Browsing by Subject "daghem"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
(2020)Jag har valt att skriva om barnens rörelsemönster, eftersom det är ett aktuellt ämne då barn rör sig allt mindre nuförtiden. Fysisk aktivitet ser även annorlunda ut på olika daghem och genom att lyfta fram detta kan man inspireras av andras sätt att röra på sig. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur små barns rörelseaktiviteter ser ut på daghem. Jag vill få reda på om barnen rör sig tillräckligt under daghems dagen och i vilka aktiviteter barnen rör på sig. I studien fokuserar jag på barn i åldrarna tre till fem, eftersom de oftast har utvecklade grundmotoriska färdigheter. Baserat på studiens syfte, är mina forskningsfrågor följande; 1. Hur mycket rör barn på sig under vardagen på daghem? 2. Hurdana rörelseaktiviteter tar barnen del av under vardagen på daghem? Studien är utförd med hjälp av frågeformulär med fasta och öppna svarsalternativ. Studien har både en både kvalitativ och kvantitativ forskningsansats. Infomanterna för studien är 10 stycken lärare inom småbarnspedagogik i en kommun. Resultatet visar att barnen i allmänhet rör sig tillräckligt samt mångsidigt. Det framkom att de flesta pedagoger ansåg att barnen i deras grupp rör sig i enlighet med Ubildniningssty-relsens rörelse rekommendationer, medan några lärare påpekade att barnen kunde röra sig mer. Alla barn ges möjligheten att leka fysiskt aktiva lekar både inomhus och utomhus samt i olika miljöer, som skogen och parker. Barn har rätt till att röra på sig och ska upp-muntras att göra det oavsett miljö.
(2016)The aim of this study was to find out what role physical education plays for children aged 3 to 5 years in kindergarten environment. In this study I used quantitative research method and my research material consisted of questionnaire results gathered from several Swedish speaking kindergartens in Helsinki. From each kindergarten, responsible person of group for 3 to 5 year olds, either social worker, childminder or kindergarten teacher, was asked to answer the questionnaire. The most important result of the study is that physical education is arranged once a week in most kindergartens I studied. The distribution between different types of physical activities such as sporty play and obstacle course was quite even. Also distribution of toys and equipment used in physical education was fairly constant. As a result, I found out that most popular activity was sporty play and most regularly used toy was beanbag. In conclusion, I can state that children’s pedagogues consider physical education as a very important method in kindergarten education considering how much it affects the development of each child. Also they believe that physical education is a good tool for both children and nursery staff to have fun together. Children’s pedagogues also stated that regular physical education in kindergarten is important so that children learn exercise to be part of daily routines, also later in life.
(2018)The purpose of this thesis is to get an insight in kindergarten teachers’ thoughts about children’s participation and how children can influence in kindergartens and pre-schools. The focus on this study is kindergarten teachers’ thoughts and experiences on children’s participation. The theoretical background discusses children’s participation and what it means to take a child’s perspective. National regulatory documents and previous research is also discussed. This study is a qualitative study with interviews as method. Five kindergarten teachers were interviewed, three of which work with 3 to 5-year-olds and two at pre-schools. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The results indicate that the kindergarten teachers consider children’s participation to be important and are encouraging children to influence in kindergarten and pre-school. The age of a child is not an obstacle for them to influence, but the age affects on how they can influence. All interviewed kindergarten teachers work with projects where the theme is decided by the children. Furthermore, children’s participation can be seen in daily routines and spontaneous situations. The kindergarten teachers experience difficulties within both the child group and amongst staff when it comes to children’s participation.
(2018)The purpose of this thesis is to provide an introduction to the subject of children’s stress in child care settings. The paper discusses the neuropsychological foundation to stress, as well as what this implicates for the educator’s work on reducing stress in child care settings. The research questions were as following. 1. How does the stress system work in a child? 2. How can the educator use current research on stress to help children improve their stress management skills and reduce stress in child care settings? The method that has been used in this thesis is a narrative literature review. The thesis arrives at the conclusion that educators need to broaden their knowledge on how the stress system works in a child. The thesis also identifies which aspects of the child care setting and the educator’s working method that are importiant in reducing children’s stress. The thesis argues that there is need for a working method that is more conciously focused on reucing stress.
