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Browsing by Subject "Kuvakirja"

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  • Ronkainen, Inka (2019)
    Goal. Literacy is an essential skill in modern society. In Finland, the children’s ability to read has been top class in worldwide comparative studies. However, recently there has been a tight competition of the top places. The amount and effect of the visual culture is increasing in our everyday life, therefore its’ effects are stronger as well. As pictures are looked at and interpreted continuously, multi-literacy should be taught also to small children. In picture books, the visuality is combined through the illustration to the text which makes them a good teaching method in the area of language and literature. The main goal of my research is to clarify how picture books can develop 4–6 years old children’s ability to read. I explore how to use picture books to motivate and to support children’s reading skills. I also research what is the best method when using picture books in teaching children how to read. Method. The method of the research is narrative literature review. The data was put together from different types of research material. The final analyze consisted mainly of international articles. In narrative literature review the researcher does not select the material by strict criteria. The main point of this literature review was to collect different aspects from different studies and to end up with new conclusions by comparing and combining study results. Results and conclusions. The study showed that the picture books can support 4–6-year-old children’s literacy skills in many ways. Illustration of picture books motivates children to read and picture books are an easy way to practice book conventions. Pictures offer children an easy way to approach information. The use of picture books in the teaching situation is the most efficient by working with the method called shared reading. In the method of shared reading the adult leads the discussion: the adult asks questions of different kinds about the pictures and the text, gives feedback and asks child to repeat new vocabulary. By doing so the reading comprehension, the narrative comprehension and the vocabulary are improved. This study provides teachers new way to help children learn to read with the picture books.
  • Vanhakarhu-Kohonen, Henna (2019)
    Aims: The aim of this research was to find out how becoming an older sibling was described in seven different picture books. The purpose was to find out how an older sibling expresses their emotions in the seven picture books chosen for this research and how the main character practises their emotional skills. Studies have shown that parents often use picture books to assist in the preparation of the older child for the birth of a sibling. I was interested in finding out the ways the main character expressed their feelings and how they practised their emotional skills in a life-changing situation that carries both positive and negative feelings. Methods: This research used the qualitative method and additionally content analysis was used to analyse the seven books chosen for this study. The research questions were: 1. How does the main character express their emotions during mother’s pregnancy? 2. How does the main character express their feelings after the baby was born? 3. How were emotional skills practised in the selected picture books? Results: The main characters’ emotional expressions were varied in the seven books analysed for this study. There were similarities in the way the emotional skills were practiced in the picture books as they were represented in the theoretical background of this study.
  • Ojaranta, Taru (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Aikuisen on tärkeä osata tunnistaa milloin lapsi tarvitsee aikuisen tukea tai jopa ammattiapua. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella, mikä aikuisen rooli on lapsille suunnatuissa kuvakirjoissa. Tutkin kirjoja, joissa käsitellään lapsen kohtaamia kriisitilanteita tai aiheita, joiden voi nähdä olevan lapselle vaikeita kohdata tai käsitellä. Vaikeita aiheita valitsemissani kuvakirjoissa ovat sisaruksen kuolema sairauden uuvuttamana, sisaruksen itsemurha, vanhempien ero sekä vanhemman poislähtö. Otin aineistooni myös kirjan, missä kuvataan selektiivistä mutismia, minkä voi luokitella reagointitavaksi vaikeaan asiaan. Menetelmät. Tutkimustehtäväni on tarkastella ja analysoida viittä suomalaista kuvakirjaa, jotka käsittelevät jotain lapselle vaikeaa aihetta tai vaikean aiheen käsittelytapaa. Tutkin ensin, ketkä ovat vaikean asian äärellä lapsen tukena. Varsinainen kiinnostuksen kohteeni on se, mikä aikuisen rooli on vaikeiden asioiden käsittelyssä. Analyysi on toteutettu aineistolähtöisenä sisällönanalyysinä. Muodostin analyysissani ylä-, ala-, sekä pääluokkia, joiden avulla sain vastaukset tutkimuskysymyksiini. Otin kuvat huomioon sisällönanalyysissani. Halusin tutkia, tuleeko kuvissa esille jotain sellaista, mitä ei tekstissä mainia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Lapsi sai tukea jokaisessa viidessä kuvakirjassa joltain aikuiselta. Aikuisia olivat vanhemmat, vanhemman uusi puoliso, isovanhemmat, kasvattajat, hoitohenkilökunta. Lapsi sai kahdessa kuvakirjassa tukea myös mielikuvitukselliselta hahmolta. Tuloksissa korostui aikuisen rooli tukijana sekä poissaolevana. Varsinkin kuvakirjoissa, joissa käsiteltiin sisaruksen kuolemaa, vanhemman rooli poissaolevana nousi esiin. Kirjojen kuvituksessa korostui fyysisen tuen antaminen lapselle. Tuloksissa yllätti se, että lasten tunteista ei puhuttu juuri ollenkaan lapsen ja aikuisen välillä.