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Browsing by Subject "Ruokahävikki"

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  • Seppälä, Riina (2018)
    Goals. This Bachelor’s Thesis’ goal was to find out how supermarkets’ groceries-in-sale have influence on the amount of produced food waste in households. This subject is topical because in 2015 in Helsinki metropolitan area S-ryhmä started a campaign, where they sell products, which have best before and expiry date nearby, with double discount after 9pm. In the autumn of 2017 these sales expanded to whole of Finland. With this research, the reasons behind throwing away food would like to be found out and how different transforms like age and education affect the food wasting. Also, the effect of deep-freezing on the amount of food waste is studied. Methods. The thesis was conducted as a quantitative research. The material was collected by a survey in e-form. 38 respondents were gotten, from which there were 31 women and 7 men. The link to the survey was shared via Facebook group called Järvenpää-ryhmä. As a sampling method, self-selected sample was used. Analysis was done in Excel, using cross tabulation and percentages. Results and conclusions. According to the results of the thesis, those who participated in the survey bought 1-5 sales items at a time. Buying was almost always an impulse purchase. According to the results, most of the participants (79%) did not throw food away at all. This could be explained by the fact that they bought only few things (1-5 items) at a time or if they bought more they might deep-freeze it. The biggest reasons on why they threw food away were that the best before date had already gone or food was left over on the plate. According to the results, a relation between deep-freezing and food waste was found. The more people deep-freeze the less they waste food. These results can be used as a starting point for a more comprehensive study. The results and conclusions in this study are directional due to the small sampling. In order to be able to universalize these results, further research on the matter is needed.
  • Elgström, Milla (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Ruokahävikki on ajankohtainen ongelma, johon kaivataan ratkaisuja monella eri yhteiskunnan osa-alueella. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia kuluttajien ruokahävikkiä koskevaa julkista keskustelua ja selvittää, minkälaisia asenteita, tunteita ja ruokahävikkiin liittyviä toimintatapoja verkossa julkaistavissa Ylen artikkeleissa on. Aiempi tutkimustieto on osoittanut, että kuluttajien asenteilla ja toiminnalla on suora yhteys toisiinsa, eli suhtautuminen ruokahävikkiin yksilö- ja yhteisötasolla vaikuttaa siihen, paljonko ruokahävikkiä tuotetaan. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin Ylen verkkosivuston uutisjulkaisujen pohjalta. Tutkimusaineistona oli kuusitoista artikkelia ja aineistoa analysoitiin teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysillä. Aineiston pohjalta luotiin sekä ruokahävikkiä vähentävien toimintatapojen että asen-teita ja tunteita havainnollistava tyypittely. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että ruokahävikin vähentämiseen liittyviä tapoja artikkeleissa voitiin jakaa kolmeen osa-alueeseen: kotona, kaupassa ja sosiaalisissa ympäristöissä tapahtuviin toimintatapoihin. Artikkeleissa kuluttajat ja asiantuntijat jakoivat neuvoja ja ohjeita ruokahävikin vähentämiseen. Kuluttajille suunnatut neuvot olivat luonteeltaan arkisia, konkreettisia ja käytännönläheisiä. Kuluttajille suositeltiin esimerkiksi ruuan pakastamista, ruuan aistinvaraista tutkimista ja ’’punalaputettujen’’ tuotteiden ostamista. Tunteita ja asenteita artikkeleissa voitiin tutkimuksen aineiston perusteella jaotella negatiivisiin ja positiivisiin. Ruokahävikkiartikkeleihin oli haastateltu lähinnä positiivisen asenteen omaavia henkilöitä, minkä vuoksi negatiivisia asenteita ja tunteita oli vain vähän. Positiivinen uutisointi vähensi aiemman tutkimustiedon mukaan ruokahävikkiä, mikä selittää tutkimuksessa havainnoituja tuloksia.
  • Miikkulainen, Saara (2021)
    Sustainable lifestyle is more important than before because climate is changing rapidly. Food waste has a significant impact on climate change, as food production requires a lot of natural resources. The reduction of food waste could lighten the environmental burden and promote a more sustainable lifestyle. Households are major producers of food waste, so special attention should be paid to reducing food waste at home. Home economics education could help here because in the lessons students would learn not only to make food but also to appreciate it in a new way and to reduce food waste both in the lessons and in their own daily lives. In the past, there have been studies about the attitudes of home teachers towards food waste and the skills that students have in reducing food waste. This study examines how the issue of food waste is addressed in home economics classes and what concrete ways to reduce waste are utilized by teachers and students. The study material was collected through qualitative interviews of five home economics teachers selected from all over Finland. Interviews were recorded and transcribed for analysis. The material was analyzed using data-driven content analysis, so issues relevant to the research were highlighted from the interviews. All the home economics teachers that were interviewed think it is important to address food waste during home economics lessons. Some of them believe that home economics textbooks should have clearer educational content on food waste. Teachers thought that in the curricula there was some guidance on how to deal with sustainable development, but there is no mention of food waste. There are many types of food waste during classes, but the amount is not very large. Most of the waste is produced while cooking or eating. Food loss during the ordering of ingredients and food spoilage are minimal. This study will help to understand how food waste is currently reduced during home economics classes. Based on this study, the issue of food waste should be addressed more thoroughly in home economics textbooks and the curriculum. Pupils' attitudes towards food should also be addressed, as some indifferently throw food into the rubbish either while preparing it or eating it. It seems that teachers know a lot about the effects of food waste and want to avoid it by all possible means. Therefore it would be important to utilize teaching methods that would also inspire students to reduce food waste.
  • Hietanen, Josefina (2017)
    Aim: This study explores the views of secondary school students regarding food waste cam-paigns and their views of how to conduct different them as effective as possible. Previous researches suggest that campaigns can influence opinions in general and cultural level ra-ther than affecting individual behaviour. Previous research also suggests that food education should be linked better on secondary student’s personal life. This research elaborates the fol-lowing questions: 1. How do secondary school students evaluate presented campaign mate-rials? 2. What do they consider to be the best ways to conduct different campaigns in gen-eral? Methods: The material of this study consist of interviews of six secondary school students from the same school from the city of Pori. The materials was gathered by two-group-interviews in December 2016. Example materials from three food waste campaigns were used as accessories for the interviews. The participants evaluated the campaigns they were shown and expressed their thoughts about them. The participants were also asked to ex-press their views on informational campaigns in general. Interviews were conducted as semi-structured theme interviews. The study material was analysed using data-driven quali-tative analysis. Results and conclusions: The participants primarily focused on the visual aspects of the ma-terial shown rather than its actual message. This is due to the campaigns' focus demograph-ic being younger than the participants. Regarding this the students pointed out that for any campaign to succeed, the subject matter itself should be sufficiently interesting. To make a difference in personal habits, the students thought the most effective ways would be to point out negative avoidable consequences, to indent the whole classroom and to use campaigns repeatedly.