tarjota kasvattajille tietoa siitä, miten sosiaalista mediaa voitaisiin hyödyntää entistä enemmän opetuksessa. Tutkielma on toteutettu integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimusaineisto muodostuu 19 artikkelista, joissa sosiaalista mediaa on käytetty opetuksessa. Aineiston analyysi suoritettiin deduktiivisesti etsimällä aineistosta ajattelua harjoittavia työtapoja, jotka luokiteltiin Bloomin uudistetun taksonomian mukaisesti eri ajattelun tasoille. Tämän jälkeen analyysiyksiköt luokiteltiin vielä induktiivisesti, jotta työtavoista saatiin muodostettua yleiskuvaavia luokkia. Tuloksista selvisi, että ajattelun taitoja pystytään harjoittelemaan monin eri tavoin sosiaalisen median avulla. Projektit havaittiin erinomaiseksi keinoksi harjoitella ajattelun taitoja monipuolisesti. Tuloksista selvisi myös, että samoilla työtavoilla pystyttiin harjoittelemaan eri ajattelun tasoja. Tästä voidaan päätellä opettajan roolin olevan merkittävä ajattelun ohjaamisessa, jotta opiskelija saadaan ohjattua käyttämään hänelle uusia ajattelun taitoja. Tutkimuksesta voidaan päätellä sosiaalisen median olevan toimiva väline ajattelun harjoittelemiseen. Tulevaisuudessa tarvitaan kuitenkin enemmän täsmätutkimusta aiheesta, jotta saataisiin selville, voisiko sosiaalisen median käytöllä kehittää ajattelun taitoja perinteistä opetusta tehokkaammin. Lisäksi tarvitaan lisätietoa opiskelijoiden käyttökokemuksista.
(2020)Tavoitteet. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet tunteiden merkityksen oppimiseen. Tunteet ovat läsnä korkeakoulukontekstissa ja ne vaikuttavat muun muaassa oppilaiden suoriutumisee. Näitä opiskeluun liitettyjä tunteita kutsutaan akateemisiksi tunteiksi (academic emotions). Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tarkastella olemassa olevan tutkimustiedon pohjalta, miten akateemisia tunteita on tutkittu ja miten tunteista puhutaan nykykirjallisuudessa. Aihe rajattiin koskemaan korkeakoulukontekstia, eli korkeakoulun opiskelijoita sekä opettajia. Tutkielman tavoitteena on muodostaa kokonaiskuvaa siitä, miten akateemisia tunteita on tutkittu ja millä tavoin akateemisten tunteet näyttäytyvät 2010-luvulla tehdyn tutkimuksen valossa. Menetelmät. Tutkielma oli laadullinen ja toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, joka mahdollisti monipuolisen ja laajan sekä tutkimuskysymysten kannalta relevantin tutkimustiedon kokoamisen. Aineiston haku toteutettiin keväällä 2020, ja rajattiin koskemaan 2010-lukua. Tiedonhaussa käytettiin sähköisiä tietokantoja ja aineisto rajattiin koskemaan englanninkielisiä korkeimman sekä johtavan tason vertaisarvioituja julkaisuja. Analyysiin valikoitui kymmenen tutkimusartikkelia, jotka läpäisivät tarkasti määritetyn seulan. Aineistosta tutkittiin akateemisten tunteiden tutkimusmenetelmiä ja kuvauksia ja tuloksia peilattiin aiempiin akateemisia tunteita käsitteleviin tutkimuksiin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimukset lajiteltiin analyysissä kahteen teeman alle: tutkimukset akateemisiin tunteisiin vaikuttavista tekijöistä ja tutkimukset, jotka käsittelivät akateemisten tunteiden vaikutuksia muihin ilmiöihin. Tulokset osoittivat akateemisten tunteiden vastavuoroista suhdetta. Yksilölliset, yhteisölliset sekä tilannesidonnaiset tekijät olivat yhteydessä akateemisen tunteen syntyyn ja akateemisella tunteella oli vaikutus muiden ilmiöiden, kuten suoriutumisen tasoon opinnoissa. Tulokset osoittivat monipuolisten tutkimusmenetelmien hyödyn akateemisten tunteiden tutkimuksessa. Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus kokosi tiedon tunteista osana oppimista ja opettamista korkeakoulukontekstissa. Tämä tutkielma antaa ehdotuksia tutkimuksen tekoon akateemisten tunteiden kentällä.