(2016)The purpose of this study is to give insight into, and to create a better understanding of children’s thoughts on bullying. Understanding the phenomenon from the children’s point of view is of immense importance for the educators working to prevent bullying in kindergartens. The theoretical premise for the study is bullying in kindergartens. The survey is made up of individual, qualitative interviews, conducted with the story crafting method. Ten pre–school children participated in the study. The interviews started with reading out loud from a children’s book in which the predominating theme was bullying. The children then proceeded to draw a picture of a confrontation between oppressor or oppressors and victim, together with an accompanying story. The discussion that followed was then recorded in order for it to be analyzed at a later stage. The study’s most important result implies that children mainly associate the phenomenon of bullying with verbal and physical abuse. There is also a notable difference between the children in nature of the bullying. Girls highlight verbal abuse while boys tend to focus on the physical side of it. The result also shows that bullying cause negative sentiments in the victim. The pictures that were drawn in order to illustrate their view of the phenomenon tend to employ mainly darker colors. From the study one can conclude that educators in kindergartens have an important role and a responsibility to create awareness of, and to take preventive measures against bullying.
(2017)The purpose of this study is based on the pedagogues point of view to find out how caregivers and pedagogues negotiate about children’s nap in kindergarten, what conflicts there are regarding nap and how pedagogues view the importance of the nap for children. I have studied how pedagogues experience cooperation with the caregivers about the nap at kindergarten and what importance the pedagogues feel that nap has for the child. The theory chapter deals with the basis for the study and give an idea of what the study is about. The study is qualitative in structure and was conducted by interviews and observation. In total, three different kindergartens in a small town in western Uusimaa took part. There interviews were conducted with pedagogues at the daycare department for children aged of 3–5 years and three observations of children’s nap in the same ward as the pedagogue worked. The result showed that the pedagogues agree that the nap is important for the child. One reason is that society is so stressful today that it is extra important for the child to be able to relax. The nap is needed for the child to grow normally and for their creativity, emotion, mood, concentration and immune system to develope properly. The nap is also important for the child's well-being and for strengthening. The study indicates that there are challenges in everyday life for both pedagogues and caregivers and cooperation is a tool in the work for the best interests of the child.
(2016)Pedagogical documentation is used as a tool to make children’s thinking and learning visible, both for the child itself and for others. As a method it helps us in understanding every child’s individual learning process. The purpose of the study is to find out which methods of pedagogical documentation kindergarten teachers use and what the aim of the documentation is. Pedagogical documentation, in the sense it will be described in the study, has its roots in the pedagogical philosophy in the city of Reggio Emilia in Italy. Therefore there also is an interest for how the philosophy is visible in the kindergartens. The study was executed by qualitative interviews. The informants were three kindergarten teachers all working in kindergartens with influence from the pedagogical philosophy in Reggio Emilia. The interviews were fully recorded and transcribed. In the transcribing process meaning condensation was used to make the analysing process more effortless. The result indicates that the most used methods for pedagogical documentation are taking notes and photographing. The documentation is used to make the child’s development, as well as the everyday life at the kindergarten, visible for the parents. It is also used to support the child’s learning process. The Reggio Emilia philosophy was visible in accenting the sense of community and the importance of participation. Even though the Reggio Emilia philosophy had similar characteristics in the kindergartens, it was pointed out that every kindergarten creates its own philosophy and the adaptation of Reggio Emilia-philosophy looks different in every kindergarten.
