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Browsing by Subject "boksamtal"

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  • Pihlström, Sofie (2022)
    Mål. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på boksamtalets betydelse för barns socioemotionella färdigheter inom småbarnspedagogiken. Målet är även att påvisa vilka forskningslinjer som existerar och som används av lärare ute på fältet för att öka lärares möjligheter att planera och verkställa en pedagogisk verksamhet som stödjer varje barns socioemotionella färdigheter på ett mångsidigt och givande sätt. Metod. Metoden som användes i denna studie var en litteraturstudie och som förtydligande en systematisk litteraturstudie. Sammanlagt analyserades och utvärderades åtta stycken vetenskapliga artiklar för att rapportera mina forskningsresultat. Resultat och slutsatser. De centrala resultaten i denna undersökning visade att forskning som gjorts om ämnet boksamtalets betydelse för barns socioemotionella färdigheter inom småbarnspedagogiken påvisade liknande resultat och visade därför en stor tillförlitlighet. De motstridigheter som fanns i den analyserade forskningen berodde främst på olika metoder som användes under boksamtalen.
  • af Björksten, Josefine (2018)
    The purpose of this thesis is to present the possibilities of book discussions while at the same time highlight the differences between adults and children's perspective regarding children's literature, reading aloud and book discussions. Children's literature has a long history and many positive effects on children's development, but the status of children's literature is currently at risk due to increased media usage. Thus I will in this thesis present why children's literature is important and what possibilities there are with children's literature and book discussions. A part of the scope is also to cover if book discussions can be a means of approaching children's perspective. To fulfill the scope of this thesis an interview with an educator and book discussions with children were used as methods. Based on this thesis theoretical part, the interview and the book discussions with the children, I will reflect and present the possibilities of book discussions. The results and conclusions of this thesis are that the possibilities of book discussions are many, but the best thing is how book discussions can act as a bridge to approach children's perspective. With the help of children's literature and conversations around books, an educator can approach children's perspective and learning, while gaining insight into the children's world of living.
  • Forsberg, Marina (2017)
    Texts are all around us. Without being able to read (or write, for that matter) you cannot manage in today's society. Especially boys' poor reading motivation and abilities have been important issues along with recent PISA surveys. With the new Finnish curriculum, reading and literacy are given more space in teaching. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether putting effort on reading in schools can help students and especially boys become better readers. Earlier research has shown that by teaching students reading strategies, through book discussions and by supporting students in their multilingualism, motivation can increase. Through a narrow ethnographic study six boys in grade nine have participated to find out if they feel that support and book conversations have helped them in their Swedish. The results of this study suggest that book conversations in smaller groups are great help, but measures would be good to introduce as early as possible to achieve maximum benefit. All boys experienced themselves benefitting from the support measures.