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Browsing by Subject "blogit"

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  • Snellman Sandra (2016)
    Goals This study examines how and why people writing blogs find that the most recent Finnish nutritional recommendations are harmful. Blogs create an opportunity for anyone to write their own opinions and to react quickly to current topics. It also seems that bloggers can easily obtain the status of an expert, and this way enables them to spread their own opinions and attitudes, without any scientific research supporting their claims studies or arguments. Methods The research is qualitative and uses theory-driven content analysis. The material collecting was based on a predetermined timeline. Whit this timeline as a guide, 10 blogs with 11 different posts were choosen. Five of The writers were women and six were men. By analyzing the blog posts this study tries to find out reasons why the writers feel the nutritional recommendations are bad or even health threatening. The material was processed through analysing and thematizing the contents. The study focuses solely on opinions written in a negative tone. Results and conclusions The reasons for bloggers to criticize the nutritional recommendations range very widely. However, it became strongly evident that the writers forget the basic rules of scientific argumentation and focus mainly on limited set of research results. They also present impossible demands for the authors of the nutritional recommendations and accused scientists and the National Nutrition Council conspiracy. The above mentioned things are typical for denialism. Home economics teachers should have a good understanding of false specialist associated with food and nutrition. It is important for teachers and researchers of home economics science to identify different strategies of denialism. Identifying strategies that are used to spread false information can help fight against them and to raise awareness of genuine scientific knowledge.
  • Aikio, Evita (2024)
    Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastelen lasten työskentelyä perhevaikuttajien kaupallisissa blogijulkaisuissa. Perhevaikuttajat toteuttavat kaupallista sharentingia eli he jakavat lapsiinsa liittyvää sisältöä korvausta vastaan. Tämä tapahtuu esimerkiksi, kun vanhempi julkaisee kuvia ja kertoo lapsistaan, jotka käyttävät mainostettuja tuotteita tai palveluja. Tässä tutkimuksessa nojaankin aikaisemman kirjallisuuden näkemykseen siitä, että vaikuttajavanhempien vaikuttajatyöhön osallistuvat lapset voidaan nähdä nuorina työntekijöinä. Aikaisemman tutkimuksen perusteella lasten osallistuminen vaikuttajatyöhön on aikuisen kontrolloimaa ja liittyy vanhemman oman henkilöbrändin rakentamiseen. Vaikuttajatyön keskeisiä elementtejä ovat yksityisen tekeminen julkiseksi ja intiimiyden välittäminen seuraajille esimerkiksi siten, että sisältöön tuodaan arkisia elementtejä. Vaikuttajien sisällöissä mainontaa voidaan perustella lapsesta huolehtimisella ja lasten työskentelyä ei välttämättä nähdä työnä vaan tavallisena arkena. Informaation jakaminen lapsista kuitenkin vaarantaa lapsen oikeutta yksityisyyteen ja vaikuttajatyön näkeminen tavallisena arkena hämärtää työnteon rajoja. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastelenkin sosiaalisessa mediassa ilmeneviä lasten työnteon tapoja. Toteutin laadullisen tutkimuksen analysoimalla kymmentä perhevaikuttajien kaupallista blogitekstiä, joissa esiintyi vaikuttajien lapsia. Hain aineiston blogitekstit listalta ja Googlen hakukoneen avulla. Kaikki aineiston tekstit olivat vuodelta 2023. Analysoin aineiston käyttäen narratiivista analyysiä. Valitsin kyseisen analyysitavan, koska blogitekstien luonne on itsessään tarinallinen ja narratiivisen analyysin keinoin oli mahdollista hahmottaa lasten työskentelyn tapoja blogiteksteissä. Lasten työskentely blogiteksteissä näyttäytyi enimmäkseen arkisena olemisena ja toimintana. Vanhemmat kertoivat lasten elämästä, arjesta ja toiminnasta ja kuvailivat sitä usein omasta näkökulmastaan ja mainoksen tavoitteisiin sopivilla tavoilla. Lapset erottuivat teksteissä kasvatuksen kohteina, itsenäisinä toimijoina ja toisaalta myös osana vanhempaa ja perhettä. Lapset siis näyttivät elävän arkeaan ja siitä oli tehty kaupallisten blogitekstien sisältöä.
  • Mäenpää, Sanna (2018)
    Aims. This study evaluates and analyses sustainable consumption choices by using fashion blogs. Different studies concerning blogs have been executed earlier in Finland, but studies concentrating precisely on ethical and ecological aspects have been rare. The aim of this study is to examine in which ways ethical and ecological values are presented in fashion blogs. The theoretical background covers several topics including sustainable consumption choices, ethical and ecological fashion, fashion blogs, consumership and blog marketing. Methods. The data selected for this study consists of six blog posts from six Finnish bloggers. The bloggers were chosen discretionarily from predefined criteria. The blogs had to be professionally written and somehow address ethical and/or ecological matters. The blog posts should also have been recently released to include the most current topics. This thesis was executed as a qualitative study and the data was analysed with a qualitative content analysis. A quantitative analysis was also used in support for the qualitative analysis. Results and conclusion. Ecological and ethical aspects were considered diversely in the data and after the qualitative content analysis, five main categories were combined. The bloggers wrote mostly about their own consumption habits, but they also gave advice for the readers. Some questions were raised about the ecological and ethical issues in clothing industry, but especially ethical issues were presented only remotely. Most of the bloggers also wrote about the conflict between fashion blogs and ecological and ethical values. The motives of writing about ecological and ethical matters varied a lot among the bloggers, but the most important reason was to evoke discussion on the subject. The bloggers also sought to inspire their readers to strive for more sustainable consuming.
  • Suomalainen, Iina (2018)
    There is little earlier research on the subjective well-being of parents with children with ADHD. Earlier research on the subject has mainly focused on the stress that parents experience. Earlier research shows that parents whose children have been diagnosed with ADHD experience more stress than parents with children that do not have ADHD. The purpose of this study is to describe the subjective well-being of parents whose children have ADHD by studying blog texts that parents themselves have written. This research depicts the components of subjective well-being that are present in the blog texts and how this can be seen in the everyday life of the child and parent. This research is a qualitative Bachelor’s thesis, and it was carried out using narrative case study as a method. The research material was picked out between 17.11. –7.12.2017 from three different blogs which are all written by a mother with a child with ADHD. The blog texts describe the everyday life of the parent of a child with ADHD. The research was theory-based and carried out using content analysis to study different themes. All of the components of subjective well-being were detectable in the blog texts: pleasant and unpleasant affects, life satisfaction and domain satisfaction. However, it appeared that there are more unpleasant affects than pleasant affects which can have a negative effect on subjective well-being. The results show that parenthood with a child with ADHD is experienced as challenging and this can be seen through the different themes that were apparent in the blog texts. According to the results of this research it can be stated that it would be essential to pay more attention to the subjective well-being of parents of children with ADHD and develop possible support mechanisms to support their subjective well-being.