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Browsing by Subject "Taidekasvatus"

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  • Berggren, Vilma (2017)
    The aim of the study was to determine the state of art education in Finnish early childhood education from the point of view of art education and the daycare environment. The study is a descriptive literature review and aims to find out the role of art and visual arts in education and how visual arts education is reflected in Finnish early childhood education from the point of view of art education and the day care environment in the 21st century. The study creates an overview of the traditions of art education, the effects of modern and postmodern thinking on arts and art education and the theories developed for helping art education. The study studies the social and educational tasks and goals of art education. The study describes the kindergarten teacher as a visual arts educator and the kindergarten as a learning environment in visual art education. The research used literature sources on arts education and visual arts education and other research literature, Early Childhood Education Act (2015) and the Basics of Early Childhood Education Plan, which came into effect in 2017. The role of art was viewed in the study through the art's intrinsic value and its instru-mental value. The study found that the instrumental role of art is to act as a combiner of the inner and outer world of the child and as a contributor to the development of other areas of learning. The essence of art, it's intrinsic value, lies in the emotions and experiences which can be lived through art. The research showed that the identity of an art educator in early childhood education lies in the personal relationship between the kindergarten teacher and the perception of art and early childhood education. The art educator in early childhood education has a sensitive way to see the child and child's way of being, participating and engaging to the action. A sensitive art educator uses suitable pedagogic models in the right way and at the right moment. As a kin-dergarten teacher, he creates a shared cultural space with children. A kindergarten as a learning environment for visual arts education enables every child to engage in ac-tivities. Materials and tools are available to everyone. In such a learning environment, children act as active providers of knowledge and skills. Through this research, edu-cator in early childhood education becomes familiar with the traditions of art educa-tion, the art education and the kindergarten as a learning environment for visual arts education and gives new perspectives to their own relationship with art.
  • Järvinen, Mirva (2022)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, minkälaista taidekasvatus oli 1940- ja 1950-luvuilla. Varhaiskasvatuksen historiantutkimus on vähäistä ja mitä kauemmas siirrytään varhaiskasvatuksen alkuun, on materiaalia sekä tutkimusta vähemmän. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii Fröbeliläinen pedagogiikka ja sitä kautta askartelu sekä laulu- ja musiikkihetket, lastentarhatoiminta 1940- ja 1950-luvuilla sekä muisti ja muistelu ja muistitietotutkimus. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen aikalaiskuvauksen rakensin 1940-luvulla ja 1950-luvulla julkaistujen Lastentarha-lehtien avulla, jotka antoivat viitettä siitä, millaiset ohjeet suuntasivat toimintaa. Viitekehyksen kokonaisuuden muodostamista tukivat myös kirjat ja artikkelit, jotka käsittelivät Suomen varhaiskasvatuksen historiaa. Muistia lähestyin Tulvingin mallin mukaan, jossa käsiteltiin muistelun kannalta oleellista episodista muistia. Muistelun lähtökohtien ymmärtäminen tukivat ymmärrystä siitä, miten muistitietoaineistoa tulisi käsitellä. Tutkimuksessa henkilöt muistelevat omia lastentarhakokemuksiaan 1940- ja 1950-luvuilta. Aineistona käytin Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran (SKS), perinteen ja nykykulttuurin arkiston muistitietoaineistoa, joka oli valmiiksi kerättyä. Lopullinen aineistoni koostui kolmentoista henkilön kertomuksesta. Analysoinnin toteutin teorialähtöisenä sisällönanalyysina. Muistelijoiden kertomuksista analysoin, sitä minkälaista taidekasvatus oli 1940- ja 1950-luvuilla lapsuuden muisteluissa. Materiaalin jaoin kolmeen eri luokkaan niukkuuden, runsauden ja tunteiden näkyvyyden mukaan. Tulokset toivat esiin pula-ajan sekä köyhyyden, jonka takia askartelumahdollisuuksia oli heikommin. Askarteluissa ja kädentaidoissa näkyi Fröbeliläisen toiminnan kanssa yhtenäisiä toimintamuotoja. Yksittäisiä materiaaleja sekä tapoja muisteltiin kertomuksissa. Nykypäivänä perinteisinä pidettyjä lauluja ja laululeikkejä leikittiin 1900-luvun puolenvälin lastentarhoissa. Laulusali mainittiin useamman kerran ja se herätti erilaisia tunteita muistelijoissa. Uskonnolliset ja isänmaalliset laulut mainittiin parin muistelijan kertomuksissa. Tulosten perusteella nähdään, että taidekasvatus niin materiaaleiltaan kuin toiminnoiltaan, sisältää nykypäivän toiminnan kanssa yhtenäisiä piirteitä. Lastentarhan toimintaa myös pyrittiin ylläpitämään sotavuosina sekä sen jälkeisenä pula-aikana.
  • Alhamo, Marianne (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to examine art pedagogues and their estimations of the actualization of children’s art education action objectives as well as experiences on being part of the multiprofessional team. Art pedagogues started their work as the art educators in Vantaa kindergartens on August 2016. The hiring of new art pedagogues was the continuum to Taikava-project which lasted two years and took place in the city of Vantaa in September 2014. The purpose of Taikava-project was to hire art pedagogues instead of kindergarten assistants to different kindergartens to support children who needed special support towards their growth and learning with art educational methods. The research was qualitative and was based on interviews. The interviewees were randomly chosen four (4) art pedagogues. The interview was a semistructured theme interview where different art educational objectives and multiprofessional teamwork were processed separately. Theory based content analysis was used to analyze the collected data. The guiding theory was based on earlier researches and in advance delivered children’s art education objectives by art pedagogues. These created art educational content areas which were art educational procedures, the growth processes of children and the intrinsic value of art. The guiding theory of professional teamwork was based on team principles, team communication and team work. Art pedagogues evaluated achieving art education objectives settings well during four (4) months study period. Child orientation, individual support, children’s self-regulation, emotional intelligence, bravery and ability to enjoy art were increased and worth mentioning results. Obstacles of not achieving objectives were the lack of time, the big amount of children and the new ways of working. Art pedagogues hoped to get more balance between their planned and spontaneous activity at work in future. Art pedagogues experienced having appreciation in multiprofessional teams where they were involved. Team co-operation and team communication were experienced practical all in all. Nevertheless, occasionally the lack of mental support, colleagues’ uncertainty of the new way of working, problems in interaction and information disconnects were disadvantages of working fluently.