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  • Mansner, Lotta (2016)
    The aim of this study was to find out what role physical education plays for children aged 3 to 5 years in kindergarten environment. In this study I used quantitative research method and my research material consisted of questionnaire results gathered from several Swedish speaking kindergartens in Helsinki. From each kindergarten, responsible person of group for 3 to 5 year olds, either social worker, childminder or kindergarten teacher, was asked to answer the questionnaire. The most important result of the study is that physical education is arranged once a week in most kindergartens I studied. The distribution between different types of physical activities such as sporty play and obstacle course was quite even. Also distribution of toys and equipment used in physical education was fairly constant. As a result, I found out that most popular activity was sporty play and most regularly used toy was beanbag. In conclusion, I can state that children’s pedagogues consider physical education as a very important method in kindergarten education considering how much it affects the development of each child. Also they believe that physical education is a good tool for both children and nursery staff to have fun together. Children’s pedagogues also stated that regular physical education in kindergarten is important so that children learn exercise to be part of daily routines, also later in life.
  • Holm, Linnea (2021)
    Syftet med denna studie är att hur barns delaktighet lyfts fram i Finlands och Sveriges styrdokument och sedan jämföra resultaten som hittats mellan styrdokumenten. Syftet som utgångspunkt har jag formulerat följande forskningsfrågor: -Hur lyfts barns delaktighet fram i styrdokument? -Vilka likheter och skillnader finns mellan styrdokumenten? Denna avhandling är en kvalitativ studie och skriven med kvalitativ textanalys som lämpar sig bäst för att granska och analysera dokument och texter. Datat som analyseras är Finlands och Sveriges nationella styrdokument för småbarnspedagogik. Resultaten visar att det finländska styrdokumentet är mer utskrivet och utarbetat än det svenska styrdokumentet. Barns delaktighet, aktörskap och initiativ i verksamheten samt pedagoger som möjliggörare är mer nyanserat i finländska styrdokumentet än i svenska styrdokumentet. Det finns även skillnader i samhälls- och framtidsperspektivet mellan styrdokumenten. Det kräver dock yrkeskunskap och kunnande inom ämnet för att kunna tolka och uppfatta delaktighet i Finlands styrdokument på ett ändamålsenligt sätt. Däremot är Sveriges styrdokument ett mer tydligt och enkelt redskap för pedagoger.
  • Lang, Emilia (2019)
    The purpose with this study is to see how some kindergarten teachers are working with the theme children’s feelings and acting out behavior. The theory part is supported by the law, the national regulatory documents and scientific literature within the field. The thesis will also go deeper into the fundamental of the low arousal approach. This study is a qualitative study where the material is collected by an interview with four randomly picked kindergarten teachers. The interview questions are semi-structured and my informants have got the interview questions beforehand. The analysis of the material has been made by looking for similarities and differences between the informants’ answers. Through the analysis of the databases it did appear that the informants were thinking that the theme feelings is an important, but hard subject. The informants were largely working in the same way, but there were some differences though. One of the conclusions in the study is that kindergarten teachers perhaps could need more support and in-service training within this theme, in order to get the tools that are needed in order to work and support children’s emotional development in the best possible way.