(2018)The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that have influence on wellbeing of kindergarten teachers. When the new curriculum of early childhood education was adopted, the demands on kindergarten teachers increased. There are only a few earlier studies about the wellbeing of kindergarten teachers. The main questions of this study are: 1. Which factors have impact on wellbeing of kindergarten teachers? 2. How does the wellbeing of kindergarten teachers affect educational activity? 3. Which changes may increase the wellbeing of kindergarten teachers? The study uses phenomenography as research approach. Ten kindergarten teachers from five kindergartens in the capital area were interviewed. The results of the study show that the colleagues, the job assignment and the supervisor are important to wellbeing. There’s also a relationship between wellbeing of kindergarten teachers and educational activity. If you feel uncomfortable, you can’t develop and vary the activities. Good communication, more time and continuity in the job team would increase the wellbeing.
(2023)Syftet med avhandlingen är att ta reda på hurdana högläsningsrutiner som förekommer på daghem i en mindre kommun i södra Finland. Det är också av intresse att se hurdana skillnader som framträder i högläsningsstunderna beroende på barnets ålder. Forskning visar att högläsning är en viktig del av verksamheten på daghem och för att barnen ska få ut så mycket som möjligt av en högläsningsstund är det viktigt att den är välplanerad och bra genomförd. För att öka barnens förståelse över det lästa är det också bra att man bearbetar det lästa på något sätt. Min forskning är kvalitativ och som metod använde jag mig av intervjuer. Jag gjorde sex kvalitativa intervjuer med sex lärare inom småbarnspedagogik var av två jobbar med 0–4 åringar, två med 3–5 åringar och två i förskola. Resultatet visar på att lärarna var medvetna om högläsningens positiva effekter och högläsning är någonting som skedde varje dag på daghemmen. Lärarna var eniga över att det största syftet med högläsningen var att stärka barnens språk. Det fanns små skillnader bland åldersgrupperna, till exempel i vilken sorts böcker de läste.
(2018)The aim of the study is to find out how children use language in everyday situations in pre-school and how the educators work with language in daily activities. Language is used on daily basis in various situations and is therefore one of the most important things to work with in kindergarten and pre-school. Because of this there is a large responsibility on the educators to offer children opportunities to develop their language. The theoretical part of the study deals with language and communication, children’s language development, theories about language development, instructions provided by pre-school education curriculum and finally, some previous research done in the area. The study is qualitative and the material was gathered through observations and interviews. A child group of 26 pre-school children were observed for six days and three educators working in the group were interviewed. The interviews with the educators were made after the observations. The interviews were recorded and transcribed for easier analysis. The material was analysed by qualitative content analysis. The observations revealed that children’s conversations are both play and fantasy related as well as reality based. Their conversations also contained dialect and influences from the English language. Approximately one third of the children were bilingual and their language background appeared in some situations. The interviews revealed that all three educators were aware of the importance of working in a purposeful way with language development in daily activities. Language stimulation has to be planned in a way that supports all children, because different needs exist for each individual child. All three informants are aware of the importance of being a linguistic model for the children.
(2018)The purpose of this study was to examine teachers point of view on exploratory conversations as a tool for supporting children´s education. Exploratory conversations means conversations where the teacher helps the children to express himself/herself, phrase questions and by himself/herself find answers to their questions. The purpose of this study was also to examine if and how conversations can work as support for developing good relationships between child and teacher in kindergarten. The theoretical frame focuses on a review of what relationship, conversation and exploratory conversation is and how these can exist. The study was qualitative and based on interviews. In the study participated five teachers from three different kindergartens. The interviews was based on one group interview and three individual interviews. My research approach is phenomenological-hermeneutic. Data collection method in this study was semi-structured interviews. The results in this study show that exploratory conversations consist of three different parts which form the complete picture. The three different parts are the actual action in exploring, the process in exploring and the meeting in the exploratory conversation. The components for the action in exploring is to find out, find your own tools for finding out and space for conversation to report what you found. The components for the process is wonder, the teachers open questions, implication, cooperation and narratorial. The teachers approach in the exploratory conversation together with the child should be empathic. The empathic approach consist the teachers interpretation, the teachers observation, how the teacher listen, the teachers understanding and the teachers confirmation. The results in this study also show that the aspects in a conversation for developing a good relationship between child and teacher is the teachers responsibility, is the form of the conversation and also the interaction and good-fellowship. The components of the teachers responsibilities are the teachers own personal development, how the teacher listen and how much fait the teacher can build for the child. The form of the conversation consists of safe and affirmative conversations, curious and joyful conversations and also conversations with body language. The interaction describes what the teacher and the child do together and the good-fellowship describes how the teacher and the child are together. Lastly the results show how good relationships can support a child´s education and development if the relationship between the child and the teacher is safe, joyful and well-being. The results also show that the safe, joyful and well-being relationship will bring positive components as concentration and focus for education and development for the child.