(2017)Recently one can see the increased interest in Finnish society in what appears to be the newest technology and its implementation efforts into education. Although tablets and SMART boards have rapidly become more commonly used tools in education, one must wonder if this is the best that science and technology can offer for learning. This current paper serves as an informative paper on the latest scientific knowledge available on augmented reality’s uses in education and attempts to identify those uses most valuable for shared learning practices in communities of practice. To achieve this, it asks How has augmented reality been used in education as described by recently published studies and What kind of value could the uses identified in the first question have for an educational community of practice. Initially 34 studies went through several layers of screening, results of which are attached to this review. Final research literature consisted of seven evidence-based studies, that featured educational uses for AR and collected user experiences. This research is a systematized literature review. It includes a broader descriptive background section for the core knowledge on AR and communities of practice, followed by interpretation of results for the more specific questions on the topic. Lastly, it suggests further progressive research considerations for future studies on the topic. It appears that the uses for AR in education are very diverse, AR research and application creation is progressively finding novel educational topics, and that mobile-AR has successfully enabled the implementation of AR in education. On the other hand, studies’ sample sizes remain small, the appliance of AR as a broad concept still escapes researchers, the results of AR’s effectiveness in these reviewed studies might only apply in their unique settings, and none of them studied AR’s educational uses on established communities of practice. For all those reasons, I call for more progressive studies and literature reviews with larger sample sizes, comparative results and study settings incorporating shared learning aspects.
(2018)The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to collect information from literature about the democratic school and the similarities that the finnish primary school curriculum has in common with it. Previous pedagogical philosophers such as John Dewey have laid the groundwork for democratic schools to be born. Democratic schools are still a relatively new and unknown form of schooling, to which this literature review aims to shed some light to. This literature review is based on an integrative method with some narrative aspects. In addition to scientific articles that have been collected from the HELKA library system of the University of Helsinki, this literature review has also been adding content from other literature on the topic, as well as websites of democratic schools. One of the most central features of democratic schools, which also seems to be quite unique to democratic schools, is that students have the freedom to choose what, how, when and with whom to study. Another interesting characteristic aspect to democratic schools is, that everyone in the school community is welcome to take part in common decisions, no matter what age. Even though the finnish primary school system and the democratic schools have quite different practices, the finnish primary school curriculum does share similarities with the democratic schools in terms of values and learning concept.
(2020)Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tarkoituksena on analysoida ja tuoda esille tuloksia siitä, miten draamakasvatus voisi vahvistaa sosiaalista integraatiota koulussa ja etenkin luokkahuoneessa. Draamakasvatus on opetus ja tieteenala, joka tähtää toiminnallisilla menetelmillä vahvistaa oppilaiden tunneilmaisua ja sosiaalisia taitoja. Sosiaalinen integraatio toteutuu silloin, kun ryhmässä olevat jäsenet tulevat hyväksytyksi vertaisistaan, ovat keskenään ystäviä ja osallistuvat ryhmän toimintaan aktiivisesti. Menetelmäksi olen valinnut kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen. Tutkimuskysymyksiksi asettuivat, minkälaisia oppilaiden kehitykseen liittyviä tuloksia on löydetty käytetyn aineiston valossa sekä millä tavoin kyseiset löydetyt tulokset osoittavat, että draaman keinot edistävät oppilaiden sosiaalisen integraation toteutumista. Analysoitavaksi aineistoksi on valikoitunut 5 tieteellistä artikkelia. Tulokset osoittavat, että draamakasvatuksen avulla ryhmähenki paranee, ryhmän jäsenet kokevat yhteenkuuluvuuden tunnetta ja muodostavat ystävyyssuhteita aktiviteettien aikana sekä vahvistavat tietoisuuttaan toistensa tunteista. Sosiaalinen integraatio voi vahvistua draaman keinojen avulla, kun opetus tähtää ryhmän yhteenkuuluvuudentunteen ja oman itsetunnon vahvistamiseen. Pohdinnassa tuon esille löytämäni aineiston epäkohtia, sosiaalisen integraation toteutumisen näyttöön perustuvia haasteita sekä pohdin kriittisesti draaman käyttöön ja opettamiseen liittyviä huomioonotettavia näkökulmia.
