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Browsing by Subject "Ruokakasvatus"

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  • Ojatalo, Juha (2018)
    This Bachelor’s thesis was aimed to find out, what kind of factors in working culture and in food education in Finnish daycare centres are affecting the realization of children’s educational potential in daily eating situation in daycare. Thesis was also aimed to research what factors in interaction makes daily eating situations smooth and pleasant for children. Research questions were: 1) what are the major factors that affect children’s food education in daily eating situations? and 2) in what way does interaction and working culture affect the realization of children’s educational potential in daily eating situations. There was not much prior research on subject in Finland. To apply international research to Finland is complicated, because many factors in eating depend on local culture and the differences in practises between countries are big. Method was literature review. Source material was searched in methods of systematic literature review. What was done in search was written so that this research could be repeated if necessary. Results were written in methods of narrative literature review, by giving out a picture of food education in Finnish daycare in general and of major factors that are affecting the quality of interaction and working culture. Results show that interaction is the major factor in food education. In the quality of interaction important is how the educator gives social and emotional support to the children. In daily eating situations there are many factors that can provoke challenging situations for educators. Challenging situations are connected to self-regulation skills that children are learning. Besides of giving social and emotional support to children it is important to give food education in age-appropriate ways. Children’s knowledge on food is different than adults in quality.
  • Hänninen, Ellen (2024)
    Aikaisempien tutkimusten mukaan opettajat antavat arvokasta tietoa varhaiskasvatuksen ruo-kailutilanteista. On myös huomattu, että lapset voivat toimia osallisina henkilöinä pedagogisis-sa ruokailutilanteissa. Ruokakasvatusta on kuitenkin tutkittu melko vähän varsinkin Suomes-sa. Varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstöllä on käytössään ruokakasvatusta ohjaavia asiakirjoja, jossa on määritelty erilaisia ruokakasvatukseen liittyviä seikkoja. Tässä tutkimuksessa on tar-koitus tarkastella sitä, miten varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat ottavat huomioon lasten osallisuu-den ruokailutilanteissa ja minkälaisia ajatuksia heillä on ruokailutilanteiden haasteista. Lasten osallisuus on tärkeässä osassa suomalaisen varhaiskasvatuksen ja koulutuksen polkua, joten sen tutkiminen on erityisen tärkeää. Ruokailutilanteet ovat varhaiskasvatuksessa päivittäisiä ja hyvin merkityksellisiä. Tutkimuksen avulla kehitetään ymmärrystä varhaiskasvatuksen ruo-kailutilanteista ja niihin liittyvistä seikoista. Aineisto kerättiin yksilöhaastattelemalla neljää varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa. Haastatteluti-lanne pidettiin avoimena keskustelutilanteena, vaikka kysymyksiä ja teemoja oli pohdittu etu-käteen. Aineistoa analysoitiin induktiivisesti ja deduktiivisesti kahdessa eri vaiheessa tutki-muskysymysten mukaan; lasten osallisuutta tutkiva osio deduktiivisesti ja ruokailutilanteiden haasteita tutkiva osio induktiivisesti. Tutkimustuloksena tässä tutkimuksessa oli, että lasten osallisuus varhaiskasvatuksen ruokailutilanteissa oli osin hyvällä tasolla, vaikka myös heikompaa lasten osallisuuden huomioimista vastauksista löytyi. Tuloksena oli myös, että haasteita ruokailutilanteista löytyi ruokailuympäristöistä, aikuisten toimintatavoista, käytännön järjestelyistä ja lasten uusien kokemusten tukemisesta. Tutkimustulosten johtopäätöksenä voidaan ajatella olevan se, miten varhaiskasvatuksen ruokailutilanteissa on vielä kehitettävää, mutta myös se, että varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat toimivat erinomaisina tiedonlähteinä tutkittaessa varhaiskasvatusta.
  • Pelkonen, Joakim (2019)
    The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of what kind of experiences children have with cooking. Previous experience researches have been found, but the focus of the cooking experience has not been research in the past. Experience and food education be-came the key theories. Experience was based on the concept of Dewey's pragmatic experi-ence. At present, prevalent perception were used in food education. The idea of doing such research came from the fact that food is one parts of Home Economics teaching. It is inter-esting how this part of teaching could be developed so that cooking experience would be as good as possible. The research question was “What kind of experiences do children get from cooking? The research extract was qualitative. The research was attended by five children’s who take part in cooking club. These children were from 1-3 class students. The subjects were fol-lowed two times so that children know better who research for them. The next would be time that research was done. The children drew some pictures of me about cooking experience. At the same time videotape and interviewed them on the same topic. The interview used open interview and there were no ready questions. The aim was to get the children to dictate their experience. As analysis, content analysis was used and supported by a theoretical analysis method. The result was six themes: emotional-, past-, team-, new learning experiences, and freedom to act and know about one's own skills. Themes depict the essential dimensions of children's experience in cooking. The results also identify the link between experiences and the truth that there was not only one experience at a time in children's cooking. Found many experi-ences are interlacing at the same time. As a conclusion, was notice the importance of work-ing with the food since a young age child. This achieve that children have the ability to cook-ing and succeed in their future life.
  • Koivisto, Niina (2019)
    Aims. Children’s eating behaviour develops early on and is maintained mostly through adulthood. For this reason, childhood is an important time to influence in those behaviours (Terveyttä ja iloa ruoasta 2018, pg. 13). Besides home Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) centre is the most important growth environment when it comes to developing eating behaviours. The purpose of food education in ECEC is to promote positive attitude towards food and eating and also support healthy eating behaviours (Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet 2018, pg. 47). ECEC centre is also one of the first environments where a child can experience participation (Turja 2017, pg. 48). ECEC environment, which eating is a part of, should encourage child participation in all activities. Experiences of participation influences the well-being of children right now and in the future. (Terveyttä ja iloa ruoasta 2018, pg. 66.) The purpose of this study was to find out ECEC teachers’ perceptions of child participation in food education. The study also examines how ECEC teacher see their role as enablers of participation. Methods. The study was conducted as a qualitative study. The data was collected by conducting theme interview with three ECEC teachers. Research method used was phenomenography which studies perceptions of a certain phenomenon. The data was analysed with phenomenographic data analysis. Results and conclusions. The results show that the ECEC teachers have similar perceptions of child participation in food education. Food education was carried out mostly in the daily eating situations where child participation included giving the children an opportunity to self-regulate their eating, have discussions about food and opportunities to be heard in eating situations. Outside of the eating situations food education was very child-centred and happened mostly through play. ECEC teachers felt that their role as enablers of child participation was important. They had also figured out ways to help all children to have feelings of participation. Some teachers felt that rules of the institutional kitchen hinder child participation in some areas of food education.