Browsing by Subject "barnlitteratur"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
(2016)The purpose of this thesis was to find out what kind of literature there is at the kindergarten with children between the ages of 0 and 3. The main focus is on accessibility of the books, their versatility and durability. The theoretical frame is about children’s literature from a historical and a practical view. In the practical part there are even some examples of how a bookshelf should look like at the kindergarten. The theoretical frame emphasizes also what the national regulatory documents consider about children’s literature. The study is a structured observations in which 10 Swedish kindergarten in Helsinki city attended. The focus was the groups with children between ages 0 and 3. The result shows that the kindergartens find it important that the books are available to the children. The books are versatile but there are big differences between the kindergartens. The books could be more durable and the bookshelves should be cleaned more often to keep the books clean.
(2017)The purpose of this study is to investigate what role children's books have in kindergartens and in what kind of situations they are being used. I wanted to know if the kindergarten teachers have pedagogical purposes behind the books that they choose to read with the children. The aim of this study is to get a whole picture of how children’s books are being used in kindergartens. The study is done by qualitative interviews with three kindergarten teachers from three different kindergartens. I have recorded, transcribed and analysed the interviews. The study shows, that the most dominating way of using children´s books in kindergartens is by reading aloud. All three kindergarten teachers find children’s books very important for the children, because of the development of language and ability to fantasize. The study also shows that these kindergarten teachers use book discussions in one way or another. They often discuss difficult words and the story itself with the children. One of the biggest challenges, according to the kindergarten teachers, is to be brave enough to choose literature out of your own comfort zone. The kindergarten teachers also highlight the fact that there is not enough time on the side of the routines to process and work with the children’s books in the way they want to. Lastly, only one of these three kindergarten teachers clearly mentions that the use of children’s books is based on the children’s initiative and interests.
(2018)The purpose of this thesis is to present the possibilities of book discussions while at the same time highlight the differences between adults and children's perspective regarding children's literature, reading aloud and book discussions. Children's literature has a long history and many positive effects on children's development, but the status of children's literature is currently at risk due to increased media usage. Thus I will in this thesis present why children's literature is important and what possibilities there are with children's literature and book discussions. A part of the scope is also to cover if book discussions can be a means of approaching children's perspective. To fulfill the scope of this thesis an interview with an educator and book discussions with children were used as methods. Based on this thesis theoretical part, the interview and the book discussions with the children, I will reflect and present the possibilities of book discussions. The results and conclusions of this thesis are that the possibilities of book discussions are many, but the best thing is how book discussions can act as a bridge to approach children's perspective. With the help of children's literature and conversations around books, an educator can approach children's perspective and learning, while gaining insight into the children's world of living.
(2018)The purpose of this thesis is to analyze a selection of five children’s books from a gender perspective. In this study, a qualitative analysis method was used to analyze the selection of five children's books read in kindergartens and preschools in Porvoo. A qualitative analysis method was used for this purpose, to analyze five children’s books having been read in kindergartens and preschools in Porvoo. The research questions used are as follows: How are the different genders represented in the books? How do characters of opposite gender interact with one another in the books? In what ways do these interactions affect the roles of the characters in the books? The subjects of research were chosen through a questionnaire sent out to 9 kindergartens and preschools in Porvoo, in which pedagogues were asked to write down the title of at least 5 books they have read in their kindergarten or preschool class during the past year. The analysis was carried out with the help of preconceived notions about which characteristics and activities are stereotypical to which gender. These were compared to the characteristics and activities shown in the five books. The data from these analyses was compiled with the help of the following questions: Who are the characters? What are their relationship to one other? What do the characters look like? What are they wearing? What activities do they perform? The results show that each of the 5 books held many gender-stereotypes, with very few breaches of the gender barrier. The characters had gender-stereotypical looks, as well as interests, behaviors and actions that were typical for their sex. The results also show that the interactions between characters do not affect the roles of said characters in the book, but that there is, however, a recognizable pattern seen, in which male characters are often pitted against female characters, and vice versa.
(2021)Mål. Normer gällande kön och genus samt stereotypier om hur man kan och får vara som kvinna eller man finns i flera aspekter av samhället, till exempel kläder, yrken och litteratur. Enligt grunderna för planen för småbarnspedagogik ska pedagogerna se till att barnen får en genussensitiv undervisning och ges möjligheter som inte är styrda av barnets kön. Det här kan till exempel göras genom att erbjuda varierande barnlitteratur. Syftet för den här studien är att undersöka hur de olika könen beskrivs i barnlitteraturen samt om det förekommer normativt tänkande kring dem. Forskningsfrågorna som ställs är: 1. Hur beskrivs könsroller i barnlitteraturen? 2. Hur beskrivs könsuttryck i barnlitteraturen? 3. Hur ser fördelningen mellan könen ut i barnlitteraturen? Målsättningen för studien är att få en bättre bild av hur utbudet av litteratur på daghem kunde utvecklas för bredare mångfald. Metoder. Studien är kvalitativ och gjordes som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Materialet består av 11 vetenskapliga artiklar som behandlar ämnet kön/genus och barnlitteratur. Materialet hittades och analyserades systematiskt utgående från de forskningsfrågor som hade ställts för den här studien. Resultat och slutsatser. Resultatet visade att kvinnliga och manliga karaktärer ofta beskrivs på olika sätt i barnlitteraturen och ofta med stereotypa könsroller och könsuttryck. Fördelningen av karaktärer är också ofta ojämn. Beskrivningarna gäller till exempel vilka yrken och aktiviteter som karaktärerna gör i böckerna och hur de ser ut. Det här resultatet kan användas för att granska hurdana bilder av pojkar/män och flickor/kvinnor som visas i barnlitteraturen.
(2018)The purpose of this study is to find out what kind of meaning experts ascribe children’s literature and how children’s literature can be used in a meaningful way. The purpose is to present three different perspectives of children’s literature and the use of it. Earlier studies show that children’s literature is not being used enough in early childhood education and because of that; this study concentrates on enlightening the possibilities of children’s literature. The theoretical part of the study addresses how children’s literature can support children’s development and the results of the study address how the informants think that children’s literature should be used. The study is a qualitative hermeneutic study. The data of the study is being raised by interviewing three different individuals with completely different backgrounds and relations to children’s literature. For the study I will interview a pedagogue, a readingambassador and an author. All the interviews are going to be taped and transcribed. The results of this study show that children’s literature supports children’s development in many different aspects, for example it supports children’s language development and the ability to show and feel empathy. The results of this study also give many examples on how children’s literature can be used in a meaningful way and a big part of that is to revise the story with the children. The results show us that children’s literature is very versatile and multidimensional and the result also gives a glimpse on the informants’ opinions of what good children’s literature looks like.
Now showing items 1-6 of 6