(2017)The purpose of this Bachelor’s Thesis has been examined children’s experiences about a certain emotion and interaction intervention and how to include those skills to part of their daily life.The introduction of the new curriculum has been supported with different kinds of interventions,whose purpose is to have an influence on individuals’or groups’behavior. It has been noticed in the researches that interventions that are effective in the experimental designs are not always successful in ordinary operational environments. For this reason it is important to study, based on the current pedagogical context and involving the changes of the new curriculum, how the children see the skills of emotion and interaction and the interventions that improve these skills as a part of their daily lives. I executed the structured theme interview by interviewing six (6) pupils in the sixth grade. I analyzed the material with material based content analysis. The object was to search and summarize pupils’ thoughts about how to apply the emotion and interaction skills in practice In children’s talks it came up that an adult can lead child’s emotion and interaction skills to either better or worse direction. The troubles in the interaction between children, such as a fear of be marked or social roles, affect the social interaction of the whole class and this way applying learned emotion and interaction skills. In my research it came up that children do not understand why classes teaching these skills are being held. Furthermore it appeared based on the material that it was experienced very distant or even impossible to adapt these skills outside the class. Based on the results arouses a need to pay more attention on adults’ interaction skills, group dynamics and the transparency of intervention before new skills can be applied in the practice.
(2017)Highly sensitive people feel things deeper and more intensely, and they sense nuances and details more precisely than other people. In addition, they process their observations and in-formation more deeply. Our society has been built largely by non highly sensitive people that make the conditions more favorable for them. The performance-driven society with its pres-sure and the tremendous amount of stimuli in the environment are driving highly sensitive people´s health and well-being to their limits. The aim of the thesis was to increase the awareness of sensory processing sensitivity and highly sensitive people`s health and to find ways to cope with the demands of society. The research examines which factors affect the health of highly sensitive people and how their health can be promoted. The thesis was implemented as an integral literary review, which is quite permissible for im-plementation, and can be used to look at the subject of the study in a variety of ways. The material consists of one research article and three books and one guide. The title was ob-tained by retrieving research articles from electronic databases and by manually adding other related literature. The selected material was analysed by material-based content analysis. Based on the analysis of the material, there was found a causal relationship between highly sensitive people and their more sensitive nervous system. A more sensitive nervous system expose highly sensitive people to over-stimulation and stress. Long-term over-stimulation and stress can lead to fatigue, depression, and other stress-related illnesses. Based on the cause-effect on health, it was concluded that the major health determinants were over-stimulation and stress. Based on this guideline, over-stimulation and stress management could be con-sidered to be a health-promoting activity for highly sensitive people. According to the data, over-stimulation and stress management can be accomplished, for example, by exercise, nu-trition and rest, and by looking for a balance on how much is involved with the world. The re-sults indicate that the health of highly sensitive people can be promoted by the choices and actions one makes during their daily life.
