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  • Välivaara, Pihla (2016)
    Aims. The aim of this study is to research preschool childrens’ thoughts and experiences of bullying. The previous studies have shown that bullying appears in early childhood education in many forms. The studies have also verified that bullying in early childhood has long-term impact to the future. Preventing bullying is very important especially with young children. This study consentrated on how preschool children understand bullying. Aditionally it was studied what kind of feelings do children combine with bullying experiences. This study also examined are the children’s peer relationships and experiences of bullying in day-care group possibly interrelated. Methods. I conducted my study in Helsinki University’s practical training. Fourteen of fifteen children from the day-care group got permission to participate in my study. Half of them were girls and half of them were boys. The study group had three five-year-olds and eleven six-year-olds. I interviewed children in small groups utilizing storybooks, buttons, drama method and emotion cards. I videotaped the interviews so that I could observe the situation afterwards. I analysed the transcribed material using the content analysis principles. Sosiometric inquiry helped me to study the daycare group’s peer relations and I compared them to childrens’ answers in the interviews. The inquiry was conducted interviewing children individually. The children were asked to list their three most favorable playmates. I drew a sociogram of the sosiometric inquiry. Results and conclusions. Children recognized bullying and its different forms: physical, verbal, psychical and object related bullying. They had also experiences of bullying. Children combined the feeling of loneliness with bullying experiences and situations were they had been left out from the play. Children adduced that they would tell adult if they were bullied. Most of them would tell to teacher in kindergarden and to mum or dad at home. Children thought that bullying includes negative feelings, like sorrow. Bully was seen more aggressive and harried more sad and depressed. Gender differencies could be found in answers. The sosiogram showed that there were children in the study group who were more popular than the others and also children who were outsiders. The results of this study is supported by earlier studies.
  • Lustig, Milla (2016)
    Objectives. Previous studies shows that art education has positive effects on children’s development but there is rather little knowledge about how early childhood educators' from kindergarten feel about under three-year-old children’s art education. The main purpose of this study is to describe those early childhood educators’ views on under three-year-old children’s art education. The study observed the importance of art education to under three-year-old children’s development and what kind of characteristics art education has. The study also examined the role of early childhood educators and how art education has been integrated to basic care in kindergarten’s. Methods. This study was conducted as qualitative research. The research materials were collected by using a theme interview. Three early childhood educators from different kindergartens were interviewed. The materials have been analyzed by using content analysis. Results and conclusions. According to the results, art education is important to under three-year-old children’s development because it supports language development, increases psychic well-being, emotional development, and self-esteem, and build identity and produce actor experiences. The characteristics of art education for under three-year-old children were activeness, short ability to concentrate, multisensory experience, creativeness and high motivation. Activity inspired children when there was play, experimentation and concrete matters. Their planning was based on child perspective, small group activities and the creation of aesthetic learning environment. Organizing methods, materials and time use affected the success of activity. Child’s observation and documentation and self-reflection of early childhood educator’s actions were part of the practice. They supported children during art moment by empathizing, creating sensitive interaction, setting an example and encouraging. Children’s needs of different ages were supported by differentiation. Integration of art education to basic care was seen best suitable for songs/singing, books, rhymes, painting/drawing, aesthetic play and decoration of space. Under three-year-old children’s art education requires understanding the importance of art and children’s needs and sensitive approach so that art would become meaningful to children. Results of this study can be put into practice by using it to develop early childhood educators’ art education methods and practices.
  • Saari, Victoria (2017)
    The point of my research was to figure out the kindergarten teachers and the parents views about bullying in children's daycare groups ages 3 to 5. Bullying has an overall impact on the growth and development of a child. In Finland, teasing in daycare has yet very little been researched. The baseline for my research was to see what views the kindergarten teachers and parents have about bullying. Preventing bullying in daycare and to stop it requires that the adults have a mutual understanding of what bullying is. Without a shared conception of harassment preventing bullying and to stop it is not coherent. I conducted this research using a qualitative and quantitative methods. The literature was collected by a questionnaire in 3 kindergartens located in Southern Ostrobothnia in the au-tumn of 2016. The questionnaire was addressed to the kindergarten teacher who were working with children from ages 3 to 5, and to the parents who have children ages 3 to 5. The literature was then analyzed partly deductive and inductive. The answers of the kindergarten teachers and parents about the subject of the research were processed deductive. The replies concerning differences between sexes in bullying and also bullying situations in daycare were processed inductive. My studies show that the most of the kindergarten teachers acknowledge the bullying and have seen teasing in their work places. The views of the parents had more differences than in the views of the teachers – some parents thought that children from the ages of 3 to 5 can't bully on other people. Previous studies showed that there are multiple differences how girls bully versus how boys bully others. This research pointed out that the kindergarten teachers and the children's parents have noticed these kind of differences. The research shows that bullying was mostly present especially when adults were not watching and when there were too many children in the same space.
