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  • Ryynänen, Lilli (2019)
    My Bachelor's thesis is a qualitative study which aims to identify the early childhood education teacher’s ideas of the self-esteem of 3 – 5 years and the importance of a healthy self-esteem. In addition, the study examines the way in which early childhood education contributes to the healthy self-esteem of children, which may possibly be an obstacle to its development and the influence of the home culture on the development of children's self-esteem. A few previous studies have been found in support of self-esteem in early childhood education. In Finland, the most extensive research on this subject is the thesis of Päivi Koivisto from 2007, "Yksilöllistä huomiota arkisissa tilanteissa”: Developing a Kindergarten culture to strengthen the self-esteem of childrens. The data for my thesis was gathered from three Southern Finnish municipalities in late 2018. The Material was collected by interviewing five qualified early childhood teachers. Interviews were conducted through thematic interviews. The Material is analysed by using the phenomenographic analytical method. The Results show that each interviewee knew the basics of self-esteem, and they taught that supporting a healthy self-esteem is an important task in everyday life. They felt that the development of the healthy self-esteem of children was best supported by a bracing meeting, positive interaction and by highlighting the strengths of the children. The importance of cooperation with parents is important. With that we can support parent’s own self-esteem or parenthood, as well as making visible children's strengths. Although the interviewee felt the importance of supporting a healthy self-esteem, they felt that the demanding of educational work effects so that educators couldn’t daily face the children, because of hurry and exhaustion, so that it would support the development of a healthy self-esteem. Every interviewee experienced a major challenge in the work of incompetent or unprofessional educators who may not have the skill or interest to confront and interact with children in order to support children's self-esteem. Due to the parent’s personal problems, children face with more challenges in the foundations of self-esteem. In the case of these children, the interviewns highlighted routines and the need for safe, reliable, sensitive and supportive adults in the everyday life of early childhood education.
  • Babitzin Isabel (2018)
    The main purpose of this literature overview is to examine the effects of educating handcrafts to ADHD pupils in terms of their self-esteem and self-image. In addition, in this research paper I will observe what type of learning environments and assignments would suit best for a student with ADHD. The objective of this research paper is to provide information for the handcrafts teachers about pupils having ADHD and instructions on how to process that disorder in handcrafts teaching. I collected my research data on 23 March 2017 by using four different search engines that are Helka, Laurea Finna, Google Scholar and Melinda. Keywords that were used were combinations of different words relating to the subject, such as "handcrafts and special education pupil", "handcrafts and self-esteem" and ADHD. By using the latter keywordI found several results in English. I included one piece of English literature to my research. According to the intake criteria after collecting background material I categorized the material based on both the titel and table of contents. The intake criteria consisted of Finnish and English literature published no later than in 2000. Based on these criteria I selected 15 pieces of pragmatic literature as my research material. The outcome of this literature overview is that the teacher, learning environment and given assignments have significant effect on the self-esteem and self-image of an ADHD pupil. The key findings of the reasons affecting the self-esteem and self-image were the way ADHD pupils were located in the classroom, teacher's understanding attitude and knowledge of the disorder and the way of giving over positive feedback for pupils suffering the disorder. Learning assignments, too, have a significant role in affecting the self-esteem of a pupil, thus the assignments should be challenging enough considering the level of knowledge of a pupil. In almost every classroom there is a pupil with ADHD. Therefore, it is crucial as a teacher to recognize the weaknesses and strenghts of a pupil with ADHD. This thesis summarizes the results of several different pieces of research.
  • Vantala, Niko-Janne (2016)
    Objectives. There has been a wide range of international studies of self-esteem between students in regular classes and special classes. However, research has yielded conflicting results. Some studies report lower self-esteem levels among students in special classes, while others note no differences. Throughout the history of research on self-esteem, there have been concerns that the concept was poorly defined and there were a large number of self-esteem instruments poorly correlating with one another. The purpose of this study is to compare the global self-esteem of students in special classes and in regular classes in two secondary schools in grades 7 through 9 in the city of Espoo. The difference in global self-esteem between the genders and the grade levels is also studied. Methods. The data was collected in April and May 2015 in two secondary schools in Espoo. Selfesteem was assessed with two different self-esteem measures, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (RSE) and the State Self-Esteem scale (SSES) among 88 students. The participants included 56 students in regular classes and 32 students in special classes. The students in special classes were classified weather as having learning disabilities (17) or emotional and behavioral disturbance (15). Results and Conclusions. Results indicate that there is no difference in global self-esteem between students in regular and special classes. No difference was found with either self-esteem measures. Neither was there any difference in self-esteem between the different types of special classes. However, the difference in self-esteem between genders was obvious and statistically significant: the boys had higher self-esteem scores than girls with both scales. As different grades were compared, the ninth-graders had lower self-esteem scores than the seventh-graders assessed with SSES-measure indicating that self-esteem lowers during the secondary school years.