  • Bergström, Isa (2020)
    Syftet med denna kandidatavhandling är att beskriva, analysera och tolka svensk- och finskspråkiga barns språkattityder och förhållningssätt mot det andra inhemska språket och engelskan, i en flerspråkig verksamhet som tagit plats inom forsknings- och utvecklingsprojektet DIDIA. Studien grundar sig på teori om motivation och attityder med närmare fokus på negativa och positiva språkattityder och vilka faktorer som påverkar språkattityderna. Ytterligare söker studien svar på flerspråkiga arbetssätt i skolan som kan förändra språkattityden. Kandidatavhandlingen baserar sig på kvalitativa, tematiska och halvstrukturerade fokusgruppintervjuer kring språkanvändning, språkkunnande och språkattityder. I fokusgruppintervjuerna deltog totalt 17 elever från årskurs tre, var av tio elever från en svenskspråkig skola och sju elever från en finskspråkig skola, båda belägna i en tvåspråkig kommun i Finland. Data analyserades med hjälp av tematisk innehållsanalys och strävar till att demonstrera barns språkattityder och förhållningssätt mot det andra inhemska språket och engelskan på basis av intervjuer som utfördes år 2018 och 2020. Materialet bjöd på rikligt med resultat om barns språkattityder till det andra inhemska språket och engelskan. De ofta förekommande förhållningssätten till engelskan var att engelskan som språk värderades och eleverna hade i stor allmänhet en vilja att lära sig engelska. Främst bland de finska eleverna märkte man att engelskan värderades högre än det andra inhemska språket. Förhållningssätten till de andra inhemska språken var varierande bland eleverna. Ofta upplevde både de finsk- och svenskspråkiga eleverna att ifall språket var svårt att lära sig, tyckte eleverna automatiskt inte om språket. I allmänhet hade de finskspråkiga eleverna en negativare språkattityd mot det andra inhemska språket än vad de svenskspråkiga eleverna hade, men det fanns vissa undantag bland eleverna. De svenskspråkiga eleverna hade en vilja att prata och försöka lära sig finska även fast det ibland kändes utmanande, medan de finskspråkiga eleverna visade ett mindre intresse för svenskan.
  • Kaskinen, Erica (2016)
    The purpose of this study is to give insight into, and to create a better understanding of children’s thoughts on bullying. Understanding the phenomenon from the children’s point of view is of immense importance for the educators working to prevent bullying in kindergartens. The theoretical premise for the study is bullying in kindergartens. The survey is made up of individual, qualitative interviews, conducted with the story crafting method. Ten pre–school children participated in the study. The interviews started with reading out loud from a children’s book in which the predominating theme was bullying. The children then proceeded to draw a picture of a confrontation between oppressor or oppressors and victim, together with an accompanying story. The discussion that followed was then recorded in order for it to be analyzed at a later stage. The study’s most important result implies that children mainly associate the phenomenon of bullying with verbal and physical abuse. There is also a notable difference between the children in nature of the bullying. Girls highlight verbal abuse while boys tend to focus on the physical side of it. The result also shows that bullying cause negative sentiments in the victim. The pictures that were drawn in order to illustrate their view of the phenomenon tend to employ mainly darker colors. From the study one can conclude that educators in kindergartens have an important role and a responsibility to create awareness of, and to take preventive measures against bullying.
  • Sundström, Xenia (2018)
    The aim of the study is to find out how children use language in everyday situations in pre-school and how the educators work with language in daily activities. Language is used on daily basis in various situations and is therefore one of the most important things to work with in kindergarten and pre-school. Because of this there is a large responsibility on the educators to offer children opportunities to develop their language. The theoretical part of the study deals with language and communication, children’s language development, theories about language development, instructions provided by pre-school education curriculum and finally, some previous research done in the area. The study is qualitative and the material was gathered through observations and interviews. A child group of 26 pre-school children were observed for six days and three educators working in the group were interviewed. The interviews with the educators were made after the observations. The interviews were recorded and transcribed for easier analysis. The material was analysed by qualitative content analysis. The observations revealed that children’s conversations are both play and fantasy related as well as reality based. Their conversations also contained dialect and influences from the English language. Approximately one third of the children were bilingual and their language background appeared in some situations. The interviews revealed that all three educators were aware of the importance of working in a purposeful way with language development in daily activities. Language stimulation has to be planned in a way that supports all children, because different needs exist for each individual child. All three informants are aware of the importance of being a linguistic model for the children.