(2020)Tavoitteet. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaista yhteistyötä esi- ja alkuopettajat tekevät koulusiirtymän aikana sekä miten koulusiirtymä on määritetty. Kiinnostukseni aiheeseen heräsi esi- ja alkuopetuksen perusopintojen opintokokonaisuuden aikana, sillä huomasin varhaiskasvatuksen ja luokanopettajan opiskelijoiden oppimista ja opettamista koskevan ajattelu erilaisuuden. Tutkielmassa tehdään kansainvälisten tutkimusten varassa katsaus siihen, millaista yhteistyötä esi- ja alkuopettajat tekevät sekä miten koulusiirtymä on määritetty. Menetelmät. Käytin tutkielman tutkimusmenetelmänä systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta. Keräsin aineistoksi 8 vertaisarvioitua, tieteellistä tutkimusta. Käytin aineiston keruussa hakutermejä, jotka kuvasit esi- ja alkuopetusta, yhteistyötä sekä siirtymää. Tutkimuksien tuli olla vertaisarvioitu, kokonaan saatavilla, 2010-2020-luvulta, suomen- tai englanninkielisiä sekä opettajan näkökulmasta. Aineistoon päätyneet tutkimukset valitsin viime kädessä otsikoiden ja abstraktien perusteella. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Lähes kaikissa tutkimuksissa oli käytetty Bronfenbrennerin ekologista mallia koulusiirtymän määrittelyssä. Koulusiirtymän aikainen esi- ja alkuopettajien yhteistyö oli määrällisesti vähäistä, vaikka opettajat pitivät erilaisia siirtymän toimintoja hyvinä ideoina. Yhteistyö on tärkeää, oppimisen ja opettamisen jatkuvuus säilyisi.
(2018)The purpose of this study was to find out what kind of social support was provided in the discussion forum among graduate students. The target of this study was the online converstations between graduate students in the Gradutakuu discussion forum. There are far too many students who have not graduated because of the unfinished thesis so it is important to find answers how to support the students better in their thesis writing process. It is in everyone's interest that the students will get their thesis done and graduate. This study is a case study and qualitative contents analysis was used in a inductive way to code the messages. The data was gathered from the online discussion forum. The main result of the study was that the social support given on the discussion forum between the students was mainly emotional. Esteem support had the second biggest role in the supportative expression followed by informational support. Every message at the discussion forum included at least one expression of emotional support. The results indicate that the discussion forum was an alternative platform for students to reach for support for their thesis writing process, especially what it comes to emotional support. It may be that the students did not get enough support through the formal thesis writing guidance and because of that they ended up looking for an alternative support from the discussion forum. The results suggest that in the thesis guidance there should be paid more attention to the role of emotional support.
(2020)Tavoitteet. Kouluelämän muutokset ovat koetelleet suomalaisia opettajia. Kolmiportaiseen tu- keen siirtyminen (2011) ja uuden perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman käyttöönotto (2016) ovat tuoneet opettajan ammattiin uusia vaatimuksia. Muutostulva on lisännyt opettajien työ- stressiä ja johtanut työssä uupumiseen. Opettajien kokemukset työuupumuksesta, onkin ollut puhuttu aihe mediassa. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat opettajien olevan yksi niistä ammat- tiryhmistä, joissa työuupumusta ilmenee keskimääräistä enemmän muihin ammattiryhmiin verrattuna. Maslachin (1981) määritelmän mukaan työuupumus on syntynyt pitkään jatku- neen työstressin seurauksena ja se ilmenee kolmena pääoireena: uupumusasteisena väsy- myksenä, kyynisyytenä ja heikentyneenä ammatillisena itsetuntona. Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia suomalaisten peruskoulun opettajien työuupumukseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena keväällä 2020. Ai- neisto kerättiin sähköisistä tietokannoista käyttäen hakutermiyhdistelmiä. Aineiston hankintaa määritti tarkat aineistolle asetetut kriteerit, joista yksi rajasi artikkelien julkaisuvuosiksi 2010– 2020. Lopullinen aineisto koostui viidestä vertaisarvioidusta tieteellisestä tutkimusartikkelista, joissa tutkittiin suomalaisten peruskoulun opettajien työuupumusta. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella suomalaisten peruskoulun opet- tajien työuupumukseen vaikutti kuusi tekijää, jotka luokiteltiin työhön liittyviin ja yksilöön liitty- viin tekijöihin. Työhön liittyviä tekijöitä olivat ponnistelujen ja palkkioiden epäsuhta, konfliktit työn vuorovaikutussuhteissa sekä opettajan ja työympäristön yhteensopivuus. Yksilöön liitty- viä tekijöitä sen sijaan olivat huono palautuminen, opettajan huono minäpystyvyys oppilaiden käytöksenhallinnassa ja heikko ammatillinen toimijuus. Tutkimus antaa konkreettista tietoa siitä, mihin asioihin tulisi kiinnittää enemmän huomiota sekä työpaikoilla että opettajan koulu- tuksessa. Tuloksia voisi hyödyntää työuupumuksen ehkäisyyn, kuten uusien työuupumusinterventioiden kehittämiseen.
