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Browsing by Subject "Identiteetti"

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  • Laitila, Krista (2016)
    Studies have shown us, that factors influencing our career choices are based on the lifelong development of identity and self-perception. These have great importance on what kind of career starts to interest person and what kind of professional identity he or she may develop. On the top of interior motivation, there are many external factors, that effect on person’s choices. For example, does person feel the job valuable and relevant? Students ponder these themes before graduation. The goal of this research is to resolve, how kindergarten teacher students evaluate their own education at Helsinki university. The research aims to bring up the reasons why students change their education after or during the early childhood education program, and on the other hand, why students chose to become a kindergarten teacher, even it was not his or hers primary choice of career. Furthermore the aim is to find out, why the students chose to apply for early childhood education and how they evaluate the working field, so the education can support the development of person’s professional identity and provide the needed knowledge and skills. In this research eight students, who had started their studies at 2013, were interviewed. Half of the interviewee had applied to change career during the early childhood education and half of the interviewee had decided to stay in the program, even it was not their primary choice of career. The method of research was half-structured interview with some features of theme interview. Only relevant material collected by interview was retained, and the remaining material was categorized and split into themes. In one theme was placed all the material with common features. No matter, if the student was about to change the education, or had decided to work as kindergarten teacher, the evaluation of the education program was excellent. Negative comments were mostly related to the working field. The students experienced the education to be interesting and inspiring, but they were worried of the challenging situation of the kindergartens in Helsinki metropolitan area: lack of resources, growing group of children and low salary don’t necessarily lure students to become a kindergarten teacher.
  • Kantanen, Tiina (2020)
    Neljäs teollinen vallankumous on osaltaan tuonut kiihtyvän ja jatkuvan muutoksen yhteiskuntaamme. Jatkuva oppiminen on yleisesti hyväksytty osa aikaamme muutosten aiheuttaman osaamisvajeen korjaamiseksi. Samanaikaisesti yksilöllistyminen ja identiteettityö ovat yksilöiden näkökulmasta alati käynnissä olevia prosesseja. Identiteettiä tarkastellaan Erik H. Eriksonin (1950) egon identiteettiteorian asettamista lähtökohdista psykologisessa, kognitiivisessa ja pedagogisessa kehyksessä. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on analysoida jatkuvan oppimisen ja identiteetin välistä suhdetta ja vuorovaikutusta, jotta ymmärtäisimme näiden välistä ilmiötä. Tutkielman tutkimuskysymykset ovat 1) Miten identiteetti rakentuu ja muokkautuu? ja 2) Millaista on identiteettityö jatkuvan oppimisen kontekstissa? Toteutin tutkielman kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimuksen aineiston muodostivat 40 lähdettä, joista puolet oli vertaisarvioituja tieteellisiä artikkeleita. Tieteellisistä artikkeleista yksi kolmasosa oli julkaistu psykologisissa ja kasvatuspsykologisissa journaaleissa, toinen kolmasosa kasvatustieteellisissä journaaleissa ja loput muissa tieteellisissä journaaleissa. Olen valinnut aineiston kuvailevalle kirjallisuuskatsaukselle tyypillisesti siten, että se parhaiten kuvaa tutkielman ilmiötä. Artikkelit löytyivät pääosin Helka-tietokannasta. Tämä kirjallisuuskatsaus osoitti, että jatkuva oppiminen ja identiteettityö ovat vuorovaikutuksessa toisiinsa. Molemmissa on viime kädessä kyseessä yksilön kognitiivisista prosesseista. Identiteettityö sisältää monia tekijöitä, joita tukemalla yksilön mahdollisuuksia jatkuvaan oppimiseen voidaan edesauttaa. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että jatkuva oppiminen tulee nähdä alati jatkuvana prosessina ja se vaatii aikaa yhtä lailla kuin hitaasti tapahtuva identiteettityö.
  • Sirviö, Eeva-Leena (2018)
    The aim of this study was to find out, how an individual embraces the craft making as part of self-image so strongly, that they seek to work with crafts also professionally. Guiding question in the study was following: what kind of experiences forms craftsman professional identity? Purpose was to find ways to support the individual in search of his/her own resources and strengths. The formation of an identity was seen as a narrative process that is transforming during one’s lifetime, involving only things that are relevant to oneself. Handicrafts were seen as a supportive activity for growth and development. The research was carried out as qualitative and biography methods were used in collection of material. The material consisted of three handicraft teacher students essays written at course and their craft-biography’s, which they made during the research. Crafts as a part of individuals self-image was interpreted with phenomenological-hermeneutic ways using theo-ry directive content analysis. The material revealed that tendencies and motivation of oneself to do crafts, are affecting to how individual creates self-image where crafts are seen as part of personality as well as they affect to a choice of one’s career path. Turned out that it is important to have social envi-ronment which supports individuals own actions and decisions. It’s also important to have operating environment which gives lot of craft experiences. Handicrafts got their meaning for example as a creative and wellbeing supporting action which seem to be especially re-warding when experience is shared. Results can give guidance about which kind of raising methods and supporting actions we can create or give to help individuals to increase their self-knowledge and build up worldview that is appreciating handcrafts.
  • Vehmas, Maiju (2019)
    Objectives. Nowadays, there are more and more immigrant students in schools. Often, an immigrant student has a plural identity because the values and culture at home might be different of the ones in the society. That’s why immigrant student’s different identities might be in contradiction. Therefore, it is important to support identity development in schools. Also, the newest curriculum of comprehensive school (POPS 2014) mentions that the school has an important role when it comes to a student’s identity development. Anyhow, not much research can be found about how to support the identity development in schools. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine, how schools can support immigrant students’ identity development. Methods. This study is an integral literary review. The material consisted of six international research articles which examines how students balance themselves between different identities and the role of a school when it comes to the identity development. The material was compiled from three different electronic databases. The study was analysed by using an inductive content analysis. Results and conclusions. The results of this study showed that schools have an important role when it comes to immigrant students’ identity development. Fostering certain values supported identity development. For instance, valuing different cultures, religions and differences as well as self-respect was important. Also, the used methods effects on immigrant students’ identities. For example, giving clear instructions and choosing exercises adapted for students with weak language skills as well as learning from other cultures enhanced immigrant students’ identity development. In addition, collaboration between school and home and respecting each other’s values supported immigrant student’s identity development too.