  • Mannström, Nathalie (2018)
    In 2016 came out a new regulatory document for day care centres, The fundamental plan for child teaching, 2016. The new fundamental plan is strongly about children’s participation, and how they can participate. The purpose with this study is to find out how the children can participate in creating activities and who is in charge at the day care centre. I also want to find out how the children and pedagogues think about children’s participation, how the children feel that they can participate and how the pedagogues make the children participate. The study was carried out as a qualitative group interview. One group of children, one kindergarten teacher and also one nurse from a day care centre attended the study. The children were represented by a group of 6 children from 5 to 6 years old. The study is an informal/focus-based interview. The results from the study showed that children get to be involved in creating activities on day care centres and the pedagogues make sure that the children are involved. When there is a theme the children need to follow some guidelines, beyond that the children can tinker freely. The children can tinker whenever they want, if there is time available. When they want to tinker, they can. What the pedagogues need to review at the day care centre is how they can make the children participate regarding the creating environment, now it was more controlled by adults.
  • Weissman, Helena (2017)
    The purpose of the study is to ascertain what preschool children think of physical activities. The study will also show how much children perceive they exercise a day as well as if they feel that adults in their everyday life encourage them to do so. According to the new recommendations should children exercise three hours a day. It is important to hear what children think about exercise to be able to develop their exercise both at home and at preschool. The research is qualitative with a phenomenological research approach. Interview was used as the method of research. To support the children, the interviews were conducted in groups and all interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The children perceive that they exercise quite a lot. They did not experience adult restrictions but they did wish adults would participate in game and play. It can, however, be ascertained that the children did not exercise three hours a day. With adult participation, both at home and preschool, the time spent exercising could be increased.
  • Willberg, Maria (2016)
    The purpose with this study is to find out the educators’ experiences about conflicts between children at different ages at daycare and to get an insight in how the educators deal with the conflict situations and how they see their own role in these situations. The theory part includes a discussion of daycare as a place of interaction between children and educators, and also between children. It also includes a discussion of conflicts between children, and the educators’ role in the conflict situations. The study is qualitative and was carried out through interviews with three educators working at daycare. A long experience of conflicts between children at daycare and experience of working with children at all ages under school age were the criteria for the interview persons. The interviews were tape recorded, and then transcribed and analyzed. The result indicates that conflicts between children at daycare are diverse and that conflicts are common at all ages. There are many reasons that conflicts between children emerge and the reasons are partly agerelated. Besides that, younger children also act more physically in conflict situations, while older children are more verbal and they also can leave some children outside the group as a consequence of a conflict. The educators feel that their role in conflict situations is important. Their role in handling the conflicts is complex and the educators have to act in different ways in different situations. The educators have to be present when the children interact and they also all the time have to make interpretations of the interaction between the children in order to notice when conflicts between children emerges, what happens in the conflict situations and when to intervene. The educators are clearly aware of the importance of children learning how to solve conflicts themselves.
  • Candolin, Erika (2016)
    Aim The aim of this study is to examine how preschool teachers work towards supporting children’s development of digital competence and to obtain how children can develop their information and communications technology skills in preschool. The study strives to find out how children use digital teaching aid in preschool, what goals the educator has regarding activities where digital equipment is used and how the educator believes that children’s information and communications technology skills can be developed in preschools. Method The research methodology for this study is hermeneutic and consists of qualitative interviews with three preschool teachers from three different kindergartens in Espoo. Results and Conclusion The results show that a versatile and varied combination of both the usage of digital teaching aids and learning in the real immediate environment is the best possible method, that supports not only children’s overall learning within different educational fields, but also supports them to develop their digital literacy and information and communications technology skills.
  • Rönneberg, Sonja (2020)
    Syftet med studien är att få reda på hur pedagoger praktiskt arbetar mot mobbning. Kunskap om hur mobbning uttrycker sig bland barn under skolåldern och metoder för att arbeta mot mobbning är väsentligt för att skapa en trygg lärmiljö. Teorin i studien stöder sig på tidigare forskning om mobbning bland barn. Materialet till denna kvalitativa studie är en sammanställning av frågeformulär, mobbningsförebyggande planer och nationella styrdokument. Lärare inom småbarnspedagogik och barnskötare inom småbarnspedagogik från två enheter har svarat på frågegormulären. Mobbningsförebyggande planerna är också från dessa två enheter. Materialet är analyserat med textanalysens första och andra dimension och via kategoreisering av skillnader och likheter i respondenternas svar. Resultatet i studien visar att mobbning bland barn under skolåldern liknar mobbningen bland äldre barn. Resultatet visar också fem huvudsakliga metoder som pedagoger använder sig av vid förebyggande av mobbning. Pedagogerna som deltog i studien visade störst kunskap vid mobbningsförebyggande metoder. Identifiering och ingripandet vid mobbning beskrivs inte lika utförligt.