(2020)Viime aikoina avoimet oppimisympäristöt ovat herättäneet paljon keskustelua. Keskustelu on aktiivista ja kantaaottavaa, ja kyse on tärkeästä aiheesta. Pitkäaikaistutkimukselle avoimien oppimisympäristöjen vaikutuksesta on myös kova tarve. Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa ta- voitteena on tarkastella, kuvailla ja analysoida viime aikoina mediassa voimakkaasti esillä ollutta keskustelua uusien, avoimien oppimisympäristöjen ympärillä. Tärkeitä termejä tutkiel- massa ovat oppimisympäristö ja avoin oppimisympäristö. Tutkielman aineistoa analysoitiin diskurssianalyyttisesti. Diskurssianalyysin aineisto koostui 10:stä Helsingin Sanomissa syksyn 2019 ja kevään 2020 aikana julkaistusta kirjoituksesta, joista yksi oli toimittajan kirjoittama, ja loput 9 mielipidekirjoituksia. Analysoitavaa aineistoa kertyi yhteensä 26 sivua. Aineistosta löytyi kaksi päädiskurssia. Avoimiin oppimisympäristöihin kriittisesti suhtautuva diskurssi ja niitä puolustava diskurssi. Molemmat jakautuivat vielä useampaan aladiskurssiin. Vahvempi, kriittisesti suhtautuva diskurssi jakautui neljään aladiskurssiin: pysyvyys luo tur- vaa, muuttuvuus ei -diskurssiin, lasten etua vaativaan diskurssiin, haittojen diskurssiin ja päät- täjiä kyseenalaistavaan diskurssiin. Heikompi, puolustava diskurssi jakautui puolestaan kah- teen aladiskurssiin: vastuusta vetäytymisen diskurssiin ja hyötyjen diskurssiin. Koska keskus- telu on niin kriittisesti painottunutta, voidaan myös todeta, että tutkimusta avoimien oppimis- ympäristöjen vaikutuksista ja toimivuudesta tarvitaan lisää.
(2017)Goals. ‘School climate’ is an abstract concept that is difficult to define. As a phenomenon, however, it definitely exists and has a huge importance for learning, studying and working at school. I am interested in school climate because as a future teacher I will have an important role in building and developing it. The purpose of this research was to increase understanding of school climate as a comprehensive phenomenon, in particular in connection with school bullying. Bullying was chosen as a research angle because it is an important and timely topic. The aim was to explore how school climate is addressed in literature on school bullying, which is actively used by teachers to support their work. Methods. This study is a descriptive literature review. Recent Finnish handbooks on school bullying were used as data. The data consisted of two books, one article, the teacher’s guide for the KiVa School Anti-bullying Programme and the web material for teachers of the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare. The data was analyzed by thematizing text fragments that addressed the topic of school climate. These categories were used to discuss how ‘school climate’ appears in the data. Results and conclusions. The results indicate that handbooks on school bullying discuss the phenomenon ‘school climate’ in many different contexts. The strongest strands of discourse emerging from the data were: 1) school climate as a factor preventing bullying, 2) school climate as an anti-bullying school culture or a culture permissive to bullying, and 3) school climate as an issue affected negatively by bullying. School climate thus appears as a varied phenomenon with interwoven causes, effects, preconditions and expressions.