(2017)HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO – HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET – UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI Tiedekunta – Fakultet – Faculty Laitos – Institution – Department Department of child-centered pedagogy Tekijä – Författare – Author Johanna Dumell-Forsskåhl Työn nimi – Arbetets titel – Title Creativity and creative activities in the day care environment - A study of how creativity and creative activities are experienced by kindergarten teachers in the day care environment Oppiaine – Läroämne – Subject Educational program of kindergarten teacher Työn ohjaaja(t) – Arbetets handledare – Supervisor Jan-Erik Mansikka Vuosi – År – Year 2017 Tiivistelmä – Abstrakt – Abstract The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how the kindergarten teachers experience creativity and creative activities in a day care environment. The focus is on how they define creativity and creative activities and if they think that the children learn by being creative. The theory of the study aims to give an understanding of what creativity and creative activities can be in the day care environment and what the conditions are for the day care activities. The qualitative study was done by interview technique on two groups. One, a group of three kindergarten teachers from a private kindergarten and the other, an interview with two kindergarten teachers from a municipal kindergarten. Both kindergartens located in Swedish-Finland. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. Meaning concentration was used as analyzing method. The results suggest that creativity and creative activities are perceived similarly in both the private and the municipal kindergarten and are supported by literature where creativity is considered inventive and imaginative. The day care environment was perceived as a creative environment that supports creative activities. The day cares’ outdoor environment was also considered to be of great value in terms of greater space for the children to be creative more freely. The kindergarten teachers used various methods to stimulate the children to creativity. The answers from the interviews also showed that the attitude of the kindergarten teachers towards the creative activities has a significant impact on how the activity is expressed in the day care environment
(2020)Det huvudsakliga syftet med min kandidatavhandling är att beskriva, analysera och tolka frågan om hur väl förberedda studeranden är med tanke på det kommande föräldrasamarbetet. Jag vill dessutom ta reda på vilken pedagogens professionella roll och ansvar är i sammanhanget, samt skapa mig en bild av hur studerandena uppfattar sig själva i relation till den professionella rollen och vad orsakerna till eventuell osäkerhet i samarbetet kunde tänkas bottna i. Studien genomfördes som en kvalitativ intervjustudie. I studien intervjuades fem blivande små-barnspedagoger, det vill säga studeranden i slutskedet av sina studier. Resultatet visar att studerandena i slutet av sina studier är väl förberedda för samarbetet med för-äldrarna, även om det delvis råder en osäkerhet bland dem i frågor som berör samarbetet. Resulta-tet visar också att även om en del av den professionella kompetensen kommer som ett resultat av praktisk erfarenhet i arbetslivet, verkar studerandena ha de grundläggande kunskaper som behövs för samarbetet med föräldrar
(2022)Syftet med denna forskning är att få barnens röst fram och därmed få mer förståelse för hurdan verksamhet och undervisning fungerar och inte fungerar på ett språkbadsdaghem samt hurdana metoder motiverar barnen att lära sig det nya språket. Denna forskning ger läsaren även kunskap om hur 5-åriga barn tänker kring sitt språklärande på ett språkbadsdaghem. I undersökningen deltog nio 5-åriga barn. Studien genomfördes genom en kvalitativ studie och halvstrukturerade individuella intervjuer på ett svenskspråkigt språkbad som är beläget i Nyland. Efter intervjun fick barnen rita den situation de anser vara den mest språkmässigt lärorika stunden under dagen. Barnen intervjuades på finska, dvs. de fick lyssna och svara på frågorna på sitt eget modersmål. Intervjuerna bandades in, transkriberades och därefter analyserades med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att 5-åriga barn har en relativt svag uppfattning om vad språkbad innebär och varför de går på ett språkbadsdaghem. Därtill hade 5-åringar rätt så svårt att framställa situationer där språklärandet sker. Detta betyder att både pedagogerna och vårdnadshavarna bör i god tid förklara för barnen vad språkbad innebär och därmed får även barnen själv en bredare uppfattning om ämnet och på så sätt kunna beskriva mer omfattande om sitt eget lärande.
