Browsing by Subject "civic commitment"
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(2018)This thesis’ purpose was to examine the level on which Finnish people’s societal activity is and which factors have an impact on it. Previous study has shown that Finnish youth are societally passive but there isn’t any similar studies from Finnish adult population. This made me wonder if the societal passivity is a phenomenon only related to young age. My presumption was that societal passivity would not only concern the adolescent but also the Finnish adults. At the same time I wanted to examine which are the factors that impact on societal activity. This thesis was executed as a literary review, in which making of it was used methods of as well descriptive as systematic literary review and qualitative metasynthesis. In the making of this thesis was mainly followed the phases of both integrative and systematic literary review. The synthesis of the thesis I made by carefully reading the material I had chosen and picking up key phrases and words from its texts. These phrases and words were then used in defining the concepts and making the synthesis itself. In the making of it I combined the shattered information of the studyfield and the views of different researchers to get as precise view of the phenomenon I studied as possible. From the material of my thesis turned out that the societal activity of the Finnish adults is at most at a reasonable level, internationally compared even in low level, and that the societal activity in Finland is strongly polarised by the population’s socioeconomic status, particularly the level of education, and age. The thesis may give basis to a follow-up research about the impacts of education on the societal acticity, it’s inheritance and polarisation. Moreover the thesis gives possibilities also to a wider societal research about Finnish society’s values, attitudes, socialisation process and power structures.
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