(2020)Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia tunteita opettajille syntyy ilmastonmuutoksesta ja miten tunteet vaikuttavat suhtautumiseen ilmastonmuutoksen opettamisesta eli ilmastokasvatuksesta. Tunteiden roolia ilmastonmuutoksessa ja etenkin opettajien ilmastotunteita on tutkittu suhteellisen vähän. Ilmastonmuutokseen liittyy kuitenkin suuria ja monimutkaisia tunteita, jotka vaikuttavat käyttäytymiseen, ajatteluun ja kasvatustilanteisiin. Ilmastokasvatus ei ole yksinkertaista, koska läsnä on nuorten ja kasvattajien tunteet. Opettaja on mallina siinä, miten tunteita ilmaistaan tai jätetään ilmaisematta. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että oppilaille ilmiö herättää helposti negatiivisia tunteita, kuten ilmastoahdistusta, pelkoa ja syyllisyyttä. Opettaja toimii mallina tunteiden ilmaisemiselle, joten on tärkeää tarkastella, mitä opettaja tuntee. Tässä tutkimuksessa etsitään tietoa opettajien kokemista tunteista ilmastonmuutoksesta ja siitä, miten tunteet vaikuttavat suhtautumiseen ilmastonmuutoksen opettamisesta. Menetelmät. Tämä opinnäytetyö toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin tieteellisiä vertaisarvioituja artikkeleja, jotka käsittelivät opettajien tunteita ilmastonmuutoksesta tai ilmastonmuutoksen opettamisesta. Tutkimuksen aineiston muodostui viidestä tutkimusartikkelista, jotka hankittiin käyttämällä valittuja hakusanoja. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että opettajien kokemat tunteet ilmastonmuutoksesta olivat pääosin negatiivisia. Vahvimmin aineistosta nousi esiin opettajien kokema huoli ja viha. Tunteet olivat yhteydessä voimakkaasti ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksiin ja syihin. Aineistosta kävi ilmi, että opettajat suhtautuivat hyvin eri tavoin ilmastonmuutoksen opettamiseen. Osa huolissaan olevista opettajista opetti ilmastonmuutoksesta ja osa ei ollut valmiita opettamaan siitä. Opettajan tunteilla ei nähty suurta vaikutusta ilmastokasvatuksen toteutumiseen. Lisääntyneellä tiedolla ilmastonmuutoksesta oli vaikutusta opettajien kokemaan tunteeseen ja ilmastokasvatuksen tärkeänä pitämiseen.
(2018)Goal Enhancing self-esteem can be considered as one of the many duties of schools. A healthy self-esteem supports children’s development and learning. In addition, various studies have shown that a healthy self-esteem correlates with well-being. In order to support the development of pupil’s self-esteem, it is crucial to understand the construct of self-esteem. Studying explicit and especially implicit self-esteem as separate constructs is still relatively new and some studies show that implicit self-esteem is related to social-emotional difficulties. The aim of this study is to examine the concept of implicit self-esteem and the significance of implicit self-esteem in socio-emotional difficulties in youth. Methods The type of this research is a literature review. The data consisted of articles discussing self-esteem and implicit self-esteem, published in the 21st century and research articles published between the years 2006 and 2015 in all of which the subject of study was implicit self-esteem and social-emotional difficulties. Results and conclusion Based on this literature review it seems that it is not reasonable to study implicit self-esteem completely separate from explicit self-esteem. The discrepancy between implicit and explicit self-esteem and the direction of the discrepancy turned out to be important factors when examining the impact of implicit self-esteem on socio-emotional difficulties.