(2019)I’m interested in the positive effects that reading aloud offers for children and the teacher’s role in it. Along with new technology new forms of the traditional read alouds has emerged. In this study I will treat the concept digital tools within focus on reading aloud and it will be based on the Finnish preschool curriculum. The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of reading aloud for young children in preschool. This is a qualitative study that highlights thoughts and experiences about read alouds. I’ve used relevant literature and interviewed three preschool teachers with a position as a kindergarten teacher at preschools in Finland. The interviews have been conducted through an electronical questionnaire. The result is based on the literature and on the interviews and how these support each other. The result shows that reading aloud has a positive effect on the child’s development and why it is important to include it in the preschool activities. The preschool teachers tell that they use digital tools such as audiobooks but prefer traditional read alouds to enhance the feeling of togetherness. The teachers agree that the aim of read alouds is to support children’s language skills but also mention other areas of development through read alouds.
(2017)Portfolios have traditionally been used by different professional groups to demonstrate their competence. More recently they have become a relatively common tool to document the pedagogical practice taking place in schools and kindergartens. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how childrens' portfolios are used as part of the pedagogical practice in kindergartens. The focus of the study is on the kind of material that is documented in the portfolios and whether it is possible through the portfolio method to support childrens' learning. The empirical part of the study was conducted as a qualitative content analysis. 14 childrens' portfolios were analyzed using this method. Qualitative content analysis gives a wider freedom to interpret the material included in the portfolios and thus the analysis has taken on hermeneutical characteristics. The results show that the most prevalent themes in the portfolios are the child itself and the family, participation as well as language and socio-emotional skills. It is also apparent that the pedagogue's own attitude has a bearing on how the portfolio is applied in the pedagogical practice in the kindergarten.
(2020)Fungerande ledarskap har en koppling till högre kvalitet inom verksamheten för småbarnspedagogik. I studien ville jag granska vad lärare inom småbarnspedagogik gör för att utveckla sitt ledarskap. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur lärare inom småbarnspedagogik ser på teamledarskap i sitt arbetslag och hur de gör för att upprätthålla en välmående arbetsgemenskap. Jag valde att studera ledarskap på grund av mitt intresse för ämnet och för att i utbildningen i kandidatprogrammet i pedagogik erbjuds ingen ledarskapsutbildning. Samtidigt förväntas lärare inom småbarnspedagogik arbeta som teamledare i arbetslaget inom det småbarnspedagogiska fältet. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie där teori och tidigare forskning granskas med inspiration av den hermeneutiska analysmetoden. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av tre lärare inom småbarnspedagogik som arbetade med olika ålders barn inom småbarnspedagogiken. En av informanterna arbetade med yngre barn och den andra informanten med äldre barn på daghem. Den tredje informanten arbetade med barn som deltog i förskoleundervisning. Resultatet visar att kvaliteten på verksamheten höjs då ledarskapet fungerar. Läraren förväntas ta tillvara och förverkliga det teoretiska i styrdokumenten till daghemmets och förskolans praktik. Lärarna sätter krav på sig själva för ansvarandet av den pedagogiska verksamheten. Det här uppmuntras av föreståndaren med att hen är delaktig i processen. Slutsatsen är att det behövs öppen dialog, tydlig kommunikation och gemensamma reflektionsstunder i arbetsteamet så att hela teamet är delaktiga och får möjlighet att utvärdera och utveckla verksamheten. Mentorskap för nyutexaminerade lärare kan bidra till en bättre start i början av deras karriär.