  • Alasuutari, Nea (2017)
    Goals. The purpose of this research was to find out views on a child’s self-esteem and ways of supporting it, from graduating kindergarten teachers from the university of Helsinki. The views on a child’s self-esteem, the studies done on it and the significance of early childhood education training formed the research problems. As a future early childhood educator, I found the topic to be worthy of studying because of its importance in a child’s life. The strengthening of a child’s self-esteem and positive self-image is one of the most important missions of early childhood education. A strong self-esteem has been linked to for example satisfaction with life, selfappreciation and self-confidence. The experiences in childhood and adolescence create the base for self-esteem, therefore kindergarten teachers and other early childhood educators have great responsibility and a big task upon them. Methodology. The research was carried out by using a qualitative research method. The material was gathered with a questionnaire. 19 students of early childhood education from the university of Helsinki participated in the research. The material was analyzed by using qualitative material analysis. Results and conclusions. According to this research, kindergarten teachers graduating from the university of Helsinki believe that the self-esteem of a child and supporting it is a very important matter. The respondents mostly comprehended self-esteem as self-appreciation. Many answers highlighted encouragement and praise as ways of supporting positive self-esteem. The experience of succeeding, the supporting of positive relationships with peers and individual attention were also seen as important ways of supporting self-esteem. The respondents were divided by their thoughts about if their education and training provided by the university of Helsinki was broad enough for the respondents to support children’s self-esteem sufficiently.
  • Raijas, Emma (2022)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli tutustua itsetunnon käsitteeseen, sen selityksiin ja pysyvyyteen ihmisen elinkaaren aikana sekä selvittää, mitä tutkimuskirjallisuus kertoo ADHD-ihmisen itsetunnosta. Itsetunto on läsnä jokaisen ihmisen elämässä ja vaikuttaa kokonaisvaltaisesti ihmisen toimintaan. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että itsetuntoon vaikuttavat keskeisesti vuorovaikutussuhteet, minkä vuoksi aihetta on tärkeä käsitellä erityisesti koulukontekstissa, jossa ihmisten välinen kanssakäyminen on osa päivittäistä arkea. Itsetunnon on havaittu olevan tavanomaista heikompi ihmisillä, joilla on aktiivisuuden ja tarkkaavuuden häiriö. Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin ADHD-ihmisen itsetuntoa, jotta tulevaisuudessa aiheeseen voitaisiin syventyä tarkemmin pro gradu -tutkielmassa. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että itsetuntoa voidaan selittää pääsääntöisesti evolutiivisella ja sosiaalisella teorialla. Itsetunto jaetaan globaaliin ja alakohtaiseen itsetuntoon, joista ensimmäinen kuvaa yleistä käsitystä omasta itsestä, kun taas jälkimmäinen kohdistuu itsetuntoon jollakin tietyllä elämän osa-alueella. Globaali itsetunto liittyy erityisesti arvon tunteeseen, kun taas alakohtainen itsetunto pätevyyden kokemukseen. Itsetunto ei ole vain synnynnäinen ominaisuus, vaan sen taso voi vaihdella ihmisen elinkaaren aikana. Ikääntyminen saattaa itsessään olla itsetunnon tason vaihtelevuutta selittävä tekijä, mutta siihen vaikuttavat myös persoonallisuus, elämänkokemukset ja sosiaaliset tilanteet. ADHD-ihmisen tyypillistä heikompaa itsetuntoa saattavat selittää aktiivisuuden ja tarkkaavuuden häiriöön liittyvät haasteet opinnoissa ja työelämässä sekä sosiaalisissa suhteissa. ADHD-ihmisten on havaittu kokevan häiriöön liittyvää stigmaa, mikä voi myös selittää heikkoa itsetuntoa.
  • Schmelzer, Rosa (2022)
    Vahvalla itsetunnolla on keskeinen merkitys ihmisen hyvinvoinnille. Vahva itsetunto ohjaa ihmistä luottamaan itseensä, sietämään pettymyksiä ja näkemään itsensä arvokkaana. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajalla on tärkeä tehtävä olla vahvistamassa lapsen itsetuntoa ja turvallinen oppimisympäristö luo erinomaisen pohjan lapselle itsetunnon rakentamisessa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat määrittelevät käsitteen itsetunto sekä millä tavoin he pyrkivät vahvistamaan esiopetusikäisen lapsen itsetuntoa. Tutkimusaineisto koostui seitsemän varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan vastauksista verkkokyselylomakkeella. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty maaliskuussa 2022. Aineiston analysointi tapahtui laadullisella teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysilla. Analyysi keskittyy analysoimaan itsetunnon vahvistamiseen käytettäviä keinoja sekä miten varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat määrittelivät itsetunnon. Tulosten perusteella varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat määrittelevät itsetunnon sen perusteella, miten lapsi käsitti itsensä suhteessa muihin ja toisiin, miten lapsi luotti itseensä ja uskalsi mennä kohti haastavia asioita ja että lapsilla on positiivinen minäkuva itsestään. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat käyttivät itsetunnon vahvistamisen keinoina kannustamista, kehumista, rohkaisemista sekä auttamista ja läsnä olemista. Tutkimukseni perusteella varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat vahvistavat itsetuntoa positiivisen toiminnan avulla