(2019)Objectives. The teachers of primary and secondary education are expected to have strong social-emotional skills and to be able to teach such skills to their students. Even though teachers are generally viewed as important people to help students develop strong communication skills, there are quite few studies regarding the ways in which teachers’ social-emotional skills can be developed. Teachers may also not be aware of all the options available to develop their social-emotional skills. This integrative literature review aims to view the social-emotional skills of primary and secondary education teachers, and the options to develop such skills. As the previous studies have shown, one’s social-emotional skills can develop, and thus this study focuses on finding the ways in which these skills can be developed. Methods. This literature review was carried out as an integrative literature review. The research material was compiled both manually and systematically from four different databases. The material consisted of seven different research articles dealing with the existence and development of social-emotional skills of primary and secondary education teachers. The analysis of the research material was conducted by adapting inductive content analysis. Results and conclusions. The results indicated that primary and secondary education teachers can develop their social-emotional skills either through external support or through self-operation. Developing through external support can happen either by participating in a formal training or by participating in an informal training or receiving peer support. Developing through self-operation can happen through awareness and reflection, or by practicing in real-life situations. However, using one of these skill-developing factors does not outcast the possibility to strengthen social-emotional skills using other factors as well: teachers can develop using both external support and self-operation. Contemplating social-emotional skills might also bring up negative emotions. Experiencing negative emotions might help teachers to both understand the importance of social-emotional skills and develop their own skills.
(2018)Objectives. The hypothesis was, in accordance with earlier studies, to find a correlation between socioeconomic status and academic achievement. The goal of this paper was to find out, what kind of a connection there is between socioeconomic status and school success and what kind of explanations have been given to this connection in the research literature. Additionally, this paper will focus on the possible modifying effect of cultural context on the correlation between socioeconomic status and academic achievement. The theory of capitals by Bourdieu will be used as a basis for discussion considering the connection between the two main constructs and the explanatory factors. Methods. The method used for this thesis was a descriptive literature review. Peer-reviewed research papers found mainly on the international education research database ERIC were used as material. Results and conclusions. There was a connection to be seen between socioeconomic status and academic achievement for which such explanations were given as academic socialization, parental involvement, parental expectations and family resources. The connection was detected in many cultural contexts but there seemed to be some variance between different contexts in how the connection was expressed, as well as in which explaining factors were the most relevant. The factors explaining the connection between socioeconomic status and academic achievement presented in this paper were adjustable into Bourdieu’s theoretical framework. Based on the conclusions of this paper it seems that socioeconomic status is internationally a relevant factor explaining academic achievement.
(2017)Aims. The aim of this dissertation is to present definitions of self-esteem and try to create one based on the definitions presented. The concept of self-esteem comes up in everyday talk rather often and here the purpose is to present a reasoned definition to it. The theoretical framework is based on motivation theory. One could say that my prior knowledge on motivation has influenced the way self-esteem is defined. Self-esteem is an aspect in life, which relates to the self and to well-being. To explore the concept better, I have looked for research on self-esteem. I will introduce the reader to the process of defining concepts firstly, and then present the definitions of self-esteem and its neighboring concepts. Methods. The material for this Bachelor's thesis consists of seven volumes published in the years 1965-2015. The material is both in Finnish and in English. I searched search engines by the words self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-consciousness. I found a master’s thesis by the year 2015, which handled self-esteem. My material consists of books and articles, which I have mainly found from the list of sources of the dissertation and also of one article that emerged in the seminar of the Bachelor’s thesis. I analyzed the material by using the analysis of ideas. I investigated what kind of meanings the researchers gave to self-esteem. The analysis also has traits of phenomenography and qualitative metasynthesis. Phenomenography means that you describe the conceptions that someone, in this case researchers, have of a phenomena and qualitative metasynthesis means that you present information in a more structured manner. Conclusions. A person creates an image of the self on the base of her traits and behavior. She also forms an evaluation of her own worth and skills. The former is a self-image and the latter is self-esteem. Self-esteem is a feeling, a way of behaving and an attitude. Self-esteem is also a subconscious aspect. Therefore, you necessarily do not realize the effects of your self-esteem. Self-esteem affects your well-being and behavior. Self-esteem needs a clear definition, because now there are differences in what researchers mean by self-esteem. The benefit of a definition for self-esteem is that in everyday life you can better handle problems.