(2016)The aim of this study is to get a deeper understanding for the kindergarten teachers experiences of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) in kindergartens. The focus of this study is on the usefulness, benefits and applicability of AAC methods in the kindergartens activities. It is interesting to see how the kindergarten teachers experience AAC methods as a support for learning language and communication, because of the fact that all children learn in different ways. The theoretical part is the foundation for the study. It gives an insight into the matter of the subject, and introduces the basic facts about children’s communication and language abilities. The qualitative study was done by interview technique. The group that was studied included three kindergarten teachers from three different kindergartens in Swedish-Finland. To get more diverse answers the study was done in kindergartens were the occurrence of ACC is more frequent than in most kindergartens. The interviews were recorded and transcribed to ease the process of analyzing. Meaning concentration was a suitable analyzing method because the amount of gained material was large. The result indicates that the three kindergarten teachers use AAC for different purposes. In contrary all the informants use the alternative methods as a support for the language and communication abilities of the children. In comparison with the theory can be stated that the kindergarten teachers use similar methods with those that are listed in the literature, but the black and white support pictures are seen to be outdated. The kindergarten teachers don´t see any downsides with using the AAC methods but they all don´t concur over if all the children benefit of the methods. This thesis gives a picture of how AAC methods can be used in practice, especially with children between the ages of three and six. There´s near to no practical advice in the literature about AAC and this thesis can therefore be useful for later studies.
(2016)The purpose of this study is to describe the interest in drama education in Swedish-speaking kindergartens and pre-schools in Helsinki. This study also researches different drama- and theatre performers’ thoughts about the use of drama and theatre with young children. The theoretic background describes the appearance of drama education and child theatre, the concepts of drama, drama education and theatre. The field of drama is explained. The learning possibilities when using drama and theatre are discussed. The main research method is qualitative interview; one kindergarten teacher, one drama pedagogue, and one actor were interviewed. The study also contains a small quantitative survey, which was answered by 26 persons working in Swedish-speaking kindergartens and pre-schools in Helsinki. The result of the study shows an interest in drama education, among just few persons. Drama education can therefore be seen as a special interest of few pedagogues. The result also reveals obvious advantages and disadvantages drama performers experience using drama and theatre with young children. The advantages are for instance that drama and theatre provide a possibility to complete experience, a “flow-state” may be reached, you get the opportunity to pay attention to the children’s opinions and you instruct in a better way using drama activity. Social skills and self-development improve and what you learn from drama and theatre is considered meaningful. The disadvantage is the children’s young age. Children have trouble concentrating and using abstract thinking. They also have lack of experience in drama and theatre. These factors may lead to confusion. Other disadvantages are uncertainty regarding the drama method teacher-in-role, difficulties in building up an appropriate drama-process and also balancing between chaos and structure.
(2017)The purpose of this study is to unravel from a pedagogical point of view how the daily communication with parents works, what different means of communications are used and what kind of challenges this presents. The study clarifies if and how the communication is experienced as lacking and in that case, how it could be improved. The theoretical section deals with communication in all of its forms and the challenges of daily communication with parents. The study is qualitative and based on interviews. My research perspective is phenomenological-hermeneutic. Three pedagogues participated in this study. All interviews were recorded, written down and analyzed. The result of this study demonstrates that pedagogues generally think that the daily communication is working. They think that the communication differentiates between families. Other families are more open than others. In addition the results show that the communication has various different challenges where the handling of sensitive subjects, scheduling and language are perceived as challenging. Meeting the parents daily is also a big part of family co-operation where trust is being built between the families and the nursery.
Now showing items 1-20 of 28