  • Metsä, Annika (2016)
    The purpose of this study is to examine how music affects children’s language development in daycare age. The goal is to find out whether there is a connection between these two, and if it can be used supportively by pedagogues. The method used for this work is systematic literature studying. Everything’s based on the most relevant information from books regarding the matter, which have been published in the 1990s. The result shows that there is a connection between music and language development. Music can support language development in children, however, there is not a method that supports it in its entire. The music supports the development of speech through singing and practicing the basic elements which exist in the music. Music also supports phonological awareness that has an impact on later literacy development. Children with special needs have a great use of music and music therapy is often used to support the language development of these children. Second language learning also occurs more smoothly when you use music to support the language development.
  • Wassholm, Staffan (2022)
    Psykisk ohälsa är ett av de största folkhälsoproblemen i världen och allt fler människor drabbas av psykisk ohälsa. I avhandlingen undersökts psykisk ohälsa i lågstadiet med fokus på främjande av elevernas psykiska hälsa. Syftet med avhandlingen var att undersöka hur skolan kan främja elevernas psykiska hälsa och vilka olika faktorer som påverkar elevernas psykiska välbefinnande. I avhandlingens teoridel förklaras avhandlingens centrala begrepp och i metodkapitlet beskrivs datainsamlingen och de analyserade artiklarna beskrivs i korthet. Avhandlingen är en narrativ litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats. Genom olika inklusions-och exklusionskriterier samlades nio artiklar, som analyserats för att besvara forskningsfrågorna. Artiklarna som användes i studien är skrivna på engelska och svenska. Avhandlingens forskningsfrågor var följande: 1. Hur kan skolan främja elevernas psykiska hälsa? 2. Vilka faktorer i skolan kan orsaka psykisk ohälsa hos elever? De analyserade artiklarna visade att stress och mobbning var stora riskfaktorer för elevernas psykiska hälsa dvs. stress och mobbning har en negativ inverkan på elevernas psykiska hälsa. En betydelsefull relation med en vuxen i skolan har en stor inverkan på elevers psykiska hälsa. Lärare och skolpersonal kan främja elevernas psykiska hälsa genom att aktivt inkludera eleverna i skolans vardag samt genom resiliensstärkande undervisning.
  • Henriksson, Kajsa (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to find out how two different kindergartens with physical based activity are structured around physical activity. According to studies children aren’t physically active enough nowadays and according to recommendations children should be physically active three hours a day. That is why I thought it would be interesting to see how kindergartens with physical based activity fulfil the recommendations. From the purpose of the study I formulated these research questions: How does the physical based activity differ in two different kindergartens? How does physical activity based operations work in practice? What do the children think about physical activity based operations? The study was completed as a qualitative study, with both interviews and observations. I collected my material in two kindergartens where I did group interviews with children and interviews with staff and participating observations. The results show that the children have the possibilities to be physically active both indoors and outdoors and relate positively to the activities.