(2018)Changing school is a difficult task. Since classroom teachers are in such a significant role in bringing the change into practice, their experience in the change process is important. Previous studies show that school reforms usually either fail or don’t reach the goals set to them. The purpose of this Bachelor’s Thesis was to bring more understanding to challenges caused by school reforms. The research task is to depict what challenges classroom teachers articulate when talking about their experiences during the national curriculum reform in autumn 2016. The theoretical framework consists of studies about school change and previous school reforms and the typical challenges with them. Also personal challenges with change are addressed by theories about going beyond ones comfort zone and dealing with change. With these theories it is possible to understand more about the complexity and difficulty of school change and find reasons why school reforms fail so often. At the end of the theoretical framework there’s an introduction to the main characteristics of the national curriculum reform that became valid in autumn 2016. The data of this study was collected by interviewing two classroom teachers living in the Helsinki metropolitan area using the method of semi-structured interview. The interviewees were chosen by a pre-survey where they told that they felt like being outside their comfort zone during the curriculum reform. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using content analysis and comparing the data to previous studies. The found challenges were divided into internal and external challenges. The major challenges were inadequacy of preparation, lack of resources, external demands, lack of realism, dealing with change and skepticism.
(2019)Aim of the study. Flipping can mean two pedagogical approaches, the flipped classroom or the flipped learning. In flipped classroom method students are introduced to content at ho-me and the exercises happens at school. When flipped classroom is a method, flipped learning is more like a ideology of learning. In flipped learning teacher is actually flipping many of the traditional pedagogical assumptions about teaching and learning. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to identify and recognice different ideologies and values behind flipped learning and it’s pedagogical model. This bachelor thesis is based on the pedagogical model of flipped learning by Toivola & Silfverberg (2014) and the book “Flipped Learning” (2017) by Toivola, Peura & Humaloja. Flipping has been popular around the world in recent years among teachers who are trying to change the traditional learning culture and that is why I found its backround theories and values important to research. Methods. I started the analysing process by identifying themes from the data. Soon I reali zed that ideological features are too hard to find just by theming. Finally I found discourse analysis as my research approach. Discourses and ideologies are often linked together, as discourses are the manners of speaking, that constructs the social reality and ideologies. Results and conclusions. As a result of this thesis, four discourses with idelogigial features and values behind the pedagogical model of flipped learning were identified. The discourses were the discourse of individuality, the discourse of learning commiunity, the discourse of flipped learning as a human learning and the discourse of digitalization. The discourses also link closely to each other. The humane belief about childrens ability to learn was strong in these discourses, but I also identified values that are based on neoliberalism.
(2016)Mental health problems are a major cause for working incapacity in Finland. The new elementary school curriculum raises mental health skills in a bigger role in schools than ever before. This thesis is about Finland's Mental Health organization’s training called “Hyvää mieltä yhdessä”. The training aims to help teachers teach mental health skills in school. The purpose of this thesis is to describe teachers’ realizations of the training. The data consisted of 151 teachers’ feedback from the training during the term 2015-2016. In this thesis studied the open question “What was your most important realizations during the training day?” The answers were analyzed with a data based content analysis method. The data collected highlights teachers’ realizations about mental health and factors that affect it as well as its significance in general and in education. Teachers had realizations for example concerning the role of the mental health skills in the new elementary school curriculum. In conclusion, teachers need more information about mental health and its promotion. The “Hyvää mieltä yhdessä” -training seems to answer to this need. On the grounds of the results, teachers’ training helps to carry out the new curriculum’s goals towards mental health because the training served practical tips for teaching mental health skills. This thesis illustrates how difficult it is to carry out the new curriculum’s abstract goals without teacher’s training.
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