  • Rinta-Filppula, Saara (2016)
    Meaning. The purpose of this study is to describe 3-5 year old children’s conflicts during free play and to find out how they start and how they are resolved. Previous studies have shown that conflicts and misunderstandings are very common between young children. Subject that start a conflict have been similar in many researches. However, the role and necessity of adults in resolving conflicts have been under discussion and raised various opinions among researchers. Factors that have an influence on the progression and course of the conflict have been categorised in this study into adult’s role, children’s ways to influence and intra-group hierarchy of power and rules. This research aims to examine how these factors influence on the onset and resolution of the conflict. Methods. This study was conducted in a day care group for 3-5 year old children. There were 21 children in the group. There were two 3-year olds, five 4-year olds and the rest were 5-year olds. I videotaped children’s free play and wrote field notes which supported my interpretations and conclusion of the videos. Data was analysed with content analysis. Results and Outcomes. In this study I found that most of the conflicts arose during absence of the teacher. This indicates that presence of an adult prevents conflicts. However, is the teacher actively or passively present didn’t seem to matter. Children resolved most of the conflicts by themselves but they mostly ended with a negative outcome. Conflicts that adult intervened had mostly positive outcomes. Negotiation was the most commonly used strategy to influence a conflict and it brought highest amount of positive solutions. Children also used a lot of commands and power to end a conflict. These strategies almost always resolved conflicts with a negative outcomes.
  • Ahonen, Hanna (2019)
    The purpose of this study was to describe how kindergarten teachers support children´s participation in a kindergarten environment. There is a large amount of information on the participation of children. It is important to research how this knowledge is put into practice in an environment where children grow and develop a significant part of their childhood. The research questions were: in what ways kindergarten teachers support children´s participation in the everyday life of the kindergarten and what preconditions kindergarten teachers experience for the support of children´s participation in the kindergarten. The study was carried out as a qualitative study and its’ data was collected through theme interviews. The research data was gathered from three individual interviews of people who work in the kindergarten as a teacher. All interviews were carried out in one kindergarten. The data was analyzed by using theory-guided content analysis. The analysis formed two main categories that describe the support of kindergarten teachers to promote children´s participation and also to open up their views on the preconditions for supporting children´s participation. Both of the main categories were divided into smaller subcategories. According to the results kindergarten teachers’ views on the preconditions of supporting children´s participation in the kindergarten divided into four subcategories: personnel factors, noticing the group size, guaranteeing the basic safety of children and adjustable schedule. Support actions that kindergarten teachers described when promoting children´s participation divided into two subcategories: direct support and indirect support. These two subcategories divided both also into four more specific subcategories. Direct support divided into encounter, motivation, conversation and inquiry and enabling the possibility to make choices. Indirect support divided into observation, modifying the learning environment to promote children´s initiative, teamwork and cooperation with parents.
  • Simola, Saija (2022)
    Päiväkoti on yleisin varhaiskasvatusmuoto Suomessa. Päiväkodin valinta on vanhemmille suuri päätös, johon vaikuttaa niin käytännön asiat kuin tunteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää millä perusteella vanhemmat valitsevat päiväkodin lapsilleen. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää mitkä taustatekijät vaikuttivat päiväkodin valintaan. Tutkimuksessa haluttiin myös selvittää tavoittaako ja vaikuttaako palveluohjaus vanhempien valintaan. Kuntien velvollisuutena on järjestää vanhemmille varhaiskasvatuksen palveluohjausta. Parhaimmillaan palveluohjaus vastaa vanhempien tarpeita ja toiveita. Niiden ymmärtämisellä voidaan parantaa palveluohjauksen laatua ja tavoittaa vanhemmat entistä paremmin. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella suomalaisen moni-kansallisen yrityksen työntekijöille ja heidän puolisoilleen. Kysely kohdennettiin sellaisille vanhemmille, joiden lapsi oli joko menossa tai oli jo valitussa päiväkodissa. Kysely toteutettiin suomen- ja englanninkielisenä. Aineiston analysointi tehtiin ristiintaulukoimalla Khiin neliö -testiä käyttäen. Analysointi toteutettiin SPSS-ohjelmalla. Päiväkodin valintaan vaikutti useimmiten päiväkodin sijainti, joka on noussut esiin myös muissa tutkimuksissa. Sijainti koettiin myös erittäin tärkeäksi valintaan vaikuttaneeksi tekijäksi. Lisäksi päiväkodin kieli vaikutti valintaan usein, mutta sitä ei koettu yhtä tärkeäksi tekijäksi. Tärkeimmiksi valintaan vaikuttaneiksi tekijöiksi koettiin sijainnin lisäksi ystävien suositukset, sisarusten saaminen samaan päiväkotiin sekä muut yksilölliset tekijät. Nämä tekijät vaikuttivat kuitenkin harvemman valintaan. Päiväkodin valintaan vaikuttaa niin käytännölliset puolet, kuten sijainti, mutta myös henkilökohtaisesti tärkeät asiat, kuten ystävien suositukset ja yksilölliset tekijät. Vain pieni osa vastaajista oli käyttänyt palveluohjausta ja vain joka neljäs oli siitä edes tietoinen. Kaikki palveluohjausta käyttäneet vanhemmat olivat muun kuin Suomen kansalaisia. Palveluohjauksen tietoisuutta tulisi lisätä, jotta se tavoittaisi vanhemmat paremmin ja voisi tukea vanhempia heidän valinnassaan.