  • Holmström, Jannica (2016)
    The aim of the study was to find what parents think about the cooperation with the educators in daycare. I also wanted to find out what experiences they have had and what they think about the cooperation methods. My method was quantitative and I did an electronic survey that was shared on social media and sent via email. The survey was answered by parents with children in daycare or preschool. The most important outcome of the study was that the parents had good and positive experience of cooperation. They thought that the cooperation is something important and that the forms of cooperation are important elements. Another result was that the parents had different experiences with different teachers. According to the parents the cooperation with one educator could be very good, while they had a hard time to get along with another educator because of the chemistry. Some parents said that there were teachers who did not have any knowledge of how to work together. Therefore it seems like the cooperation between parents and educators often works well. Some educators however have not good skills in cooperating with parents. All teachers should have the knowledge of how important cooperation is for both the parents and the teachers' own work. Personal chemistry should not affect much, because the teachers should be professional.
  • Meta, Fontell (2024)
    Mål. Forskningens syfte är att analysera hur elever med invandrarbakgrunds språkkunskaper inom skolspråket påverkar deras möjlighet till lyckad social inklusion och psykiskt välbefin-nande. Avhandlingen ämnar skapa förståelse för hur barn och ungas språkkunskaper inom skolspråket påverkar deras möjlighet till och psykiskt välbefinnande. Hypotes: Elever som kan skolspråket väl har lättare att skapa sociala relationer i skolan och mår psykiskt bättre. Metoder. Avhandlingen är en analyserande litteraturstudie. Forskningen analyserar hur elever med invandrarbakrunds språkkunskaper i skolspråket påverkar deras välmående och möjlighet till social integration. Avhandlingen är baserad på fyra vetenskapliga artiklar om forskningsfrågan. Artiklarna har bland annat valts ut med hjälp av specifika sökord på Helka. Resultat och slutsatser. Eleverna som pratade skolspråket väl hade lättare att få vänner, känna sig som en resurs och aktiv del i skolan. De var även mera socialt inkluderade i skolan. De ele-ver med invandrarbakgrund som var en del av socialiseringen i skolan mådde även psykiskt bättre och presterade bättre akademiskt i skolan. Välfungerande inklusion skapade även bättre förutsättningar för elever med invandrarbakgrund att lära sig skolspråket.
  • Hedman, Aino (2016)
    Aim: The aim of this thesis was to find out the preschool children's attitudes to language immersion and the Swedish language. I also wanted to find out in which situations use of the Swedish language occurs. Method: The methods used in this study were qualitative in nature. First the children were observed and then the interviews were carried out. The interviews were recorded. After that all of the material was transcribed and analyzed. Results and conclusions: The children had a positive attitude to language immersion and the Swedish language. The causes of children's views varied. However, a negative aspect that the children were clear about was about teachers' advanced use of language. As a rule, it was clear that the children's language use was strongly related to the teachers' linguistic input. However, I noticed that regarding some of the children the Swedish language also occurred in some other circumstances.
  • Selin-Patel, Miivi (2020)
    Mål. Dagens värld är allt mera flerspråkig, men ändå är den enspråkiga undervisningen ännu normen. För att kunna stöda elevernas flerspråkighet och samtidigt deras lärande kunde skolan tillämpa transspråkande i undervisningen. Denna studie har som mål att analysera hur elever transspråkar med varandra i lärandesituationer för att förstå hur detta kan användas i undervisningen. Tidigare studier har visat att barn använder sig av sex olika metafunktioner då de transspråkar (Garcia & Wei, 2014) och denna modell ligger som grund för denna avhandling. Metoder. Studien baserade sig på videoinspelningar som tog plats i olika workshoppar med elever från en finskspråkig och en svenskspråkig skola. Videoinspelningarna transkriberades och analyserades utgående från en hermeneutisk ansats. Vidare analyserades transkripten från ett sociolingvistiskt perspektiv som antar att lärande sker inom sociala sammanhang. Resultat och slutsatser. Resultaten av denna studie visade att de främsta största orsakerna till att eleverna transspråkade var för att öka förståelse mellan varandra. Vidare visade studien att eleverna valde att transspråka för att inkludera varandra och inte exkludera varandra vilket lyfter fram den sociala rollen av transspråkning. Slutsatsen är att i en tillåtande miljö var eleverna uppmuntras att använda sina språkliga resurser sker transspråkande naturligt mellan eleverna i en lärande miljö.